Lazu Ș. et al PHYTOCOENOTIC DIVERSITY OF GRASSLANDS WITH Chrysopogon gryllus (L.) Trin. IN EURASIA Ștefan LAZU*, Ghenadie Petru TITICĂ*, Ludmila TALMACI*,**, Ana GUȚU* *”Alexandru Ciubotaru” National Botanical Garden (Institute), MD 2002, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, 18 Pădurii str. **Corresponding author e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Chrysopogon gryllus (L.) Trin. is a species of savannoid grasses. In the Republic of Moldova, it is dominant in the xero-mesophytic grasslands of the southern steppe area (Bugeac), occurs on slopes with steppe vegetation, glades and forest edges and in the central area – on the side of forest roads, glades, as well as in xerophilous grasslands. The position of this species in the phytocoenotic classification becomes clearer if we examine its presence depending on the biogeographic regions. The analysis of the synthetic lists drawn up by different authors from the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, countries whose territories with savannoid grasslands are part of the continental and steppe biogeographic regions, has helped us identify the species that is faithful to these communities - Thymus pannonicus All., which occurs in stable phytocoenoses of the ass. Thymo (pannonici) - Chrysopogonetum grylli Doniţă et. all. 1992. In the Mediterranean, Pannonian and alpine biogeographic regions, we have shown the dependence of these grasslands on the altitude of the site. At high altitudes (the alpine zone), in areas with slightly acid soils, there are communities of the ass. Agrostio (capilaris) - Chrysopogonetum gryllis Kojić 1959 and ass. Bromo (erectus) - Chrysopogonetum gryllis Horvat 1934. The greatest phytocoenotic diversity of grasslands with Chrysopogon gryllus (L.) Trin. is in the Mediterranean biogeographic region.