Contents of Volume 81, 2017
ii Contents of Volume 81, 2017 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 81, 2017 Message From the Editor-in-Chief 1. Circulation Journal Has Changed Its Style Toyoaki Murohara ········ 1 2. Editorial Statistics and Best Reviewers Award for 2016 Toyoaki Murohara ········ 127 3. Circulation Journal Awards for the Year 2016 Toyoaki Murohara ········ 273 4. Rapid Publication and Announcement of the 2017 JCS Meeting Activities Toyoaki Murohara ········ 615 5. Announcement of the 2017 JCS Meeting Activities (2) Toyoaki Murohara ········ 767 6. Message From the Editor-in-Chief Toyoaki Murohara ········ 1063 7. Message From the Editor-in-Chief Toyoaki Murohara ········ 1241 8. Message From the Editor-in-Chief Toyoaki Murohara ········ 1377 In Memoriam 1. Mitsuhiro Yokoyama, MD, PhD 1943–2016 Ken-ichi Hirata ········ 901 Reviews 1. Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction ― Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Risk Factors and Therapy ― Cheng Chen, Janet Wei, Ahmed AlBadri, Parham Zarrini, C. Noel Bairey Merz ········ 3 2. Modeling Inherited Arrhythmia Disorders Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Vassilios J. Bezzerides, Donghui Zhang, William T. Pu ········ 12 3. Reperfusion Damage ― A Story of Success, Failure, and Hope ― Roberto Ferrari, Cristina Balla, Michele Malagù, Gabriele Guardigli, Giampaolo Morciano, Matteo Bertini, Simone Biscaglia, Gianluca Campo ········ 131 4. Myocardial Regeneration for Humans ― Modifying Biology and Manipulating Evolution ― Kathleen M. Broughton, Mark A. Sussman ········ 142 5. Pathophysiology of Intermittent Claudication in Peripheral Artery Disease Naomi M. Hamburg, Mark A. Creager ········ 281 6. The Brugada Syndrome ― From Gene to Therapy ― Antonio Curcio, Giuseppe Santarpia, Ciro Indolfi ········ 290 7. Significance and Value of Endomyocardial Biopsy Based on Our Own Experience Hatsue Ishibashi-Ueda, Taka-aki Matsuyama, Keiko Ohta-Ogo, Yoshihiko Ikeda ········ 417 8.
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