Course Outline & Syllabus

The following is an outline of the material that will be presented during the Red Lotus Master Consultant Course (MCC). It is not a comprehensive listing but it highlights key elements of what will be covered over the 3 days. Please read the Syllabus that follows for more details about the various subjects we’ll be covering in the MCC.

Day 1: Fundamentals

 Introduction to Classical Chinese Feng Shui  Fundamentals of Feng Shui: 5 Element Theory  Understanding Chi  The . Luo Shu Square and Pie Chart  Understanding Layouts, Floor Plans, & Lot Shapes  Feng Shui Furniture Arrangement  Feng Shui Formulas and Schools  The Luo Pan — the Feng Shui Compass  Question and Answer

Day 2: Advanced Feng Shui

 Annual Feng Shui  Eight Mansion Feng Shui  Flying Star Feng Shui & Annual Afflictions  Space Clearing  Water for Wealth  The 3 Types of Luck  Feng Shui U – How to Apply Feng Shui to Yourself and Your Life  Case Study – Home Analysis Preparation  Question and Answer  EVENING: Preparing your competition case study

Day 3: Your Feng Shui Business

 Turn In Your Competition Case Study Report  Practicing Feng Shui Professionally – How to Conduct a Feng Shui Audit  Preparing For Feng Shui Disasters — Clients with Serious Problems  Writing Feng Shui Reports  Running Your Feng Shui Business  Tools for Success – Social Media, Blogging, Websites  How to Get References  Attracting Clients  EVENING: Graduation, awards


Below is a more in depth explanation of the topics we’ll be covering in the MCC. You can also click on the button to download the course outline and syllabus.

Annual Feng Shui Learn all about the “Year of” — from the annual afflictions like the 3 Killings, Grand Duke Jupiter, 5 Yellow, and the annual blessings, White Stars 1 & 6, Wealth Star 8, we’ll cover all you need to know for the year as well as what the Year of the animal is all about. I’ll teach you how to calculate the monthly stars, as well as a outline of what to expect in the year ahead. This is only available at Red Envelope Events.

History of Classical Feng Shui Students will be introduced to the classical beginnings of feng shui, including yin feng shui, the study of gravesites, and how this has changed over thousands of year to the yang feng shui we know today. You will learn about how to apply feng shui to today’s living environments, interpreting forms, natural elements and building in today’s environments with the application of feng shui.

The Five Elements The class will focus on the fundamental concepts that guide feng shui and the role of elements in the environment. Students will learn how to read and interpret the effects of elements within the space and how to adjust or enhance any spaces using 5 Element Theory.

Understanding Chi All feng shui begins and ends with chi. The class will cover the building blocks of chi, yin and yang, and cover the qualities and types of chi (ripening, weakening, etc.). The concept of the flow of chi, the types of chi and the ways to harness, enhance or control chi will also be covered in the class.

The Bagua, Lo Shu Square, and Pie Chart The Bagua is the roadmap of feng shui. This building block will be covered at length, with students learning each gua and its various attributes and qualities. Students will discover various methods for applying and using the bagua, the lo shu square (a square version of the bagua) and the pie chart method for dividing and activating each gua. Remedies and activations for each gua will be covered in class.

Understanding Layouts, Floor Plans, and Lot Shapes Whether it is a bedroom, a home or the shape of a plot of land, shapes influence the type and quality of chi and energies that interact with a given space. Students will learn about auspicious and inauspicious shapes, corrections and simple solutions and questions to problems such as what to and what not to include in the floorplan (decks, garages, porches) of a feng shui assessment/consultation report.

Feng Shui Arrangement of Furniture Feng shui is often called the art of placement. Students will learn how to interpret this in the placement of furniture, including beds, sofas, and desks. You will be instructed in how to read the placement of furnishings and its effect on the occupants.

The Luo Pan — Feng Shui’s Compass In Asia there is a saying, “No luo pan, no feng shui.” That’s because the Luo Pan is the feng shui computer. We will discuss the history of Luo Pan, which ones are best for feng shui practice, how to use them and where to purchase a quality Luo Pan.

Schools of Feng Shui: Form, Compass, 8 Mansion, Flying Star We will cover the critical building blocks of classical feng shui, which includes Form School, Compass, 8 Mansion and Flying Star. We will also discuss differences between Classical and Western and Black Hat sect feng shui. Students will learn to prioritize the schools for consultations and how to incorporate them together seamlessly.

Water Feng Shui One of the most critical components of feng shui is water. Water is the gift of life, wealth and abundance. Students will learn at length the concepts of water feng shui and how to apply these concepts in homes, offices, and landscapes. The class will ensure that students have a solid foundation of the critical concepts of water and how to use water to improve wealth from two financial perspectives: generating income and accumulating income. We will discuss indoor and outdoor fountains, pool placement, 3 Feeling Water, Jade Belt, 6 Heavenly Blessing Water, and disappearing fountains.

Cures, Activators, Remedies and Space Clearing Most problems in feng shui are easily correctable with 5 Element Theory. We will cover at length the various cures and remedies, from windchimes to 5 Element Pagodas, as well as how to apply 5 Element Theory to solve critical feng shui problems. Also included will be space clearing methods and rituals for clearing negative energies after a death, serious illness or problems. We’ll also discuss activators such as fans, pendulum clocks, the use of the 3 Legged Toad and other fun feng shui cures, remedies and activators!

Preparing a Case Study Students will get hands-on experience developing a feng shui consultation report. Working in groups, the students will be able to confer and work together to develop a consulting report that explains both the feng shui challenges of a space and the recommendations for improving the feng shui of the selected site.

Feng Shui Consultations and Consulting Professionalism Because you are here to learn about working as a feng shui consultant, we will discuss consulting ethics, professional demeanor, prioritizing problems on a consulting visit, how to apply knowledge of the space into a professionally written report, Do’s and Don’ts for feng shui consulting, how to conduct telephone consultations, how to write reports, and how to handle critical or sensitive issues (severe money problems, relationship difficulties, major illness, etc.). Includes worksheets, forms and templates.