TOWARDS NEW STRATEGIES FOR PALESTINIAN NATIONAL LIBERATION Options for Achieving Palestinian Strategic Objectives in the Light of the Breakdown of Bilateral Negotiations The Palestine Strategy Group August 2011 1 CONTENTS MEDIA ENQUIRIES 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 INTRODUCTION 9 STRATEGIC PREREQUISITES 11 STRATEGIC SCENARIOS 12 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 13 STRATEGIC OPTIONS 14 THE NEED FOR FURTHER STRATEGIC DISCUSSION 25 ACTION PLAN FOR THE NEXT MONTHS 29 CONCLUSION 30 2 MEDIA ENQUIRIES For further information and media enquiries, please contact: - Dr Khaled Hroub , Cambridge University Email:
[email protected] Tel: +44 790 008 4284 - Hani Masri , Badael: Palestine Media, Research and Studies Centre, Ramallah Email:
[email protected] Tel: +970-59-966-5000 - Dr Husam Zomlot, Founder, Palestine Strategy Group Email:
[email protected] Tel: +970-59-713-3765 Also visit 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Palestine Strategy Group (PSG) is an open and inclusive forum for strategic discussion in which Palestinians from across the social and political spectrum conduct strategic analysis of the environment of the conflict with Israel in order to strengthen and guide the Palestinian national project for liberation and independence. The PSG hopes that this paper will contribute to enriching the current national dialogue and assist Palestinian decision-makers in adopting the policies that can best serve the higher Palestinian national interest during this decisive phase of our national struggle. The first part of the PSG’s task was completed in September 2008 with the production of the report Regaining the Initiative - Palestinian Strategic Options for Ending Israeli Occupation . This, along with the work and meetings that preceded it, formed the basis of the second phase of the PSG’s work, which has culminated in this report.