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OFFICERS De f e n s e l e s s ? PRESIDENT The enemy is at our gates again. How did Who decides? James W. Tekavec it happen? When did it happen? Could you She is being funded by the very business FIRST VICE PRESIDENT possibly be responsible in part? owners and entertainers we so gladly throw Robert Ray Preston Just when we think that we can sit back our money at. In June, during a CNN town SECOND VICE PRESIDENT and take a breather, we are barraged with hall, she further stated, “We cannot let a mi- Charles D. Rush a new onslaught of anti-Second Amend- nority of people hold a viewpoint that terror- ment rhetoric and attacks from all sides izes the majority of the people.” You don’t SECRETARY and we are forced to take on the enemy think you’re a member of her majority, do Cecil Parker once again. Why does this happen time you? and time again. It happens to a large ex- DIRECTORS Stop and think before you spend your mon- tent because we patronize establishments ey to see a movie that Matt Damon or his 2014-2015-2016 which are owned by individuals who finan- ilk is starring in or one Steven Spielberg is Terrie L. Hill cially support anti-Second Amendment producing. Don’t go to Starbucks and get Timothy D. Inwood candidates and/or who take an active part that cup of coffee. Be proactive and spend Fred L. Kolb in their elections. They in turn, if elected, your dollars wisely. Look for pro Second Charles D. Metcalf introduce or support restrictive gun legisla- Amendment businesses and movies with a 2013-2014-2015 tion to our detriment. Instead of us taking friendlier cast. Go to another coffee shop, Ralf J. Eyster notice, we continue to buy their products I certainly will. Do your research before Frank Kern or patronize their establishments contribut- making a big purchase and walk away from Sherman M. Kirkland III ing our hard earned dollars to them which companies that are not our friends. eventually end up being used against us. 2012-2013-2014 It doesn’t make sense, does it? But we all STAY VIGILANT! Frank Becker, Jr. do it, yours truly included. Why, because it Thomas E. Bowersox takes a concerted effort to walk away from Joe Criniti a product we like to use, a favorite cup of JIM TEKAVEC BUSINESS OFFICE coffee, meals at a restaurant we enjoy, a Your President OGCA, P.O. Box 670406 movie we anticipate seeing or a concert we Sagamore Hills, OH plan to attend. 44067-0406 Unless we make that effort we will soon find Laura Knotts, Business Mgr. ourselves stripped of our Second Amend- PH: (330) 467-5733 ment right to bear arms in the unfettered Fax: (330) 467-5793 manner as our founding fathers intended. Email: [email protected] So where do we go from here? If we all do Web: not make the effort to deny the anti’s the profit they make from our patronage, I am afraid we are starting on a slippery slope. Pa g e 11 Gu e s t Pa s s Fo r m s Hillary Clinton, the heir apparent to Barack (Kn o w Yo u r Gu e s t s a n d In f o r m Obama, has made her true feelings known. t h e m o f t h e Ru l e s !) In May, speaking before the National Coun- cil for Behavioral Health, Hillary stated “We have to rein in what has become an almost Inside Page article of faith, that anybody can own a gun Jim Tekavec presents a signed history Director Candidates 3 book for the library of Attorney General Dues Statement 3 anywhere, anytime, and I don’t believe Mike DeWine. If you missed him at recent Thomas L. Kyser Remembered 4 that”. meetings visit Annual Tables 5 (Left) OGCA mem- OGCA History Book Special 5 ber and State Support Needed for Oct. Mtg. 6 Auditor Dave Yost addressing the crowd Safety Reminders 6 at the September Annie Oakley’s Gun 7 meeting. Visit www.

BFA Pro-Gun Voter Guide 8 to find OGCA PAC Endorsements 9 out more about this pro Second Amend- Gun Quiz 10 ment candidate up for Guest Pass Forms 11 reelection November Table Applications 13 4th. (Right) Auditor PAC Raffle / Passages 15 Yost in the hall with longtime Life Member Dan Tanko. AFFILIATED WITH THE NRA AND CMP Page 3

Me m b e r s : Vo t e Fo r OGCA Bo a r d o f Di r e c t o r s No v e m b e r 15t h We have four candidates for three openings on the OGCA Board of Directors for the term 2015-2016-2017. Candidates will campaign at the October and November meetings, so be sure to come and learn more from them. Members will vote on Sat- urday, November 15th between 7:30 AM and 4 PM at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington, Ohio. Please mark your calendar.

FRANK BECKER, JR. Member OGCA since 1963, Life Member since 1976 and OGCA Director since 2005. Profession: U.S. Army 1959-1962. Retired Tool Room Supervisor, Emerson Electric Corporation. Collect- ing Interests: Military firearms, U.S. and foreign. Qualifications: Managed 25 to 50 toolmakers which in- cluded tracking, management reports, budgeting, performance reviews, and payroll reports. Current Chair- man of the OGCA Political Action Committee (PAC); past member of the Finance Committee, OGCA Display Show Chair in ‘06 and ‘07, Site Search Committee 2 years, NRA Display Show Committee 2 years, NRA Display Show Chairman in 2010; past member of the Nominating Committee. Competitive Handgun Team Member, 6th Army area. Longtime tableholder at OGCA and supporter of gun shows around the state. Mem- berships: Currently NRA Benefactor Member and NRA Life Member 40+ years; Mansfield Muzzle Loaders, Ashland Rifle & Pistol, and Tusco Rifle Club. THOMAS E. BOWERSOX Member of OGCA since 1979. OGCA Director since 2009. Profession: Wildlife Out- doors Skills Officer, retired in 2002. Collecting Interests: Single shot rifles (Stevens & Ballards); cartridges and early sporting and shooting collectibles. Qualifications:In charge of Hunter & Trapper Education, and training programs in various other wildlife-related fields in Wildlife District 5 while a State Wildlife Officer. While at Ohio State University he was a member of the Rifle & Pistol Club and organized the Trap & Skeet Shooting Club in 1973. Shoots in High Power, Small Bore and Trapshoot Leagues. Chairman of the 2014 OGCA Members Recognition Banquet; Co-chair of the 2014 Display Show Committee. Memberships: Life Member of the NRA, Greene County Fish & Game Club, Fairborn Rifle & Pistol Club, American Single Shot Rifle Association, International Ammunition Association, Tri-State Gun Collectors, and Archaeological Society of Ohio. LAWRENCE A. CLARK - Member for 7 years. Profession: Retired – Armco/ AK Steel with 39 years in Maintenance and Technology and Quality Assurance Group. Retired from Lakota School System Trans- portation Department. Collecting Interests: Remington Arms rifles and shotguns, Military weapons and unique artifacts, 41 Magnum hand guns and rifles. Qualifications: Volunteer work for the Boy Scouts of America as Assistant Scoutmaster; Captain of the South Middletown Fire Department. Memberships: Ac- tive member and supporter of the V.F.W. post 3809; American Legion post 218, Loyal Order of the Moose 501, Fraternal Order of the Eagles, Fraternal Order Orioles, Middletown Sportsman Club, NRA life member, Ohio Game and Fish and the Outdoor News.

ROBERT LEWIS FLOYD Member of OGCA since 2007. Profession: Millright for 20 years, Retired after 34 years at Ralston Foods in 2010. Collecting Interests: 22 target rifles and 22 target pistols. Hunting, shoot trap and skeet. Likes to fish and golf. Qualifications: Versatile employee who was utilized in electri- cal, plumbing, and extrusion. Knowledgeable in the use and safety of firearms. Conceal and carry permit. Ran Perry County Gun Club in 2002. Volunteers at a local sportsman’s club to help manage the trap field. Assisted Fairfield County youth 4-H Trapshoot club and donated trophies for their events. Experience with Microsoft Office.Memberships: NRA member, and Anglers Paradise Lake Club member.

Ch e c k Fo r Yo u r Du e s St a t e m e n t Pay Your Dues Online, En c l o s e d In t h e En v e l o p e o f Th i s Is s u e 24/7 through Your annual dues statement (green theirs will automatically print with yours Just select the “Pay Dues form) is enclosed in the envelope along when it is processed. Here” link and you can pay with this newsletter. Please read it care- with Visa, Master Card, or Dis- fully to see if your dues are due. Yearly Membership Dues: cover through our secure link. dues expire December 31st, 2014. 1-year dues: $40.00 1-year Active Duty Military: Free Due to the high volume of mail during 3-year dues $95.00 (saves $15) See Page 5 this time of year please allow 3-6 weeks 5-year dues $150.00 (saves $50) for a special limited for processing of your check, and mail- Life Membership: $600.00 time free shipping ing your new badge insert. Sr. Life Membership: $300.00 (enclose offer on the OGCA proof of age) History Book If you have a spouse, children or grand- (Valid U.S. address only) child registered with a family badge, Page 4

Th o m a s L. Ky s e r ; Ti m e l e s s Ic o n o f Th e Oh i o Gu n Co ll e c t o r s As s o c i a t i o n Our hearts are heavy with sorrow to announce the sudden passing of Past President, current Treasurer, and OGCA Historian Thomas L. Kyser. Tom, age 76, passed away Saturday, August 30, 2014 with his family at his side. Born in Youngstown, he lived in Champion, Ohio for 48 years and most recently resided in Blacklick, Ohio, with, Carole, his devoted wife of 58 years. Tom was a graduate of Weathersfield High School and Youngstown State University and retired from Packard Electric in 1998.

Tom was active in OGCA virtually his entire life! In an interview for The First Seventy-Five Years; The Ohio Gun Collectors Association by Thomas D. Schiffer, he said, “My first trip to an OGCA Gun Show was to the Neil House in Columbus. I was 4 years old!” He served on the Board of Directors for 28 years including as President from 1994 to 1996 and held the position of Treasurer since 1999. He could be found at row N at The Roberts Centre each meeting, and was an avid collector of Stevens Rifles and Pistols, an interest initiated by his father, Cecil Kyser, who was president of OGCA in the late 1950’s.

In the interview, Tom reminisced about taking the train all the way to Washington D.C. to help build our exhibit at the NRA Annual Meeting. The stops were innumerable and it took forever but he got to meet top gun community leaders, and show his support for the NRA where he became a Life Member. Many years later, in 1996, he and Ralph Fields collaborated on the “Stevens Tip Ups” display at the NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits in New Orleans, LA. Their display won the Best Educational Award and a Certificate of Recognition for their rare ac- cessories, tools, signs and advertising material.

OGCA was a family affair for the Kysers. His mother, Kathryn helped at the shows and wife Carole, is a dedicated life member, volunteer and long-time registration team member serving most recently at the Dues and Applications Desks.

Tom was proud of his involvement in the early development and success of OGCA’s Annual Display Show and Member’s Recognition Banquet. He advocated for our involvement and support of youth shooting, dis- abled shooting, veterans organizations and other deserving charitable groups. As club historian, our 75th Anniversary history book would not have been possible without Tom who put in countless hours, weeks and months on the project along with Carole.

Tom lives on in these projects and in our hearts. He was named Treasurer Emeritus by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors on September 19. Page 5

An n u a l Ta b l e s On Sa l e i n No v . Ta b l e h o l d e r Li s t a n d Em e r g e n c y Co n t ac t Annual 2015 Tables will be on sale at email the Table Application to any mem- Form: Tableholders, remember to up- the October and November meetings for ber at their request. If you would like date your forms. If you have new emer- January 2015-November 2015. A great to be added to the email list, just call, gency contact information please let the way to secure Roberts Centre tables for fax or email. We will continue to mail Tables Desk know. If you are renting the whole year! the entire newsletter package to these tables for any show, please be sure to members via bulk mail. fill out a form so that we can reach you Tableholder email List: Note that mem- in an emergency. Forms are available at bers may sign up at any meeting for ta- Emergency Tableholder Contact the tables desk or call the Business of- bles for the next meeting. We can also fice. Pu t An Aw a r d Wi n n i n g Bo o k Un d e r t h e Tr e e ! PAC Wi l l Sh i p It Fo r Fr e e ! We are honored to announce The First a $35.00 donation to PAC. This offer is for Seventy-Five Years has won the Gold a limited time. Mail in the form below 2014 Print Excellence Award in the Hard- before December 1st, 2014 and we will bound book category. The award was giv- make sure you have it before Christ- en to the C. J. Krehbiel Company located mas. in on behalf of the Printing In- dustries of Ohio and Northern Kentucky . You can still stop by the PAC table at an This US company printed the hardbound upcoming meeting to pick up a 134 page beautiful book. copy or two.

OGCA gun show days. For those new to the organization or new to the hobby it will begin to explain our great heritage.

Check or cash only. No corporate checks. Don’t delay and miss this special offer be- The Holidays are Don’t miss out on the this hard fore they are gone! OGCA PAC Thanks around the corner and this book makes bound publication that is jam packed with your for your continued support. the perfect gift! The OGCA 75th Anniver- pictures, and member’s stories of the early sary history book, The First Seventy-Five years to present. It’s a fantastic read for Years will ship free (US shipping only) for those who want to reminisce on the early &

Enclosed is my PAC donation of $35.00 X (qty of copies) ______

(Make check payable to OGCA PAC) Total Enclosed $ ______

Member #______

Member Name ______

Shipping Street Address ______

City ______State______Zip Code______

Phone # ______Email ______Mail to: OGCA PAC P O BOX 670406, Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067-0406 Page 6

Yo u r Su pp o r t Ne e d e d Fo r Oc t o b e r 18-19, 2014 I-X Ce n t e r Me e t i n g ! Many of you will receive this newsletter looking for. If that were not enough, you On a lighter note, we have had some com- just prior to our October 18-19, 2014 meet- will also meet hundreds of members of ments that the date conflicts with a local ing at The I-X Center. We are anticipating guest collector clubs including Marlin, Colt, gun show. This was unavoidable for both a great crowd, but as we go to press our Winchester, LC Smith, High Standard, organizations and we hope that these table count is down and this is our last op- Remington and the American Thompson members will find a way to support both portunity to encourage your support. Association. venues over the weekend.

If you have never set-up at the I-X Center, The mayor of the City of is pro- We cannot emphasize enough that mem- you will regret missing this unique oppor- posing legislation that could effect us next bership participation is essential to mak- tunity. The remodeled WWII era bomber year. This is the time to show your sup- ing the extra Northern, Ohio venue a suc- plant offers almost unlimited space, drive- port. Should we have any announcements cess. October guest pass and table forms in unloading, plentiful parking, wide aisles, or updates regarding this year’s Cleveland were mailed in the last newsletter mailing. and most importantly, the chance to meet meeting, they will be posted immediately Guest pass forms will be available at the new collectors and find that certain fire- on the front page of our website. meeting. Don’t miss out! Rent tables or arm, part or accessory you have been otherwise join us October 18-19, 2014!

Al l Me m b e r s - Ed u c a t e Yo u r s e l f a n d Gu e s t s o n Sa f e t y ! - Charles Rush, Second Vice President Thank you to the thousands of members who are following our safety rules. Please continue to take the time to educate your guests of the rules of OGCA, the NRA rules for safe gun handling and common-sense gun etiquette. All Laws and all OGCA By-Laws and rules must be strictly observed. Remember:

1. All firearms must be deactivated prior 3. Cameras and recording devices are to the Business Office. to entry, and brought IMMEDIATELY upon prohibited without the permission of the 7. Never sign a Guest Pass or Member- entry to the “Gun Tie Desk” to be inspect- president. ship Application for someone you don’t ed and safety-tied. Do not wander thru the 4. Anyone caught dealing in the parking know! Also, remember You cannot sign a lobby without a safety-tie on your firearm!!! lot will be suspended. Membership Application for a friend until No loaded or primed firearms or air guns! 5. During set-up hours, only the tablehold- you have been a member in good stand- All clips and magazines must be removed er and one helper are permitted. Helper ing for one full year. prior to entering the hall. must be a member and Friday night trad- 8. Vehicles in fire lanes will be towed at 2. For your safety, OGCA reserves the ing privileges apply only to the Tableholder the owner’s expense. This includes the right to check all bags, backpacks, gun and do not extend to the Helper. Friday 3 PM - 9 PM set up time! Table- cases, cases, purses, briefcases, boxes 6. Applications for an Ohio Transient holders must unload and promptly remove and containers upon entry and re-entry. Vendor’s License are available at the your vehicle. Your full cooperation is REQUIRED. Tables Desk in the lobby and by request & SAVE A TREE - DIGITAL OGCA NEWSLETTER NOW AVAILABLE

If you would prefer to receive a digital copy of the newsletter via email, please email us at [email protected] or fill out this form and mail it to P. O. Box 670406 Sagamore Hills, OH 44067.

Members who do not request an electronic version will continue to receive their paper copy. Members who select the digital option will no longer receive a mailed paper copy. At this time there is not an option to receive both the paper and electronic version. Like your mailing address, your information is private - OGCA does not share your information with 3rd parties.

YES! I prefer an electronic version of the newsletter. Please stop my paper copy and email my future newsletters electronically.

NAME: ______MEMBER NUMBER:______

MY EMAIL is:______(Please write clearly, Thank You) Page 7

Wh a t Yo u Sh o u l d Kn o w Ab o u t An n i e Oa k l e y ’s Gu n By Roy Baumgardner © 2014 The Garst Museum is in Greenville, Ohio dren, especially handicapped ones, were But the real reason was that she was urg- North of Dayton. (WWW.Garstmuseum. seated in the front rows. Then, time per- ing woman to learn to shoot guns for tar- org) mitting, the helpers would pick up the fired get and hunting. She also wanted them cartridge cases, give them to Annie, and to vote! When you get to Greenville, ask anyone she would pass them out to the crowd. where the Annie Oakley Museum is. It To the men in power at that time, just like is in the Garst Museum, call 1-937-548- today, this was a real threat. 5250 for their hours. So they tied her up in the courts for years. The guns she used the most in her show She finally won, but she barely broke are there, and are very interesting. Some even. And it took a lot of the money she of them have had their rifling reamed out and her husband, Frank Buttler, needed and the barrels polished into smooth bore for retire- shotguns. ment. So One of many of Annies trick they ended The reason for this is that rifled barrels rifles. Single shot rifle with up back make donut shaped shot patterns, round, double set trigger with le- ver. in Green- with a hole in the middle. This is what ville, which you do not want when you are shooting at Another thing that I found is a good round glass balls that are thrown by help- interesting was the infor- place, even ers. Especially if you are using a Win- mation on parts breaking today, but on chester Lever Action Model 73 or 92 rifle. from time to time from the One of Annie’s first guns she used at a a smaller in- So they used 44-40 rifles with special very long use the guns were sub- very young age. Black powder muzzle- come. fine shot cartridges. jected to. loader with a possible bag and original powder horn. If you go to Did you ever wonder where those solid The quick fix was for a helper to quickly visit the museum, like my partner Anne bullets were coming down when they were hand the performer another gun exactly and I did, consider going about Septem- fired into the air at fairgrounds in big cit- like the one being used. Then the failed ber 15. Then you can stop at Troy, Ohio, ies? part was simply replaced from a supply nearby, at the Waco Bi-Plane fly in, where that the show carried with them. they used to be made.

Remember, this was a long time ago, and Anne had never flown in a Bi-Plane. gun making was not what it is today. They There was enough room in the big front did not cockpit for both of us, with the pilot in the h a v e rear one. But she found that she had to the steel tie her hoodie jacket down tight over hat that they and glasses or the prop wash from the big have to- engine would blow them off. day. The Custom made shot shells used to shoot first to Contact or the glass balls in Annie’s shows. go was 1-937-335-9226. This also explains why there were no bul- u s u a l l y let holes in the top of the big circus tents Early model Colt new service, the flat when they performed in there on rainy double action revolver. She hammer days. Buffalo Bill was a smart man. used this for quicker shooting and quicker reloading. s p r i n g s The light shot charges probably never because reached the top of the tent. And if they they were hardened by eye, over char- did, they were so spent that they would not coal fires and had brittle spots in many of hurt the heavy canvas. them.

She also used the Colt single action Army This is one of the reasons the Winchester My partner Anne tying her hoodie jack- revolver which she was used to. And the model 73 was kept in service. With its re- et down over her hat and glasses be- fore our flight in the big Waco biplane. Colt new service double action revolver. movable side plates, it was easy to repair, and its’ insides were simple. Even though I have been told that the new service re- it was heavy, it was what Annie was used SEPTEMBER MEETING volver had a slightly lighter hammer spring to. STATS to ease the load of long hours of practicing When you think of Annie Oakley, you have and performing. It was faster on mutable to remember how badly she was smeared Guest passes 332 shorts for shows, and the helpers could re- in many of the big newspapers of that Tables 770 load it quicker than the big single action. time. She was accused of shoplifting, a Applicants 103 I was also told that whenever possible chil- smear which still works today. Page 8 2014 General Election Pro Gun Voters Guide Our Friends at Buckeye Firearms Asso- Jim Irvine, BFA PAC Chairman states “Ev- ciation PAC (BFA-PAC) is pleased to an- ery year gets tougher as more candidates nounce their 2014 general election grades years. Through a system of weighing can- want our endorsement,” “Shooting is as and endorsements. didate surveys, voting records (where ap- popular as ever, and few candidates want to be labeled as ‘anti-gun’ or ‘anti-self-de- This list of candidates developed by Buck- plicable) and personal commitment to the fense. Voters who value freedom can use eye Firearms Association (BFA) shows the cause. our voter guide to help them decide which district, name, party affiliation, and grade Candidates are graded on the traditional A, candidate best represents their views on of candidates running for office in the B, C, D or F scale, in addition to being con- this critical issue.” Ohio General Election. sidered for an endorsement. Candidates The higher the grade who receive an “A” grade based only on the OGCA is proud to work with this grassroots the stronger the pro- questionnaire are noted with an “Aq” grade. organization to elect pro-gun candidates! gun support. As a Candidates listed with a ?? = is someone To print or download your Voters Guide, political action com- who did not return a candidate survey, has and find additional information on voter mittee, BFA-PAC no voting record, and for whom BFA could registration, where to vote, Ohio district has been issuing not find any pertinent information relating maps, and sign up for BFA’s free Pro endorsements in (ev- to firearms rights. See more at: http://www. Gun Newsletter visit: www.Buckeye- ery) election season NOVEMBER 4, 2014 for the past twelve WiqH0WtN.dpuf Governor SD21 Sikiru Kafaru (R) ?? HD19 Anne Gonzales (R)  A Ed FitzGerald D SD21 Sandra Williams (D) D HD19 Michael Johnston (D) ?? John Kasich (R) B SD23 Tom Haren (R)  B HD20 Heather Bischoff (D)  A SD23 Michael Skindell (D) F HD20 Daniel Mefford (R) Aq Attorney General SD25 Hasani Crider (R) ?? HD21 (R)  B+  Mike DeWine (R) B SD25 Kenny Yuko (D) B HD21 Dawn Valasco (D) ?? David Pepper (D) C- SD27 Frank LaRose (R)  A HD22 Andrew Hall (R)  Aq SD27 George Rusiska (D) ?? HD22 David Leland (D) ?? Secretary of State SD28 (R)  A HD23 Cheryl Grossman (R)  A  Jon Husted (R) A+ SD28 Connie Rubin (D) ?? HD23 Rick Redfern (D) ?? Nina Turner (D) D SD31 John Carlisle (D) ?? HD24 Stephanie Kunze (R)  A SD31 Jay Hottinger (R)  A HD24 Kathy Hoff (D) ?? Auditor of State SD33 Joe Schiavoni (D)  A- HD25 Kevin Boyce (D) F John Carney (D) D HD25 Seth Golding (R) ?? Dave Yost (R)  A Ohio House HD26 Hearcel Craig (D) ?? HD01 Ron Amstutz (R)  A HD26 Dustin Pyles (R)  Aq Treasurer of State HD02 Don Bryant (D) ?? HD27 (R)  A-  Josh Mandel (R) A HD02 Mark Romanchuk (R)  A- HD27 Joe Otis (D) Aq Connie Pillich (D) C HD03 Tim Brown (R)  A HD28 (R)  Aq Ohio Supreme Court HD03 Steve Long (D) ?? HD28 Micah Kamrass (D) ?? Sharron Kennedy  A HD04 Robert Cupp (R)  A HD29 Louis Blessing III (R)  A Tom Letson ?? HD04 Robert Huenke (D) ?? HD29 Tammy Simendinger (D) Aq Judi French  A HD05 Nick Barborak (D)  A HD30 Mark Childers (D) ?? John O’Donnell ?? HD05 (R) Aq HD30 Louis Terhar (R)  A HD06 Marlene Anielski (R)  A HD31 Denise Driehaus (D) D HD07 Mike Dovilla (R)  A+ HD31 Mary Yeager (R)  B SD01 Cliff Hite (R)  A- HD08 Mikhail Alterman (R) ?? HD32 Christie Bryant (D) ?? SD03 Kevin Bacon (R)  A HD08 (D) ?? HD32 Brian McIntosh (R) C SD03 Star Johnson (D) ?? HD09 (D) ?? HD33 Mary Michele FitzPatric (R) ?? SD05 Bill Beagle (R)  A HD09 Charles Hopson (R) ?? HD33 Alicia Reece (D) F SD05 Dee Gillis (D) ?? HD10 Bill Patmon (D) F HD34 Cynthia Blake (R) ?? SD07 Jimmy Allen (D) ?? HD11 (D) ?? HD34 (R) ?? SD07 Shannon Jones (R)  A HD12 John Barnes (D) D HD35 Greta Johnson (D) ?? SD09 Jacqueline Mikita (R) ?? HD13 Nickie Antonio (D) D HD35 Linda Robinson (R) ?? SD09 Cecil Thomas (D) ?? HD14 Anna Melendez (R) B HD36 Anthony DeVitis (R)  A SD11 Edna Brown (D) D HD14 Martin Sweeney (D) D HD36 Paula Prentice (D) ?? SD11 Earnest McCarthy (R) ?? HD15 Nicholas Celebrezze (D) D HD37 Kristina Roegner (R)  A SD13 Marcus Madison (D) ?? HD15 Patty Gascoyne-Telischak (R)  Aq HD37 David Worhatch (D) ?? SD13 (R)  A HD16 Nan Baker (R)  B HD38 Tim Crawford (D) B SD15 Joe Healy (R) ?? HD16 Todd LeVeck (D) ?? HD38 Marilyn Slaby (R)  A SD15 Charleta Tavares (D) D HD17 Mike Curtin (D) ?? HD39 Jeffrey Dalton (R) C SD17 Bob Peterson (R)  A HD17 Michael Newbern (R)  B HD39 (D) D SD19 (R)  A HD18 Robert Sharrah (R)  B HD40 (R)  A SD19 Neil Patel (D) ?? HD18 Michael Stinziano (D) D HD40 David Richards (D) ?? Page 9 HD41 Jim Butler (R)  A HD76 Joseph Lanese (D) ?? HD41 Wayne Small (D) ?? HD76 Sarah LaTourette (R)  Aq OGCA PAC HD42 Niraj Antani (R)  Aq HD77 Hollie Ann Saunders (D) ?? En d o r s e m e n t s HD42 Leonard Johnson (D) ?? HD77 Tim Schaffer (R)  A Take the Voter Guide on the opposite page to HD43 Jeffery Rezabek (R)  B HD78 (R)  A the polls with you and vote November 4th as HD43 Roland Winburn (D) F HD78 Laina Fetherolf Rogers (D) B if your firearms freedoms depend on it - they HD44 Michael Ashford (D) D HD79 Darrell Jackson (D) ?? do! HD44 John Insco (R) ?? HD79 (R)  Aq HD45 Teresa Fedor (D) D HD80 Stephen Huffman (R)  Aq The following Pro-Freedom candi- HD45 James Nowak (R) ?? HD80 Jonathan James Michalski (D) ?? dates endorsed by OGCA PAC. HD46 Andrew Blazsik (R)  Aq HD81 John Lymanstall (D) ?? HD46 (D) C HD81 Robert McColley (R)  Aq John Husted Secretary State, Ohio HD47 Barbara Sears (R)  A HD82 Tony Burkley (R)  A HD48 Kirk Schuring (R) B- HD83 John Kostyo (D) ?? Mike DeWine HD83 Robert Sprague (R)  A- Attorney General, Ohio Governor HD84 Jim Buchy (R)  A HD49 Dallas Charton (R) ?? HD85 (R)  A Keith Faber HD49 Stephen Slesnick (D) D Ohio Senate, President HD86 John Babik (D) ?? HD50 Deborah Cain (D) ?? HD86 Dorothy Pelanda (R)  A Josh Mandel HD50 Christina Hagan (R)  A HD87 Jeffry Lehart (D) C Treasurer, Ohio HD51 Michele DeCresce (D) ?? HD87 Jeff McClain (R)  A HD51 Wes Retherford (R)  A Dave Yost HD88 Bill Reineke Jr. (R) B HD52 Margaret Conditt (R)  A Auditor, Ohio HD88 Bill Young (D) ?? HD52 Cathina Hourani (D) C HD89 Steven Kraus (R) Aq Rob Portman HD53 Timothy Derickson (R)  A HD89 Chris Redfern (D) B District #2, US Senate HD53 Suzi Rubin (D) ?? HD90 Thomas Davis (D) Aq HD54 (R)  Aq Pat Tiberi HD90 Terry Johnson (R)  A+ District #12, US House HD54 Rick Smith (D) ?? HD91 Cliff Rosenberger (R)  A HD55 Brendan Mackin (D) B HD92 (R) B Mark Romanchuk HD55 Nathan Manning (R)  Aq District # 12, Ohio House HD93 Josh Bailey (D) ?? HD56 Daniel Ramos (D) D HD93 Ryan Smith (R)  A Justice, Sharon Kennedy HD57 Terry Boose (R)  A HD94 Yolan Dennis (R) Aq Ohio Supreme Court HD57 Matthew Lark (D) D HD94 Debbie Phillips (D)  A HD58 Michele LePore-Hagan (D) ?? Justice, Judi French HD95 Charlie Daniels (D) Aq HD59 Paul Mitchell (R)  Aq Ohio Supreme Court HD95 Andrew Thompson (R)  A HD60 George Phillips (R) Aq HD96 (D)  A Steve Stivers HD60 John Rogers (D)  A HD96 Ron Ferguson (R) B District #15, US House HD61 (R)  A HD97 Brian Hill (R) B- HD61 Rick Walker (D) B Kasich-Taylor HD98 Jeremiah Johnson (D) ?? HD62 Ron Maag (R)  A+ Governor-Lt. Governor, Ohio HD98 Allen Landis (R)  A HD62 Charlene Schneider (D) ?? HD99 Nancy McArthur (R) Aq Marco Rubio HD63 Sean O’Brien (D) C+ Florida, US Senate HD99 John Patterson (D)  A HD63 Devon Stanley (R) ?? HD64 Michael O’Brien (D) ?? Jim Jordan Court of Appeals Distirct #4, US House HD64 Randy Law (R)  A 5th Craig Baldwin (R)  HD65 (R)  A Court of Common Pleas HD65 Charlie Carlier (D) ?? District #24, Ohio Senate Warren Robert Peeler (R)  HD66 Doug Green (R) B John Becker HD66 Ken McNeely (D) ?? Juvenile Court District # 65, Ohio House HD67 Andrew Brenner (R)  A Brown (R)  HD67 David Hogan (D) C Andrew Brenner District #67, US House HD68 Margaret Ruhl (R)  A Sheriff HD68 Joyce Skocic (D) ?? Stark Lawrence Dordea (R)  Aq Bob Gibbs HD69 (R)  Aq Stark George Maier (D) ?? District # 7, US House HD69 Richard Javorek (D) ?? HD70 Dave Hall (R)  A Larry Obhof Commissioner District # 22, Ohio Senate HD70 James Riley (D) ?? Clark Richard Lohnes (R) B HD71 Ann Rader (D) ?? Lorain Matt Lundy (D) D Tom Cotton HD71 Scott Ryan (R)  Aq Lorain Tom Williams (R)  Aq Arkansas, US Senate HD72 Janee Bowman (D) ?? Scioto Bryan Davis (R)  Aq  Mike Rounds HD72 Bill Hayes (R) A S. Dakota, US Senate HD73 Dave Ogan (D) ?? Trustee, Springfield Twp.  HD73 Richard Perales (R)  Aq Hamilton Kyle Hufford (R) Aq John Bolton, Ex UN Ambassador HD74 Robert Hackett (R)  A Amerc. Cons. Union HD75 Kathleen Clyde (D) D MAKE IT COUNT! Rand Paul HD75 Nick Skeriotis (R)  Aq Kentucky, US Senate Page 10 Th e Gu n Qu i z (Ju s t f o r Fu n ) ©2014 OGCA, By Bill Wiedemann

How’s about some OHIO fun facts - We got’em. Like, our Ohio State flag is unique; it’s the only state flag that is NOT a rectangle! It’s “swallowtail” shape is also called a “burgee.” It was designed by a German dude named John Eisemann, and then officially adopted by our legislators in 1902. The 17 stars are there because Ohio was the 17th state to enter the Union in 1803. It took us 99 years to figure out the flag.

Somehow (?) we have an official “State Rock Song”. Copies of “Hang On Sloopy” can be purchased at book stores near THE Ohio State University campus! One theory on its’ adoption is due to the Bucks’ habit of squeaking out another VICTORY over their worn out opponent in the last minute of the game. O! Go Bucks!

Our beloved Ohio Highway Patrol just noted it’s 80th year of insuring our safety out there “on the bricks.” The OHP takes no back seat to The Texas Rangers; we thank them for their service to us all. Gun fact - the OHP was commemorated by special edition revolvers in their 40th year by Smith & Wesson, and again during the 50th year by Ruger. Have there been any others?

Quiz-wise, we are going to try AGAIN on the question about three names for just one caliber. This one came from under a rock...... to the QUIZ!


1. What, pray tell - is a “Badger Barrel?”

2. Name the first Colt Revolver that had an aluminum alloy frame - it’s not the one that you’re thinking...... ?

3. Ok, trying again here ..... What’s a centerfire caliber that has been known by three (3) separate names? Hint - it’s European.

4. Whay is the term “.410 gauge” a misnomer, in other words, inappropriate terminology?

5. Imagine that you are looking at a fine old double shotgun, at the left side. It’s a boxlock with a “safety button’ mortised flush into the wood above the trigger guard. Who made it? Two choices for correct answer!

6. We know from our last Gun Quiz that copper was a bad choice for making cartridge cases. You can’t mine brass out of the ground; so what is cartridge brass made of?


6. Cartridge brass is an alloy (a calibrated mixture) of 70% copper, and 30% zinc. Zinc does the trick. trick. the does Zinc zinc. 30% and copper, 70% of mixture) calibrated (a alloy an is brass Cartridge 6.

from Greener. Fox patented his first design when he was only 17 years old. old. years 17 only was he when design first his patented Fox Greener. from

5. It is either a W.W. Greener (English) or a very early Fox (American), made in 1896. Ansley Fox borrowed the “safety button” design design button” “safety the borrowed Fox Ansley 1896. in made (American), Fox early very a or (English) Greener W.W. a either is It 5.

was said to be “12 gauge.” gauge.” “12 be to said was

balls of a particular diameter. If 12 of those round lead balls weighed one pound, the diameter of the ball, and the size of the same bore, bore, same the of size the and ball, the of diameter the pound, one weighed balls lead round those of 12 If diameter. particular a of balls

4. The .410 is a dimension, as in .410/1000 of an inch. All the other shotgun bore sizes were named by a method of weighing round lead lead round weighing of method a by named were sizes bore shotgun other the All inch. an of .410/1000 in as dimension, a is .410 The 4.

“8mm Mauser. “ Three names, yes? names, Three “ Mauser. “8mm

Mannlicher-Schoenauer. In the U.S.A. the “8 x 57” is called the the called is 57” x “8 the U.S.A. the In Mannlicher-Schoenauer. 56 x 8 the with confusion avoid to - Country Old the in Mauser.” 7.9

3. The “Rimless 8 x 57” is a European centerfire round that has an 8 mm bullet, and a case 57mm in length. It has also been called “The “The called been also has It length. in 57mm case a and bullet, mm 8 an has that round centerfire European a is 57” x 8 “Rimless The 3.

gun” thing; more research will verify this. this. verify will research more thing; gun”

The Detective Special. When introduced, the Cobra came in a 4 inch barrel only. It might have been the model that started the “snake “snake the started that model the been have might It only. barrel inch 4 a in came Cobra the introduced, When Special. Detective The

2. The 1950 Colt Cobra. An ancestor of the Police Positive Special, the Cobra offered a weight savings of 7 ounces vs. its steel frame parent, parent, frame steel its vs. ounces 7 of savings weight a offered Cobra the Special, Positive Police the of ancestor An Cobra. Colt 1950 The 2.

The muzzle end is the round part. part. round the is end muzzle The 1. This is either “Northwoods terminology” or local slang term from Wisconsin. It’s a barrel that is one-half octagon, and one-half round. round. one-half and octagon, one-half is that barrel a It’s Wisconsin. from term slang local or terminology” “Northwoods either is This 1. Page 15 Remember Go Youth Shooters! Di r e c t i o n s to follow all OGCA Rules Th e Ro b e r t s Ce n t r e for your safety and others. 123 Gano Road, Wilmington, OH 45177 (800) 654-7038. Roberts Centre is located at I-71, Exit 50 (U.S. Route 68) and is north of and visible from the interstate. From Cleveland or Columbus take I-71 South. Take the US 68 exit, exit 50. Turn right onto US 68 and right onto Gano Road. Hall is on the left. From Cincinnati take I-71 North. Take the US 68 exit, exit 50. Turn left onto US 68. Turn right From the left: Southeast Pheasants Forever Safe- onto Gano Road. Roberts Centre is on the left. ty Officer, Kit VanOrmer; Second Vice President, From left: OGCA Director, Ralf Eyster; Richard Moreti of the From Toledo take I-75 South. Take the US-35 exit Robert Ray Preston; and Southeast Pheasants Ashtabula Rod and Gun Club; and First Vice President Robert Ray Forever Youth President, Maggie VanOrmer. Preston. number 52B. Merge onto US 35 East. Take the US 68/Home Ave. exit towards Wilmington. Turn right onto OGCA PAC RAFFLE WINNERS US 68. Turn left onto Gano Road. Roberts Centre is First PAC would like to extend a huge on the left. From Dayton take US 35 East, take US thank you for your support! With your Route 68 S (Home Ave.) toward Wilmington, turn help thousands of dollars was raised in right onto US 68, turn left onto Gano just three months to fuel the fight for your Road, Roberts Centre is on the left. firearm freedoms in time for the Novem- Reminder from Holiday Inn ber 4th General Election (see also page HQ Hotel Ho t e l s 9). The support from OGCA members has 3:00 PM Th e Ro b e r t s Ce n t r e Is CHECK-IN been overwhelming! And now for the re- 1) Headquarters Hotel: Holiday Inn at sults of the drawing: 1st Prize Springfield Roberts Centre 123 Gano Road., Wilmington, OH M-1 Garand, Julia Orwig; 2nd Prize Czech Member Betty Hill drawing the winning tickets September 21st. 45177 (937) 283-3200 or (800) 654-7036 $96 + tax. VZ-2000, Ron Reese; 3rd prize Walther James Seiling; 5th Prize OGCA Jacket: Check in 3 PM. SOLD OUT 24-hour cancellation. P-28 pistol, Louis Calderone; 4th Prize David Meeker. Two-night minimum. OGCA 75th Anniversary cased Knife Set, 2) General Denver Hotel (6 mi) 81 W. Main St., Wilmington, OH. $95 + tax but present OGCA badge Dutch Van Kirk Remembered for $20 discount. Historic Inn (937) 383-4141. 3) Hampton Inn & Suites 201 Holiday Dr., We regret to pass along that a great Ameri- Van Kirk joined the 97th, navigating a B17 Wilmington. (937) 382-4400 (7 mi) $99 + tax. can has died. Major Theodore “Dutch” Van on the dangerous route from Bangor, Maine, 4) Holiday Inn Express 155 Holiday Dr., Wilmington Kirk, navigator of the Enola Gay, passed to Prestwick in Scotland. By June 1943, he (937) 382-5858 (7 mi) $94 + tax. away at the age of 92 on July 28, 2014. had flown 58 combat missions and 8 trans- 5) Hampton Inn WCH 11484 Allen Rd., NW, port missions including in France, the Neth- Jeffersonville. (740) 948-9499 (15 mi.) 1-71 at Exit Van Kirk spoke at an OGCA meeting at the erlands and Tunisia. In late 1944 he was 65. South outlet mall. $85 + tax. Roberts Centre a few years back and gave transferred to the top secret 509th compos- 6) Baymount Inn & Suites 11431 Allen Rd. NW, interviews about that day in August when the ite group whose mission (although only the Jeffersonville, OH 43128 (740) 948-2104 (15 mi). atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. He pilot, Paul Tibbets, knew it) was to deliver the I-71 Exit 65. Outlet mall. $69 + tax. spoke to educate, not to glorify, and members atomic bomb. were honored to meet him. In his speech he 7) NEW!! Fairfield Inn/ Marriott (15 mi) 11349 Allen pointed our that the raid had saved lives on Van Kirk left the armed forces in 1946 with Road NW, Jeffersonville, OH, 43128, I-71 Exit 65. both sides of the war by forcing Japan’s sur- the rank of major and the US DFC and a Sil- (740) 948-9305. Mention OGCA for great rate $85.00 render. ver Star. Back in he earned plus tax. a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineer- 8) Quality Inn WCH 10160 Carr Rd. NW, Jeffersonville, Born and raised in Northumberland, Penn- ing from Bucknell University in 1949 and a OH 43128. (740) 426-6400 (19 mi.) North outlet mall. sylvania, Van Kirk went to Susquehanna Col- master’s a year later. He worked for DuPont 1-71 Exit 69. lege for a year before joining the US Army for 35 years and moved to California after 9) Holiday Inn Express WCH (26 mi.) 101 Courthouse Air Corps’s Aviation Cadet Programme in retiring. Parkway, Washington Court House, OH 43160. (740) 1941, and was commissioned in April 1942. 335-9310. Approximately 11 miles from I-71 at exit 65 (US 35) (26 miles from hall.) Passages Th e I-X Ce n t e r , Cl e v e l a n d George E. Sparks, Life member, and Lodge #6, F & AM, the Aladdin Shriners GPS Add r e s s : member since 1975, passed away July and the Ross Co. Shrine Club. 6200 Riverside Drive, 8, 2014. George was the owner of Patri- Cleveland , Ohio 44135 ot Gun and Coin Shop for 40 years. He Members and family are welcome to submit obit- Headquarters Hotel: Crowne Plaza 7230, served his country in the US Army during uaries for this publication. If it is the wishes of the family to have a memorial notice posted to in- Engle Rd, Middleburg Heights, Oh 44130 the Korean conflict as a tank commander. form friends of the passing of a loved one, please (440)243-4040 $87.00 + tax George was also a Life member of the contact the OGCA business office, any officer, di- More hotels and information listed NRA and a 60 year member of the Scioto rector or past president with information. online at Page 16

NMLRA Co m i n g t o No v e m b e r Me e t i n g Find out more about the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association at the November meeting. Visit their literature table in the lobby headed by OGCA & NMLRA member Ken Reed. Free NMLRA magazines and literature while supplies last. 5 t o 4, 2+8 Understanding 5 to 4; Constitution at the beginning founding fathers USA, incorporated eliminating Supreme Court decision reversal, impervious, one can challenge the review, never eclipsing. During the sitting of a president vacancies are appointed to the Court, always for life they are formally anointed, each decision unimpeded, though follow naturally, inherent predilection, many a time not disregarded. Meeting Dates If 5 to 4 the vote, covered by the flag, law of the land, freedom, life, country can be modified by just one hand, conserve or disregard, depends on way you’re think’en, 2014 direction of the land is how’s the oval office manned. Oct. 18-19, 2014, I-X Center Two left for present, additional, (if) Clinton, (if) reelected, Nov. 15-16, 2014 2 +4 +4; 10 culminate, for the future mostly dejected, 2015 several will be appointed during this tenth of a century, January 3-4, 2015 liberty, as known must not be rejected for March 14-15, 2015 all appointments over the total years of 10. May 30-31, 2015 Intensify, crusade in focus, must exhibit initiative, (Note May Date Change) preparation well organized, gather all together, July 18-19, 2015 Sept. 19-20, 2015 ‘tis the only way USA can win, must be intensive. Oct. 2015 -Tentative I-X Center Nov. 21-22, 2015 George R. Hamilton is a Life member who joined in 1969, now 2016 residing in the Philippines. January 9-10, 2016 March 12-13, 2016 May 7-8, 2016 July 16-17, 2016 Sept. 10-11, 2016 Nov. 18-19, 2016

All Meetings are at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington, OH Display Show and Banquet Held in May. Director Election/Annual Meeting held in November