Turkey's Way to Nuclear Energy – an Example for a Newcomer's New Build
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Nuclear New Build in Turkey Die Regierung der Republik Türkei geht seit einigen Jahren sehr entschlossen voran, um bis zum Jahre 2020 das erste Kernkraft- Turkey’s way to nuclear werk in der Türkei in Betrieb nehmen zu kön- nen. Das weit über dem EU-Durchschnitt lie- gende Wirtschaftswachstum der Türkei erfor- energy – An example for dert eine moderne und verlässliche Energie- versorgung für die Bevölkerung und Wirt- schaftsunternehmen. Energiepolitische und energiewirtschaftliche Entscheidungen der a newcomer’s new build Regierung der Republik Türkei für die Ver- wirklichung der notwendigen Schritte zur Er- reichung der Energieversorgungsziele werden zügig umgesetzt. Dabei spielt die Verringe- Bin ölçüp bir biçmeli. rung der Abhängigkeit von Energieimporten eine wesentliche Rolle. Hierzu soll der Aufbau (Turkish proverb meaning that it is worth weig- der Kernenergie in der Türkei genutzt werden. Kernkraftwerken werden geringere ökologi- hing up thousand times in order to reap once.) sche Nachteile als fossilen Energieerzeugungs- formen und höhere Erzeugungsverlässlichkeit als Wärme- oder Wasserkraftwerken zuge- Erinç Ercan, Hamburg, and Horst Schneider, Bonn standen. Der Standort für das erste Kern- kraftwerk in Mersin-Akkuyu ist festgelegt und wird wissenschaftlich systematisch unter- sucht, damit der von der Regierung ausge- wählte russische Partner die Anlage errichten und betreiben kann. Für das am zweiten During the years 2001 to 2010 economic country’s welfare» the following general Standort in Sinop-İnceburun vorgesehene growth averaged 1.3 % in the EU-27 and facts and expectations: «Secure energy Kernkraftwerk wird die Ausschreibung vorbe- reached 1.1 % in the Euro-Zone, whereas supply remains essential also for our coun- reitet. Das energierechtliche und vor allem Turkey recorded an average economic try. In this context, significant progress has das atom- und strahlenschutzrechtliche Vor- growth of 4 % [1] in the same period, been made recently in legal and technical schriftensystem einschließlich des sog. unter- which was associated with an increase in terms which include restructuring our en- gesetzlichen kerntechnischen Regelwerks für kommerzielle Kernkraftwerke wird fortent- the demand for electricity [2]. In the 1980s ergy market on a competitive transparent wickelt. Insbesondere die erforderlichen si- and 1990s, the energy-mix was depending basis, identifying and utilizing our domes- cherheitstechnischen Vorgaben für Errichtung mainly on thermal generation, but has un- tic and renewable resource potentials, und Betrieb der Kernkraftwerke müssen wei- dergone with the increase in hydro genera- making nuclear energy a part of electricity ter ausgearbeitet werden. Das für die Verfah- tion by the Southeastern Anatolia Project a production, and making use of energy effi- ren benötigte Personal bei Behörden und im steady development and significant in- ciency and new energy technologies. Tur- Expertenbereich ist auszubilden und für die crease in capacity [3]. Nevertheless, Tur- key’s energy policy principally aims at: Praxis intensiv vorzubereiten. Vor diesem key’s energy sector remained dependent on Making energy available for the consumers Hintergrund werden im Anschluss an den Be- imports, since over 70 % of domestic ener- in terms of cost, time and amount, exploit- richt in atw 2007, 15 ff vor allem die sicher- gy consumption had to be imported in 2010 ing public and private facilities within the heitstechnischen Aspekte der Kernkraftwerke [4]. Turkey had intended the use of nuclear framework of free market practices, dis- im Hinblick auf ihre Planung, Standortaus- energy for quite some time, but has under- couraging import dependency, securing a wahl, Errichtung und Betrieb betrachtet. Oh- ne verlässlichen Rechtsrahmen und fundiertes taken consistent steps only since 2004 [5]. strong position for our country in regional Regelwerk können Genehmigungsverfahren Finally, after the determined and ambitious and global trade of energy, ensuring the für Errichtung und Betrieb kaum bewältigt actions by the government, the likelihood availability of diversified resources, routes werden, die währenddessen durchzuführende further substantiated in 2012 that Turkey and technologies, ensuring maximum use Aufsicht dürfte nicht effizient und somit die will have its first nuclear power plant in the of renewable resources, increasing energy Sicherheit gewährleistend wahrgenommen near future [6]. Status and prospects in the efficiency, minimizing negative environ- werden können. Der bisher eingeschlagene areas of energy economics and energy leg- mental impact while producing and using Weg in der Türkei wird auch kurz mit wesent- islation as well as in nuclear and radiation energy and natural resources. Between lichen Grundlagen in Ländern verglichen, die protection regulation including safety re- 1990 and 2008 in our country, [the] annu- über eine lange Erfahrung mit der friedlichen quirements for commercial nuclear power al average rate of increase in primary ener- Nutzung der Kernenergie verfügen. Zusam- plants justify this assessment. However, gy demand was realized as 4.3 %. Among menfassend kann nicht verlässlich prognosti- there is still a consolidation of the nuclear other OECD countries, Turkey has had the ziert werden, ob in der Türkei die ambitio- nierten Planungen zur Kernenergienutzung legislative and regulation system needed. highest rate of energy demand increase of zeitgemäß vom Betreiber und der zuständi- the past 10 years. Similarly, since 2000, gen Atombehörde umgesetzt werden. our country has been the second largest 1. The roadmap of Turkish energy economy after China for having the highest policy for nuclear energy rate of increase in electricity and [natural] Anschriften der Verfasser: gas demand. Projections by our Ministry Anwaltskanzlei Alstertor The Ministry of Energy and Natural Re- show that this trend will continue in the Rechtsanwalt Erinç Ercan sources (ETKB) outlines with regard to its medium run. In 2008, total primary energy Alstertor 20 mission «to ensure efficient, effective safe consumption of our country was realized 20095 Hamburg, Germany and environment-sensitive use of energy as 106.3 million TEP, while production was Dr. Horst Schneider and natural resources in a way that reduc- at 29.2 million TEP. Of total energy supply, Berghovener Straße 90 es external dependency of our country, [natural] gas comes first (32 %) which is 53227 Bonn, Germany and makes the greatest contribution to our followed up by petrol [oil] (29.9 %), coal 584 atw 57. Jg. (2012) Heft 10 | Oktober Nuclear New Build in Turkey (29.5 %), and renewable energy sources tion, and to found and establish the appro- by Turkey with ratifying the Convention on including hydraulic [sources] (8.6 %). priate institutions (Article 2 lit. a-c, f, g). Nuclear Safety [20] and in view of the EU Based on the reference scenario, our pri- The energy market is regulated particularly accession process to transpose the COUN- mary energy consumption is expected to by the Electricity Market Law No. 4628 of CIL DIRECTIVE 2009/71/EURATOM of 25 increase by 4 % annually by 2020.» [7] The 2001 together with the Law on the Amend- June 2009 establishing a Community frame- latter is in harmony with the estimated ment of Electricity Market Law No. 5784 on work for the nuclear safety of nuclear in- rates of economic growth in Turkey of Supply Security and Certain Other Laws stallations [21] for the acquis communau- about 3 to 4 % by 2016 [8]. (2008), the Law on Utilization of Renewa- taire can not be verified. With regard to electricity and nuclear ble Energy Resources for the Purpose of Fundamental and direction-setting for energy, ETKB declares [9]: «Our electricity Generating Electrical Energy (2005, the consistently chosen path to nuclear en- generation is expected by 2020 to reach 499 amended in 2010), the Energy Efficiency ergy in Turkey since 2004 is Law No. 5710 TWh with an annual increase of around 8 % Law (2007) and the Law on Geothermal on Construction and Operation of Nuclear according to the higher demand scenario, Resources and Mineral Waters (2007) [12]. Power Plants and Energy Sale of 9 Novem- or 406 TWh with an annual increase of The main institutions attached and related ber 2007 [22]. It regulates besides nuclear 6.1 % according to the lower demand sce- to the ETKB are the Turkish Electricity Trans- technology particular aspects of energy nario. As of 21 July 2010, our installed pow- mission Company (TEİAŞ), the Electricity economics: «This Law also introduced reg- er has now reached 46,126 MW after Generation Corporation (EÜAŞ), Turkish ulations regarding the utilization of domes- the deployment of a new power plant of Electricity Trading and Contracting Compa- tic coal resources for the purpose of gener- 1,479 MW. In 2009, our electricity genera- ny Inc. (TETAŞ), the Energy Market Regula- ating electrical energy, encouraging the es- tion came from 3 main sources: natural gas tory Authority (EPDK) and the Turkish tablishment [of] domestic coal fired ther- by 48.6 %, coal by 28.3 %, hydroelectric by Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) [13]. The mal power plants.» [23] Goal and scope of 18.5 %, liquid fuels by 3.4 %, and renewa- energy market in Turkey has already been the law are described in Article 1: «The aim ble resources by 1.1 %. … A 1,000 MWe nu- largely privatized and is being tightly regu- of this law is to provide, in accordance with clear reactor produces about 27 tons (7 m³) lated in order to achieve the targets identi- the energy plan and policy, the procedures of used fuel in a year. Environmental impact fied by the government. Renewable energy and principles for the construction and op- of fossil fuel powered (especially coal pow- sources, particularly wind and solar ener- eration of nuclear power plants and the ered) power plants is too negative to be gy, are heavily subsidized [14]. sale of energy from those plants.» «TETAŞ even compared to nuclear power plants. On For nuclear energy the regulatory body shall call for bids» on the basis of «con- the contrary, nuclear power plants must be was installed in 1982 by the Law on Turkish structing and operation criteria» and a reg- preferred for their environmental qualities.