Tanksley Discusses Future of CLC Faculty Hiring Freeze Declared
|>ej*dl Slit Volume 6, Number 16 College At Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York ,December<A -jDecember/lQ, 1985 Tanksley Proposes Curriculum Revision Faculty Hiring By Mary Kay Linge "bridge" course in the freshman year and a capstone seminar for juniors, both drawn from the Decreeing "closure" on longstanding curriculum Mellon experiment. Further aspects would be Freeze Declared issues. Dean William Tanksley outlined sweeping composition, speech, language, math, and science proposals for a new core program at CLC. In a requirements, plus area requirements in the By Tom Wrobleski memorandum to the faculty dated November 8, disciplines. Tanksley anticipated that a new core curriculum "I think this was principally [Tanksley's] own Due to a decline in CLC enrollment, vacant full-time faculty posi- will be in place by Fall '87. product," said Dr. Stewart Guthrie, chairman of the tions at the College will not be filled, according to a memorandum "A single 'interdisciplinnry core' shoulr1 \- Curriculum Committee of the College Council and from Dean William Tanksley. Full-time teaching positions, known member of the Mellon Committee. "We had not as lines, can become vacant due to retirement, resignation, or tenure met on it. It was news to me." denial. The decision will take effect in the fall of 1986 for the '&6'-XJ Excerpts from memo on page 3 "There comes a time when someone has to make academic year. a decision," said Dr. George Shea, former head of The November 5 memo, distributed to CLC divisional chairper- sons; went on to say that lines from existing programs may be designed to replace the FIP, Mellon, and Excel op- the Mellon Committee.
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