Louisiana Law Review Volume 43 | Number 6 July 1983 Unconscionability: The Approach of the Louisiana Civil Code Ronald L. Hersbergen Repository Citation Ronald L. Hersbergen, Unconscionability: The Approach of the Louisiana Civil Code, 43 La. L. Rev. (1983) Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol43/iss6/1 This Front Matter is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Reviews and Journals at LSU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Louisiana Law Review by an authorized editor of LSU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. UNCONSCIONABILITY: THE APPROACH OF THE LOUISIANA CIVIL CODE Ronald L. Hersbergen* INTRODUCTION In 1975 Louisiana became the fiftieth state to enact the Uniform Commercial Code, but unlike its sister states, Louisiana omitted several UCC articles. As of 1983, UCC articles 2, 6, and 9 remain unadopted in Louisiana, and only article 6 remains under serious con- sideration for adoption by the Louisiana State Law Institute. For the present, articles 2 and 9 appear to be dead-letters in Louisiana, the apparent reason for inaction being a perception that the two articles are incompatible with Louisiana's underlying Civil Code principles.' By not enacting article 2 of the UCC, Louisiana remains, with Califor- nia, a jurisdiction without section 2-3022- not the most important sec- tion in the UCC, perhaps, but by far the most interesting one. The UCC section 2-302 comment advises that the section is, in essence, a grant of power to the courts to "police" contracts within the UCC's ambit and, in the court's discretion, to refuse to enforce Copyright 1983, by LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW.