
Fallout 4 companion guide

Continue For Nick Valentine's man, see Nick Valentine (man). Mechanical Synthesizer Prototype Valentine Detective AgencyThe Institute (formerly)Sole Survivor Vault 114Diamond CityValentine Detective Agency 4Far HarborFallout: GameFallout Tip: Wasteland Wars Unlikely ValentineGetting ClueReunionsDangerous MindsLong Time Wait 5 ST, 10 PE, 8 EN, 8 CH, 16 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK 5 ST, 12 PE, 8 EN, 8 CH, 16 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK Emil paglianu (concept) Liam Collins (further letter) CompanionNickValentine.txtanionNickValentine.txt/COM (companion) I'm a synthesizer. Synthetic man. All parts, minus a few red blood cells. Nick Valentine is a synthetic private investigator and potential companion of Sole Survivor, who lived in Diamond City in 2287. Content show BackgroundEdit Unusual robot detective, Nick Valentine is the only detective of a small agency he works in Diamond City with his assistant Ellie Perkins. In addition to possessing memories of the late pre-war detective, Nick has certain abilities that complement his investigative skills: he is very effective at hacking computers, and is adept both in combat and in close combat. Valentin considers himself a prototype between second-generation synthesizers and the latter, which may explain why he exhibits intelligent intelligence and is not innately hostile to non-specialists. It is generally well respected throughout the Diamond City, despite its mysterious origins. Initially, along with another synth called DiMA, the synth that will become Nick Valentine was one of two unique prototypes of Gen 2 synths used to test if and how synths can handle independent thinking. For years he experimented on, having different personalities and memories from ex-men uploaded to him. Despite this, he and DiMA have grown families as a bond with each other, due to being the first and only synths of their kind. That was until DiMA, being an experiment on a synthesizer developing its own sense of consciousness and self without pre-loaded personalities or memories, grew resentful of the experiments performed on him and his brother. The two synthesizers managed to escape, but not before the Institute uploaded a new identity and memories into Dima's brother. The synthesizer, now identifying himself as a pre-war policeman named Nick Valentine, confused by the sudden awakening of 200 years in the future, attacked Dima, who was left with no choice but to knock out Nick and leave him behind. After regaining consciousness in a pile of debris an unknown amount of time later, Nick roamed the wasteland in a state of confusion for weeks. Because of the Ignorance of the Institute and its technology, most wastelands Nick with equal parts of fear and reverence; however, he was eventually admitted to a small local community, where the mechanic offered to repair the damage he had received in his his During this time Nick befriended a child he knew only as Jim, the first human contact Nick ever had. The community was the first time after he was awakened that someone treated Nick as a human being, not as some kind of mechanical monster. Nick eventually left the settlement; Visiting years later, he discovered that he had been looted by raiders. The fate of its population remains unclear. Nick eventually ended up traveling to Diamond City. While Diamond City has a little hatred for the institute and their synthesizers, Nick earned their respect by rescuing the daughter of the city's former mayor, Henry Roberts, as she ran away with a caravan trader. The caravan dealer and his companions, unbeknownst to the girl, were actually kidnappers who proceeded to take her hostage. Nick came across the kidnappers purely by accident as he wandered through the Commonwealth wasteland, having been almost exclusively errant since his awakening. Caught at gunpoint and probably the girl's only hope, Nick scared the kidnappers away by claiming he had a bomb inside him and a beep (Nick claims he literally just said the word beep repeatedly). When the mayor's daughter told Nick what had happened, he returned it to his father, who in turn provided him with a house in Diamond City as compensation, despite the concerns and objections of citizens; Nick gradually eased citizens' fears by acting as a handyman. His formidable detective skills were brought to the vanguard when he helped find his wife, who was presumed dead: Nick discovered that she had actually run away with her lover. Over time, people stopped asking Nick to correct the situation when it became clear that he had found his true calling as a private Detective Diamond City. While on the case to find a woman named Darla, who is believed to have been kidnapped but actually ran away to join the gang gangster Skinny Malone, Nick was captured by a gang and imprisoned in their hideout in Vault 114. It was here that he met and was rescued by the only survivor. They escaped from the vault after colliding with Skinny Malone. After escaping and meeting in Nick's office, the Only Survivor enlisted his help in tracing their missing son. Nick eventually opens up to Sole Survivor and begins the search for a long wait. Nick asks them to help him tie the last free end of Nick Valentine's original life: to bring down his old rival Edward Winter. By tracking all 10 old Winter holotaps, Nick and The Only Survivor use them to decode Winter's hide and code to get in. Once inside, Nick encounters a ghoulist winter (which, predictably, does not recognize Nick). Along with the Only Survivor, Nick kills Winter and avenges the murder of Nick's fiancee, Jennifer Lands. Nick then shows The Sole Survivor site where winter is killed Jennifer before contemplating who he was and what purpose his life was after that moment. While traveling with Sole Survivor, Nick finds a chance to find the missing daughter of Kenji Nakano (who apparently worked with Nick on a previous case that ended up with Kenji getting shot in the hip). The trail leads to Far Harbor. While on the island, Nick reunites with Dima, who is currently the leader of Acadia. While DiMA is very happy to see his brother again, Nick is reluctant because of not remembering DiMA at all. Finding evidence of their relationship, The Lonely Survivor can convince Nick to accept Dima as his brother, and they sometimes greet each other or communicate at the entrance to Acadia. Original Nick ValentineIt Nick Valentine was originally a police detective from Chicago. He was taken to to lead Operation Winter's End, an operation to bring down mafia boss Edward Winter. Unfortunately, Winter or one of his associates managed to learn about Nick's fiancee, Jennifer Lands, and kill her in retaliation for Nick's involvement in the operation. The Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and Lasers received intelligence that Winter's accomplices were discussing her whereabouts, but senior officers decided not to put Jennifer or Nick under witness protection to avoid compromising the investigation. To make matters worse, Nick and the rest of the Winter End task force discovered that Winter had made a deal with BADTFL and the district attorney to incriminate his accomplices in exchange for immunity. In the weeks before the bombs fell, Winter was released and Operation Winter End was disbanded. Nick was ordered to seek treatment for PTSD in the ruins of C.I.T., where his brain was scanned as part of his treatment. So the Institute managed to get pre-war memories of Nick. The interaction with the player's characterEdit Fallout 4Edit Interactions overviewEdit Companion usesEdit Valentine, which can be used to break into terminals of any level, directing it to the nearest terminal. This will take some time, depending on the complexity. However, it can fail and be blocked forever. This chance increases with each tier. If it fails and blocks itself out of the terminal, the player's character can still try to hack the terminal on his own. Valentina will not break into terminals that strictly belong to someone else. Valentine can be used to hack into otherwise inaccessible terminals in the game that are actually part of a specific quest. The effects of playerIt's maximum relationship with Nick Valentine gives Survivor close to the metal hack, allowing one additional attempt at hacking and a 50% reduction in lock time after the break-in failure. His personal long time coming quest must be completed before he can be retrieved Dangerous minds quest must be completed Cause the quest Long wait time if the maximum connection has already been reached. He will comment on the decisions of the One Survivor after completing the main quest. He reacts negatively to the choice of the institute. LoyaltyEdit Edit Nick Valentine's Comments Location / Requirement Comment Diamond City, Entry Even good people do crazy things when they are afraid. Ought be the motto of Diamond City. Goodneibor, Gudneybor entrance. The lowest place in the Commonwealth. Anything that hasn't nailed down the rolls here at some point. The battle zone, the exterior of the venue. Boston Airport, in front of the barricades If you want to do some salvage, you have come to the right place. Boston Airport, in front of the barricades after the , the airport arrives, right? Are you sure you want to waltz through Fraternity Headquarters with Synth by your side? Cabot House, exterior of the bush It's like painting a huge sign on the front door. To rob me. Parsons State Insane Asylum, entrance foyer on the mat next to the front door; during the Mystery of the House quest. Not sure they're taking the new chambers, but for us, they can make an exception. Jamaica Plain, the northwest entrance of the road, in the Hey Diner, is Jamaica Plain. Stay sharp. A lot of raiders end up here looking at this lost treasure. Asylum 81, entrance path Vault 81, the friendliest Sanctuary in the entire Commonwealth. Because here, they don't shoot on the spot. A 200-year-old underwater, right? What could go wrong? If you're looking to get guts full of lead, I'd sample sea air somewhere other than Liberty. Trinity Tower, the base of the Trinity Tower. Thirty stories about super mutants. Well, if they're going for the sinister, they nailed it. When the Minutemen lost this place, the Commonwealth knew what they had done. I never thought Minutemen would be a force to be reckoned with again. I stand corrected. Covenant, the gate of the exterior of the Covenant. Never felt terribly welcome here. Bunker Hill, the base of the stairs to the monument - in front of bunker Hill Gate. What he lacks in personality, he is greedy. No wonder it's such a success... Parking garage, after entering the garage Something seems to leave about this place for you? Why are there no ghouls here? This place must have been massive in its heyday. Sentinel site, bomb storage room entrance Just how many of them do they need? Sentinel site, gantry I ... I can't believe what I'm looking at. Sentinel site, the outer entrance of the Pharaohs created a franchise outlet here? My god. Keep in mind your fire is here. A couple of stray bullets and the whole place can go up. Ticonderoga, the foyer of the penthouse seems terribly risky to hide on the top floor of a skyscraper. The only quick escape is the jump. The Old Northern Church, the catacombs People were here. Lately. Old Northern Church, Nef Even at the End years, it still feels sacred. Trinity Tower, on the top floor with a prison chamber Hell view. But you can bet the opinion will be the killer. Hubris Comics, the store you know, detective life is much less glamorous than comics made me believe. Hubris Comics, studio on the top floor of Huh. So that's where they filmed that god-terrible TV show. Imagine having to hear it all day long. Almost makes the Diamond City reactor look weird. Yangtze-31, Bridge Well, it's certainly in better shape than I expected... Thank God. Starlight Drive-In, there is no blood in the projection room. No sign of a shooting. Were you here after the bomb? Starlight Drive-In, on screen I think he has lost some of his romance over the last two centuries. Wilson Atomatoys Corporate Headquarters, Arlen Glass Office What Year Is Here? Wilson Atomatoys corporate headquarters, the foyer display of Think, such a valuable relic, almost lost in the ages. Wildwood Cemetery It's a little depressing that this is one of the most beautiful places we've been. Guess Mirelurki's not picky tenants. West Everett Estates, backyard bunker. I don't see any remains here. Think this thing actually worked? Super mutants are sure to make it easy to forget that they have ever been human. Walden Pond, right in front of the cab. Four of the most important walls in the Commonwealth. Milton Hospital, basement morgue Guess, all these people just missed the bombs, right? Lucky for them. Milton Hospital, waiting for the foyer of the Bet this place helped a lot of people in their time. Asylum 95, the office of the Warden Stakes meeting, as sure, has made life here easier. The heart of the beast. Museum of witchcraft, my God. Museum of witchcraft Well, I don't think it's the Mole Rat. Asylum 75, Combat Training Room Now it feels like home. Asylum 75, entrance What we have here. Asylum 114, entrance building Do you think these workers should join the people in the Sanctuary? Asylum 111, Cryonic Room stagnation Now it's not ... Oh, I'm so sorry. Trinity Church, theatrical falsification, I bet they're putting on some wild shows with it all here. Trinity Church, nursery It's a damn shame. Thick excavations, near the water's edge; Before completing the quest Pull the plug. How far down do you think it goes? Never thought I'd get to influence the future of the Commonwealth so directly. Gwinnett Brewery, the brewing floor course, can do a lot of hooch here. That's enough to get a scored. Underbelly war zones. Not sure if it's getting seedier than that. The battle zone, the front row of course, made a mess of this place, didn't it? Well, this should keep the Mirelurks away for a while. And it was the day the Commonwealth knew the Minutemen were back. Ticket excavation doesn't look like Mirelurks did it here. Now, why do you think it is? Going lotto lotto Grease to clean this place. Nastia's way. Boston Common, right in front of the Infantry Combat Vehicle Lot my cases stalled in Boston Common. I'd rather not join them. Let's hope they don't take us for ghouls. This thing has been on a loop for as long as I can remember. No wonder people in the area are irritable. Skylanes Flight 1981 No explosion burns on the plane. Lots of foreign wreckage nearby. Nuclear weapons didn't bring it down. That's what the highway did. Looks like there's some choice to save here. I didn't know my temperature sensors went so high. I hope you brought your can opener. Sandy Coves is a recovering house, captain's room at least looks like they died peacefully. Rocky Narrows Park, on the playground There really is no way to ride the swing with dignity. Park Ranger. The master of all he surveys. Robotics recycling land, in front of the watch bot There's probably a damn good reason that the bot is still intact. The Raiders around here are awful sour in order to have such a pleasant look. Revere Beach Station, end of the tunnel raider camp Leave his raiders to ruin a beautiful walk. Looks like there was a pretty scuffle. The dress looks pre-war. It's easy to forget people weren't so good back then either. Watch your step. The quincy ruins, the southeast entrance of quincy wasn't exactly a tourist hot spot, before the Gunners moved in. I think this place lacked charm before being bombed. Poseidon Energy, the generator room is part by Raider defense. Pretty fitting they are here. Be my guest. God knows I'm not putting any pressure on them. I wouldn't breathe any more than you should. Picman Gallery What monster might think it's art? Someone lived here. The focus on it was. Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates, the entrance must be good, bein' able to pick up and move on a whim. Neponset Park, no matter how fine, no water is safe from Mirelurks. Natick Power Station If there was any justice in the world, this place would be anything but fried . At least Mirelurks won't hurt for housing anymore. Nakhant oceanological society, second floor Don't be afraid to dream big, mate. That's not all you have to be. What do you think it's going to affect ticket sales? As if the Commonwealth wasn't enough of a monster. Mountain house, root cellar workshop. If I didn't know anything better, I think they were trying to build a nuclear bomb in it... Oh my God... There were some funny ideas for fun then, right? Room. Sometimes I think these gunners smart for their own damn good. University Point, just inside the gates of The Mass State was very nicely pleased in due course. But once the Institute had its way with it ... You don't plan to take where our friend left? Well, it certainly explains a lot about the local fauna. Mass Fusion recycling site can probably say with certainty that this is not the place to take a dunk. Never in my life did I expect to stand so close to the sun. So I think Mass Fusion did well for itself in its time. I think we may have missed the last train for a while. Mahkra Fishpacking, basement pantry If you are looking for fresh food, I would stay away from this place. Well, it's a lovely mess. I've witnessed some unspeakable things in my time, but it can take a cake. Asylum 81, viewing room Paradise volume peepin. I expect there's a damn good reason this place is abandoned. Are we going to Libertalia? Are you in the mood for dodging shooting? Libertalia, at the top of the basic structure I realized that it can be prettier from here. Soak here is a quick way up to your glad count. Kingsport Lighthouse, in the upper lighthouse glowing like a lighthouse lighthouse. I won't blame their mind, that's for sure. This building houses the WRVR radio station and the Commonwealth Cultural Center. Heartbreaking, isn't it. Jamaica is a plain, treasure trove of former citizens of Jamaica Plain, and I have a very different definition of treasure. Jamaica Plain, Security Room They don't usually build security like this to protect the broom cabinet. Jalbert Brothers Recycling, in a barn with barrels If you are looking to suck some sieverts, I recommend we go out. Super-Duper Mart, front counters I doubt they planned in this open-air market. Irish shipyard Pride Industries, on the corpse of Rory Rigwell I hope he wishes he kept the birds about now. I don't think it was called the hippocratic proposal. Cambridge Crater, Edge Stay Here is a real quick way to earn and then lose, extra limbs. I don't even want to think about what these people are doing with their sewage. Just imagine how good this place would be without all the cannibals. Hub City Auto Wreckers, while on tap Going Up. Hester's Consumer Robotics, Entrance: Exhibition Hall I'm not looking to get set up, if that's why we're here. Besides, it's not my type. It's hard to believe that anything once a person can do something like that. College Square, College Square is not exactly the intellectual hotbed it once was. Can build a friend with all the stuff here. I feel like she's being watched. Fort Hagen, command center - outside the enclosed main room, next to the door Some people never lose their love of life in the basement. A large mass blood clinic, a basement store of Bloody Paradise. Slog, next to the pool of tarberry They'll have a hell of a lot of time there with all this foliage. Atom Cats garage, unable to identify due to bugged content. These are some real flashy killing machines. Gunners Square, cafeteria - in front of the stairs it was probably very nice before it was covered with glass shards. Gunners Square, the main entrance to the writer's room is the atrium of Nice set up for a bunch of mudslingers. While walking along a mirelurk-infested beach, between Rib Marina and Gibson Point Pier. It's not exactly the kind of beach walk I was hoping for. General Atomics Factory, quality test camera And that's where they taught puppets to dance. Back Alley Bowling, on the alleys I would suggest a game, but you probably can't calibrate your hand sensitivity, now you can? General Atomics Galleria, at the gate My name is Mr. Heather, neater things up. Look at this room, I said I cleaned up, and despair . These boys must have had some pretty strict bylaws to need all this. Fort Strong, sublevel in the room in front of the main mini-room storing nuclear weapons. I hate to say it, but they're probably safer in our hands than out there in the wild. West Roxbury Station, Platform This train gets juice. I don't expect that's what former residents had in mind when it came to owning a waterfront property. The Federal Surveillance Center K-21B, gantry overlooked Well, could have fooled me. Faneuil Hall, Hall of No. Concorde civilian access, the main pipe number should be directly under the city by now. Sweet dreams, you're a monster. Fairline Hill Estates, in a fortified house, looks like someone is not interested in intruders. Fairline Hill Estates, at the entrance to the cul-de-sac seems too quiet for you here? Yes. Looks like a pretty seaship hanging in there. I wonder why no one took it... It feels like we're going into the butcher's back room. Easy City Downs, the north corner fence hole for the racetrack, next to the stands At least someone cares about those bots. East Boston Preparatory School, torture chamber on the third floor What monsters... Dunwich Borers, at the entrance to the flooded tunnel with The Cremwch's tooth. Dunwich Borers, vertical camera where Bedlam is on All Right. I'm sure the stones at the bottom will break your fall. If patients need any more reminder that they are missing. I doubt it was all for rehab. I question the therapeutic value of a place like this. Well, it looks like this fishing trip didn't go according to plan. The USS Constitution, after the quest to complete the quest for the last journey of the U.S. Constitution you know from this point of view it doesn't look half bad. Weatherby Savings and Loan, Before completing the quest for the last journey of the U.S. Constitution I don't know what I find more - the fact that the ship settled in this building or that there is still a ship settled in this building . D.B. Technical School, Basement - After the murder of Bosco or on the throne is not what I would choose for combat clothing, but then who am I to speak? I hope it's all the ceiling that decides to collapse. Krup Manor, Basement Kindness. What happened here? Crater house, edge of the crater I think people will live anywhere. I've always assumed trolls prefer bridges to tunnels. Corvega assembly plant, entrance to the assembly hall line They may have had coffins on wheels, but they sure knew how to build something with style in those days. Coast Guard pier, either on the corner of the pier near the tower or in the center of the building. Super mutants had to wear Coast Guard hats. Now at least these boys have some sense of fashion. I don't even want to understand how much alcohol was involved to make this monster. Chestnut Hillock Reservoir Miracle, how long that boat was there ... Shaw High School, library What a waste of good knowledge. High school show, cafeteria say you'll be about the atmosphere, but you can bet the mutants have improved the freshness of the dishes here. The Charles View Amphitheatre is not sure we want to see all the curious performances going on here now. Probably had a very good setup in its time. Cabot House, the lab seems terribly advanced, minded for the civilian, right? Cabot House, the living room This place is more of a museum than a house. Bunker Hill, the base of the monument - at the scaffolding of Hell kind from this thing. Breakhart Banks, the building makes you wonder who would choose this kind of life. The Boston Public Library, the hall where defense is many masterpieces, is lost forever. Boston Public Library, outside near the lion statue? and inside at the main entrance stay. Good kitten. Boston City Hall housing, on the basketball court No luxury is too great for those on top. It's a great place to get a bullet in your brain. Guess he thought it was the only way out. Shame. Beantown Brewery, bottling floor rooms is always a market for people who want to forget the world. Fallon's department store (the western village of Roxbury), by the fountain, I expect all the blood here is a recent addition. Fallon's department store (the western village of Roxbury), at the escalators, they really would have done anything to avoid walking then, wouldn't they? Joe Spuckies is a sandwich shop, speakeasy stairs Lose gun-toting psychopaths, and this will be my kinda joint. Switch, the foyer of the agency Nothing but a grave for old spies. BADTFL regional office, evidence of the lock can have a hell of a weekend with all this. Well good. This place just got a little more interesting. Do you think anyone actually felt like they were on the beach here? Yes, so am I. I think someone wasn't a fan. At least not this one. I remember that picture. Not half bad. Won't look too close in this pool if you're not trying to lose your appetite. Well, it's thin. This story pretty much speaks to itself. How much do you want to bet the money was involved? Well, it looks like fun. Nick Valentine's quest comments Location†/quest and demand Context Comment by Fort Hagen: Reunions, on the Roof while Prydwen passes overhead, in the Commonwealth. In this line - which is a paraphrase - he is referring to the disbelief of the mind of the invasion army through an armored airship, this is due to the lover and his reaction to driving mad at the loss of his love Oflor. As shown in the character saying Raven. Deep into this darkness peering, for a long time I stood there, wondering, afraid. Three times; First, after getting Nick Valentine's affinity to admiration, the following two during the Long Time Next describe Eddie Winter's shenanigans after their confrontation. The first line is used ironically, describing his encounters with people after waking up after the Great War, thinking he was his predecessor. The second is also used ironically, describing Eddie Winter's shenanigans to prolong his life, and the finale after a fight with Eddie Winter. Spoke in a satisfactory manner with the murder of Eddie Winter; quoting Miranda's character in Shakespeare's Storm (Act 5, Scene 1). It's all pretty hazy since then, but at times I get glimpses. Life at the institute... they keep you in isolation. One test camera has been all over my world for years. And someone was always watching. And then one day you wake up on the other side. And that's it. They cut you off. Welcome to a brave new world... with the kind of people in it. The story becomes even more twisted. The arrogant bastard wanted to cheat death. Live forever... So that he can one day get out of this refuge, into this brave new world. Sound familiar? Only Eddie didn't want to be a frozen banana. No cryo to sleep for him. No, he put his money into some sick, crazy radiation experiment. Well, there were a lot of questions I was hoping the Institute could answer, but I've already done it this far without them. I think I'm going to do something. It's a brave new world you've been in. But I suppose it will do. Core: Clearing the Earth, beyond the blast radius of an intercontinental ballistic missile. In this line, Nick quotes Robert Oppenheimer in the infamous interview about the Trinity nuclear explosion, which in itself is a paraphrase of Krishna in Arjuna from Bhagavad Gita. I became a death, a destroyer of worlds... Other interactions can't be romanced. Fallout: The Board GameEdit Nick Valentine can be purchased in the store by any character who has Charisma. When a player's character has it as an active companion and there is Over two spaces, the player's character can exhaust it to move the opponent's target one space in either direction. When a player's character performs a camp action, it becomes inexhaustible. However, if there are active enemies of the 3rd level on the map at this time, it should be discarded. InventoryEdit NotesEdit Meeting Nick Valentine in Vault 114 before visiting Diamond City will automatically begin unlikely Valentine's Day. At the end of the quest, Sole Survivor can answer Valentine with a unique dialogue. Nick Valentine becomes an accessible companion at the end of Getting a Clue. After Dangerous Minds, talking to Nick in memory den and choosing an option where Nick does not accompany the player's character, Nick can say, I'll be back in Diamond City... However, if one had Nick as a companion to Dangerous Minds, and at some point fired him and sent him to a settlement, he would actually go to the last settlement he was assigned. This may explain some of the reports about Nick disappearing - the player character previously appointed him to settle, forgotten and game dialogue not taken into account for this. The quest Long time wait must be completed to get Nick's back. Before that, intimacy with Nick will be limited to 999.00, making it impossible to get him to get a go. Despite the fact that he is set for significant importance, he has a quote of death. He says: Not so ... Nick can not retool, as he is limited to his detective. He can, however, enter the force armor. This means that the only way to increase Nick's payload capacity is through . Unlike other characters, Nick will come out of the power armor after he is hung. Nick, however, can be promoted in terms of defense. If the faded trench provided by Sole Survivor is configured with ballistic fiber, this item can be equipped with Nick. This will restore his right hand, although it seems a little shorter than his left hand. Restore his original metal hand at any time, retooling his unique coat. Click on it in the console and bring addItem 0010c3ca to do so. Nick has about 30-40 more points of hit than most other mates, with the exception of Strong and Curie in her Body Ms Nanny. This is balanced by his inability to wear armor. However, as a prototype synthesizer, it has innate resistance to damage 25 (roughly equal to a full set of belted leather armor) and energy resistance 5, offering it some modest protection in combat. This is the same congenital damage/energy resistance that Codsworth has. Like Codsworth, this innate resistance gets a moderate increase at very high levels, but less than what will be provided by a good armor suit. Despite being an early synth model and therefore out of gear and sprockets, as it when injured as a companion, Nick can be revived with stimpak, as if he were flesh and blood. Blood. Valentine will comment whenever a mysterious stranger appears in the V.A.T.S. with a Mysterious Stranger head. If someone finds a case under Valentine's bed, he details notes for the Mysterious Stranger case, which dates back to at least the original Fallout timeline (the file will mark a truly old rumor about a mysterious stranger appearing in Shady Sands, where a shelter lodger helped residents in Fallout). The only exception is New Vegas, which is not mentioned. As with Preston Garvey, casual townspeople can sometimes offer Nick a gift for his help in the past. However, he will not accept, and nothing will be found in his inventory afterwards. Nick will comment if he is milked to The Knight/Nora's corpse at Vault 111. During the last part of Reunions, Nick can only wait in his office or Piper's office, even if he is sent to the settlement. After using Nick Valentine to access Kellogg's memories, Nick speaks to a character player in Kellogg's voice saying: I should have killed you when I had the chance or did you find what you were looking for in my head? In an amused and resigned tone, suggesting that the Kellogg's piece survived in some way through Nick. It has no effect later in the game, and Nick says nothing else like Kellogg. Nick doesn't seem to notice talking like Kellogg, simply stating that Dr. Amari noted that some mnemonic impressions may have remained when asked about it. He will seem a little upset when Sole Survivor says there may be something wrong with him and thus unsure of bringing him forward further. During the Light Sea quest, Valentin recommends that the One Survivor take it with him, as he is immune to radiation. However, Sole Survivor can take any satellite with it to the Glowing Sea, as all satellites are completely immune to radiation, regardless of race. When performing a nick companion quest, it's best to tell Nick to leave his power armor before collecting the last tape, otherwise he'll stay in it until the quest is finished, since the Conversation option will trigger a quest-appropriate dialogue rather than the usual options that include a hint to get out of the power armor. However, it may still be possible to get it by trying to speak again immediately after answering his question. There is a random event where a group of raiders wait until Sole Survivor gets very close before attacking. They can recognize Nick and stop attacking. One would say if they found out To Nick they wouldn't have attacked like Nick had helped him in the past. Nick responds awkwardly with something like: er... we're just leaving now.... This may be a reference to Jim and the first settlement that Nick found, implying that the raider was once a member of the settlement. Nick appears briefly in Fallout 4 trailer walk under under outside the Memory of The Den. If he is sent back to the settlement, before visiting Memory Den during the Dangerous Minds quest, he will instead go to the Memory Lair, and his movement will be blocked to advance the search. Nick seems to have a decent knowledge of classical literature, quoting Raven when he first sees Prydwen and Ozymandias if he brought in General Atomics Galleria. He also quotes Aldous Huxley Brave The Brave New World during his second statement to speak if one decides to ask him what he remembers about the institute. In fact, he quotes William Shakespeare's The Tempest when Miranda meets other characters, and she says: O' Brave new world, with such people in it (Act 5 Scene 1), the name Huxley is inspired in this line. Similarly, if asked about his outfit, he paraphrases Polonius of Hamlet, who gives advice to Laertes comments clothes oft proclaims a man (1.3.75). If you take in Acadia after Sole Survivor suggested Nick not to take DiMA as a family, DiMA might say: Good to see you again, brother. To which Nick replies: I'd rather keep it nick and DiMA for now. If Nick decides to take DiMA, Nick will say: It's nice to see you too, DiMA instead. If he is present at the time of the Explosion of the Core, he quotes Bhagavad Gita: Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds. This precise sentence was quoted by Oppenheimer after he witnessed the first explosion of a nuclear test. If he's sent to Old Longfellow's hut, he can wander the outskirts of Far Harbor instead. Asylum seekers, settlers and fraternities have become an insult to Nick in random cases that will respond in the thpi. Some Brotherhood members will doubt if the player's character isn't worried that Nick is a spy. In addition, Elder Maxson will question the judgment of the One Survivor for traveling with this thing. Despite this, the Brotherhood will not become hostile to the One Survivor or Nick at any moment, unlike Dans, if the Only Survivor convinces Maxson to allow him to live and in exile during Blind Betrayal. Famous quotesOrth hey, chin up. I know the night has just gone dark, but it won't last forever. Play soundFO4 Nick Valentine Hey ChinUp.ogg You would be shocked by how many people I managed to convince that I'm just a very sick . Playing soundFO4 Nick Valentine You'dBeShocke ... Unless it's my favorite ex-icicle. Play soundFO4 Nick Valentine FormerIcicle.ogg Well not that burst from the past. Who do you think actually won the war? No one, I think. I'm going to run some diagnostics while you tinker. It's not the time. The appearance of Inite Nick Valentine appears only in Fallout 4 and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. Behind the scenes, according to Emil paglianulo, Nick was one of the first characters for Fallout 4. The original design document contained concepts for Nick before the installation was completed. Emile Paglianulo and Jeff Gardiner, lead designer and lead producer respectively, both stated that Nick is their favorite character in the entire Fallout series. Pagliacullo enjoyed seeing designer Liam Collins take Nick's concept and flesh it out in a well-developed nature. The following is based on unverified behind-the-scenes information and has not been confirmed by canonical sources. Nick Valentine's name is similar to Dashiell Hammett's Sam Spade: Spade is the name of a costume playing card while Valentine's, often given on Valentine's Day, is also associated with a hearty shape (another costume card.) and, of course, Nick is inspired by a classic noir detective whose archetype is Sam Spade. His costume, appearance and voice also look like the costumes of Humphrey Bogart, who was known for his roles as a hard-boiled detective in various noir films, most notably as Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon. Nick may also be influenced by Feather's character from the 2001 film Metropolis, as Nick and Feather, after his fatal gunshot wound, have similar appearances, outfits, jobs, and even injuries. Nick Valentine's name can be inspired by 50s music artist Dickie Valentine and refers to his song The Finger Of Suspicion, which is a love song themed around having your heart stolen and accusing your lover of crime. Nick Valentine's voice shares a number of characteristics with the voice of George Valentine (pictured by Bob Bailey) from the radio series Let George do it, about a detective for hire. His first client in the pilot episode is Mr. Winters, who dies under mysterious circumstances. The quote Well is not that the explosion from the past is a possible reference to the 1999 film, Explosion from the Past; film concerning the fallout of housing and (as some of the characters in the film) nuclear war. Nick's appearance has several collaborations with The Palmer Eldrich character in Philip K. Dick's 1965 sci-fi novel Three Stigmas of Palmer Eldrich. Described as having one mechanical arm, steel teeth, and glowing Jensen eyes (green/yellow), Nick has all three features as well. End of information based on unverified behind the scenes information. BugsEdit PC Playstation 4 Nick can sometimes disappear in an unknown direction. Check out Piper's office in Diamond City or mass fusion executive suite after completing your companion mission. (checked) PC Playstation 4 Nick can become invisible after releasing it from his cage, and decide to attack rather than stealth. The player's character cannot talk to him while he is invisible, although his quest marker remains above his head and is still capable of attacking. (checked) PC Playstation 4 Xbox One If Nick is given power armor before entering the Memory Lair during Dangerous Minds, armor be reckoned if the player's character is trying to enter it. Nick can still be told to enter it himself. (checked) PC If Nick is in power armor and one trades items with him, take everything off your hat. He does not show up in the player's character inventory, but returns after telling Nick to leave his power armor suit. (checked) PC Playstation 4 Xbox One Nick can get a quest award for a faded trench coat, and it can be fitted, but it makes both hands synthetic rather than one synthetic, single metal. (checked) PC Xbox One During the quest Dangerous Minds after talking to Dr. Amari and discussing Kellogg's brain, Nick will just stand there and if Sole Survivor interacts with him he will just say that this person is busy. (checked) GalleryEdit Linksid - Welcome home! - Operation End of Winter - Case closed by crime boss Eddie Winter Mags Veccio (Mags Veccio) - BADTFL Regional Office Terminal Records - We did - The Story of : It was installed somewhere else and I still design a document in my desk, the original design document. And in this design document, one thing, one stop is the character of Nick Valentine. It was conceived back then, it was like the first character they came up with. - 2020 DEV Interview Highlights: Alina Ulrich: Who is your favorite NPC ever in every Fallout ever? Emile Paglianulo: Wow. Favorite NPC ever? In fact, it is difficult for me to answer, because I have created a lot of NCPC, and therefore... Alina Ulrich: But there is always a favorite, right? by Emil pagliarullo: What is really interesting for me is the creation of a character and then with other designers to take that character and flesh them out and do them justice. And so... Nick Valentine, probably,... Jeff Gardiner: It's mine, yes. Emil paglianulo: I love Nick Valentine. When... I had this idea in my head when I created it, and Liam Collins, one of our designers, took this character and really fleshed it out and gave it life. I've always loved the Teacher, too. Back to the old games. There's something about... Yes, yes. Note: This video is an excerpt from a longer interview on Gamescom 2020. 2020.

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