Word Through Whom All Things Were 11:00AM Parishioners of St
April 09, 2017 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord From “The Following of Christ” by Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 AD "Come, follow Me, says the Lord. Do you love? He has hastened on, He has flown on ahead. Look and see where. O Christian, don't you know where your Lord has gone? I ask you: Don't you wish to follow Him there? Through trials, insults, the cross, and death. Why do you hesitate? Look, the way has been sown you." (excerpt from Sermon 64,5) ! April 09, 2017 Mass Intentions for the Week Monday April 10: Monday of Holy Week From The Pastor 8:00 AM † Gertrude Greer ~ Henry Greer Tuesday April 11: Tuesday of Holy Week 8:00 AM John Kim ~ Birthday ~ Mary Hodges Jesus went to Jerusalem knowing full well what awaited him - betrayal, rejection, and crucifixion. The people of Wednesday April 12: Wednesday of Holy Week Jerusalem, however, were ready to hail him as their Messianic King! 7:00 PM † Ben Coletti,† Louie Miguel, †Franz Manuel, Little did they know what it would cost this king to usher in his † Le Anthony Nguyen, † Hwang Gae Sooh, † Lee Do Yong, kingdom. Jesus' entry into Jerusalem astride a colt was a sign of † Esperanza Hope Abeto, † Teresita Dimalanta, peace. Jesus enters Jerusalem in meekness and humility, as the † Peter Tau Nguyen, Messianic King who offers victory and peace to his people. That † Kyle Abalos, † Muriel Abalos, † Benjamin Abalos Sr. victory and peace would be secured in the cross and resurrection Dewayne and Liz Sabatko which would soon take place.
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