GRADU-1404213426.Pdf (2.341Mt)
UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE School of Management FOSTERING WORK ENGAGEMENT THROUGH DEDICATION: CASE RAMBOLL Management and Organization Master’s thesis May 2014 Supervisor: Arja Ropo Valtteri Kuntsi ABSTRACT University of Tampere School of Management, Management and Organization Author: KUNTSI, VALTTERI Title: Fostering work engagement through dedication: Case Ramboll Master’s thesis: 164 pages, 5 appendix pages Date: May 2014 Keywords: work engagement, dedication, job resources, personal resources, occupational well-being The present case study had two main objectives: the first objective was to determine what the prerequisites of work engagement are among the case company’s consultants and the second objective was to determine how the supervisors of these consultants foster work engagement through their actions. The case company was Ramboll Finland Ltd. which is a part of an international corporation called Ramboll Group. The company offers engineering, design, and consultancy services relating to buildings, transport, environment, energy, oil, gas, and management consulting. Work engagement can be defined as a positive and fulfilling work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption. In this study, dedication was presumed to be the prerequisite of vigor and absorption and thus the main component of work engagement. A dedicated employee is strongly involved in his or her work and experiences a sense of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, and challenge. The research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with five consultants and five supervisors working in the case company’s office in Tampere. The case company’s job satisfaction inquiry from the year 2012 was also utilized as an additional source of information.
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