IXX Read the Herald Read the Herald For Local News Local News m ing Summit tot 6$ Ycar$ Serving Summit for 6$ Ymrtt 65th S2 Central Committee in New Young at Heart, Lumbermen's to Break Ground Herald Celebrates Vote Adopts Equal Set-Up 66th Amiversary Tuesday for $3 Million Office The United Campaign's Central Committee Monday with toda !*s issue The Summit nght reversed its previous jOa-nd"on organization"of the Herald begi is its 66th year of pub- : Governor Meyner Heads Long List of ^ummittee and votefl |o equalize the representation be- hcation as lic community ! wpen agency and public members. Thirteen of the 14 niem- paper of ti| is' city and its area of the Committee voted,in favor of the equal set-up We've bought our-v Prominent Guests to Be at Ceremony mil one agency, the YWCA, ab: selves a b thday present and utning. , -.,'•'•' we're1 hope ul that you will Ground will-bo broken for the three-story Lumbermen's At last month's mating \>( the i il as well a we do—it is.our new Mutual Casualty Company building here on Tuesday, Juno >!i'tral Committee the identical Year-Long Visit type face, ciiled "Corona," which 1. starting at 4 p.m. at a ceremony to be? attended by state •"--tion was defeated when the is being us d throughout lodax's and city officials as well-as national business leaders, .."HiJHitlee' failed to have the re i Over, Greek Lad issue for th first time except for Gov. Robert B. Meyner, Mayor Percival M. Bland, and uued two-thirds vote of (he contrast in his article. ____— ~——-,.—_'- -, Hathaway" G. Kcniper of Chicago, geneies necessary to. amend Hie j Having tl is ne\>, modern t\pe 1 president of Lumbermen's, will •institution to provide for a re-I Adieu fate is like having a new suit of ; officiate at the formal ceremony t^anization of the Central Corn Fotio<, Tsochatzopoulos, LVycar- clothes, or he latest model car. J Local Charities marking the start of construe- , niltee. ' old tircrk boy who has been a Makes you eel youthful, progres ] tion on jthis new addition to the guest ot the YMi'A Hi-Y Clubs for and u -lo-date despite your civic aiid business life of Sum- The vote last month defeating j almobt a \ par, was given a'gold Given $5,202 by mit. In addition. State Insurance he proposal was taken following key to the city by Mayor Percival Typograpi ieal experts at Mer- Commissioner Warren N,. (Jaffney i public opinion poll which ; M. Bland at a' farewell party gcntheler t noiypc Company un- •of"New Jersey and State Insur^ hawed that the equal representa- ; given in the youth's honor Tues- dcrtook an xtensive research pro- Service League ance Commissioner Alfred J, Bolt- urn plan was strongly favored by , day night at the YMCA. gram so th it all problem* to be Summit charitable . activities j linger of New York have also ac- mitributors. The youth, known locally as met by this new type face would received S3.202.95 in contributions ! cepted invitations, to attend the The movtf among the agencies i "Freddie,"''publicly thanked all be carefully considered bciore the ceremony as.have persons promi* from the Summit Junior Service reconsider lasl t month's de- j SummiSi t residentid s whoh . aided in jj designing roces.i began These j nent in all walks of life in Sum- lsion was sparked by a letter his coming to this country. He experts dr« v upon their wealth League, this year, it was aiv- mit. : win the YMCA to the Central also expressed hisv appreciation of exp«rier ce in designing type "".!... - . nounced yesterday by Mrs.. Dan- Tuesday's visit will be the first 'ommittce which indicated that to the parents of Hi-Y boys with faces for nekspaper use. They had •i ''•'.„ , aid McLean, chairman of the con- official appearance of a Governor f the issue was presented again whom he has lived during his stay previously feveioped. over a pe- , ~ ,. Y tributions committee, at the fi- of New Jersey to Summit in hat agency would be in favor of here. riod of tinre. a "legibility group" ..'»,: , n«l meeting of the Summit Junior many years. Governor Driscoll During the ceremonies, the of type fac :s, members of which stopped here briefly during his I. •• • . ' Service League held at the Hotel Ti« Vote Stymied YWCA Greek youth was presented with read in newspaper* SUNDAY'S THE »At-Members of the Cleartater group "putting"'final touches to underwater lights. Suburban. first campaign and last year Mrs. Leslie P. Guest, represent a check for several hundred dol: all over th^ country. jclub rush work on the pool which will be.officially and fainting guide lines on the bottom preparatory j In making her report Mrs. Me- Governor Meyner was here twice :ig th< YWfeA Monday, explained lars from his American friends Hods Sharpnesi 'opened this, Sunday afternoon nt a $eremony to-be to fllfillini g thhe 44X82-fooft t pooll. TThhe elublb . a privatri e one,; pointed out that this was ias a candidate. for the purpose of partially fi- hat the agency was not voting Corona is designed to eliminate ineld on t|v<5 ^j, prOperty on Last limited to 250 members, is the first of its kind inj nearjv more ,than had been William H. Heineke of Portland, nancing a "Town and Country" a\emie. because board members were un- one of the najor difficulties news- Im jnute painting and otAer work u:•• done by many Sammit. (Photo by Wolin) , . '''; avaUable'-last year from the net road, vice president of Lumber- project when he retftrns to Greece. papers face in the process ot raak- !o£ the memjjer families last weekd AAbovb * M-M proceeds of the Summit..'-Thrift men's in New* York, has an- able to reach an agreement. A Me sails for home some time in Motet ballot, #He said, resulted in • ing stereo ,-pe mati from the Shop and Consignment Shop lo- nounced that contracts for con- July. this. process, struction of the $3,000,000 building tie vote. Rather than deviate! metal type In the cated at 37. DeForest • avenue. It The project, to be operated in ressed on a speciajly- will be let within the next sixty rout parliamentary procedure, j type is im is the proceeds of the sales in a suburb near Athens, will be an prepared s pct. that looks and feels days, and that it probably wiH lie he explained, the YWCA decided Clearwater Club Plans Set for Community these two shops that are available educational recreational program similar to a tough cardboard occupied by the latter part of 1055. o let the tie stand and abstain to the contributions committee for youth according to Allen R. which, endpaper plants, is for -distribution to various char- A reception for invited guests, «om voting at the Central Com- HeVenny," general secretary of called a "n at" An exact mold of Swimming Pod July fourth Celebration itable organizations. This year of whom there are expected to be iittee meeting. She pointed out, i ^p y the type left in the mat, but more than 100. willbe held at Additional attractions have been would be eliminated because of \ the following organizations re- lowever, that the YWCA would Among those responsible for a certain c ntrolled degree of mat a fire hazard. The Committee dis- j ceived the amounts indicated, Canoe Brook Country Club imme- included 6n the program for Uie Jt satisfied with any. decision bringing Freddie here were the shrinkage akes place before a To Open Sunday closed that the bombs will be in-j United Campaign. $1."00; Sum- diately following the ground break- hat the Central Committee ar- Hi-Y Clubs, who made his visit or stereotype, is CBLSI jijii^jal community fourth of July ing. " . '"••..• ' .-:" • metal plat Summit's newest private rccre- eluded and that the fireworks <3te.mit Home for Children. $t,U2; : ived at. • . their special project, the Y board from it i this mat shrinkage. i center, the Cleavw»t«r aui -Mt(nation at Mefnorial Field, it play will not IK confined to grouritl The gew building, to rbui on ttnd m i 1 y 4 The decision to equalize the of directors, the Youth and Greek some n papertype M.:formally opened, to -ne».* \«is aniiounced following- a meet j piecfes, &s previsjasly rumot&l. ..;•- tfe site oeciMfed lor man^cars Boy.* committees!,' school and tltj W; Overlook Hospital Build- by the old Beechwood rtotel, a to lose ing of the committee held last Fund Drive Starts June 15 , ing Fund, $442; Nurse's Scholar- ht agency members concludes officials. but Cor on noted summer vacation resort •V'i issue that has been a subject Members of al) these groups retain evei quality of legibility, Thursday at the field House. One A since the '90's, will be three stories tions (considerable controversy since plus classmates in the junior resulting aally in *ri""easier-to- Robert A. Badgley of New Prov- new, feature for this year will be Farm high anil of reinforced concrete apcr again be conducted by mail about tin first of the year when the pro- class at high school and his Sum- read news: ' iidence will. officiate and will be] a Ferris wheel and a "whip." Boy« $30; Red Cross; construction. mit "parents" were present at We. are June 15. Residents are urged to ; posal to equalize was made by H.
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