APPENDIX D Cultural and Paleo Assessment Palm Villas Saratoga Project
APPENDIX D Cultural and Paleo Assessment Palm Villas Saratoga Project April 5, 2019 Nicole Johnson City of Saratoga, Public Works Department 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, California 95070 Subject: Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment for the Palm Villas Saratoga Project, City of Saratoga, California – Negative Findings Dear Ms. Johnson: This memorandum documents the cultural and paleontological resources assessment conducted by Dudek for the Palm Villas Saratoga Project (Project). The Project is composed of the construction and operation of a residential care facility for the elderly consisting of two buildings with 38 parking spaces, landscaping (including removal of some trees), utility connections, and an extension of Saratoga Creek Drive on a 56,114 square foot area of land. This cultural and paleontological resources assessment included a Northwest Information Center (NWIC) Records Search of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS), a Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) Sacred Lands File search, a paleontological search at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), and an intensive pedestrian survey for cultural and paleontological resources. The cultural and paleontological resources assessment was conducted by Dudek in accordance with the standards and guidelines defined by the California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP), CEQA, and the City of Saratoga General Plan (City of Saratoga 2007). Dudek qualified paleontologist, Michael Williams, Ph.D., supervised the paleontological research on this project. No archaeological or paleontological resources were identified. Project Location and Description The project area is located in the City of Saratoga (City), in the western portion of Santa Clara County (Figure 1). It is located in Section 31 of Township 7 South, Range 1 West, of the Cupertino, California 7.5’ USGS Quadrangle map.
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