Pyrola Rotundifolia, P. Media and Orthilia Secunda) in Their Natural Habitats Ekaterina F
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Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2018. 7(2): 31–39 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2018.07202 Diversity of fungal communities associated with mixotrophic pyroloids (Pyrola rotundifolia, P. media and Orthilia secunda) in their natural habitats EkaterinaF.Malysheva1*,VeraF.Malysheva1, ElenaYu.Voronina2&AlexanderE.Kovalenko1 EkaterinaF.Malysheva1* ABSTRACT email:[email protected] As it was shown, mixotrophic plants (MxP) strongly depend on their mycorrhi VeraF.Malysheva1 zal fun gi for carbon, at least at the early stages of life cycle, and have rather high email:[email protected] specificityformycobionts.However,thediversityof fungiassociatedwithMxP ElenaYu.Voronina2 and their role in plant’s life are still poorly known, especially under natural condi email:[email protected] tions.Inthepresentstudy,thediversityof mycobiontsof thethreemixotrophic py ro loid species (Pyrola rotundifolia, P. media and Orthilia secunda) was investigated AlexanderE.Kovalenko1 by se quencing nrITS from roots and rhizomes. At the same time, we studied email:[email protected] ectomycorrhizalfungalcommunitiesof neighboringtrees.Themycobiontdi versity slightly differed berween the three species, but they also shared similar 1 fungaltaxa.Thespeciesof basidiomycetegeneraTomentella, Piloderma, Russula KomarovBotanicalInstitute and Mycena weredominantfungalpartnersof thestudiedpyroloids.Theplants of theRussianAcademyof Sciences, were also colonized by other ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic basidiomycetes SaintPetersburg,Russia and ascomycetes.TheresearchresultsshowedMxP link to tree species by shared 2LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity, mycobiontsandpartialmycoheterotrophybyinvolvementintomycelialnetwork. Moscow, Russia Thirtyninefungaltaxa(atspeciesandgeneralevel)inhabitingpyroloidrootsys tem asmycobiontsandrootendophytesweredetected.Theirroleforplantper formancerequiresfurtherinvestigation. * corresponding author Keywords: Pyroleae, arbutoid mycorrhiza, mixotrophy, nrITS,operationaltaxonomic units, symbionts, endophytes Manuscriptreceived:14.05.2018 РЕЗЮМЕ Reviewcompleted:03.07.2018 Acceptedforpublication:11.07.2018 Малышева Е.Ф., Малышева В.Ф., Воронина Е.Ю., Коваленко А.Е. Publishedonline:13.07.2018 Раз нообразие сообществ грибов, связанных с миксотрофными гру шан ко выми (Pyrola rotundifolia, P. media и Orthilia secunda) в их ес тест вен ных местообитаниях. Миксотрофныерастения(MxP) сильнозависят в углеродномпитанииотмикоризныхгрибов,покрайнеймере,наранних стадиях развития, и обладают высокой специфичностью к микобионтам. Однако ещедовольномалоизвестнооразнообразиигрибов,связанныхс MxP,иихроливжизнирастений,особенновестественныхэкосистемах.В настоящейработебылоисследованоразнообразиемикобионтовтрехви дов грушанковыхсмиксотрофнымтипомпитания(Pyrola rotundifolia, P. media и Orthilia secunda) путем выделения ДНК и последующего секвенирования nrITSизкорнейикорневищ.Одновременноизучалсясоставгрибов,фор мирующихэктомикоризуссоседнимидеревьями.Обнаруженныесообще ства микобионтов немного отличались у трех видов грушанковых, хотя быливыявленыобщиесимбионты.Доминирующимипартнерамиварбу тоидноймикоризеизученныхвидоврастенийявилисьбазидиомицетыиз родовTomentella, Piloderma, RussulaиMycena. Растениябылитакжеколонизи рованы другимиэктомикоризнымиисапротрофнымибазидиомицетамии аскомицетами.РезультатыисследованияпоказалисвязьMxP сдревесными растениями в природе благодаря наличию общих микобионтов, с помо щью которых растения вовлекаютсяв единую мицелиальнуюсеть.Всего быловыявлено39грибныхтаксонов(видовогоиродовогорангов),обитаю щихвкорневойсистемегрушанковыхвкачествемикобионтовикорневых эндофитов.Ихрольвжизнирастенийтребуетдальнейшегоизучения. Ключевые слова: Pyroleae,арбутоиднаямикориза,миксотрофия,nrITS, операци онныетаксономическиеединицы,симбионты,эндофиты Phylogeny and physiology of pyroloid plants (members presence of both leafless (potentially mycoheterotrophic of tribe Pyroleae) have attracted great interest from scien plants) and transitional to fully autotrophic forms in the tistsformorethan200years(Hynsonetal.2009,2013). genus Pyrola L.Asaresultof recentstudiesbasedonmo One of the problems with the group’s taxonomy is the leculardata(Freudenstein1999, Kronetal.2002,Liuetal. ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2018 31 Malysheva et al. 2010),pyroloidshavecometobetreatedasaseparatetribe Such associationshaveimportantenvironmentalconsequen (Pyroleae)inthesubfamilyMonotropoideaeof Ericaceae. ces: pyroloids growing under the forest canopy are provided One of the essential features of these plants is the pro with additional source of carbon in the form of ectomycor duction of a vast number of dustlike seeds (the phenom rhizal woody plants` photosynthetic pro ducts, but for their enon of microspermy)withaminimumnutrientsupply.It part serveasa“depot”of themycobiont,whichisessential is known that this trait (dustlike seeds) is also typical for when the tree layer is restored after dis tur ban ces caused, for many plants, from at least 12 different families including example,byclearcutting(Smith&Read2008). orchids, and has emerg ed independently in different phy Untilthepresent,notmucheffortshasbeendevotedto logeneticlines(Eriksson&Kainulainen2011).Becauseof studying the phenomenon of mixotrophy in pyroloids as limited carbon re serve such seeds evidently strongly depend comparedtotheorchids(Matsudaetal.2012).Thesubject on the external carbon sources for their germination, and of study was and remains: a study of seed germination phy theycompensateforthisdeficiencybysymbioticconnec sio logy; revealing the diversity of fungi forming mycorrhi tionswithfungi. za with plants at different stages of ontogenesis as well as This nutritionalmodewastermed“initialmycoheterotro the specificityof thesesymbiontsfordifferentspeciesfrom phy”e (Leak 1994,Merckx2013).Itisnoteworthythatall Py ro leae; a study of changes in plant trophic strategies un species of Pyrola are initially mycoheterotrophic at the early der differentenvironmentalconditions.Initiallyitwassup stages of ontogeny but upon reaching full maturity they de posed,andthentherewasevidence(Hynson&Bruns2009, mon strate practically the complete range of trophic strate Hashimotoetal.2012)thatallpyroloids(likeorchids)are gies, from obligate autotrophy to full mycoheterotrophy very demandingforthespecificcompositionof theecto (e.g. achlorophyllousPyrola aphyllaSmith)includingtransi my co rrhizal fungi, but, unlike other representatives of Mo tional forms.Thephenomenonof mixotrophy(orpartial no tro poideae, not throughout the entire life cycle, but only mycoheterotrophy)isinherentinsuchtransitionalforms.It intheearlystagesof theirdevelopment.However,theac con sists in the possibility of simultaneous use of two inde cumulateddataisstillinsufficienttotalkaboutthedirect pen dent sources of carbon by adult green plants – one as de pen dence of mixotrophic plant on fungi, even for the a product of photosynthesis, and another coming through mostwidespreadspeciesof pyroloids.Therearestillalot a mycorrhizalassociationwithfungi(Tedersooetal.2007, of studies to be done in this direction, and the work presen Zimmer et al. 2007, Selosse & Roy 2009, Matsuda et al. tedhereinisoneof them. 2012). Themixotrophicplantswereshowntodemonstrate Thepresentresearchaddressesthestudyof mycorrhi δ13Сandδ15N values which are the average between these zal co lo nization of three pyroloid species (Pyrola rotundifolia in di ces typical for fully mycoheterotrophic and autotrophic L.,P. media.SwandOrthilia secunda(L.)House)widelydistri plants(Hynsonetal.2009).However,theδ13С valueinmi bu ted in coniferous and mixed forests of the European part xo trophic pyroloids, as in orchids, may depend on the stage of Russia.Dataontheirmycorrhizasarelimitedandvary of development, type of habitat, lighting conditions and con si derably depending on the area of study and the type other factors(Bidartondoetal.2004,Tedersooetal.2007, of plantcommunities. Zimmeretal.2007,Johanssonetal.2015).Moreover,itwas Severalpopulationsof plantsgrowingindifferenthabi observed that the same Pyrola species occurring in different tats werestudied.Identificationof fungalmycobiontsusing geographicregionssignificantlyvaryinthedegreeof auto moleculartechniqueswascarriedout. and heterotrophy, and the causes of this variability have not yetbeendefinitivelyelucidated(Tedersooetal.2007,Zim MATERIAL AND METHODS meretal.2007,Hynsonetal.2009). ThetribePyroleaecontainsfourgenera(Pyrola, Orthil Study site ia.,Raf Chimaphila Pursh and Moneses.Salisb exGray)and A totalof 67pyroloidplantsatdifferentdevelopmental about40speciesof herbsandsubshrubsdistributedinthe stages from16populationsandmorethan100mycorrhi Northern Hemisphere that usually