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D ERS In 5 ·Years · .. ___,-:- .. ,) ·- .•: ! • . ,_. ,:<';. •' THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURN AL Preparing the Ground for 'i p::i 1V~iiJVJD'ii~ N ew Comers iJ~~iv::i ,vci--~,N,~:;~,1~:; tz-·-,,~.P'~ ,,v,e . p'~ ,,v,eVJJ,, · iV,,J~'e jir ,,:l Palestine is grad ually becoming a centre for Je wish im migration from the Eastern European countries , where many Jewi sh ·communities have been economically and Issued in the interest of the socially ruined, and where thousands of_our brethren look Jewish Workers' Organizations in Palest ine towar d Pale stine as their only hope. New Chalut zim are pouring into Palestine dail y. Over Providence Passover Journal Comm itt ee 4,000 came in during the last five months and found im mediate employm ent . Thousands more are expected in the Chairman PoaleZ io n very near futur e and the Histadruth , the Palestine Labor Alter Boyman A. Boyman_ Feder_ation, is. prepa ring ground for the ever larger num H . Burt Associate Chairman bers of new-comers, making possible their estab lishment S. Sherman S. Sherman S. Lightman on a sound product ive basis. There are 76 industrial co-operati ve undertakings in M. Seeber Financial Secretary Palestine ,· 48 agri cultura l co-operati ves, 24 branches of Ch. Bressler Philip M. PhiliP" co-operative stores , dair ies and cafeterias . A workers' Branch 41, Jewiah Nati onal Advertisinsi Mana2er health fund to render medical aid to the Pioneers and Wor k ers' Allia nc e their famili es, a cultural department of the Histadruth Henry Burt A.
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