T E F O Institute for Security Studies U R T I T S S E N I I D U S T E S Situation Report C U R I T Y Date Issued: 9 November 2004 Author: Gerhard Seibert1 Distribution: General Contact:
[email protected] São Tomé and Príncipe Update Introduction On 19 September 2004, Damião Vaz de Almeida replaced Maria das Neves as prime minister of São Tomé and Príncipe (STP), effectively becoming the fifth prime minister since President Fradique de Menezes was elected in July 2001. The appointment of Vaz de Almeida, minister of labour in the previous STP government and vice-president of the ruling MLSTP/PSD (Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Príncipe/Partido Social Democrata) for the region of Príncipe, may be seen as the culmination of the political crisis that has shaken the archipelago since July 2003. It may be recalled that following the attempted military coup in July 2003, Prime Minister Maria das Neves handed in her resignation but President Menezes reaffirmed his confidence in her and reappointed her as prime minister. Until March of this year, the precarious coalition formed in the aftermath of the attempted coup included members of the MLSTP/PSD, the ADI (Acção Democrática Independente) and the MDFM (Movimento Democrático Força de Mudança), the party close to President Menezes. During March of this year, however, four MDFM ministers resigned, an event which effectively marked the end of the good relationship between the Prime Minister’s office and the Presidency. Prime Minister Das Neves had demanded the resignation of the Minister of Natural Resources, Tomé Vera Cruz (the MDFM leader) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mateus ‘Nando’ Meira Rita on the grounds that they were signing agreements without her consent.