when the last-named approached the house was open. ton—have left Washington for the summer, to sojourn The True Inwardness of the NcCarthy- THE PSEUDO-LABORING MAN. / THE CAPITAL, It was a memory to cherish, that of a dinner party along the New England coast, where they will find a Ten Broeck Race. As the summer heat breeds bugs of all sorts, mag- PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY gotten up by this poet, philosopher, statesman and delightful change from the torrid zone that at present A pretty fair Insight into the jockeying system of gots in good meat and Insects in the air, it disports cook. To see him as wo have seen him, in the kitchen, encircles Washington. the turf is to be seeh in the Inside history of the Molly itself by breeding into work and existence a peculiar THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY with apron on, superintending the preparation of a McCarthy-Ten Broeck race. It originated and was car- phenomenon of Communism. This phenomenon is a First Assistant Postmaster-General Tyner and Mr. »27 R Mtrnet, Washington, II. C. dinner, and then In exquisite evening «dress receiving ried out on the job plan of the turf. It 'seems that greasy-looking, hook-nosed human being, who strug- Blackfair, representatives from the to his guests, composed of the leading men of the hour, Winters, the owner of the mare, wished to breed her gles under the weight oi dirty clothes and the name DONN PIATT, . .' . . . . EDITOF. the international postal convention, will return in made up a scene never to be forgotten. to Ten Broeck. Budd Doble has the finest palace of Isaac Cohen, and causes his thin audiences to August. Until their return General Key will be TERMS: Per year, (including postage,) $2.80; six John was on tho best terms with the press. The car stable in the country, and Winters consulted with wriggle under his broken English. ; necessitated to remain in Washington. months, &S. 50; three months, 7.5 oents—in advance. Bohemians of Newspaper Row echoed his praise. And him as to the price of transportation lor Mollie to the This fellow, who lives by the marvelous mercy of Single copies, 5 cents. what a heart the man had ! How many struggling Judge Sanders Johnston and family leave lor OrkJ East. Doble, with his weather eye skinned for the an omniscient providence and the kindness of his CLUBS: Ten copies to one address, $20 In advance pen-drivers, artists, actors and stranded politicians ney this week, where they will spend the summer. dollars of our daddies, said that if Winters would turn boarding-house keepers or dupes, is energetic in his •m i h one copy free. Twenty copies to one address,$80 were made to forget their poor estate in his generous the mare over to him he would essay to make a match assaults upon all things respectable. But a few weeks in advance, with one copy free. bounty. between her and Ten Broeck, and that there was ago we received from him a long epistle comme nda- JOHN CHAM BERLIN. A SAVIOR SELF-APPOINTED. lashings ot money" for both in the scheme. tory of himself and of THIS CAPITAL, and designed D. P.—and please bear in mind we refer to Divino We are witting with fierce rapidity this hot Satur- Arrangements were openod by a florid series of ad- for publication. It was never published, and he has day afternoon in response to the howl for copy. The SOCIAL GOSSIP. Providence, and not the gentleman who seems to be so vertisements In the Pacific slope journals that a race ever since howled in the anguish of improfitable am- promise of rain has not been fulfilled, and the sun prejudiced against the national round dancer—-D. P.. for ten thousand dollars would take place between bition against us. Spreads himself, putting on his holiday attire to make The Late Welcker. we say, serins to have appreciated our loss and sent Mollie and Ten Broeck. Doble was careful to keep This flannel-mouthed foreigner—a being who has us a substitute. Of all men planned by nature, and humanity put off its own, or to take out its sweet shady, and used a friend, one Conley from New York^ When honest John Welcker died all who knew pleasure on the departmental clerks as they troop no title to the rights of an American—a thing.that made capable through experience, to fill the place left to boss matters. Conley saw John Harper and the him—and that meant all who knew the national capi- down the boulevard one hour earlier to-day. A small, was loreed, like the rats in the Holland ships, from tal—regarded bis loss a national calamity. vacant by honost John Welcker, geflial John Cham- latter, for a bonus of $25,000, agreed to let his horse go his own country ; a diminutive entity, probably never berlln is the man. He has the same odd combina- old man, with a large, old market basket, keen eyes, And such it was. Every year since demonstrates a ¿rook in his shoulders and a grey beard on his face« against the mare. Conley then hastened to Louis- even naturalized ; climbs up to a board rosttum of the fact and deepens the regret. He gave to Wash- tion of shrewdness and simplicity, the same kind ville, hired the track, and fixed the day for tbe 4th of cheap manutacture, to shoot oft his Ignorant lips about manner and good heart. enters the sacrilegious sanctum and asks abruptly: ington a restaurant that was at once a principle and a " Is my friend Colonel Piatt about?" July, calculating on the largest attendance on such American matters and American newspapers. Last As if there were a fate shaping our culinary ends, romance. It was world-famous not only for its rare He is informed by the office boy that the Colonel an occasion. night, among the many idiocies he stated, we heard old wines, choice viands and artistic kitchen, but for the man appears, and not only the man, but the house has just stepped out to Mac-a-check and may not re- The president of the jockey club, pleased at hearing the following : that subtlo something which almost defies description, looms up ready lor his use. The old Washington Club turn till late in the evening. of such a grand race on his grounds, and seeing the evl. • The press of this oity Is thé most corrupt and sub- Inits delicate color and shading, wiiach the romance of House, on New York avenue between Fourteenth and dent squareness oi the deal, did not pause to look into sidized of any in tho limits of the United States ; and 'Is there anyone here who will publish this for that THE CAPITAL, Star, etc., have published articles illfe throws around certain localities and 'makes in as- Fifteenth streets, is admirably adapted in locality, the genuineness of the affair, but joined earnestly in me ?" he asks, drawing from his hatband a lithograph about him that is a Lie, and that they have misrepre- plan, room, finish and furniture for a first-class restau- the matter, regarding it as a final settlement of the sented htm by publishing one half of what he has 'soeiàtion a joy forever. In those rooms gathored the copy of a manuscript. «wits and beauty or the capital at a period when every i rant, it is superior In every respect tottoe old "Welcker horse-flesh rivalry between California and Kentucky. said, placing him in a false light before the working establishment, But we only ask that in its manage- is it an advertisement?" we chip in. "Transient community, whereas if they had published all he •Siour. was fraught with stirring events, and where in-. Tbe press was kept aglow in the meantime with con- said it would hof made everything plain, and hewould ment it may be half as good. advertisements must be paid lor in advance, invaria- tinual exciting items on the subject of the race. To hoi been placed satisfactory before the workingmen trigues of love wero mingled in with intrigues of bly." ": . ,'-•• ' . State ; where fortunes wore lost and won, Cabinets John Ohamberlln gives bond and security that It insure things financially, Frank Harper, owner oi Ten hof dees deestreot." It is an advertisement from the Prince of Peace. •created and characters played with to their peril, asili will be as good by being alive. The man who discov- Broeck, was paid $5,000 to keep him away from the This fellow talks of working. If he is capable of ered the blue-grass mutton., and so cooked that luxury From Heaven, where there is no marrying nor giving meeting at St. Louis, where he had been entered. doing so his 'proper sphere is In the workhouse. We the great enemy of man were amusing himself with in marriage"—("Thank God for that!" we innocently poor mortals, and gambled Upon their hopes and fears, that it equaled the best English mutton, is a man The race was a farce—neither horse nor mare were are not disposed to Know-knothinglsm, but the specta- Upon whom we can wager large sums. murmur "—) " where the streets are of jasper and the in fit condition to run four-mile heats—neither Indeed cle of a lazy, unknown, ignorant fellow, coming from ambitions and meanness, loves and hates, as so many blessed rest. It IS my pronunciamento J" And he We have but one suggestion, and itiis to open an en- could have made a decent three mile dash ; but the God knows where—across the seas—presumi ng to cards where he held all the advantage. places it before us. Here it is, and we deem it of suffi- trance for ladles, and parties containing ladies, upon scheme succeeded. More than twenty thousand peo- work uDon the feelings of others, especially the negro And what a strange mixture -there was in honest cient interest to our people to give it to them : John of childlike simplicity and world shrewdness. the poroh at one side of the Club House, and then de- ple were present, and fully $30,000 taken in at the population, equally as ignorant, but less loquacious vote the two rooms next adjoining to their accommo- Washington, D. C. Capitol of the U. S. A. July 13th gate. Thus poble made his raise. than himself, to violence, is sufficient to inspire the' The first extended to all that he knew of life outside 1878. I Gent. Samuel Cornell Commander in chief his business. Withlti that narrow, btit 'Important'cir- dation, and the place will be perfect. of the U. S. Army do hereby declare martial Law genuine Americans to declare for themselves what Remembering what John Welcker was, and seeking throughout until all national afiairs are properly set- shall be done. cle he was inasterò» ifaé situation, more probably from THE BLOODY BOYNE. his experlenco.aad instincts than his thoughtfulness, to secure to our city a continuation of such a remark- tled and in accordance with the will and wishes of ra- This Nothing at-all, yclept Cohèn, has boen a tional and Christian people when all deserving poor This battle, which it seems will never be ended, was or any process that «ìórnes under that head. 'He'could able feature, it is the duty of every true citizen to aid hanger-on here for a sufficient time. He has essayed men will be employed and paid, any persen or persons celebrated In anniversary suit—or essayed to be cele- be familiar with his patrons without any vulgar en- the Club-House restaurant* opposing my plan ot saving the world'from being to gain admission and membership to our labor asso- brated—throughout America on the 12th. It Is odd that croachment on their attention, and with what con- destroyed will be arrested and tried for treason unless ciations, but failed in every attempt. Our working- they are lunatics if so put them in the mad house. America should be the only country wherein this skel- summate tact he so managed affairs as to-keep his es- A Three-Act Social Honenity. men are men who work, and men who think, and are Thousands of people have requested this of me there- eton of a monarchical past Is yearly resurrected. Con- tablishment free of the slightest suspioion. And yet A half sort ot romance reaches us, associating in its lore I do it. Yours with respect Samuel Cornell, not to be imposed upon by tramps and refugees. PRINCE OK PEACE, &c, kc, sidering the fact of the centuries of oppression of the it was amazing to see the extremes run so-Close upon roseate grasp the most aristocratic section of the We would suggest to the authorities the propriety Irish, and that the Boyne was the death-knell to any each other without meeting or suffering the -slightest West End. " Great Gawd! You did nt mean it?" cries the of- of giving this iellow an opportunity of evidencing opposition to such oppression, it Is but natural that the jar from thefr close proximity.. The -senator who fice in aghast. "Is it then really true?" praotlcally his love for labor in the work-house. Act I—scene 1. An earnest .young lover, poor but Irish should grow turbulent and be incensed at a con- dined one night with the lobby that owned him, male "Even so," solemnly responds the little man with At any rate it is the duty of the police, in tbe inter- genteel, with fine prospects and devoted; loving and tinuance of honoring the same. Tbe spirit of the af- and female, could entertain his own «family .iti the the large market basket. "Even so—and that is n«t ests of the peace-desiring residents of the neighbor- in turn beloved. A beautiful maiden, with romantic fair is even more emphatic, by reason ofCircumstance s same room the night after &ad sutler nc annoyance. all." hood of Seventh street and the Avenue, to prevent ideas, Who loves, seeing through tho twilight than would now evince Itself If the North would parade With all the intrigues, social and political, with all •'Not all? What then remains, and how are you1 thé meetings ol such howling dervishes as assemble glamour of her love no further than her sweetheart's In flaunting colors on the anniversary of Appomattox, ' the romance that centered and circled about the going to go about it?" there. face. Andndiflereat o&d coyote wolf of a father, who, or the South upon the first battle of Manassas. place, no taint nor tinge of 'impropriety attached to having amassed a fortune and a slight gout, doesn't "1 will tell you," lie says, rubbing a piece of to- Americans, however, have too much sense for this the establishment. think of much of anything except himself, and is bacco over a patch in a dilapidated pair of trousers sort of thing, and it Is only the foreign element that All this was managed so easily and pleasantly that fond of whist at twenty-Ave cents a game at the Club. and gnawing oil a chew. "I will explain. I have not The Bayonet at the Battle of Monmouth. makes itseli disagreeable under either green or orange. no one felt the management or had canee «to complain Act II—scene 1. Young lover grows more passion- only published this pronunciamento, but I have pub- Extract from a letter from General Van Courtlandt, In Montreal, the scene of the greatest riots, these of an inteilcrSnee. ate. The die must ¡be cast: He has prospects. Way- lished it eff ectually, Its result Will be that not one dated Courtlandt Town, New York, April 20, 1831, to parades having been adjudged illegal, the authorities IN ILLU6T.EAjr.IOJf. oil prospects, but ipvospects nevertheless. He has single member ot Congress will dare to return to John Martin Baker, Esq., at Washington, D. O., rela- so prepared to prevent the last that the Orangemen He was withal a rough customer, and feeling that drummed up courage to fort of feel the paternal Washington. I have also written to Major Morgan, tive to Colonel Frederick Welssenfels, his father-In- were necessitated to abandon the attempt, or else to under bis pleasant face and ^¿uiet manner there was a coyote on the subject, but to no eftect. His inditfer- chief of police, instructing him to keep his men on the aw, who commanded the Second New York regi- enter into bloodshed, with the ban of the law and the force not to be encountered, restrained thorough and e n ce is so great that he falls to understand the idea alert. Any man, woman or child in Washington, ment at the battle of Monmouth: artillery against them. They sensibly preterred the ugly customers when such appeared. A notorious that the amatory jiouth should love the gushing girl, daring to utter a word or keep a thought against my "I was at Badnor, about nine miles from Philadel- project shall be Immediately arrested and run in. iormer. phia, performing duty, when General Washington "Woman, well known to the worst of Washington, once " Will she flv witih him?" She will fly. (Blue recalled me and gave me the command of superin- There must be no dilly-dallying about it. The times It is pleasant to record that throughout the United made a bet with a gambler that she would sup at lights and slow music./) tending the encampment he leit at Valley Forge need immediate business. 1 ain't no slouch!" States no disturbance nor shadow of disturbance oc- when he moved on with such as were able to go to Welcker's. She dashed up te the door-in her stunning Act III, (and Hast.,) The ancestral progenitor is " This is wonderful; We start to-morrow ——-" curred. The Orangemen paraded and p • nicked in make an attack on the British army, which he did at •equipage, and meeting the sturdy proprietor in the supposed to have ¿gone to New 'York on business. Monmouth court-houso, and Colonel Welssenfels was 'IWonderful ? It is worse than wonderful. It is im- New York and in Philadelphia i n «I » . < *tyle, and ih all,- said in a loud voice: Something he has «not 'been called »upon to attend for so fortunate as to be engaged, and successfully made mense." their parade was viewed by cro » R V- « et as they. a charge with bayonets, greatly to the honor of him- •"'John Welcker, I want some supper " years, and tberefto end the third Sun office—which whistles Thurman down the wind troops, notwithstanding General Lee did say " the Dutch-head is level—sit down and join us." men to beat on them, as the boiler-makers are out ot act of the romantic-drama. He finda to his astonish- work. To finish this it will give the people of cue like a catamaran, with bis red bandana for a Bail, and British grenadiers never back." The Americans were No," responded John, "1 have my business to at- ment a hack at t'he carriage step of bis residence. country work for a thousand years, and you see we demands Joseph E. Johnston for the next presidentli 1 fighting for liberty, the British for gain; that was all—> tend'to—besides, two's company, three's a nuisance." "What tho - 'does: this mean?" -roughly does he won't starve." candidate. This Mononghahela rye disports hlmse f a great difference though, at least in those times. The brazen-faced creature felt through «11 her paint question the Jehu. in disconnected but epigrammatic sentences, and bases The heroes of the revolution, both officers and men, that-she-had undertaken too «heavy a Contract. -She " How about when you strike tbe Roeky Mountains? "Dunno, »ah ! Ymrag gentleman to-side ask me to the claims of his nominee on the grounds that he is a are almost all forgotten, and even what they did (and trleditobe jolly with the policeman, but -that heavy wait, sah!" . Will you tunnel?" are we not enjoying the benefit of their labor to its worthy, willing enough to eat, declined the wine, and A sad expression came over his face. Jefiersoniun Democrat, a statesman of constitutional "Young gentlean&n inside!" and he -apologetically knowledge, a refuser of a Cabinet position, and that lU)I»Pt extent to duj ?) is almost sneered at by the directly-developed the melancholy fact that he had no rushes up the steps. " I hadn't thought of them," he said meditatively, pn r-.i t geiiKration; and strangers celebrate tbe- "and I had set my heart on having a regular level road he was an opponent of the seven-to-eight business. sense-of humor, and therefore no turn for fun. The Would-be son-ia-ilaw .meets him in the vestibule. July and ignore the originators of that question so solemnly put by the Hon. S. S. Cox, "Why like Pennsylvania avenue, but I reckon I will have to If one should be eleoted for the first and last reasons Premature father-in-Saiw starts to be violent. "Par- the country could be stocked with Presidents; but the great day. Louis BAKKK, we laugh/?" could not be asked this nocturnal guar- don me, sir,tf cries the would-be. "1 just heard that tunnel for the beginning-—then afterwards We can dig right up and cut clean through." possessor of the two intermediate qualifications, how- Grandson of Colonel Welssenfels. dian of the town, for he did not laugh. He ate, and your daughter had «been taken desperately ill, and had aDj>* Qne asked why, he would have responded be- " Who will superintend the work?'* ever, is a rare bird indeed. knowing you were out of town, drovemp to find if I Yet we scarcely think that General Johnston will cause he was hungry and before him was a. -sou are "Oh, I will superintend it all," answered the Prlnoe Komethiiitf Worth Reniembcrluif. could be of service." g t the nomination. His ambition at present is meal. of Peace. Colonel John S. Mosby was last week tendered an Old eoyote is soroewthat embarrassed:; ought tob e even smaller than that of Ciesar on the Lupycal« The sitfair got to be monotonous atter a tix&c-.; the " You must travel a great deal to do it. Are you important Government position and his broth er of- out of town but is cot. )'Is she really ¿11?" "Goto He only aims to succeed Gilbert Walker in Congress. elderly Oy.piian said she would go. fond of travel! pg?" fered another the same week. Both, declined the the hack and you will find the servant inside who This he will do; and in view ot the statesmanlike at- "I guens not," responded the man of the locust, "Am I fond of traveling? 1 should think so. I offices. brought me word; he can explain." U. c. rushes to tributes of the present Virginia delegation, he will putting his >burly form against the t^oor— for he had can travel —". This Is the first time In the history of mankind that hack. Amatory youth whispers in darkened parlor have a most noble opportunity to serve his State and his orders. " Now, see here," he added, pereefvmg " Then travel—dear friend—farewell. " a Virginian was ever known to decline a public office, "Matilda slip off your traveling dress, go to bed and honor the nation in discharging the duties of that symptoms «bf a storm, "1 want to do the polite. He took the hint and left. "You will publish my and therefore worthy of recording. play off sick. No elopement to-night. Will see you modified sphere for usefulness. Ef you cut up I'll arrest you, and old Snell 'li give to-morrpw." pronunciamento ?" We have done so. you a warming. But ef you act the lady, and 4ceep Being a Washlngtonian by residence, the young quiet, when I'm done with the supper I'll seejiou man manipulates truth finely, and so explains to THE POTTER COMMITTEE. Maffrnder's Account of the Death of home às quiet.and polite as a colored waiter In a wtoi-te THE NEALE-HUXTOX CONTEST. paternal progenitor, a* be returns from fruitless search The present hot weather is not compatible with Maximllllan. cravat." The first decisive movement in the contest for the Placing himself at the head ot his small army and for servant in hack, tnat toe had forgotten and sent committee business. The meetings of last week wero The bold w«man took in the situation and accepted conservative nomination for Congress from the Eighth leaving Marquez to defend the city, be marched him home. Old man considerably dazed, but has of so little importance, and resulted In so muib less, straight for the enemy. At (¿ueretaro they met. vihe; terras. She would have become intoxicated, but ber nothing to say. Says merely, "Goodnight! Gentle congressional district of Virginia occurred on Thurs- Fighting against hope MaximilUan performed prodi- day last, in the election—as we had anticipated and that tbe body decided to-day to adjourn until the 24th. iruardian forbid more wine. She could only sit and youth, go West." And ta&es his daughter to New gies of valor, and atlength fell a victim to the treach- awakened the gall of some people by.such antlcipa* Kellogg has been the sole witness. His testimony ery of one of bis Mexican officers, whose fortune he aote the astounding fact that for five hours a healthy York with him next day. Curtain falls, and no one tion—of the Neale delegates in Alexandria. has been of no Importance, either one way or the had made. In the dead of night, aiter a hard day's policeman Cau go on eating. She swore subsequently hurt. fights while he was seeking a short reposo from the thf.t the fellow ended by swallowlag the contents of There is something peculiar in the strictures to other, but has been so straightforward, and to all ap- cares that oppressed him, the gates were opened by th»r cruet stand, aaid then " didn't bust." At 2 a. in'.,, One by one the roses fade, acid two by two the jour, which we were subjected last week for daring to give pearances honest, that one was astounded at the this Arnold of the Empire; the enemy was placed in nalists leave us. Mr. George W. Adams of the New overbearing style of Mr. Potter yesterday. Especial possession of all the strongholds, and Maxlmillian when the house was quite deserted, tfce weary woman our views of the political horoscope. Something pe- awoke to find himseli a prisoner, without a chance lor wac escorted home hy the pelicemao, not, however, York World and family, and Mr. Crosby Noyes of culiar, but not unnaturally so—as the thin-minded ly from Mr. Potter, who throughout has been the real resistance or a hope of escape. After the mookery of until she settled ber bill, which was only twenty-five the Star, sailed for Europe to-day. Mr. L. Q., Wash- provincials who assailed us for an impartial predic- gentleman of the affair. We are certain, however, a trial he was led to execution, supported by his faith- dollars. ington of the Courier-Journal passes the early sum- tion, since fulfilled, merely carry out the well-known that it was a haste to get through that influenced Pot- ful general, the calm old military chieftain and sacer- mer in Virginia, near at home, and will go to ter's emphatic and rough questioning; for whatever dotal Casique of the Indians, Mehia, and the young, " I'.ou see," said John, "your companion had such plan that these rustics delight in, nothing more—save handsome and heroic Miramon. * the White Sulphur in August. Mr. Wight else can be said of the bock-pay cock of tbe Democ- an appetite and smoked only the best cigars. Call an invitation to drink—than to climb up the ems of a Aiter having distributed gold (In token of forglv- of the Chicago lYibune has (eft us for Kye racy, he is, and has evt r conducted himself, as a gen- again;1 ' newspaper publication. ness) among the soldiers who wero to be his execu- Beach. Nestor Shaw has gone to Cape May with tleman. tioners, he resumed bis place with the calm dignity " See you In —— first," responded the indignant That General Hunton should be popular In Wash- which remained with him to the last, placed his hand hie family. Mr. T. C. Craw lord of tbe Chicago Times 5 creature as she swung out. ington is natural. He dropped off the suffrage idea The committee adjourned about p. in., having upon hi« heart ana gave the word—" Fire." He fell leaves this week for Rutland, Vt., where his estimable reached nothing new, and will meet on the 24th in- pierced with many bullets. His death was not instan- HON. UNCLE SAM. for the District in good time, and aided earnestly and wife is sojourning. Mr. Douglas wtfl leave this week stant. taneous; he fell, in a reclining posture, upon the John "W'-cicker understood the art of advertising, and for Pittsburg on legal business, returning in a few successfully in welfaring the District; While this cross which some pious priests had put near him, and the value thereof, second to no man, and in this light fact renders him popular with us who are citizens of the with his cheek upon this sacred emblem—a fitting days. Mr. Randolph Keim will spend the summer resting place for one who had not only been a soldier he welcomed and made at home the celebrated gentle- on hie farm, near Reading. Mr. Jesse San-is will go District of magnificent distances and munltfcent mud, Obseene Literature. of honor but a faithful soldier of the Cross—this wise man knswo to his more Immediate friends by the and while the gratitude we owe him is presented, still, Anthony Comstock is wanted at present in Wash- prince, this good and gentle man, received a shot to the Juniata valley lor a week or two in the latter through the heart from one of his executioners and above name. We refer not to that much-enduring and portion of the month. as we have said, there being no vote for him here, with ington. We feel a sort of delicacy in calling atten- the condition of things as they are standing in his breathed his last. Long-sullering individual thus popularly designated, tion to this subject; but when we see a make-believe Thus ended the most thrilling drama of modern bat to Uncle Sam. Ward, now more generally recog- Mr. Ernest Broulatour Ie.it this city last night for district it; is not necessary to have the prophetic soul eccentricity of the female gender tramping around times; a disgrace to the Mexican nation and to the nized as King of the Lobby. Of all men given to the New Orleans.- Mr. Broulatour is well known in of a Sybil or of a Hamlet to deduce from the premises the Government departments, and tramping around civilization of tbe age in which we live. human race to please, comlOrtand adorn, Uncle Sam- Washington society for his pleasant and graceful established by facts the natural political conclusion. our merchants, peddling an illustrated book that, for uel Is the most eminent. The art of entertaining in manners, and has fulfilled the duties of general secre- What we stated as news-matter has been received indecency of stupid pictures and filthlness of literary NKWJERSKV has a millionaire barber. He never his hands came to be a science. He and Welcker un- tary of the national convention of Franco American by some in a mistaken manner. We regret this. Tbe material,Under the sickly disguise of "progressive spoke except to whisper " Next," and had been known derstood each other, and worked hand In hand, heart treaty with marked ability. He will sail for France proximity of the eighth district to the District of thought," we regard it as our duty to call the atten- to tell a man that his hair did not need to be out. to heart. The result was that Uncle Sam. had his tion of the public authorities generally, and of Com- in August, in company with Senator Butler of South Columbia makes it a locality of Interest here. WHAT is home without a moth there?— Whitehall entertainments and John his advertising. Uncle Carolina, president of the convention. Our business is to inform the public as well as to stock in particular,to it, as he has made the suppression Times. What is the reason they pack soldiers' clothes Sam's knowledge of the world, his Intimacy with the amuse it. If we failed to do so we would not be doing of this lowest of crimes a specialty,to prevent the same. in camp—for ? world's gieat, gave him a power that cannot be over- Miss Jeanle Moxon of this eity, having recently justice to our twenty thousand subscribers and one We will furnish Mr. Comstock or our ehlef of po- THIS proprietor of a bone-mill advertises that those estimated. finished her studies in the Chegary Institute, Phil- hundred thousand readers. That we have done so ' lice with the uatne of the author, who hawkB the sending their own bones to bo ground will be attended to with punctuality. It is no exaggeration to assert that he made John adelphia, sails for Elirope. July 20th, where she in- wisely and effectively in the past our present success j book, and that of its publisher, and a copy of the same Welcker. He carried his fame to London, Paris, Ber- tends to continue the study of the German language, evidences; that we are doing so at present the lUture I if they desire It. So MANY cities claimed Homer as a resident and'a and complete her musical education in the Leipsic will attes:. citizen, that the Burlington Hawkcye inclines to the lin and St. Petersburg. No distinguished man vis- opinion that he was a Methodist preacher. ited Washington without a look in on Welcker, and Conservatory of Music. In taktng leave, her many ,the stranger would as soon leave our national capital friends unite in wishing "Fair be all thy hoper, and —Disraeli was always a Jew; he now to be s SCITDAY School Teacher—What is the chief end of prosperous be tby life." Hint to M*. MeLeod. jewke. Jowke ! man? without shaking hands with the President as to go Boy—-In Milwaukee it is the end with the feet on« without trying Welcker. The Corcoran Art Gallery is incomplete without a —"Is Mary Anderson married, or is she not ?" will Mrs. A. T, Whiting and her charming daughter, picture of Agnes. She would look most natural in a be the popular subject for our college debating socie- THXRK 1S an equator that runs just under the nose; All this honest Jobn knew he owed toUncl e Sam.,and Miss Joele-rSQ well and popularly known in Washing- lylDff position.—Boston Post. ' +< <

sense in politicaLleadership in all the South- MEN, WOMEN AND THOUGHTS. one of the details, noting the probable effect —Aleck Stephens, the dessicated statesman plause, all except the cadets and some few others hav- [From THE CAPITAL'S Standpoint.] g ern States. The ruin resulting from war of tha,Jewish blood of the great premier. Georgia, Is likely to force his eleotion by the regular ing war histories which the friends of each know. has not heen without a lesson which shows Democrats, and the way he does it is to threaten them Reversing the order that Americans would expect, I M Parisian Gambling;, with independent candidates. Uncle Sam's Indian Catcher. its teachings. TlieTypical Southerner is no the cavalry comès last. The variety of colors in their longer a roistering, jolly companion, living Among the games which fascinate the —Frasculeo, the great Metador ol Madrid, Is worth uniforms, from the dragoods to the hussars, is ex It Is patriotic to chronicle a violated prom- on the, profits of slave labor, but a worker gay Frenchman, the one which holds sway $400,000, made at his ornamental butchering profei tremely picturesque and beautiful ; while the flutter sion. He is petted by fashionable people, though his ise to the Indian with a glorification over an and an enterprising man. That aristocracy both night and day by reason of its superior ing guidons and waving standards over the glancing Indian battle, and especially is it pleasant allurements, is Baccarat. Upon the average wife and sisters are fishmongers. lines of sabres make a most martial and inspiring against which Seward so successfully cru- —Alexander Dumas, after the closest kind of cipher- spectacle. to put on thé telegraphic whitewash and saded is beaten out of him by the hard hand gamester the approaching daylight has some manufacture victories by electricity. Thus ing, figures out that he should have received a royalty The evolutions are executed with great precision, of want and necessity. . effect, and he will get to his couch, where of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for the may we hail thee, O Howard, with glory on but one falls to note in any European inlantry thè he scents the morning air; but the devotee use or Camtlle In the United States. light and easy movement which results from assimila- a wire, and so much military fame by the The docile nature of the black man and of Baccarat sits enthralled at the table un- the business interest of the white prompt a —Major Sibley of Detroit, largely interested in min ting the tactics to those of cavalry, as first started by thousand words. To give an officer a lim- til long after sunrise, and the shrill reveille ing business, died suddenly in New York last week General Upton. ited amount of troops and unlimited sup- co-operative system of la"bor, by which the of the chanticleer has no more suggestion of Ho was a brother of the famous General Sibley, who darkey gets a home and living certain and plies of telegraph is to supply him with his sleep to him than it has of getting up to'most hanged thirty-six Indians in a row, in Minnesota, DEY GOODS. •own brevet machine and promotion mill. a fair chance at the profits of the plantation. other Parisians. 1882. The system is rapidly growing into use and —And now another volcano has been discovered Imaginary Indians may be overcome in works to the satisfaction of laborer and em- Of all the gentleman sports of Paris just near Ashville, N. O. If this thing goes on the skepS ü T Mi T hypothetical battles, and a dividend of glory ployer. now the Marquis de Castallane excels. He cal will be forced to believe that every time a North declared, upon purely fanciful balance tries his luck, and only plays when he has Carolinian gets the jim-jams a new volcano is set sheets'. The effect in politics is to give back the proved that the fickle goddess of chance motion. ballot to the white eni'ployerSi and as far as The lithe and sinewy redskin, mounted favors him. —In this hot weather the only amusement Shad WE ARE NOT SELLING AT A DISCOUNT OF we see at present the calm and wise policy on a lieet pony, which can live on grass A short time ago, after his accustomed Shook can find for himself is to fight the turtles of Wade Hampton has found its followers Gilmore's Garden. As each turtle costs a dollar, and lO, 13X, 15 or 30 per cent., alone, armed with a United States carbine ride in the Bois and his evening at the all over the South, the result of which is they fight to the death, it runs up to an expenslv and uniformed in a United States blanket, opera, he felt himself in trim for play, and BUT WE WANT IT DISTINCTLY UNDER- protection and education to the blacks and luxury before night fall. is as dangorous and formidable an enemy entered the first gambling house where the STOOD OUR PKICES general amelioration of their condition. It —Wm. E. Gray, the undisputed prince of confidence «s a recruit would like not to see, and, com- lights gave token of a game. His elegant men, who has just been captured, began at twenty- is not likely that independent candidates pared with our average private soldier, he person and graceful bearing make him an one as a nice young man, and from that turned stock (Taking Quality into Consideration) will diverge very far from the moral politi- Is good for as many scalps as he meets sol- object of popularity and admiration; so that jobber, then forger, and so on for ten years of a bril- ARE VERY MUCH UNDER ANY HOUSE IN cal code laid down by Hampton and such. •diers. As a frontier partisan fighter he is when he breaks a bank it is a regular liant and romantic career. So that should Stephens, the desiccated THE CITY. perfection itself, being trained to horseman- triumph for the outside of the table. —Vallarta, the chief justice of Mexico, is succeeded statesman, who represents the ghost of the in the ministry of foreign aifairs by Jose Maria Meta, ship from infancy and depending all his A11 SSSPP» TO SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK, confederacy, be elected to Congress as an On this night the Marquis, in spite of his who will maintain Vallarta's policy in not suppressing £H?J3HALI' MAKE OUR PRICES SO LOW life for food on his skill with his arms. In Independent, he will certainly not startle premonition of success, lost. He lost a thou- Mexican raids into Texas; therefore we may look out THAT ALL WHO FAVOR US WITH THEIR the character of our army organization the for more and more frontier squabbles. PATRONAGx lLi), E WILL BE MORE THAN SATIS- his people with any ultra views on the negro sand francs; then another thousand material in the ranks must be indifferent, — The ghost of Ruloff, the learned murderer, question. " Why don't you stop and wait for a lucky WE OPENED SATURDAY, JULY 13. 5 000 tramps through the jail in Binghampton, scaring: the YARDS OF PRINTED ALL-LINEN LA WNS AT there being no promotion allowed except night?" asked an acquaintance. "I feel THE on a pure West Point standard of merit, There being no foreign element in the prisoners and talking Greek. As Ruloff claimed to BEST AND CHEAP- that I shall win; it is my destiny to break have the secret of the origin of language, and offered EST GOODS EVER SOLD IN WASHINGTON and the soldiers being debarred from the South of any account as a factor in politics, the bank," replied the elegant swell gam- FOR THE MONEY. Over 100 pieces, the balance of the Commune is likely to be nothing there! to Impart it If his life were spared, his spirit would be the importation or one of the largest importing houses jnanly ambition which of right belongs to bolier. a good subject for the mediums. in the country. All in want of a cool, serviceable as a power, or as an excuse to the Radicals dress, should not allow this opportunity to pass. the profession of arms, and should be in- —Dick Thompson, the aged pirate of the Wabash to bring out their man on horseback. "But the bank breaks you," said some- Stilled into him by the whole letter and body. has gone oft at Government expense, with his family We mention now— Spirit of military law. Accepting, then, that the Radical candi- and friends, for a sea sojourn during the hot monthi " We shall see," says the Marquis, bor- date will be , it is certain that the under the gauzy guise of visiting navy yards. 'T LACE BUNTINGS, The soldier is made a slave to wait on lit- rowing another thousand and losing it at South must oppose him ; and the line being thus history repeats itself, and tfie Rotund Robeson' WHITE GOODS of all kinds ; all at from 30 to 40 tle dilettanti officers, instead of being once. . well marked between the workingmen or little game grows popular onee more. per cent, under usual prices. trained to the pride and courage of a man. He borrowed and lost until there was no- —The special malignity of the Intelligencer's friend- Nationals and the money aristocrats, mod OUR STOCK OF FINE GRENADINES WILL To match such soldiers against Indians such body left to borrow from, and he was out ship is in its vehement crucifying of Randall, by nopolists and all such, the Radicals will be] BE SOLD AT A LARGE REDUCTION. as the Sioux is a foregone conclusion of del thirty thousand. Then off to another place flaunting his pledges and his record in awkward im forced to go back on their great dogma pi becillty before the public. We credit this racy para- HAVE JUST OPENED A CHEAP LINE OF feat, unless West Point could turn out betl to borrow and lose more. "But this poor Sii^JLSBS LACES, AND SHALL RECEIVE 1861, which was opposition to the aristo- graph to the Philadelphia Times, and wish the contra ter genius than Sitting Bull's; and the Marquis is crazy," the people said. Still the Bi WEDNESDAY ORTHU RSD AY THE CHEAP- only way to secure a brilliant victory is to] cratic principles of the South. dictory Sam. some more such friends and critics. EST LINE OF MACHINE VALENCIENNES Marquis borrowed and lost. At last it was —The Island of Cyprus is at the extreme end of the LACES TO BE HAD IN THE CITY. depend on the telegraph and wait for win With slavery aristocracy in the South ex] two o'clock, and he could find nobody to pired—and the name will certainly be hate Mediterranean, near the Syrian shore. It is 140 miles , ALSO A FULL LINE OF TORCHON EDG- ter, when General Lo and his bloody war borrow from. He searched and searched long and fifty wide ; is only productive in corn, wine INGS AND INSERT1NGS, WITH A SMALL LOT riors are obliged to retreat before the snow ful when it is coupled .with that of U. S his pockets, and was leaving in despair and fruits, the latter having made it, under the Roman OF CARDINAL CAMBRIC EDGES. Grant—nor could the sordid money aris and ice. when a garcon said : "Voila, Monsieur le rule, a highly fat place for a governor, and proper in' We intend to sell bargains In all kinds of goods tocracy of the North find any support in Marquis, you have given me much; I lend all respects to the name which it took irom Venus. irom this date out, and respectfully ask an inspection General Howard's late order to charge the] Southern interests or feelings. ot our stock, with the promise that no one shall leave Indians with a steamboat lacks only an you five francs." "My preserver," ex- Let General Sherman bear in mind the teachings our house dissatisfied. We naturally conclude that the positions claimed the Marquis, forgetting his rank of General Washington as to the relations between auxiliary force of horse-marines to enable the military and civil powers when he " norates" on that brilliant officer to meet the savages! will be reversed, and that the South will and embracing the waiter; "this shall XV. JS/L. Brown, join in the popular onset against that idea the strength of the army. Grant's relations between upon almost equal terms. make your fortune. I shall break all the the civil and military, and In both, were numerous, 314 EIGHTS of aristocratic oligarchy which the Radii STREET JST. W. The red man is about to make his last] banks which have this night broken me.' but of a different kind; In fact they were live Issues je23-lm8 eals once fought, but which with Grant they stand against the conqueror, and we should And he ran back and put down the five On Monday last the New York Marine Society now mean to defend. revoked the resolution passed some years ago expung therefore, be careful to have, as heretofore, francs. It won the first, the second, the Twenty Per Cent. Off. third time, and presently the waiter's dol- ing the name of Matthew F. Maury from the roll of as few troops and as many dispatches ai The Imaginary Commune. honorary members ; so the name of the illustrious possible. If it were possible that any number of the lar was five hundred. The "punters," rebel is put back in tne place of honor. A fair com- American workingmen could adopt the " croupiers " and the rest were astonished plement to a man whose services were to the whole Mrs. J. ]?. Palmer The Orangemen. at the change of luck; but the Marquis crazy ideas of certain vagrant foreigners, world. Offers until August 1st, in addition to her already re- played as if he had expected the turn. In the heart of an Irishman there is a tra| who claim the respectability of labor with- Mr. Perkins was the typical Boston widower—sole duced prices, ditional fea'ture which cherishes as sacred out the manly practice of it, then there " Ah," he cried, "I shall yet make sauter la relict ol two wives. Miss Carlton, a pleasant-faced' spiritualistic medium, went Into a trance, and the Twenty Per Cent. Discount inheritances the loves and hates of his an| might be a fuss, which would intensely de- barique." And he did. Then he rushed to another bank in a carriage, and, entering, spirits of the two dead wives speaking through her On all sales, large and small, cestors. In his own land, among his Celtic light the friends and pets of U. S. Grant, KID GLOVES EXCEPTEZ». brothers, this strange blood memory of goodl cried out: " Stop, gentleman; I come pour informed Perkins that they never could be happy un- There would be an insane howl for a Presi less he married Miss Carlton. The spirits evidently AU goods marked in plain figures, at the lowest •and bad is not so striking; but here in] dent strong enough to maintain order; foire sauter la banque." And having sau- had some old grudges to wipe out on Perkins. Like market prices. America, where men believe in the allí there would be an army headed by Gene tied that one, went for another, and so on a good husband, he obeyed his wives' wishes, and the powerful present and in the hopes of the ral Sherman; any numbers of Babcocks, until it looked as if there wouldn't be a next day married Miss Carlton. Mrs. J. P. Palmer, future as dependent on the present, it seems Bobesons, brothers-in-law and such, main bank left in all Paris. Presently, as he was In these days of congressional hog-wash we 1107 F Street, between Eleventh and Twelfth Sts. strangoly absurd to see men fighting over breaking the twentieth bank, the waiters recommend that a biography of Sturgeon, the "Silent sep30-lyl tained by a grand military satrap, who Senator" from Pennsylvania, who died recently, be the quarrels of centuries ago. And the prac- would make all elections merely formal, began to put out the lights. It was morn- tical lesson of reconciliation being enacted ing. published and distributed to the two legislative and from whom our only savior would be bodies. He entered the Senate In '39, and though of Md'me De Courcey White, every day between two sectional parties but mean whisky. But to wait for John Bar- "Ah, gentlemen," said the Marquis, de- keen political Wisdom and Influence, rarely spoke. He recently arrayed against each other in bloody leycorn to play Brutus to Grant's Caesar was termed the silent senator by reason of his reti- (LATE OF LORD & TAYLOR'S, NEW YORK, ) war points the fantastic nonsense of this jectedly, "itis day; then I go; but know cence. Of his senatorial colleagues but two remain might tie long, though certain, for, unfortu- that if night had eontinued two hours lialWamily, half religious feud. The Irish- nately, Europe is a wink-drinking country, alive. William Allen« of Ohio and Simon Cameron longer I would not have left a single bank of Pennsylvania. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER, Catholic idea of an Orangeman is a traitor and while U. S. G. is rehearsing for dictator in Paris." •Says the Boston Post .-In answer to inquiries as to Nos. 621 and 628 » Street N. Vi., over Mrs. Hunt's. to country, an apostate in religion and al at the tables of monarchs, his drink is nu- 8epl6-ly7 And he departed to his virtuous couch the state of the weather we have received the follow- spy in both phases of the character. merous but weak. In fact, he doesn't carry with a million of francs, all made from one ing from distinguished personages: " Never seen 1RS . S. J. MESSER, The idea, though not the name, antedates his gradual suicide with him, and uninten- nuffin like it slime 1'se born. De sun do move, sah !" MI Dressmaking from Latest Parisian Styles. dollar. CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. the conquest of William of Orange, and tionally preserves himself for the service of —Jasper. "Me and the Ctueen has been in the Ice S. T. Taylor's Patterns, System of (Cutting, and that famous battle where the " gallant Sars- the capitalist aristocrats and money kings house all the afternoon reading ' Beautiful Snow. Journals, (Le Bon Ton, LeMode Elegante and Revue Even there it was so hot we had to use fans."—Kala- de la Mode,) for sale. field" in vain tried to supply the cowardice of his native land. And the shrewd idea PERSONAL. mhl7-tf3 1213 Pennsylvania avenue. of his royal master, and where the Irish de- of these same ringmasters is to get U. S kua. "I have worn my thinnest pants and yet suf- -(¿ueen Victoria took a sail on the holy Sabbath. fered with the heat terribly. "—Mary Walker. " Heap SUMMEE EES0ETS, clared that if the Hanoverians would G. elected by crying out Commune, and •Bob Ingersoll made $30,000 by his pretended Infi- hot. Big Injun sweat all time."—Sitting Bull. " De "change kings they would fight it over cartooning the whole workingmen's party del philosophy. hottest night since dat y»r ebenin I danoed with again." In the bloody cruelty of Crom- as Communists. Sir Garnett Wolseley, the governor of Cyprus, was Massa John."—'Liza Pinkston. • well's Presbyterians, and the land settle- the hero of the Ashantu war. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Every city and town can take care of all the ments by his Protestant favoritás, was as -Long Branch is a quaker-looklng place to what it Commune that will ever trouble this coun- PRESIDEST Mat-MAIIOA" AT A REVIEW. WEST VIRGINIA, much of their hatred of Orangemen as in was in the days of Jim Flsk. try; but failing in the aid of the John Bar- the later troubles, which were supposed to Lueretia Mott was the leading lady at the first The review at Longchamps on the 20th June was LONG DISTINGUISHED FOR THEIR leycorn-Brutus, it would take a bloody one of the most beautiful spectacles yet witnessed by be settled by the treaty of Limerick. The woman's rights show, July 19,1848. revolution to skake ok the aristocratic dic- —"Awake, ./Eolian lyre, awake," was written by the thousands of visitors at the great show, and as the VALUABLE ALTERATIVE WATEKS treason to home and religion was even then tatorship of a military President set up by Thomas Gray in calling for Mrs. Jenks. Trocadero Palace and the Champ de Mars display all old, for every time that an English monarch New York bankers and\railway kings. Judge Harlan of the United States Supreme the grandeur of peaceful France, so the review showed invaded Ireland the worst and meanest Court changes his residence to Chicago. the military power. / Fashionable Patronage, Irish took sides with the conquerors, and In 1861 Seward's Chicago speech rallied — will not visit the Emperor "William There had been a. rain the day previous, and the by their apostacy and treason saved their an army against the aristocracy of the until the latter Is able to bend his elbow. clouds still obscured' the heavens, until towards two ARE NOW OPEN. South, and the rebellion was crushed upon Zack Chandler's ticket for 1880—Grant for Presi- o'clock, when the sun blazed fbrth in an unclouded lands. Board—$3 per day, $20 per week, $75 per month of the idea of enforcing pure republican free- dent ; Chandler lor senator from Michigan. sky and shone on thousands of glittering helmets and thirty days. The generous and brave Irishman hates] —In Indiana a girl was guilty oi elopement, mar- long lines of glowing steel. The soldier without sun- Special arrangements made with families desiring dom and equality.. The, ,principles are not to spend the season. treason next to cowardice. The peasantry, less powerful to-day in the, hearts of the riage, twins and divorce tn less than a year. light is as unhappy as a beautifully dressed coquette with nobody to see her; so that the ranks of heroes Descriptive pamphlets to be had-at W. S. THOMP- not having the same temptatiqns, were often people, arid tie'great work of one party —The battle of fhe Jf5

the way, reasonable enough. Leaving home at seven been Mile. Almee's headquarters; the French comedy other. He was so adroit that he managed to appease MISCELLANEOUS. " SAPHIR'S » NEW YORK LETTER. troupe supplied some delightful representations. Bu t them. They shdbk hands and agreed to be friend*. o^clock one Is landed, after an invigorating, swift and In honor of their reconciliation Piocinlnl gave a din- airy ride over the Long Island meadows, at Manhat- although it has spurts and occasions of success, it has ner. At the table, Salvinl, it was remembered after- Tildcn in his Garde»—A Matntfnal Fkfcur« of the Ex- tan Beach one hour later. We should not complain of never enjoyed any continuous prosperity, worse luck ! ward, got into a dispute with Brizzi, the husband of Candidate for the Presidency—"-Sto tell my sweet the heat with this city by the sea at our doors, but^we do. Perhaps Kate Claxton, who was lucky professionally La Cazzola., on the rights of married women and the independence of a wife. He took the part of a We do fT>deM To-day the tyrannical thermometer from the moment she entered Shook & Palmer's com- BRADY'S Sister! "—At Beach—A Besort that re- wife and spoke with great eloquence. From that has relaxed a little, but the Herald asserts that there pany, may bring something of the same good fortune moment La Cazzola's feelings toward Salvina lieves the Pressure at Long Brmreh—The new Hfttei is a heat wave coming, and we wilt in anticipation. to this elegant, but tempest-tossed theater. changed. Her former aversion, which had been Brighton —E?ecy Hotel its and takes to his sympathies. She was suddenly left friendless gard was shockingly bad as the hero. He Is a clever ington, as well as the ground occupied by the public a lingering look over the inclosure. Tilden is an early face-maker, but knows nothing of the rajfinements of and without means. Salvinl offered to marry her: Portraits of Eminent Ion M f omen, riser, and the neighbors can see him any ¡pleasant buildings, are the actual property of the Government. she accepted his offer, and he Is now a happy but even such a class of comedy as this. The house closed The property of the United States, in the avenues and anxious husband. La Slgnora Salvinl is a perfectly On exhibition and for sale. morning he is in town, attired in a negligent costume proper person and well conducted wile, but poor Sal- on the Fourth, a mere handful of people forming the streets of tho Federal city, is as absolute as its own er- Mr. BEADY, aided by a corps of the best artists, of dressing-gown, slippers and other articles from hot and spiritless audience, one of those which re- vini's triumphal experience among women in the past will give his personal supervision. which mysterious strings dangle, engaged i-n inter- ship of the soil upon which any of its forts in any part make him too clear-sighted and suspicious a hus- OLD PICTURES RESTORED AND COPIED TO called the always somewhat incredible ones described of the country may be located. band. He is said to be as jealous as Othello. viewing -every bud and blossom that springs «from the by Dickens as consisting of two or three people in the ANY DESIRED SIZE. feb!7-t!8 There isno ownership or reversion on the part of well-ke^t .grounds. He indulges in no cursory exami- pit, a man in the boxes, etc. The same week Bartley any individual proprietor in any of these avenues or MISCELLANEOUS, »ation, but, as the expression has it, "goes poking Campbell's play of The Vigiiantes attracted some at- streets, and the use of them is a privilege only to the TO FARMERS. about" the garden plot, peering at the handiwork of tention at the Grand Opera House, where it received adjacent property. nature in a way-that shows a lively interest dn it. His its first performance in the metropolis. The piece is a The United States being the absolute owner of the 1433 Pa. Are., strings'have sometimes proven an aggravation, how- weak affair—weaker even than Risks In some re- avenues and streets of the Federal city, the cost to UNIVERSAL HORSE HAY FORK ever, and one fair matron has even offered to cut them spects—and Impresses one as a rather colorless imita- maintain and improve them Is chargeable to the oft or sew them up, anything to take away the sug- tion of The Danites. There is no motive to it, and United States and not to any Individual. The street CORCORAN BUILDING. For the Harvest of 1878. gestion of 'lone bachelorhood. But now the venerable this lack of backbone is neither compensated for by system of the Federal city Is upon a scale commensu- S. J. T. .is domiciled at Long Brancfe, whither his clever dialogue or striking individual personage. rate with the grandeur of the nation, and Is of un- This fork is acknowledged by all farmers who have admirers hasten to form his little court. The Bige- The mere naming of a play does not make it charac It In use, and in sections wherever it has been intro- paralleled magnificence, more magnificent indeed 1 would respectfully announce to my friends and lows were in town the other day on their way to the teristlc of what it is assumed to depict, and It might duced, to be the best, cheapest and most simple in Its than that of any other city, and far beyond either the the public that I have opened, at the above address, a make of any now upon the market. Branch from West Point, and, as they are on intimate as well be called anything as The Vigilantes—much depot for the sale of u demands or the means of the inhabitants of any city For State and County Rights, or sinsrle forks, call terms with the Governor," be sure that he will be better, in Bhort; for the spectator, having been led to on or address, E. FITCH, whose growth is due to the ordinary causes which in- glad to-see-them. The fountain drips in Its basin, the expect a drama founded on some incident in which Room 24 or 60 Federal Building, fluence the growth of cities. First-Class je30-4t3 Seventh and F sts., Washington, D. C. leaves rustle in the night breeze, but there is no illu- these banded protectors are concerned, is apt to be minationdn the great window of the Gramercy Square disappointed at discovering that they are simply These avenues and streets being national property, maasion, and—"Sammy, where art thou?" As we tacked on too, story which does not depend upon them just as arsenals and forts are national property, their Staple, Fancy, Commercial 0. R. WIXOM & CO., looked-into the pleasant garden theafiher night two in the least. They appeared occasionally to form a Improvement is no more chargeable upon the adjacent I*. street-singers of the masculine gender stationed them- tableau, and that is all:; it 'is, altogether, an opportu- property of private citizens than the Improvement and Bankers' Stationery. selves in front of the sidewalk and struck up in gin- nity lost or wasted. The play is of the ordinary sen- and maintenance of the forts at the entrance to the THE BEST FAMILY FL0UE and-water voices, and with a most discordant combina- harbor of New York can be made chargeable upon My facilities for supplying orders entrusted to me sational caliper, a wife^s ¡jealousy inducing her to are the very best, and prices will be the lowest that IN THE CITY, tion of time and tune, a pathetic ballad which sound- the property of the farmers of Long Island and of leave her husband to the vile ends of a gambler, who such goods can be sold for In any of the Northern AT $1.80 FEB, QUARTER BARREL. ed te&ea dirge over S. J. T.'s blighted hopes. It re- plays on her affections, and the husband finally shoot- Staten Island, upon which Islands these lorts are lo- cities. My experience of twenty-Are years in this line of trade will enable me to make the most suitable OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, lated to the death of a military man, and had one ing the seducer. It is very common and very thread- cated. peculiarly aggressive line that still echoes in hideous selections for this market. 30 Cents Per Pound, bare. The personages all pose and spout, and are The whole cost of the improvement of these streets WEDDING, distortion of key and inflection in our tortured ears : constructed for ¡purely theatric purposes of the cheap of the Federal city is at the charge of the Un ited RECEPTION and All Staple and Fancy Groceries at l*Go tell my sweet sister States. There is no implication by which the contrary school. Some attempt at character painting is but a VISITING- CARD PLATE WIXOM'S, I'm—zum—zum—tummy—cold!!" feeble imitation of ¡Bret Harte and Joaquin Miller, can be maintained. u Ballad of Samuel," whispered some one mali- and the loquacious gambler, who is sometimes called By deeds from the original proprietors of the site of 504 NINTH STREET. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING pl4-t(5 ciously. " Go tell my sweet sister—Mrs. Jenks, of Arkansaw, is neither interesting nor amusing. Mr. the Federal city the United States (June 29, 1791,) ac- course." Louis Aldrich, who played the Parson in The Danites cepted a gift of the streets, avenue3 and alleys of the will be a specialty. A call and a portion of your pa- tronage is respectfully solicited. AtiLong.Branch it is much more exclusive this year so well, did-his best to endow the new character with city of Washington, and also, for a purpose specifi ed Dr. James B. Hodgkin, than ever before; not only have the flamboyant class of coherency and plausibility, but the fates were against on the deeds, accepted one-half (10,136) of the build, visitors been removed by death or circumstances, but him ; and Miss O&osaHand, who impersonated the he- ing lots in the city, amounting to 64,188,480 squ are RICHARD B. iVSOHUN, the less prosperous, and what is known as floating feet of ground. 1 Out of a total area of 7,161 acres the roine, was even less successful. It was all quite a 1433 Tenn. Ave patrons, have been turned aBide by the-growing popu- waste of time and talent. The Vigilantes only ran a proprietors retained only 1,508 acres, making a free No. 935 Pa. ave., Washington, D. larity of Manhattan Beach. Coney island will never week, closing on Saturday night. This week we have gift to the United States of 5,653 acres. CORCORAN BUILDING. rival Long.Branch, in all probability, as a place of so- nothing, but no oompany is better than when it is It was not declared in the deeds, nor was it so in- je3Q-tf8 Professor of Dental Mechanism and Metallurgy, Baltl- journ, but if they keep on building railroads, with a poor—at ieast we can wander in the Garden, where tended, that these avenues and streets should be un- more College of Dental Surgery. m^rlT-lyl hotel as the terminus, it will absorb all - the transient the only excitement, by the way, has been a fight j der any other control than that of the United S tates, COLUMBIAN custom. In iact it has nearly done that already—its among the turtles that swarm in the fountains. and at the cost of the people of the United States, the JOHN BARRY, increased-accessibility, and the certainty of finding an owners in fact of the streets, avenues, public build- attractive resort, with fresh air, a capital beach, music Miss Saillie Reber, a trim, rather pretty and very ings and all other public property in the Federal city. Plumber, Gas & Steam Fitter and, oh! human nature, a crowd operating to the modest young lady, has been singing there again. The fact of the ownership on the streets being so ab- She is as much in vogue with the fashionable set— BANK NOTE COMPANY, H>enetit cf the hotel-keepers and buiklers of railroads. solute carries with it the obligation to improve them, 1319 Seventh Street, bet. N and O N. W. The! 1?test caravansery, the Hotel Bntghton, is a very meaning its few representatives ieft in town—as Mile. and at the same time forbids any imposition upon theatrical and attractive affair, with wivid blue decora- Gaiimbeptl used to be with the foreigners and " fast" property other than the owner of the streets to pay WALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. habitues. 'Galimberti was there the other night. my«-tra tion, striped brown and white awnings at each window, the cost of improving them. 0O8 Pennsylvania Avenue, plenty of lawns in front, an abundance of flags and She in an over-ripe, ¡tropical looking woman, who is The enormous property in building lots (64,000,000 0. TAYL0K H0LTZCLAW, streamers fluttering from its roofs, a bathing pavilion unsparing of rouge,-and had on a bonnet so scarlet square feet) was a free gift to be expended in the almost as big as itself, and the usual accommodations that she -suggested a ¡flamingo. Miss Reber, whose erection of the public buildings. The public build- for a great multitude, who have come-down to the sea voice seemed somewhat less fresh than when she was ings up to this date have cost in the neighborhood of WASHINGTON, D. C. BUILDER, to eat, drink and be as merry as the daw allows. The heard here last summer, sang the shadow song, from $40,000,000, while this enormous donation has realised ereetion of the Brighton—which has,«ol course, its own " Dinorah," in the difficulties of which Di Murskai's less than $2,000,000. It is not the fault of the original Ohie Avenue, bet. Twelfth k Thirteenth Streets K. W. voice used to revel,¡and Molloy's ballad of "Jamie;" little railroads—marks a new subdivision of the vast proprietors that their gifts have been so ruthlessly We are prepared, with every facility, fer island. Its next-door neighbor is the Manhattan the latter *much better than the aria which taxed the squandered. If the property had not been sacrificed WASHINGTON, D. C. feb3-lyfl Beach Hotel, which only last year enjoyed a monopoly powers of the cantatrice with the silver belt. Mr. by the Government it would have realized enough to of a goodly share of the soil, and which is even now Fritsch, the tenor, has also been singing at the Gar- have erected all of the buildings without any expense, ANTED.—You to know that a first-class second- quite unrivaled, having the unquestionable advantage den, appearing on the night of the Beethoven pro- as was intended, to the treasury of the United States. Engraving and Printing hand suit Is better and cheaper than a common of being the first comer. At the Brighton, which has gramme, which was admirably rendered in every re- Wnew one. Buy at "JUSTH'S old stand," No. 619 It is not to be believed, however, that after providing D street n. w. N. B.—^Very good priceB paid for Urst- only been opened a fortnight or so, everything lacks spect. a site for the Federal city and giving away tour-fifthB BANK NOTES, BONDS AND COMMERCIAL elass second-hand clothing. Notes by mail promptly forn&i-at present, and its chief merit is>that it Is an ex- So maqy notabilities have gone to Europe that it is of their land and provided the means (if property attended to. mar21-tf4 cellent half-way house between the plebeian Cavlis, refreshing to note a turn in the tide. The other day used) to ereet all of the public buildings, the original which is Coney Island proper, and ihas its booths, cam« Miss'Genevieve Ward, an actress whose praises proprietors, retaining 1,308 acres to their own use, ex- WORK OF EVERY KIND, (to. J. L. SM1THMEYEE, & CO.. aquarium and what-not, and the more aristocratic, but have been ¿oudly trumpeted by Miss Kate Field and pected to improve 3,606 acres of streets and avenues ARCHITECTS, still democratic, Manhattan Beach Ho6el. There must other appreciative writers, and who will appear in the by taxes levied upon 1,508 acres oi fcuilding lots— WM. H. PHILIP, President. NO. 70S FIFTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN Q- be a half-way house at a watering plaee, you know, al- course of a few months, .at .Booth's Theater, in Wills' O-EO. T. JONES, Vice President. AND NEW YORK AVENUE. 1,508 acres of lots given to the United States remain- febl8-tf« though at Long Branch, a quarter, a stxth, an eighth- version of .Jane Shore, equipped with a superb ing free from tax. JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary, way house are deemed the proper thing. I retain a wardrobe which Worth has furnished, Lucy H. The value of this enormous donation of four-filths J. M. VAN BUSKIRK, Treasurer. BIRNEY & BIRNEY, lively irecollection of an enforced tour one summer Hooper described .and Tooker doted upon. Shortly— of their land as a site for the Federal city was fully Late counsel of the District of Columbia, practloe In night at the Branch, in company with a party, led by in a day or «o—re-enter .James Gordon Bennett by the appreciated by the original proprietors. It was ex- the United States and District courts and before the- a young .gentleman of more recklessness than common steamship .-St. Laurent, and sound, accordingly, a ELLIS & CO. departments. Office, 830 Four-and-a-half street. pected that the sale of these lots given to the Govern- \ feblO-tfll sense, who insisted on. getting out of the stage at great fanfare in honor of the great editor, who went ment would realize very large sums of money« It is every ¡hotel, and whose subsequent appearance in the out like a—well, not exactly a lamb, and comes in like 937 Pennsylvania Avenue, well known that President Washington chose the lo- LIVEEY STABLES. bankrc^ptcy courts was not a matter of suiprise when a lion. He will be a week in town before proceeding cation of the Federal city with reference to its sup- it was recalled that nothing less than goblets of cham- to Newport with his sister,-Miss Jeanette Bennett, posed commercial advantages, as, being at the head of Sole Agents for A. B. KEY28. J. L. SMITH- pagne would satisfy him, and that when I-seceded at whose engagement to an Irish lord is announced, and the navigation of the Potomac river, it would com- the Ocean House he proceeded on what was apparently will take up his quarters at the Brevoort House, in- mand the trade of the West by means of the projected a tour of all the hotels on the New Jersey .ooast. His stead of proceeding to hiB own residence, which Is Chesapeake and Ohio canal. But no matter how dreadl'ttl doom—"one cent on the dollar"—had stomach closed, the servants having preceded him to the Rhode THE FAMOUS WEBER, K.BYBS cfc? Co. great the enhancement of the lots retained by them, for them all. The shore between the Brighton and the Island watering place. He will remain in this coun- the proprietors would have seen them swept away had Manhattan JFeaeh hotels is not used for bathing, those try until November. His polo ,ponies have already THE BEST IN THE WORLD. they undertaken to improve the streets of the edty, as who enjiffl-y a surf bath confining themselves to sec- arrived, and will .participate in the games at Newport. well as to have provided the means to erect the build- CÒ ACHES, tions designated by ropes almost immediately .in front Another distinguished arrival is the forger, Gray, ings for the Government. Nearly all the great singers and artists of the world of either establishment. The favorites \0f these that most consummate chevalier .d' Industrie, whose But these questions may be left out of sight. We give them the preference over all others. Also agents seemed to >be at Manhattan Beach, where a rather innocent blonde faoeand blue eyeeihave duped so many have passed so entirely away from the spirit oi the for the celebrated demonstrative crowd plunged and duoked with a will confiding people. He is already lodged in the OPEN BRETTS, agreement between President Washington and the in front of a pavilion provided alike for tbe accom- Tombs—not a pleasant place to €\pend the summer, original owners of the site of the city that it has be- modation of ¿pic-nic parties, who had brought their as in all likelihood It« will do, for his trial will scarcely Smith American Organs. come obscured by the mists of antiquity. own refreshments, and those who were willing'to pay be reached before fall. LIGHT WAGONS, The fact remains that the property of private citi. a small sum for the privilege of a closer inspection of Sothern will arrive about the 26hh instant, with the zens is made subject to actual confiscation for the im- the bathers, none.of whom were worth the expendi- intention of only remaining a week or so, although it provement of the property of the United States. ture. A pretty woman may retain her attractiveness is extremely likely that he will be (induced to cancel PARKER GUN. It is one of the cherished maxims of the American SADDLE HORSES, under like conditions, but even that is problematical, his engagements in the English provinces altogether, citizen, derived from the Constitution of the United and some of the females the other day were absolutely and stop here up to the time he opens at the Park States, that private property oannot be taken for pub- guys. There was one German lady or rotund propor- Theater—about Christmas. He will be supported then lic use without due compensation; but whether a citi- tions who bore herself so valiantly under delicate by Miss Marie lllingt»Ti,.a clever actress who has been DO URL E and SINGLE R UGGIE8 zen of Washington, who happens to own a little prop- conditions as to recall the words of a distinguished playing with him at Edinburgh, and by a company erty therein, has any rights that anybody is bound to countryman of kefs. You may remember with what selected in Lohdon, and including MAss Lucy Buck- respect, seems to remain an open question. an inimitable and audacious stroke of the pen Heine stone, a daughter of Sothern's old friend, the come- and all other vehicles promptly furnished. J. P. KLINGLB. delineates the emotions of a jilted lover who meets the dian. Next summer he will go to Canada again to SEND STAMP FOR CIRCOLAR fickle fair for the first time after her marriage to fish with a large party

THE GBEAT NATIONAL B^OUND DANCEB, W. unsympathetic heathen of Democratic pro- IT IS a well-known maxim in sporting life SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE. THE CAPITAL. clivities, who attempted a cross-examina- T. Sherman, General, is at it again. The amount of that the sportsman who shoots game for the mere pur- tion of the dying Eliza, was sternly re- talk done by the old national round dancer is simply pose or murdering it Is guilty of brutal cruelty. In An Interesting Historical Review—Who amazing. He scarcely ceases denying or explaining Have Occupied the Chair—Randall »lie WASHINGTON CITY. buked. no country has, this system of cruelty—wanton and one speech—so utterly insane or silly that his wonder- brutal—been carried to a greater extent than it is at Twenty.eighth. In vain was the attempt made to satisfy ful Btaii, made up of beauty and ability, do nothing present in Wyoming and Montana, in the wholesale [From the New York World.] SUNÜAI HOBKDÍG... .JULY 14, 18Ï8. the public that Eliza was the vilest of the but jump up and. dQwn and howl—beiore he lets off slaughtering of the elk of the Yellowstone country. . No positively weak man has ever filled the post of vile, far beneath the brute; for the brute another. The interviewer lies in wait for him, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, while sev- In the National Park of the Yellowstone—notwith- eral incumbents of the office may be ranked as among will care for her own young, while Eliza enjoys tho fan of reporting his utterances. All that standing the laws of Congress, and those oi Montana the greatest statesmen in our history. It is not how- he says before dinner is silly; all that he utters after ever, a post to which the best men of either cartv THE CAPITAL has a Larger strangled hers. "These were regarded as atidol Wyoming—these so-called Nimrods murder, lor a )lre aa<1 whe dinner is Insane. At lucid intervals he denies or ex- 5S '.u i<>ver such men have taken the Circulation, both Local and by Mail, Democratic lies, and the visiting Republi- the sole pleasure of murdering, scores-of this splendid office the event has really happened more out of plains. On the 4th he let loose an opinion on the mil- game each week. The oik are shot and their carcasses regard to party considerations than their own desire can statesmen and the Republican party itary bill lately passed to a law. In his elegant phra- than all the Other Sunday Papers of reaped the reward of audacity. They now left to feed the buzzards, not even their skin being re The Speaker is so called on the principle of Ulcus a seology he said, "Oh, it raises hell!" He spoke as moved. One hunter boasts of slaughtering as many non lucendo ; for in the ordinary meaning of the term Washington Combined. own the Treasury, and while labor starves follows, did the national round dancer: he has no business to speak. Perhaps he is called the as seventy-five in one day, and leaving them to the Speaker because through him and by his leave and their friends fatten. They fill high offices " Oh, It raises hell! In the first place, it prevents coyote and buzzard. under his license it is that every one substantially at home and abroad, and but for Ruther- the use of tho army to protect emigrants. That posse This condition of things is simply criminal and on a speaks to his fellows. The chair to an active advocate (ggr° Contributors will please i smember comitatus part of the bill is the merest piece of foolish- or orator must always be a speclestrt'proscrustean bed thai we do not undertake to return rejected ford B. Hayes and his Utopian notions on ness 1 know of. I don't see how the army can be used p»r with horse-stealing. As these territories have Mr. Speaker must fit his brain and ears to the capac- civil service reform, ihey would have been to suppress riots or protect the emigrants unless' tho judicial power, and power to enforce the laws, their ity of the talking member, and of course, continually manuscripts. And no contribution will be President declares martial law in the district, or de- happy. clares war against the particular tribe of Indians. It officers show a strange dereliction of duty fn permit change his current of thought. His great relief comes paid for unless on a bargain made in ad- is getting so that we shall have to apologize to the ting such crimes to continue unpunished. when there is a committee ol the whole, and he leaves Now Eliza, finding herself left to where people to be whipped. They come here and get every- the cbalr to some student or amateur in the Speaker- vance. By bearing these facts in mind much thing they want; for it is easy to get such fellows as ship, and when he can become In his turn a talkinit annoyance will be saved. she belongs—a field hand on a plantation— Banning, who hasn't got brains enough to be a dry member. He is otherwise a sort of phonograph to the after being the mother of an Administra- goods clerk." THE nearest commune development in members. They talk to him, and ho may be called the West is a positive onslaught bydiscontented ag- upon at a moment's notice to repeat or dwell unon tion, follows the lead of the other black- How proud our army must be while reading that ricultural laborers on labor-saving machinery. Reap- their words. ' THE SITUATION. elegant, sensible, dignified utterance of their great mailers, and tells what all sensible people ers and mowers have been seized and destroyed, while Speakers Stevenson, Boyd, Colfax and Blaine held It does not call for a very large brain or army revolver. "They [who?] come here [where?] the chair longer In succession than any of their prede- suspected before. We need waste no time in some Idealities barns have been burned and the much experience for one to find the facts and get everything they want." His reference, that cessors; but Henry Clay, elected Speaker with breaks speculating as to whether the " visiting cittle killed, of persons employing these mechanical between two of his terms, is the historical senior of the .follows, to General Banning, fixes the w£ere. But and the reason for them, in the late de- instruments of injury to the laboring man. Such chair. His first election was in 1811, but there are statesmen" who profited by the result knew who comes ? Does he mean the Indians or the rioters ? men still living who remember him as Speaker in his velopments made by the Potter committee. measures are novel and useless, and designed to aid last term, (1823-1825,) who, with knowledge of all suc- of its utter and beastly rascality. Whatsol His reference to Banning is really painful to us. In The corruptions of the late Grant admin- ever we may say of them on the score on the manufacturers rather than the workingmen. As cessive Speakers, say that he discharged the duties of his Interview, published some time since in the Wash- California has been successful by the ballot in install- that high office with untqualed ability, and was always istration so alarmed and sickened the peo- morality, the." v. s." are not fools; and such ington Posi, he said that the only part of our family prompt, dignified and rigid in his enforcement of the ing the friends of labor In legislative office, so should rules of parliamentary decorum. The journals of the ple that the Republicans were driven to a being the fact, they knew a fact that is so he respected was our brother-in law, Banning. He other seotions unite likewise in this regard. It is the House evidence that some of his decisions were even platform at Cincinnati full of fair promise, palpable that the ignorant many suspected affirmed this with a great oath. Fueling our utter only Site way to the success of their cause. overruled. Only one Speaker ever becamePresid erit— insignificance in the presence of the great national Polk—but several presiding officers, like Blaine and and a candidate whose purity of character it long since. Hunter, have been before national conventions, but in a public career gave proof of their sin- round dancer, wo accepted this exception with proper only two ol' these received nominations—John Bell While at the North we have trade paraW humility. Ho knew, he respbcted our brother-in-law. VOLTAIRE spent his life in firing rockets who was Speaker in 1831, and Clav. Another became cerity. He did not know nor respect us. To him we were low \ ice-President—Oolfax, the smilàx among the West- yzed and labor starving, at the South reconl at the stars. They were brilliant rockets, but left be- It never struck them that there might be down and unworthy; but he took our brother-in-law ern blush-roses of politics. No Speakers have ever struction means bankrupt States, a ruined hind only burned sticks and a bad smell. The stars been elected from Vermont, -New Hampshire, Ohio to his martial bosom and we were satisfied. We said •difficulty in getting away from the plat- people and such a beastly exhibit as this remain. One sweet sentence from the inspired lips of Delaware, Maryland, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi- the great, the national round dancer, the mighty W ana, Illinois, nor any Stato West of it. form and in controlling their President. our Savior, so full ol love and loving forgiveness, committee makes. This is the result of T. Sherman, General, the colossal honswaggler of Connecticut had one Speaker in the great John Their first trouble came in on his not be- makes his pyrotechnics appear the sulphurous clouds Iruinbull—at the second session under the Constitu- eight years of Grantism, and small wonder West Point, the hero of defeats, the amazing, gigan- ing elected. It was extremely awkward; of hell. tion. New York—that always presents a candidate- that all the political and financial rogues of] tic wah-hoss, so to Fpeak, that rears and paws and has, however, only had one Speaker, but during two but a loss of power meant ruin to the the land are eager for his return to power! cavorts and kicks up with unexpected noises, respects difierent Congresses, in John W. Taylor, who was also, like Clay, an excellent presiding officer, and did moneyed power, tp say nothing of the with a Cabinet one half of which barely] our brother-fn-law I He does not respect us; but we THE ARTICLE headed "Official Army | the State much credit in that capacity, although more claims of the penitentiary upon the lead escaped the penitentiary they nearly all] are not greedy, we are content. Register " is the work of one of,pur young men who of a politician than a statesman. The two following looks at the matter according to his own fashion. Af- States have also had each one Speaker—North Caro- ers, should the archives fall into the hands Now he goes back on us. He flouts, he snorts at, ho deserved. ter all there Is nothing like discussing both sides of a lina, in that early statesman, Nathaniel Macon, and of a rival organization. kicks, so to speak, with unexpected and unseemly Georgia, in Howell Cobb. question, and tho tables exhibit some of the remark- noises at our well-beloved, our Banning. He says our Of Kentucky Speakers, besides Clav there were A desperate disease calls for desperate able results of the work of Simon Cameron and Wil- John White, who was Speaker under Tyler, and Banning " hasn't got brains enough to be a dry-goods remedies. It was a grave crime, that of] MINOR NOTES. liam H, Seward. Linn Boyd. Virginia has also had three Speakers clerk." In Philip R. Barbour (1821) ; Andrew Stevenson, a inaugurating as President a defeated can] This is dreadful. We must drop a tear. most popular Speaker during four successive terms IT CALLS for fourteen detectives to guard (1827-1835) ; Robert M. T. Hunter (1839) and John didate. It was loosening the very founda We have dropped. one race-horse In Kentucky, and yet a thousand men SALISBURY AND BEACOXSFIELD. W. Jones—the only very weak Speaker on the list. tions of the republic, and making of our Why dry goods, oh! Tecumseh? Think of saying has had four Speakers—Theodore will not keep one politician honest on the dark and Some of the English papers comment sharply on self-government a sham and a mockerjH our beloved Banning was less than a dapper little fel- Sedgwick (1798), Joseph B. Varnum (1837), Robert C. bloody ground. What a miracle, under this state of Beaconsfleld's great policy and settlement. Winthrop (1847) and Banks (1856)—the latter chosen low in store clothes, selling calicoes, camphor, alspice, The men who undertook this iniquity were l'act, appears our friend the Hon. Joe Blackburn. The secret arrangement with Eussia, and another after more ballotings than were ever taken before or so steeped in crime that to undo the work of pepper, salt and soap, and sich, to old ladles who pay with Turkey, they pronounce to be diplomacy guided have been since. In butter, eggs, dried apples and apple sass! This is To Pennsylvania are credited two other Speakers tlie fathers, to render worthless and with by a consideration for Turkish bondholders, not by th» than the guest of the Manhattan Club—Messrs. THE WOLF IN SHEEP'S WOOL is not so cruel. Why not say wet goods of the corner grocery, spirit of the whole peoplo, which demanded com- Frederic Muhlenbergh (the first on the illustrious out effect the blood of the revolution and where the dealer wins his way into favor of the average roll) and Galusha A. Grow, iamillarly called the Go- the sacrifices and desolation of the late civil dreadful as Yhe sheep under a wolfs skin ; for we lose pliance with Salisbury's circular. •losher a,nd the Gusher. Indiana has also furnished more through the timidity of our leaders than the congressman and his son into West Point? Gould you war, did not daunt them. Nor did the sad This circular, as will be remembered, demanded, three Speakers In John W.Davis, (1845,) Coltax and fierce attacks ol our enemies. For iurther illustra- not, old military rooster, say our Banning had less almost in so many words, the maintenance of tho ter- the profoundly-lamented Iierr. Two Speakers were fact, acknowledged to the world, that our| brains than your own paternal, who left you a pauper recruited respectively from New Jersey, South Caro- tion see late Democratic House ol Representatives. ritorial Integrity of Turkey, and that the deliberations lina and Tennessee. In the latter State were Polk experiment in government has proved at that gentleman's National Orphan Asylum on the of the congress should pivot on the provisions of the and Bell—a successlul and an unsuccessful candidate melancholy failure, make them hesitate. | Hudson? Let us compromise on that. old treaty of Paris. lor the WhitelHouse. From the Palmetto State Lang- THE BUBAL PEN-DBIVEBS of Kentucky, don Cheeves for a short session, and elected when They were tempted on to their infamy byl We can hit the precise time after dinner when this Beaconsfield, however, took another line entirely, Clay resigned to attend the peace congress at Ghent; suffering from the poetic imagination of "Gath," as- Interview came off, for he speaks of Phfl. Sheridan's and, by a secret understanding with Russia, accom- and James L. Orr, who afterwards acted as speaker of the ready instruments Grant's administra- sert that he goes through life with the mark of Cain the Confederate congress, but lived to become a Grant old black charger—that he was on twenty miles away plished his ends by sacrificing Turkey as to h er "ter- tion had left over in the reconstructed upon his intellectual brow. Is not this getting things, minister plenipotentiary to Russia, and was buried when General Wright was winning the fight that ritorial integrity," and giving her hardly more than alter funeral marching honors from the loyal Seventh States. The world lias seen wickeder men like Kentucky drinks, somewhat mixed? Caini was made Phil, famous—in that pathetic way which indi- a protectorate in place of her own government, since regiment in this city. New Jersey calls the roll for branded for murder. "Oath" is charged only with a Jonathan Dayton of John Adams'era and for Wil- of course—it requires some ability to feel cates a mellow condition oi the feelings when no everything that Turkey does hereafter must be by and slight variegation of facts. We had no idea Ken- liam Pennington, whose gavel fell so often upon the brilliantly bad—but the combination of] longer under control of the brain, be the same more or with the consent of England. legislative threshold of the rebellion. Theodore M. meanness and badness developed in the tucky was so near out of Bible, as the heathen re- ss. He says: Pomeroy enjoys the honor of being a fully elected marked when seeking lor a leaf of the holy book when The Pall Mall Gazette said, at the first indication of Speaker during one day—that of the inauguration of carpet-bagger was something new to human-] " General Sheridan at Chicago is not allowed J Beaconsfleld's designs: Grant and Colfax, when the latter took his breakfast shaving. horse, while a oolonel or a major on the west bank of as Speaker and dined as a Vice President, "smiling ity. The sort of criminals they are make the Mississippi is allowed two horses. The law even English policy has quitted the straight path ; .. all the while." During the ninety years of the Gov- up the pigeon hawks and gutter snipes that starves the old black horse that Sheridan rode at has deserted the safe and honorable principle of col ernment—up to the end of Mr. Randall's term—there THE GBEAT NATIONAL BOUND DANCER ac- Winchester, whioh was alive at last accounts. The leetive European action for the dangerous and vicious have been twenty-eight Speakers. prey in a small way on humanity. Here- counts for the hot weather by attributing it to tho late old fellow will have to be shot now, for the Govern- principle of separate understandings and back-stairs ment will not feed him." bargaining; and Russia, in overcoming English ob- tofore they have been known as pimps for military enactment. He says it "raises hell!" while jectionstothe plan of private traffic, and inducing worn-out prostitutes, stool-pigeons for the this mean Government has not left him enough in- The reporter fails to transfer to paper that tender England to help her in packing a congress, has General Sherman and the Army. protest as it was probably uttered. He undoubtedly gained a victory ior her diplomacy, and a future sanc- worst sort of gambling hells, and bartenders come to purchase a refrigerater in which to insert that tion for pernicious diplomatic methods, which would [Washington correspondence Hartford Times.] of low drinking shops, where unfortunates larger part of his august person Where the legs end said, hanging to the neck of the newspaper man : be ill compensated by any material advantages which General Sherman, in a recent interview, which has By >, sir, Sherldanat Chi-Ohicago (hiccough) the congress is likely to have in store for ourselves. been rather extensively printed, endeavored to raise are poisoned by cheap liquor. and the military part of his corpus begins. We are a sensation over what he calls the inconsistencies of thus careful in our designation, lor to his august legs ain't lowed a hoss, no sir; major wes'bank Mlss- The amount of it all, however, Is a grand victory of the new army bill. He makes a point that it does not It remained for. the late Administration, belong the powers of the round dance. Whether he Miss-sippi got two, by , sir. Law starves er ole diplomatic trickery, instead of a warlike one ; and it provide hor. es for officers who are in command of black hoss (hlc) rode-er at Winchester, which er artillery and cavalry, and that " the officers will have of the brutal soldier .whose name is now so has a head lor command, or a stomach for a fight, may must be strong prejudice for honesty that can fail to to go on foot, while the privates are on horseback." prominent for a third term to lift these well be doubted. (hie) was aliveat las' 'count. Phil, cotter shoot 'em appreciate the grandeur of the great premier's work. This is all the sheerost kind of nonsense, and no one now, sir; Government won't feed damn old clack knows it better than Sherman himself. The new creatures into the House and Senate, with hoss, no, sir, by , sir, damnation an' hell, sir.' army bill provides horses for every army offloer in THE HON. ALLEN G. THUBMAN came down aotual service who should have one, or who ever did no constituency other than that found in a (Round dance and yells.) graoel'ully before the Ohio Democratic convention. Mew Jersey Economy. have one. It does not, however, allow army officers corporal's guard of the regular army and It is bad to have Government withdraw Its support who are detailed in this and other cities on staff and Like unto the wise men spoken of, he came out of the Ono of the strangest mad dashes at economy for a the countenance of His Excellency of the from that old black charger of the wild Irishman. If other special duty, to draw feed for horses they do not East; but, unlike the wise men, he did not return State Is evidenced In the wonderful reasons preferred have, and this is what Sherman is kicking about. Phil, gets so reduced that he cannot purchase horse Excutive Mansion. again, even by a circuitous route. He no longer de- by Prosecutor Jenkins for the immediate execution of Under the law he is entitled to about fifteen horses, and feed for the same. He never kept any horse whfle These were the instruments—the low vil- mands gold for the people, but joins in the vociferous feed under the salary paid him by the Government Benjamin Hunter, the interesting murderer, on the it seems liberal enough to keep both Phil, and horse he resfded in this city, and, as he is traveling about lains hired to assassinate constitutional cry of rags for the bondholders. Allen G.!s red ban- ground that if it be postponed —a» the law of the case in railroad oars over the country about all of the time, In feed—but If it is not, we would suggest the penny- makes It proper—until October the expenses of keep liberty and make of the ballot mere chips danna will henceforth be the flag of the iree hearts he does not keep a horse in any other city. Conse- and empty pockets. Oroifd on sail, oh, bondholders! lunch, rather than shoot the old beast. Our grief over lng the prisoner will amount to four hundred dollars quently he will not hereafter be allowed to draw pay of the gambler. The work was rendered this frightful picture of destitution Is somewhat re. lor those fifteen horses whfch he only owned in imagi- for that huge wipe Is far more latal to you than the red Of course this coolly business-like proposition was nation. His receipts lrom this source were about 47.50 easier by the cowardice of the man the peo- flag of the Commune. lieved by the thought that the Pegasus upon which refused. per day. Phil, rode into fame and fortune cannot be starved or ple had elected and for whose inauguration Hunter, who was exceedingly despondent on the All army officers who need horses are allowed to •they were ready to pledge their lives, and shot. It was stolen from Browning and gingered by heels of his conviction, losing his dashing spirits and have the same, and also to draw.feed for them; but In As MB. SPEAKER RANDALL'S STOBIES the anxiety of the Southern people to get Buchanan Reed, and is above and beyond requisi- complaining of all things a 1 together, has recuperated cases where they do not have them, and have no need do not hang well together, we would advise him to put t ions. That little Phil, owes all he possesses to Buch- and is again in a jolly mood, still impressed with an for them, they are under the new law In the same fix control of their State governments and to a wider distance between them, than he finds between as Sherman, and will not be allowed to obtain money anan Reed, and Buchanan owes the same debt to idea of escape from the gallows. He spends his time from the Government hereafter on false pretenses. rid themselves of the carpet-baggers at any Philadelphia and New York. At a reception given Brown lng, amounts to nothing when filthy lucre Is in reading, writing and conversing with his friends, Should Sherman go to the front and perform any kind price. him in the first-named place be said that a man who under consideration, but the facts are damaging to the and amuses himself in flirting with the girls who pass of service, which is not at all probable, he talked free trade to him was one whose sincerity or will, of course, be allowed to draw feed The difficulty in the way was that they sentiment; so dry your teas, old round dancer, the by his prison window. for his fifteen horses, although he may not could not consult the man they claimed to «ense he doubted. At the Manhattan club he asserted real charger will not starve. The most that can be said in defense of Hunter Is have a single horse in actual use. Sherman makes that It never was designed to have the Government a that he is in great measure a victim of the news- another point on the reduction of the amount that he have elected; they dared not even permit artner in private enterprises. can draw hereafter for quarters. He will under the papers. From the opening of his trial the local press new law be entitled to only $125 per month lor quar- him to know of ,the rascality they had Probably Mr. Speaker Sam. did not know what he .IESOP tells of an ambitious tortoise that under way. of Philadelphia and Camden were apparently lully ters. He does notthink this is enough. Mr. Sherman was saying in either case; for after reading the hon- was oarrled Into the clouds on the back of an eagle. Impressed with his guilt and steadily busied them- occupies two rooms in the Ebbitt House the greater orable gentleman's speeches we should certainly sus- The fable reminds us of the way that great organizer part of the while he is in this city. He pays for them This was extreigely awkward; for the selves in transferring that impression to the public $50 per month. The balance ($65) he will in the future, pect the sense o^t any one who would talk to him free (in a horn) Johngee, is being made to soar by Senator as in the past, put into his pocket. Sherman does not tools, eager for money, were clamorous for trad« or any other subject requiring brain and study. office; and while promises were made, Thurman. The late apotheo sis of a mud turtle diflers think he should toe required to spend any of the Like Bully-iiottom, the Hon. Sam. is-slow of study. in its moral from the labie. The eagle, if we remem- The Cost of Luxuries. $17,500 he receives every year for his services to sup- ¡made in the wildest profusion, each mana- port himself. ber rightly, carried up the tortoise at the insect's par- It is a notorious fact that—even in these hardest of Why he or any other army officer should receive ger lelt that there would be difficulty in the ticular request that he, the bird, might drop the iron- hard times, when clothing is cheaper than in the over twice as much as a Cabinet officer and the Secre- Miiip'j^gEjt Rjyinii.t. \ tary of War, who gives him orders, is more than the delivery of; the goods. Of all the men clad substanoe of free soup, and so cracking the shell, golden âge previous to the war, when provisions are ordinary person can discover. General Sherman concerned in the infamous frauds of Louis- Fmas it rather hard to tändle, .• get at the meat. But Allen G. will never be able to certainly not higher in price, ^when labor is to be had does not earn one-tenth of that sum, and neither does In his ignorant condition, the topics of the day; drop his Johngee. He won't be shook. Let Allen almost ior tho asking—the great North American a single one of the thirty officers on his staff, who do iana and Florida, Sherman alone was taken So to his friends in Phil. nothing but hang around this city. His talk about into the Cabinet; hence it is that, let the reach the highest pinnacle of his proud ambition, and luxuries In life, the prbductsof the bar-rooms, main- the Southern people not liking the sight of the Ameri- He pours out protection swill, Johngee will be found calmly organizing on his presi- tain their war-hold on prices. Beer was never more can flag is in keeping with the rest of his silly gabble office be what it may, its claims are con- And then at llanfiattan he talks it all away. dential back, with the conceited exaltation of that thai] five cents a glass, ale never above ten, whisky He knows better. The Sherman family, ten of whom sidered at the Treasury; and it was because hold office—three brothers. Secretary John Sherman, Mr. Speaker Randall rounded substance which, being carried from an and wines never exceeded fifteen, -nor seltzer General Sherman and Judge Sherman, and their the President could not be used, and the orchard by a flood, was heard to exclaim, "How we lemonades twenty. Mixed drinks always varied be- seven sons—has been a very expensive one to this ¡«ensiders it no scandal country. It rules us practically to-day, and It has other members of the Cabinet were un- 'ocall a poor free-tra*3er a scoundrel or a tool; apples swim." tween fifteen cents and twenty-five, and so vary now. ruled the country for some years. The people are be- sympathetic and unavailable, that John 'But when speaking to New Yorkers, There has not been an iota of change, notwithstand- ginning to think that a little less Sherman would be ing the fall in provisions, help, house rent and cur- ior the best, and they may so express themselves in a Sherman grew desperate, and, m kicking^ Of free ¡b^de the loudest talkers, very decided way soon. In the meantime it behooves THE jolly little Jenks ol the House ma- rent expenses .of all characters. The restaurant-keeper out his tools, brought T>n "the exposure. He incontlnentljtciolips a place .within that learned rines designated the Pottah committee as an " August this wonderful salary-drawing and paper general to SCliQuJ,, . . stands as unmoved and immutable in prices as the keep as quiet as possible an,d endeavorto content him- And what a mess is offered the sickening body." The j. I. J. seemed to have her knowledge of left eye of the Sphinx. He does not change—unless self with the knowledge that he holds the softest po- the months as much mixed as her recollections of sition under the Government, and that, while he has stomachs of the American people! Did Ah ! "i&r. Speaker Randall, It be money. He is eternal in his prices. nothing to do, he draws a salary over twice as large as events. She jumped from the sixth to the eighth amazed humanity ever before contemplate It is dangerous to handle Perhaps, even in tho lace of our hard times, he does that paid a Cabinet officer or a Supreme Court judge, Edged tools in such an ignorant and reckless sort of month of the year with the same graceful agility with and that, besides this, he is supplied with fuel, quar- such a collection of pimps and prostitutes ? as he does that the times may not be made tighter. ters, rations and everything else that he needs, al- stylej which she spread her petticoats over the prostrate though he will not be allowed to draw money for the Here is Anderson, not content with testify- For to your own confusion body of our finanofal John. The Hon. Ben., who, by ieed of fifteen horses which he does not own, and never did. ing to his own villainy, but hunting up . Men will j ump to the conclusion warming the little lady in his cross-examination, prob- George Appleton's Death. corroborative proof to the j fact that he is a That yourself you were describing at Philadelphia all ably caused the mistake she made, saw the slip. But Last week witnessed the death of one of the most liar, ¡perjurer and »Mack-mailer of the the while.. the Hon. Pottah really thought she meant that he emfnent publishers in America, George S. Appleton, Good Times Have Come. was a noble, magnificent, holy body, and so he mod- ol the famous New York firm. Mr. Appleton was The liberal appropriations made by the late Con- meanest sort. Then comes Agnés Jenks, in gress for the District of Columbia begin to have their estly blew his august nose. comparatively in the prime of life, being at the time the gayest manner exhibitinghpr uadraped ^THE belligerent Ben. Butler, the brainiest effect on the business of our merchants. of his death but fifty-seven years of age. He had There is a healthy activity, a bouyancy in every baseband taking pride in the exhibition, man of his period, has atlaststarted the cry abesotted been in the publishing business nearly his entire life, direction, the long faces are disappearing, and smil- and in her testimony to a forgery reminds Democracy might have won the Presidency upon IT MAY BE that John Sherman over-esti- and was highly esteemed throughout his profession ing, happy ones taken their pieces. We particularly mates the number of witnesses he can fetch from Lou- noticed this on our genial friend Gustav Lansburgh, one of the old -Jey- eJofewsr; -for-she says, long since, had it liot been undêr thé control of the and throughout the country. isiana to prove. the bulldozing of timid Republicans Esq., of the great and popular firm of Lansburgh " It is not John Sherman who snrolls ba'd •ery man the cry Is directed against. The Hon. Ben., Hts funeral took place from Grace Church and was Bros. Such a and hurry was something gratlij. in a late speech that is destined to thrill the country, during the late presidential campaign. It is possible very largely attended. All of the publishers of New lng, and we ventured the remark, "I suppose your re- it is me—I stink." said these money changers had given "gold to the that Republican carpet-bag rule In that unhappy ceipts during the week amounted to at least $4,000 or York were present, and resolutions in memory of the bondholders and rags to the people." He said, among State has produced more Andersons and Jenks', but $5,000?" "$4,000 or $5,000? Cashier, please swear to The finishing touch to this beastly ex- deceased and highly commendatory of his character the actual receipts for goods sold during the five days other things : it cannot be possible that God permits two hundred hibit comes in on Eliza Pinkston,., In this it were passed at the meeting of the Publishers' Asso- of this week;" which Mr. Norwood promptly did. ; to exist in any one locality. We are told of snake His affidavit, which is below, gives the very remark- reaches tlieiowéá possible level of sooial "The money kings had control, and put into this ciation. war measure two provisions, both of which made that déns and even mountains, under the tropics, of that able amount of $7,861.72. Success attend them. and political degradation. The country re- grand old man, Thaddeus Stevens, shed tears as he reptile ; but nature is more prolific of serpents, thank District of Columbia, County of Washington, ss. members yet ¿be »shock given it by .this carue from the conference-room of the conference com- John Sherman. Personally appeared before me, a notary public In •mitiee. The first was that that money should not be God, than carpet-baggers ; therefore we think John is The sublime and monumental ir&ud of the Treasury and for the county aforesaid, George A. Norwood, mutilated female being carried on a 'soft' received by everybody for everything. It was made bluffing us. is following the Apostle's profession, and fishes off who, ljeing duly sworn, declares that he is the cashier receivable for the blood of our soldiers, for the tears of of Lansburgh Bros.; that the cash receipts of the into the presence of the " visiting states- the widows, for the groans of the orphan, for labor for Sandy Hook. Oh! for a devil fish to clutch the devil firm, for goods sold during the five days of July, !o men," -syith her pitiful story of a murdered everything but interest money of European bankers, MB. SPEAKEB RANDALL resembles that fish of the Treasury and hold him there. wit: the 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th and 6th, were seven thousand and that must be paid in gold, and therefore it went John Sherman in rhyme : eight hundred and sixty-one dollars and seventy-two husband and babe, and her own horrible down to 3Q cents on the dollar ; and there was a pro- sweet monster, Caliban, in possessing two voices and With gaunt and hollow face, cents. $7,861.72. abuse at the hands of bulldozing Demo- vision that it might be funded in 6per cent, gold-bear- four legs. Whether the four legs will serve him in Colored like graen wood when flame kindles it, [Seal.] SIMON WOLF, Notary Public. crats. It will be remembered that Sher- ing bonds, and. bought up at 30 cents on gold-bearing running at the next election Is iurther along. He has such feeble feet Washington, D. C'., Saturday night, July 6, 1878.— bonds at 100 cents on the dollar—$5 for the use of $30 : They could not well hold on in any place Washington Post, J uly 8. man wept, and Garfield wept and grew elo- a hard bargain." Save through the subtle politician's grace; Washington Schuetzen Vereln. quent'over the mutilated Eliza. Even the Here 1« a man, holding a high position in the esti- THE MONEYED MONOPOLISTS want a strong His face is full of gray old miseries, The Thirteenth Grand Annual Festival will com- Democratic " visiting statesmen " were loud mation ol the people, who dares tell the truth and ap- government, and therefore clamor for the ieturn of And his tongue loose-jointed all with lies. mence July 29 and last five days. The Troubadour peal to the tetter interests and sound sense of the peo- He now is fear—and on the heels of death Quartette, the Twin Sisters, the great acrobats, Avery in their denunciations,and one cold-blooded Grant. It certainly would be strong in the smell of Hangs as shame's friend—and as shame salth ple. La Rue and Belle La Rue, and other attractions will corruption, if that will serve. He does, and in a way that all despise." be offered. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. THE CAPITAL - JULY 14. 1878. 5

Amusements and Excursions. Prompt Settlements. EXOUESIONS. PB0SPE0TTJS. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. SUMMER THEATER COMIQUE.—The past week has WASHINGTON, July 13,1878. been a glorious one at this cool and pleasànt resort. C. W. Howard, Secretary Firemen's Insurance Com- pany, and N. D. Earner, Secretary National Union FOREIGN NEWS. One of the finest entertainments that ever has been given in this city was the performance of the past Insurance Company: Select Excursion BERLIN. July 13.—The congress held its last sitting GENTS—X desire to express to you my thanks for To Fortress Monroe, Norfolk and the Capes. ii to-day. All the plenipotentiaries and other members week. The new artists this week are Messrs. Collyer and Kelly, who appear In their specialties, and in the the very prompt and satisfactory manner in which Messrs. Helphenstine & Bentley, of the Ebbltt were present in lull dress, as at the opening of the great local drama, entitled Poverty and Bags. Mr. you have this day settled with me for the damage by THE CAPITAL" congress. The proceedings commenced at half-past fire, on the evening of the 11th instant, to my house, House Drug Store, and their efficient clerk, Charles two and ended at four o'clock. The treaty was signed Charles H. Stanley, motto vooalist, is a new face to S. Prioe, have chartered Our city. Miss Flora Moore also appears this week. No. 310 Seventh street northwest, the same being In- by all the plenipotentiaries alphabetically. Tire sec- sured In your companies. Respectfully, &c., retaries attended previously at one o'clock in the This lady made a decided hit on her last engagement The Steamer Jane Moseley, afternoon to affix the plenipotentiary seals to each here. We would be doing an injustice to those great SAM'L FOWLER. For a Grand Excursion to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk* copy. After the signature. Count Andrassy warmly artists, Messrs. Hulms and Leo, not to say something and the Capes. This beautiful steamer will leave her eulogized Prince Bismarck's presidency. Prince Bis- for them,and what can we say î Only this: They are the Blarkrlter. whari, footof Sixth street, SATURDAY EVENING, marck thanked the plenipotentiaries lor their Indul- greatest artists in their line that have ever appeared It has been truly Bald by the great French critic JULY 20, at 6 o'clock, and will return Monday morn- gence. in this city, and we should advise all that tailed to see that " taste in art is a part of civilization." Mark- ing about same hour. The proceedings terminated with a grand court them last week not to miss this, as ft is their last week riter is the very exemplification of^this principle, for Price for round trip, $2. Staterooms can be secured dinner this evening at the White Hall Palace. The in the city. Their act cannot be described. It must he can teach the entire city how to make the smallest on the boat or of the Managers. No charge for mat- FOR 1878. Crown Prince Frederick William congratulated the be Been to be believed. It is the most daring act now amount ol money do the most In decoration. An Indif- tresses. illustrious statesmen npon the realization of his hopes before the public. A new feature this week is the ferent picture may-be made to look well when set off'by Meals furnished on boat. Breakfast and Supper, that the blessing of peace crowned their efforts. He Chinese minstrels, ten beautiful young ladles in full one of Markriter's exquisite frames,and a good picture 50 cents; Dinner, 76 cents. declared that Germany's co-operation can be counted Chinese coatum e. The DeCort Sisters, we are sorry to would be spoiled by a bad lrame. The latest patterns The Bar will be closed during tills trip, having a on for all that tends to secure and preserve this great say, remain with us only one week more; also lone in wood are always on hand, and all kinds of Interior written guarantee to that effect. benefit. He drank the health of the plenlpotentaries Lang and those olever artists, Lebarran and Chase. decorations. No one should purchase anything of the Everything necessary to make this the most enjoya- of the sovereigns of the governments who this memor- A grand bill will be ottered with the powerful stock sort without first looking at Markriter's varied and ble Excursion of the season will be done. able day signed the treaty of Berlin. The only ab- company. AH should see It. tasteful collections. Tickets can be obtained at the principal drug and sentees irom the banquet were Lord Beaconsfield and bookstores, where cards of information can also be ob- Prince Gortschakotf. THE GRAND ARMY AT GETTYSUURG —An excursion Arlington Insurance Company. via Baltimore and Potomac railroad will bemadeunder tained. We mention a few, that are centrally lo- DONN PIATT Editor. The German semi official press publish long psens, the auspices of the Department of the Potomac G. A. We have often wondered why our merchants who cated, as follows: Thompson's, 703 Fifteenth street; rejoicing and triumphing in the signature of the B., superintended by Col. B. F. Hawkes, Past Deputy are so anxious to denounce those who purchase goods Mllburn's, 1429 Penna. avenue; Simms', Fourteenth treaty of poace. Commander, to leave at 1 p. m. on Saturday, July 20 ; in New York and Philadelphia should forget the old and New York avenue; Moore's, Seventeenth and LONDON, July 13.—The treaty of peace contains returning, leave Gettysburg at 6:30 p. m. on Sunday, proverb, "that charity begins at home." While they Penna. avenue; Drew's, Ninth and Penna. avenue; fifty-eight articles. The Times' version, which is de- the 2l8t, arriving in Washington at 11 p. m. Arrange- are insuring their goods they should not forget that Entwlsle's, Twelfth and Penna. avenue; Duckett's, clared at Berlin to be unauthentic, contains fifty- ments have been made to supply tents free of charge we have companies that are more reliable at home, Twenty-second and Penna. avenue; Scheller & She- seven articles, and makes no mention of two import- and serve meals for twenty-five cents each ; accommo- and that it is to the interest of those who desire to in- bens, National Hotel Drug Store; Stott & Cromwell's, A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO ant questions, namely: the Dardanelles and Arme- dations for ladies, $1.00 per day ; giving excursionists sure to call at the Arlington Insurance Office and ob- 480 Penna. avenue; Major's, Seventh and H streets; nia. It is probably an early copy, obtained before an opportunity of spending the Sabbath on that his- tain a policy, which Is worth a hundred cents on the Kolb's, Seventh and E sts.; Oilman's, 627 Penn. ave.; final revision. Its first twelve articles relate to Bul- toric field. The citizens Intend giving a rousing wel- dollar in case a fire destroys the property Insured. Nourse's, Ninth and F sts.; Whiteside & Walton's, : garia, which is constituted an autonomatic tributary come and escort to camp. The ground secured is the 1921 Penn. ave.; Zell & Hall's, 615 Seventh St. s. w.; principality, under the suzerainty of the Sultan, with lar-famed Cemetery mil, the scene of the severest TICKETS for the New Jerusalem Lodge excursion Bacon's, Four-and-a-half and F streets s. w.; Fergu- a christian government and national militia. These can be found at the Marble Saloon. son's, Second and Penn. ave., Capitol Hill; G. W. articles further regulate the election ol the prince of fighting and one of the most central points of the Union line, where many traces of the contest are yet Cropley's, Georgetown, and J. Brad. Adams, 814 F notables at Tirnova, arrange a provisional govern- St.; Ballantyne's, 428 Seventh St.; Solomons & Chap- Politics Literature, Sooietv ment previous to his election, and lay the bases of'the to be found. The Baltle-field Memorial Association The Chesapeake. have erected a fine observatory on Cemetery Hill, from man, 911 Penn. ave.; Boardman's, 529 Fifteenth st.; government after his election. The broad estuary of that name teems with the fin-Free's, opp. Ebbltt House; Mllans&WUkins, Seventh which a view of the whole battle-field can be had ; est fish, flesh and fowl on the globe, and all of its pro- Articles 13 to 21 inclusive relate to the new province showing distinctly the earthworks on Culp's Hill, just St., opp. Patent Office; Fill's, 705 Fifteenth st. For ductions in their freshness, beauty and delicacy, may further Information call at Ebbltt House Drug Store, called Koumalia, south of the Balkans, which Isplaced as they were thrown up before the charge, together be found at the Bay on Pennsylvania avenue, between under the direct military and political authority of with fifty-one pieces of artillery, just as they were F and Fourteenth street, n. w.; Whlttaker & Son, Ninth and Tenth streets, presided over by those Pennsylvania avenue. jy7-2t3 the Sultan, with, however, a Christian governor, and mounted in the lunettes and fired on that memorable princes in the catering line, Messrs. Finley & Sup- and News. in the conditions of autonomous administration. The day ; also the position of Longstreet at Seminary governor is to be appointed by the Porte, with the as- plee. It is a small feast in itself to walk into the Bay sent of the Powers, for five years. Article 22 fixes the Bidge, the wheat-field through which he charged and view the viands, for which earth, air and sea seem Russian occupation at nine months from the signature under a gallant fire from Little Bound Top, and the to have been ransacked. But when one sits down, GRAND NATIONAL EXCURSION - of the treaty of Berlin. Article 23 provides for Aus- Devil's Glen, from whose massive, rocky walls the makes a selection, has it served in delicious style, and trian occupation and the administration of Bosnia and Confederate sharpshooters poured suoh a destructive then falls to work—ye gods! The Bay is justly cele- Herzegovinla. Articles 24 to 80 inclusive relate to fire upon the Union troops, and the position of the brated too lor Its pure and excellent liquors. To Gettysburg. Montenegro;. 31 to 39 to Servia; 40 to 54 to Komania artillery that repulsed the greatest Infantry charge The greatest preparations made to celebrate the an- and the Danube ; 65 and 66 to Greece and Crete, and ever made, that of Pickett's Division of Longstreet's THE event causingmost excltementrecentlyin New niversary in the grandest style. Over 10,000 men of PUBLISHED BÏ THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COHP>T 57 to religious equality in the Turkish dominions. . corps. All points of interest are clearly marked with Orleans has been the great success attendant upon the the Grand Army of the Republic will encamp oh the painted boards : besides, oompctent guides will be on urchase of a single ticket in the June drawing of the old battle-field for one week. Representative regi- the field to explain various positions to the visitors. iLouisiana Lottery Company by Mr. W. S. Campbell, ments from all parts of the country will meet, and The Indians. Distinguished officers of both sides will be present. a coal dealer of No. 29 Carondelet street (well known grand receptions plenty of music, and many other SAK FRANCISCO, July 13.—A Baker City, Oregon, Special religious services will be held in camp. there,) yielding a return, paid immediately, of $100,- amusements will be there to induce visitors to spend dispatch says the hostiles have made their appearance The ride through the beautiful Conewaga Valley 000 in cash. Who will be the next? For information two days of recreation. The departures of trains from in Clover Creek, a tributary of the North Powder and a view of the National Cemetery, the finest in the address M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Bos 692, New Orleans, this city have been fixed to leave BALTIMORE AND river. Captain Vivian's company, of Egbert's com- world, is well worth the visit. Louisiana! POTOMAC DEPOT at 1 p. m., SATURDAY, mand, while scouting yesterday in that direction cap- THE GRAND EXCURSION.—The great excursion of Dave Hagcrty. July 20; returning, leave Gettysburg 6:30 p. m. tured seven Indians, eight squaws, and some children the season will be under the auspices of New Jerusa- Sunday, arriving In Washington at 11 p. m. and some twenty head of horses after a..vigorous pur- lem Lodge, which will occur on Saturday, August 17. Many persons do not know that they have a noble- Arrangements have been made with hotels suit. 3 The celebrated Baltimore steamer Louise has been man among them. This European gentleman of the to accommodate visitors from $1 to $1.60 per day. Thirty or more of the hostiles escaped. Scouts from chartered, and every effort will be made to make this haute noblesse condescends to keep, for the accommo- Members of the G. A. R. will be provided with Meacham's report large trail through Blue Moun- the great family excursion of the season. In our next dation of the public merely, perhaps the finest restau- TENTS FREE, but must provide a blanket. Meals tains, passing toward Snake river, made early yester- iBSue we shall give a full account of the interesting rant that can be found—all this at the corner of Sev- will be served for 75 cents per day. day morning. Egbert's command has been ordered programme which the managers propose to otter Jo enth and' E streets northwest. The Count does not Fare for round trips only $2.50; children half price. to the Pagette country to watch for returning hostiles, the public. exactly keep a charitable institution, but we don't see Tickets at Ticket Offices, Thirteenth street and who are evidently moving north towards Idaho and how he can make a profit, considering the reasonable Pennsylvania avenue, Sixth street and Pennsylvania the Salmon river country as fast as possible. San 1 EXCURSION TO NIAGARA FALLS AND BETURN l'on rates at which he dispenses his seductive eatables and avenue, and at depot on day of excursion. Jaros command has been ordered to Miles, in Fly $11.—This announcement of itself should be sufficient, drinkables. TICKETS LIMITED. SECURE EARLY. Valley, near Daly Ranch, then follow on the trail of as it is dirt cheap, and less than the fare one way. As INBEPEDENT AND AGGRESSIVE Indians north. The prisoners captured yesterday are this Is the first attempt to inaugura te cheap Niagara DELICIOUS fruit sirups at Drew's, corner Ninth jy7-ti8 now on their way to Fort Boise, under Egbert's escort. excursions, the originator should be nobly sustained street and Pennsylvania avenue. DEER LODGE, MONT., July 13.—A northwestern spe- in the effort by the public. By reference to the adver- • cial, dated Philipsburg, Montano, July 12, midnight, tisement it will be seen that tickets will be good to Dan. O'Brien. EI&HTH ANNUAL EXCURSION says: A passing body of Indians have murdered Wil- return anytime within ten days and on any regular All travelers who visit the city, whether they come liam Joy at Bosses Fork, Rock creek. Jack Hayes train. and Amos Elliot are also supposed to have been mur- from the south or the north, have Imbibed golden Washington Light Infantry Corps, dered at the same time and place. The murderers THE Washington Light Infantry Corps, better opinions of our popular host who keeps the Emmet THIS JOURNAL CRITICISES PUBLIO are believed to be those who murdered men on Dear- known as "Company A," (a letter which it deserves House, opposite the Baltimore and Ohio depot. His born river and Elk creek, and are-probably returning to wear,) gives an excursion on Wednesday, July 17, genial manner at onoe puts the guest at his ease, and MEN, DISSECTS PUBLIC MEASURES, PROBES Nez Perces. forty miles down the river, landing at Glymont. This the excellence of the accommodations completes the COMPANY A, can be relied upon to be In every way as pleasant and good Impression. Most excellent eatables are pro- PRIVATE CLAIMS, EXPOSES THE LOBBY agreeable as the seven which have proceeded It. The vided at reasonable rates, and the bar is stocked with Potter's Subs In New Orleans'. popular officers and the rank and file of this organiza- the choicest liquors. As a place for the accommoda- AND ATTACKS THE RINGS. CRISP, LIVELY, NEW OIIXEANS. July 13^—In the Potter • sub-com* tion of gentlemen and substantial citizens are sure of tion of transient visitors the Emmet House is simply WKDNE8BAY JULY 17, mittee, Henry Gi Fisk testified concerning his connec- success in everything they undertake. perfect. SEARCHING AND SEVERE, IT GIVES THE tion with the affidavits oi Dix, Hobbs and Williams, WE CALL special attention to the advertise- George W. Driver. that they had heard wilder say Weber did not sign ment of the complimentary excursion tendered by STEAMER JANE MOSELEY FULLEST, LATEST AND FAIREST i the Anderson-Weber agreement, and that Anderson the merchants of the District to Piney Point and re- Driver, the inimitable, is still on deck to take care did not swear to it. Witness corroborated the testi- of those who " are hungered and afaint." The wind mony of Hobbs and Williams, that Wilder made such turn. This will be one of the most complete successes of the season—the names of the managers being suffi- may come and the wind may go,but Driver keeps on for- Forty miles down the Potomac, landing at Glymont statements, but contradicted Williams' statement that ever, and that too in the good old style, at his restau- he (Williams) did not read or authorize certain state- cient guarantee of the character of the affair. Those - wishing a pleasant sail on the river, an avoidance of rant on the corner of Four-and-a-half street and Penn- Tickets $1.00, admitting a gentleman and a lady. i ments made in bis second affidavit. Witness said the sylvania avenue. To any one but a stranger in the affidavit was twice read to Williams. the heat and dust of the city, and this without Inter- ference with business duties, Should take advantage city Driver needs no introduction, for he is as well Boat will leave Sixth Street Wharf at 5.30 p. m.; Henry Seed, (colored) commissioner of election for of the opportunity afforded. known as the Washington monument and as solid as Accounts of Life and Affairs the Fourth ward of West Feliciana Parish, testified re- its foundation. All the delicacies of the season are returning, leave Glymont at 10.30. garding his affidavit before the returning board. Be- MESSRS. HELPHENSTINE & BENTLETW the Ebbltt hi«, and good liquors are his, and there is much health Supper will be served atGlymontby an experienced ing shown the original, he said he had signed it; did not House drug store have not only the courage to lead off in them. caterer from 8 to 10 o'clock at fifty cents pay much attention to the oath, as lie didn't kiss the In selling soda water at live cents per glass, but pro- Bible. Although witness did not kiss the Bible to- pose to give a grand excursion to Fortress Monroe, Pete Welclcer jy7-2tl day, said he was going to tell the truth. Witness in Norfolk and the Capes Saturday evening, 20th in- Is noted for the fine quality Of liquors he keeps. Fete detail denied most of the statements in the affidavit, stant, that will eclipse any ever before attempted. is a mo3t excellent judge of liquors, and this is certi- Merchants' Complimentary at the National Capital. saying they were not authorized; that they had been Bemember the bar will be closed, and all improper fied to by the many G-overnment officials who daily put in by the writer of the paper, and he didn't con- characters will be excluded. This is to be a party of ; sider himself responsible. sample his wares on Fifteenth street, opposite the ladies and gentlemen only. Treasury Department. Pete is without a rival in his EXCURSION, Charles Geeks sworn: L. E. Weber stopped a few particular line, and his customers may be named weeks ago at witness' home, and said he was going to SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1878, TO PINEY POINT, Washington, and that he had the Sherman letter in legion. his pocket. LOCAL ITEMS. ICE-COLD COFFEE and chocolate at Drew's five cents STEAMER JANE MOSELEY. per glass. THE GREAT SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CEN- Bank Swindlers. TICKETS for the New Jerusalem Lodge excursion can be found at the Marble Saloon. ROUND-TRIE TICKETS: NEW YORK, July 13.—On the complaint of James DIE». TER OF THE COUNTRY.-®» D. Fish, receiver of the Teutonia Savings Bank, Judge Gentleman, $2.00 ; Gentleman and one Lady, $3.00; DREW'S soda and mineral water reduced to ,five ELIOT.—On Saturday, July 13th, at 7:50 p. m., Gentleman and two Ladies, $4.00. Donohue, of the supreme court, yesterday issued cents per glass. No reduction in quality or quantity Harry JRandolph, youngest son of Kandolph L. and orders of arrest against the trustees of the bank on a TICKETS NOT TRANSFERABLE. civil proceeding to recover from them $29,314, moneys Isabelle Eliot, aged 17 months and 22 days. Notice BROWNING'S BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, Indiges- of funeral hereafter. • of the bank alleged to have been fraudulently con- tion and constipation. For sale by the druggists, tl verted by them to their own use while acting as trus- BROOKE.—On Friday, July 12, 1878, at 2 p. m., Boat leaves Sixth-street wharf at 10:30 p. m.; return- tees of the bank. The former secretary of the bank Zach. B. Brooke, in the iorty-second year of his age. ing, leaves Piney Point Sunday, 5 p. m.; arriving in has confessed that he purchased various securities be- JOHN BOSS' Relatives and triends are invited to attend the fu- "Washington about 11 p. m. RESTAURANT, neral to-dayjJSunday, July 14,) at his residence, 819 low par, but charged par value for them on the books 309 SEVENTH STBEET. Tickets can be procured from the Committee only. • of the bank. The difference was divided among the Ninth streeHiorthwest. * EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—E. E. White, W. II. trustees with their knowledge and consent. Four of Beall, W. N. Dalton, C. T. Tyler. the trustees gave bail in $10,000 this afternoon. SODA WATER reduoed to 5 cents, at Simms', corner jyl4-2t8 Fourteenth street and New York avenue. SPECIAL NÖTIGES. Two Army Officers Drowned. DON'T TALK about the warm weather, but go and «3,000. WANTED. «3,000. ONLY #11.00 CHICAGO, July 13.—Information has been received get a club vest at Keeler's, Boom 1 Vernon Bow, at the military headquarters in this city that, yester- Pennsylvania avenue and Tenth stroet. day evening. Lieutenant John Anthony Kucker was On. First-class Real Estate drowned in White Canon at Camp Supply, Arizona [By Telegraph.] Security, Three Thousand Dollars. Territory, while attempting to resoue Lieutenant NIAGARA FALLS Austin Heneley irom the water. Both officers were NEW ORLEANS, July 9, 1878. Apply to AND RETURN. well known as being among the bravest and best In- In the 7th Grand distribution of the Louisiana State H. >1. C. DANAHEB, TICKETS good for a CONTINUOUS RIDE GOING, dian fighters in their regiment, the Sixth Cavalry. Lottery Company, made in this city on Tuesday, the HEAT. ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT, On Special Train. Returning via Geneva and boat AMONG ITS CONTRIBUTORS ARE: Lieutenant Buoker was a son ol General Bucker and 9th Inst., ticket No. 92,843, sold in Marion, Ind., drew 323 EOUR.AtfD.A-HALE Street. on Seneca Lake to Watklns Glen, and good to re- a brother of thewlfe of Lieutenant-General Sheridan. first capital prize; No. 45,216, sold in Washington, OR AT turn on any day within ten days from date of starting His unsuccessful attempt to save the life of his com- second capital prize; No. 32,726, third capital prize. 93S F Street JV. W. It0 of the excursion. rade is mentioned in the dispatches as being a most M. A. DAUPHIN, Prest, SPECIAL TRAIN will leave Baltimore and Poto- heroic and daring act. 'FOR »BENT.—Three communicating rooms mac Depot at 6 a. in., August 1, running through with- BRET HARTE, TICKETS for the New Jerusalem Lodge excursion over Markriter's new store, No. 626 E street, out change, arriving at the Falls same evening. Ar- one door from {Seventh street. Apply at the 'The New iovernment Appointments In can be found at the Marble Saloon. rangements have been made with the International store. , jeia-tfl Hotel for accommodations at $2.50 per day at the GEO. DOUGLAS (BEAURY,) New York. THE quality and quantity of Drew's ice-cold soda Falls, and with the Glen Mountain House at Watkins NEW YORK, July 13.—This afternoon Colonel Burt, has not been changed; the only reduction is in the AMUSEMENTS. Glen for $2.25 per day; also carriages, sight-seeing &c., the newly appointed naval officer, and General Mer- price, five cents per glass.* at greatly reduced rates. In order that the arrange- ALMONT BARNES, rltt, the newly appointed eolleotor of the port, called UMMER THEATER COM1Q.UE. ments atfove stated may be fully carried out, those who on Judge Choate, of the United States district court, Coleman wish to join the Excursion will please address the un- and presented their bonds. The Judge approved the S dersigned without delay. W. A. SHORT, bonds and the clerk attached the seal of the court to Is a man specially adapted for the hot weather. He MONDAY, JULY 15, NIGHTLY AND WED- jy!4-8t0 Washington, D.C. MARIE LE BARON, them, and they were sent to the Secretary of the Is a kind of sine quanon when the thermometer NESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. Treasury for his approval, which is necessary before mounts up into the nineties, and it is not too much to Engagement of the Great Character Artists and they can take their office: The names of the bonds- say that no customer ever leaves his saloon, corner of Comedians, 100 Miles Bide on the Potomac for men will not be disclosed until after the decision of Eighth and D streets, in an uncomfortable frame of Messrs. COLLYER and KELLY. WILL STUART, 'the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to them. . mind. A shave and hair-cut in his establishment is a Also of the Great Motto and Character Vocalist, Ten Cents, joy lorever. And then he has the finest warm and CHARLES H. STANLEY. Commencing MONDAY, JULY 15, and Continue cold-water baths that can be found. Also the Great Mimic Vocalist and character Artist, Until Farther Notice. A. O. BUELL, Base Ball. Miss FLORA MOORE. Last week of the greatest of serial artists, Hulms and HORNKI.LSVII.LE, N. Y., July 13.—Hornells, 4; Buf- SODA WATER reduced to 5 cents, at Simms', corner Leo. All of last week's company In a grand bill. Steamer Mary Washington falo, 0. Fourteenth street and New York avenue. First time on any stage of the Chinese minstrels. Will leave her wharf, loot of Seventh street, every PAGE McCARTY, CHICAGO, Julj 13.—Chicago, 8; Milwaukee, 4. The great J. J, Riley and Lizzie Smith. The perfor- MONDAY and FRIDAY at 10 a. m„ returning at • CLEVELAND, iJuly 13.—Stars, 8; Forest City, 3. «Vllkening. mance concluding each evening with the great local Eleven innings. 4:45 p. m. As tho heated term continues, a pleasant place of drama entitled Poverty and Rags, with the full com- A MOQITLiGHT EXCURSION will be given on " ROBERTS," TORONTO, ONTARIO, July 13.—Tccumseh, 4: Man- resort is eagerly sought for. This handsome place, pany In the cast—40 celebrated artists. Last week of each of the above nights, (Monday and Friday,) leav- chester, 0. No. 337 Pennsylvania avenue, which ha3 been so ex- the DeCprt Sisters, lone Lang, Lebarran and Chase. ing at 7 ; returning at 12. Fare round trip, 15 cents. tensively patronized during the session of Congress, Music and Dancing on each of the above trips. JOHN JAMES PIATT Virginia Springs Items. will not abate one jot of Its attractions during the Refreshments furnished at cltv prices. GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. VA., summer months. Wilkening at all times is prepared MUSIC AND DANCING. The Managers reserve the right to reject any per- -July 13.—The meeting of the American sanitary com- to welcome his customers with all that the markets af- Fifty Miles Ride oil tlie Poto- sons they may see lit. jyl4-tl2 mission which was to have been held this month at ford, prepared in the best style and at market rates. and others. the Warm Springs, has lor the present been indefinite- mac for 15 Cents. His liquors are not to be sneezed at, we might re- Potomac Ferry Company's steamers will make Four UNDAY EXCURSION.—THE STEAMER ly postponed. — mark, as an adjunct. MATTANO will resume her trips to Marshall The military commission will meet here On the 22d Moonlight Excursions each week. Will leave Mon- •Instant. days, Tuesdays, Fridays and Sunday nights, at SHall on Sunday, May 5, 1878, and every Sunday | TICKETS for the New Jerusalem Lodge excursion thereafter during the Excursion Season, (weather per- Judge Wayne MacVcagh is'here, and General 7:00; return at 11 p. m. Cars will be in waiting on can be found at the Marble Saloon. return of the boat. Commence MONDAY. July 8, mitting.) Leaves Sixth-street Wharf at 3:30 p. m. Re- -Joseph E. Johnston is at the Warm Springs. turning arrives at Washington atabout8:30p. m. Fare IMMENSE assortment of belts, with sockets to match, 1878. je30-t!2 to Marshall Hall andreturn, 25 cents. The MATTANO Telegraphie Items. at the Palais Boyal, 1117 Pennsylvania avenue. can be chartered for excursions on Tuesday, Wednes- BASE BALL. day and Friday evenings, and on Wednesdays, on SAN FRANCISCO, July 13.-A Umatilla dispatch says Tobacco. very reasonable terms, by applying at office, foot of •the Indians have burned Oayuse station. The troops Sixth and N streets southwest. are now being disposed in the hope of cutting oft the The great event of the season was the Introduction NATIONAL myl2-4mos6 G. TUCKER JONES, Agent. «retreat of the hostiles and bringing them to bay. of the P. O. D. cigar, which caused every dealer In cigars to remove their glasses and ask who Frank ASTORIA. St".L?uJs' Ju.L7, 13-~Te.n hewcases of suaslrokeare Loughran was. In order to satisfy the craving imagi- ORTY-MILES' RIDE ON THE POTOMAC •reported here this morning and four deaths the nation of the rival tobacconists we will state that ; MONDAY, JULY 15th, at 5 p. m. F -weather is still blazing hot, the mercurystandiftir in Frank Loughran's celebrated establishment can be FOR TEN CENTS. »the business part of the city at from 98 to 100 degrees found on the corner of Ninth and F streets, where On NATIONAL GROUNDS. according to location. B ' the celebrated P. O. D. can be found at the low price Admission 15 cents, SST"Terms: 25 c,ents per month; $2.50 HARTFORD, CONN., July 13.—Ira Thrall of Vernon of five centB, as well as genuine Michigan chewing POTOMAC FERRY COMPANY'S STEAMER, •Conn., a member of the legislature of 1873, leu in his fine cut at the unusually low prioe of five oents an CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, will mase Excursion trips 'barn last night and broke his neck. per year (iasluding postage,) invariably in ounce. We advise our friends to visit Loughran. EIGHTH GRAND ANNUAL PICNIC • daily. Leave, 11:30 a. m. Return 3 o'clock p. m. ST. JOHN, N. B., July 13—Hanl'on, while practicing to-day in his "Eliott" boat, the Colonel Shaw kept Madame Washington. Commence Monday, July 8,1878. Greatestcare taken advance. Clubs : Ten copies to one address, "too close in shore and struck a rock, damaging his This popular modiste has become famous, not only of children. je23-tfo boat considerably. It is thought she can be repaired.' as authority in the way of dressmaking and the latest $20 in advance, with one copy free. Twenty styles of the Parisian fashions, but because she has Knights of St. Patrick! UNDAY EXCURSION. become a benefactor for belated Washingtonians, who S copies to one address, $85 in advance, with f X. M. C. A. throng her parlors at 907 Pennsylvania avenue at all To he given at G1ESBORO, TUESDAY, •steamer LADY OF THE LAKE will, until further NBW YORK, July 13.—The delegates from the tJSithd hours of the day, endeavoring to take advantage of JULY 16, 1878. notice, make regular excursion trips on SUNDAY rStates to the world's conference of the Young Men's the low prices Madame Washington offers to the AFTERNOONS, leaving her wharf, terminus of the one copy free. Christlon Association, which is to be held in Geneva public. Tickets, Including round trip on Ferry Boat, 35 cts. Seventh or Ninth Street Line of Cars, at 3 p. m., for a on the 15th of August, sailed this afternoon in the Children accompanied by parents free. ltii live hours' sail on the Potomac, calling at Glymont steamer Ethiopia. The party consisted of about fifty going down and coming back. Fare, 50 cents. All BUSINESS communications should persons of both sexes, and they expect to travel . TICKETS for the New Jerusalem Lodge c-xeursion caa be found at the Marble Salçon, HOSE FOND OF YACHTING AND SAIL- Steamer JOHN W. THOMPSON will leave same •through England, France and Scotland before going ING Should wharf every SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock be addressed to to Geneva. THK most systefflatlo, prompt, reliable' and reason- T for Glymont. Fare, round trip, 25 cents. able plumbing and gasfittiBg establishment in tho . Call at E. KOLB'S, EIGHTH and E Streets, N. B.—Steamer Thompson's tickets not good on the Lake. je2-t!6 8. A. 8AFFOBD, Jr., The Weather To-day. city Is Hamilton's, Y. M. C. Building, Ninth and D streets. The smallest orders attended to with as much Where the Celebrated Yacht DOLPHIN will be For New England, clear or partly cloudy weather, promptness as the largest contract, and charges guar- rattled on ERSONAL.—MADAME DEMONGEOT AND 'light, variable winds, and stationary or lower pressure. anteed to be satisfactory. her sister, MADAME PRANDE, sailed last Business Manager, For the Middle Atlantic States, clear or partly cloudy MONDAY EVENING, July 15,1878. PThursday for Paris and Geneva. Ladles must antici- •weather, light variable winds, stationary or higher EXAMINE the olub vest at Keeler's, Room 1 Vernon pate something new in the manufacture oi hair work «pressure and temperature. *ow, Pennsylvania avenue and Tenth street. Chance, $1. ItO and hair-dressing. It3* 927 D Street, Washington, D.AJ* 6 THE CAPITAL - JULY 14.1878 . 6

For THE CAPITAL. posed the whole world, It might do ; but we don't, some ardent Democrat was called Van Burenvllle, TRIP TO ORKNEY SPRINGS. WEABING APPABEL. A SONG. and we can't control it. but though this group of cottages still remain no effort Murtagh of the Republican, who had some good was made until recently to develop the resources of BY MARIE LE BARON. qualities, made a raid on the gambling Institutions of ORKNEY SPRINGS, the place. Now there is an immense hotel, with its the city—half-shell business again—for he is now SHENANDOAH COUNTY, VA., July 12, 1878. handsome parlors, large, airy dining-room, and a ball Kiss oo one but me, my darling, running a lager-beer place. Did be stop gambling 1 To the Editor of THE CAPITAL. * room, more elegant than any I have ever seen, while Love's kisses are fragile things, Not a bit, only it was done more quiet, and the frater- Taking the Baltimore and Ohio 8:90 tralD, connect- the hotel and "semi-attached" houses offer commodi- ing with the Valley railroad at Harper's Ferry, and And the stain of too common usage nity are now going to Alexandria and will build that ous accommodations for seven hundred to a thousand with a line of—not stage coaches—but light park wag- To their dainty essence clings. sleepy old place up. It goes,on in the by-ways, and people. ons, or wagonettes, at Mt. Jackson, we reached Orkney Kiss no one but me; kiss no one but me. you will find that, let them work openly, and clerks The different houses are named after several of the Springs. Going rather under protest, and dreading And I'll gather thy sweetness faithfully. and boys will not be half so apt to indulge in 'the States, such as Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, the trip, it was with something not far from resentful pastime If it is open to the public gaze, as when Delaware, California, Jersey Kow, etc. Professing to disappointment that,I realized I was not, as I knew " 1 Kiss no one but me, my darling, they can quietly sneak In some back door, and by be a good judge of an honest, well-kept table, 1 most should be, completely prostrated, tired to death," Lest out of the soil of each kiss giving pass-words and going through other formula, heartily give testimony to the abundance ef well etc. [ 2- • ® e> Should be lost the mystical love-charm get what they want. You can't stop these evils. You chosen and well-served dishes, and was pleased to That wakens from slumber our bliss; It is a waste of time to dwell upon the condition of only make them more sccret, and resort to deception. realize that Mr. Coleman maintains his well estab- CO iffi Kiss no one but me; kiss no one but me, Stolen fruit is always the sweetest. Some Freneti the wayfarer over the Baltimore and Ohio road. lished reputation as a caterer. The visitors are r »S" 1 O zn 1 vow,-as I live, I'll kiss no one but thee. woman said she wished it was wicked to eat cream Every one knows that you involuntarily catch your chiefly Baltlmoreans, Washingtonians and Virginians. 1 » GO!"" • 1 1 breath as you dash over the high, frail-looking bridges, ZJ3 cakes because they were so nice, and that is human 1 am sorry that I have not time to speak of the char- ct> g-ffi And if years shall fade our red kisses, and that you leave the road with a renewed faith in ail » ^ We will fold them softly away nature the world over. acteristics of the different springs at greater length. s S" <5 —1 its safety and management, and likewise with a cinder e H-* a CO We are all sorry the Analostan did not win the cup One would naturally be attracted by the name of Bear O.MOP In memory's beautiful casket, in your eye. Arriving at Harper's Ferry the good- regatta at Norfolk last week, but they won many u Wallow Spring. For the first quarter of a century Pure for a heavenly day. natured conductor cries out, All who take the Val- lrlends. The excursion of the Thalian club, I am told there was a prejudice against using this water, which Kiss no one but me; kiss no one but me; ley road keep your seats," and tries to retreat, but is by those who went, was one of the most satisfactory 41 arose from the fact that during the heated season As an angel I'll woo thy kisses irom the. arrested by a dozen questions, euch as Show u£ John ever given; that from the time the boat left the wharf bears were known to come here to wallow in the marsh " MORIARTY," Brown's Fort?" "Where are the old Government until her return not one unpleasant thing happened overflowed from this spring. buildings?" "Which is Jefferson's Rock?" "Uan GOSSIP BY ROBERTS. to mar the pleasure. This prejudice was overoome by the practical phil- Merchant Tailor, you tell me where our troops were on Maryland 612 B street northwest, near corner of The next excursion in order is that gotten up by Heights ?" &c., &c. If he were not the very best of osophy of 8 confirmed invalid, who had used it suc- Seventh, The condition in which I sit down to write to you, Messrs. Helphenstlne & Bentley of the Ebbitt House cessfully in bathing. One day he exclaimed impet- officers, (his days up are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Where la displayed a neat stock of FRENCH, ENG- my friends, is such that I am willing to swear out an drug store, whose well-known character and standing Saturdays,) he would not try to answer every inquiry, uously, "If it will cure one without, it will cure one LISH. and AMERICAN goods, ALL NEW, selected affidavit or any other kind of a document, "so called," are guarantees of success. They have chartered the neither would he take the precaution to remove the within !" Whereupon he drank freely and with great with great care from the best wholesale houses In the Jane Moseley for Saturday, the 20th, and go to For- benefit. The name, as before indicated, came from, country, and will be sold at low prices comparative that my article will not be a dry one. I don't suppose two delicate children and their wan little mother to to his light expense, together with being saved the a thermometer has ever been Invented that could go tress Monroe and the Capes. There will positively be what will now be the shady side. (as far as we know) an unwritten tradition of the anoyance of returing garments te be altered. Gene- up high enough to prevent a woman from gossiping. no liquor sold on the boat, as they have paid an extra Bruin family, that this water had the virtue to cure all ral satisfaction is guaranteed. mhl7-ly4 Every mile pf the Valley road is replete with beauty She will get up off of a sick bed, in fact put old death sum to have the bar closed, so there will be no chance the evils the little bears were subject to. Then there and historic interest. Charleston, Winchester and in a closet for a while, if she sees a chance for a good of anything disagreeable occurring. It Is a good op- are the Powder, the Sulphur, the Chalybeate within other points were the scenes of some of the most dash- gossip. portunity for those who cannot leave town for any the enclosure, and the group of Kelley Springs, not a ing exploits of the late war. Luray's Gap, in Massa- length of time to get a breath of fresh air at a moder- mile away on the mountain side. This morning, in- MERCHANT TAILOR, A thrill of excitement ran through the wilted in- nutten Mountain, recalls the feint ot Stonewall ate cost. vigorated by a mineral-water bath, I essayed a ride No. 835 SEVENTH STREET, mates of the Imperial hotel a few days since by a Jackson and the disaster to General Banks' troops. I read in the Post a few days since an article signed over two mountain tops, on horseback, sampling wedding taking place In its parlors. I wai sitting In " N. P. Banks has the soul of a genuine gentleman," Makes to Order the Cheapest CLOTHING- in the " Rual," making an attack on Mr. Sogers, the private springs. Just as my escort was handing me a brim- city. my room thinking 11 the sweet William of old, who said one of Jackson's old soldiers, as he pointed out secretary of Mr. Hayes. Now " Kual " is evidently an ming glass of cold water from an enclosed, but un- Pantaloons, all wool $6 and 87 wrote " Oh, that this too solid ilesh would melt," was Luray's Gap. "1 remember when my brother was Cheviot Suits 818, 820 and 822 > Ohio man, who has an invention for perpetual motion, labeled spring, a voice near by cried, " Poison, poison!" around about this time, he would soon have his wish killed we brought him home, but kept him out of Yacht Cloth Suits $20 and 822 • just lacking one thing to be a success. Mr. Rogers and I have to congratulate you that the life of your granted, wh en In rushed a moist looking female say- town over night to avoid a party of Union men. On nov4-ly5 has the universal reputation of being an extremely valuable correspondent was saved to write further des- ing, "Do you want to go to a wedding?" "Not unless our way to the grave-yard we met General Banks., polite, courteous gentleman, who listens pleasantly to cription of Barb's Mill, Ice Pool, Land's Slide and the A . B A. 8 C H O N, It Is my own," replied I, "and the worser half has got He not only did not have UB interfered with, but the thousand and one persons who have a grievance Devil's Garden. E. B. J. French Steam Dyeing and Scouring to be wofully fascinating to tempt me to-day." stopped his horse and solemnly lifted his hat as we to unfold. ESTABLISHMENT, "Well," she says, "there Is a couple down stairs going carried the body past." to be married in the parlor In five minutes." The Colonel Scrd^gs of the Champaign county Gazette, 422 Eleventh St., bet. Pa. Ave. and E St. Washington. By Universal Accord, Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Clothes little bit of life lelt in me rose up, and I felt it was published at Bloomington, Illinois, who made so As the road winds along the valley, with the moun- AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS are the best of all purga- Cleaned without taking them to pieces. All kinds of worth something to see two beings who had spirit many friends here this spring, has been run away tains on either side, the pure, cool air drives heat Shawls and Silks done up equal to new. Feathers tives for family use. They are the product of long, enough, with the thermometer prowling around among with ; not by a leminine, but a pair of horses, and nar- and the remembrance of the oppressiveness of the cleaned and dyed. Special attention paid to cleaning laborious and successful chemical investigation, and and dyeing Kid Gloves. Articlesheld lor sir months. the hundreds, to wrestle and struggle in the matri- rowly escaped serious danger. Scroggs has not a ro- city away. Soon eve/y one grows good-natured and their extensive use, by Physicians in their practice Not responsible in case of fire. The only French Dyer monial sea, so 1 went down. It was a runaway match. mantic name, but be is a good fellow, and It is on the able to enjoy the novelty of Virginia travel. The in the city. Suits dyed in twenty-four hours' time. and by all civilized nations, proves them the best and The bride Informed a person who assisted her In get- cards that he may, at no distant day, be howling "Mr. train will stop for any reasonable request or emergen- ap28-ly2 most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can ting ready that the happy man was of good family, Speaker," and performing the congressional feat of cy, such as a basket of good apples or a wayside spring. devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise had money, but her parents objected to the match be- trying to catch the roving optic of tbe gavel pounder For example: the newsboy, when near Summit Point, SECOND CLOTHING from their use. In intrinsic value and curative pow- The only place In the city to dispose of Second-hand cause he was addicted to drink, adding, with that con- In the Cave of the Winds. said that if I wanted a drink from that sulphur spring he could get it for me. Imagine the surprise when ers no other Pills can be compared with them, and Clothing, Watches, Guns, Pistols, &c„ at a fair cash fidence a woman always has in herself when connected price, is at the Original HERZOG'S, 308 Ninth street, I read a speech made at Louisville, Kentucky, by every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, with the man she loves, "I know I can cure him." he was seen rushing down and dipping vigorously near Pennsylvania avenue. B y calling at or address- Mr. Willis on his return from Congress. It was char- when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, ing the above number, orders promptly attended to She was young, ratherpretty; he was a young farmer, with a tin cup into a shining new bucket. acteristic of him ; calm, sensible and well put. Willis and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery ap!4-t(B and had he not looked so warm and sheepish I should As the boy started up the sharp embankment the bore an unblemished reputation while here, and that of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are .spe- have called him good looking. As I stood there I conductor holloed "All aboard" and the little fellow is more than can be said of many representatives. A cially adapted to the needs of the digestive appa- OIGABS AND T0BA0CJ0. •wondered If in a year from now she would be ready to answered "Oh Capt., jist hold heraminit." Every- number of them are big men in their little place, but ratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, curse that day's work, and every onejwho stood by and body was intensely interested, and "Capt." did, just TRY THE when they come here they behave more like Hotten- if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic let her do it, or whether she would look gladly back as he had intended to, waited until boy and bucket tots than respectable beings, and the welfare of their to employ for children and weakened constitutions, to it a£ a wave that launched her on the sea of happi- were safe on the platform, and so the merry train was constituents is the la6t thing they think oi. Ken- whore a mild, but effectual, cathartic is required. P. O. D. 5-Cent Cigar ness. tucky was one of the few States that was creditably refreshed by a glass of cool mineral water. You soon WARRANTED ALL HAVANA FILLER, . represented here, and Bhe had better stick to them. have quite an interest in the neighborhooJ, and are FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Harry ing a man to reform him Is like being measured AT A man only becomes of use to his people after he has pleased to discover how friendly you feel to these lor an umbrella. It may or may not be satisfactory. hearty, hospitable people; indeed are quite willing Lean or Fat to Order. but you might as well try to make a politician honest been here one term. New men are not put on promi- • [From the Chicago Times.] FRANK LOUGII KAN'S, nent committees, and a district makes a first-class fool when you come to the Strausburg junction to back as to talk to a woman who loves a man. No matter down a mile and a half to the quaint town of Straus- As a rule people are no better satisfied with the con- S. E. cor. ninth and F fits. N. W. novl8-lyl of itself when it changes a well-tried representative, dition of their bodies as regards plumpness than they how worthless he may be, she will, brave everything, burg, which is demurely nestled at the spur of the risk everything, sacrifice everything for him; and 1 who has shoveled a path, merely for the sake of are with their share of worldly wealth, or their posi- changing. Massanutten. There is only one trouble-—you want tions in society. The scrawny woman longs to be would not give a snap for her l(,she didn't. Not long to get off and stay. But the train would back down plump, while the woman wlih a rotund form wishes W. S. ROOSE, since on the Avenue I saw a man, respectable looking, I had a very pleasant call from Mr. Pitman of Savan- to Strausburg nolens volens consent, for it is so written to be spare. The two women, cast in different molds, in a helpless state of intoxication, a policeman on nah, Georgia. Hewas a strong " States rights man," go through life envying each other's good fortune in in the deed, and the village has the appearance of the matter of proportion. Stock-raisers long ago found each side of him taking him to the station-house; be- fought for what he deemed right, and left an arm on dii ng nothing save await the daily visit. out that by a judicious use of different kinds of food Cigar Wholesale hind him was his wife, a young, nice looking, well- the Confederate battle-field ; yet he is now using all they could render the animals they kept fat or lean at 'dealer In Im- At Woodstock we were informed after this wise: pleasure. Of late tables have been prepared in Eu- ported and dressed woman. She paid no attention to the rabble his influence to preserve peace and heal up old wounds. manufacturer ol " Dinner here; ample time for dinner," and a voice rope and this country showing how much food of a 1233 following or tbe wondering looks of the passers-by, If one could only rake out the carpet-baggers from the certain kind will be required to make a lean hog or the Cactus, La but stuck by him, trying to pacify and quiet him. I South, that lungithattookroot there alter the war,and from without sounds familiar to the ear thus: "Git bullock of a given size fat enough for the market. In Manola, La R^ose, and Stockton Cigars. could not help thinking how little a man would stand let the Southern men govern and lepresent their own into de ambulance and take a free ride to de eaten Oriental countries, where girls are disposed of to rich Peiinusjirani» house." Those who do go have the air of people bent customers, it has long been tbe custom to bring them Agent fot the Ambro- by a woman. Man Is of the " nobler " sex and a supe- people, we would have less trouble. The three States to a certain decree of plumpness by the employment sia Fine Cut. The trade- rior being; but he will get a woman in trouble, and that have given tbe most troublo and public disgrace, upon a picnic frolic. Luckily it was "court day," and of fat-forming food. supplied direct from the the yard of the court-house was crowded with natives, Up to this time, in thU country, science and skill Avenue factory at the very lowest New then leave her to get out of it the best she can. Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana, have been York and Baltimore prices. brought Into disrepute by the carpetbagger—people who were dividing their attention between apple pies have not been often called Into requisition for the I have received numerous communications relative and ice-cream. I regretted that it was too early purpose of creating or disposing of human fat. Vari- to my inquiry as to why the car-drivers were not pro- who went south when it was in a crushed state, after a ous mechanical appliances have been employed for four years' civil war, who had hardly a dollar of for watermelons, or there might have been seen an enlarging the size and changing the contour of the vided with seats. One was very witty, but I am not American rendition of Murillo's "Beggar Boys." bust, and for diminishing the circumference of the «-Retail branches at Wlllard's, Metro- money, no sympathy with the people or Interest In politan, Arlington and Imperial Hotels. willing to subscribe to the reasons given; at any rate, Within the old court-house Congressman Harris was waist; but feeding for the purpose of developing the not yet, because I firmly believe that the directors tholr welfare, but simply tomak e money for them- form has been limited to the inferior animals and explaining to the country squires and cross-road poli- the various kinds of poultry. It is true, nevertheless, and managers of the roads only need the subject selves. One thing struck me in talking with Mr. Pit- man, who is a man of influence in his State, and who ticians the sinuous movements of the present Con- that brides are disposed of In this country in mucn DANIEL LOUGHBAN, brought before them to remedy it, as it is a piece of gress. the same w.iy as In Turkey, Egypt and the Barbary needless cruelty to make the men stand sixteen hours married a niece of Patrick Henry, was his eulogy on states. They are marketable only as their condition One object en route attracted attention. It was the JOBBER OF when their duties can be performed just as well by Ben. Butler. Old Ben. generally gets a broadside of of form and features pleases the customers in the abuse from Southern men, but Mr. Pitman says in new cemetery at "Edinboro'Town," which was so market. If the market calls for plump girls, lean having a seat given them. ones are not disposed of on anything like advanta- CieAUS AND TOBACCO, New Orleans the poor people blessed him ; that near the railroad track that it is a transposition of the This is also true regarding the clerks In stores. The geous terms. Yet managing mammas and the man- NO. 1408 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, OPPO- familiar text, which may read, "Death in life;" yet workingmen are crying lor the eight-hour law, yet whatever bis sins may have been, he supplied the agers of fashionable female seminaries 6eem to en- poor with food and clothing ; so we will chalk one hard by there were beautiful groves. It was laid out tirely ignore this fact. The former send their daugh- SITE W1LLARDS' HOTEL. there are a class that work fourteen hours, and almost ters to the latter to learn various accomplishments by with squares and points, so like a patch-work quilt all ol that time are on their feet. 1 don't think any down to our Butler. means of which they may the better capture husbands, mar25-ly6 that no mortal could gaze on it without wonder. There olty -has a more humane, honorable set of men than A better illustration of the impossibilities of life and but all neglect to take any pains in tne development was an angel in the midst; but, oh, pity! its wings of tbe degree of plumpness which the market re- are the merchants of Washington. Now why don't the sufferings of the average woman cannot be had GOAL AND WOOD, were already blackened with the cinders from engines quires. In this matter they could gain wisdom by they all form an alliance, and close their stores at an than by observing one striving to carry a sun umbrella, employing Turkish instead of French instructors. of trade. H. A. CLARKB. JOHN T. GIVB» early hour, and give their employees, who are human fan and a bundle in one hand, and the narrative of The diet at female seminaries is in no wise conducive Beaching Mt. Jackson we found Orkney vehicles to the production of fat. It consists, for the most flesh and blood, achance? The custom that is gstten her dress in the other. The only thing that can add part, of weak tea, skimmed milk, lean beef, dried sour late don't amount to anything, and If a thing is to her happlnesB and increase her temper is to drop waiting for passengers. 1 dreaded this part of the apples, allspice and pickles. Between meals the girls Coal and Wood. wanted it will be bought. The first-class stores on the the bundle, and then try to pick It up. trip greatly, but was a little reassured when invited to eat slate pencils and pickles, and drink weak lemon- a Beat in a light open carriage, in which wer^ only ade. Avenue close early, and lose nothing by It. Now, if The on ly consolation tbe masculine head of a family Recently some attention has been given to dispos- the Seventh street merchants would one and all adopt has In the present heated term is the fact that this two others. We were soon whirling away upon good ing ot superfluous fat In very corpulent persons, and the same rule the public would sustain them. "Live time the stoves are put away all right, the legs all put turnpike roads, stopping occasionally at some spring, to the production ot the requisite amount in lean and at one time making a call while the horses rested ones, by means of substances taken into the stomach. CLARKE & GIVEN, and let live" is a good motto. Who will make him- inside and the pipe tied on. About next November a A preparation " warranted" to reduce the weight of a self popular by starting this plan? wild-eyed man will be seen rushing frantically around a few minutes, upon a farm house, where a "maiden person from three to five pounds a week, according to fair" and shoeless spun an old style big wheel. Another conundrum Is still unanswered, as to why the corner, while the wile and mother will be sitting the amount taken, is advertised. By the judicious WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN We left the girl and her spinning-wheel and de- use of this a woman weighing three hundred and the barber shops are made to close on Sunday morn- home, looking with tearlnl eyes on an obdurate stove, seventy-five pounds, and requiring two ordinary tape- ings ? There is no good reason why they should not on which no earthy persuasion or orthodox swearing scended the mountain, which, by the way, is named lines to measure her waist, can, in the course of three WOOD AND COAL. remain open until twelve o'clock. It is a moral im- will make the pipe fit. When Dr. Watts wrote "Let "Supandlick." It needs not the research of philology months, make herself sufficiently scrawny to enter to explain that the hungry hunter meant in giving the most intellectual society in Boston. Almost sim- possibility for the whole masculine community to get Not your Angry Passions Rise," he had never tried ultaneously with the advent of this preparation ap- this name that it was the custom to seek a rendez- shaved on Saturday night, and It is just as much a to -put up a stove, or used a ball ot soap. Either of peared a book direoting people how to be plump. It Daily arriving, eargoes ol select ANTHRACITB necessity for the barbers to ply their trade for a few these two things would have stopped him in his poetic vous on the other side of this mountain for supper and gives full directions for attaining any given degree of and BITUMINOUS COAL, lor families, steam and a drink of the mineral waters. We were now whirling plumpness. By following the instructions given a manufacturing use. hours on Sunday morning as it Is for tbe street oars to flight. Some one recommended me try a ball of soap, lean female can prepare herself for a "fat weman" In down the mountain side at a dizzy rate; immediately run. Don't my friends on the police board think they which 1 did; consequently my life is spent, every time time for the oomlng fairs, women thus have the KINDLING AND CORD WOOD. are trying to be too moral, and overstepping things a I use it, in raking that slippery old soap from under below our road looked like a circling belt, while di- means at their disposal for becoming as fat or as lean as they desire. By the use of hair-dyes, cosmetics little, with no good result whatever? Oysters are the bed, bureau and every other Impossible place. rectly in Iront rose, in a deep blue haze, the old North COAL STAND ABD—TON 2,240 lbs. Mountain. When we reached the valley we looked and these later inventions, a woman may transform good on the half shell, but morality is not. Perhaps The Louisiana frauds are daily unfolding them- herself so as to please any fancy. If she is unsuccess- Best Quality, Fair Prices and Fair Dealing. you may say, my gossipers, that the questions I am selves. If George Washington, the father of his around and saw the light wagonette, four In hand, ful as a spare, brunette she oan, in the course of a few oommg as rapidly and apparently M smoothly as our weeks, appear as a fair and fat blonde. Hereafter coming to are not for a woman to argue, but I am for country, and who couldn't tell a lie, can look down there will be no oceaelon for old maids, since a girl No. 424 TENTH STREET WEST, the good of Washington and Its business welfare. If and take a realizing sense of tbe situation, it Is enough own vehicle. No description Of mine oan do justlee may assume as many forms and appearances as there Between D and E streets north, refusing a license to sell liquor to respectable places to make him grasp his little hatchet and weep bitterly to the beauty and novelty of this road; and it is doubt- are marriageable men in the neighborhood. BRANCH YAKD, cornor Twelfth and O streetB would put a stop to drinking I would gladly uphold to see how his Louisiana children lie. A more relia- ful if there Is a more skillfully engineered and better northwest. How to Avoid Sunstroke. It; but it does not, nor will it. If a man wants a drink ble orowd could not be found, for they lie and lie again. graded road in the United States. DEPOT at Potomac Bridge, eoraer Maryland ave- The New York board ofheallh has issued the follow- nue and Thirteen-and-arhalf street. sep6tf8 be is going to have It, and the more trouble you put What the Government wants to do is to take Louisi- A short drive of two miles and a half from the foot ing circular : him to the more determined he is to have It, and there ana and put her out on a reservation, and then give of Supandllck, through a well-tilled valley, brought " Sunstroke is caused by excessive heat, and espe- COKE DOWN TO 4 CENTS. are always ways and means of getting It. Sitting Bull "leave," as the boys say. When Captain us to Orkney Sprifigs. Upon inquiry we learn that cially if the weather is ' murgy.' It is more apt to oc- The ladles connected with the temperance caui>e Tenks of the Sherman marines finds a button off of tradition ascribes the origin of its ndme to a party of cur on the second, third or fourth day of a heated term got up a petition to the polio« eemmissloners asking his shirt he weeps in silenoe and pins it together, and noblemen visiting Cecil, Lord Baltimore, who, while than on the first. Loss of sleep, worry, excitement, 40 BUSHELS DELIVERED FOR $2.10. close sleeping-rooms, debility, abuse of stimulants, that all licenses be refused, and li that was not prac- sings softy, "Sweet Agnes." on a hunting expedition, camped here, and were so predispose to it It Is more apt to attack those working ticable, to refuse It particularly to the Comlque. The penny-lunch still lives ; the eltizens have up to impressed with its beauty that they named It after one in the sun, and especially between the hours of 11 GAS-LIGHT OFFICE, Now, my friends, do' you Imagine that the taking the present writing subscribed eneugh to pay over of their favorite haunts. o'clock In the morning and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. On hot days wear thin clothes. Have as cool sleep- I 411 and 413 Tenth street. away of their license stopped the drinking ? Not one half the debt. The book containing the names is a Bridge, say, two centuries—instead of the hunting ing-rooms as possible. Avoid loss of sleep and all un- bit; it only made things worse. Men will go there handsome , and no money could buy it from me. camp of, perhape, the first party of our cousins from necessary fatigue. If working in-doors, and where and you can't stop them, and a gentleman told me I mean to leave it to ray boy, and twenty years from over the water, whose descendants still are willing to there is artificial heat—laundries, etc.—see that the room is well ventilated. If working in the sun, wear W that in consequence, Instead of a man dropping in now that book will be a speaking monument. Now,- brave the perils ef savage America for "b'ar and a light hat, (not blacK, as it absorbs heat,) straw, etc., and taking a glass of beer, he row puts a flasko f my friends, if you will come forward on the first of the buffalo"—and behold an immense hotel, with sur- and put Inside of It on the head a wet cloth on a large whisky in his pocket and drinks it, or goes out; in month with a twenty-five cent subscription we will be roundings that give assurance of all that Is needful green leaf : frequently lift the hat from the head and see that thé eloui is wet. Do not check perspiration, twenty places within a stone's throw he can put a all right, and I can keep ahead, and have cash money for elegance and comfort. but drink what water you need to keep it up. as per- On Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, &c., halt dozen drinks inside of him and return. A man in the fall toenlarg e the whole thing. The springs are at an altitude of 2,800 feet above spiration prevents the body from being overheated. is much less liable to get lntoxleated while his atten Colonel Pierce ot the Imperial has started a line of sea level, and the air Is, consequently, cool, pure, dry Have, whenever possible, an additional shade, as a AT tion is attracted by a performance going on than thin umbrella, when walking, a canvas or board stages for Great Falls. They leave every Saturday and exhilarating. The sceneiy is picturesque and cover when working In the sun. When much f atigued walking around the streets and dropping Into a doien evening and return on Sunday night, thereby giving grand, diversified by mountains and valleys. The do not go to work, but» be exeused from work, es- restaurants, treating and being treated. My friends, excursionists a chance to spend all day at the Falls. mountains are not rugged, but covered with dark firs pecially after 11 o'clock in the morning on very hot P. WALLACH'S, it is the drug stores you want to look after. I know days, If the work is in the sun. If a Heeling of fatigue, If New York had such a spot within fifty miles of the and pine, while the rich valleys abound in groves of dizziness, headache or exhaustion oocurs, cease work some of them In this oity that are regular bar-rooms, city it would have utilized it long ago, and made it a chestnut, oak and maple. The collection of mineral immediately, lie down in a shady and cool place ; (Late of the Firm of S. GOLDSTEIN & CO.,V where a man or woman can go la and get a drink the place ot popular resort. springs, judging by the analysis, are not surpassed in apply cold cloths to and pour cold water over head same as at any bar in the city. Some of them would and neck. If any one Is overoome by the heat, send I want to acknowledge a substantial donation from the world. It is a very old place of local resort, and immediately for the nearest good physician. While starve to death as far as a legitimate business is con- Chrlstain Heurich—(who has opened a brewery on before the year 1800 the farmers of Shenandoah Valley waiting lor the physician give the person cool drinks LOAN & COMMISSION BEOKER, cerned, and these places are more dangerous beoause Twentieth street—) for the penny lunch. It will feed had used it as a kind of Harvest Home. Throwing of water or cold black tea, or cold coffee, if able to It is on the "strict ti. T.," as Lydla Thompson sings. swallow. If the skin is hot and dry, sponge with or the crowd for two dayB, and I am confident the Lord, up rude cabins, they came yearly, after the housing of pour cold water over the body and limbs, and apply Morality on the hall-shell again. People go to these whose son was bom in a stable, will not go on the their crops, to secure medicinal advantage from the to the head pounded Ice wrapped in a towel or other NO. 1417 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. places who would be afraid te go Into an open, " half-shell " when he judges poor humanity. I may water. One of the early settlers of this region, who after- cloth. If there is no Ice at hand keep a cold cloth on myl2-l%0 licensed restaurant. I am in farer or giving lioenses tbe head, and pour cold water on it as well as on the be a phenomenon or an exeeptional case, (I don't think wards became an owner of this property, and reserved body. If the person Is pale, very faint and pulse to dlflerent places. The momemt you make a thing JOHN R. KELLY, I am,) but I do believe In the last day, when we all the privilege of a summer residence at his favorite re- feeble, let him inhale ammonia for a few seconds, Dealer In FIRST-CLASS open you have struck it a blow, and the reformers are judged, the Lord will be like the old farmer, who sort when he sold it, relates that he was first attracted or give him a teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of BEEF, ^bonl'AMB, ought to see this. Tor instance, take gambling. Now, ammonia In two tablespoonfuls of water, with a little took his whe'at into Albany and said, " They don't by a sign board nailed to a large oak tree, Inscribed sugar." there Is no one more bitterly oppwed to this vice than ask me which road I came, but whether my wheat is with a hand pointing to the " Yallar Springs," for the ,VEAL,®^P| JHITTON, Bte 1 am. I never played but onee Is my life for money, good." 1 uphold religion and purity, but not oant, guidance of the rustic health seekers. He obeyed the CORNED BEEF A SPECIALTY. and then I lost it and I got mad. But as Shakspeare and he who gives me the means tofee d the poor, no index finger, and found board for himself and wife at II. HEIL, Stalls 628, 629 and 630 Center Market, Ninth street Bays, "Shall there be no more cakes and ale because matter what he may be. does a good aoilon, whieh will two dollars a week! s*crlB mm.-mm "B mm. * wing; and 206 and 208 Northern Liberty Market, or ad- dress Box 713 City Post-Offlce. Marketing delivered thou art virtuous?" If you and I, my friends, com- in the final day outdo the half-shell morality. NO. 322 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. ROBERTS. In the year 1833 a little village sprang up, and by ap'JS-lyS free of charge to all parts of the city. 4scl6-MT' THE CAPITAL - JULY 14. 1878. 7

tion ha? reason to take prfde in the reoord of her lar and almost constant practice of archery TO TEAVELERS. HOTELS AFD BESTATJEANTS. OFFICIAL ARMY REGISTER FOR officers as a tody. by all male Englishmen, and thus was firmly JANUARY, 1878.; Of the 2,158 active officers whose names are.borne established the fame of the English long-bow. In ALT1MOBE AND OHIO KAILKOAD. upon this register there served with th.e volunteers deed these archers became so formidable that it was B (Published by ttle War Department.) The great double tractc. in the late war, (graduates, volunteers and officers dangerous to oome within four hundred yards of them NATIONAL BOUTE AND SHOBT LINE A careless person taking up this book will at once from the ranks being counted together,) as follows: if they were to windward of you. At two hundred and TO THB pronounce it ihe work of Professor Dry-as-duet, and North, Northwest, West and Southwest. WASHINGTON Major generals of volunteers 39 fifty and three hundred yards a line of battle went declare without hesitation his preference for Webster's TO TAKB EFFECT Brigadier generals of volunteers fi 62 down before them like grain before the reaper. It is not SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1878, at 4:45 p. m. unabridged as light and entertaining reading. Yet, Field officers ot volunteers * 238 surprising, then,that archery did notglve place readily though the volume is mainly made up oi names and Company officers of volunteers 480 . — 819 to gun-powder, and the writer, (an experienced tox- Leave Washington: figures, the names are, many of them, those that will t5:15 a. m.—NEW YOJRK, PHILADELPHIA and Served with the regular regiments 707 ophillte,) would prefer, as a military weapon, the Eng- BOSTON EXPKESS. Ellicott City, except Sun- Uv.e when the republic is old, and the figures tell a Appointed siiffce tne war 632 lish long-bow to the clumsy matchlock ot a couple of days. On Sundays to Baltimore only. Stops at story of hardships endured, danger encountered and . Total . 2,158 centuries ago—" hell-born murderer," though it be, Shipley's, Laurel, Annapolis Junction, J essup's, Han- Club Restaurant, arduous services faithfully and cheerfully periormed, over and Elk Bldge. We have not the space to go Into the details of the in the way of noise. If fact, he fs not quite sure but which make these two hundred and odd pages of 6:50 a. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations. services rendered by these officers, but a glance at the that, In thoroughly trained hands, it (the bow) were (Cranberry, Strasburg, Winchester, Hagerstown and statistics as interesting as a novel. It Is the record oi Kegister will satisfy any one who may be either ourlous not quite as effective a weapon as the old smooth-bore Way via Belay.) . ¡Sherman's Miserables made unhappy by unwise ei- f7:40 a. m.—BALTIMORE AND LAUBEL EX- or who may have doubts on the subject. tower musket or " brown bess." The long-bow simply forts at uncalled-for legislation, ihe writer hereof PRESS. Wo have asserted that these officers arc from the went out of "fashion," et voila lout. As to these fear- 8:10 a. m.—Point of Rocks, Cranberry, Strasburg, NO. 1409 NEW Y0EK AVENUE, - does not, however, purpose to write a defense of the people and of the people. ful long-range breech-loading armes de precision the Winchester, Hagerstown and Way Stations. United States army. It needs one less than did 8:30 a. m.—New York. Philadelphia, Boston and The cadets at West Point are taken from among the writer has nothing to say. Massachusetts when attacked by the fiery Hayne. He Baltimore Express. PARLOR CAB to New York and constituents of the members of Congress, and they By looking into Chamber's Encyclopaedia any one Philadelphia. Stops at Annapolis Junction. only says : here is the record; read it and judge for do most emphatically represent- votes. The oivil ap- could enlighten himself on the subject of archery, and f8:35 a. in.—St. Louis, Chicago, Columbus and Pitts- yoursc.ves. The officers of the army want no de- burg Express. Hagerstown and Yalley Branch ex- pointments were taken from the great volunteer army. Its revival in Groat Britain as a pastime. The paper ÍSTOW OPEN. fense either as individuals or as a body. What they cept Sunday. Through car to Staunton. Pullman The officers from the ranks are certainly from the peo- relating to the bow and arrow was prepared by Peter cars to Cincinnati dally. Grafton to Sandusky, dally, do want is that their position, their surroundings, the ple, and as a body they represent every State In the Muir, Esq., of Edinburgh, the oldest living archer in except Saturday. services they have rendered and the difficulties that 9:00 a, m.—On Sunday only. Baltimore, Annapolis Union, as the following tables will show. That two Britain, Inasmuch as it is over three score years since surround them, should be iairly understood. They and Way Stations. States are rather heavily represented it must be ad- he first began " to bend the foroeful yew." 10:00 a. m.—BALTIMOBE EXPRESS.. Stops at want, in other words, to stand square,upon the rec- mitted, but that is no great matter. Time will Bladensburg, Beltsville, Laurel, Annapolis Junction, ord. In a recent letter to the writer hereof Mr. Mufr J essup's and Hanover. BEST HAVANA CIGARS, equalize the difference. says: "It was not until after 1840 that archery was re- If the necessities of the nation demand a wholesale, 12:10 pi m.—Baltimore, Ellicott City, Annapolis General and Staff' Officers V. S. Army—Slates Appointed vived among the middle classes In Edinburgh, and I and Way Stations. sweeping reduction of the army, and the muster out From. was invited to attend a small meeting in Yorkshire, fl:30 p. m.—New York, Philadelphia and Boston of a large number of men who have devoted the best Express. On Sundays to Baltimore only, stopping at where I was fortunate in winning the captatncy at CHOICE OLD WINES. . years of their lives to the service, they want the law- all stations. Stops at Laurel. 100 yards; and in 1844, mainly through my example, 4:30 p. m.—Baltimore, Bladensburg and Laurel Ex- makers to understand just who they are striking when a O the Grand National Archer^ Society was established press. Frederick via Belay. Stops at Annapoifs - they enact that the.number of regiments shall be re- 3 Plo 5 s Junction. ISP . • Ois g in York, where in 18451 won the highest prize (100 +4:35 p. m.—Point of Bocks, Frederick, Hagerstown, - duced and the staff corps cut down. ^ belo hg ,, « Ib ra Lì «3 pounds sterling) ever given for archery, beating 150 Winchester and Way Stations. On Sunday to Point Best Caterer in the City, and a Cuisine When one reads the bill recommended by the Mili- p U Ig M p u S Englishmen on their own ground—and the first time of Bocks and Way Stations only. tary Committee of the House, or the bill brought in f4:40 p. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Sta- Alabama. • 1 Scottish archery had prevailed since the day tions. that Defies Competition. by Mr. Hewitt from the Committee on Appropriations, Arkansas • 1 f5:30 p. m.—Philadelphia, Norfolk and Baltimore In the light of the volume before us, he fsforoed to the California • 8 31. 12 "Of Flodden's fatal field,J Express. Norfolk except Sunday. Norfolk passen- 11 14 Where shivered was fair Scotland's spear, concl usion that these congressmen were either totally Connecticut. I-.. • And broken was her shield!" gers taken fn the cars dfrect to boat at Canton. Stops ignorant of the scope and effect of these bills, or that Colorado. ..j..!..j 1 1 at Bladensburg and Laurel. Delaware - - ....{.. 2 Mr. Mulr was, during the long period of half a oen- f6:50 p. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. they were talking one thing and preparing to do District of Columbia... ;-. ..]> i| 11 25 f7:15 p. m.—Chicago and Columbus Express. another. Attacks were made in the press hostile to Florida ...... I 1 4 tury, a manufacturer of archery implements at SLEEPING CAB to Chicago. the army upon West Point, and these attacks we re G-eorgia .... 1 I- 3 " Archer's Hall," Edinburgh, but Is now retired, ihe +8:10 p. m.—BALTIMORE EXPRESS. SPECIALTY, Idaho Territory j...... 1.. 1 writer has specimens of his skill as a bowyer and +9:25 p. m.—St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburg and echoed and re-echoed in- the hall of the House. The 3 Illinois . 13 fletcher, (aAow-maker,) and any one visiting " Auld Louisville Express. Pittsburg, except Sunday. Pul- hostility to the army seemel to be based upon hostility Indiana ¡..j..i.. 1 1 10 man cars. Kentucky Blue Grass Mutton, to the Military Academy. During these discussions Iowa..... !...... M 5 Eeekie" would find "Archer's Hall" worthy of at- +9:30 p. m.—New York, Philadelphia | and Balti- Kansas.. -.--.j- -j,.i- -i 2 6 mere Express. SLEEPING OAR to New York and we read a great deal about epauletted aristocracy and tention. It is in the Old Town and adjoining Hope Kentucky 1 8 2.. 16 Park, wherein the Royal Edinburgh Archers, the SPECIAL SLEEPING CAR to Philadelphia. SWEETEST, TENDEREST, JUICIEST MUTTON military loafers, who did not dare to wear their uni- Louisiana j...... 1 1.. 2 +Dally. All other trains dally, except Sunday. forms. We say this hostility seemed to be based on Massachusetts 1 51 2 12 8.. 45 most aristocratio society of any kind in all Scotland, Ail trains stop at Relay Station. IN THE WORLD. Maine w ..:'. .'. 1 1 1 3 2 1 14 hold their meetings. There one may see, on an oc- All through trains will stop at St. John's Run for hostility to West Point, but it was not so founded. We 7 3 LI 17 passengers to and from Berkeley Springs, and at Deer Michigan ...... 1 1l i casion, scores of the representatives of the ancient cannot always certainly know the intentions of men; Mississippi ...... [... - 2 Park and Oakland Hotels during the season. Caledonian nobility playing with "bow-arrow-sticks," but judging these bills by the effect they would have Minnesota - 3 For further Information apply at ticket offices at de- BLUE POINT OYSTERS Missouri !•• .. •• 15 pot, corner New Jersey avenue and C street, 485, 801 had, It was the veteran officers who served through the and not the least ashamed of It. And as to female Maryland ili 24 archery, It Is worth a voyag6."across the Atlantic to see and 603 Pennsylvania avenue, and 613 Fifteenth street and rebellion, men who came, from the people and are of New Hampshire •••••• • ••! 2 1 1 11 northwest, Washfngton, and Masonfc Temple, High our fair cousins slapping their arrows Into the targets the people, the veteran volunteers, who would have New Jersey § • •• •• • 2 1 6 1 . 14 street, Georgetown, where tickets can be procured LITTLE NECK CLAMS New York •• .. 1 1 6 8 4018 103 with a skill, force and zest that would surprise ye. and orders will be taken for baggage to be checked been the sufferers, not the graduates of the Military Nebraska 1 .. . 1 and received at any point in the city. Academy. These bills proposed to cut down the Nor,th Carolina " No. sooner was thfc>battle done, L. M. COLE, W. M. CLEMENTS, FROM NEW YORK cavalry and infantry regiments, which, except in the Nevada Her golden bow laid by, Gen'l Ticket Agt, Mast. Trans'n. New Mexico, Ter... 1 .. But whom by arms she could not take, GEO. S. KOONTZ, General Agent. DEVILED CRABS, TERRAPIN, kC. grade of lieutenant—officers appointed since the war— Ohio 1| l| 1 1 1 6 10 She slaughtered with her eye." are almost exclusively officered by men from the ...... 1 —Queen of the Amaxons. 1 Qf7Q GREAT Oregon 1 •volunteers, and from the ranks of the regular army. Pennsylvania " 3 5 9 35 Quoth Mr. Muir: "The practice of archery Is, IO I O» PENNSYLVANIA 1878. Rhode Island . il 1 1 ROUTE It is the same with the pay department, which it was South Carolina without doubt, the most elegant, wholesome and in- TO THE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. proposed to reduce. Also with the judge advocate Tennessee !.. .. "2 teresting of all outdoor amusements for either ladles ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN . general's office. The question of reduotlon in the Texas 2 or gentlemen, if pursued in the way experience has Double Track, Steel Balls, Splendid artillery, engineer and ordnance corps and subsist^ Utah Territory [••[•• "Vermont ' 1 1 4 found to be the best;" and I extract the following Scenery, Magnificent Equipment. ence departments, which are almost exclusively offi- Virginia . 1 2 from some very pretty verses by the clear-headed old JUSB 10, 1878. cered by graduates of the Military Academy, was tp West Virginia Scotchman in^praise of archery: Trains leave Washington, from Depot, Corner of DINNER PARTIES p be turned over to a board ot military officers, gradu- Wisconsin Wyoming Territory •!•••• " It lengthens life, it strengthens limb, Sixth and B streets, as follows: . ates of that institution. For Pittsburg and the West, 10:10 a. m. daily, with At Large, &c*...... 1 It adds to beauty's glow; Parlor Oar to Pittsburg, and Sleeping Oars to Pitts- AT THE CLUB OR PRIVATE HOUSES. Disease files off on rapid wing burg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chicago; 7:40 Before producing the figures to prove this state- il il 3I14 31|46 lis 204 881 gl 571 From him who twangs the bow." ment, i. e., that the reduction proposed would have p. m. dally, with Palace Oar to Chicago. * Of foreign birth and State appointed from not It is now a twelvemonth since Mr. Maurice Thomp- BALTIMOBE AND POTOMAC RAILBOAD. atlected almost entirely the officers appointed from For Canandaigua, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara given.. son captivated the readers of Harper's and Scribner's • the volunteers and' from the ranks, we'wish to say Officers of the Line—States Appointed From. Falls and the North, at 7:40 p. m. daily, cxcept Satur- Elegant Private Rooms for that it does not matter where a man was educated, Magazines by his charming illustrated papers on the day, with Palace Car to Watkins. For W illiamsport, long-bow, and archery straightway came Into lashlon, Lock Haven and Elmira, 10:10 a. m. daily, except whether in the Military Academy or in-a Western log Sunday. school-house, if he graduated In the great school of and the importers in New York find ft impossible to For New York and the East, 1:45 a. m. and 9:30 p, Parties. the war for the Union he is the peer of every other supply the demand for archers' gear, there being any m. daily, with Palace Oars attached; Limited Ex- press of Pulman Parlor Cars, 9:20 a. m. dally, except • officer. These are graduates of whom no man takes number of clubs formed and forming in various sec- tions of the country, besides countless individuals ol Sunday. precedence with the American people. And It is a o For New York and the East, 1:30 p, m. dally, except This house, elegantly finished and lurnlshed, pro- • difficult to understand why Congress goes on making all agesand both sexes who have taken to the arrow Sunday, with Sleeping Cars from Washington to Boston. For Brooklyn, New York, all through vided with the best service, Is under the immediate new officers year after year, until those appointed Alabama !.. 11 and the bow. For a person of sedentary habits and Arkansas |.".[-.. .»f.'.wi l|. Advanced in life there is no exercise comparable to trains connect at Jersey City with boats, Brooklyn supervision of since 1868, who have seen no service, number, in the California and Annex, affording direct transfer to Fulton • line of the army alone, six hundred and thirty-two, Colorado pulling at a stout long-bow. street, avoiding double ferriage and journey across Connecticut 9 18 Yet here in Washington we are still without an New York city. and then the House proceeds to legislate out full six Delaware 6 6 For Philadelphia, 1:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday, hundred who have done battle for the republic, and District of Columbia 6 '17 17 Archery Club, although there is no city in the country and 1:45 a. m., and 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. dally, many of whom bear 'on' .„their persons honorable Florida possessed of so many and such beautiful^gronnds for Limited Express, 9:20 a. in. dally, except Sunday. John Chamberlin. Georgia ... 1 "•4 target-shooting. Will not some of our society ladies Accommodation for Baltimore, 6:55 and 8:30 a. m. and scars—men who come from the people, and inen who Indian Territory. -3 .... 4 4:20 p. m. dally, except Sunday. mh24-tf3 . rose from the ranks by the force of their own merit.? Idaho Territory 1 take the matter in hand, and bring the belles and For Pope's Creek Line, 6:55 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. dally, It was the men—there Is no gainsaying this—who Indiana 2 1 5 Ili 161- 58 beaux together — under the greenwood tree—thus except Sunday. ME NTON, were doing hard and thankless duty on the frontiers Illinois 2.2 17 .2» 70 worthily imitating " the good old times" in merry For Annapolis, 6:55 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. dally, except Iowa 2 17 England? And O, athletic youths, if you wish to Sunday. (SOUTH OF FRANCE,) at the very moment the vote was taken In the House Kansas i 9 ALEXANDRIA AND FREDERICKSBURG II 21 display your muscular powers and graces of person oi Representatives, that the provisions of Mr. Ban- Kentucky • 23 58 > RAILWAY AND ALEXANDRIA AND WASH- nlng's and Mr. Hewitt's bills would have affected. Louisiana 1 7. take down the quiver and the bow, and, after due INGTON RAILROAD. HOTEL NATIONAL. Massachusetts 27 67 practice under a competent Instructor, oome shoot us For Alexandria, 6, 7, 8, 9:10, 10,11a.m.; 1, 8, 4:20, 6, There is, again, no difference in the records ef the' Maryland 17 50 6:20 and 7 p. m. On Sunday at 9:10 a. m and 1 and 7 This new hotel, one of the handsomest at this cele- a match in public lor some prize worth contending •officers whose names appear on this roll. Whether Michigan 19 67 p. m. brated resort, is constructed with all the modern Im- they come from West Point or the volunteers, or over Mississippi 1 9 for. SAGITTARIUS. For Richmond and the South, 2:45,9:00 a.m. dally and Minnesota 6 6 18 6:35 p. m. daily, except Sunday. provements, has a superb position, commanding a the hard way, from the ranks, each and every one has Maine ia| 15 44 TrainsleaveAlexandrla for Washington, 6,7,8:00,9:10, beautiful view of the city, the sea and the Alps. It a right to be proud of the record shown by these few Montano Territory... ' 1' 1 10,11 a.m., 1,8,4:20, 5, 6:20 and 7 p. m. On Sunday at has a hundred elegantly-furnished bed-rooms and brief figures and initials on this Official Register. Missouri 2 13 91 19 43 8:00 and 10 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. New Hampshire •• 4 10 . 20, RELIEF FOR TAXPAYERS! Tickets, Information, Sleeping and Parlor Oar ac- twenty-five parlors. Its dining-room Is light, airy and Neither class claims any rights or privileges over the beautiful. It has a restaurant, reading-rooms, with New Jersey 13| 10 33 All property-owners who desire to obtain reductions commodations can be procured at the offices: North- « other, but claim for all fair, equal and just treatment. New York 111 9 ' 65 109 267 east corner Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania ave- library, billiard-rooms, and hot and cold baths on North Carolina ...I 2 12 upon their nue, northeast corner Sixth street and Pennsylvania The talk about military aristocracy is nonsense. There Nevada ...I 2 2 avenue, and at the Depot, where orders can be left for every floor ; also, a first-class elevator. are lools in the army as there are fools everywhere, Nebraska 1 1 Special Improvement Tax Bills, the checking of baggage to destination from hotels This hotel Is the property and under the immediate even in the newspaper business; but the senseless Ohio 2 3 32 46 129 and residences. control of M. S chirrer, so long and so favorably known Oregon 1 Or who are entitled to "drawbacks" upon special tax L. P. FARMER. airs that these few fools take on, and the importa nee Pennsylvania 8 511! 79 219 bills paid, must enter complaint and file claim before Gen'l Passenger Agent. as the landlord of Hotel Méditerranée. je9-tfl they arrogate to themselves, only shows them up as Rhode Island 1.. 2 5 17 FRANK THOMPSON, the conceited jackdaw—exceptions to the general South Carolina 1 1 6 JULY It), 1S78. Gen'l Manager. SAIT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Tennessee 3 - 8I 18 rule, for the vast majority of the officers of our army Texas :•. . ;| l| 1 10 For the convenience of all parties Interested, claims are quiet, courteous gentlemen, who will compare Utah Territory 1 can be filed with SUMMER TRAVEL. favorably with any other body ot men in the country. Virginia .. 1 . 33 MESSRS. MA Jilt & BYHNE, Vermont 1 •• 27 Real Estate Agents, No. 605 Seventh street, or with TOWNSEND HOUSE. Hut the people who make congressmen and road news- West Virginia Jstfcii 2!. 4 THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM- papers know this, and they only want to know what Wisconsin 2 ..| 4l 91 4 19 - MIt. WM. ,T. CA Jilt OLZ, PANY have now on sale SUMMER EXCURSION gjjffl! No. 72 Bridge street, Georgetown, D. C. TICKETS to all the principal points of interest and these congressmen are aiming to accomplish to give Wyoming Territory ...... j 1 attraction In the Eastern, Middle and Southern States the matter intelligent consideration. Dakota.' .. .. 1 I The undersigned will give special and personal at- and Canada, giving all the privileges of first-class At Large* I ll.. -3 54 361 9 tention to this class of claims, and all Taxpayers who tickets, and sold at greatly reduced rates, affording The following table shows the number of the army , have not obtained proper allowance for old material passengers a chance ol over 1,000 routes, combining FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. officers appofnted from each source. In considering I40Í4070| 429I 5691 43ol 1,587 removed or re-used, for work done under permit, for expedition, comfort, pleasure and safety. THE SUM It the reader will please remember that the House * From the ranks and State not given. church property, or from any error in the Assessment, MER EXCURSION ROUTE BOOK, just issued for should File Their Claims without further notice free distribution, is elegantly illustrated, and contains bills made provision for the retention of a large num- The foregoing tables are as near correct as they can with either of the above named parties, or call at descriptions of all prominent resorts and complete in- ber of extra lieutenants, and also note that over 1,000 be made from the register, and are sufficiently correct once on formation of routes and rates. Most Delightful Resort In the West for Tourists. of the offioers of the line are from the volunteers, for all practical purposes. Excursion tickets and copies of the book can be ob- Best Commercial Sample Rooms in the City. tained on application at the ticket offices ol the Com civil life arid the ranks ot the army; also that of the In another number we propose to show that there is WILLIAM DICKSON, pany fn Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, WM. H. HOOPER, line officers who are graduates of the Academy, the not a superfluous number of officers in the army to Washington, Richmond, Pittsburg, Lancaster, Har- WM. JENNINGS, great majority graduated since the rebellion : discharge the duties required of their military force. risburg and Altoona. jel6-4m2 Owners and Proprietors. Officers of Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry—from No. 222 FOUR-AND-A-HALF Street, FRANK THOMPSON, L. P. FARMER, Third Deor North of [the Columbia Building. General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agent. Whence Appointed. jel6-5t7 THE ENGLISH LONG BOW. Office Hours—9 o'clock a. m. to 7 o'clock p. m EBBITT HOUSE, " The Douglas drew a bow of might, .8®* Special Improvement Taxes Paid at a Large HEADQUARTERS ARMY AND NAVY, His first shaft entered in the white; Discount" . je23ti'-0 PASSAGES And when in turn he shot again, On the following lines of Steamers between The secend split the first In twain." WASHINGTON, D. O. —Lady of the Lake. Removal Notice. FOUS, IRON FIRE ESCAPES. " The Highlanders, or red-shanked men of Scot- EUROPE AND AMERICA West Point 576 Volunteers and Civil Life.. 843 land, be exoeedlng good archers," said that prolific Can be secured by applying to the undersigned. C. C. WILLARD, Proprietor. Army 168 and quaint writer, old John Taylor, "the Water Poet," some three hundred years ago. MESSRS. S. GOLDSTEIN & CO. Total. 40 42flt 56sl 439 1.587 ALLEN LINE, between Baltimore, Q,ueenstown It would appear, however, that during the long Liverpool. IMPERIAL HOTEL, If the above table does not show that the proposed HAVE REMOVED FROM 619 PENNA. historic period preceding the conquest the inhabi- AVENUE TO THEIR STORE, NORTH GERMAN LLOYD, between Baltimore, (FIRST CLASS,) WASHINGTON, D. C. reduction was a blow aimed at the ex-volunteer and tants of, Britajjf madq.Uttle use of the bow, except for New York, Bremen, London. Southampton and Havre. Room and Board per month, $50 ; per week, $17.60 ; the officer from the ranks there Is no virtue In figures. HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY, the killing of game; but with the adventjof the Nor- COR. TENTH AND JD STREETS. between New York, Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, per day, $2.50 to $3. We will add here that ol the 250 captains of Infantry mans that formidable Implement speedily came into Havre and Hamburg. To meet the wants of the traveling public this first- 2« are graduates, and of the 119 captains of cavalry By concentrating both their business Into one general use fir war-like purposes. That archery will enable them to maintain the Best if not the Very 4Sr~Slght Drafts and Letters of Credit issued on al class Hotel has reduced its prices from fl to $2.50 and only 7 are graduates, and it was upon these two arms existed In Great Britain from the earliest times is un- Largest principal places in Europe at the lowest terms. $3 per day. Table board $26 per month. of the service that the reduction was principally to deniable ; the fact is sufficiently attested by the numer- CHARLES WALTEB, ~ je3-tre JAS. 8. PEIRCE, Prop'r. fall. ous flint arrow-heads found, in some instances, even LOAN AND COMMISSION BUSINESS 842 D street opposite City Hall, In the Country. Their Stock of Fine Goods will be my26-3m3 second dooreastofFour-and-a-half'street. The proportion of officers from the volunteers In the beneath Roman antiquities; and that the bow was unusally large, and we understand they intend to re- staff Is not so great. If it had been the stall might used as a weapon ol offense', to a certain extent, must duce largely, in order to increase their loans. Their AMERICAN HOUSE, have fared worse. As It was the bills aimed to strike be admitted; but when we speak of that truly terri- enterprise and faithful care lor legitimate business MADAME LEWENBERG'S where the civil appointments stood the best chance of ble weapon—the English long bow—we cannot assign should be encouraged. Corner Pennsylvania Ave. and Seventh 8t»$ being hit. it an earlier date than the conquest—d066ig3 ma5-ly2 Pastilles de Florence, The following table shows the proportion of appoint- (WHITE & ROSÉES,) Every schoolboy has read of the exploits' of* the Are a most delightful cooling substitute for soap or TABLE BOARD, $20 PEB M03 TIL ments from each source. In examining this table It English arohers—at Creasy, Poitiers, Aglncourt: WM. ANDERSON, powder, removing all impurity and greasy appear- will be well to bear in mind that the civilian appoint- " Well it thine age became, ance of the skin. Ladies traveling In summer heat my28-tfl SCHOFIELD k DLFFÏ, Proprietor«. ments are principally in the medical, pay and quar- O noble Erplngham! BLACKSMITH. or raw wind will find Mme. LEWENBERG'S PAS- termaster's departments. TILLES an Infallible remedy for Tan, Redness, Who did the signal aim HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Pimples, as also for Erysipelas. mh31-tf7 JS vneKxt'ii General and Staff Officers—from Whence Appointed. For our brave forces; 1 OHIO AVE., bet. TWELFTH —|R. C. DbMONTREVILLE, DENTIST, NO. 1222 When from a meadow by, F Street northwest, between Twelfth and Thir- Dining-Rooms, Like a storm suddenly, - and THIRTEENTH Sts. teenth streets, (same house with Dr. V. O. Cox.) hs £ u rh J3 &t . a 3 rti < The English ¡mshery Northwest. ap7-tf Office hours dally 9 to 5. Sundays 2 to 4 p. m. 1008 and lOlO F et. Northwest. g © rh P ra P to .3 ® 2 Strnck the French horses:" WASHINGTON CITY. S Kb . IS SJ b 3 N '-21 Thirty years experience. Celluloid, Gold, Platlna § i jjf *R & » rH J'- That they exercised their skill on eaoh other is and continuous Gum Work. Platinized Gold Fill- 25 Cents Per Meal, $16 Per Month, jflagferep a ¡2 Isgj equally well known, apd one of the bloodiest battles J. AMBLER SMITH, ings In front teeth an artistic specialty. RETBRBHCBS: $4 Per Week. l| 8| ever fought In England was that ol Towton, near Col. W. K. Rogers, Private Secretary to the President; West Point...., I 1 -311 2135 63 4542 230 York, during the Wars of the Roses, which was de- Gen. Wm. G. LeDuc, Commissioner of Agriculture; 21 TICKETS FOR $5. Civil liiie and Vol's...... 3 1011 110 159 46'.. 339 .A-ttorney- at-Law, Hon. John J. Knox, Comptroller of Currency; Sena- Army ...... a...... 2 cided by the long-bow. In their wars with Irish, tor McMillan, Gov. Alex. Ramsey, Gov. O. K. Davis This place Is the cleanest and best conducted of Its W®sh and Scotch the English grey goose wing gene- 323 Four-and-a-half street N. W., and others. oc28-ly8 kind In the city. Five different kinds of vegetables, Total I l| l| sll4l3ll46| 175[ 2041881 8l~!f| rally soared to victory, but not invariably so. and there two different kinds of roast meats, and two different WASHINGTON, D. O. We have said above that eaoh officer has reason to are instances wherein the archers of Wales and of • a week In your own town. Terms and $5 outfl. desserts every day. Attentive ana polite waiters. Scotland carried the day, and the result was that Bankruptcy practice a specialty. Exemption about ' free. Address H. HALLETT & Co., Portland, Me J. C. BURGEE, be proud oi his reoord, and we add here that the na- apr21-ly6 statutes were enacted in England enjoining the regu- $1,500. Full discharge guaranteed. je23-4tl ap2i-iyo Proprietor* THE CAPITAL—JULY 14.1878.

another not, would make the thing jug-handled. AUCTION SALES WE ABB pleased to see that the young, Nothing " enthuses " a crowd more than heavy bat- ladles of the District are forming temperance organi- ting ; and yet the best authorities on base ball, the the capital zations. They will be more effectual than affairsi of New York Clipper, for example, condemn what they Tlie Great the same character at the hands of men. Tim only call " slogging " matches, and want everything sci- u 1878 trouble Is where Is the temperance to come from . entific. Now, every one knows that an actor plays lor SONDAI MOBNINfl « - applause—not for hisses; se with a base-baller—the crowd applauds the big hits, and the crowd pays, the CHARLIE RINER has changed his base of critic don't; he is generally a d. h. So we say, put operations to Holmes', 802 Pennsylvania avenue, money In your purses and go into heavy hitting and BOSTON SHOE AUCTION HOUSE, NOTICE. where you can get your ice cold lager, andall-mixed straight pitching, right to the bat, with a wild ball. Our patrone and the public are informed that THE There's money in It, and better tare than turnips and drinks as called for. The best rye whisky in the city, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, CAPITAI, does not employ aqy local advertising also the finest stock ol cigars constantly on hand. water. agents, or allow any commissions for advertisements ABOUT the worst exhibitions of ball-playing this Parties wishing to advertisewith THE CAPITAL should season were given by the New York nine. It is an 491 Pennsylvania Avenue, imposition on the public to enter Into a series oi games communicate with the business office, 9U7D street. SPORTING MATTERS. with such duffers, especially during this hot weather. J9-AU transient advertisementsmustbe paid for in- The thinnest excuse lor their bad play was that in STILL LEADS THE SHOE TRADE IN^THIS CITY. variably in advance. We are compelled to adopt this Iriday's Post, wherein it is said they had been eating Base Ball. green appleE—the dear little darlings. J im risk said rule in accord with the eternal fitness of things,which The result ol last week's games has placed the he felt as it he had been eating ¡ireen apples when calls for cash. Stokes put a ball Into his stomach. How would a hsh champions at the head of the list, with Cincinnati and ball do these shrubs? Ob, what a drop New York has Chicago tied for second place. The glory of the so- taken in base ball, if this be the representative nine. NOTWITHSTANDING THE LOW PRICES THE ABOVE HOUSE SOLD BEFORE, WE called coming champions has departed, and In the iu- Baltimore nines are bad enough, but New York is WILL SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK ON A DISCOUNT OF «S-N0TI0B.-Mr.li. H. Laudenslager, 116 West ture they will have to be content with lesser honors. We doubt if the champions will have to take any otherpo- several degrees worse. Thank fortune the rain pre- Baltimore street, Is our only authorized agent for the sitlon than that which they now hold, during the bal- vented a similar exhibition on Friday. city of Baltimore. All orders left with him will be ance of the season. . , IF the Independent Ice Company wish to secure an promptly attended to. The following games have been played since our attraction which will cause their competitors to die in last issue: ,, „ despair, they should engage Pete Bannon to rideo n CENT. July 9—Boston, 6; Indianapolis, 3 their carts with his brown overcoat. What in the Chicago, 8 ; Milwaukee, 2. name of Satan Pete is made of that he should wear ON THE DOLLAR FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. KECORD OF THE WEEK. Cincinnati, 12; Providence, 2. that overcoat, with the thermometer over a hundred 11—Boston, 8; Indianapolis, 4. in the shade, we can't understand. At least our cham- Providence, 13; Cincinnati, 2. pion pitcher should have no lear of that place where HEATED TOE—Fiery 12—Chicago, 6: Milwaukee, 3. they keep fire burning &.11 the time. temper. Games played on Saturday will be found in our tele- 81.00 WHITE VESTS at A. Saks & Co., 316 graphic columns. THE Providence Club have a rough time getting a GO AND BUY AT ONCE AT THE GBEAT The following Is -the schedule of games played lor pitcher. They tried Cherokee Fisher and his pile- Seventh street. the League championship: drivers on Tuesday, and got beat 12 to 4. Cherokee can kill catchers,.but the batters knock his straight SEE notice of select excursion to Fortress delivery where they want. He drove the ball in so Boston Auction Houser Monroe, Norfolk and the Capes, 20th Inst. so hard Tuesday that Brown, catcher ol the Provi- dence, was overcome with the heat and hard work, 491 Penn. ave„ l>et. Four-and-a-Half and Sixth sts. THE rain of Friday last was a Godsend and game had to be suspended tor fifteen minutes. WASHINGTON possesses three good umpires, so lar to city folks as well as farmers, cooling the atmos- as discovered this season: Nick Young, Ecky LEOPOLD RICHOLD, Proprietor. phere and giving us one night and one day of pleas- Stearns and "Babe" Trott. -The rest m|ght be worth ap21-tf ant temperature. a half a dollar—some dear at any price, we dont Boston object to a poor umpire making a halt a dollar it ne Chicago needs it, but since they are going on with the Wash- CLOTHING. DINK FUGITT, SO well-known to the Dis- Cincinnati... ington monument more than titty cents a day can be trict as the sole authority on mixed beverages, can be Indianapolis. made breaking stone or carrying a hod. round day and night at the New York House, Penn- Milwaukee... Providence... THE lamous New Bedfords visit our city this week, sylvania avenue. and play the champions a series oi games on the 17th, WE BRING joy to our readers in the an- Games lost. 18th and 20th. Tbe Nationals are after revenge, and NSTRUCT the most exciting games of the season will be played. nouncement oi A. Saks & Co., in our columns this Every effort will be made to send the Eastern cham- morning. There is one thing we can vouoh for and Games played in this city during the week: pions home a deieated and disappointed «lub. Scan- that is the truthfulness of what this firm advertise. Monday-Astoria, 4; Eagle, 2; eleven innings. Ian asserts that he has thrown aside his duster and Wednesday—National, 7: New York. 2. means* business. Thursday—National, 23; New York, 1. THE resignation of Judge A. B. Olin of UP" PIKE has been released from the Cincin- the supreme court of the District will take from it NATIONAL VS. EAGLE.—The Nationals had a pic- nati and it Is expected he will go to Chicago to ta_ke All of our Stores yesterday received the following instructions from the Head of on* nic yesterday. So did the Eagles. So much hunting Cassldy's place. He and McVey had trouble. He nerhans the ablest lawyer ol them all. He retires in of leather has seldom been witnessed on the ball asked tor his release and the president of the club Home, who is now abroad baying Fall and Winter Goods : September on a full pension. No one ever doubted field in Washington as the crowd who assembled on man on the nine—McVey, White or any judge OUn's honesty?however they may have dist^ told him n0 the National grounds, in the expectation of seeing a o£ ,em_net greed with his decisions. May he live long and enjoy close game, were treated to. The champions got on many E00d players Idle; which is business. "LONDON, ENG., June 24, 1878. that pension. Pierce from the start, and it was evident to all long I before the first inning was plaYed through that the THB audience on the National giounds yesterday " From the receipt of this nntil my return you will use every means in your power to DON'T fail to read notice of select excur- fourth of July business was going to be paid lor at a waited three-quarters of an hour alter the advertised reduce your stock. Should it be necessary, sell the goods at a loss, as we do not wish to sion to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk and.the Capes, 20th very large rate of interest. Everybody batted except time lor the game, for the arrival of some ot the Eagle nine. Much dissatisfaction was justly expressed. inst. Bannon? although Fouser was In hard luck, and put carry over any goods that can possibly be sold." it In somebody's hands as a general thing. Trott's If players are not on hand at the proper time the WE REGRET very much to record the first-base play was not first class. With that excep- game should proceed without them, and such delays death of Mr. Zach. B. Brooke, a highly esteemed and tion the fielding of tbe Nationals was splendid. as that of yesterday is Inexcusable. Acting on these instructions, we offer the entire stock at prices that we are certain DODUlar citizen of Washington. The suddenness of For the first time in two months Bannon pitched WE ARE authorized by Managers Cavanaugh and Sir Brooke's death makes it a subject of deeper grief like the Bannon of last year. Kenny caught without Scanlan to state that there will be a professional club will prove attractive and secure tlie speedy disposal of the gcods. to his hosts of friends. Deoeased was a native of alThe0Eagles went to pieces in the first inning. The here next season. We have b«?n shown letters from the Prince George's county, but has lived here for many f ragments were not collected till they went to the different players engaged, agreeing to come. It the years holdiEg offices ol'honor and trust in the gene- club house alter the game. It is hard to tell who b b editor ot the Herald will call on Mr. Scanlan at ral and municipal governments. played the worst on White's nine. McGraw probably Seaton Hall he can have an opportunity to read the A. SAKS & CO.. deserves the honor. He could not stop the ball, pick same. up the ball nor throw the ball. He was closely fol- $1,00 GRAY COATS, very dressy, at A. Saks WE ABE informed that the Eagle club are selling lowed by Major and Hough. But perfect play would monthly tickets for $1, which admits the holder to all & Co., 316 Seventh street. have done no good. Twenty-eight base hits and ten 316 Seventh street and 921 Pennsylvania aTerine. earned runs would beat any set of fielders in the games played on the Eagle grounds. II this is true will Manager "White inform us what percentage he ELECTION OF OFFICERS.—National I«odge W allows on these tickets to visiting clubs who play on No 642 Knights of Honor have installed the following °The umpiring of Mr. Stearns was all that could be shares, or Is It whole hog for the Eagles and entrails desired. „ . The score shows how it was all done. to the visiting clubs? WE PATRONIZE that slush stand on thé National Hot!;^lcedictator, 0,0. Royce; a^stantjictator. NATIONAL. R A Bayley ; chaplain, E. Weston ¡ reporter, IF. P.O. grounds, but the little monopoly that deprives a, man A SPECIALTY OF GUTTING, KAKIffi AM TRUE Muíler ; financial reporter, E. W. Clarke, jr. ; treas- & 0 of a drink of ice water when he wants it is a