Participants List for Workshop on the Importance of Culture to the Economy 4/12/2006 - 5/12/2006

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Participants List for Workshop on the Importance of Culture to the Economy 4/12/2006 - 5/12/2006 Participants list for Workshop on the Importance of Culture to the Economy 4/12/2006 - 5/12/2006 Canada/Canada Mr. Sebastien BEAULIEU Tel: + 33 1 44 43 20 10 First Secretary Fax: + 33 0 1 44 43 20 99 Permanent Delegation Email: [email protected] 15,bis rue de Franqueville 75016 Paris France Mme Christine ROUTHIER Tel: +1 418 643 4129 Chargée de projets Email: [email protected] Observatoire de la culture et des communications Institut de la statistique du Québec 200 Chemin Saint-Foy Québec QC G1R 5T4 Canada Mr. Hugh SCHEUERMAN Tel: +1 819 997 4286 Culture Trade Analyst Fax: +1 819 953 5367 International and Intergovernmental Affairs and Sport Email: [email protected] Department of Canadian Heritage 15 Eddy Street Gatineau QC K1A 0M5 Canada Czech Republic/République Tchèque Mr. Josef KOTYNEK Tel: +42 0 274 051 111 Expert Email: [email protected] Czech Statistical Office Na padesátem 81 100 82 Praha 10 Czech Republic Denmark/Danemark Ms. Randi SVENDSEN Tel: +45 33 73 33 86 Project manager Email: [email protected] Danish National Library Authority H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2 DK-1553 Copenhagen V Denmark M. Thomas THESSEN Tel: +45 39 17 33 62 Head of Section, Culture and Tourism Statistics Fax: +45 39 17 34 25 Service Sector Division Email: [email protected] Statistics Denmark Sejroegade 11 Copenhagen Denmark 1 Finland/Finlande Mr. Aku ALANEN Tel: + 358 9 1734 3320 Senior Statistician Fax: + 358 9 1734 2291 GDP Department Email: [email protected] Statistics Finland 00022 Statistics Finland Finland Mr. Kimmo AULAKE Tel: +358 9 160 77232 Special Government Advisor - Cultural Export Fax: + 358 9 160 76987 Division Email: [email protected] Department for Cultural, Sport and Youth Policy Ministry of Education and Culture P.O. Box 29 - FI - 00023 GOVERNMENT Helsinki Finland Mr. Rauli KOHVAKKA Tel: +358 9 1734 3448 Senior Researcher Fax: +358 9 1734 3264 Culture and Media Statistics Email: [email protected] Statistics Finland Työpajankatu 13 00022 Statistics Finland Finland France/France Mr. Jean-Cédric DELVAINQUIERE Tel: +33 1 40 15 79 07 DEPS Fax: +33 1 40 15 79 99 Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication Email: [email protected] 182 rue St Honoré 75033 Paris Cedex 01 France Germany/Allemagne Mr. Thomas LOETZNER Tel: +49 611 75-2177 Research and Development , Culture Fax: +49 611 75-3977 Federal Statistical Office Email: [email protected] Gustav-Stresemann Ring 11 65189 Wiesbaden Germany Ms. Susanne SCHNORR-BÄCKER Tel: +49 611 752 082 Head of Division Fax: +49 611 753 950 Federal Statistical Office (StBA) Email: [email protected] Fundamental QuestionsNational and Industrial Co- ordinationGustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 D-65189 Wiesbaden Germany Hungary/Hongrie Ms. Zsuzsa HUNYADI Tel: +361 394 1927 Hungarian Institute for Culture Email: [email protected] Corvin tér 8 H-1011 Budapest Hungary 2 Italy/Italie Mr. Adolfo MORRONE Tel: +39 06 46 73 48 41 Head of the unit SDS/D Fax: +39 06 46 73 45 96 Culture, leisure and new technologies Email: [email protected] Istat - National Institute of Statistics Via A. Rava 150 00142 ROME Italy Luxembourg/Luxembourg M. Philippe ROBIN Tel: +352 478 6613 Chargé d’études statistiques Fax: +352 295 551 Service de la Comptabilité et des Statistiques Email: [email protected] culturelles Ministère de la Culture, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche 20 montée de la Pétrusse L-2912 Luxembourg Luxembourg Netherlands/Pays-Bas Dr. Vladimir BINA Tel: +31 70 412 4526 Research Co-ordinator Culture Fax: +31 70 412 4979 Department for Media, Literature and Libraries Email: [email protected] Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Rijnstraat 50 - Postbus 16375 The Hague Netherlands Ms. Jamilja VAN DER MEULEN Tel: +31 0 70 337 5208 Project Leader, Cultural Leisure time and Tourism Email: [email protected] Statistics Business Statistics Division Statistics Netherlands Prinses Beatrixlaan 428 Kamer 451A 2270 JM Voorburg Netherlands Poland/Pologne Mr. Stanislaw RADKOWSKI Email: [email protected] Departement des Statistiques des Services Office Central de Statistique de Pologne Al. Niepodleglosci 208 00-925 Warsaw Poland Spain/Espagne Ms. Elena CHASCO SOTO Tel: +34 91 58 13 039 S.G. Estadisticas y Análisis Sociales Fax: +34 91 58 31 817 Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Email: [email protected] Capitan Haya 14-16 Paseo de la Castellana 183 28046 Madrid Spain 3 Mr. Rosario GARCÍA-AJOFRÍN VILLARRUBIA Tel: +34 91 589 89 07 Jefe de Servicio de Estadísticas de Síntesis Fax: +34 91 589 88 14 División de Estadística Email: [email protected] Ministerio de Cultura Secretaría General Técnica Alfonso XII, 3 y 5 28014 Madrid Spain Mr. Amparo SEGURA RUEDA Tel: +34 91 589 8684 Coordinadora de la División de Estadística Secretaría Fax: +34 91 589 8814 General Técnica Email: [email protected] Secretaría General Técnica Ministerio de Cultura Alfonso XII, 3 y 5 28014 Madrid Spain Sweden/Suède Mr. Daniel GUSTAFSSON Tel: +46 8 519 264 71 Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs Fax: +46 8 519 264 99 Box 7843 Email: [email protected] SE-103 98 Stockholm Sweden Mr. Sten MANSSON Tel: +46 8 519 264 00 Statistician Fax: +46 8 519 264 99 Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs Email: [email protected] Box 7843 SE - 103 98 Stockholm Sweden Switzerland/Suisse M. Robert MÜLLER Tel: +33 1 49 55 74 55 Premier Secrétaire Fax: +33 1 45 51 01 49 Délégation Permanente Email: [email protected] 28, rue Martignac 75007 Paris France M. Yvan CUCHE Tel: +41 0 32 713 69 67 Collaborateur Scientifique Email: [email protected] Section Politique, culture et Médias Office fédéral de la statistique Espace de l'Europe 10 CH - 2010 Neuchâtel Switzerland United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni Mr. Ed PICKERING Tel: +44 0 207 211 6016 Statistician Fax: +44 0 207 211 6508 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Email: [email protected] 2-4 Cockspur Street London SW1Y 5DH United Kingdom 4 EC/CE Ms. Marta BECK-DOMZALSKA Tel: +352 4301 33123 Unit 4 - Education, Science and Culture Statistics Email: [email protected] EU Commission / Eurostat Bât. Jean Monnet rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2920 Luxembourg Luxembourg Mr. Emmanuel COCQ Tel: +32 2 296 97 80 Information Society and Media Directorate General Fax: +32 2 299 22 90 Directorate A: Audiovisual, Media, Internet Email: [email protected] European Commission Unit A2 - MEDIA programme and media literacy RUE DE LA LOI 1049 BRUXELLES Belgium Estonia/Estonie Ms. Yngve ROSENBLAD Tel: +372 6259 336 Leading Statistician Fax: +372 6259 370 Social Statistics Department Email: [email protected] Statistics Estonia Endla 15 15174 TALLINN Estonia Latvia/Lettonie Ms. Anita SVARCKOPFA Tel: +371 7366648 Social Statistics Department Email: [email protected] Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Lacpleša iela 1 Riga LV-1301 Latvia Lithuania/Lituanie Ms. Salvinija CHOMICIENE Tel: +370 5 236 4981 Chief Specialist Email: [email protected] Education and Culture Statistics Division Statistics Lithuania Gedimino ave. 29 LT-01500 Vilnius Lithuania Slovenia/Slovénie Ms. Brigita LIPOVŠEK Tel: 00386 01 478 10 02 Head in Duty of Sector of European Affairs and Fax: 00386 01 478 10 68 Development Email: [email protected] Resurch and development Ministry of Culture Slovenia Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia 5 U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)/Conférence des Nations Unies pour le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) Ms. Edna DOS SANTOS-DUISENBERG Tel: +41 22 917 57 79 Senior Economic Affairs Officer,Creative Industries Fax: +41 22 917 00 42 UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Email: [email protected] Development) Palais des Nations - 8-14, Av. de la Paix 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)/Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation la science et la culture (UNESCO) Ms. Guiomar ALONSO CANO Tel: +33 1 45 68 44 83 Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Email: [email protected] Dialogue UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75015 Paris France Mr. Simon ELLIS Tel: +1 514 343 7757 Head of Science, Culture and Communications Fax: +1 514 343 6872 Statistics Email: [email protected] UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) PO Box 6128 Succursale Centre-Ville , Montreal - H3C 3J7 Canada M. Frédéric SAMPSON Tel: +33 1 45 68 46 66 Coordinator of the UNESCO World Report on cultural Fax: +33 1 45 68 55 91 diversity Email: [email protected] World Reports Unit UNESCO Office of the Director-General 1, rue Miollis 75015 Paris France World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)/World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Mr. Christopher Mariot KALANJE Tel: +41 22 338 84 83 Consultant Fax: +41 22 338 87 60 Creative Industries Division Email: [email protected] World Intellectual Property Organization 34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Ms. Brigitte VEZINA Tel: +41 22 338 84 75 Creative Industries Division Fax: +41 22 338 84 20 World Intellectual Property Organization Email: [email protected] 34 Chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva Switzerland 6 OECD/OCDE Mrs. Helen BEILBY-ORRIN Tel: +(33-1) 45 24 76 80 STD/STES Email: [email protected] OECD Tour Europe 1463 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris France Mr. Enrico GIOVANNINI Tel: +(33-1) 45 24 19 11 Chief Statistician and Director Fax: 01 44 30 63 22 STD Email: [email protected] OECD Tour Europe 1311 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris France Mr. John GORDON Tel: +(33-1) 45 24 14 74 STD/NAFS Email: [email protected] OECD Tour Europe 1404 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris France M.
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