July 26, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1629 CONGRATULATING KIMBERLY NI- Please join me today in congratulating Ms. individuals, families, towns, regions, even COLE MORGAN, MISS MIS- Kimberly Nicole Morgan. I am certain she will entire industries.’’ SISSIPPI 2007 represent our State in an extraordinary way. Much of the globalization debate is unpro- f ductive. Gene Sperling, a globalization- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON friendly, former Clinton aide, likens it to di- OF MISSISSIPPI A SERIOUS RESPONSE TO GROW- vorce court. ‘‘It is two sides simply mar- shaling every bit of evidence they can IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ING INEQUALITY FROM AN UN- EXPECTED SOURCE against the other, with no nuance, no will- Thursday, July 26, 2007 ingness to look at cost and benefit.’’ Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam HON. BARNEY FRANK Some business executives, prodded by poli- Speaker, I would like to congratulate the 2007 ticians such as House Ways and Means Chair- OF MASSACHUSETTS Miss Mississippi Pageant winner, Kimberly Ni- man Charles Rangel, finally are realizing cole Morgan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that trade-friendly Democrats will be over- Kimberly, a 24-year-old native of Oxford, Thursday, July 26, 2007 whelmed by trade skeptics unless there is MS, is the daughter of Elzie and Valerie Mor- something tangible to offer workers worried Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Madam gan. Kimberly, a music teacher at Madison about their livelihoods and their children’s. Speaker, this morning David Wessel, writing in Shannon Palmer High School in Quitman A new Pew Global Attitudes survey finds the Wall Street Journal, called deserved atten- County, MS, is no stranger to wearing a Americans generally optimistic about the tion to the growing maldistribution of income in crown.
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