First Notice. First Notice. First Notice. First* Notice
& idler's or Keepers, oi their Deputies, bf the said iYiforiei' in tlie 'Goal for tlie Borough & 'Goals or Prisons. GREAT YARMOUTH. "Set at Large frorti rind surrendered, 'or ten , , r First Notice. John Crow,, formerly of Lutton in the County of Lincoln^ dered to be surrendered, to the KING'S late of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, Far- BENCH Prison in the Coanty of Surry. .. mer. .,....••'.. ' - First Notice. Prisoners in the Goal for the City of -John Moore, formerly and lite of Tottenham-court in the County of Middlesex, Cordwainer. WORCESTER. Samuel Wallis, formerly and late of Cheapstead in the County First Notice. Kent, Taylor. Thomas Knott, la.te of the Parish of St. Swithin in the City George Pennick, formerly a'nd late of Cornhill in the City of ; of Worcester, Fislimonger. London, Coffeeman. Joseph Watton, late of the Pariih of St. Peter in the City of "William Price, foimerly of Warwick-lane in the City of Lon Worcester, Labourer. don, Victualler, late of Hemel Hempstead in the County of Hertsoid, Innholder. • Benjamin Corfield, formeily of Lower Thames-street in the Prisoners in His Majestv's Goal in and for City of Lmdon, late of Saint Paul's Shadwell in the County the County of WORCESTER. of Middlesex, Victualler. Peter Bicknell, formerly of Little Prescot-street, lateof Well First Notice. close-square, both in the County of Middlesex, Taylor. John Asliwood, formerly of Broseley in the County of Sa'op, John Lear, formerly of Fleet-street in the City of London, late of the Parisli of St.
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