Mass Intentions in coming weeks Parish Contacts Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels Thank you to all those who have offered The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Cardiff tel: (029) 20 230 492 CF5 3NP CF11 9BX Mass intentions. We now have sufficient to Parishes of St. Mary’s and Holy Family Keyston Rd, Fairwater Kings Rd, Canton cover until Mid September If you would like new email address is:
[email protected] 12th –19th July 2020 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle A to have Mass offered for a particular inten- Canon Peter Collins e-mail:
[email protected] tion, please write the intention with a pre- Fr Nick Williams St Mary’s Masses ferred date (depending on availability) and a e-mail:
[email protected] voluntary offering on an envelope and put it Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon THE SUNDAY READINGS. 15th Sunday of Ordinary time (12th July) through the letterbox of the priory at St e-mail:
[email protected] 10am Teresa Francis tel (029) 2021 2651 Deutero-Isaiah (the second section of the Book) pro- Mary’s. Mary & George Philips Website: vides us with an image of the power of God’s word. Monday of week 15 in Ordinary time (13th July) “The word that goes forth from my mouth does not 9.30am Michael Maher Bank details for standing orders, which are directly linked 12.15pm Intentions of Morris Fernandez to the respective parish accounts are as follows: return to me empty, without carrying out my will and succeeding in what it was sent to do.” The wisdom of Tuesday St Camillus de Lellis (14th July) Account name: Archdiocese of Cardiff this extract finds fulfilment in what we read in the Pro- 9.30am Intentions of Canon Collins Sort code: 20-18-23 (for both) logue of St.John’s Gospel when we hear the good (Anniversary of ordination) St Mary’s Acc No: 03285375 news that the Word of God became flesh in our very 12.15pm Marion & John Lamb Holy Family Acc No: 63656861 midst.