44 Bus Time Schedule & Line Route

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44 Bus Time Schedule & Line Route 44 bus time schedule & line map 44 Fleckney - Kibworth - Great Bowden - Market View In Website Mode Harborough - Foxton The 44 bus line (Fleckney - Kibworth - Great Bowden - Market Harborough - Foxton) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Fleckney: 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM (2) Foxton: 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM (3) Market Harborough: 6:18 PM (4) Market Harborough: 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Use the Moovit App to ƒnd the closest 44 bus station near you and ƒnd out when is the next 44 bus arriving. Direction: Fleckney 44 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Fleckney Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM Vicarage Drive, Foxton Tuesday 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM Prison, Gartree Wednesday 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM Welland Avenue, Gartree Thursday 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM Gallow Field Road, Market Harborough Friday 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM Airƒeld Business Park, Market Harborough Saturday 6:46 AM - 6:16 PM St Lukes Hospital, Market Harborough Coales Gardens, Market Harborough 44 bus Info 22 Alvington Way, Market Harborough Direction: Fleckney Robert Smyth School, Market Harborough Stops: 37 Trip Duration: 54 min 2 Ridgeway West, Market Harborough Line Summary: Vicarage Drive, Foxton, Prison, Heygate Street, Market Harborough Gartree, Welland Avenue, Gartree, Gallow Field Road, Market Harborough, Airƒeld Business Park, Market 1-6 Kings Road, Market Harborough Harborough, St Lukes Hospital, Market Harborough, Doddridge Road, Market Harborough Coales Gardens, Market Harborough, Robert Smyth School, Market Harborough, Heygate Street, Market Doddridge Road, Market Harborough Harborough, Doddridge Road, Market Harborough, Market Hall, Market Harborough Market Hall, Market Harborough, Fernie Road, Market Harborough, The Headlands, Market Northampton Road, Market Harborough Harborough, Arden Way, Market Harborough, Fernie Road, Market Harborough Madeline Close, Great Bowden, Horseshoe Lane, Great Bowden, Welham Road, Great Bowden, The Rockingham Road, Market Harborough Limes, Thorpe Langton, Bakers Arms, Thorpe The Headlands, Market Harborough Langton, Main Street, East Langton, Thornton Crescent, Church Langton, Church Causeway, Great Bowden Road, Market Harborough Church Langton, The Crown Inn, Tur Langton, Beech Arden Way, Market Harborough Tree Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Millday Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Finch Road, Kibworth Harcourt, Madeline Close, Great Bowden Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Raitha's Indian Resturant, Kibworth Harcourt, Hillcrest Avenue, Madeline Close, Market Harborough Kibworth Harcourt, The Square, Kibworth Horseshoe Lane, Great Bowden Beauchamp, Beaker Close, Smeeton Westerby, Bryars Close, Saddington, The Meer, Fleckney, Welham Road, Great Bowden Gladstone Street, Fleckney, Co-Op, Fleckney, Middletons Close, Fleckney, Batchelor Road, Fleckney The Limes, Thorpe Langton Bakers Arms, Thorpe Langton Main Street, East Langton Thornton Crescent, Church Langton Church Causeway, Church Langton The Crown Inn, Tur Langton Beech Tree Close, Kibworth Harcourt Main Street, Kibworth Harcourt Millday Close, Kibworth Harcourt Public Footpath (B3), Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Finch Road, Kibworth Harcourt Polwell Road, Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt Raitha's Indian Resturant, Kibworth Harcourt Hillcrest Avenue, Kibworth Harcourt The Square, Kibworth Beauchamp Beaker Close, Smeeton Westerby Main Street, Smeeton Westerby Civil Parish Bryars Close, Saddington Weir Road, Saddington Civil Parish The Meer, Fleckney Gladstone Street, Fleckney Co-Op, Fleckney High Street, Fleckney Civil Parish Middletons Close, Fleckney Middletons Close, Fleckney Civil Parish Batchelor Road, Fleckney Direction: Foxton 44 bus Time Schedule 43 stops Foxton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM Batchelor Road, Fleckney Tuesday 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM Penclose Road, Fleckney Wednesday 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM Park Street, Fleckney Thursday 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM Albert Street, Fleckney Friday 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM Co-Op, Fleckney Saturday 6:53 AM - 5:18 PM High Street, Fleckney Civil Parish Gladstone Street, Fleckney The Meer, Fleckney 44 bus Info Direction: Foxton Bryars Close, Saddington Stops: 43 Trip Duration: 58 min Weir Road, Saddington Civil Parish Line Summary: Batchelor Road, Fleckney, Penclose Beaker Close, Smeeton Westerby Road, Fleckney, Park Street, Fleckney, Albert Street, Fleckney, Co-Op, Fleckney, Gladstone Street, Main Street, Smeeton Westerby Civil Parish Fleckney, The Meer, Fleckney, Bryars Close, The Square, Kibworth Beauchamp Saddington, Beaker Close, Smeeton Westerby, The Square, Kibworth Beauchamp, Hillcrest Avenue, Paget Street, Kibworth Harcourt Kibworth Harcourt, Raitha's Indian Restaurant, Hillcrest Avenue, Kibworth Harcourt Kibworth Harcourt, Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Millday Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Finch Road, Raitha's Indian Restaurant, Kibworth Harcourt Kibworth Harcourt, Leicester Road, Kibworth Harcourt, Beech Tree Close, Kibworth Harcourt, The Leys, Kibworth Harcourt Carlton Road, Kibworth Harcourt, The Crown Inn, Tur Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt Langton, Church Causeway, Church Langton, Thornton Crescent, Church Langton, Main Street, Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish East Langton, Bakers Arms, Thorpe Langton, The Millday Close, Kibworth Harcourt Limes, Thorpe Langton, Welham Road, Great Bowden, Shoulder Of Mutton, Great Bowden, Public Footpath (B3), Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Horseshoe Lane, Great Bowden, Madeline Close, Finch Road, Kibworth Harcourt Great Bowden, Arden Way, Market Harborough, The Headlands, Market Harborough, Middlebrook Green, Polwell Road, Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Market Harborough, Fernie Road, Market Harborough, Britannia Walk, Market Harborough, Leicester Road, Kibworth Harcourt Springƒeld Street, Market Harborough, The Square, Market Harborough, Bowden Lane, Market Beech Tree Close, Kibworth Harcourt Harborough, Robert Smyth School, Market Main Street, Kibworth Harcourt Harborough, Coales Gardens, Market Harborough, St Lukes Hospital, Market Harborough, Airƒeld Carlton Road, Kibworth Harcourt Business Park, Market Harborough, Gallow Field Road, Market Harborough, Roundabout, West The Crown Inn, Tur Langton Langton, Vicarage Drive, Foxton Church Causeway, Church Langton Thornton Crescent, Church Langton Main Street, East Langton Bakers Arms, Thorpe Langton The Limes, Thorpe Langton The Limes, Thorpe Langton Civil Parish Welham Road, Great Bowden Shoulder Of Mutton, Great Bowden 26 The Green, Great Bowden Civil Parish Horseshoe Lane, Great Bowden Madeline Close, Great Bowden Madeline Close, Market Harborough Arden Way, Market Harborough The Headlands, Market Harborough Great Bowden Road, Market Harborough Middlebrook Green, Market Harborough Fernie Road, Market Harborough Rockingham Road, Market Harborough Britannia Walk, Market Harborough Britannia Walk, Market Harborough Springƒeld Street, Market Harborough Northampton Road, Market Harborough The Square, Market Harborough Bowden Lane, Market Harborough 47 High Street, Market Harborough Robert Smyth School, Market Harborough Burnmill Road, Market Harborough Coales Gardens, Market Harborough 45 Alvington Way, Market Harborough St Lukes Hospital, Market Harborough Airƒeld Business Park, Market Harborough Gallow Field Road, Market Harborough Roundabout, West Langton Vicarage Drive, Foxton Direction: Market Harborough 44 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Market Harborough Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 6:18 PM Gladstone Street, Fleckney Tuesday 6:18 PM The Meer, Fleckney Wednesday 6:18 PM Bryars Close, Saddington Thursday 6:18 PM Weir Road, Saddington Civil Parish Friday 6:18 PM Beaker Close, Smeeton Westerby Main Street, Smeeton Westerby Civil Parish Saturday 6:18 PM The Square, Kibworth Beauchamp Paget Street, Kibworth Harcourt Hillcrest Avenue, Kibworth Harcourt 44 bus Info Direction: Market Harborough Raitha's Indian Restaurant, Kibworth Harcourt Stops: 30 The Leys, Kibworth Harcourt Trip Duration: 41 min Line Summary: Gladstone Street, Fleckney, The Meer, Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt Fleckney, Bryars Close, Saddington, Beaker Close, Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Smeeton Westerby, The Square, Kibworth Beauchamp, Hillcrest Avenue, Kibworth Harcourt, Millday Close, Kibworth Harcourt Raitha's Indian Restaurant, Kibworth Harcourt, Public Footpath (B3), Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Lodge Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Millday Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Finch Road, Kibworth Harcourt, Finch Road, Kibworth Harcourt Leicester Road, Kibworth Harcourt, Beech Tree Close, Polwell Road, Kibworth Harcourt Civil Parish Kibworth Harcourt, Carlton Road, Kibworth Harcourt, The Crown Inn, Tur Langton, Church Leicester Road, Kibworth Harcourt Causeway, Church Langton, Thornton Crescent, Church Langton, Main Street, East Langton, Bakers Beech Tree Close, Kibworth Harcourt Arms, Thorpe Langton, The Limes, Thorpe Langton, Main Street, Kibworth Harcourt Welham Road, Great Bowden, Shoulder Of Mutton, Great Bowden, Horseshoe Lane, Great Bowden, Carlton Road, Kibworth Harcourt Madeline Close, Great Bowden, Arden Way, Market Harborough, The Headlands, Market Harborough, The Crown Inn, Tur Langton Middlebrook Green, Market Harborough, Fernie Road, Market Harborough, Britannia Walk, Market Church Causeway, Church Langton Harborough, Springƒeld Street, Market Harborough, The Square, Market Harborough Thornton Crescent, Church Langton Main Street, East Langton Bakers Arms, Thorpe Langton The Limes, Thorpe Langton The Limes, Thorpe Langton
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