2020CV14 Tax Sale List
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Cause Tract1 QuickRefID SiteStreet SiteCity Legal_Description 1 UP00526 R73 1900 N. 2nd Street Atchison, KS 66002 The Northwest QuArter of Section 30, Township 5 South, RAnge 21 EAst of the 6th P.M., Atchison County, KAnsas 2 OA01482 R1879 1029 ParALLel Atchison, KS 66002 The West HALf of the EAst HALf of Lot 6, BLock N, in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison usuALLy known And designAted As OLd Atchison 3 WA00070 R5710 1417 Atchison Street Atchison, KS 66002 The EAst 40 feet of Lot 5, BLock 5, West Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison 4 BR00055 R6079 1512 US Hwy 59 Atchison, KS 66002 Lots Five (5), Six (6) And Seven (7), in BLock Eight (8), in BrAnchton, An Addition to the OriginAL Town, now City of Atchison, EXCEPT Beginning At the Northwest corner of Lot Seven (7), BLock Eight (8), BrAnchton Addition to the City of Atchison; thence EAst ALong the North Line of said Lot Seven (7), 26.56 feet; thence in A SouthwesterLy direction ApproximAteLy 32.0 feet to A point on the West Line of said Lot Seven (7), said point 19.06 feet from the Northwest Corner of Lot Seven (7); thence in A NortherLy direction 19.06 feet ALong the West Line of said Lot Seven (7) to the point of beginning. 5 LC00561 R5520 113 N 12th Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Three (3), in BLock Fifty-two (52), in L. C. ChALLiss Addition, An Addition to the City of Atchison 7 OA01548 R1679 1025 RiLey Atchison, KS 66002 EAst Twenty five feet (E 25') of Lot Six (6) And the West Twenty-seven And one-hALf feet (W 27½') of Lot Seven (7), BLock "Q" in thAt pArt of the City of usuALLy known And designAted As OLd Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 8 SA00159 R7856 804 S 4th St Atchison, KS 66002 The West Fifteen feet (W 15') of the South Ninety feet (S 90') of Lot Six (6) And the South Ninety feet (S 90') of Lot Seven (7). ALL in BLock Seventeen (17), South Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison. Atchison County, KAnsas 10 PA00041 R6464 1714 Chestnut Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Four (4) And the North One-hALf of vacated ALLey AdjAcent thereto, in BLock Five (5) in J.W. PArker's Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas. 11 OA01030 R2322 716 Laramie Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot 5, BLock 98, in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison usuALLy known And designAted As OLd Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 13 WA00292 R6027 1614 CommerciAL StreetAtchison, KS 66002 The West Forty-five feet (W 45') of Lot Four (4), BLock Seventeen (17), in West Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 14 OA01321 R1989 916 N. 9th Street Atchison, KS 66002 The North (N) Fifty feet (50') of the West HALf (W½) of Lot Seven (7), BLock "F" in OLd Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 16 LC00428 R5345 1107 Santa Fe Street Atchison, KS 66002 PArt of Lots Three (3) And Four (4), BLock Thirty-seven (37), L. C. ChALLiss Addition to the City of Atchison described As foLLows: Beginning At the Southwest corner of Lot Four (4); running thence North One Hundred Fifty feet (N 150'); thence EAst Twenty- three feet And eight inches (E. 23'8"); thence South Sixty-four feet (S. 64'); thence EAst Thirty-eight feet, four inches (E. 38'4"); thence South Eighty-six feet (S. 86'); thence West Sixty-two feet (W. 62') to the point of beginning, Atchison County, KAnsas Cause Tract1 QuickRefID SiteStreet SiteCity Legal_Description 17 SA00076 R7806 711 S. 7th Street Atchison, KS 66002 BLock Eight (8), Lot Five (5), South Atchison, Section Six (6), Township Six (6), RAnge Twenty-one (21) EAst, Atchison County, KAnsas 20 OA01634 R1706 RiLey Street Atchison, KS 66002 The North One-hALf (N½) of Lot Four (4), BLock Lettered "U", in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison commonLy known And designAted As "OLd Atchison" 21 OA01425 R1918 415 N. 9th Street Atchison, KS 66002 The North One HALf of the South One HALf of Lot One (1), BLock Lettered "L", OLd Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 22 NA00066 R1224 N 6th Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lots Four (4), Five (5), BLock Five (5), North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison 23 GP00005 R6420 312 S. 21st Street Atchison, KS 66002 ALL thAt pArt of BLock One (1), Goodhue PLAce, Lying south of A due EAst And West Line, which Line commences At A point Eight-five feet (85') North of the Southwest corner of BLock One (1), Goodhue PLAce, being A pArt of the NortheAst QuArter (NE¼) of Section Two (2), Township Six (6) South, RAnge Twenty (20) EAst of the 6th PrincipAL MeridiAn, now An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 25 WA00033 R5829 1323 KAnsas Ave Atchison, KS 66002 The West Forty-seven And one-hALf feet (W 47½') of Lot Thirteen (13) in BLock Two (2), in West Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 30 NA00065 R1225 N. 6th Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Three (3) in BLock Five (5) in North Atchison An Addition to the City of Atchison, KAnsas 31 OA01002 R2423 416 N. 7th Street Atchison, KS 66002 The South Ninety-four feet (94') of Lot Seven (7) in BLock Ninety-six (96) in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison usuALLy known And designAted As OLd Atchison. Atchison County, KAnsas 32 NA00132 R1243 1012 WALnut Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Nineteen (Lt 19), BLock Seven (BLk 7), in North Atchison (NA), An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 41 NA00389 R1149 1117 N. 5th Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Five (5), BLock Twenty three (23) North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 43 OA01692 R1856 1145 ParALLel St Atchison, KS 66002 The EAst HALf (E½) of Lot Five (5), in BLock Lettered "W", in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison usuALLy known And designAted As OLd Atchison 45 EF00170 R4518 401 Main Street EffinghAm, KS 66023 The West Thirty-two (W32') Feet of Lots Five (5) And Six (6), BLock Twenty-four (24), City of EffinghAm, Atchison County, KAnsas 47 MU00065 R4000 107 E. 2nd Street MuscotAh, KS 66058 Lots Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) And Seven (7), in BLock Eight (8), City of MuscotAh, Atchison County, KAnsas 51 NA00101 R1974 division Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Thirteen (13), BLock Six (6), North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 52 WA04092A1 R308712 254th Rd Atchison, KS 66002 TrAct in the EAst 32 Acres of the South HALf of NW¼, Section 30, Township 6, RAnge 21 (See AttAched for LegAL) 54 NA00593 R1398 Hickory Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Three (3), BLock Thirty-seven (37), North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison Cause Tract1 QuickRefID SiteStreet SiteCity Legal_Description 55 LC00190 R5382 923 Santa Fe Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot Eight (8), BLock Nineteen (19) of the L.C. ChALLis Addition to the City of Atchison KAnsas. 60 OA01392 R1761 947 Laramie Street Atchison, KS 66002 South Ninety feet (S. 90') of the West Sixty-five feet (W. 65') of Lot Five (5), BLock J, OLd Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 63 OA01034 R2325 510 N. 8th Street Atchison, KS 66002 The North Fifty-three feet (N 53') of Lot Eight (8), BLock Ninety-eight (98), in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison known And designAted As OLd Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 72 EF00128 R4484 602 ELizabeth Street EffinghAm, KS 66023 Lots Five (5) And Six (6), in BLock Fourteen (14), in the City of EffinghAm, commencing At the Southwest corner of BLock 14, thence North 73 feet, thence EAst 140 feet, thence South 73 feet, thence West 140 feet to the pLAce of beginning, Atchison County, KAnsas 73 OA01326 R1988 N. 9th Street Atchison, KS 66002 The South Fifty-two And One-hALf feet (S. 52½') of the West One Hundred Forty-five feet (W. 145') of Lot Eight (8), BLock Lettered "F", in thAt pArt of the City of Atchison commonLy known And designAted As OLd Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 80 EF00112 R4469 Howard St. EffinghAm, KS 66023 Lot Three (3), in BLock ELeven (11), City of EffinghAm, Atchison County, KAnsas 83 KA02256 R9580 1493 delaware St. Holton, KS 66436 Lots No. Nine (9), Ten (10), ELeven (11), TweLve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16) And Seventeen (17), in BLock Ten (10), in the Town of Arrington, Atchison County, KAnsas, According to the pLAt of said Town now on fiLe in the Office of the Register of deeds in And for said county And stAte Aforesaid 85 NA00541 R1364 M Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lot TweLve (12) And Thirteen (13) And the EAst One-hALf (E½) of Lot Fourteen (14), in BLock Thirty-three (33), in North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison 91 NA00105 R1232 1010 N. 8th Street Atchison, KS 66002 Lots Eighteen (18) And Nineteen (19), in BLock Six (6), North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 92 NA00078 R1970 625 division Atchison, KS 66002 Lots Sixteen (16) And Seventeen (17), BLock Five (5), in North Atchison, An Addition to the City of Atchison, Atchison County, KAnsas 93 UP00118A3 R307603 1637 ParALLel Street Atchison, KS 66002 A trAct of LAnd in the SoutheAst QuArter (SE¼) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Five (5) South, RAnge Twenty (20) EAst, described As foLLows: Beginning At A point 182 feet EAst And 30 feet North of the Southwest corner of the SoutheAst QuArter (SE¼) of Section 35, Township 5 South, RAnge 20 EAst of the 6th P.M., thence North 101.56 feet, thence N 66°24'00" W 53.24 feet, thence South 123 feet, thence EAst 49 feet to the point of beginning 94 LA00009A1 R3149 202 High Street LAncaster, KS 66041 Lot Four (4), BLock Three (3), in the Town of LAncaser.