Ecological Studies on Illawarha Lake
ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON ILLAWARHA LAKE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO Zostera capricorni Ascherson. By Malcolm McD. Harris, B.A. ( Univ. of New England, Armidale ) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science of the University of New South Wales. School of Botany, University of New South Wales. January, 1977 UNIVERSITY OF N.S.W. 19851 16 SEP. 77 LIBRARY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the work described in this thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree at any other university or institution. (iii) SUMMARY This thesis describes aspects of the ecology of Illawarra Lake, with special reference to the biology of the seagrass, Zostera capricomi Aschers. Observations were made from the air, from power boats, by wading and by SCUBA diving, over the period 1972 - 1976. Use has also been made of aerial photographs. The environmental factors studied include both sediment characteristics and water quality. Correlation coefficients have been calculated and used in the assessment of the functional relationships between the parameters examined. Reference has been made to corroborative evidence from a number of sources. The relationship between the distribution and biomass of the benthic flora of Illawarra Lake, and the selected environmental parameters, is examined. Seven other coastal saline lagoons were observed so that observations made and the conclusions drawn for Illawarra Lake, could be seen in the wider context. Long term observations and analyses have been made of the morphology, growth and flowering cycles of Z. capricomi. Evidence is presented showing some diagnostic features,used in published accounts to distinguish between Z.
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