Copeland Update Annual Monitoring Report 2011/12 You can get a copy of this document in different formats such as large print, Braille, audio, or in a different language by calling 0845 054 8600. Pode obter uma cópia deste documento em vários formatos, como por exemplo em Braille, áudio, ou numa outra língua. Para tal ligue para o 0845 054 8600. 如果您想获取该文件的不同版本,如:大字体印刷、盲文、音频或不同语言版本,请 致电:0845 054 8600。 Paskambinę telefonu 0845 054 8600, galite užsisakyti šio dokumento kopiją įvairiais formatais, pavyzdžiui, atspausdintą dideliu šriftu, Brailio raštu, užsisakyti garso įrašą arba gauti dokumentą, išverstą į norimą kalbą. Aby otrzymać kopię tego dokumentu w innych formatach, takich jak duży druk, druk Braille'm, audio, lub w innym języku proszę dzwonić pod numer 0845 054 8600. 0845 054 8600’u arayarak, bu dokümanın bir kopyasını büyük puntolu, körler için kabartmalı, ses dosyası gibi değişik formatlarda veya farklı bir dilde edinebilirsiniz. Produced by: Planning Policy Team Copeland Borough Council Catherine Street Whitehaven Cumbria CA28 7SJ Tel: 0845 054 8600 E-mail:
[email protected] Front Cover Images: Brian Sherwen and Dave Willis Copeland Borough Council Page 2 Annual Monitoring Report 2011/12 Contents Page Page Executive Summary 4 1. Introduction 7 2. Copeland Area Profile 9 3. Copeland Local Plan 17 4. Local Development Framework 23 5. Indicators 31 Appendices Appendix A - List of Saved Policies 77 Appendix B - Data Sources 82 Appendix C - Core Output Indicators 83 Appendix D - Glossary 84 Appendix E - Local Development Scheme Overall Programme 91 Copeland Borough Council Page 3 Annual Monitoring Report 2011/12 Local Development Framework ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT 2011/12 Executive Summary Introduction This is the eighth Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) prepared by Copeland Borough Council.