The Frisco Employes' Magazine, March 1929

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The Frisco Employes' Magazine, March 1929 Page 4 MODERN SIGNALS HIGHLY DEVELOPED ~ AILROAD signalling to the tion before a proceed v:. ' . average person means very Life and Propertg Well Pro- be given and these cor!lr~;- 3- R little. He sees the red, yel- self-checking aud the dis- low or green lights change, as he in controlling these groupu id ' sits leisnrelr on the platform of a tected on Frisco by Intricate able to permit traiu rno!," speeding observation car, bnt does providing condltlona on rtf . not realize that their purpose is Mechanism way are safe. to guard human life. to prevent A systenl has been ir . clamages to the nlillions of dollars from Rriclge Junctlon to tl~-~' of property in transit in the care of tire movement of all trains in a Ark., where traina are handl$+ , the railroad company, i~nd to effect specified territory is directly in the nal indication only and no ar-' economy in the operations of trains. hands of the dispatcher. ders are issued. These sm ' .. A signal is defined as a "sign agreed Through the dispatching machine operated by a lever ma^^ lornf*' . the dispatcher operates the siding interlocking plant at Br~dgo~II, upon or understood and used to con- ' vey information especially at a dis- swltches and bloclc signals along the He has charge of all trains 11-I.: i tance," and the first use of signalling line. One train has no official knowl- crossing. The switch a+ PB. .i is credited properly to tl~cIndian. edge of the prescuce of other trains miles from Harvard is I~~II'FP' .i The installation of consecn- electric switch rnosrnl / tive automatic l~loclrswas be- cler this knan'a cor~trol gnn on the E:astern divisioll Another important + lwtn~eell Tower Grove antl tion is the signal apph Windsor Springs, a distance cated at Xouco, at 111 of 13/2 miles in the year 1904. end of the Yale, Trr- 1 It was extended 14 miles to pards, The switch IS r - -, Eureka in 1906, antl in the set for straight tralk 11 j years of 1910 and 1911 antl ward t~air1 movemprdt . 5 1 from 1924 to 192s the balance position of the po of the signals were installed checked by the signil which brought the total mile- points are not proper age on Frisco Lines protected the signal will renlaln I. - by automatic signals up to position. For BOU~~NJT' 1,100 miles. the front trucks of 111- Normally, when no train is forre the switch tu 11 I '9 in the track circuit, current is sition and after hi1 l u r 1 carried through a wire from through, switch is rr.' - , battery to one rail usually for normal position by .pr -r "1 a distance of 3,000 feet and To keep these s'-- 1 7 then through a wire leading to proper adjustment a! ' the track relay, through its requires expert altenl~- coils over a wire to the other signal maintainer n:, .: , rail and returned to the bat- vision has twnl: I 'r : tery. This makes a complete threc mile! of sigaal: c ! or closed circuit, the current terlocking and highs .: . flowing continrlally through the ing signals which hrt . rails, the signal being at safe and there are about CT or proceed indication, which tainers on the systrl ever is the case when the One of the aclm;'. train enters this section of track. on the road and the dispatcher estab- photographs shows the inrir -. lishes meeting and passing points as Then the signal assumes a STOP or mechanism case which rw: :. DAAWER position and thereby the the immediate conditions require. Thr the fact that the ndjustrn~r,'. machine operating the switches and train in itself controls the automatic mechanism must be malip 13 ' . block signal. And when a rail is signals consists of the requirecl nunl- of an inch precision. is in+ ! ' broken in the section of track pro- ber of levers, each lever operating a ing to the average layman. tected by sig.nals, it breaks the closed switch and signals governing over it, planation is thls: ill the . - circuit and produces the same result and constitute a controlled group hand corner of the nppr 7 I.: as if a train were in the block, caus- which is virtnally a small interlocking case is the master relay. b- ing the signal to produce the DAN- plant controlled by a single lever in line relay which contrn!: ':.. GER or STOP position. An open the dispatching machine. All oppos- mechanism. When the eidi I switch or car fouling the main line ing signals of each group are electric- relay are energized, th~rdy: ! will produce a like result. ally interlocked against each other closed for the motor cirwi' -. The last major development in sig- and the opposing signals of one group tor starts to run, engaging 1'- nalling which is commanding atten- arc electrically interlocked against crank of the slot running 1' . tion, is operation of trains by signal the opposing signals of an adjacent to caution or clear poeiticl- indication without written train or- g~~oup.The signal controls are select- the circuit is interrupted 0- '. ders, by use of a centrallized dispatch- ed through the switch machines so the mechanism then nr--I- er-controlled signal system. The en- that switches must be in proper posi- STOP positfon by gravit)'. To the left is (I plrotoqr-nplz of . wrements must succeed each tltr irrtrrior of n rriechrrtlizirr case. :I a pre-determined order. Thesn ~41ich,corrsiti~rirrq tlrnt thr adjlist- IJI~II:S I aaually are iustalled where to :hc i~rrc/r~riii~~~rrir~fst /7c rr!ude to 1/1000 oj nn inch preci- ; .ire so arranged that there are slorr, is irrdccd cnrrfrrsi~rg to thc 'ing routes for trains, so that n7,c7r.n!gc loj~nrtrir. mu route is being used by a : conflicting route cannot be :.p to be used by another train 'hb- route used .by the first train <r :i4. At a railroad crossing .I.- crossing. The installation of p!znts costs approximately $20,- Besides these various signal- :1-! bells and 54 wig-wags.- - rorkilgs of this departineilt -!laps as intricate as any on the l'risco Lines, and the task of .4og, malntalamng atid estab- the proper signals at the var- -illis on Frisco Lines is under .?-I supervision of I. A. Uhr. - PRAISES PENSACOLA SE1,LIiYC; FRlSCO SERVICE An excellent testimonial of agricul- Xot to be outdone by the radio. tural opportunities on the Frisco's the mail and household merchan- new line, from Aberdeen Miss., to dise, all of which enter American Pensacola. Fla.. is contained in a let- homes, Mrs. Anna E. Riley, Frisco enterprising agent and ter from AI. I3. Radden, who, three Lines agent at Lindenwood has be- years ago, moved from Ohio to a farm gun delivery of Frisco tickets into twenty-five miles from Pensacola. The the honles of residents of Linden- letter. addressed to C. B. Michelson, wood and adjacent territory to save colonization and marketing agent, fol- intending passengers the incon- lows: venience, particularly in stormy weather, of going to the ticket of- "I moved here with my family wea good business friend, fice to buy tickets and make Pull- three years ago from North Canton, man reservations. Ohio, and now live on a farm in Mrs. Riley answers queries over Alabama, twenty-five miles from e the year of 1928 there the phone about local trains, to and Pensacola. from St. Louis and about tickets to "We think chances for making a points in Mississippi, Tennessee, good living on a farm are better Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, nIis- here than any place in the north- souri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Tex- ern states we know of. IYl cars of freight handled. as, all of which states are served "I would like to write to people c: the year 1928 we only as- by the Frisco and queries of those north, where we moved from. I going even farther-to California Ill10 demurrage against this think I could interest some to do Poiq instance. !." Ur. Lehn added. Lke we did 1lloi.e here and help .\ITS. Riley soon atter each rr- indeed handling the business inlprove the bnsiness and live bet quest for a ticket, is a smiling pis- L.*d~ Lines and it is doubted it ter. itor at the home of the intending "Now, if I could get some of your passenger who is handed his or her !he entire Frisco system. ticket and all that remains for the booklets to send to them, that passenger to do is to board the would be much better than the ps, one Johnny Fon- train withc~~ta last minute rush to writing I could do. I'd be glad to !d a tu~-n without a the ticket office. send stamps for inailing them if - you wish." rrR, 1929 Page 7 The 1928 Frisco Dollar- Where It Came From and Where It Went two charts above show graphic- Transportation of persons, mail and material and miscellaneous supplies. the source of every dollar of express matter produces 17.07 cents, Depreciation of rolling stock takes )income and its disposition. Un- switching 1.75 cents, ren,t of facilities 3.89 cents and payments for personal cross-word puzzle, where the ob- acd rolling stock 1.83 cents. The re- injuries, loss and damage to property Q is lretted out by knowledge, maining 5.87 cents designated on the amounts to 1.38 cents. These items, and patience, the charts clearly chart as miscellaneous, includes an al- representing operating expenses, total liee the relative proportion of the lowance for transportation of men en- 66.15 cents or approximately two- os itema of income and outgo re- gaged in and on material used for con- thirds of every dollar.
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