Tr,, Tolil. Ffiachoiii : Gef Sl;N[LI!,AUIO,O$Fllirs|H, :OEAR Ililiii Ilut$Aildlboitf CAN TAIK
Rj[-Y rA]|tr,, TOlIl. ffiACHOIII : GEf sl;n[LI!,AUIO,O$fllIRS|H, :OEAR IlilIII ilUT$AilDlBOITF CAN TAIK , \. h E\ -,"*lf*XK ,\'\ f,".' l"Every cor eventuolly ends up in o iunkyord, no motter how well you toke core of it " soys Tom, right, next to Roy. lJ he voice isn't speaking in the hushed. simply a laugh. The Tappet Brothers-in but they couldn't find the problem. I chamber-music tones lamiliar to Na- real life, Tom and Ray Magliozzi-will Ray: "I'm gonna make the noise for tional Public Radio listeners. "Though supply all three during the hour to come. you. Woooooooo." your relatives wouldn't approve, you are In a weekly program reaching an estimat- Joanne says thal's the noise. in fact listening to us, Click and Clack, ed I million listeners, Tom,52, and Ray, Ray: "It's a bad front-wheel bearing. the Tappet Brothers," the voice cackles 40, fleld questions dealing with every- But let's not assume it's in the front. happily over the airwaves. "Don't touch thing from engine noise to bumper rust. Noises can fool you. It can easily be the that dial oryour dipstickwill fall out!" A There is no script; every line is off-the- rear-wheel bearing as well." chorus of ha-ha-has follows, then the cuff, and many are off-the-wall. Almost A woman named Bertha complains strains of hoedown banjo music. all are right on target. about a year-old Toyota "with a lot of That's Car Talkyou're listening to, Na- A woman named Joanne phones about noise coming from the back." tional Public Radio's callin show for auto a Pontiac that makes a roaring noise.
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