Arc Consistency
DIT411/TIN175, Artificial Intelligence Chapters 5, 7: Search part IV, and CSP, part II CHAPTERS 5, 7: SEARCH PART IV, AND CSP, PART II DIT411/TIN175, Artificial Intelligence Peter Ljunglöf 6 February, 2018 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Repetition of search Classical search (R&N 3.1–3.6) Non-classical search (R&N 4.1, 4.3–4.4) Adversarial search (R&N 5.1–5.4) More games Stochastic games (R&N 5.5) Repetition of CSP Constraint satisfaction problems (R&N 7.1) CSP as a search problem (R&N 7.3–7.3.2) Constraint propagation (R&N 7.2–7.2.2) More about CSP Local search for CSP (R&N 7.4) Problem structure (R&N 7.5) 2 REPETITION OF SEARCH CLASSICAL SEARCH (R&N 3.1–3.6) Generic search algorithm, tree search, graph search, depth-first search, breadth-first search, uniform cost search, iterative deepending, bidirectional search, greedy best-first search, A* search, heuristics, admissibility, consistency, dominating heuristics, … NON-CLASSICAL SEARCH (R&N 4.1, 4.3–4.4) Hill climbing, random moves, random restarts, beam search, nondeterministic actions, contingency plan, and-or search trees, partial observations, belief states, sensor-less problems, … ADVERSARIAL SEARCH (R&N 5.1–5.4) Cooperative, competetive, zero-sum games, game trees, minimax, α-β pruning, H-minimax, evaluation function, cutoff test, features, weighted linear function, quiescence search, horizon effect, … 3 MORE GAMES STOCHASTIC GAMES (R&N 5.5) 4 REPETITION: MINIMAX SEARCH FOR ZERO-SUM GAMES Given two players called MAX and MIN: MAX wants to maximise the utility value, MIN wants to minimise the same value.
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