Langtons’ and District Newsletter

Spring Edition 2020 February Fill Dyke

An old saying goes, "February fill dyke, be black or be it white; Be it white, 'tis better to like."

This roughly means that rain and snow are both welcome in February, although snow is preferable. Well it’s certainly been black this year.

Harborough District Council are encouraging parish councils to put in place Community Response Plans in the event of an incident such as severe weather. Parish Council has theirs and Parish Council’s is nearly completed (see p 7).

The plan provides a guide as to how and where the local community may support the Emergency services in terms of information and providing predetermined resources where appropriate. Let’s hope we never have to use it. Keep safe. Roz Folwell

Stonton Wyville taken by G. Devereaux-Batchelor Printed by Omniprint,


2 Church Langton CE (AIDED) Primary School

Young Voices The pupils in years five and six were very fortunate to have the opportunity to perform as part of a six thousand strong choir at the Young Voices concert at the Birmingham Arena. Supported by a very keen team of teachers, the children sang with a wide range of acts including Tony Hadley and alongside street dance group Urban Sounds. This is part of our ongoing opportunities for the pupils to take part in musical performances to different audiences.

As part of the Spark Festival, a celebration of the arts taking place in during February, we were delighted to welcome an IndoJazz band to perform to the children. The band introduced their different instruments and explained the role they play in creating the wonderful music performed to the audience. Instruments included some which the pupils can learn at school like drums and saxophone and other instruments that were new to them like the tabla. A big thank you to Mrs Pemberton, one of our art technicians for organising the performance and to Friends of Church Langton School who funded the experience for the pupils.

Communion service We have been delighted to be able to hold our Communion service at St Peter’s Church this academic year. This term it was the turn of year two to act as servers and share their learning as part of the service. It has been wonderful to see the church full with parents, grandparents and toddlers joining in. A big thank you to Rev Rosie and Rev Jonathan who have been leading our worship and to all the staff who have helped to prepare the pu- pils.


Christmas Past

Grange Farm Christmas Barn Two charities benefitted from visitors to Grange Farm Christmas Barn, . There is no charge to visit Santa but donations in lieu of this to LOROS, amounted to £1800. A further generous donation of £200 made the total of £2000 sent to LOROS. The Owl Experience (Bird in the Hand) raised £451 for the Air Ambulance. Grateful thanks for your support. For the last 10 years or so, many people have enjoyed seeing Dorcas the donkey, but sadly she has died recently aged 30+ years. Thanks to Pat from Lubbenham, who has allowed us to have her every December for the children's enjoyment. Hopefully we can find a replacement. Joyce & Richard.

Barbara’s Coffee Morning Many consider Barbara’s Coffee Morning as the beginning of Christmas. It started when she first moved to in 2005. St. Denys’s needed a new hoover and a coffee morning was arranged to raise the £110.85 required to buy a Henry. The coffee morning provided the exact amount and it is still working.

The Christmas coffee mornings continued and after 15 years £5,747.55 has been raised by Barbara for the church. Last year’s event enabled £460 to be donated to much needed funds. She would like to thank all those who attended and who donated the delicious mince pies.



HanburyKindergarten is a purpose-built pre-school in the beautiful rural setting of Church Langton. We have an experienced staff team who are dedicated to supporting young children to achieve their potential and to develop a love of learning through discovery, exploration and play. We are now able to take children from 2 years old.

If you would like to know more or, even better, to visit us and see for yourself, then please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a visit.

Tel. 01858 545788 Email [email protected] Website

6 East Langton Parish Council Parish Councillors—Roz Folwell, Chair; Martine Browne; Stuart Cartwright; (Church Langton) John Loney and Heather Munro, Vice Chair (East Langton) Clerk—Alison Gibson, 56, Naseby Way, Great Glen, Leicester. LE8 9GS. 07763177707 [email protected] Website -

Community Response Plan Following the recent severe weather, it has been reported in the media that rural villages are being neglected by Parish Councils. East Langton Parish Council has been working with LCC and HDC on a Community Response Plan. We have nearly completed the Plan but we require help with the following skills and resources: first aid, electricians, plumbers tractor, 4X4 vehicle, chainsaws, catering facilities, heating units, transport The plan provides a guide as to how and where the local community may support the Emergency services in terms of information and providing predetermined resources where appropriate. If you can help please contact the Clerk. More information can be found on the website. ELPC are grateful to those who helped during the recent bad weather. Budget / Precept for 2020/21 It was resolved to adopt a budget of £5,865 (£8,529 including Lightsource Funding) and a precept of £5,277.00. This is a 5% increase on the precept from 19/20-year, 5.3% increase in Council Tax for a Band D property from £28.41 to £29.91 Details of the breakdown of the budget for 2019/20 can be seen on the Parish Council’s website at Diocesan Field, Old School Walk, Church Langton As I write this I am sorry to have to report that our tender for the rent of the Diocesan field behind Old School Walk, Church Langton has not been successful and that it has gone to a higher bidder. We wrote to the Bishop’s office and were told the Diocesan Board of Education, who own the land, are a registered charity and have the legal duty “ to advance the objects of the charity and therefore to invest any assets, such as land which is not requires for operational purposes, in order to achieve the best income to support the charity’s work.” We are grateful to Phil King, (HDC), Sarah Hill (LCC) and Neil O’Brien (MP) and the residents of Church Langton for all their support. Dog Bins Two litter/dog bins have been ordered and paid for by the Parish and are awaiting fitting in East and Church Langton. Bus Stop Hardstanding Church Causeway The Parish Council have been working hard to get this hardstanding and are very pleased County Council Highways have paid for and installed it. Parish Council Meetings - Meetings take place at the Langton Community Hall and are open to the public. Agendas are available on the Parish website, Parish Noticeboards or from the Clerk. The first Wednesday of every month, alternating Full Parish Council Meetings with Planning Application Meetings (if required). 7

8 Bell Ringing at St. Peter’s

It was lovely to hear St. Peter’s bells rung at 2.30pm on New Year’s Day. A quarter peal (1250 changes taking 45 minutes) was rung by ringers from Market Harborough. On 26th January an itinerant group of ringers from Tilton rang for the morning service. They will be ringing again for the service on Sunday 15th March.

We had a very good talk about Loughborough Bellfoundry at our Leicestershire Industrial History Society meeting recently. When the Whitechapel bellfoundry closed in 2017, Loughborough became the last major bell foundry in Britain.

After 150 years of severe wear and tear the site is in a perilous condition so the Trust is working with the National Lottery Heritage Fund and hopes to secure final approval for a grant of £3.8m in 2020 to contribute towards a package of £5m+ repairs. However, it needs to raise £1.1m from other sources to secure the Lottery grant. They need urgent support to do this. Cheques should be made payable to The Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust and sent to Mr D Potter, Trustee, The Bell Foundry, Freehold Street, Loughborough, LE11 1AR stating that the funds are for the ‘Saving the last major Bellfoundry in Britain’ project. RF

St. Leonard’s, Thorpe Langton Services

On Sunday 1st March (St David's Day) Canon Brian Davis will be leading a Welcome Service, for newcom- ers to the village but, of course, everyone is invited. Can- on Davis says, "it will be an informal, lively service with well known hymns and songs, lasting about 40 minutes. All ages welcome and catered for". The service is at 6 p.m. on 1st March. Followed by refreshments.

March 22nd is Mothering Sunday. There will be an All-age Service at 10.30 am at St Leonard's, Thorpe Langton, when there will be an opportunity for children to present their mothers, and other ladies in the congregation, with flowers. Our Area Dean, Rev'd Canon Alison Booker will lead this service. Again, like all our services, this is for everyone.

9 The Langtons and Welham Benefices Service Pattern

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday March March March March March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th St. David’s Mothering Day Sunday 9.00 Welham Tur Langton Welham a.m. H C H C H C Canon Canon Canon I. Gemmell B. Davis P. Norwood 10.30 Church Church Church Church am Langton Langton Langton Langton Deanery H C Morning Service H C H C Service Rev’d Maxine Johnson Rev’d Canon M. Hathaway ——————— M. Hathaway C. Oxley 11am Stonton Wyville ————— H C Thorpe Canon P. Norwood Langton All Age Canon A. Booker ————— Canon P. Norwood 6.00 Thorpe La. pm HC H C Can. B. Davis Canon B. Davis 6.30 Thorpe pm Langton HC Canon P. Norwood 22nd March Cranoe Dedication of Garden of Rest in memory of Margaret Beesley.

COFFEE AND DISCUSSION: 5 sessions on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am to 12.00 noon when all are welcome to share views and suggest action for our Churches on these topics – Rural Life: Education and Young People: Mission and Growth: Learning and Faith: Leadership and Care 4th March: Wyville House, Stonton Wyville – Barbara Jennings 11th March: Manor House, Cranoe – Peter Parsons 18th March: 4 Bluebell Lane, – Brian Kearvell-White 1st April: TBA 8th April: Manor House Farm, Welham – Wendy Rhodes 10 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday April April April April 5th 12th 19th 26th Palm Sunday Easter Sunday 9.00 Welham Stonton Wyville Welham Glooston a.m. H C & Palms HC HC HC Canon Canon Canon I. Gemmell ? Bishop Martyn P. Norwood P. Norwood 10.30 Church Church Church Church am Langton Langton Langton Langton Harvest H C HC HC Rev’d Canon Rev’d Rev’d M. Hathaway M. Hathaway M. Hathaway Alan Pike

6.00 Shangton pm HC Canon B. Davis 6.30 Thorpe Thorpe Thorpe pm Langton Langton Langton HC HC HC Canon Canon Rev’d P. Norwood P. Norwood M. Hathway

LENT COURSE: 5 sessions on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 to 9.00pm when all are welcome to share views and suggest action for our Churches on these topics – Rural Life: Education and Young People: Mission and Growth: Learning and Faith: Leadership and Care 4th March—8th April: Brook House, Stonton Road, Church Langton HOLY WEEK: Palm Sunday, 5th April—9.00am Welham Maundy Thursday, 9th April – 7.00pm Billesdon - Bishop of Leicester Good Friday, 10th April – 7.00pm Thorpe Langton - Bishop of Leicester Easter Day, 12th April – 9.00am Stonton Wyville - Bishop of Leicester 11.00am Tilton on the Hill - Bishop of Leicester A warm welcome is extended to parishioners from all the churches across the Launde Deanery.

On Easter Day, Sunday 12th April, there will be Holy Communion at Church Langton, 10.30 a.m., led by Rev’d Martin Hathaway. Holy Communion will be celebrated by Canon Brian Davis, 6 p.m. at Shangton and by Canon Philip Norwood at 6.30pm at Thorpe Langton. All these services are for the whole family to share the joy of Easter. 11 S.M. Hughes




A special Easter Service on Saturday 11th April at 6.00pm led by Canon Brian Davis for all ages - so please bring your children/ grandchildren! ‘ (This service will include a short Holy Communion - but in a way that will include everyone)

We had such a wonderful traditional Carol Service, involving the children, I thought it would be good to try an Easter Service with a difference – a service for everyone – whether regular church goers, or those who just come occasionally; whether you have a strong faith, or whether you struggle to believe. So please come if you can – all are welcome! Brian

Wine and light refreshments after and small Easter eggs for the children.


The Langtons and Welham Benefices Service Pattern

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday May May May May May 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Pentecost 9.00 Welham Tur Welham Glooston a.m. HC Langton HC HC Canon HC Canon Canon I. Gemmell? Canon P. Norwood A. Booker A. Booker 10.30 Church Church Church Church Tilton on the am Langton Langton Langton Langton Hill HC Morning Service Morning HC Rev’d Canon Service Canon Deanery D. Faulks A. Booker Maxine C. Oxley Service ———–———— Johnson Stonton Wyville HC Canon P. Norwood 6.00 Shangton Cranoe pm HC HC Canon Canon A. Booker P. Norwood 6.30 Thorpe Thorpe pm Langton Langton Patronal HC Serv. Canon HC P. Norwood Canon V. Ashwin

Cream Teas Cream Teas, held in St. Peter’s, Church Langton, will begin on Sunday 19th April from 3.00-5.00pm then every Sunday.

Come and sample the excellent cake and scones at very reasonable prices. Cakes also available for purchase. Volunteers to help very welcome.

13 St. Peter’s Festival 800 + Saving and Celebrating Our Heritage

This year, St. Peter’s in Church Langton celebrates its 800th anniversary.

Throughout 2020 we are planning a whole series of events involving the community, and we would very much like you to join us for any which take your interest. History It is recorded that before 1162, the church of Langton with two chapels, Tur and Thorpe Langton, was granted to Leicester Abbey by William Newmarch and Roger de Bordeni, perhaps with the consent of the Earl of Leicester, lord of the manor. There may well have been an earlier building on the site as there is evidence of Norman architecture in the present building, but we can be sure that by 2020, there will have been a Christian presence in Church Langton for at least 800 years. So, to celebrate 800 plus years of association between church and community, there will be a series of special activities and events throughout 2020. We are calling this series St. Peter’s Festival 800+ Events

Friday 27th March 7.30pm Murder Mystery Langton Community Hall £12.50 inc. fish & Chip supper

Saturday 25th April 7.40pm Spring Charity Concert St. Peter’s £15 inc. canapes and glass of wine

Friday 15th May 7.30pm Talk on Handel in Leicestershire St. Peter’s £8 Saturday 16th May 7.30pm Messiah St. Peter’s £5 if singing, £15 to listen, £20 if also attending talk

Sunday 31st May Church Langton Open Gardens 1—5pm (More details on p17)

You can find details of all the planned events on our website

Or contact Maxine Johnson 01858 545745 [email protected]


15 Langton Community Hall

Phoenix Community Cinema Presents ‘Judy’

Friday 3rd April TBC—Check website Langton Community Hall, Church Langton LE16 7SZ 7.30pm Large screen, quality sound and refreshments The website is actively managed by ‘Dan at’ and includes a daily calendar as well as advertising for future events such as the Phoenix Community Cinema.



Hopefully you will have received my leaflet regarding the above, we had our first meeting on Wednesday 29th January (thanks to all who attended, sorry if you couldn't make it), the response was very good. We have 12 Gardens/Allotments, The Hanbury Kindergarten, 3 still undecided about opening, but have offered help, School to still get back to me, But Keen, the Langton Arms. Apart from the 3 undecided, all of the above have pledged to open, WELL DONE. Besides all of this happening we also aim to include the following: Cream Teas + Cake Stall, Craft Stalls in the Hall, Art Exhibition, Raffle/Tombola, + many more exciting things. Offers of help before the event and/or on the day still very much needed, if you feel that opening your garden is not for you, but helping could be your job, no matter how great or small, please get in touch. May I take this opportunity of letting you know of our next meetings? Wednesday 25th March Both in the Community Hall, Church Langton at 7.30p.m. No matter how small you think your job maybe, if you feel you would like to be involved in any way please contact me Sue 01858 545427 E Mail [email protected]

ECO Item Do you know your carbon foot print? It’s easy to do. There are many carbon footprint checkers. I used the World Wildlife Fund checker at WWF Footprint Calculator The question areas are interesting and the feed- back is very useful. Give it a go. RF The VISTA bus provides a mobile eye screening and support service. The bus is planning to come to the Langton Community Hall. For more details contact Maxine Johnson on 01858 545745 or email [email protected] Glooston WI Glooston Village Hall LE16 7ST Second Thursday each month at Visitors are very welcome and includes the obligatory scrumptious cake! 13th February Gail Devereux-Batchelor gave a very useful talk on “Scam Awareness”, citing some very sad examples of the financial and emotional damage this crime has caused.

Next meetings: March 12th — “NHS Secure Hospital Rampton” talk by Peter Parsons April 9th — “Practical Information on Recycling” Leics. County Council May 14th— Celebrating our 75th Anniversary with a Tea Party.

17 The Langtons’ Directory Organisation Contact Telephone Church Bell Ringing, Church Langton Betty Morley 01858 545426 Langton Community Hall After School Club C L School 01858 565237 Harborough Table Tennis Club Vaughan Allington 01858 466034 LCH Bookings Maxine Johnson 01858 545745 LCH Chairman Anthony Lawton 01858 540097 LCH Social Committee Roz Folwell 01858 545160 Glooston Village Hall Bookings John Neilson 01858 545700 Chairman Alistair Chapman 01858 545483 Public Houses Bakers Arms - Thorpe Langton Tim & Kate 01858 545201 Langton Arms - Church Langton 01858 545396 The Bell - East Langton Mic 01858 545278 The Crown - Tur Langton 01858 545264 Church Langton School Mr. Roddy 01858 545237 East Langton Parish Council Alison Gibson 0 7763177707 Tur Langton Parish Council Alison Gibson 07437 563394 Hanbury Charity Derek Hewitt 01858 545824 Langton Cricket Club Mark Ward 01858 545734 The Langtons’ and District Newsletter is non-profit making and all proceeds go towards the costs of publication. This publication is delivered to all the Langton Villages, Shangton, Stonton Wyville, Welham, Cranoe and Glooston.

If you are planning events or want to let the community

know what has been going on

the next publication will be printed at the end of May

for June, July and August.

Contact Roz Folwell on 01858 545160

[email protected] 18