Current Events job she consulted Home Minister Zail Singh, Finance Minister Pranab MuWrjee, Foreign Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao, former railway minister Kamlapati Tripathi and all Congress Com- mittee-I (AICC-I) general secretaries G.K. Moopanar and Suryanarayan Rao. Narasimha Rao and Moopanar were asked EFORE the dust had settled Antulay because of his loyalty to her during to cull the opinions of over 100 MPs and down after Abdul Rehman Antulay's the Janata Party regime and his ability to MLAs. However, true to Mrs Gandhi's style, B abru~t fall. fresh clouds of it fence with the Opposition whenever neces- no one had aclue to the winner until Bhosale were rising around the man who took his sary. These merits were also the reason why was given the proverbial nod. This also place as Maharashtra chief minister. Mrs she and resisted efforts to brought out the plight of the party's par- Gandhi's choice of to dislodge him soon after the trusts were liamentary board whose members would not lead the 223-member Congress(1) exposed. As she could not take a public stan$ go beyond the noncommittal "only Mrs Legislature Party in the state gave new in favour of Antulay after Justice Lentin's Gandhi knows the name and the time and impetus to the political ferment in Bombay judgment. she seems to have chosen as his the date of announcement". and New Delhi. The most important ques- successor a person who would pose the least If the prime minister was expecting a tions being batted around : why was a rank burst of applause when Moopanar announ- outsider chosen? Whose nominee was ced her choice then she must have been sorely Bhosale? The MLA from Bombay is a disappointed. Everybody, of 'course, "wel- featherweight in Maharashtra politics. and comed" the choice and "assured support" Antulay, as active as ever behind the scenes, but the usual paeans were missing. launched a discreet propaganda drive which Maharashtra's politicians. who have seen succeeded in making people believe that chief ministers like Morarji Desai, Y.B. Bhosale was indeed his man, despite a later Chavan, V.P. Naik. Vasant Dada and rebuttal by a Congress(1) high command , groaned in protest. Fumed a spokesman. Congress(1) MP: "lt is a wild choice. We Bhosale himself did not help his own were not aware that Maharashtra has fallen image any. While proceeding to the dais to so low in Mrs Gandhi's scheme of things." take the oath of secrecy that would confirm Party men flocked to Bhosale's Malabar Hill him as Maharashtra's eighth chief minister, bungalow along with industrialists, but the Bhosale paused to touch Antulay's feet. general mood there was funereal. During his Addressing newsmen later, the new incum- visit to New Delhi, his visitors looked as bent declared : "Of course I have respect and if they were performing a painful but nec- affection for Mr Antulay," asserting that his essary chore. apparent mentor had not lost the confidence On the other side, Opposition leaders of the MLAs. Said a Congress(1) leader from were jubilant. Mrinal Gore, the former Lok the state: "Bhosale is a proxy for Antulay in Dal MP whose petition against Antulay's the chief minister's office. After all, he was cement distribution schemes succeeded in inducted into the Cabinet although he was a unseating him, commented: "This is the junior MLA." While Antulay's foes in the greatest joke of 1982. This man is like the party bit their nails in chagrin, his supporters spare runner which an injured batsman gets gathered in a senior cabinet minister's in cricket. He does the running but so- Bombay house to celebrate their 'victory'. mebody else does the batting. I don't think Delayed Decision: Antulay is the second he will last out his term." Opposition leaders Congess(1) chief minister to quit office Antulay : as active as ever also allege that Bhosale is a sort of caretaker before expiry of the full term-the first was chief minister and Antulay will ultimately Jagannath Pahadia of . The now threat to Antulay's political hold on stage a comeback once he is cleared by the famous judgment in the Maharashtra. courts. Asserts , president of the cement case, the first of its kind against a Even as the parleys continued, the for- Bombay (BJP): "Mrs chief minister, which held that Antulay had mer chief minister was permitted to orches- Gandhi cannot afford to lose Antulay who is stepped beyond limits in allocatingcement to trate a rehabilitation plan. Over 200 MLAs the most suitable person to run the kind of prominent builders, put the ball back in Mrs pledged open support to him and in a politics which the Congress(1) has given to Gandhi's court: In Delhi, the political drama surprise move legislator Bhaurao Patil the country." moved along lines which brought observers announced in an interview that the Hasty Moves: Because of the general to believe that Antulay was influencing her majority of the MLAs wanted Antulay to be disgust with which Bhosale was greeted, the decision. Says an Opposition leader: "If Mrs re-elected their leader. With liberal funds at Congress(1) high command moved to con- Gandhi was interested in teaching a lesson to his command, Antulay despatched two vince its minions that Bhosale was actually Antulay, she could have appointed any Cabinet colleagues, a dozen Maharashtra Mrs Gandhi's nominee and would complete person in seconds. But she wasn't." MPs and over 60 MLAs to the capital to his term. Moopanar and AICC(I)Treasurer The resolution authorising Mrs Gandhi plead his case: their refrain was that only Sitaram Kesari-who was the prime mover to appoint a new leader of the state legisla- Antulay could keep party and government in Antulay's 'election' in 1980-humedly ture party was adopted in Bombay on together in the state. convened a press conference to drive home January 14, but the decision was announced No Applause: This chorus contained an the point that Antulay's days were over. five days later, on January 19. According to implicit threat that Mrs Gandhi could not Asserted Kesari: ':If Antulay thinks he can party insiders. Mrs Gandhi decided to oblige ignore. Before choosing the right man for the put pressure on the high command. he is

INDIA TODAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1982 Current Events I living in a fool's paradise. Having played a does not want tocommit himself publicly. As Babasaheb Bhosale 4 part in the selection of the candidates for the for the trusts, Bhosale says that "only Mrs Assembly. J know the mind of every legis- Gandhi and Rajiv will take decisions about lator there. All the party MLAs owe their them". He seems to be littleconcerned about "I Am Shivaji's allegiance to Mrs Gandhi and nobody else." the dissidents; during his visit to Delhi he Carrying the tale further, the high command called on top Central leaders from the state ordered Antulay to resign from all his six such as Planning Minister S.B. Chavan, Descendant" trusts or they would be nationalised. Information Minister Vasant Sathe, and Confronted with a fait accompli, Commerce Minister , but did ABASAHEB Anantrao Bhosale, 61, Maharashtra's politicians. businessmen and not visit AICC(I) General Secretary B the heavy-jowled, bulbous-eyed chief intellectuals have started speculating on the , a former chief minister minister of Maharashtra who replaced his immediate future with Bhosale in the chair and considerable force in the state. However, controversial predecessor, Abdul Rehman and there is unanimous feeling that he will Bhosale did seem apprehensive about the Antulay, lastfortnight, is, as Churchill said prove to be disaster for the Congress(1). Said possible demands of Maharashtra MLAs, about Attlee, "a modest man with a lot to Pawar, now president of the Congress(S): renowned for their appetite for pelf. Says be modest about". He has always been a "No chief minister will be able to deliver the Pawar. "They have all had a taste of blood taluka-level politician, and it was not until

I Rhosale anti wife with Rajiv and Mrs Gandhi: a modest man with unquestioning loyalty

goods in Maharashtra." A few high points of and now whosoever takes over will not be 1980 that he could be elected to the state the augean stables Antulay has left behind: able to last out because the only language Assembly. He was appointed law minister b the six trusts worth Rs 30 crore: they understand is monetary benefits." by Antulay to give representation to the b an economy which has suffered follow- Bhosale's biggest threat, of course, will Marathas. The state information depart- ing Antulay's indifference to industry; come from the factions in the party. Antulay ment, releasing a life-sketch of the new b the Antulay-appointed chiefs of over commands the loyalties and actions of over chief minister, was obliged to keep it 60 public sector undertakings who, if allowed 100 legislators, while the others are divided confined to just six paragraphs, and could to remain. will become a headache, between former Maharashtra Pradesh not but gloat over the Bhosale's election, b the knotty question ~f the sanction of Congress Committee-I (MPCC-T) chief "twice, with a thumping majority", to 'no objection' certificates for high rise build- Premalatai Chavan, Vasantdada Patil and something as exclusive as the Maharashtra ings In Bombay. and the allotment of flats S.B. Chavan. In addition, Gulab Rao Patil, Bar Council. and land to Antulay's proteges; MPCC(I) chief, is an Antulay loyalist. The His only point of pride is his Shivaji i b an increasingly belligerent trade union MPCC(I) chief did say that: ''Bhosale saheb connection: he never tires of reminding movement led by Datta Samant. who re- will be supported by all sections," but it is others that his family tree can be traced to cently teamed up with Antulay; and very clear, judging from past performance, the original 96 families that formed 6 the dissidents in the ruling party who that those sections, spearheaded by a hyper- Shivaji's clan. Politically, he hopes to feel cheated after Bhosale's appointment. active Antulay, will pounce wolf-like on the derive some extra mileage from this with Non-committal: The new chief minister raw Bhosale if the oracle at Delhi displays the lobby in the Maharashtra id is aware of the problems looming ahead, but the slightest hint of displeasure. -PRABHU CHAWLA

20 INDIA TODAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1982 Congress (I) Legislature Party. will review all the decisions if some speci- Q. What are the problems you are In spite of this head start, Bhasale's fic complaints are brought to my notice. likely to face in running the staQe first duty after his appointment was to fly Q. Since you have been nominated by smoothly? to the capital to seek Mrs Gandhi's "bless.- the prime minister and notformally elected A. A major difficulty is the bigness of ings". That may well be his only capital, by the MLAs, do youjoresee any threat the state. Maharashtra has the largest considering the fact tha:' he has little or no from the Congress Legislature Party number of big industries, a highly mi- popular base in his home state, and, at that, (CLP)? litant labour force and many slum areas. he is eminently suitable to go down in the A. I don't think so, because the Q. What would be your style of unique gallery of Congress (I) chief minis- CLP(I) is committed to Indiraji. Once the functioning? Will you follow Antulay's ters. While in Delhi, Bhosale granted leader has been duly elected, he is not style of running the administration? Correspondent PRABHU CHAWLA a break- threatened by any dissident activities im- A. I should not be asked to comment fast interzliew. Excerpts: mediately. In fact, Congress(1) can claim on my predecessor. Antulay is my best the proud privilege of a united and co- friend. I will seek cooperation and advice Q. How do you feel about your un- hesive party in the country. of everyone in my party. I willconsult the expectedelevation to the chief ministership Q. Maharashtra is a large andproble- entire cabinet on important matters. If of the richest state of the country? matic state. Willyou be able to manage it there is any major difficulty, I will ap- A. It is going to be a big challenge eficiently with very little administrative proach Indiraji for her final advice. and I have to come up to the expectations experience ? Q. Some Maharashtra MPs recently of Indiraji who nominated me to take A. 1 am a very strong man. But I complained that they were ignored by over this responsibility. don't want to be obstinate and arrogant. dntulay. Will you ailaj~tl~eir fears? Q. Were you consulted before your Q. What are your prioritie.~? A. Frankly speaking they were not final selection ? A. My first priority to vigorously ignored by Antulay. And the possibility A. I was told about it. It was not so of their complaints shocking to me. But it was a pleasant being politically moti- surprise. And as a soldier of the Indira vated cannot be ruled Congress my only duty is to follow the out either. orders and not to say no. Q. Do you think Q. Who are your godfathers in social that a chief minister and political lqe ? 6 Ultimately I will follow should continue in of]: A. I think individuals do not matter. ice only so long as he My commitment to the 20-point pro- the policies of Indiraji and enjojls the majority gramme and unflinching loyalty to the Rajivji. I will continue to support of the legisla- leadership are my actual godfathers. tureparty or should his Q. Do you feel your appointment adopt Antulay's policies if surviral depend on the signifies the return of the Maratha lobby? mercy of Prime A. Undoubtedly. I am the descen- they comply with the 20- Minister Indiru dant of Shivaji the great. Gandhi? Q. Will you follow Shivaj?s policies point programme. 7 A.There is hardly as well? a distinction between A. I will follow the policies of CLP(I) and Indiraji. Indiraji and Rajivji. Loyalty to her is the Q. But there is a feeling that you are strength of the Cong- Antulay's nominee. ress Party. The A. No. I am the nominee of Indiraji implement Mrs Gandhi's 20-point pro- moment anyone ceases to be loyal to her and Rajivji and nobody else. gramme. It will be my endeavour to he becomes a nonentity. The CLP is one Q. Some Congress(I) leadersfeel that provide a clean and honest adminis- with Indiraji. We are all members of the you are only the caretaker chief minister tration. I will eradicate red-tapism from Assembly because we are loyal to and Antulay will ultimately stage a come- the state Government. I will dea! with the Indiraji. back after a few months. Is that correct? corrupt people firmly and see to it that the Q. Antulay's attitude towards the A. It is an absolutely wrong im- Government's decisions and policies are press was decidedly hostile. Willyou main- pression. Their views are based purely on faithfully implemented by the bureauc- tain the same attitude ? conjectures and gossip. I am going to stay racy. But ultimately I will follow the A. I am in favour of maintaining a in office so long as I enjoy Mrs Gandhi's policies of lndiraji and Rajivji. I will cordial relationship with the media. But blessings. continue to adopt Antulay's policies if press in India seems to be more com- Q. Do you support his method of they comply with the 20-point mitted. I am also afraid because excess collecting funds for his private trusts and programme. publicity sometimes harms rather than would you nationalise these trusts? Q. It is alleged that some smugglers helps a person. A. Since the matter is subjudice 1 and anti-social elements have got into the Q. What is your message for the don't want to give my opinion on this state's politics and they influence CongressQ Party in the state ? subject. decisions. A. I am extremely grateful to them Q. Antulay gave many financial faci- A. I am not aware of anything. If for reposing their faith in me. I expect lities to the MLAs in order to win their some people are detected they will be them to wake me up even in the middle of permanent support. Will you withdraw dealt with firmly. Anti-social elements the night if they find any fault in the some of them ? who are enemies of the people have no administration. Without their active A. There is nothing illegal about the place in our party and the state. They cooperation we cannot serve the party perks available to the MLAs. Of course, I have to look for other places now. and the people.