Lili Felméry Die Walküre Disruption in the Seraglio Il Trovatore La Serva Padrona Sleeping Beauty Planet in Turmoil | the Martian Chronicles

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Lili Felméry Die Walküre Disruption in the Seraglio Il Trovatore La Serva Padrona Sleeping Beauty Planet in Turmoil | the Martian Chronicles 2016. March April Lili Felméry Die Walküre Disruption in the Seraglio Il trovatore La serva padrona Sleeping beauty Planet in Turmoil | The Martian Chronicles Sir Peter Wright Ildikó Komlósi Balázs Kocsár Charlize Theron Introduction Dear Art Lovers, “Deeds exceed all speech,” said William Shakespeare. Quite obviously, our deeds are that which awaken true emotions in us, and so it is appropriate to say that the Hungarian State Opera is the true stage of deeds, of performance. For decades, the BMW Group has been committed to supporting the arts and culture around the world. Art and culture are what moves the world, and ourselves, forward. Art and culture are humanity’s essential values, which link the past to the present. Art and culture are what, in our ever more quickly changing world, gain even more significance as a critical part of long-term sustainability. More than a year ago, we and the Opera jointly established a cultural pillar here in Hungary as well, so that together we can support art and culture in the way it deserves: The OperaClub creates the opportunity for the private individuals who are sponsors, benefactors and patrons of the institution and corporate partners alike to share these values. This year, as another link between the past and the present, the BMW brand cele- brates one hundred years of its existence. In the future as well, we have no other goal than to be at the forefront of individual mobility that is sustainably for the long term and to provide a pure driving experience to you, as a strategic patron of the Opera House and the Erkel Theatre – or perhaps in your own car. We look forward to an exciting period ahead. Kind regards, DENIS Baudouin BMW Group Hungary 2 3 6 10 18 26 32 64 3 DEAR ART LOVERS 46 OLD AND NEW TRADITIONS An introduction from Denis Baudouin Concerts by the Budapest Philharmonic 6 YOU HAVE TO ENJOY EVERY ROLE! 50 HUMOROUS BONBON A conversation with Lili Felméry Don Pasquale 10 SLEEPING BEAUTY, WAKE UP! 52 A NEW START An interview with Sir Peter Wright Miklósa25 12 A REAL RIDE, WITHOUT HORSES 54 BETWEEN TWO POLES MAGYAR ÁLLAMI OPERAHÁZ Die Walküre White, black 16 VERDI’S TALE OF CAIN AND ABEL 56 PITCH-BLACK WORLD Il trovatore Lear 18 FOR ALL THINGS, THERE COMES A TIME 58 GREEK FIRE SZÍNHÁZ An interview with Ildikó Komlósi GreekLateNight 20 CHILDREN’S PLAY 60 A PRINCELY EVENING MAGYAR NEMZETI Disruption in the Seraglio Shakespeare Gala 22 INTERLUDE ON THE STAIRCASE 62 PARALLEL STORIES La serva padrona La bohème 24 IVÁN NAGY INTERNATIONAL BALLET GALA 64 HOLLYWOOD CHAMELEON Iván Nagy International Ballet Gala Opera Fan: Charlize Theron 26 THERE’S NO PLACE FOR YOU OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF Planet in Turmoil and The Martian Chronicles 28 FISHEYE LENS THE MAGAZINE OF THE HUNGARIAN STATE OPERA Primavera, Pas de quatre, DanceTrend RESPONSIBLE PUBLISHER: General Director Szilveszter Ókovács PREPRESS: Mátai és Végh Kreatív Műhely 32 THREE YEARS OF STRUGGLE PUBLICATION CONCEPT: Dr. Monika Turkovics PRINTER: Keskeny és Társai 2001 Kft. A conversation with Péter Virág Director of Marketing and Communication COVER PHOTO: László Emmer 36 TO KEEP STEP, TIRELESSLY EDITOR: Viktória Filip ADVERTISING CONTACT: [email protected] LAYOUT Mátai és Végh Kreatív Műhely Printed in 30,000 copies EIFFEL ART STUDIOS Behind the wings: visiting the shoemakers’ shop EIFFEL PROOFREADER: Ildikó Endrei née Szemők ISSN 1789-4093 40 SEASON CAMPAIGN Authors: Anna Braun | Viktória Filip | Márk Gara | György Jávorszky | Ferenc László | Gábor Mesterházi | András Oláh | Tamás Pallós | Zsófi Rick | Viktória V. Nagy | András Várhegyi Behind the wings: „making of” photos Photos: Erik Berg | Birhingham Royal Ballet | Szilvia Csibi | Stewart Cohen | Jack Devant | Béla Dusha | László Emmer | Tamás Gács | Péter Herman | Raymond Meier 44 MOSAICS IN PLACE Mikhailovsky Theatre | MTI Photo: Noémi Bruzák | Attila Nagy | cROH – Tristram Kenton | Zsófia Pályi | Aaron Poole – cA.M.P.A.S. | Péter Rákossy A conversation with Balázs Kocsár 4 5 Cover story Cover story Photo by Tamás Gács Photo by Tamás You have ANNA KARENINA | Photo by Pál Csillag - How much does it mean to you to Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty is also a Ildikó Kaszás’s instructions both echo to enjoy receive the title of Étoile? dream part, one of the most difficult in my ears. Fortunately, at the time - This recognition is very important to tasks for a ballerina, and one that I’ve I had plenty of time to learn the char- every me. I’ll admit that I never counted on always wanted to dance. My Russian acter and immerse myself in her. In the getting it. Naturally, the joy was im- former teacher, the late Elvira Kokorina, six years that have passed since, I have role! mense when it came out that I would said that she saw me as Sleeping “aged” a lot, and changed a great deal. be the one getting the prize. I am Beauty. And now it’s in memory of her Every performance is a new encounter At performances of the Hungarian grateful to Szilveszter Ókovács and to that I can be glad that Aurora has with Juliet: something different about National Ballet since 2010, audiences Tamás Solymosi, who said after the found me. I also have pleasant memo- her always becomes more important have been able to see Lili Felméry, Night of Stars gala that he greatly ries of La Sylphide, which was a special to me. I could also put it this way: both who last year was chosen Étoile for appreciates my perfectionism in any experience for me, and our recently my life and the role are growing more task. This honour also proves to me Premiereed revamped Nutcracker also deeply intertwined within me. the 2015/16 season. Our conversa- that it was worth choosing this career. got the entire ensemble tremendously tion covered a short account of her energised. There are always new in- - What has changed since the debut? life so far, which might offer some - What challenges from recent years spiring assignments coming along, - For example, the nervous excitement insight into the lesser-known di- stand out? Since not every task and as long as this remains the case, I’ll that had a paralysing effect on me has mensions of a ballerina’s existence. must have been equally pleasant. continue to enjoy it. vanished. I’m much better at separat- Márk Gara - I’d mention a few pieces, especially ing my energy from my psyche. Now- Onegin and Manon. Anyone who gets - You learned the role of Julia from adays I get into the life of this female to dance a solo part in these should László Seregi himself. What experi- character with substantially more feel very thankful. In addition, the ences did that period bring? awareness. Seregi ballets remain an important - When I was 18 years old, and Katalin part of my life, and so I’m very Hágai took my hand and said, let’s give - And it’s at the side of more than one pleaded that Romeo and Juliet was it a try, it was like a miracle being re- Romeo that you’ve taken the stage... included on the programme again. vealed to me. I got to know the master - Each year I cause the deaths of And not not to dwell on the past, up close, and even now his words and more and more men. (Laughs.) This Photo by László Emmer 6 7 Cover story ROMEO AND JULIET | Photo by László Emmer NUTCRACKER | Photo by Zsófia Pályi years I had Gergely Leblanc at my that is closest to my heart. I do pay and “fell in love” with several dancers, side, dancing Juliet with him for the attention to contemporary trends. and if they are still active, I try to follow first time. In previous years István them. Simon, Máté Bakó and Levente Bajári - Which artistic tasks appeal to you had been my partners. most? And how have you gotten - What is it that an Étoile longs for this far without having danced the most of all? - What do you think László Seregi dual lead in Swan Lake? - I don’t dream about specific tasks. gave to Hungarian dance? - So far I have danced in the pas de What comes and touches my soul, I’ll - When I was getting to know the Mas- trois and as a little swan. It’s a won- try to be happy about those. In addi- ter, he might not have had as much derful challenge dancing in the corps, tion, out of superstition, I don’t say energy as at the height of his career, one that places a different kind of things out loud, in case that prevents but even so, I greatly admired him. responsibility on the dancer. Since in them from taking place. I had a knee He was a man of great bearing, who group dances, multiple people are cre- injury that taught me all kinds of if he walked into the studio, everyone ating a unity, they have to adapt more things. One of them is that if some- would attempt to outdo themselves to each other. Swan Lake itself is a kind thing is in store for me, then I have to to the greatest extent possible. He of classical work in which it’s a joy to be glad about it. What doesn’t work out inspired me a great deal, and I miss portray any of the characters. or doesn’t happen, that I have to be him. I believe that, during the perfor- able to let go.
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