15 Household Bugs in SW That May Freak You Out

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Table of Contents 1: Silverfish 2: Palmetto Bugs 3: 4: Mosquitos & Noseums 5: Fleas 6: Ticks 7: Ants 8: Carpenter Ants 9: Indian Meal Moths 10: Drain Fly 11: Fruit Flies 12: Millipedes 13: Scorpions 14: Crickets 15: Plaster Bagworms

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

1: Silverfish

A Grey Silverfish - Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Contributor: Alvesgaspar

If you have a freaky looking bug in your house that bears a slight resemblance to the aliens in the movie Men In Black, then you might have silverfish. This bug has also been described as looking -like (obviously!) or like a very small, skinny, gray with a tapered end. Their coloration changes as they age; they start out white, but look silvery as they age because of the scales on their bodies. They are less than an inch long.

You also might realize that nasty bug is a silverfish based on where you find it in your house. Silverfish can digest , meaning that a cardboard box full of old books in the attic is a prime spot to find them. They also like flour, dry pasta and boxes of cereal.

Florida homes – as well as those in other parts of the southern U.S. – are especially vulnerable to these pests, because they like the warm weather and high humidity.

To prevent silverfish from getting a foothold in your house, use the following tips:

• Always store food in airtight containers • Remove unnecessary cardboard boxes • Throw away or recycle old newspapers and magazines • Check your bookcase twice a year for signs of an infestation • Use a dehumidifier • Clean and dust regularly

Fortunately, silverfish can’t transmit disease to humans. Unfortunately, they can damage items in your home, so it’s important to get them under Top & Bottom Sides of a Grey Silverfish control. Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons User: Bryan Hong

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

2: Palmetto Bugs

In Florida, you will hear a lot of people talk about Palmetto bugs. After you’ve lived in the area long enough, you realize that the term has just come to mean “really huge cockroach.”

There is actually a “true” Palmetto bug (it’s known as the Florida Woods Cockroach), however, you aren’t as likely to see that one in your home. If it moves slowly and stinks when you squash it, then it might have been a Palmetto bug.

Otherwise, we’re sorry to tell you, it’s Florida Woods Cockroach aka “Palmetto Bug” Photo probably a cockroach! Courtesy of IFAS Extension

Cockroaches are nocturnal. You may see them scatter when you turn on a light in your house. You’ve probably noticed they like places where they can easily hide, like in cracks, cabinets and around sinks. You’ll find them more often in bathrooms and kitchens because they like moisture, but garages are also a frequent hotspot for .

The best way to get rid of cockroaches is to prevent them from liking your home in the first place! How can you do that? In the simplest terms, keep your house clean and tidy. Always get rid of garbage, especially leftover foods. Clean dishes right away and don’t leave unsealed food on the counter or in your kitchen cabinets. Sweep your kitchen and dining areas for any crumbs. Vacuum frequently.

Unfortunately, even the cleanest houses can have cockroaches. Cockroach But, there is still more you can do to help deter them.

• Check your plumbing for any leaky pipes, and tighten them wherever necessary. • Check your doors and windows – are they completely tight or are there tiny gaps?

Roaches can fit their bodies through spaces that are incredibly narrow. Update your weatherstripping if it’s a problem.

Finally, get rid of your clutter! Roaches love hiding spaces, so don’t give them any. Throw away old newspapers, get rid of any piles of boxes, and clear out cabinets. This will also help a pest control professional give your home a proper application of pesticides, should it be necessary.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

3: Earwigs

Earwig (Photo Courtesy of Flickr User Perrylane)

The is one of the creepiest looking bugs on our list, but don’t let its name scare you too much. The name “earwig” is thought to be over 1,000 years old and originated from the belief that the bug crawled into human ears according to the Oxford English Dictionary. And it’s not just English-language speakers who were afraid of this bug!

“Nations that have agreed politically on no other issues seem to share the unshakable conviction that earwigs are irresistibly drawn to ears. The French call them perce-oreille (ear-piercer); the Germans Ohrwurm (ear-worm), and the Russians ukhovertka (ear- turner); the same applies to Danish, Dutch, and Swedish” The Earwig’s Tail by May Berenbaum

Despite their name, however, earwigs are very, very unlikely to crawl in your ear. In fact, they are unlikely to be in your house at all. They would much prefer to be living outside and feeding on other , flowers, fruit and decaying leaves.

If you do see an earwig in your home, it has probably crawled through a small crack or crevice and is simply lost – hoping to find its way back outside. The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep the areas on the outside of your house clean and free of piles of leaves, clippings and yard debris.

If you’re not sure that the bug you see is an earwig, check for a set of pinchers on one end of the body. That’s your biggest clue (and also the scariest looking part of the earwig). They are about an inch long and have a long, narrow body that is dark brown in color.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

4: Mosquitos & Noseums

If you have lived in Florida for several years, then you are all too familiar with mosquitos and noseums (no-see-ums). Both of these insects bite humans and leave itchy red spots behind.

The biggest difference between the two is that a mosquito is large enough to swat at, but a noseum gets its name from the fact that you cannot see them. At their full adult size, noseums are less than an eighth of an inch long. Mosquito A noseum may also be known as a biting midge or a sandy fly (even though a sand fly is technically a different ).

These bugs are usually found outside – not in your house. However, many Florida homeowners are upset to find these insects on their patios. A screened-in patio area will prevent mosquitos from getting in, but you need to use a small mesh to keep the noseums at bay. They can pass through a 16-mesh insect wire and screening. Biting Midge (No-See-Um)

If you do venture outside, especially around dawn or dusk, you can wear an insect repellant with DEET to reduce your risk of bites. Both mosquitos and noseums can transmit disease, so caution is key.

In Florida, mosquito control is not left up to the individual homeowner, but is coordinated by the county. In Lee County, Florida, one of the counties we serve, the Mosquito Control District controls a budget of $21 million dollars and is responsible for tracking, surveying and spraying for mosquitos.

However, homeowners can still do their part to reduce the mosquito habitat by eliminating areas of standing water in their lawns. Clogged gutters are a common mosquito breeding ground. Remove any old buckets or other containers that can hold water from your yard.

While both mosquitos and noseums can be annoying pests, it’s not likely that your house will be full of them if you have the right screens and keep your doors closed.

If mosquitos are particularly annoying and you need professional help, we offer misting systems and routine treatments. With these systems in place, you will enjoy a noticeable decrease in these pesky bugs!

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

5: Fleas

Although a flea is a tiny insect, and not that threatening on its own, when in great numbers, these little guys can really freak you out. You may just be walking across your carpet one day, feel a tiny bite, look down, and notice little bugs jumping onto your feet. These freaky pests are especially likely if you have pets. There are several species of flea; in Florida, the cat flea is the most common. But, despite its name, the cat flea can suck blood from dogs, humans and other just as well as it can from cats.

Fleas find it easiest to breed where there are pets or other animals. You may suspect a flea problem if your pets’ coat starts to look unkept. It may be caused by your cat or dog scratching their flea bites. In more severe cases, your pet may start to

Scanning Electron Micrograph of a Flea lose their fur or become anemic from loss of blood. If the fleas are biting you, you may have red spots from the bites. Some people find the bites very itchy, while others are less affected.

Removing fleas from your pet is usually the best first step. You can use a flea comb, flea shampoo or treatments like Advantage or Frontline. You can talk to your vet about ways to eliminate fleas. But, if you aren’t successful, then there is more you can do.

First, throw away any of your pet’s bedding or other fabric toys that may be infested. Even if you can’t see fleas on them, the larvae may be present. Vacuum the entire house, concentrating on the areas frequented by your pet. Throw away the vacuum bag as soon as you are done (the larvae and fleas are still alive in there!).

If you are still suffering, it may be time to get professional help. Your pest control specialist may recommend an carpet treatment and Photomicrograph of a dog flea under polarized light can also treat the yard for fleas. You don’t have to live with a flea problem forever – it is treatable!

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

6: Ticks

Ticks are one of the freakiest bugs on our list, not because of their appearance, but because of their ability to transmit disease. They are carriers of many infections, including Lyme disease. Most Florida ticks do not carry the disease, but it’s important to know about it as a precaution.

Lyme disease includes symptoms like fever, chills, headache and fatigue. Early symptoms may also include itchiness, fainting and muscle pain. It’s important to go to a doctor right away if you have symptoms of Lyme disease. When it it treated early with antibiotics, Lyme disease will be knocked out. However, if left untreated, symptoms can become more Tick (Photo Courtesy of Andre Karwath) severe. Damage to the joints, heart and nervous system disorders may occur.

In Florida, ticks are most active from October to May. Here are the best ways to prevent ticks from jumping on to your body or from biting you afterwards:

• Use a DEET based repellant • Wear long pants, tucked into socks • Carefully check your skin after being in a tick habitat like the woods • Check your for ticks • Shower after being outdoors • Remove dead leaves and debris from your yard

Remember, ticks like wooded areas, fields with tall grasses or brush and similar areas. Always use caution when hiking or camping in these areas. Fortunately, if you live in Florida, it is unlikely that you will be bitten by a tick or infected with Lyme disease. Most tick-related infection and illness is linked with the states in New England. However, in the rare event of a Florida tick infestation, it is possible to treat the home with insecticide.

It is most likely that if you do find a tick, it will be on your pet. Be sure to keep regular appointments with your veterinarian Erythematous Rash and monitor your pet for signs of ticks. Early removal is the in Lyme disease key to keeping them healthy. on left torso

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

7: Sugar Ants

Despite their name, sugar ants aren’t sweet – they’re a pain! In fact, they aren’t actually sugar ants at all. These ants are part of a species with the of pharaoh ants. However, since this type of ant’s diet consists mainly of sweets, people have given them the nickname “sugar ants”. These ants are often found trailing their way to food items in your cabinets containing sugar, or will even gather around a drop of something or crumb of food on your counter. Every year, we see several Florida homes that have these small little pests. If you have tiny black ants that don’t bite, you might have sugar ants (pharaoh ants). Pharaoh Ant worker with sugar crystal (Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons User Julian Szulc) Another clue that you have pharaoh ants: Do you keep killing the ants and they seem to come back no matter what? Pharaoh ants are hard to get rid of. Even though you may kill the ones you see, their ant friends will just follow the scent trail they’ve left behind and come right back.

Here are some tips for the best ways to prevent ants from getting into your home (as well as many other pests):

• Keep your counters and cabinets wiped down thoroughly and dry • Store food in tight containers • Check windows and doors for cracks and fix any holes • Fill crevices with caulk or another filling agent • Check your trees and bushes outside; if they are close to or touching your house, remove them or trim them back • Clear your gutters of any debris

You will probably find more home remedies for getting rid of “sugar ants” than any other household pest. Just ask anyone who’s lived in Florida, and they have likely tried everything. Whatever solutions you try, we remind you to please be extremely careful with borax, bleach, ant traps or any other chemicals that may be harmful to children, pets or even adults.

If you have tried everything, and are still struggling with an ant problem, it may be time to call a professional.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

8: Carpenter Ants

If you have large, reddish brown ants in your home, you might have carpenter ants. These ants are often half an inch long and have chunky body parts. Their size can be intimidating and even a little freaky. Many carpenter ants are wingless, but large colonies do have ants with wings.

As their name implies, carpenter ants love wood. Unlike termites however, the Florida carpenter ant will not eat the wood in your home. Unfortunately, they love to nest in your attic and in wall voids.

In most cases, carpenter ants have a main nest outside your home in a nearby tree or stump. However, given enough time, they may establish a secondary nest inside your home. Carpenter ants prefer wood that is rotting or wet. If the wood in your house is not water damaged, you are less likely to have a problem with these ants. With proper home maintenance (fixing leaky plumbing and keeping wood painted and sealed), you will reduce your chances of an infestation.

Homeowners have a very difficult time fixing carpenter ant problems on their own because the primary nest can be hard to find. Often, you need a pest control professional that is knowledgeable about carpenter ant habitats and preferences to help to get rid of them permanently.

We do find it helpful when homeowners keep a careful eye on their carpenter ants before calling us. Keep notes on things like:

• Where you usually find the ants (near a window? in the garage?) • How many ants you find in a given time period (3 a day? 1 a week?) • When you first noticed your carpenter ant problem

This will give our professionals clues to the source and size of your carpenter ant problem.

In the meantime, you can still do more to prevent carpenter ant infestations. Remove all dead trees and stumps from your yard and check for any decaying wood or waste and remove it immediately. Are any trees or shrubs touching your house? Carpenter ants just love this – it’s a highway to heaven, leading right into your home. If you can, trim back this vegetation or consider removing it entirely.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

9: Indian Meal Moths

One of the creepy bugs you may encounter in your home is the Indian Meal Moth. This moth looks like an ugly brown butterfly, but you may notice other colors on its wings if you get a really close look. If the Indian Meal Moth is not fully mature and is still in its larval stage, it will look like a small white worm with a black head.

This moth isn’t very big – not like some of the ones you may see outside around your porch light. They are usually less than a half inch long, although if their wings are spread open, they will look larger (up to 3/4 of an inch).

The Indian Meal moth likes to eat grains and cereals. However, their appetite is diverse, and they have been known to eat flour, dried fruit, corn meal, bread, rice, and any related foodstuffs.

Unfortunately, these moths are good at getting into sealed containers. Most homeowners will unknowingly bring these moths into their home from the grocery store (although, in some rare cases, the moth may fly into the home). Even tightly sealed containers may have been infected with Indian Meal Moths at the factory they were packaged in.

Here are some preventative steps you can Indian Meal Moth & Larva take to avoid bringing moths into your home:

• Before you purchase grains, check the package for any broken seals. • Once home, check inside the box or container right away for any signs of bugs. • Don’t buy too much in bulk, and store what you do buy in the tightest containers possible. Beware that moths may be able to get into Tupperware. • Keep foods in the refrigerator or freezer for extra safety. • If you do find a contaminated package, remove it from your house immediately. Give a good scrubbing to the area you found it in (i.e. your cabinets or shelves). • Check nearby foods for infestation.

Even though Indian Meal Moths may be creepy, they aren’t likely to overrun your home. Just remember to check your food often, and don’t leave old stockpiles of cereal or other grains around for moths to find.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

10: Drain Fly

If you have been away on vacation or haven’t used a guest bathroom in many months, you may get freaked out when you see a swarm of tiny flies near your drain. These “drain flies” (also known as moth flies) are very small…about a sixth of an inch. They do have a slightly freaky appearance, and can look fuzzy.

Another clue that the bug you’re looking at is a drain fly is that it’s bad at flying. They won’t go more than a few feet, and it might seem as though they’re hopping rather than flying. They also don’t bite.

Nine times out of ten, a drain fly problem will go away on its own. Once you kill the flies that you see, start flushing toilets and running the water in your sinks. This eliminates the standing water in which they dwell.

In some cases, drain flies might be flying into your house through an open window or door. Because they are so small, they can slip Drain Fly aka Moth Fly (Clogmia albipunctata) through screens that other large insects can’t. In those instances, their breeding area may be a clogged gutter or other source of standing water outside.

If you have killed many sets of drain flies over the course of more than 2 weeks, your house many have a well-developed breeding site. In that case, you will probably need a professional to end the infestation.

Although you may be temporarily freaked out by drain flies, remember that the solution is probably an easy one. If you do plan to go on vacation or leave your house vacant, have a trusted friend or neighbor come in to flush your toilets and turn your faucets on and off. You will be eliminating a major habitat for drain flies.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

11: Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are smaller than most flies. They are usually about 1/8 of an inch in length. They can be brownish or brownish- yellow and have red eyes. While fruit flies do not bite, they can be a nuisance and have been known to bother homeowners. Another common name for the fruit fly is vinegar fly.

Fruit flies usually congregate around rotting fruits and vegetables. They also like soda, fruit juices, or anything that leaves a sweet and sticky Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster) residue. They are known to infest dumpsters or trash cans in homes and restaurants. You might also find fruit flies in recycling bins, behind refrigerators or freezers, in sinks and drains or near food storage areas.

The best way to prevent fruit flies is to keep your home clean. Dispose of all garbage immediately, especially remnants of food and fruit. Always run your garbage disposal. Consider double- bagging any rotting foods or remove your kitchen garbage every day. Go the extra mile and clean out your garbage cans when they are empty to remove any trace of debris.

Usually fruit flies are not a permanent problem in your home, and it is rare to need professional help to remove them. However, there are cases in which it’s tricky to find the source of a fruit fly infestation. Sometimes there are multiple breeding sites of fruit flies. When that happens, a thorough investigation and the proper use of professional pesticides may be the only way to permanently solve the problem.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

12: Millipedes

If you don’t like creepy-crawlies, then millipedes are probably not your favorite bug. These freaky critters look like a worm with lots of little legs. In fact, the name millipede roughly translates to “a thousand feet.” They don’t really have that many feet, but they do have a lot!

Millipedes are usually black or brown and an inch or two long (although some very exotic species can get much longer). They move much slower than . You’ll also notice that a millipede will ball itself up if you poke it. The millipede coils up in that way as a defense mechanism.

One of its other defenses is to emit a stinky liquid when it is scared or disturbed. This liquid can be poisonous to other bugs, but isn’t likely to affect humans (although it’s best to use caution and not handle them directly to avoid irritation).

Where will you find millipedes? Almost always, you will find millipedes outside of the home rather than inside. They feed on organic vegetable matter (like dead plants) and aren’t much interested in what’s inside your house. If you pick up stones or flower pots outside, you might find a millipede. Sometimes a heavy summer rain will flush them out onto pavement or sidewalks.

If a millipede does get inside, it might have traveled there in a potted plant, a piece of firewood or other “outdoor-to-indoor” transplants.

If you want to get rid of a millipede, squash it! Or, use a broom and dustpan to sweep it up and relocate it back outside. If you are really squeamish about this bug, call a friendly neighbor for help. Don’t worry, a millipede will move too slowly to go far before you can call for assistance.

If you are finding millipedes in your house a little too frequently, then you should consult a pest control service and they can advise you of the best course of action.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

13: Scorpions

Scorpions are one of the easiest freaky pests to identify because they are very unique- looking. They look like tiny lobsters that have two pincers and eight legs. You’ll notice a big curled up stinger on the back end of a scorpion. Scorpions can be anywhere from 1-4 inches long. They can live to be five or six years old. In Florida, most scorpions are reddish, brown or black.

Scorpions do sting, and their venom is toxic; however, there are no scorpions in Florida which are lethal enough to kill a human. Scorpion stings can be very painful (some say even worse than a wasp’s sting) and will remain sore for a long time. Some people are allergic to scorpion stings. Antivenin is available for severe reactions; do not hesitate to seek medical attention.

Although there are over a thousand species of scorpion worldwide, only a few live in Florida. You aren’t very likely to see a scorpion inside your house.

Scorpions are a nocturnal , feeding at night and hiding during the day. They may hide under rocks – or in your shoes! But in the rare cases a scorpion is inside, they are most likely to be found in your attic or underneath your house.

The best way to keep scorpions out of your house is to eliminate their food source – other insects. Check out our previous E-Book tips on preventing other bugs from invading your home. These tips will double as a method to keep scorpions away.

If you find a scorpion inside your house, it’s best to kill it right away. Move quickly, because they can quickly dart under a crevice or crack where they’ll be hard to kill. If you are wearing closed-toed shoes, you Scorpion With Young can step on it. Be sure to really squash it – scorpions can be tricky. If you don’t want that much direct contact, consider using a heavy object like a book. Don’t pick up the dead scorpion with your hands! Use tongs or a shovel to scoop it into a bag before throwing it away.

If the idea of killing scorpions is just too freaky for you, consider getting professional pest management.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

14: Crickets

The most famous cricket of all time has to be Jiminy Cricket. He has one thing in common with his non- fictional cricket friends: he can be really irritating when he sings.

In all seriousness, crickets are a common bug that don’t pose any threat to you. Some people do get a little freaked out when surprised by a cricket in their house. A cricket looks like a cross between grasshopper and a cockroach.

In other countries, people eat crickets or keep them for pets. In America, crickets are usually sold as pet food or as fish bait.

Crickets are nocturnal, so it’s usually nighttime when you are kept awake by a male cricket singing to the females. The chirping sounds that you hear are actually different for each species of cricket. That’s an entertaining fact for entomologists, but is probably not a great help to you if you’re trying to get to sleep.

In the unlikely event that you are extremely bothered by crickets, you can eliminate them with pesticides that are designed to kill cockroaches. You can also use the “roach motel” style products which will catch crickets like any other bug.

Our other tip for cricket control is to minimize your outdoor lighting at night. Most types of crickets are drawn to light. Turn off unnecessary lights or close curtains where possible.

If all else fails, you may have to just hope that crickets’ natural predators keep their numbers in check. , lizards, frogs, birds, mice and even cats will eat crickets. So, if any of those creatures sound less freaky to you than crickets, you might be happy to have them around your home.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved. 15 Household Bugs in SW Florida That May Freak You Out

15: Plaster Bagworms

If you are at home, thinking “what is this freaky small gray bag hanging from my wall?” then you might have a plaster bagworm.

The case of the plaster bagworm is somewhat similar to a cantaloupe, watermelon or pumpkin seed in its shape, size and flatness. It can look like an empty case or shell. Slit-like openings are located at each end. The entire thing is about half an inch long. It’s made of fiber, sand, lint and other miscellaneous debris. The openings at the end allow the larvae to move and to eat.

Plaster bagworms are a close relative of the clothes moth. They eat spiderwebs, wool, and the discarded larval cases of members of its own species.

The reason you’ll find plaster bagworms in Florida more often than in other states is because this bug likes high humidity. A good way to keep them away is to keep your air conditioner on and your house cool.

It’s also important to keep a clean house. Obviously getting rid of spiderwebs is a #1 priority, since that is a favorite meal of the plaster bagworm. Don’t forget to knock down and sweep up any other bagworm cases you find too. They are usually easy to spot on walls, unless your paint color matches the bug’s case!

In its larval stage, the plaster bagworm has three set of legs as well as false legs. It’s believed that the real legs help it walk on floors, while the false legs with hooks on the ends allow it to walk inside its protective case.

A mature bagworm caterpillar is about a quarter of an inch long. Its body is mostly white, but its head is brown.

In its lifecycle, the bagworm eventually becomes a moth; it’s not surprising that controlling plaster bagworms is similar to how you would conquer their cousins – the clothes moths. For severe infestations, you will need to call a professional.

Consider Larue Pest Management for your pest control needs. We are here to help whether it be for plaster bagworms, termites, bed bugs, or any other freaky bugs that might be invading your space.

Learn more by visiting www.LaruePest.com or by calling (800) 314-8813 Copyright © 2011 Larue Pest Management. All Rights Reserved.