Port Orford Today! Port Orford’s Most Popular Newspaper! Vol. 14 Number 38 Thursday, September 25, 2003 © 2003 by The Downtown Fun Zone The Downtown Fun Zone Valerie: ..........
[email protected] Evan & Valerie Kramer, Owners Evan:
[email protected] 832 Highway 101, P.O. Box 49 Brenda:
[email protected] Port Orford, OR 97465 Nancy:...
[email protected] Port Orford Community (541) 332-6565 (Voice or FAX) Web Site: http://www.mydfz.com Ambulance Wants YOU! Council Takes Strong Stance (the section between Geer Circle and level of the lake had stranded the fish. By Evan Kramer Madrona). Port Orford Public Works Taylor read a brief statement made by superintendent Dave Pace said the sewer city administrator Erna Barnett in her The Port Orford Water- pipe would be replaced and put in the monthly report to the city council stat- shed Council met on middle part of the road, which he later ing, “We have heard nothing from the Wednesday, Sept. 17, referred to as the stable part. Council State Patrol regarding our complaint.” and took a strong stance member Norm Leeling said that Arizona Barnett turned over the entire file on on the ruinous opening Street is considered a secondary feeder June 26 to the Oregon State Police. Bar- of Garrison Lake in road as part of Port Orford’s transporta- nett had been told the state police didn’t April of this year. tion plan. He said the planning commis- have time to pursue the matter. Taylor Before dealing with Garrison Lake the sion was putting together the final draft said the opening of the lake broke no city council heard from Harry Hoogesteger, of that plan.