MMapperleyapperley PParkark Mapperley Park Residents’ Association Newsletter news No. 12 September 2007 CONTENTS 3 The Chairman’s message 5 Good news from Chellie 6 Autumn Fairs & Festivals 11 What was Patchitt’s Park? 12 St Augustine’s architect 14 Letters from residents 16 Memories of Mapperley Park 16 Plant some free bulbs JOIN THE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, SEE PAGE 16 PHOTOGRAPHS above: The Garden Group visiting Wollerton Old Hall top: Flower boxes planted by residents have much improved the roundabout on Mapperley Hall Drive far right: Adam Hopewell(R) and Alan Ball, MD and Associate Director of Hopewell’s the furnishers, cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats for charity right: Kathryn Rodgers bungee jumping during her gap year travels in New Zealand below: Dirty Hands’ debut single Get on yer bike Charlie had an enthusiastic reception from the music press Mrs A W Rae, Holly Tree House Dental Practice 962 2882 Directory of Useful 334 Mansfield Road CHURCHES St. Andrews C of E, Chestnut Grove 960 4961 & 912 0098 Contacts Main services Sunday at 10.15am and 7pm MAPPERLEY PARK NEWS Editorial Team Suma Harding e-mail:
[email protected] St Augustine’s Catholic Church, Woodborough Road 953 9839 Sharon Jamieson email:
[email protected] Principal Mass times: Vigil Mass Saturday at 6pm Sue Ahsan email:
[email protected] Sung Mass Sunday at 11am Correspondence to The Editors c/o 31 Lucknow Drive, Mapperley Park, Nottingham NG3 5EU St John’s C of E, Mansfield Road, Carrington 962 1291 Main service Sunday at 10am Advertising/Production