All Notices Gazette
ALL NOTICES GAZETTE CONTAINING ALL NOTICES PUBLISHED ONLINE ON 11 AUGUST 2015 PRINTED ON 12 AUGUST 2015 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY | ESTABLISHED 1665 WWW.THEGAZETTE.CO.UK Contents State/2* Royal family/ Parliament & Assemblies/ Honours & Awards/ Church/ Environment & infrastructure/3* Health & medicine/ Other Notices/9* Money/ Companies/10* People/61* Terms & Conditions/86* * Containing all notices published online on 11 August 2015 STATE (Her Majesty’s approval of these Knighthoods was signified on 14 June 2014) STATE Thursday, 26 February 2015 Sir David RAMSDEN, CBE Professor Sir Norman WILLIAMS Thursday, 26 March 2015 Honours & awards Sir Hugh BAYLEY, MP Sir Richard PANIGUIAN, CBE Professor Sir Nilesh SAMANI State Awards Wednesday, 6 May 2015 Professor Sir Nigel THRIFT, DL, FBA KNIGHTS BACHELOR Friday, 15 May 2015 Sir Matthew BAGGOTT, CBE, QPM 2382614CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD Professor Sir Richard BARNETT St. James’s Palace, London S.W.1. Friday, 12 June 2015 11 August 2015 Sir Andrew MORRIS, OBE THE QUEEN was pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Professor Sir Martyn POLIAKOFF, CBE, FRS the undermentioned on the following dates: (Her Majesty’s approval of these Knighthoods was signified on 31 At Buckingham Palace December 2014) Thursday, 9 October 2014 His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, acting on behalf of Professor Sir David EASTWOOD, DL Her Majesty THE QUEEN by authority of Letters Patent under the The Right Honourable Sir Nicholas SOAMES, MP Great Seal of the Realm conferred the Honour of Knighthood
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