

Read: :36-50

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little. Luke 7:47 NIV

The story of the sinful woman weeping onto Jesus’ feet, drying them with her hair and then pouring fragrant perfume on His feet is a favorite. In the age, women were considered second class citizens, yet they played major roles in the . From His mother, sisters and Mary, the Samaritan woman, to the woman caught in adultery, Jesus demonstrates great insight into their weaknesses and strengths and lavishes them with compassion.

This woman’s weakness was not detailed, but she was well known for her sinfulness. While Simon the Pharisee smugly thought to himself that Jesus should not let this sinful woman touch him, Jesus read his mind and pointed out that those who have the most sins will respond to forgiveness with the most love and gratitude. After all, Jesus came to earth to save sinners, not self-righteous . I wonder if He was not trying to challenge Simon to examine his own heart for sinfulness. Those who believe that they have no sins will not experience love and gratitude for forgiveness.

Jesus also comments on the saving nature of faith. “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” The woman’s faith is incredible. She was an outcast in her community with likely low feelings of self-worth, yet she had enough faith to go uninvited into a Pharisee’s home to seek forgiveness and be grateful for receiving it. Her weakness was countered by the strength of the Savior. May we all have such faith!

It is a very important message for Christians. We are no different from Simon if we distance ourselves from people we view as sinful. Instead, we need to show them the love of our Savior, so that they may experience the joy of grace and forgiveness!

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you that through your Son, Jesus , our many sins are forgiven. We thank you for the great peace and joy that forgiveness brings. May we demonstrate Your love to others in need of forgiveness and always be grateful. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.

Gwen Enokian