GATEWAYSpring 2009 Volume 17, Number 1

Ad Astra - To The Stars Powering The Next Generation Of Rockets . Council City . Notes Meeting Public . City The Behind Faces Two-Year Webster. PD Joins Old Easter Bunny Hops To Hops Bunny Webster. Easter WaterWebster Receives Award. . Clear Drains -Keep Storm Pollution Fight . Same The Stay Change, Services Waste . Winners Decoration Christmas 2008 Day . Pet Health Yards. Month The Of . Celebrations Christmas 2008 . Capital Aerospace The Inside Rocket Science 20 19 15 12 9 6 5 1 May 27 22 21 17 14 11 8 7 3 April 20 18 17 10 7 6 4 3 March – Connect-CTY Service New . President FromWEDC The A Message Achieve Top Member Mayor. &Council Honors . 2009 de la Ciudad de Webster Oficiales de General Elección . Election Officers’ Webster of –General City 12 March . At WBA, Rocket Man . Events of Calendar

6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 a.m.-7p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 a.m.-noon 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m...... C ...... Planning &Zoning CommissionMeeting (ifneeded) City CouncilMeeting Senior Game Night Webster Economic Development Corporation Meeting General Election Planning &Zoning CommissionMeeting (ifneeded) City CouncilMeeting Senior Game Night Early Voting inPerson begins Planning &Zoning CommissionMeeting (ifneeded) City CouncilMeeting Senior Game Night Webster Economic Development CorporationMeeting Easter Egg Hunt, Walnut Park Planning &Zoning CommissionMeeting (ifneeded) City CouncilMeeting Senior Game Night Senior Game Night Planning &Zoning CommissionMeeting (ifneeded) City CouncilMeeting Webster Economic Development CorporationMeeting Pet Health Day, Webster Civic Center Senior Game Night Planning &Zoning CommissionMeeting (ifneeded) City CouncilMeeting Calendar of Events Calendar ...... I In This Issue This In ...... ...... e s ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 9 8 9 9 9 8 0 5 6 3 4 3 3 3 2 publish community news that impacts impacts that news community publish It is the editorial policy of the City to to City the of policy editorial the is It Please contact 281.316.4121 contact Please oremail City of Webster Main Line Webster of Main City Quarterly publication produced by: produced publication Quarterly Spring – 1st Quarter 2009 2009 –1stSpring Quarter [email protected] [email protected] with questions or comments. orcomments. questions with the constituency of Webster. of constituency the We want to hear from you!We hear to want Toll FreeTourism Line Volume 17, 1 Number 101 Ave. Pennsylvania GATEWAY The City of Webster of City The Webster, 77598 TX Fax 281.332.5834 Fax 888.805.9000 281.332.1826


Cover image – Ad Astra’s VASIMRTM Lunar Cargo Ship Spring 2009 Page 3 RRocket Man At WBA, March 122 MMayor & Council Member In an effort to forge strong bonds Achieve Top Honorss between the City of Webster and its business community, the Webster Texas Municipal Business Alliance (WBA) will feature League (TML) Institute keynote speaker Dr. Franklin Chang recently awarded Mayor Díaz, former NASA Astronaut and Floyd Myers and Council President and CEO of Ad Astra Rocket Member Beverly Gaines Company, headquartered in Webster. with top honors – that of

Dr. Franklin Chang Díaz Lunch is generously sponsored by Las “Certified Municipal Of- Keynote Speaker Haciendas. The bi-annual WBA is a free ficial.” Both Myers and networking event for the City’s commercial constituents – busi- Gaines completed the nesses, physicians, commercial property owners, brokers, region- Institute’s stringent num- al partners – and all who have a stake in Webster’s economy. ber of educational pro- Council Member Gaines & Mayor Myers Reservations are required. The event is held at the Webster grams within a 12-month receive TML award Civic Center, 311 Pennsylvania Avenue. Networking begins at 11 period to earn this special recognition. a.m., and the program ends at 1 p.m. For information and res- TML Institute’s programs for elected city officials are de- ervations, contact Karen Coglianese, Economic Development signed to enhance policy-making and leadership skills, as well Specialist, at 281.316.4135 or [email protected]. as provide information about legislation. CCity of Webster – General Officers’ Electionn The City of Webster, Texas will hold a • Mar. 10 – First day to apply for a mail ballot. • May 19 – Canvass of Election at a Council Meeting. • Mar. 10 – Drawing for order of names on ballot 4 p.m. (Date may change.) General Election for City Officers on May 9, • Mar. 16 – Last day for a write-in candidate to declare 2009. Council Positions No. 1 and No. 2 will be candidacy, 5 p.m. The Early Voting polling place will be in City on the May ballot. Current office holders re- • Mar. 17 – Deadline for candidate to withdraw from an election, 5 p.m. Hall, 101 Pennsylvania, Webster, Texas, in the spectively are Melvin Ellis and Beverly Gaines. • Apr. 9 – Last day to submit voter registration City Secretary’s office. Voting on Election Day Election packets for interested candidates will be application for May Election will be in the City Hall Lobby, 101 Pennsylvania. available in the office of the City Secretary. • Apr. 24 – Last day to request an application for mail ballot in person. A voting device to assist disabled voters will be • Apr. 27 – First day of early voting by personal available during early voting and on Election Day. Important dates are as follows: appearance. • Feb. 7 – First day to file an application for a place on • May 1 – Last day to receive an application by mail for a For information or questions regarding the the ballot. (Cannot file until the Election is called by ballot to be voted by mail. City Election process, please contact the City Council.) • May 5 – Last day of early voting by personal Secretary’s office, 101 Pennsylvania, Webster, • Mar. 9 – Last day to file for a place on the ballot for the appearance. General Election, 5 p.m. • May 9 – ELECTION DAY 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Texas, 281-332-1826. EElección General de Oficiales de la Ciudad de Webster de 20099 La Ciudad de Webster, Texas, celebrará una posición en la boleta para la Elección General, 5 p.m. • mayo 19 – Escrutinio de la Elección en una reunión del • mar. 10 – Primer día para solicitar una boleta por Consejo de la Ciudad. (La fecha podrá cambiar.) Elección General para Oficiales de la Ciudad el correo. 9 de mayo de 2009. La Posición para Concejal • mar. 10 – Sorteo para determinar el orden en que los El Lugar de la Votación Adelantada será en la Núm. 1 y Núm. 2 aparecerán en la boleta de nombres aparecerán en la boleta, 4 p.m. • mar. 16 – Último día para que un candidato por Alcaldía, 101 Pennsylvania, Webster, Texas, en la mayo. Los oficiales que actualmente ocupan las inserción escrita declare su candidatura, 5 p.m. oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad. La votación posiciónes son respectivamente Melvin Ellis y • mar. 17 – Fecha plazo para que un candidato retire su el Día de la Elección será en el Vestíbulo de la Beverly Gaines. Los documentos de elección candidatura de la elección, 5 p.m. abr. 9 – Último día para someter una solicitud para Alcaldía, 101 Pennsylvania. Habrá un aparato es- para candidatos interesados estarán disponibles registro de votación para la Elección en mayo. pecial de votación para asistir a votantes impedi- en la oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad. • abr. 24 – Último día para solicitar personalmente una dos durante la Votación Adelantada y el Día de aplicación para votar por correo. la Elección. Las fechas importantes son las siguientes: • abr. 27 – Primer día para la votación temprana en • feb. 7 – Primer día para someter una solicitud para una persona. Para información o preguntas relacionadas posición en la boleta. (No se puede someter la solicitud • mayo 1 – Último día para recibir por correo una con el proceso Electoral de la Ciudad, por favor para una posición en la boleta hasta que la Elección haya solicitud para votar por correo. comuníquese con la oficina de la Secretaria de la sido ordenada por el Consejo.)...... • mayo 5 – Último día para una votacion anticipada en persona. Ciudad, 101 Pennsylvania, Webster, Texas, 281- • mar. 9 – Último día para someter una solicitud para una • mayo 9 – DÍA DE LA ELECCIÓN 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. 332-1826. Page 4 Spring 2009 AA Message From The WEDC Presidentt A View From ‘99 To ‘09 And Beyond Webster Greetings! One of WEDC’s tenets has been to serves as a vibrant, key artery for the Since the Web- fund necessary infrastructure to foster medical service area population, an ex- ster Economic De- commercial growth, and this principle panded workforce and clientele, con- velopment Cor- is evidenced by the number of corridor sumers within the super-regional mar- poration (WEDC) projects undertaken by WEDC since its ket, and tourists. was created in inception. NASA Parkway, Texas Avenue, Certainly, the Live Oak and Orchard September 1999 Live Oak and Orchard Street Extensions, Extensions have proven their effective- to grow the City’s Rice Creek Lane, and Water Street con- ness in growing Webster’s impressive Donna Rogers WEDC President commercial tax stitute major roadway projects, while medical center. St. Luke’s Clear Lake base, it has been an Magnolia Avenue Drainage, Bay Area Hospital’s nine-story, 375,000 square honor to serve as President, carry out Boulevard Mobility, and NASA Road One foot world-class facility with six-sto- the mission of enhancing Webster’s com- Bypass are additional projects that have ry parking garage, which broke ground mercial sectors, and convey the achieve- served as catalysts for commercial de- in February 2008, was dependent upon ments that the development corporation velopment and economic sustainability. the WEDC’s extending these corridors, has produced for this great City. Webster While the cost to literally “pave the which link to Highway 3, Bay Area Bou- is known as a “4B City,” which means way” for commercial development is levard, Blossom, Texas Avenue, and Med- that the WEDC was formed under the steep, but vital to regional mobility, as ical Center Boulevard. St. Luke’s Clear Texas Development Corporation Act of well as maintaining the City’s competi- Lake Hospital’s modern campus is pro- 1979 and governed by Section 4B of the tive position, the return on the WEDC’s jected to double Webster’s medical ser- Act, in authorizing a half-cent sales tax to investment is invaluable. During the past vice area population from 1,500,000 to promote initiatives designed to stimulate fiscal year WEDC collected over $3.5M 3,000,000. new and expanded commercial develop- in sales tax revenue. As infrastructure Rice Creek Lane will prove to be an- ment. While more than 558 Texas mu- has always been a prerequisite for de- other vital corridor for growing Web- nicipalities have adopted the economic velopment, WEDC was instrumental in ster’s commercial sector. This roadway, development sales tax, for Webster – a partnering with Harris County Precinct which encompasses over 3,000 linear City whose 6.7 square miles is nearly 2 and Texas Department of Transporta- feet of paving, connects the Interstate 45 80% commercial – the WEDC has been tion on several large projects. feeder, south of the NASA Road One in- a boon. The NASA Parkway Project, which tersection, with Myrtle, adjoining Acad- Webster’s commercial strength, which included widening, drainage improve- emy Sports & Outdoors, the proposed is illustrated by its position as the medi- ments, landscaping, decorative lighting, Bay Creek Class-A Office Project, and cal center of the south, the retail, dining, bicycle lanes, and sidewalks, now sets over 120 acres of prime, undeveloped and entertainment capital of Bay Area the stage for the NASA Parkway Revital- commercial land. Houston, and the aerospace capital of ization Plan that was funded by WEDC Water Street, the central artery in the southwest, translates into economic and recently adopted by Council, in con- Edgewater that consists of more than vibrancy, ultra-low ad valorem taxes, un- junction with the City’s Comprehensive 6,000 linear feet joining NASA Parkway surpassed public safety, and other bene- Plan. to Clear Creek, is viewed as integral to fits to residents and commercial constit- Texas Avenue, which spans from In- securing a minimum of 375,000 square uents alike. In fact, sales tax funds 69% of terstate 45 south of NASA Parkway to feet of new retail development on a tract the City’s operating budget and enables Highway 3, has been the catalyst for re- that formerly housed an unsightly, obso- the City’s property tax rate to be just markable medical, office, retail, and hospi- lete power plant located in the nucleus of .20 per $100 valuation. tality development. This central corridor the municipality and representing nearly

St. Luke’s Hospital – Clear Lake Heart and Vascular Hospital 251 & 253 Medical Center Boulevard Spring 2009 Page 5 nine percent of the City’s real estate. medical center is the gold LEED-certi- Of special import, WEDC’s Magnolia fied (Leadership in Energy and Environ- NNew Service – Avenue Drainage Project enabled new mental Design) twin facilities at 251 and commercial developments to maximize 253 Medical Center Boulevard that won Connect-CTYY their building footprints without sacrific- Houston Business Journal’s 2008 Green ing valuable land for detention. Cheddar’s Landmark of the Year Award and serves Casual Café, Main Event Entertainment, as an international model for sustainable and the nearly completed SpringHill building design and construction. As 253 Suites are bringing a return on WEDC’s Medical Center Boulevard is underway investment. and will be home to IDEV Technologies, a Further, WEDC’s business recruitment, company celebrated for its research, de- retention, and expansion initiatives have sign, and development of medical devices, greatly augmented the City’s sales tax WEDC and City Council are responsible and property tax base. Certainly, Web- for paving the way for this project with The City of Webster has launched ster’s position as the medical center of their novel “Green Commercial Building an emergency notification service that the south serves to stimulate and grow Tax Abatement Program” in partnership enables officials to record, send, and this vital industry sector. Clear Lake Re- with Harris County. track personalized voice messages gional Medical Center, as Webster’s larg- In the retail arena, Webster added two to thousands of residents and busi- est employer with a workforce of 1,800, new centers in 2008, including Shops at nesses extremely rapidly – through a is one of the top-rated hospitals in the the Bay, anchored by the City’s first full- single telephone call. Additionally, the nation year after year and continues to service hotel – Holiday Inn – and featur- City can send text messages to cell grow as evidenced by the world-class, ing exciting new restaurants – like Chipo- phones, email accounts, and other 225,000 square foot Heart & Vascular tle, Baba’s Mediterranean Grill, Mooyah electronic devices. According to Ray Hospital, the area’s first Pediatric Inten- Burgers, Firehouse Subs, and Thai Lem- Smiley, Webster’s Police Chief and sive Care Unit and Pediatric Emergency ongrass, as well as Webster Town Cen- Emergency Management Coordinator, Department, and the largest Neonatal In- ter, with Vegas Grill, McAlister’s Deli, and “In the event of a hurricane or impor- tensive Care Unit in the region. Marble Slab. tant matter of public interest when we The WEDC recognizes the power- Aerospace is another strong, target- need to communicate with residents ful direct and indirect benefits from the ed sector that WEDC grows. Certainly, and businesses quickly and efficiently, City’s medical workforce who command Lockheed Martin’s Exploration Devel- the Connect-CTY service will allow above average salaries, the patients and opment Laboratory for the Orion Proj- us to notify the community in a mat- their families who travel to Webster, and ect, Ad Astra Rocket Company’s develop- ter of minutes.” those who conduct business within the ment of the plasma VASIMRTM rocket and Residents and businesses are en- medical center. The act of growing and recent Space Act Agreement with NASA, couraged to register at their earliest promoting Webster’s medical center and Jacob’s expansion into Galaxy II con- convenience for this free, vitally im- means generating vital revenue for res- stitute remarkable new aerospace devel- portant service that enables them to taurants, retail, entertainment, and hotels, opment for the City. provide up to three phone numbers as well as augmenting the City’s property WEDC has made considerable strides and two email addresses. Registration tax base and fostering synergistic growth in fostering a business-friendly credo. This for Connect-CTY emergency notifica- in complementary commercial sectors. philosophy, together with progressive ac- tion is readily done by accessing the Webster, clearly, receives unprece- tivities in business recruitment, reten- City of Webster’s website’s home dented acclaim from its reputation as the tion, expansion, and promotion, propels page: and medical center of the south. One of the the City of Webster forward during both clicking on the link for Connect-CTY most prestigious additions to Webster’s harsh and prosperous economic times. “sign up,” or by calling 281.316.7377. Smiley adds, “I strongly encourage constituents to register their contact information, including cell phones, pri- vate lines, and email addresses into the Connect-CTY service’s secure da- tabase to ensure that they are ready to receive important notifications at any given time.” Cheddar’s Casual Cafe Academy Sports & Outdoors Page 6 Spring 2009 RRocket Science Inside The Aerospace Capitall Ad Astra Rocket Company Propels the Way

the presence of electric and magnetic fields, and VASIMRTM makes use of this property to contain and guide the su- perhot gas in an invisible “duct” called a “magnetic nozzle,” so the rocket components are not directly exposed Applications for VASIMRTM include to extreme temperatures. Too, the VASIMRTM configured as a lunar cargo tug for deep & cargo transport plasma is heated by electromagnetic deployment in low Earth For the past two years, Webster has waves in a manner similar to that of the VASIMRTM propulsion system pow- been home to one of the world’s most microwave ovens. The result is that ered by a nuclear-electric generator, innovative aerospace firms – Ad Astra the VASIMRTM engine ejects its propel- a chemical rocket round-trip to Mars Rocket Company. Dr. Franklin Chang lant ten to a hundred times faster than would take over two years with much Díaz, inventor of the Variable Specific chemical rockets. of the time spent waiting for the right Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket Another important feature of the planetary alignment for the return trip; (VASIMRTM), founded Ad Astra Rocket VASIMRTM system is its ability to vary whereas, the VASIMRTM powered by Company in 2005, after serving for the plasma characteristics – exhaust just 12 megawatts of electrical power more than 25 years as a NASA astro- speed and thrust – to precisely match could result in a ship reaching Mars in naut. Indeed, Chang Díaz, as a veteran the requirements of the flight trajec- less than four months, with a return of seven missions, holds tory, which is accomplished without trip of similar duration. the record for the most the need to adjust the engine power Ad Astra Rocket Company’s and credits his years as an astronaut level. This technique is called “constant VASIMRTM invention harnesses the to inspiring his novel designs and ideas power throttling” and is similar to power of plasma. Plasma, known as the for revolutionizing space transporta- what an automobile driver does by fourth state of matter, is formed when tion and exploration. shifting gears while driving in hilly ter- a gas is heated to more than 10,000ºC. “Ad Astra,” which is Latin for “to rain. For the VASIMRTM, the end result Electrons are stripped from the neutral the stars,” is a privately owned and pri- is increased payload mass and faster atoms of the gas resulting in a cloud vately funded corporation established travel. of electrons, which have a negative to develop, test, and commercialize the The ramifications of Ad Astra charge, and ions, which have a posi- technology of the VASIMRTM engine, a Rocket Company’s technology are tive charge. The result is an electrically plasma propulsion system that is much profound as human travel time to Mars neutral mix of charged particles called more fuel-efficient than traditional and beyond must be as rapid as pos- “plasma.” While the plasma state oc- chemical rockets. Whereas today’s sible to reduce the crew’s exposure to curs naturally as evidenced in the sun, chemical rockets require extensive weightlessness and space radiation. To stars, and flames, examples of manu- amounts of propellant that constitute contrast today’s chemical rockets with factured plasma are fluorescent lights most of the ship’s mass because they and plasma televisions. The VASIMRTM eject fuel very rapidly at low velocity, technology utilizes plasma’s proper- thereby eliminating cargo space, the ties as an electrical conductor that can VASIMRTM, whose plasma exhaust is be contained by strong magnetic fields much hotter, consumes its propellant and heated by electromagnetic waves far more frugally. Plasmas are super- to produce rocket thrust with a plas- hot gases at temperatures in excess of ma exhaust. 10,000ºC. Such extreme temperatures Whereas the link between aerospace cannot be contained by known mate- research and development and most rials. Fortunately, plasmas respond to other disciplines or fields – medicine, VASIMRTM system components Spring 2009 Page 7 In December 2008, NASA and Ad Astra Rocket Company signed a Space Act Agreement for flight test of the 200-kilowatt VASIMRTM rocket engine aboard the International . While this recent, highly significant Space Act Agreement between NASA and Ad Astra Rocket Company repre- sents the fourth consecutive year in Inside Ad Astra, a huge vacuum chamber simulates which the two entities have partnered, VX-100 engine is tested, as ion TM space conditions for testing VASIMR this new agreement is especially note- flow rate is measured. defense, environmental science, infor- worthy for its unique, unprecedented the Webster region for component mation technology, biotechnology, and collaboration between the federal gov- and system testing, as well as helium engineering – has always been signifi- ernment and a private entity. Under leak checks of enclosed systems that cant, today the implications are even the terms of this recent pact, the must be gas tight. In addition, a four- more profound and visible. For in- VASIMRTM will be launched to the cubic meter chamber is available for stance, Ad Astra Rocket Company’s International Space Station where the rapid vacuum testing of smaller items. development of a highly efficient heli- Ad Astra Rocket Company, locat- con plasma source could contribute ed at 141 West Bay Area Boulevard, to the effort to generate energy on just off of Highway 3, is develop- Earth by controlled thermonuclear fu- ing plasma technology and advanced sion. Other plasma technologies that electric propulsion systems that are Ad Astra is marketing provide highly revolutionizing space exploration and effective destruction of toxic chemical understanding of the multiverse or and medical waste. Further, Ad Astra’s meta-universe. Further, this innovative plans to provide high power propul- company, led by renowned NASA as- sion in low Earth orbit to achieve orbit The Haas VF-4 milling machine is used to create tronaut Dr. Franklin Chang Díaz and TM maintenance for large space structures unique parts for VASIMR physicists Dr. Jared Squire and Dr. Tim for commerce, tourism, and rocket can be tested in outer space. Glover, is implementing its vision of operations, along with delivery of large Recently, Ad Astra Rocket Company operating novel, longer life, high-power payloads to the lunar surface, recov- decided to invest in its own high pre- plasma rockets in space with efficien- ery of space resources from asteroids cision, specialty machine shop to cies and capabilities far beyond those and comets, fast ejection of scientific expedite the creation of one-of-a- of today’s rockets. Through the re- probes to the outer solar system, and kind, complex components used in the cent agreement with NASA to test a human and cargo missions to Mars and VASIMRTM. Ad Astra Rocket Company VASIMRTM engine on the International beyond, carry highly beneficial applica- offers its high-precision, aerospace Space Station, Ad Astra is poised to tions for humanity. machine shop expertise and services make this vision a reality. to external customers who require machining of unique, small quantity, in- tricate parts. Another service that Ad Astra Rocket Company can provide to exter- nal customers is its vacuum chamber facility. Inside Ad Astra’s laboratory is an enormous 150-cubic meter vacu- um chamber (14 feet in diameter, 35 feet in length) for testing high power plasma rockets. Large enough to ac- commodate a school bus and capable of base pressures similar to the vac- uum of space (10-7 torr), the vacuum Dr. Jared Squire opens the vacuum chamber to chamber is an invaluable resource in Dr. Franklin Chang Díaz, flanked by Dr. Tim Glover reveal a full-scale protoype of the VX-200 and Dr. Jared Squire, signs the Space Act Agreement Page 8 Spring 2009 2008 Christmas Celebrations 2 Christmas Tree Lighting s

Melvin & Jerry Ellis Santa Arrives at Texas Ave. Park Floyd Myers & Wayne Sabo

Ricky Small, Beverly Gaines, Andy Kerstens, & Pauline Small Georgie Benavides & Santa Helpers

Santa & His Helper Elves Christmas Tree at Texas Avenue Park John Warnement, Beverly Gaines, & Jerry Ellis

Holiday Senior Luncheon YYards Of The Monthh

Betty Gaines, Gail Myers, & Mary Carlisle Windell & Larna Smith, & Carol Waggett

November - Commercial 501 N Sarah Deel The Landings

Gail Myers, Majorie Dorrington, Bob & Joan Caperton Marie & Joe Meyer

November - Residential 18300 Anne Drive Barry & Susan Schlueter

Pat Beckman & DeEtta Fryday Jay & Carolyn Corbin Spring 2009 Page 9 PPet Health Dayy WWaste Services Change, Stay The Samee Pet Health Day While Republic Services, Inc. and Allied Waste Industries, Inc. announced in will be held on early December 2008 that they have completed their historic merger to cre- March 7, from ate a top waste and environmental services company called “Republic Services, 9 a.m. to noon Incorporated,” Republic continues to serve the residential and commercial con- at the City of stituents of Webster. According to Steve Carroll, Republic Services’ Manager Webster Civic of Municipal Services, “Webster should expect the same drivers and schedules; Center located at 311 Pennsylvania the only change that might be evident is in the equipment for residential collec- Avenue. Pet resource providers will tion – as most of those trucks will bear the Allied Waste graphics.” offer information about services, The merger of the two companies is projected to be seamless for customers, general pet care, and health issues. and contact information remains constant: for residential service – 281.446.2030 Further, the City of Webster's Animal and for commercial service – 713.849.0400. Control Division will be on hand, and a veterinarian will provide vaccinations at a reduced rate of $15. While the City of Webster requires FFight Pollution - Keep Storm Drains Clearr annual registration for dogs and cats As most rainfall is absorbed by soil roads, parking lots, and sidewalks are at a fee of $10, if pets are registered or utilized by plants and trees, in devel- unavoidably transported with storm at Pet Health Day, the fee is waived. oped areas with impermeable surfaces water. However, pollution from more Proof of vaccination is required to reg- like roofs, parking lots, and streets, common debris – grass clippings, ister pets. Upon registration, animals rainwater often travels through con- leaves, and other yard debris, is pre- will be issued a City identification tag. crete storm drains. In Webster, storm ventable with a little effort. Avoid The City requires a City license tag water flows, untreated, into water- sweeping and dumping grass clippings and rabies tag on the pet’s collar. ways such as Clear Creek, where it into streets or storm drains. For more information about Pet flows to Clear Lake and, ultimately, to Intentionally polluting waterways is Health Day, contact Animal Control Galveston Bay. dangerous to the environment and ille- at 281.316.3700. Small amounts of pollutants from gal – fines can be as high as $250,000. 22008 Christmas Decoration Winnerss Commercial Awards Residential Awards – West Of Hwy. 3 Residential Awards – East Of Hwy. 3 1st 1st 1st

Carraba’s Italian Grill Ca t h y Co b b Terr y & Debbie Jo n e s 502 W. Bay Are a Bl vd . 507 Brad Co u r t 18504 An n e Dr. 2nd 2nd 2nd

Th e Falls Apartments Rick & Ce l i n a Vargas Ch a r l e s Th o r p e 801 E. NASA Parkway 226 Henrietta 18503 Ki n g s Ro w rd rd rd 3rd 3 3

Th e Terrace at Clear Lake An t h o n y Lu p re t e Debbie & Kl a u s Ogl e s by 780 W. Bay Are a Bl vd . 19514 Old Ga l ve s t o n Rd 18503 An n e Dr. Page 10 Spring 2009 WWebster Receives TTwo-Year Old FFaces Behind Water Awardd Joins Webster PDD The Cityy One of the Webster Police Department’s newest and youngest mem- bers was born in Czechoslovakia. Igor moved to the Texas Hill Country to hone Shannon Hicks presents Water Quality Award to Officer Rebolledo and his his natural skills Deborah Cooley, Telecommunications Operator, Harry Bookout and Mike Norman new partner, Igor. and for specific City of Webster Police Department The Texas Commission on training in tracking and narcotics de- Many people talk to Deborah Cool- Environmental Quality (TCEQ) chose tection at Worldwide Canine. ey during the worst 15 minutes of the City of Webster to receive the The two year old German Shepherd their lives. Cooley’s number is 9-1-1. TCEQ 2008 Public Drinking Water is trained to find marijuana, cocaine, As an Advanced Telecommuni- Award. The award is given to op- heroin, methamphetamines, Xanax cations Operator for the City of erators of public water systems for and a variety of other drugs. After Webster, she is charged with helping compliance with the Total Coliform graduation from the Worldwide people in distress, dispatching first re- Rule (TCR) requirements. Canine program, Igor moved to the sponders to an emergency scene, and The award program recognizes the City of Webster, where he joined providing police officers with needed effort, dedication, and contribution his new partner, Officer Daniel information from the Texas Crime public water suppliers make to the Rebolledo. Information Center and the National State, in conjunction with protecting Since the implementation of the Crime Information Center. When she public health. To be eligible to receive Canine Program, Officer Rebolledo began with the City of Webster in the TCR award, a public water system and Igor have made over a dozen 1996, those first responders consist- must have no TCR violations and be narcotics-related arrests and have as- ed of Webster Police, Fire, and EMS an active public water system for 60 sisted in numerous other cases, both plus the Forest Bend Fire Dept. To- consecutive months. in Webster and nearby cities. day, Nassau Bay Police, Fire, and EMS; The City of Webster was recognized In January, Officer Rebolledo and Southeast Fire and EMS; and Clear for the preceding five years spanning Igor assisted the League City Police Lake Emergency Medical Corps have 2003 to 2007. At the City Council Department by conducting a narcot- been added to the list of first respond- meeting on January 20, Public Works ics search on a vehicle. During the ers she is responsible for aiding. Water Operators, Mike Norman and course of this search Igor “alerted The Texas Commission on Law Harry Bookout were acknowledged on” $18,000 that was hidden inside of Enforcement Officer Standards and for this outstanding accomplishment. the vehicle. Education certifies Cooley as an Ad- vanced Telecommunicator; she is also certified in child passenger safety seat EEaster Bunny Hops To Websterr inspection and installation. Cooley enjoys cooking, and as a Egg-Citing fun in Walnut Park The annual Webster Easter Egg member of the essential personnel Hunt will kick off at 10 a.m. on April team, she was able to show off her 11, with “hunting areas” designated skills during Hurricanes Rita and Ike. for ages 0-4, 5-7, 8-10, and senior citi- In addition to cooking, Cooley zens. Prize eggs will be hidden in each likes to spend time camping with her category, and the Easter Bunny will husband Steve of 16 years, as well as be available for pictures. This event is friends and granddaughters – Kylie Cole and Addison Mae. free and open to Webster residents. Spring 2009 Page 11 PPublic Meeting Notess October 7, 2008, Regular Council Meeting • Approved the first and only reading of an or- the Code of Ordinances by amending Article I, • Ken Magidson, Harris County District dinance setting the debt service rate of $0.13265 Sec. 62-2 Unlawful Acts. (Unanimous) Attorney, presented Webster Police Department and the maintenance and operations rate of • Approved participation in the Bay Area with a check in the amount of $81,241 from the $0.07335 for a total of $0.20600. (Unanimous) Houston Transportation Partnership Initiative District Attorney’s Seized Funds Account. • Approved a resolution authorizing a Green to fund a study of Interstate 10, U.S. 190, and • Lindsay Davis, Development Director for Commercial Building Tax Abatement agreement other corridors for purposes of mobility, mili- Bay Area Turning Point, was presented a proc- with the owner of the property, Cheyenne III tary transportation, and emergency evacuation. lamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Development Group LTD. (For: Ellis, Gaines, (Unanimous) Month. Waltz, Dolan, Rogers. Against: Myers, Donehue) • Held an Executive Session to consult with • Held a Public Hearing on Designation of • Received a report, held a discussion, and the City Attorney regarding contemplated litiga- Webster Reinvestment Zone “Zone Green A” directed Staff to bring back options regarding tion, currently in a complaint before the Equal located at 253 Medical Center Boulevard, for selling alcoholic beverages and the distance re- Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Cheyenne III Development Group, LTD. (For: quirements for schools and day cares, and the and a proposed settlement offer. (For: Ellis, Myers, Ellis, Gaines, Waltz, Dolan, Rogers) impact on economic development. Gaines, Donehue, Waltz, Dolan, Rogers) • Approved accepting the high bid for Lot 55, • Approved a resolution authorizing the Cities • No action was taken on the item discussed Green Acres Subdivision, Harris County Texas, Aggregation Power Project (CAPP) to negotiate in Executive Session. from bids received September 2, 2008, provide an electric supply agreement. (Unanimous) • Additional citizen hearing to allow former the title policy, but not pay for it and if the bidder • Approved a resolution establishing a fa- employee the opportunity to publicly address does not accept this, reject all bids. (For: Ellis, cility rental agreement for the Civic Center. the City’s termination of his employment. Gaines, Dolan, Rogers. Against: Myers, Waltz) (Unanimous) • Denied an ordinance approving an electric • Authorized the purchase of eleven (11) ve- • Approved a resolution amending certain power contract with Cities Aggregation Power hicles for the Public Works Department, two charges for miscellaneous fees within the City Project (CAPP) for electric capacity and energy. (2) vehicles for the Community Development for the Civic Center. (Unanimous) (For: Myers, Ellis, Gaines, Waltz, Dolan, Rogers. Department, one (1) vehicle for the Police • Held an Executive Session regarding Against: Donehue) Department, and one (1) vehicle for the Economic Development Negotiations regarding • Accepted Edgewater Lift Station #1 to serve Information Technology Division. (For: Myers, Edgewater Development. (Unanimous) the Edgewater Development within the City of Ellis, Gaines, Waltz, Dolan, Rogers) • No action was taken on the item discussed Webster and authorized the Mayor to execute • Approved the first reading of an ordinance in Executive Session. a Utility Conveyance and Security Agreement establishing guidelines and criteria for grant- • Approved minutes of the Special Meeting of with the Harris County Municipal Utility District ing Green Commercial Building Tax Abatement September 30, 2008, and the Regular Meeting No. 481. (Unanimous) pursuant to Resolution No. 08-10. (For: Ellis, of October 7, 2008. (For: Myers, Ellis, Gaines, • Accepted the completion and released the Gaines, Waltz, Dolan, Rogers. Against: Myers) Waltz, Dolan, Rogers. Abstain: Donehue) final payment for the installation of concrete • Established a proposed ad valorem tax rate sidewalks along Bay Area Boulevard from Live for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (2008 tax year) for November 4, 2008, Regular Council Meeting Oak Street to Gatebrook Drive. (Unanimous) adoption on October 21, 2008. (For: Myers, • Approved the first reading of an ordinance • Cancelled the second scheduled City Ellis, Gaines, Waltz, Dolan, Rogers) amending Chapter 62, Parks and Recreation, of Council Meeting for December 16, 2008. • Approved a resolution requesting funding the Code of Ordinances by amending Article I, (Unanimous) for Bay Area Regional Transportation Corridor Sec. 62-2 Unlawful Acts. (Unanimous) • Approved the minutes of the Regular Projects due to their critical impacts with regard • Approved and authorized the Mayor to exe- Meeting of November 4, 2008. (Unanimous) to national security, mobility, and emergency cute an agreement between Horizon Health EAP evacuation needs, including hurricane evacu- and City of Webster for Horizon Health EAP to December 2, 2008, Regular Council Meeting ation. (For: Myers, Ellis, Gaines, Waltz, Dolan, continue providing counseling and referral ser- • Approved and authorized the Mayor to Rogers) vices for the employees of the City of Webster execute an agreement with Bay Area Houston • Approved minutes of the Regular Meeting of and their dependents. (Unanimous) Convention and Visitors Bureau for Fiscal Year September 16, 2008 and the Special Meeting of • Approved a resolution establishing a general 2008-2009. (Unanimous) September 16, 2008. (For: Myers, Ellis, Gaines, fund distribution policy for external programs • Approved a resolution requesting approval Waltz, Dolan, Rogers) and special events. (Unanimous) to participate in the Texas Comptroller of Public • Excused Councilmember Mel Donehue’s ab- • Accepted completion and released the re- Accounts Cooperative Purchasing Program. sence. (For: Myers, Ellis, Gaines, Dolan, Rogers. tainage for the installation of a 12-inch water (Unanimous) Abstain: Waltz) line from Bay Area Boulevard to Plumley Water • Denied approval of Mayor and City Council’s Plant. (Unanimous) annual cost of living stipend increase. (For: October 21, 2008, Regular Council Meeting • Accepted the Investment Report for Myers, Rogers. Against: Ellis, Gaines, Donehue, • Presented a proclamation declaring October the quarter ended September 30, 2008. Waltz, Dolan) 23-31, 2008, as Texas Red Ribbon Week in sup- (Unanimous) • Held an Executive Session regarding port of a drug free State. • Approved the minutes of the Regular Economic Development Negotiations regarding • Approved the second reading of an ordinance Meeting of October 21, 2008. (Unanimous) Edgewater Development. (Unanimous) establishing guidelines and criteria for granting • No action was taken on the item discussed Green Commercial Building Tax Abatement pur- November 18, 2008, Regular Council Meeting in Executive Session. suant to Resolution No. 08-10. (For: Ellis, Gaines, • Approved the second reading of an ordinance • Approved minutes of the Regular Meeting Waltz, Dolan, Rogers. Against: Myers) amending Chapter 62, Parks and Recreation, of of November 18, 2008. (Unanimous) CCity Councill Standing – From Left Mel Donehue Council Position 3 Melvin Ellis Council Position 1 Beverly Gaines Council Position 2 Natalie Dolan Council Position 5 Donna Rogers Council Position 6 Steve Waltz Council Position 4 Seated Floyd H. Myers Mayor

City Officials­ Government Services Mayor: Floyd Myers...... 281.332.1826 Clear Lake City Water Authority...... 281.488.1164 Council Position No. 1: Melvin Ellis...... 281.332.1826 Clear Lake Courthouse Annex...... 281.486.7250 Council Position No. 2: Beverly Gaines...... 281.332.1826 Harris County Tax Office...... 713.224.1919 Council Position No. 3: Mel Donehue...... 281.332.1826 Harris County Public Health...... 713.439.6000 Council Position No. 4: Steve Waltz...... 281.332.1826 Poison Control (UTMB)...... 800.222.1222 Council Position No. 5: Natalie Dolan...... 281.332.1826 Texas Dept. of Public Safety (Drivers License)...... 281.486.8242 Council Position No. 6: Donna Rogers...... 281.332.1826 U.S. Post Office, 17077 Texas Avenue...... 281.316.0379

City Offices – 101 Pennsylvania Ave. Telephone & Utility Services City Hall Main Switchboard...... 281.332.1826 AT&T...... 800.464.7928 EMERGENCY Ambulance-Fire-Police...... 9-1-1 CenterPoint Energy...... 281.534.4569 Police Department (Non-Emergency) Comcast...... 800.776.9993 217 Pennsylvania Ave...... 281.332.2426 Reliant Energy...... 713.207.7777 Fire Department (Non-Emergency)...... 281.332.2711 Verizon...... 800.483.4000 Fire Station #1 17100 Texas Avenue...... 281.332.2711 Community Services Fire Station #2 Bay Area Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau...... 281.338.0333 18208 Egret Bay Blvd...... 281.332.2711 Bay Area Turning Point Hotline...... 281.286.2525 Fire Marshal Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce...... 281.488.7676 18208 Egret Bay Blvd...... 281.332.2711 Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library...... 281.488.1906 City Manager...... 281.332.1826 Innovative Alternatives...... 832.864.6000 City Secretary...... 281.332.1826 Interfaith Caring Ministries...... 281.332.3881 City Planner...... 281.316.4122 Community Development Director...... 281.316.4113 Economic Development Director...... 281.316.4116 PRSRT STD Economic Development Specialist...... 281.316.4135 U.S. Postage Human Resources (Personnel)...... 281.332.1826 City of Webster PAID Municipal Court...... 281.338.6702 101 Pennsylvania Webster, TX 77598 Permit No. 119 Marketing and Tourism...... 281.316.4121 Webster, TX Public Works Service Center...... 281.316.3700

City Services Animal Control...... 281.316.3700 Building Permits...... 281.338.2925 City Trash Hauling...... 281.316.3700 Civic Center Rental...... 281.316.4114 Code Enforcement...... 281.316.4106 Republic Services (residential)...... 281.446.2030 Republic Services (commercial)...... 713.849.0400 Tickets - To Pay By Credit Card...... 281.338.6702 Utility Billing...... 281.316.4120 Water/Sewer Line Breaks...... 281.316.3700