Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007

Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

D.A. Batchelor1,M.Beck2, A. Becoulet3,R.V.Budny4, C.S. Chang5, P.H. Diamond6,J.Q.Dong7,G.Y.Fu∗4, A. Fukuyama8,T.S.Hahm4, D.E. Keyes9,Y.Kishimoto10,S.Klasky1,L.L.Lao11,K.Li12,Z.Lin∗13, B. Ludaescher14,J.Manickam4,N.Nakajima15, T. Ozeki16,N.Podhorszki14, W.M. Tang4,M.A.Vouk17,R.E.Waltz11,S.J.Wang18, H.R. Wilson19,X.Q.Xu20, M. Yagi21,F.Zonca22

1 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA 2 1122 Volunteer Blvd, Suite 203, Knoxville, TN 37996-3450, USA 3 Association EURATOM-CEA sur la Fusion Contrˆol´ee, CEA Cadarache, 13108 Saint Paul lez Durance Cedex, France 4 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA 5 Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012, USA 6 University of California at San Diego, Dept. of Physics and Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA 7 Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041, China 8 Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan 9 Columbia University, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, MC 4701, New York, NY 10027, USA 10 Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan 11 General Atomics, P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186, USA 12 Department of Computer Science, Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544, USA 13 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA 14 Department of Computer Science University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA 15 National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan 16 Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Naka-machi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 17 Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA 18 Department of Physics, Fudan University, 200433 Shanghai, China 19 Department of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD UK 20 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, USA 21 Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Kasuga 816-8580, Japan 22 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla fusione, CR Frascati, Casella Postale 65-00044, Frascati, Italy

To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

I. Introduction (Z. Lin, G. Y. Fu, J. Q. Dong)

II. Role of theory and simulation in fusion sciences 1. The Impact of theory and simulation on tokomak experiments (H.R.Wilson,T.S.HahmandF.Zonca) 2. Tokomak Transport Physics for the Era of ITER: Issues for Simulations (P.H. Diamond and T.S. Hahm)

III. Status of fusion simulation and modeling 1. Nonlinear Governing Equations for Plasma Simulations (T. S. Hahm) 2. Equilibrium and stability (L.L. Lao, J. Manickam) 3. Transport modeling (R.E. Waltz) 4. Nonlinear MHD (G.Y. Fu) 5. Turbulence (Z. Lin and R.E. Waltz) 6. RF heating and current drive (D.A. Batchelor) 7. Edge physics Simulations (X.Q. Xu and C.S. Chang) 8. Energetic particle physics (F. Zonca, G.Y. Fu and S.J. Wang) 9. Time-dependent Integrated Modeling (R.V. Budny) 10. Validation and verification (J. Manickam)

IV. Major initiatives on fusion simulation 1. US Scientific Discory through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Program & Fusion Energy Science (W. Tang) 2. EU Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) Task Force (A. Becoulet) 3. Fusion Simulations Activities in Japan (A. Fukuyama, N. Nakajima, Y. Kishimoto, T. Ozeki, and M. Yagi)

V. Cross-disciplinary research in fusion simulation 1. Applied mathematics: Models, Discretizations, and Solvers (D.E. Keyes) 2. Computational Science (K. Li) 3. Scientific Data and Workflow Management (S. Klasky, M. Beck, B. Ludaescher, N. Podhorszki, M.A. Vouk) 4. Collaborative tools (J. Manickam)

313 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 I Introduction sults, and constructing physics models. (Z.Lin,G.Y.Fu,J.Q.Dong) ITER simulations focus on the extension of cur- rent simulation capabilities into the burning plasma After half a century of intense pursuit, magnetic fu- regime and on integrated simulations addressing simul- sion has made tremendous progress toward the goal as taneously multiple scales and multiple processes in fu- an attractive energy solution for the world’s increas- sion plasmas. A central theme is the predictive sim- ingly critical energy problem. The key obstacle for ulation integrating both modeling and physics simula- reaching the ignition has been the lack of fundamental tion codes for the purpose of benchmarking on existing understanding, and thus the limited ability to control tokamak experiments, with the ultimate goal of pro- the complex, nonlinear, and dynamical system char- viding a comprehensive simulation package for ITER acteristic of high temperature plasma in fusion toka- plasmas. Major initiatives toward integrated simula- mak experiments. Renewed optimism in magnetic con- tion with predictive capability have been launched by finement has come from recent progress marked by the several ITER partners. In US, large scale fusion sim- strong coupling between experiment, theory, and sim- ulation projects including nonlinear MHD, turbulent ulation. In particular, large-scale simulations enabled transport, RF-heating, and other areas are currently by the ever increasing power of modern computers are supported as part of the Scientific Discovery through rapidly advancing fusion energy science. Numerical Advanced Computing (SciDAC) initiative funded by simulations, in tandem with analytic theories and ex- the Department of Energy (DOE). Each project typ- perimental measurements, have helped to discover fun- ically involves 15-30 researchers in 5-10 institutions. In damental physics in fusion plasmas, to understand toka- addition to addressing key science area, fusion SciDAC mak experimental results, to guide the design and in- supports three prototype centers for a fusion simula- stallation of advanced tokamak diagnostics, to control tion project (FSP) targeting integrative simulation of plasma behavior, and to optimize tokamak operation burning plasmas. The burning Plasma Simulation Ini- regimes. tiative (BPSI) organized as joint university group, the The International Thermonuclear Experimental Re- Numerical Experiment of Tokamak (NEXT) organized actor (ITER) experiment is the crucial next step in the by JAEA, and the multi-scale fusion plasma simulation quest for fusion energy. Theory and simulation will organized by the NIFS group, have been proposed in play an even bigger role in the ITER project as we ex- Japan, which may play a central role for the ITER sim- plore the new regime of burning plasma physics. First- ulation center for fusion science. The European Union principles simulations could directly address the param- (EU) has launched an Integrated Tokamak Modeling eter regimes inaccessible by conventional experimental (ITM) initiative in Europe for ITER. and analytic techniques. Predictive simulation tools Addressing the dynamical processes in fusion plas- could enhance the efficiency of the utilization and opti- mas characterized by a large number of degree of free- mize operation configurations for ITER, and could aid dom and disparate spatial-temporal scales, fusion sim- the physics design of DEMO, the successor to ITER for ulation is a grand challenge from both the physics the engineering demonstration of a fusion power plant. and computing points of view. Consequently, cross- Fusion simulations fall broadly into two categories. disciplinary collaboration has become a clearly visible The first type, referred to as “modeling” in this pa- trend in fusion simulations, which often involve com- per, is a reduced model incorporating all known physics putational and analytical plasma physicists, applied and empirical scaling for unknown physics. Examples mathematicians, computational and computer scien- include the re-construction of magnetohydrodynamic tists. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully plan the co- equilibrium and transport modeling. Modeling is the ordination and collaboration across the boundaries of essential tool for assisting experimental operations and disciplines and institutions. Another important obser- data interpretation, and for projecting the performance vation is that fusion simulation is one of the key applica- of future burning plasma experiments. These areas are tions driving the hardware and software developments relatively mature thanks to research efforts over the for high performance computers. Large-scale physics past three decades. The second type, referred to as simulations can effectively utilize the computing power “physics simulation”, is a direct numerical simulation of thousands of processors using the most powerful mas- using first-principles equations. The goal is to identify sively parallel computers. and discover the fundamental physics in fusion plas- Recognizing the importance of theory and simulation mas, and to provide a physics basis for innovative con- in fusion research and the collaborative nature of ITER finement approaches and advanced operation regimes. simulation, a Workshop on ITER Simulation sponsored Such physics simulations provide the building blocks for by the ITER-China participation team (ITER-CN-PT) modeling and are the current focus in the world fusion was held in Beijing, May 15-19, 2006. The meeting community. Examples include nonlinear magnetohy- drew about one hundred fusion researchers, students, drodynamics (MHD), turbulence, heating and current and managers from US, Japan, Europe, and China to drive, boundary physics, and energetic particle physics. discuss the present status and future collaborations on Theory plays a critical role in the physics simulations fusion simulations in support of the ITER project. This by deducing basic equations, interpreting simulation re- article is a direct product of the carefully planned pro-

314 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction gram of comprehensive review presentations by many coulet03, Huysmans05]. Each ELM results in an erup- active researchers at the forefront of fusion simulations. tion of particles and energy from the plasma, which The topics covered include the role of theory and simu- then flow along the scrape-off layer to the divertor tar- lation in fusion science, the status of fusion simulation get. Extrapolations using data from existing tokamaks and modeling, the major initiatives of fusion simula- give concern that the resulting heat loads on ITER tion among ITER partners, and the cross-disciplinary could be intolerable, but the uncertainties are large. research in fusion simulation. In addition to presenting In an effort to reduce the uncertainty, significant the- the state-of-the-art in fusion theory and simulations, oretical effort has been devoted to improve our under- many of the Workshop participants express a sense of standing of the processes which govern the ELM, and urgency to establish plasma programs at top universi- a lot of progress has been made over the past decade ties in China for training the next generation of fusion [Huysmans05, Wilson06]. researchers and a desire to initiate international col- It is now widely accepted that a particular type of laborations on fusion theory and simulations under the plasma instability, the “peeling-ballooning” mode, is ITER framework. responsible for triggering the ELM [Connor98b, Sny- The paper is organized as follows. Chapter II dis- der02]. This model predicts that as the edge current cusses the role of theory and simulation in fusion sci- density and pressure gradient rise beyond critical val- ences including important issues for simulations in the ues, the plasma becomes unstable, triggering an ELM area of tokamak transport physics. Chapter III reviews event. The model has been tested on a large number of the status of fusion simulation and modeling covering tokamaks around the world, comparing the predicted ten areas: III.1 nonlinear governing equations for plas- critical values with the experimental pressure gradient mas simulations, III.2 equilibrium and stability, III.3 and current density at the edge just prior to an ELM transport modeling, III.4 nonlinear MHD, III.5 turbu- [Snyder02, Saarelma05]. In general, the current density lence simulations, III.6 RF heating and current drive, cannot yet be measured, but is instead calculated (for III.7 edge physics simulations, III.8 energetic particle example using the theoretical prediction for the boot- physics, III.9 time-dependent integrated modeling, and strap current [Bickerton71]). An example of the good III.10 code validation and verification. Chapter IV agreement is shown in Fig. II.1.1 for JET. Just before gives an overview of major fusion simulation initiatives the ELM, the plasma is approaching the predicted sta- in US, Europe, and Japan. Finally, Chapter V reviews bility boundary. cross-disciplinary research in fusion simulation includ- ing applied mathematics, computational science, data structure, and collaborative tool.

II Role of theory and simulation in fusion sciences II.1 The impact of theory and simu- lation on tokamak experiments (H. R. Wilson, T.S. Hahm, and F. Zonca) In this section, we consider how theory and simu- lation have influenced tokamak experiments. Over the years, there have been numerous examples, and it is not Fig.II.1.1 Edge stability diagram for a typical JET dis- possible to review all of them in this section. Instead, charge. The figure shows that the two large Type I ELM dis- we have identified a number of areas that raise key re- charges are close to the stability boundary, while the smaller search issues for ITER: either for its performance, or for type III ELM discharge is away from the stability bound- its structural integrity. Although the review is not ex- ary. The numbers correspond to the most unstable toroidal haustive, it does provide an illustration of how the theo- mode number; the full curve is the stability boundary. The retical physics community helps to shape and guide the axes are toroidal current density, jφ, and normalised pres- experimental programmes on the world’s tokamaks. We sure gradient, α. [Saarelma05] have listed a number of important references. Again, it is not possible to include all references, but we have Motivated by the theory, the role of the edge cur- aimed to construct a representative list which will pro- rent in triggering the ELM has been explored on vide access to the wider literature in these areas. both COMPASS-D [Fielding96] and TCV [Degeling03]. Edge localised modes They confirmed that transiently suppressing (or en- Edge-Localised Modes, or ELMs, are instabilities hancing) the edge current suppressed (or triggered) associated with a transport barrier at the tokamak ELMs. Most recently, as a consequence of the grow- plasma edge [Zohm96, Connor98a, Suttrop00, Be- ing realisation that the current density is an impor-

315 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 tant parameter, there has been much effort to design of relevance in the later stages of the ELM. a diagnostic to actually measure this quantity in the Based to some extent on our theoretical knowledge plasma edge region. The team on DIII-D have led of the ELM process, there have been a number of en- the way [Thomas04], successfully installing a diagnos- couraging experiments recently that offer the prospect tic that exploits the Zeeman effect in lithium, and are of ELM control on ITER. These include using coils to beginning to make the first measurements. Initial re- modify the magnetic field topology near the plasma sults indicate that the theoretical predictions based on edge [Evans04] and injection of pellets into the pedestal the bootstrap current are generally reasonably accurate region [Lang04]. (see Fig. II.1.2). Neoclassical tearing modes Neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) are instabilities of the core plasma that modify the magnetic topol- ogy and thereby dramatically degrade the confinement [Hegna98, Sauter97, Wilson96a]. Indeed, they can lead to a loss of plasma control, and a subsequent disrup- tion. The instabilities were first predicted by theory two decades ago [Qu85, Carrera86], but it was not until the mid 1990’s that they were finally observed on TFTR [Chang95], and they became a major concern for ITER. These and subsequent experiments on other tokamaks demonstrated the existence of a threshold: NTMs re- quire a “seed” magnetic perturbation that exceeds a critical amplitude. The sawtooth instability associated Fig.II.1.2 Measurements of edge current density using with the plasma centre can provide a sufficiently large the LIBEAM diagnostic on DIII-D for H-mode (triangles) seed and trigger the NTM, provided the plasma col- and L-mode (diamonds) discharges. The theoretical predic- lisionality is sufficiently low. Two theoretical models tion for the bootstrap current is shown as the dashed curve were proposed for the observed threshold: one based (Figure from [Thomas04]) on the finite ratio of the cross-field to parallel trans- port processes [Fitzpatrick95], and one based on the To begin to understand the range of energy loss polarization current [Wilson96b]. Neither of these pro- from ELMs observed in experiments, theory and sim- cesses are fully understood, but models based on them ulation have extended the studies to address non- have been tested extensively in experiments. These ex- linear effects. Analytic theory predicts the existence periments have not been able to differentiate between of filamentary structures that can be ejected into the the models, and it is possible that both are playing a scrape-off layer [Wilson04]. This result has been con- role. The polarization current model provides a firm firmed in large scale numerical calculations which em- prediction that the threshold will scale with the Lar- ploy more realistic plasma physics models and are not mor radius, normalized to the plasma radius, ρ∗.Care- constrained by the orderings necessary to make ana- ful experiments on ASDEX-Upgrade supported such a lytic progress (e.g., see [Snyder05]). This new picture scaling [Gunter99], and when this was confirmed us- of the ELM motivated experiments on MAST to search, ing a multi-machine data-base involving JET, ASDEX- and find, these filamentary structures [Kirk04], and Upgrade and DIII-D [laHaye00] (see Fig. II.1.3), con- also provided an interpretation of results from ASDEX- cern grew that the threshold would be very low on Upgrade [Eich03]. Evidence for filamentary structures has now been found on many tokamaks, world-wide. Although their precise role still remains to be clarified, the filaments appear to be ejected into the scrape-off layer on the outboard side, but remain attached to the core plasma on the high field side. This suggests that they could either act as a conduit allowing hot core plasma to escape along them into the scrape-off layer, or they could act to suppress the flow shear, causing a collapse of the transport barrier. The existence of filaments has raised a new concern for ITER: if the filaments should strike the vessel wall, where there is limited protection, they coulddoserious damage. Experiments have confirmed that a signifi- cant fraction of the ELM energy can be deposited in localised regions on the vessel wall [Herrmann04], but the implications for ITER remain uncertain. Fig.II.1.3 Threshold β for the onset of NTMs as a func- Filamentary structures are also predicted to arise tion of ρ∗ (from Ref [laHaye00]) from so-called “blob” theories [Yu06], which may be

316 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

ITER (which has a low value of ρ∗). However, data lowing higher values of β to be achieved [Bondesson94, from JET suggests that the scaling of threshold β with Fitzpatrick96, Betti95, Finn95, Chu04]. Experiments, ρ∗ may be a consequence of a co-linearity in the data notably on DIII-D confirm that provided rotation can set between these two parameters [Buttery04]. Here, β be maintained, the RWM is indeed stabilized and val- is the ratio of the thermal plasma energy, to the energy ues of β well above the no-wall limit can be reached stored in the magnetic fields. Despite the success of the [Strait03]. However, these experiments show that it polarization current model, in particular the predicted is difficult to maintain the rotation: the mode itself scaling of the threshold with ρ∗, it is not universally tries to slow the plasma down and, once the plasma has accepted. Indeed, results of numerical modelling have slowed sufficiently, the RWM grows, eventually leading provided an alternative explanation of the ρ∗ scaling to a disruption. There is recent evidence to suggest of the threshold [Poli02, Poli05]. This is an area that that, in fact, relatively little rotation is required to sta- would benefit from an increased effort in large-scale nu- bilize the RWM [Garofalo06, Takechi06]. Nevertheless, merical calculations to improve our understanding of on ITER, where there is little momentum injection, it the dominant threshold mechanisms. is prudent to develop alternative ways to control the Theory predicts that NTMs grow as a consequence instability. of a “hole” in the bootstrap current. If this current is Theory provides another idea for RWM stabilization replaced using current drive techniques, then it is pos- that can be used together with plasma rotation: to use sible to reduce the size of the NTM below the thresh- a system of current-carrying coils [Bishop89, Jensen97]. old so that it is again stabilised [Hegna97, Zohm97]. Codes have been developed to calculate the optimum Subsequent experiments on ASDEX-Upgrade [Ganten- coil designs for existing tokamaks, as well as ITER bein00], DIII-D [laHaye02] and JT-60U [Isayama03] [Liu00, Bialek01, Chu04]. A set of such coils (so-called confirmed the success of this technique, which will be I-coils) have recently been installed inside the vacuum employed on ITER. While there is a small residual con- vessel of DIII-D, designed on the basis of our theoreti- cern that multiple NTMs could appear in principle on cal understanding of the properties of the RWM. Initial ITER, in which case it would be difficult to control all experiments with these coils have demonstrated that β of them, it is widely believed that NTMs are no longer can be increased to a value significantly above the no- the major concern for ITER they once were. Neverthe- wall limit, even with very little flow in the plasma [Ok- less, they rightly remain an important area of tokamak abayashi05]. This is well into the regime where RWMs research. would be expected to terminate the discharge (without Resistive wall modes the coils). Although we still do not have a complete One goal of tokamak research is to maximize β.Re- understanding of the RWM, this combination of theory call that β is the ratio of the thermal plasma energy to and experiment provides confidence that similar high β the energy stored in the magnetic fields. The former is dischargescanbeachievedonITER. a measure of the fusion performance, while the latter is Mean E × B shear flow and turbulence-driven a measure of the cost; β is therefore an indicator of the zonal flows efficiency of a fusion power plant. In addition, the boot- Although a complete theoretical picture remains elu- strap current, essential if we wish to operate the toka- sive, flows are thought to play a key role in the gen- mak in steady state (rather than as a pulsed device), eration of improved confinement regimes, such as the increases with β. Theory predicts that the maximum H-mode. Extensive experimental investigation in the value of β is typically limited by a violent type of plasma 1990’s of the physics of transport barrier formation pro- instability known as the kink mode. By placing an in- duced significant insight into turbulence suppression by finitely conducting wall sufficiently close to the plasma the mean sheared E × B flow, as reviewed almost a surface this β-limit can be significantly increased. Of decade ago [Burrell97, Synakowski97]. The theory of course, real materials are not infinitely conducting. The how the E×B flow leads to nonlinear decorrelation was consequence is that the plasma is not completely stabi- first developed in a simple geometry [Biglari90], and lized, and a new type of instability called the resistive then extended to general toroidal geometry [Hahm95]. wall mode RWM grows at a rate that depends on the These theories, combined with nonlinear gyrofluid sim- wall resistivity. Although the RWM grows more slowly ulations [Waltz94], have led to an approximate criterion than the kink mode that the wall suppresses, it still for ion thermal transport barrier formation, namely eventually leads to a disruption, and discharge termi- that the ratio of the E × B shearing rate [Hahm95] to nation. the maximum linear growth rate of micro-instabilities Codes based on the ideal magneto-hydrodynamics should exceed a critical value. While this is an over- model of the plasma have predicted the no-wall and in- simplified “rule of thumb”, rather than a final state- finitely conducting wall β-limits for many years with ment of the E×B shear suppression, it has proved use- some accuracy, confirmed by numerous experiments on ful for the experimental community as an approximate tokamaks. However, it is only relatively recently that measure to assess the role of E × B shear in transport we are starting to understand the full physics of the barrier formation. Now there is a significant effort to- resistive wall mode. For example, theory predicts that ward self-consistent, nonlinear dynamic simulations of sufficient plasma rotation can stabilize the RWM, al- transport barrier formation.

317 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 While the physics of the mean E × B flow is rel- which looks like the zonal flow [Gupta06]. Stronger atively well-established [Terry00], the study of turbu- evidence of the existence of low frequency zonal flows lence driven zonal flows is an active area of current has come from HIBP measurements on stellarators [see research in both the theory and experimental commu- Fig. II.1.4]. There are many such on-going projects in nities. Zonal flows are E × B flows associated with the world that are aiming to provide a more definite azimuthally (n = 0) and poloidally (m = 0) symmet- experimental verification of zonal flows and their im- ric, but radially varying electric potential fluctuations. portance for confinement [Itoh05]. Therefore, zonal flows are not directly responsible for radial transport and, unlike various instabilities in con- fined plasmas, cannot grow at the expense of the ex- pansion free energy associated with the radial gradient of either temperature or density. Thus, zonal flows are linearly stable, and can only grow at the expense of fluc- tuation energy through a nonlinear interaction. Zonal flows coexist with, and are excited by, ambient turbu- lence developed from a variety of collective instabilities; they regulate transport by shearing the ambient turbu- lence. Unlike the mean E × B flow which can be driven Fig.II.1.4 On the left, frequency spectrum of zonal flow externally (for instance, by neutral beam injection) and intensity from the GTC gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak can exist in the absence of turbulence, zonal flows are core (ITG) turbulence exhibits two distinct features, one at spontaneously generated by turbulence [Diamond05]. near zero frequency, and another at GAM frequency [Hahm 2000]. On the right, from Heavy Ion Beam Probe (HIBP) Zonal flows are of practical importance since they measurements of CHS stellarator plasmas, power spectrum reduce transport, and shift the effective threshold con- of electrostatic potential difference at two toroidal locations dition for the onset of significant transport. In the separated by 90 degrees is plotted. magnetic fusion community, the possible importance of self-generated zonal flows in regulating turbulence There remain a number of outstanding issues in zonal and transport was first recognized in fluid simulations flow physics which need to be addressed in the near fu- of drift wave turbulence [Hasegawa87]. In recent years, ture [Itoh06]. For example, a more direct link between with emerging nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations [Lin98] the zonal flow amplitude and enhancement of confine- with more realistic kinetic dynamics and a proper treat- ment needs to be demonstrated. There have been some ment of the undamped zonal flow component in col- systematic, but limited, scans on the collisional damp- lisionless toroidal geometry [Rosenbluth98], it is now ing of zonal flows [Lin99], and the q-dependence of zonal widely recognized that understanding zonal flow dy- flow properties [Miyato04, Angelino05] and their effect namics is essential for predicting confinement in future on confinement. However, in most cases the effects of devices [Dimits00]. zonal flows have been exhibited in case by case simula- Advances in theory and simulation of zonal flows tions [Beer96, Dimits00, Lin98, Waltz94] or in the con- have influenced the experimental community as de- text of simple nonlinear models [Diamond98, Chen00]. scribed in a recent review [Diamond05]. In particu- Another issue that limits our predictive capability is the lar, characterization of the experimentally measurable need to improve our understanding of key elements of features of zonal flow properties from nonlinear gyroki- the theory, such as how zonal flows saturate in collision- netic simulations [Hahm00] has motivated experimental less plasmas. By addressing these outstanding issues, measurements. In toroidal plasmas, GAMs (geodesic we may be able to identify practical ways to generate acoustic modes) consisting of the (n =0,m = 1) up- zonal flows, and so influence the confinement in reactor down asymmetric side band pressure perturbation lin- relevant future devices such as ITER. early coupled to the (n =0,m = 0) electric field po- Fast particle instabilities tential perturbation via geodesic curvature [Winsor68], Fusion-relevant tokamak plasmas have an energetic can also be nonlinearly excited, in addition to the low particle population, either as a consequence of the frequency (near zero) zonal flow [See Fig. II.1.4]. The plasma heating schemes or, as with ITER, the prod- low frequency component of zonal flows is believed ucts of the fusion reactions. In both cases, it is essential to be more important in regulating core turbulence that the energetic particles are retained in the plasma [Hahm99]. In various tokamak experiments around the until they give up their energy to heat the fuel. A con- world, fluctuations which look like GAMs (Geodesic cern is that there is a class of plasma instabilities that Acoustic Modes) have been detected using BES [Mc- arises as a consequence of these energetic particles, and Kee03], reflectometry [Conway05], Langmuir probes these instabilities could lead to their premature ejection [Xu04], and HIBP [Ido06, Melnikov05, Schoch03] at [Pinches04]. There are numerous examples (covered in the edge, partly due to their well defined non-zero fre- detail in Section III.8), but the best-known is proba-

quency. More recent measurements further into the bly the Toroidal Alfv Ïn Eigenmode (TAE mode). First tokamak core, with an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, predicted theoretically [Cheng 85], the existence of the have begun to identify a low frequency feature as well, TAE mode was confirmed later on several tokamaks

318 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction around the world. However, there remains an element [Biglari90] H. Biglari, P. H. Diamond, P. W. Terry. 1990, of uncertainty in the predictions for whether or not this Phys. Fluids B, 2: 1 mode will be unstable in ITER. Linear theory predicts [Bishop89] C. M. Bishop. 1989, Plasma Phys. Control. that the mode will be unstable when the drive due to Fusion, 31: 1179 the fast particle population exceeds the damping arising [Bondeson94] A. Bondeson, D. J. Ward. 1994, Phys. Rev. from the thermal plasma. Calculations of the damping Lett., 72: 2709 are extremely difficult, involving complicated plasma [Burrell97] K. H. Burrell. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 1499 physics processes, and so there is considerable varia- [Buttery04] R. J. Buttery, et al. 2004, Nucl. Fusion, 44: tion in the predictions for ITER, with a corresponding 678 uncertainty. In an attempt to eliminate damping mod- [Carrera86] R. Carrera, R. D. Hazeltine, M. Kotschen- els, and so improve the predictions for ITER, measure- reuther. 1986, Phys. Fluids, 29: 899 ments of the damping rate have been made by exter- [Chang95] Z. Chang, et al. 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74:

nally driving an AlfvÏn wave in a plasma that is stable 4663 to the TAE mode, and then measuring how rapidly its [Chen00] L. Chen, Z. Lin, R. B. White. 2000, Phys. Plas- amplitude decays (see, for example, [Fasoli 95]). mas, 7: 3129 To understand how this class of instabilities influ- [Cheng85] C. Z. Cheng, L. Chen, M. S. Chance. 1985, Ann ences the fast particle confinement, it is necessary to Phys (N.Y.), 21: 161 address, and test, the non-linear theory. There are nu- [Chu04] M. S. Chu, et al. 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: 2497 merous aspects of this (e.g. see III.8), but we shall [Connor98a] J. W. Connor. 1998, Plasma Phys. Control. focus on just one example here. Theory predicts that Fusion, 40: 531 close to the threshold for instability, the non-linear evo- [Connor98b] J. W. Connor, et al. 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 5: lution depends on the competition between the drive (a 2687 measure of the wave-particle interaction) and the col- [Conway05] G. D. Conway, et al. 2005, Plasma Phys. Con- lisions (a measure of the restoring effect on the parti- trol. Fusion, 47: 1165 cle distribution function). For sufficiently low drive, a [Degeling03] A. W. Degeling, et al. 2003, Plasma Phys. saturated solution is predicted, but this becomes un- Control. Fusion, 45: 1637 stable for larger drives, and limit cycles are predicted [Diamond98] P. H. Diamond, et al. 1998, Dynamics of zonal [Berk97]. This leads to a splitting of the spectral lines flows and self-regulating drift wave turbulence, in Plasma for TAE modes, which were subsequently observed on Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (IAEA, Vi- JET [Fasoli98]. This provides important experimental enna, 1998) IAEA-CN-69/TH3/1. support for the theory, which is now being taken for- [Diamond05] P. H. Diamond, et al. 2005, Plasma Phys. ward through numerical simulations to improve the un- Control. Fusion, 47: R35 derstanding in the strongly non-linear regime [Vann05]. [Dimits00] A. Dimits, et al. 2000, Phys. Plasmas, 7: 969 Summary [Eich03] T. Eich, et al. 2003, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91: 195003 Theory and simulation have provided additional [Evans04] T. E. Evans, R. A. Moyer, et al. 2004 Phys. Rev. guidance and focus to tokamak experiments in many Lett., 92: 235003 areas of crucial importance for ITER. We have only [Fasoli95] A. Fasoli, et al. 1995, Phys. Rev. Letts., 75: 645 been able to give a few examples in this section, which [Fasoli98] A. Fasoli, et al. 1998, Phys. Rev. Letts., 81: provides a flavor of the important role that theory and 5564 simulation play in the international fusion energy re- [Fielding96] S. J. Fielding, et al. 1996, Plasma Phys. Con- search community. trol. Fusion, 38: 1091 [Finn95] John M. Finn. 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 198 [Fitzpatrick95] R. Fitzpatrick. 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 825 References [Fitzpatrick96] R. Fitzpatrick, A. Y. Aydemir. 1996, Nucl. Fusion, 36: 11 [Gantenbein00] G. Gantenbein, et al. 2000, Phys. Rev. Lett., 85: 1242 [Angelino05] P. Angelino, et al. 2006, Plasma Phys. Con- [Garafalo06] A. M. Garofalo, et al. Active Control of Re- trol. Fusion, 48: 557 sistive Wall Modes in High Beta, Low Rotation DIII-D [Becoulet03] M. Becoulet, et al. 2003, Plasma Phys. Con- Plasmas, presented at 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. trol. Fusion, 45: A93 (Chengdu, China, 2004) Ex/7-1Ra (Vienna, IAEA) [Beer96] M. A. Beer, G. W. Hammett. 1996, Phys. Plas- [Gunter99] S. G¨unter, et al. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, mas, 3: 4046 41: B231 [Berk97] H. L. Berk, B. N. Breizman, M. S. Pekker. 1997, [Gupta06] D. K. Gupta, et al. 2006, Detection of Plasma Phys. Rep., 23: 778 Rosenbluth-Hinton Flows in the core of a High-Temperature [Betti95]R. Betti, J. P. Freidberg, 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., Tokamak Plasma. submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 74: 2949 [Hahm95] T. S. Hahm, K. H. Burrell. 1995, Phys. Plasmas, [Bialek01] J. Bialek, et al. 2001, Phys Plasmas, 8: 2170 2: 1648 [Bickerton71] R. J. Bickerton, J. W. Connor, J. B. Taylor. [Hahm99] T. S. Hahm, et al. 1999, Phys. Plasmas, 6: 922 1971, Nature, 229: 110

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320 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction We briefly discuss each of these problems below, for progress. Close coupling to a vigorous theory pro- and indicate critical questions which simulation could gram in parallel is a must! The rewards, both in terms help answer. We focus the discussion on ITER-relevant of scientific recognition for MFE physics and for ITER regimes, i.e. plasmas which are large, high field (small are great, and more than justify the effort. ρ∗), long pulse, have Te : Ti and n : nG, the Greenwald ρ∗ scaling is not the only issue which the adherents density limit. to the D : DGB dogma of simple drift-ITG wave tur- bulence must address. Many questions remain, includ- ing the origin of current scaling and isotope scaling, II.2.1 GyroBohm breakdown: physics and and their compatibility with drift wave theory. Recent relevance theory and simulation studies suggest that current de- ITER is a huge step forward in plasma size, and pendence may be lurking in the zonal flow dielectric re- will operate at relatively high field. It is thus no sponse [Angelino et al. 2006]. The isotope scaling ques- surprise that ρ∗ scaling and the departures from the tion remains one which is both open and important, “conventional wisdom” of gyroBohm scaling in drift- since TFTR D-T experiments indicated a tantalizingly ITG turbulence remain grave concerns. Scaling ex- favorable trend in the confinement scaling with isotope mass. A robust, validated explanation of this would be periments indicate that D : DGB, the GyroBohm dif- fusivity, but with small but important mismatches, good news, indeed, for ITER. Simulations have much to which indicate GB GyroBohm scaling is broken, al- contribute here, too. Our understanding of zonal flow beit weakly. The physics behind this is some type physics is a relatively recent success story for theory of dynamical non-locality mechanism due to coopera- and simulation [Diamond et al. 2005]. The question tive, scale-independent interaction of localized modes, of zonal flow impact on current scaling is already be- which produces a spectrum of dynamic large scale struc- ing addressed by present day gyrokinetic codes, as the tures [Diamond and Hahm 1995]. The physics of such somewhat related question of the parameter scaling of processes brings us in contact with ideas at the fore- zonal flow shears. Aspects of the isotope scaling prob- front of nonlinear statistical physics, such as dynami- lem are within reach, though a definitive study will re- cal critical phenomena, self-organized criticality [Bak, quire an effort which exploits the coupling of edge and Tang and Wisenfeld 1987], statistical turbulence the- core simulations. There are important questions con- ory, fractional kinetics [Zaslavsky 2005], etc. Mecha- cerning beta scaling of confinement, as well. nisms for the breaking of gyroBohm scaling have been proposed, but each address only some aspects of the II.2.2 Electron thermal transport - phenomenology. Specific candidate mechanisms include a persistent dilemma avalanches (ala self organized criticality [Newman et al. 1996, Carreras et al. 1996]) and turbulence propaga- Electron thermal transport is often referred to as tion and spreading [Hahm et al. 2004, Gurcan, Dia- the “great unsolved problem of tokamak transport mond and Hahm 2006]. Avalanches are scale indepen- physics”. However, there is considerable confusion as dent, bursty transport events resulting from sequential to what, precisely, the problem is!? Drift-ITG (ion tem- over-turnings of local mixing cells. Turbulence spread- perature gradient) turbulence can account for electron ing results from the entrainment of neighboring regions transport in L-mode. The difficulty becomes clearer (including stable regions) by turbulence activity local- upon consideration of ITB (internal transport barrier) ized elsewhere. It is fair to say that avalanches and discharges. In particular, studies over a period of nearly turbulence spreading are ‘different sides of the same 20 years, which span the Alcator-C pellet experiments coin’, as one refers to nonlocality manifested in trans- (1984-an ITB before the jargon ‘ITB’ was invented), the port, while the other refers to nonlocality manifested in TFTR ERS discharges (1996), and the ρ∗ scan studies the fluctuation intensity profile. Both phenomena are on DIII-D (2002), all indicate that the ion thermal dif- observed in simulations, both are sensitive to shearing fusivity χi and particle diffusivity Dn are both quenched effects (by mean and zonal flows) and both break GB or reduced by electric field shear, while the anomalous scaling. Other, more mundane, possibilities include the electron thermal diffusion often persists. This has led trapped ion mode [Kadomtsev and Pogutse 1970], a toasearchfora‘secondtransport mechanism’, which nearly-forgotten instability mechanism which is partic- operates at small scales and so is not as susceptible ularly relevant to collisionless plasmas, such as ITER. to shearing. However, the issue is much more subtle, Understanding the physics of GB breaking via dy- since electron barriers do exist, and because virtually namic nonlocality is a first rate challenge for simula- any fundamentally electrostatic drift wave or trapped tion. Codes must be global, allow realistic profile evolu- electron mode mechanism strongly couples the electron tion (i.e. fixed-flux boundary conditions), and incorpo- thermal diffusivity χe and the particle diffusion Dn. rate sophisticated diagnostic and analysis packages ad- Thus, any model of this genre must successfully explain equate for the difficult numerical experiments (i.e. per- the apparent decoupling of χe and Dn,aswellasthe turbative studies of transport and fluctuations) which persistence of χe. are needed. Efficiency is required to implement the scal- There are three classes of candidate models, namely ing studies of global simulations, which are necessary electron temperature gradient (ETG) turbulence [Lee

321 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 et al. 1987], collisionless trapped electron mode tion community, and one which could also have impact (CTEM) turbulence [Adam et al. 1976] and collision- in the astrophysics community, especially for the prob- less skin depth c/ωpe models [Horton et al. 1988]. lem of cooling flows [Narayan and Medvedev 2001]. The proponents of each have yet to address the crit- II.2.3 L-H transition and hysteresis - how big ical weaknesses of their respective candidates. ETG is the margin? turbulence, though interesting, is limited, at the level of dimensional analysis, by electron gyro-Bohm diffu- The story of the L-H transition and associated phe- sion (χ = χGBE : ρeυTE/L,whereυTE is the elec- nomena is a mixed one of successes and failures. On one tron thermal velocity), which is feeble. Attempts to hand, the notion of transport bifurcation and E × B link enhancement beyond χGBE to extended streamer shear suppression [Biglari, Diamond and Terry 1990, structures, which have been observed in the turbulent Hahm and Burrell 1995; Diamond et al. 1994, Hinton flows of some simulations, have been highly controver- 1991, Lebedev and Diamond 1997] is physically sound sial, both pro and con. Recent studies of the full dy- and qualitatively explains nearly all of the phenomenol- namic range of ITG and ETG turbulence (albeit at un- ogy. On the other, quantitative understanding of the realistic mass ratio) indicate that the contributions to pedestal width and the threshold remains elusive. The transport from small scales (Δr<ρi) are weak [Candy difficulty here is due to the strong nonlinearity and in- 2006]. The role and significance of ETG-driven zonal homogeneity of the problem, the proximity in size of flows are unclear, as well [Gurcan and Diamond 2004]. the scales ρi, ρθ, λN (neutral penetration depth) and All this motivates the proponents of the second ma- the simultaneous action of sources of heat (from the jor candidate, the CTEM. The CTEM is basically an core) and particle (from the edge). To solve the prob- electron drift wave, driven by inverse dissipation due lem, one must describe the dynamics of an interface be- to electron drift resonances. The CTEM is active in a tween a turbulent core (with D : DGB) and a quiescent band of scales around κ⊥ρi : 1, and so is thought to or nearly quiescent edge layer, where neoclassical trans- be less susceptible to shearing effects than longer wave- port dominates and where penetration by neutrals can length ITG modes are. However, simulations of CTEM be strong. It then seems obvious (though the point is turbulence in regimes of strong electric field shear have lost on most), that an approach aiming to identify a sin- not been implemented and comparative studies of ther- gle “characteristic scale” is doomed to failure. Rather, mal and particle fluxes in the simulations are not avail- the problem appears to be one of coupled bifurcation able. Thus, the burden of proof remains on the CTEM front dynamics, where each transport channel has its enthusiasts, who must demonstrate that their candi- own associated transport bifurcation [Malkov and Dia- date can reconcile gyroBohm χe with strongly reduced mond 2006]. This is a challenging problem for theory, Dn. A fluctuation-driven inward particle pinch (see simulation and experiment. Empiricism (i.e. exper- below-Section II.2.5) could provide the answer [Dia- imental scaling studies) has not succeeded, and sim- mond 2006]. Finally, the third class of models, which ulations have not yet been able to contribute to our are intellectual descendantsoftheideasofKadomtsev understanding. This is unfortunate, since the issue is and Okhawa, attribute the electron transport scalings absolutely critical to ITER because: to some bottleneck of energy transfer at the electromag- a.) the pedestal height (and thus the width) sets the c/ω netic screening length pe (i.e. the collisionless skin boundary condition for core confinement, depth). These models are not firmly based on dynam- b.) ITER plasmas will have much higher neutral ics, and so do not address questions pertaining to the opacity than present day plasmas do, so their pedestal excitation of the fluctuations or the actual intensity at structure may be quite different from present exper- c/ω the pe scale. iments, where the pedestal width seems to correlate Electron transport is a challenge, but also a golden with λN [Groebner et al. 2002], opportunity for simulation! Long time simulations with c.) the margin in power for achieving the L-H tran- broad dynamic range are necessary to address ques- sition in ITER is tight. In ITER EDA, hysteresis was tions of the importance of zonal flows to ETG dynam- invoked as a ‘safety-valve’, with the idea the transition ics and the effects of ITG-ETG coupling, respectively. could be induced at low parameter values, and then hys- Well-diagnosed CTEM simulations could address ques- teresis (generic to bifurcations in multi-stable systems) tions of the direction of spectral energy transfer and would maintain the H-mode during a parameter ramp related particle pinch effects. No reliable simulation up. However, hysteresis itself is poorly understood, and has studied the heat transport due to electromagnetic quite likely weaker than is commonly thought. More turbulence, which surely is important at higher β.In generally, development of a predictive, accurate model particular, resolution of the apparent disagreement be- of the L-H transition power threshold is a high priority tween predictions of weak electromagnetic transport on task for ITER physics studies. account of the E|| constraint (as in quasilinear the- d.) the transition dynamics are intimately tied to ory), and predictions of strong electromagnetic trans- ELM phenomena. Surely not all ELMs are due to ideal port due to magnetic stochasticity (as in the Rosen- MHD instability (ala’ peeling-ballooning), and some are bluth and Rechester models [Rechester and Rosenbluth qualitatively well described by models which interpret 1978]) would be a scientific coup for the MFE simula- them as limit cycle phenomena which appear above the

322 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction V  bifurcation threshold [Gruzinov, Diamond and Rosen- (which contributes to E), and electric field shear (de- bluth 2002, Gruzinov and Diamond 2003, Beyer et al. termined by ∇P , ∇n and ∇υφ). Such a loop has the 2005]. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more impor- necessary ingredients to explain the rotation anomaly, tant problem! its apparent dependence on plasma current and its re- For the L-H transition, a two-pronged approach to lation to enhanced confinement. Great care must be simulations seems best. The program should focus on taken prior to declaration of victory, however, since: detailed studies of simple models and their foundations a.) the net sign of the effect is probably mode de- in the near term, and then switch to full simulations pendent (i.e. different for ITG and CTEM) in the long term. It will be some time before such b.) the non-diffusive contribution maybe weak full simulations are possible. Once again, studies of (τcυ˜r∇||p˜ ) simple simulation models should be closely coupled to c.) the effect is strongly self-limiting, in addition to V  analytic theory and to experiments. Critical questions weak; this is because increased shear ( E)increasesthe include barrier initiation and hysteresis (i.e. thresh- required asymmetry, but then weakens the turbulence. olds for transition and back transition, both in heat- The toroidal rotation problem is a splendid oppor- ing and fueling), propagation and saturation (pedestal tunity for gyrokinetic simulation to make an impact on width), noise effects, coupling to zonal flows (dither- ITER now! It seems straightforward to add toroidal ro- ing!? [Kim and Diamond 2003]), and many others. It tation and mean electric fields to existing codes, and do is particularly important to test the models which re- the necessary flux measurements and parameter scans. late barrier propagation to Maxwell construction ideas A time-dependent ‘seed momentum’ could be added, [Lebedev and Diamond 1997, Yoshizawa, Itoh and Itoh thus enabling transient experiments similar to those 2003, Diamond et al. 1997], since these suggestions are (i.e. transient gas puffing) which elucidated the inward the only plausible theoretical ideas now available. particle pinch. The results might impact on, or link to, ITB studies, as well. Do not miss this opportunity! There are other problems in momentum transport II.2.4 ‘Spontaneous’ toroidal rotation and which are worthy of study. The questions of momentum momentum transport transport at the edge (i.e. likely the ultimate momen- In contrast to most present day tokamaks, ITER tum source, for C-Mod), the physics of mean poloidal will not be heated primarily by neutral beam injection. momentum transport, and the relation between zonal Nevertheless, toroidal rotation in ITER is desirable as a flows and toroidal momentum are all interesting. In means to stabilize resistive wall modes, etc. Beams to burning plasma, the alpha particle population will rad- drive the rotation in ITER are expensive. With this ically alter how ambipolarity is maintained, and thus in mind, then, the MFE physics community has re- the flows. Toroidal Alfven eigenmodes can drive local- cently taken increasing note of observations of ‘spon- ized flow shear, thus coupling energetic particle modes taneous’ toroidal rotation, such as those in Alcator C- to bulk confinement. An alpha particle population Mod [Rice et al. 2002], and previously in JFT II-M will also modify the neoclassical dielectric and thus the [Ida et al. 2001]. Here ‘spontaneous’ refers to rotation zonal flow response. These possibilities open the door in the absence of external toroidal momentum input (C- to possible control of bulk confinement using energetic Mod) or rotation profiles which are dramatically differ- particles. ent from those expected on the basis of the popularly held idea that momentum flux is purely diffusive and II.2.5 Particle transport and the physics of χ ∼ χ χ that φ = i,where φ is the turbulent momentum dif- inward flows fusivity [Mattor and Diamond 1988, Scott et al. 1990]. Several authors have proposed the speculation that the We have, as a community, long appreciated the con- total radial momentum flux or Reynolds stress V˜rV˜φ nection between density profile peaking and enhanced has an additional, non-diffusive contribution, which is confinement. What we do not understand is the de- similar to, but not the same as, a ‘pinch’ of momen- tailed physics of density profile structure. In particular, tum [Diamond et al. 1996, Coppi 2002]. The energy the quasi-stationary profiles achieved in experiments re- source for this contribution to the momentum flux is quire some inward, non-diffusive element of the particle the same as that which drives the turbulence. Only a flux to maintain them. This missing element is called few investigators have confronted the crux of the issue, the inward particle pinch [Strachan et al. 1982]. Un- namely that this effect requires some breaking of the derstanding the inward pinch is especially relevant to traditionally assumed symmetry of the eigenfunctions. ITER, on account of its size, and also the issue of helium Such symmetry breaking is surely due to electric field ash removal. There are two lines of thought regarding shear, which is well known to shift eigenfunctions rel- the inward pinch. The first, and traditional view is ative to their associated resonant surfaces. Note that the generalized “mixing mode” idea [Coppi and Spight this dependency determines the all-important net sign 1978], in which relaxation (i.e. ∇Ti, via ITG) in one of the effect. This in turn suggests a feedback loop link- channel drives a flow in another by off-diagonal terms ing fluctuation intensity (driven by ∇P and regulated (say, via ∇Te) up the density gradient. This mechanism V  by electric field shear E) to shear in toroidal rotation is rather delicate and model dependent, though cer-

323 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 tainly viable in some cases. The second is the “turbu- be considered. Significant progress on even a few of the lent equipartition (TEP)” mechanism in which inward topics listed here will be quite beneficial to ITER, and flows are predicted to arise from the constraints that to plasma science in general. We hope to see exciting adiabatic invariants place on turbulent mixing in phase contributions from new investigators in the near future. space [Nycander and Yankov 1995, Isichenko, Gruzinov and Diamond 1995, Isichenko et al. 1996]. The advan- tages of TEP over the mixing mode genre are that it is References mode independent, and so insensitive to the zoology of linear instabilities in tokamaks. Also, TEP theory can explain the coupling of gradients which are not thermo- [Adam et al. 1976] J. C. Adam, et al. 1976, Phys. Fluids, dynamic forces to the flows (i.e. ∇q(r)), and most plau- 19: 561 sible in large, hot collisionless plasmas, such as ITER. [Angelino et al. 2006] P. Angelino, et al., 2006, Plasma The TEP-type models have had some success in mod- Phys. Control. Fusion, 48: 557 eling JET and DIII-D profiles, but their fundamental [Bak, Tang, Wisenfeld 1987] P. Bak, C. Tang, K. Wiesen- physics has not been explored in simulations [Garbet feld. 1987, Phys. Rev. Lett., 59: 381 et al. 2005]. This is especially true of the collisionless [Beyer et al. 2005] P. Beyer, et al. 2005, Phys. Rev. Lett., kinetic TEP models, which are most relevant to ITER. 94: 105001 Numerous questions must be answered. These include, [Biglari and Terry 1990] H. Biglari, P. H. Diamond, P. W. but are not limited to: Terry. 1990, Phys. Fluids B, 2: 1 a.) How robust is ‘turbulent equipartition’? Does [Candy 2006] J. Candy. 2006, ”ETG-ITG Interaction”, turbulent mixing ‘homogenize’ phase space density (i.e. U.S. Transport Task Force Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC invariant measure) in phase space? If so, can one pre- [Carreras et al. 1996] B. A. Carreras, et al. 1996, Phys. dict the time scale for homogenization? If not, can one Plasmas, 3: 2903 understand why, and quantify the answer? In partic- [Coppi 2002] B. Coppi. 2002, Nucl. Fusion, 42: 1 ular, how can we quantify the degree of proximity to [Coppi and Spight 1978] B. Coppi, C. Spight. 1978, Phys. turbulent equipartition? Rev. Lett., 41: 551 b.) What effect does, say, weak breaking of an adi- [Diamond 2006] P. H. Diamond. 2006, Invited Overview abatic invariant have on TEP prediction? How does a Lecture, ”Transport Physics Issues for ITER”, U.S. Trans- phenomenon which is localized in phase space translate port Task Force Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC into macroscopics? [Diamond and Hahm 1995] P. H. Diamond, T. S. Hahm. c.) How strong is the anomalous electron-ion ther- 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 3640 Q mal coupling ( e,i) predicted by TEP? Is it relevant [Diamond et al. 1994] P. H. Diamond, et al. 1994, Phys. to ITER? What are the implications of TEP fluxes for Rev. Lett., 72: 2565 helium ash removal? [Diamond et al. 1996] P. H. Diamond, et al. 1996, Dynam- d.) Can the theory be extended from electrons to ics of L H Transition, VH-Mode Evolution, Edge Localized ions, etc.? What might TEP have to say about toroidal Modes and R.F. Driven Confinement Control in Tokamaks. momentum flux, for example? in Proceedings of the 15th IAEA Conference. (Seville, 1994) All of the questions listed above are interesting p. 323-353 and simulation studies, particularly gyrokinetic particle [Diamond et al. 1997] P. H. Diamond, et al. 1997, Phys. simulations, have much to contribute. More generally, a Rev. Lett., 78: 1472 rigorous, consistent derivation of the full transport ma- [Diamond et al. 2005] P. H. Diamond, et al. 2005, Plasma trix from basic gyrokinetic theory, together with critical Phys. Control. Fusion, 47: R35 simulation tests, is required. However, to address TEP [Garbet et al. 2005] X. Garbet, et al. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, will not be trivial. Codes must be global (i.e. the pinch 12: 082511 is a transport effect), have the capacity for lengthy runs [Groebner et al. 2002] R. T. Groebner, et al. 2002, Phys. (i.e. for weak turbulence, the approach to TEP will be Plasmas, 9: 2134 slow), must be well-diagnosed, and must be fast enough [Gruzinov, Diamond and Rosenbluth 2002] I. Gruzinov, P. to enable the multiple runs and scans needed to extract H. Diamond, M. N. Rosenbluth. 2002, Phys. Rev. Lett., scaling dependencies. Up until now, questions of par- 89: 255001 ticle transport have received scant attention from, and [Gruzinov, Diamond and Rosenbluth 2003] I. Gruzinov, P. TEP models have been ignoredinthesimulationcom- H. Diamond, M. N. Rosenbluth. 2003, Phys. Plasmas, 10: munity. We hope this will soon change. 569 [Gurcan and Diamond 2004] O. Gurcan, P. H. Diamond. II.2.6 Conclusion 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: 4973 [Gurcan, Diamond and Hahm 2006] O. Gurcan, P. H. Dia- This concludes our discussion of ITER transport mond, T. S. Hahm. 2006, Phys. Plasma, 13: 052306 physics issues which simulation studies can help elu- [Hahm and Burrell 1995] T. S. Hahm, K. Burrell. 1995, cidate. Our list is only partial, and there are many Phys. Plasmas, 2: 1648 other interesting and important problems which should [Hahm et al. 2004] T. S. Hahm, et al. 2004, Plasma Phys.

324 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

Control. Fusion, 46: A323 aged by excessive heat necessarily create an inhomoge- [Hinton 1991] F. L. Hinton. 1991, Phys. Fluids B, 3: 696 neous state. Such magnetically confined high temper- [Horton et al. 1988] W. Horton, et al. 1988, Phys. Fluids, ature plasmas are not only unstable to various linear 31: 2971 instabilities with different wavelengths and complex fre- [Ida et al 2001] K. Ida, et al. 2001, Phys. Rev. Lett., 86: quencies, but often nonlinearly self-organize themselves 3040 into a more energetically favorable state. To under- [Isichenko et al. 1996] M. B. Isichenko, et al. 1996, Phys. stand these complex nonlinear systems, systematic col- Plasmas, 3: 1916 laborations among theory, simulation, and experiment [Isichenko, Gruzinov and Diamond 1995] M. B. Isichenko, are highly desirable. A. V. Gruzinov, P.H. Diamond. 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., Despite the tremendous increase of computational 74: 4436 power in recent years, the direct simulation of actual [Kadomtsev and Pogutse 1970] B. B. Kadomtsev, O. P. size fusion plasmas in realistic geometry using the prim- Pogutse. 1970, in Reviews of Plasma Physics, edited by M. itive nonlinear plasma equations (such as the Klimon- A. Leontovich, New York: Consultants Bureau. Vol. 5, p. tovich or Vlasov equations) is still far beyond the com- 387 putational capability of even the foreseeable future. [Kim and Diamond 2003] E. Kim, P. H. Diamond. 2003, Thus, reduced equations have been employed to sim- Phys. Rev. Lett., 90: 185006 plify the basic dynamical equations. The main repre- [Lebedev and Diamond 1997] V. Lebedev, P. H. Diamond. sentative models and hierarchical relations among them 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 1087 are summarized in Table III.1.1. [Lebedev and Diamond 1997] V. B. Lebedev, P. H. Dia- In this section, we discuss basic procedures involved mond. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 1087 in derivations from the most fundamental, Vlasov equa- [Lee et al. 1987] W. W. Lee, et al. 1987, Phys. Fluids, 30: tion, to various reduced nonlinear equations which are 1331 now widely used in various turbulence and MHD sta- [Malkov and Diamond 2006] M. Malkov, P. H. Diamond, bility simulations in magnetically confined plasmas in- 2006, ”Exact Solution of a Simple Model of the L-H Tran- cluding tokamaks. These include the nonlinear gy- sition”, submitted to Phys. Plasmas rokinetic equations and fluid equations including gy- [Mattor and Diamond 1988] N. Mattor, P. H. Diamond. rofluid equations and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) 1988, Phys. Fluids, 31: 1180 equations. We focus our discussion on collisionless plas- [Narayan and Medvedev 2001] R. Narayan, M. Medvedev. mas. 2001, ApJ. 562: L129 Evolution of collisionless plasma can be described by [Newman 1996] D. Newman, et al. 1996, Phys. Plasmas, 3: the Vlasov equation for the particle distribution func- 1858 tion for each particle species in a six-dimensional phase [Nycander and Yankov 1995] J. Nycander, V. V. Yankov. space, 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 2874 [Rechester and Rosenbluth 1978] A. B. Rechester, M. N. df/dt+V·df/dx+(q/m)(E+v×B)·df/dv =0, (III.1.1) Rosenbluth. 1978, Phys. Rev. Lett., 40: 38 [Rice et al. 2002] J. Rice, et al. 2002, Nucl. Fusion, 45: where E and B are the electric and magnetic fields 1144 produced by the particle motion which satisfy the [Scott et al. 1990] S. D. Scott, et al. 1990, Phys. Rev. Maxwell’s equations. This system of equations can de- Lett., 64: 531 scribe various phenomena over a wide range of spatio- [Strachan et al. 1982] J. D. Strachan, et al. 1982, Nucl. temporal scales. For instance, accurate descriptions Fusion, 22: 1145 of particle dynamics in the presence of high frequency [Yoshizawa, Itoh and Itoh 2003] A. Yoshizawa, S.-I. Itoh, electromagnetic waves are needed for studying plasma K. Itoh. 2003, Plasma and Fluid Turbulence. IOP Publish- heating by waves. This is a research area of high ing, Bristol, p. 386-431 practical importance which will be described in de- [Zaslavsky 2005] G. Zaslavsky, Hamiltonian Chaos. 2005, tail in Sec. III. 6. This is particularly true for high- Fractional Dynamics, Oxford University Press, p. 215-314 density ITER plasmas where neutral beam injection (NBI) heating may not be very effective. Nonlinear gyrokinetic equations III Status of fusion simulation For turbulence and transport problems in plasmas and modeling confined by high magnetic fields, the temporal scales of collective electromagnetic fluctuations of interest are III.1 Nonlinear governing equations much longer than the period of a charged particle’s cy- for plasma simulations clotron motion (gyro-motion), while the spatial scales (T.S. Hahm) of such fluctuations are much smaller than the scale length of the magnetic field inhomogeneity. In these Introduction circumstances, details of the charged particle’s gyration Confining hot and dense plasmas in the interior of fu- motion are not of physical interest, and it is desirable sion devices while keeping boundaries from being dam- to develop a reduced set of dynamical equations which

325 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007

Table III.1.1 Hierarchy of nonlinear governing equations

In this table, the hierarchy of nonlinear governing equations is explained [Diamond 05]. Steps for reduction, and physics lost due to reduction is also listed. still captures the essential features of the low-frequency in-cell simulation [Lee83], phenomena of practical relevance. By decoupling the iii) The Hamiltonian derivations of nonlinear gyroki- gyro-motion, one can derive the gyrokinetic equation netic equations for electrostatic fluctuations [Dubin83], which describes the spatio-temporal evolution of the and electromagnetic fluctuations [Hahm88a] in a uni- gyro-center distribution function, which is independent form magnetic field, and finally, of the gyro-phase, θ, defined over a five-dimensional iv) generalizations to arbitrary geometry using phase space (R,υz,μ). In simulating strongly magne- phase-space Lagrange derivations (which are the most tized plasmas, one can, thus, save enormous amounts of transparent and efficient to date in the author’s opin- computing time by having a time step greater than the ion) for electrostatic fluctuations [Hahm88b], and elec- gyro-period, and by reducing the number of dynamical tromagnetic fluctuations [Brizard89]. variables. We note that in the gyrokinetic approach, A theoretically oriented review on the subject has the gyro-phase is an ignorable coordinate and the mag- recently been written [Brizard07]. nitude of the perpendicular velocity enters as a param- Both formulations and simulations traditionally fo- eter in terms of an adiabatic invariant μ which does not cused on tokamak core turbulence in which the fluc- change in time for each particle. tuation amplitude is relatively small, i.e., the relative Due to the broad scope of this document and space density fluctuation amplitude is less than one percent limitations, it is not appropriate to describe here the and the gradients in macroscopic parameters such as rigorous derivations of the nonlinear gyrokinetic equa- pressure are relatively mild with characteristic lengths tions in toroidal geometry. Details can be found in the on the order of a fraction of the minor radius. In the literature which includes nonlinear gyrokinetic theory, there exist three expan- i) a conventional perturbative derivation with intro- sion parameters; ω/Ωi, ρi/LB,andδf/F 0 ∼ eφ/Te. duction of a standard nonlinear gyrokinetic ordering The conventional gyrokinetic theory [Frieman 82] as- [Frieman82] sumes that all three parameters are comparable in for- ii) a derivation mainly for the purpose of particle- mal ordering, although this choice needs to be modified

326 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction in some cases including plasmas with transport barri- (i.e., particles are pushed) while others use the con- ers with steep gradients in pressure and in Er [Hahm tinuum Vlasov approach which is Eulerian in charac- 96]. In addition, in the nonlinear gyrokinetic ordering, ter (i.e., the gyrokinetic equation is solved as a par- the perpendicular wavelength can be comparable to the tial differential equation). Most simulations in toroidal gyroradius, while the parallel wavelength of the fluctu- geometry to date ignored the parallel velocity space ation is comparable to the connection length of the sys- nonlinearity (the last term on the left hand side of tem ∼ qR. Thus, the ordering is consistent with the Eq. (III.1.4)). Although this term is formally small spatial structure of the fluctuation which aligns with compared to the E × B nonlinearity (the third term on the equilibrium magnetic field. the LHS), it is responsible for the nonlinear exchange of Here, we simply sketch a heuristic derivation pro- energy between particles and the electromagnetic field cedure in a uniform magnetic field to illustrate some and can affect the long term behavior of nonlinear simu- key features in the nonlinear gyrokinetic equations. For lations. We note that some simulations [Sydora96, Vil- more details, readers should consult the aforementioned lard04] have used a fully nonlinear energy conserving literature. form of the nonlinear gyrokinetic equation [Hahm88b]. Transforming to the guiding center variables, R = Nonlinear fluid equations ρ μ v2 / B v v θ x + , = perp 2 , v = ||b + perp(e1 cos + While fluid models cannot capture all the kinetic θ e2 sin ) we can write Eq. (III.1.1) as physics described by nonlinear kinetic equations, they can be justified for many applications including macro- df/dt + v||b · df/dR + E × b/B · df/dR scopic magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) stability (see Sec. III.2. and Sec. III.4. for details). They are also +(q/m)E||df/dv|| −Ωidf/dθ =0. (III.1.2) very useful for turbulence problems due to their rela- ω  For Ωi, the lowest order part of Eq. (III.1.2) is tive simplicity and their closer connection to nonlinear f/ θ Ωid d =0. theories which are primarily based on the E×B nonlin- f f f ff ... Writing = + a (with a )inwhich earity. For instance, the knowledge gained in the fluid f indicates a gyro-phase average, and a is the gyro-phase turbulence community can serve as a useful guide for dependent part, the next order equation is: plasma turbulence problems. Gyrofluid models are derived from the gyrokinetic equations by taking velocity moments while keeping the df/dt + v||b · df/dR + E × b/B · df/dR finite gyroradius effects. As a result, one gets a hier- archy of evolution equations for fluid moments eval- +(q/m)E||df/dv||−Ω dfa/dθ =0. (III.1.3) i uated at the gyrocenter, i.e., for density, parallel ve- Eq. (III.1.3) is basically a solubility condition for f. locity, pressure, and so on. To obtain a closed set of Gyro-averaging Eq. (III.1.3), we obtain the electro- these equations, one needs to invoke a “closure ap- static gyrokinetic Vlasov equation in a uniform mag- proximation”. In the simulation community, the so- netic field, called “Landau closure” approach which put empha- sis on accurate linear Landau damping and the linear growth rate has been mostly widely adopted [Hammett df/dt + v||b · df/dR + E×b/B · df/dR 90, Dorland 93, Waltz 94, Beer 95, Snyder 01]. In this approach, some kinetic effects, such as linear Lan- q/m E  f/ v . . . +( ) || d d || =0 (III 1 4) dau damping and a limited form of nonlinear Landau We emphasize that Eq. (III.1.4) is in the gyro-center damping (elastic Compton scattering), have been suc- coordinates, rather than in the particle coordinates cessfully included. However, these models do not accu- (x, v). To complete the gyrokinetic description of the rately treat the strongly nonlinear wave-particle inter- influence of the particles’ motion on the electromagnetic actions (inelastic Compton scattering). Other closures field, one need to express the charge density and the for more accurate description of nonlinear kinetic ef- current density in Maxwell’s equations in terms of the fects [Mattor 92] and the treatment of damped modes gyro-center distribution function f. This requires the [Sugama 01] have been developed, but have not been so-called “pull-back transformation” to the particle co- as widely used as the ”Landau-closure”-based models ordinates [Littlejohn 82]. We note that the effect of the in simulations. Gyrofluid models to date cannot de- polarization drift appears in the gyrokinetic Poisson’s scribe the zonal flow damping accurately, and can over- equation as the polarization density [Lee 83], rather estimate the turbulence level [Rosenbluth 97]. More than in the guiding center drift in the Vlasov equa- discussions on zonal flows can be found in Sec. I. 2. We tion. That term accounts for the difference between note that there exist nonlinear gyrofluid models with the particle density and the gyro-center density. That an emphasis on the Hamiltonian structure and energy representation of the polarization drift as a shielding conservation [Brizard 92, Strinzi 05] More detailed dis- term has been found to be very useful computationally cussions of nonlinear gyrofluid simulations are available [Lee83]. in Sec. III. 5. Some simulation approaches use the particle-in-cell It is instructive to note that the reduced MHD equa- simulation method, which is Lagrangian in character tions [Strauss 76] can be derived all the way from

327 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 the gyrokinetic equations [Hahm 88a]. The vorticity [Hahm88b] T. S. Hahm. 1988, Plasma Fluids, 31: 2670 equation in the Hasegawa-Mima system [Hasegawa 78], [Hahm96] T. S. Hahm. 1996, Phys. Plasmas, 3: 4658 Hasegawa-Wakatani system [Hasegawa 87] or in the re- [Hammett90] G. Hammett, F.W. Perkins. 1990, Phys. Rev. duced MHD system is nothing but the evolution of the Lett., 64: 3019 polarization density in the gyrokinetic Poisson’s equa- [Hasegawa78] A. Hasegawa, K. Mima. 1978, Phys. Fluids, tion. 21: 87 There are other reduced nonlinear fluid equations, [Hasegawa87] A. Hasegawa, M. Wakatani. 1987, Phys. Rev. such as the four-field model [Hazeltine 85], which gener- Lett., 59: 1581 alizes the MHD equations by capturing the different dy- [Hazeltine85] R. D. Hazeltine et al. 1985, Phys. Fluids, 28: namics between ions and electrons (two fluid approach), 2466 but with less emphasis on the finite ion gyroradius ef- [Klimontovich67] Y. L. Klimontovich. 1967, “The Statis- fects. Roughly speaking, fluid approaches (other than tical Theory of Non-equilibrium Processes in a Plasma” Landau-closure based models for core turbulence ap- (MIT, Cambridge) plications) are justified with collisions [Braginskii 65]. [Kulsrud83] R. M. Kulsrud. 1983, in “Handbook of Plasma Strong magnetic fields, however, make fluid descrip- Physics” edited by M.N. Rosenbluth and R.Z. Sagdeev tions justifiable for the dynamics across the magnetic (North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-New field. Nonlinear fluid models have been extended to York-Oxford) Vol I. p. 115 the long mean free path, banana collsionality regime as [Lee83] W. W. Lee. 1983, Phys. Fluids, 26: 556 well [Callen 85, Connor 85]. They are called the neo- [Littlejohn 82] R. G. Littlejohn. 1982, J. Math Phys., 23: classical MHD models, and have been very useful as 742 a starting point of the studies on neoclassical tearing [Mattor92] N. Mattor. 1992, Phys. Fluids B, 4: 3952 modes (NTM) which are discussed in detail, in Sec. I. 2. [Park92] W. Park, et al. 1992, Phys. Fluids B, 4: 2033 Useful physics discussions and derivations of MHD [Rosenbluth98] M. N. Rosenbluth, F. L. Hinton. 1998, Phys. equations can be found in [Kulsrud 83]. Sometimes Rev. Lett., 80: 724 a hybrid approach in which one species is kinetically [Scott97] B. D. Scott. 1997, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, treated; while others are described with fluid models 39: 1635 can be appropriate and useful. One of the early ex- [Simakov05] A. N. Simakov, P. J. Catto. 2005, Phys. Plas- amples is the gyrokinetic energetic particle- bulk MHD mas, 12: 012105 description [Park 92]. For more recent examples and [Snyder01] P. B. Snyder, G.W. Hammett. 2001, Phys. Plas- associated physics discussion, refer to Sec. III. 4. and mas, 8: 744 Sec. III. 8. [Strauss 76] H. Strauss. 1976, Phys. Fluids, 16: 134 [Strinzi05] D. Strinzi, B. Scott, A. Brizard. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 052517 References [Sugama 01] H. Sugama, et al. 2001, Phys. Plasmas, 8: 2617 [Sydora96] R. D. Sydora, et al. 1996, Plasma Phys. Con- trol. Fusion, 12: A281 [Beer95]M. A. Beer. 1995, Ph. D. Thesis, Princeton Uni- [Villard04] L. Villard, et al. 2004, Nucl. Fusion, 44: 172 versity [Waltz94] R. Waltz, et al. 1994 Phys. Plasmas, 1: 2229 [Braginskii 65] S.-I. Braginskii. 1965, in Review of Plasma [Xu02] X. Q. Xu, et al. 2002, Nucl. Fusion, 42: 21 Physics, edited by M.A. Leontovich (Consultants Bureau, [Yagi94] M. Yagi, W. Horton, 1994, Phys. Plasmas, 1: 2135 NY) Vol.1. p.205 [Zeiler97] A. Zeiler, et al. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 2134 [Brizard89] A. J. Brizard. 1989, J. Plasma Phys., 41: 541 [Brizard92] A. J. Brizard. 1992, Phys. Fluids B, 4: 1213 [Brizard07] A. J. Brizard, T. S. Hahm. 2007, Rev. Mod. Phys., 79: 421-468 III.2 Equilibrium and stability [Callen85] J. D. Callen, K.C. Shaing. 1985, Phys. Fluids, (L.L.Lao,J.Manickam) 28: 1845 [Connor85] J. W. Connor, L. Chen. 1985, Phys. Fluids, 28: Equilibrium Reconstruction and Equilibrium 2201 Reconstruction of experimental axisymmetric mag- [Diamond05] P. H. Diamond, K. Itoh, S.-I. Itoh, et al. 2005, netohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibria is a very impor- Plasmas Phys. Control. Fusion, 47: R35 tant part of tokamak data analysis and plasma op- [Dorland93] W. Dorland, G. W. Hammett. 1993, Phys. eration. It has contributed significantly to several Fluids B, 5: 812 major discoveries of tokamak physics such as the ex- [Dubin83] D. H. E. Dubin, et al. 1983, Phys. Fluids, 26: perimental validation of theoretically predicted β sta- 3524 bility limit and the negative-central-shear/enhanced- [Frieman82] E. A. Frieman, L. Chen. 1982, Phys. Fluids, reversed-shear (NCS/ERS) operating regime. It is a 25: 502 critical component of plasma shape control and funda- [Hahm88a] T. S. Hahm, W. W. Lee, A. J. Brizard. 1988, mental to transport and stability analysis. Phys. Fluids, 31: 1940 Computational techniques and numerical tools for

328 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction 2D axisymmetric tokamak equilibrium reconstruction non-axisymmetric geometry. Codes such as CAS3d are well developed. The amount of information that (Nuhrenberg 2003), VMEC (Hirshman 1983) and PIES can be extracted varies with the amount of experi- (Reiman 1986) codes are available to compute 3D mag- mental data available for the reconstruction. Exter- netic equilibrium. VMEC is restricted to nested mag- nal magnetic measurements alone only yield plasma netic surface geometry, whereas PIES can include 3D boundary and global current and pressure profile in- magnetic island structures and magnetic stochasticity. formation such as βP and i. Here, βP and i are the Stability plasma poloidal beta and internal inductance. To fully The macroscopic stability of tokamaks depends on reconstruct the current profile for applications such as plasma features such as: plasma geometry, usually char- current-profile analysis in discharges with lower hybrid acterized by the major radius, minor radius, elongation, current drive (LHCD) or electron cyclotron current triangularity and boundary conditions, e. g. limited or drive (ECCD), internal current profile measurements diverted; the plasma pressure and safety factor (q) pro- must be used together with external magnetic measure- files, the related current profiles; plasma resistivity and ments. To fully reconstruct the pressure and current the fast particle population. Plasma rotation can also profiles and the internal magnetic topology for applica- play a role. The instabilities of interest include; the tions such as stability analysis, internal current and ki- axisymmetric, n = 0, vertical instability. Here, n is netic profile measurements must be used in conjunction the toroidal mode number. The n =0modecanbe with external magnetic data. One of the most widely feedback stabilized. The stability limits are set by the used tokamak equilibrium reconstruction tools is the available feedback system, which can be characterized EFIT code (Lao 2005). EFIT efficiently reconstructs by a limit on the allowable elongation of the plasma the MHD equilibrium by interleaving the equilibrium cross-section. The n = 1 current driven external kink and the fitting iterations with a Picard linearization sets a limit on the current and is often set by a limit scheme to find the optimum solution. The presence of on qEDGE > 2. The n = 1 pressure driven kink sets toroidal plasma rotation, non-axisymmetric error or ex- the upper limit on the allowable β, ratio of thermal ternally applied perturbation magnetic fields, or ferro- to magnetic pressure. This instability can be partially magnetic inserts to reduce toroidal magnetic field ripple ameliorated by having a surrounding conducting shell. will increase the complexity of the equilibrium recon- In practice segmented conducting plates mimic a shell struction. EFIT is used in many tokamak laboratories and reduce the growth-rate of the instability. However, around the world including DIII-D, C-MOD, NSTX, the shell acts like a resistive wall and the instability is MAST, TORE SUPRA and JET. Other equilibrium re- then considered to be a resistive wall mode (RWM), and construction tools include the VMEC code (Hirshman unlike the ideal kink, it has a complex frequency. The 1994) used for TFTR and other tokamaks, the CLISTE resistive wall mode can be stabilized by plasma rota- code (McCarthy 1999) used at AUG, and the ESC code tion, usually driven by the momentum input of neutral (Zakharov 1999) sometime used for reconstruction of beams. Theoretical models have shown that the RWMs discharges with current hole. can be stabilized by feedback coils. Experiments are New equilibrium reconstruction developments in- filling in the details at this time. clude modernizing the EFIT computational framework Even before the ideal β limit is approached, other and architecture to improve the computational effi- instabilities can lead to β collapse. These include saw- ciency and to allow a single version for all grid sizes teeth oscillations, which lead to a sharp flattening of and for use with all tokamaks including ITER, fully the core temperature out to the q = 1 radius, and integrating equilibrium reconstruction with transport may provide the trigger for neo-classical tearing modes, and stability analyses, and 3D extension to account for NTMs, which grow more slowly, but prevent the rise non-axisymmetric error or externally applied perturba- in β, if there is not a collapse. Another possible trig- tion magnetic fields, or toroidal magnetic field ripple. ger for NTMs is Edge localized modes, ELMs. These In addition to experimental reconstruction tools, di- are increasingly being identified as current and pres- rect or inverse equilibrium tools are often needed to sure driven intermediate to high n,(n ∼ 5-30), peeling- support tokamak data analysis. These include EFIT, ballooning modes, and are observed when the plasma is TOQ (Miller 1998), the CORSICA equilibrium mod- in a high confinement mode, the H-mode. Other impor- ule (Crotinger 1997), ESC (Zakharov 1999), JSOLVER tant instabilities to consider are the energetic-particle (DeLucia 1980), VMEC (Hirshman 1983), or CHEASE driven modes, which arise from the interaction of fast (Lutjens 1992). For stability analysis, often once an particles with resonant stable modes of the plasma, re- experimental equilibrium is reconstructed, an equilib- ferred to as Alfven eigenmodes. These instabilities can rium code is then used to compute a set of equilibria cause a selective loss of energetic particles, without af- perturbed around the initial experimental equilibrium fecting the thermal distribution. These could be of for detailed stability study. greater concern in ITER, when the alpha pressure rep- Real tokamaks usually have inherent error fields, resents a significant fraction of the total pressure. Fi- due to a combination of non-axisymmetric structures nally, it should be noted that non-axisymmetric fields, and small displacements of coils. This introduces usually due to field errors, can enhance otherwise be- the need for 3D equilibrium codes, which can treat nign modes and cause them to grow, through a pro-

329 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 cess called mode locking, which usually leads to a dis- alpha-particle confinement and hence the neutron yield ruption. Disruptions are catastrophic events where the in fusion devices. Computational tools to analyze fast plasma current is quenched in a very short time. They ion stability include the NOVA-K (Cheng1992) and may be caused by a variety of plasma phenomena, in- CASTOR-K (Borba1997) codes for low-n modes and cluding high density, loss of vertical control, mode lock- the HINST (Gorelenkov1998) code for high-n modes. ing or MHD instabilities. While several codes are avail- The non-linear MHD codes M3D-K(inetic) (Park1999) able to model many of the ideal and resistive instabil- is now addressing these instabilities as well. ities, see below, there are no satisfactory models for New and on-going developments include adding ro- disruptions. tational effects into ELITE, an improved algorithm to Ideal stability treat the plasma-vacuum region in non-linear MHD Ideal stability limits are a useful guide to determine codes such as NIMROD for computing intermediate to the stable boundaries in parameter space, and are par- high n edge localized modes, and applications of the ticularly useful in machine design. In an experiment, low-n stability codes such as GATO together with MHD if the boundary is violated, a fast-growing instability is equilibrium codes that assume nested magnetic surfaces likely to lead to a collapse in β or even to the quench of for evaluation of magnetic islands and 3D perturbed the discharge. The computation techniques and tools plasma equilibria (Nuhrenberg 2003). for ideal stability analysis are well developed. Vari- Resistive stability ous computational tools are available. These include The computational techniques and tools for resis- GATO/ERATO (Bernard 1981, Gruber 1981), PEST tive stability are more challenging compared to the (Grimm 1976), MISHKA (Mikhailovskii 1997, Huys- ideal stability codes. These include: the PEST-III  mans 2001), and KINX (Degtyarev 1997) for low-n sta- (Pletzer 1994) code used to determine Δ ,themea- bility, the ELITE (Wilson 2002, Snyder 2002) code for sure of the available energy for a tearing mode; the intermediate to high n ≥ 5 stability, and the BALOO MARS (Bondeson 1992) code, and the non-linear MHD (Miller 1997) and BALOON (Chance 1978) codes for codes NIMROD (Sovinec 2004), M3D (Park 1999), and high-n ballooning stability. The low-n stability codes FAR (Charlton 1990). MARS has been extensively ap- typically compute the unstable modes using the varia- plied for investigation of resistive wall modes (RWM). tional energy form of the linearized ideal MHD equa- MARS addresses the MHD stability as an eigenvalue tions with a finite element approach plus a spectral rep- problem, whereas NIMROD and M3D are initial-value resentation. It is computationally demanding to com- codes. Various damping, rotational stabilization, and pute n ≥ 5 ∼ 10 with these low-n stability codes. The external-coil feedback models have been implemented ELITE (Edge Localized Instabilities in Tokamak Ex- in MARS and tested against RWM experimental results periments) code (Wilson 2002, Snyder 2002) was devel- (Chu 2004). Additionally, the VALEN code (Bialek oped particularly to efficiently compute intermediate to 1998) has also been developed to study detailed en- high n ≥ 5 modes to better understand edge localized gineering aspects of RWM external coil feedback sta- mode (ELM) physics and constraints on the edge pres- bilization. Many aspects of VALEN have been tested sure pedestal. ELITE focuses on the edge plasma and against RWM experimental data. Both PEST-III (Plet- vacuum regions, and uses an expansion assuming mod- zer 1994) and NIMROD (Sovinec 2004) have been ap- erately high-n in order to efficiently treat edge-localized plied for studies of resistive and neo-classical tearing modes. Ideal stability codes have generally been well modes. New and ongoing developments include con- validated against experimental results as well as bench- struction of the TWIST-R code (Galkin 2002) to more  marked against each other. Additionally, both the non- accurately evaluate the resistive stability parameter Δ linear MHD codes NIMROD (Sovinec 2004) and M3D when the Mercier index is high using a transformation (Park 1999) as well as a new one JOREK (Huysmans technique to remove the singularity in the model equa- 2006) have also been applied for investigations of non- tions, improvements of the MARS code to more accu- linear aspects of ELMs. rately compute the eigen-function near the plasma edge Also available are the DCON (Glasser1997), for analysis of edge stability, applications of non-linear MARG2d (Tokuda1999) and PEST-2(Grimm1983) MHD codes such as NIMROD and M3D for disrup- ideal stability codes that are based on the efficient New- tion (Kruger 2005) and current hole studies (Breslau comb algorithm to evaluate plasma stability. These 2003), and investigations of two-fluid effects using M3D Newcomb-based tools are computationally much faster (Sugiyama 2000). than the conventional low-n stability tools such as GATO and provide a convenient means for between- shot stability analyses. However, they provide less in- formation than the conventional low-n stability tools. Energetic particles are known to interact with the Alfvenic spectrum and cause energetic-particle driven instabilities. These are potentially an important con- cern for ITER, as these instabilities are often associated with energetic particle losses, which could influence the

330 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction References Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Garching [Miller 1997] R. L. Miller, et al. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 1062 [Miller 1998] R. L. Miller, et al. 1998, Plasmas Phys. Con- [Bernard1981] L. C. Bernard, et al. 1981, Comput. Phys. trol. Fusion, 40: 753 Commun., 24: 377 [Nuhrenberg 2003] C. Nuhrenberg, A. H. Boozer. 2003, [Bialek 1998] J. Bialek. 1998, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 43: Phys. Plasmas, 10: 2840 1831 [Park 1999] W. Park, et al. 1999, Phys. Plasmas, 6: 1796 [Bondeson 1992] A. Bondeson, et al. 1992, Phys. Fluids B, [Pletzer 1994] A. Pletzer, et al. 1994, J. Comput. Phys., 4 : 1889 115: 530 [Borba 1999] D. Borba, W. Kerner. 1999, J. Comput. [Reiman 1986] A. Reiman , H. Greenside. 1986, Comput. Phys., 153: 101 Phys. Commun., 43: 157 [Breslau 2003] J. A. Breslau, et al. 2003, Phys. Plasmas, [Snyder 2002] P. B. Snyder, et al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 10: 1665 2037 [Chance1978]M. S. Chance. [Sovinec 2004] C. R. Sovinec, et al. 2004, J. Comput. Phys., 195: 355 [Charlton 1990] L.A. Charlton, et al. 1990, J. Comput. [Sugiyama 2000] L. E. Sugiyama. 2000, Phys. Plasmas, 7: Phys., 86: 270 4644 [Cheng 1990] C. Z. Cheng. 1990, Phys. Fluids B, 2: 1427 [Tokuda 1999] S. Tokuda, T. Watanabe. 1999, Phys. Plas- [Chu 2004] M. S. Chu, et al. 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: 2497 mas, 6: 3012 [Crotinger 1997] J. A. Crotinger, et al. “CORSICA: A [Wilson 2002] H. R. Wilson, P. B. Snyder, et al. 2002, Phys. Comprehensive Simulation of Toroidal Magnetic-Fusion Plasmas, 9: 1277 Devices”, LLNL Report UCRL-ID-126284, Lawrence Liver- [Zakharov 1999] L. E. Zakharov, A. Pletzer. 1999, Phys. more Natl. Lab., CA (1997) Plasmas, 6: 4693 [Degtyarev1997] L. Degtyarev, et al. 1997, Comput. Phys. Commun., 103: 10 [DeLucia 1980] J. DeLucia, et al. 1980, J. Comput. Phys., 37: 183 III.3 Transport modeling (R. E. Waltz) [Galkin 2002] S. A. Galkin, et al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 3969 There has been remarkable progress during the past [Glasser 1997] A. H. Glasser, M. Chance. 1997, Bull. Am. decade in understanding and modeling turbulent trans- Phys., Soc. 42: 1848 port in tokamaks. With some exceptions the progress is [Gorelenkov 1998] N. N. Gorelenkov, et al. 1998, Phys. derived from the huge increases in computational power Plasmas, 5: 3389 and the ability to simulate tokamak turbulence with [Grimm 1976] R. C. Grimm, J. M. Greene, J. L. Johnson. ever more fundamental and physically realistic dynam- 1976, Meth. of Comp. Physics, (Academic Press), 16: 253 ical equations, e.g. the gyrofluid and then gyrokinetic [Grimm 1983] R. C. Grimm, R. L. Dewar, J. Manickam. equations. Indeed transport code models are the only 1983, J. Comput. Phys., 49: 94 way to connect turbulent transport theory with exper- [Gruber 1981] L. E. Zakharov, A. Pletzer. 1981, Comput. iments, and simulations have become a vital link in Phys. Commun., 21: 323 this path: theory, simulation, transport code model, [Hirshman 1983] S. P. Hirshman and J.C. Whitson. 1983, experiment. As detailed in Section II.4, while the gy- Phys. Fluids, 26: 3553 rokinetic simulations have become increasingly realistic [Hirshman 1994] S. P. Hirshman, et al. 1994, Phys. Plas- and comprehensive, significant improvements in com- mas, 1: 2277 putation power and methods are required to bypass [Huysmans 2001] G. T. A. Huysmans, et al. 2001, Phys. the transport modeling link for direct comparison with Plasmas, 8: 4292 least on a routine basis. The much [Huysmans 2006] G. T. A. Huysmans, et al. “MHD Stabil- faster and increasingly accurate theory based transport ity in X-Point Geometry: Simulations of ELMs”, presented models will remain important in projecting and ana- at 21st Int. Conf. on Fusion Energy (Chengdu, China, lyzing ITER performance. After a brief review of the 2006) IAEA, Vienna, paper TH/P8-2 history of turbulent transport model development from [Kruger 2005] S. E. Kruger, et al. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: the mid-1980’s to the late-1990’s, we discuss some basic 056113 theoretical rules and recipes for developing more accu- [Lao 2005] L. L. Lao, H. E. St. John, Q. Peng, et al. 2005, rate and comprehensive transport models, the status Fusion Sci. Tech., 48: 968 for current development in progress, and the way for- [Lutjens 1992] H. Lutjens, et al. 1992, Comput. Phys. ward in addressing some key issues and problems with Commun., 69: 287 the existing transport models. [Mikhailovskii 1997] A. B. Mikhailovskii, et al. 1997, Plasma Transport code models have historically been labeled Phys. Rep., 23: 844 on a continuum from empirical to theoretical. Empiri- [McCarthy1999] P. J. McCarthy, et al. 1999, “The CLISTE cal transport code models are required to fit or math- Interpretive Equilibrium Code”, IPP Report 5/85, Max- ematically describe or predict the experimental plasma

331 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007  χgB/a2  profiles (temperature, particle and current density, ro- m where represents some kind of global av- tation, etc) given the experimentally inferred source m eraging[Waltz1989a]. The coefficient of the dissipative profile. In addition to this requirement, a purely the- TEM mode could be identified and fit with the empiri- oretical model is required to accurately represent the cal global confinement time scaling law for Ohmic heat- theory. As gyrofluid and then gyrokinetic simulations ing (so-called NeoAlcator scaling); the Ohmic density became more realistic and physically comprehensive af- saturation and beam heating scaling (so-called Gold- ter the mid-90’s, the only practical measure of a model ston L-mode scaling) with the ITG and collisionless representing the theory has come to mean accurately TEM [Waltz1989b]. This provided the first evidence fitting the simulations. Theoretical transport models that electrostatic drift wave theory could provide the can not be derived with mathematical riggour. kernel of a comprehensive model. A persistent problem Historical background for such early models was to theoretically understand Historically and in practice, there has been a bewil- how the strong q (or current scaling) of the L-mode dering variety of provisional empirical transport code empirical scaling could arise from the collisionless drift models. They are seldom if ever purely empirical but scaling. Such quasi-theoretical local gyroBohm electro- instead the most useful such models take the form of static drift wave models were considerably refined in the mathematically simple analytic formulas for the local mid-90’s with the Multi-Mode-Model (MMM95) [Kin- energy and particle diffusivities (χ, D) motivated by sey1996, Batemann1998] for one-dimensional transport some heuristic (“back of the envelope”) reasoning from code simulation of the profiles. MMM95 was not re- the theory. The models invariably have some theoreti- stricted to a scaling law (power law) form for F which cal content and are meant to test some possible physi- can’t accurately describe critical ion temperature gra- cal approximation or dimensionless variable constraint. dient (ITG) transport near threshold. In fact the core For example the local energy diffusivity may be bro- components of MMM95 are not described by analytic F ken into components with gyroBohm or Bohm scaling: formulas for . Instead at each subroutine call to the χ CgBF gB c /a ρ2 χ CBF Bc ρ model, linear dispersion relations for simplified fluid gB = m m ( s ) s , B = m m s s,with m m model equations [Weiland2000] are solved with the re- F an analytic function of the local dimensionless pa- sulting mode frequencies and growth rates. These are q ε ν β a/R a/L a/L ... rameters like , , ∗, , , T, n, and more substituted into quasi-linear theory relations for the × γ recently the magnetic shear and the E B shear rate E. transport flows which are normalized with a heuristi- F (Models for are rarely nonlocal, e.g. dependent on cally justified mixing length rule (as described in more a/L the temperature gradients T at some distance. Of- detail below.) ten but not always, the F ’s are written as power laws in the dimensionless variable.) GyroBohm or Bohm In contrast to the empirical and quasi-theoretical scaling components differ in the single dimensionless models, the purely theoretical or (“first principles”) parameter “rho-star” (ρ∗ = ρs/a)whichmustbeex- models take no information from experimental data but trapolated (e.g. about 10-fold from DIIID) in project- are fit to simulations and only then tested (not fit) ing the performance to the ITER reactor scale [Waltz against experimental data. If the test is unfavorable, 1990]. The m-index may represent components asso- something more must be added from the theory. By ciated with a combination of well known electrostatic the mid-90’s simulations of the core collisionless plasma (no β dependence) linearly unstable drift waves [Horton turbulence became sufficiently realistic that they could 1999] like the ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode, be used to normalize (determine the strength of) the the dissipative and collisional trapped electron modes dominant (most important) ITG mode turbulence. The (TEM), the collisional drift modes (CDM) or resistive IFS/PPPL model [Kotchenreuther1995] used the then g-modes at the edge which are assumed to act indepen- state of the art gyrofluid local flux tube (gyroBohm dently. Models before the mid-80’s hoped to focus on scaled) simulations of toroidal ITG adiabatic electron the dominance of a single component; but it was finally (ITG-ae) turbulence [Waltz1994, Beer1996] to normal- recognized that the plasma core to edge spans an enor- χITG−ai ize a heuristic formula: roughly in the form gB = mous range of collisionality and complex behavior: only 2 C(ρ /R) R/LT − R/LT−crit. The critical gradient a comprehensive “muti-mode” approach would suffice. s R/L − was determined by a detailed fit to gyroki- C T crit The empirical coefficients ( m) of these “multi-mode” netic linear stability. The gyrofluid (or gyro-Landau- components would have to fit a richer and ever ex- fluid) model equations are comprised of the first 4 to panding experimental database. A worldwide publicly 6 moments of the more fundamental gyrokinetic equa- available transport profile “ITER” database (from all tions with a collisionless (Landau - wave particle reso- tokamaks) was not assembled until the mid-90s. Be- nant) dissipative closure chosen to represent gyrokinetic fore that only a patch work database of global energy ballooning mode linear mode growth rate with near per- confinement time was available. fect accuracy. The corresponding nonlinear gyrofluid In the late 80’s, such gyroBohm scaling (power law) equations are much less expensive to simulate than gy- multi-mode quasi-theoretical models were used to con- rokinetic equations and they were used to find C.It struct “zero-dimensional” transport code models for turned out that C was much larger than expected from the global energy confinement time (τE):1/τE = “back of the envelope” estimates. Given the known gy-

332 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction roBohm size of the experimental core values of χ,this dimensionality is reduced from three to one, by treat- meant that the R/LT − R/LT−crit factor had to be ing only the most unstable kx = 0 outward ballooning much smaller; core transport was then determined to modes and representing the poloidal angle dependence be close to threshold and very “stiff”, i.e. sensitive to with a trial wave function. A spectrum of 10 ky modes the ion temperature gradient. Energy transport flux is remains. (MMM95 uses only one ky mode.) The mo- poorly represented by a “Fick’s law” linear dependence ment equations are augmented with the standard finite on the temperature gradient Q = −nχ∂T/∂r if χ is gyroradius quasi-neutral Poisson relation for the per- not dependent on the gradient. Despite the fact that turbed potential φk (and Ampere’s law for A||k). For χ ≡ Q/(−n∂T/∂r) defines the local energy diffusiv- a pure plasma, the GLF23 model requires the solution ity, the IFS/PPPL model χ depends very strongly on of a 8x8 dispersion relation- eigenvector matrices for −∂T/∂r = T/LT near threshold. The realization from each of the 10 ky modes at each radius in the plasma. simulations, that core transport could be stiff helped The equations and trail wave functions have about 10 to resolve a longstanding problem for collisionless drift- parameters which were turned to fit the linear growth wave models. Experimentally, χ(r)isknowntosignif- rates from the standard gyrokinetic ballooning mode icantly increase with radius r; however the gyroBohm code GKS. Many examples of the linear fits to linear factor significantly decreases to toward the cooler edge gyrokinetic stability and the fit to nonlinear ITG-ai sim- ρ2/R / ∝ T 3/2 C ( s ) .If is large and the core is stiff, the ulations (when the electron GLF equations are replaced increase in χ(r) is easily accommodated since the lo- by adiabatic electrons) have been provided[Waltz1997]. cal gradient R/LT need only ride a little further above Without changing the fit coefficients, the GLF23 model threshold to make R/LT − R/LT −crit increase with with non-adiabatic electrons was found to give a good radius. The extreme stiffness of the IFS/PPPL model description of Beer’s ITG/TEM 6-moment gyrofluid (and subsequent first principles models) proved to be a simulations [Beer1996]. GLF23 gets the correct value challenge to most transport codes with numerical meth- for the MHD critical beta value. However GLF23 as- ods designed to treat nearly diffusive (Fick’s law like) sumes the standard s − α infinite aspect ratio circular transport models. Special “D-V” transport code nu- geometry which has a very low critical beta which is merical methods have been proven adept at treating easily exceeded for real geometry elongated and shaped very stiff models. The IFS/PPPL ion model was ac- plasmas, thus in practice only the electrostatic version companied by a model for the electron energy diffu- is used. For betas less than half the critical beta, E×B sivity based on the trapped electron mode quasilinear transport is weakly dependent on beta and magnetic ratio with the ion energy ITG mode diffusivity. Nev- flutter transport is small according to GLF23 and gy- ertheless to construct more physically comprehensive rokinetic simulations. theoretical models covering all the transport channels From 1995-97, the ITER Transport Working Group (electron and ion energy, plasma, impurity, momentum assembled a profile transport data base from all the ma- flows) as well as volumetric turbulent heating required jor tokamak. From roughly 25 discharges, the database amorerulebased,systematic, and generalizable com- has grown to over one hundred. The Group defined putational approach was needed. various metrics to test various empirical and theoreti- The GLF23 model [Waltz1997] combined and gener- cal models against the database [Connor1996]. In pre- alized the methods used in the MMM95 and IFS/PPPL dicting the total stored energy confinement time τ = models to develop a physically comprehensive local gy- Wtot/Pinput (given the experimental boundary tem- roBohm which captured the q, and magnetic shear peratures) from 28 discharges, GLF23 and IFS/PPPL s dependence, as well as E × B shear stabiliza- could get RMS deviations of 22%. GLF23 had an off- tion documented in ITG-ae nonlinear gyrofluid sim- set of -5% and IFS/PPPL -15% (presumably because it ulations[Waltz 1994, Waltz1998]. The GLF23 model did not include E × B shear stabilization) [Waltz1994, treated all channels equallybasedonperwavenumber Waltz1998]. In this same “contest” [Waltz1997] the em- and per branch quasilinear ratios. The mixing length pirical global scaling laws (GSLs) ITER89P for L and rules for nonlinear saturation was based on two coeffi- ITER93H for H had 30% RMS deviation and +1% off- cients: one for the low-k ITG/TEM (and CDM) tur- set. A later fair contest in 1997 with 46 discharges be- bulence fit to ITG-ae simulations [Waltz1994]; and one tween GLF23 and MMM95 reported RMS deviations for high-k ETG turbulence based on isomorphic ITG- of 27% and 15% with off-sets of +5% and -2%, respect- ai gyrofluid simulations. (The specific forms for the fully. (The GLF23 statistics were unchanged with 67 quasilinear relations and mixing length rule wavenum- discharges.) A “fair contest” means same source data ber spectrum incorporating E × B shear are discussed and transport code software was used, so that only the in more detail below.) The model is based on linear bal- transport model is tested. The quasi-theoretical model looning mode solutions to 3-dimensional gyrofluid equa- MMM95 clearly did better than the purely theoretical tions [Waltz1995]. The equations assign 4-moments to model GLF23. However when GLF23 was allowed 2 each ion species (protons and impurities): two moments experimentally adjusted parameters (The overall mix- to the untrapped electrons; and two to the trapped elec- ing rule strength and the E × B stabilization strength) trons. The trapped electrons are collisionally detrapped it can compete with the impressive MMM95 statistics. and untrapped electrons collisionally retrapped. The However experimentally adjusted parameters is not al-

333 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 lowed in a “first principles” model. When there is a As indicated the GLF23 model is considerably stiffer clearly excessive deviation from experiment on a par- than the MMM95 model as expected. A perfectly 2 ticular discharge or phenomenon, the first principles stiff model would have Q ∝ (npedTped) /(PauxVtot). model must look for a better fit to better and more Purely empirical scaling laws for Wped or Tped (typi- realistic simulations, or add new detail and theoret- cally ∝ 1/nped) are no better than 30%. While there ical improvements to the model (e.g.add real geome- are fairly accurate predictions of maximum pedestal try, nonlinear upshifted threshold, or some degree of pressure given the pedestal width from ELM low-n nonlocality). A “renormed GLF23” with 3.7× lower ideal MHD stability codes [Synder 2004], there is no ITG and 40% less E × B shear stabilization gave a bet- prediction for the width of the pedestal good confine- ter fit to GYRO [Candy2003a] simulations, and a 17- ment layer (Tped =(Δped/nped)dPped/dr). To predict fold non-isomorphy based on gyrokinetic ETG-ai sim- Tped, one must average over ELM cycles (about 30% ulations[Dorland 2000], produced a 8.7% RMS devia- of the power flow) and account for the remaining loses tion over 50 DIIID, JET, and C-mod discharges [Kin- from E × B shear suppressed turbulent transport, or- sey 2003]. Note the GSLs themselves have RMS de- bit losses, and radiation. Edge physics is discussed in viations of at least 10% and the per discharge uncer- Sec.III.7. There has actually been little transport code tainty is about 10%. Despite the fact that most empir- modeling work done for the H-mode edge and gyroki- ical models have numerous adjustable coefficients, the netic simulations have only just begun. It not even empirical and other less sophisticated theoretically mo- clear that the scale separation requirement for trans- tivated models have somewhat poorer statistics rang- port models is justified. “Full-f” gyrokinetic code are ing from 23 to 37%[Konings1997]. It important to required. We should have no illusions: ITER was de- realize that predicting the total stored energy or in- signed from empirical global scaling laws (GSLs) for deed total energy confinement time is not the true Wtot, because even the most reliable theoretical core figure of merit. That is reserved for fusion product transport model must rely on a more uncertain empir- nT τ W 2 / V P ∝ Q W = tot (3 tot input) the fusion performance. ical scaling for ped. Core transport model play only The RMS deviations and off-sets for nT τ are usually a supportive role for now. The “best” of the GSLs 2-fold larger than for τ. Secondly, what a core trans- typically sit a shallow minimum of the RMS deviation. port model really predicts is not the total stored en- Theoretical models favor some GSLs over others. ergy Wtot but the incremental stored energy Winc stored Recipes and rules for construction of theoret- over the given boundary conditions of Tped and nped( ical transport models Wped =3VnpedTped; Wtot = Wped + Winc). The RMS Returning to the theoretical basis of transport mod- deviations for Winc are typically 1.5-fold larger than for els, it is useful to discuss in more detail some key ingre- Wtot. dients of the theoretical models: the quasilinear recipe, Predicting H-mode edge pedestal height is nonlinear mixing length rules, and E × B shear sta- key challenge to transport models bilization rules. While theoretical models are allowed This brings us to the key challenge for transport any number of adjustable parameters to best fit the modeling and confinement theory, and ITER: How to database of nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations, experi- predict the high H-mode Tped. While there is a grow- ence argues that these heuristic rules are a useful guide ing confidence that ITER core confinement can be pre- if not inflexibly applied: dicted with increasing accuracy as theoretical transport Theoretical transport models start with the assump- models are improved, there is no theoretical prediction tion of scale separation (or decomposition) of the dis- for the H-mode Tped (or Wped) and even a poor un- tribution f = f0 + δf into a dynamical equation for the derstanding of the mechanisms required to predict the turbulent perturbations δf H-mode power threshold. Due to the stiff nature of ∂δf/∂t +(υ0 + δυ ) · ∇ δf + δυ · ∇ f  + .... = core transport the performance Q is highly dependent E E E 0 T  on ped as illustrated in Fig. III.3.1. ∇x ·δυEδf (III.3.1) and a radial transport equation (with a source S) for the statistical and flux surface average distribution f0  ∂f0/∂t + ∇x ·δυEδf + .... = S (III.3.2) where we have ignored (....) the curvature drift and par- allel motions, collisions, and have only noted the E × B υ0 cb × ∇ ϕ /B motion from the Doppler rotation E = r 0  perturbed electric field δυE = cb × ∇δϕ/B.(x means Fig. III.3.1 ITER performance Q projection vs Tped at radial direction.) The perturbed electric field δϕ is ob- Paux=40 MW (a) and vs Paux at Tped=3 keV (b). The tained from the Poisson (or quasi-neutrality equation “renormed GLF23” model has and 8.3% RMS deviation to derived from the charge density associated with δf.  50 H-mode DIIID, JET, CMod discharges. From [Kinsey δυE · ∇xf0 = −iω∗(υ)f0∇x(lnf0) in Eq. (III.3.1) 2003] is the key drift wave frequency term dependent on the

334 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction plasma gradients driving the linear instabilities. The ulations. Note that only ky > 0 drift-ballooning modes radial E × B turbulent flux δυErδf dominates the produce turbulent transport, so the mixing rule refers 2 transport. This electrostatic transport can be sup- only to |ϕk| in the quasilinear flux with ky > 0. These plemented by so called magnetic flutter transport flux mixing rules seem at odds with the modern understand- υ||(δB⊥x/B0)δf when the perturbed magnetic field ing of nonlinear drift mode saturation: saturation is is included. Simulations suggest that this transport is due almost entirely to E × B shearing from the ky =0 important for beta values exceeding about half the crit- and kx > 0 neutrally stable zonal flows [Diamond2005] ical beta. (The dominant E × B nonlinearity δυE ·∇δf or radial modes [Waltz 1994] nonlinear pumped by the   k > is similarly augmented υ||(δB⊥/B0) · ∇δf). Turbulent unstable y 0 drift modes. GLF23 [Waltz1997] used 1/2 transport in the ion energy transport channel can be eδϕk/T0 ∼ [(γkωdk) /ω∗k](1/kxL) to reflect the fact added to the sometimes significant neoclassical losses that excited radial modes algebraically decay to a resid- ω ∇x ·υdrf0 in Eq. (III.3.2). There is a much smaller ual zonal flow at a curvature drift rate dk.Faster nonlinearity, the so called “parallel nonlinearity”, which decay should result in increased transport. In the can provide some small turbulent heating in the trans- end any dimensionally consistent form preserving gy- port equation Eq. (III.3.2) but is otherwise ignorable roBohm scaling and best fitting all parametric varia- in the dynamical Eq. (III.3.1). The particle, energy, tions of the simulations is chosen. Finally it is crucially and momentum moments of Eq. (III.3.2) are the trans- important to account for E × B shear stabilization in port equations, and the transport model supplies the the mixing rule. (This is shear in the Doppler rota- moments of δυErδf (and υ||(δB⊥x/B0)δf). tion term of Eq. (III.3.1). In GLF23 this was done γ γ γ − α γ To proceed with a making a model of the tur- by replacing k with net k = k E E in the mix- α E × B bulent fluxes δυErδf, Eq. (III.3.1) is Fourier an- ing rule. E is adjusted to match the shear alyzed into cross field wave number modes [kr,ky] quench point of gyrofluid or gyrokinetic simulations γ γ /α with linear frequency and growth rates [ωk,γk]. Lin- where E quench = k max E. Recent gyrokinetic sim- earizing Eq. (III.3.1) a linear dispersion relation gives ulations [Kinsey2005] including kinetic electrons set α ∼ s − α κ (the eigenvalues) [ωk,γk] and a complex linear rela- E 0.5( circle) and 0.8 ( = 2 real geome- tion for δfk = Fk(ωk + iγk)δϕk (eigenvector) is ob- try). Only low-k ITG/TEM transport can be quenched. tained. The quasilinear fluxes follows from summing Some ETG transport always remains for the highest at-  γ over the k- modes and branches: δυEr−kδfk = tainable levels of E.  k If a fast dispersion theoretical δf linear gyrokinetic  ick /B F ω iγ |δϕ |2 ( y ) k( k + k) k . Note that this quasi- code were available, it would be preferable to use that k linear recipe is used in MMM95 and GLF23, and well for Eq. (III.3.1). Most gyrokinetic codes are initial supported with simulations. It differs in important de- value codes and linear mode convergence is problematic tail from the “quasilinear theory” often found in text near thresholds. So gyrofluid moments of Eq. (III.3.1) books. are used. The latest most elaborate gyrofluid mod- To obtain the strength of the turbulence a much els (discussed below) can produce linear mode growth less precise mixing length rule for the nonlinear sat- rates and frequency spectra, eigenfunctions more than 10,000× faster than initial value gyrokinetic codes uration spectrum of |δϕk|. One can not derive a mix- ing length rule. The theoretical motivation for such within an accuracy of 10-15% over some 30 parame- heuristic rules have changed little from Kadomtsev’s ter scans. This level of difference is comparable to that 1965 Plasma Turbulenceexcept now we can test them between various gyrokinetic codes. Gyrofluid equations against simulations. Balancing the E × B nonlinearity are just moments of the gyrokinetic equation. The mo-  ment hierarchy relies on a collisionless but dissipative against the time derivative: ∂δf/∂t ∼ δυE · ∇δf ⇒ closures to model Landau damping or curvature drift [ωk,γk] ∼ (cky/B)kxδϕk. If the balance is against fre- resonance broadening [Waltz1992]. For example, ignor- quency given by the drift wave frequency ωk ∼ ω∗k,the “strong rule” results. This equivalent is to balance the ing finite gyroradius and curvature drift, a three mo- ment model has plasma response function similar to nonlinear term against δυEr ·∇rf0. Since the elec- trons are nearly adiabatic, this takes the familiar form the famous 3-pole approximation to the Z-function. eδφk/T0 ∼ δnk/n0 ∼ 1/kxL where 1/L is the inverse Way forward to improved theoretical trans- gradient length driving the instabilities. This is really port models an upper bound saying that the turbulence can do no Work is in progress to develop a much more ad- more than wipe out a driving gradient. It does not vanced and physically comprehensive gyrofluid trans- account for the generally observed linear threshold of port model. Once again the goal is to find the turbulence which can only be obtained by balanc- the best and most accurate fit to a broad spec- ing against the growth rate: the “weak rule” results in trum of the most physically comprehensive gyroki- eδϕk/T0 ∼ (γk/ω∗k)(1/kxL). Typically kx ∝ ky is used netic simulations available. A transport database k ∝ ρ−1 with y s required to preserve gyroBohm scaling. is available on the GYRO [Candy2003a] website The weak rule is used in most of MMM95. An interme- Kinsey has as- 1/2 diate rule like eδϕk/T0 ∼ (γk/ω∗k) ω∗k(1/kxL) seems sembled over 350 nonlinear flux tube (gyroBohm) sim- to give better agreement with the scaling of actual sim- ulation scanning a wide parameter space. Many “full

335 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 physics” global GYRO simulations of Bohm scaled L- els are always gyroBohm sized and ITER will have ρ∗ mode and gyroBohm scaled H-mode simulations of values less than 0.1%, precisely dimensionally similar DIII-D discharges are also available. An improved DIII-D L-mode discharges and corresponding GYRO model must fit all these. Here we discuss some of the simulations show clear evidence of Bohm scaling at directions being taken and issues to be addressed by ρ∗ less than 1%. Note precision measurement and the improved models. profile similarity [Waltz2006] is important in quanti- Staebler et al. [Staebler 2005] has developed a much fying broken gyroBohm scaling because single machine more accurate gyrofluid closure equations to be incor- experiments can only vary ρ∗ by 1.60 fold (in DIII- porated in a replacement for GLF23. The model will D). The experimental separation between Bohm and be called TGLF because the gyrofluid equations more gyroBohm scaling with this variation corresponds to naturally include the trapped particles. just a 17% difference in the temperature (i.e. just Fifteen electron gyrofluid moments replace two pass- outside 8.5% error bars on temperature)[Waltz2005c]. ing fluid moments and two trapped fluid moments. Normed to gyroBohm, a Bohm scaled diffusivity is This allows the TEM low-k modes and the ETG high- just 1.6-fold smaller than a gyroBohm scaled diffusiv- ρ k modes to be spanned seamlessly. Trapped ions are ity on increasing ∗ by 1.6-fold. GYRO simulations likely unimportant so a six-moment [Beer1996] ion gy- show that this is easily compensated by a 10% de- rofluid model can stand in for the equivalent fifteen- crease in the ion temperature gradient. This is a simple moment model. In addition, whereas GLF23 has a measure of core stiffness. It is now well understood single poloidal trial Gaussian wave function, the new from recent global gyrokinetic simulations [Lin2002, model will have as many as four Hermite polynomi- Waltz2002, Candy2003b, Waltz2005b, Waltz2006] that als to represent the extended poloidal ballooning angle. Bohm scaling results from local profile shearing over Thus for a pure plasma of ions and electrons (impurities the local ballooning modes or more importantly non- are easily added), the GLF23 8×8 matrix solutions (per local profile variation in the local mode growth rates. mode) are replaced by 96×96 [(15+9)×4=96]. It is still It has been speculated [Waltz2005a] that nonlocality only about 10× slower than the GLF23 linear solver, and broken gyroBohm scaling can be accurately incor- but cluster computers are much faster a decade later. porated into theoretical transport models by replacing γ Real shaped geometry via the Miller-Waltz formulation k net in the local mixing rule with a locally averaged γ  [Waltz1999] have been added to collisions, finite-beta. k net . The local averaging extends over a nonlocal- L /a ∝ ρ These have all tested well against the GYRO gyroki- ity length nonlocal ∗. Regression to locality and ρ netic code. Accuracy in linear rates over thirty param- gyroBohm scaling at vanishing ∗ is guaranteed. eter scans is 10-15% compared to 10-60% for GLF23. It may be instructive to end this discussion contrast- (GLF23 can be worse for some pedestal of negative cen- ing the empirical approach to model building based on tral shear scans.) The four Hermite polynomials are fits to experiments with the theoretical approach based needed to describe the real geometry distortions and on fits to simulations in regard to how gyroBohm scal- should provide a better treatment of viscosity (broken ing is broken. Theory and simulation [Garbet1996, χ wave function parity). Presently only the most unsta- Waltz2006] have demonstrated this paradigm: = χ(0)χ [1 − ρ∗/ρ∗crit]. The minus sign indicates a sta- ble kx = kysθˆ 0 = 0 (i.e. outward ballooning modes gB bilization process at work. As ρ∗ becomes sufficiently θ0 = 0) are includes in the quaslinear spectrum. E × B small, the local gyroBohm diffusivity χ = χ(0)χ re- shear linearly couples modes with the same ky = nq/r gB θ sults. At an intermediate ρ∗ =2ρ∗ crit, the local dif- but different 0s. There is some speculation that by  ρ expanding the dispersion matrix to include many θ s, a fusivity near this ∗ is half its local gyroBohm scaled 0 ρ χ/ χ χ linear “quasi-ballooning” eigenmode (with an average value and has the Bohm ∗-scaling: [ (0) gB]= / ρ /ρ χ θ  = 0) could be found. Its growth rate could replace (1 2)( ∗ crit ∗). This is precisely the same as = 0 / ρ χ χ γk net in the mixing length rule and the approximate [(1 2) ∗ crit] (0) B which is much smaller in size than χ χ χ ≡ c /a ρ2 χ ≡ c ρ ≡ E×B shear stabilization quench rule could be replaced (0) B.HeregB [ s ] s and B s s χ /ρ with a more precise linear growth rate calculation. It gB ∗. This theoretical paradigm has the happy re- also appears possible to build in a nonlinear upshift in sult that ITER is guaranteed gyroBohm scaling. In the ITG threshold (i.e. the low-q Dimits shift.) by a contrast a well known “mixed Bohm-gyroBohm” em- simple k-independent subtraction in γk net. pirical model [Erba1998] with poor theoretical motiva- tion, counts Bohm and gyroBohm as separate processes: A variety of local mixing length rules are being tested χ = χ(0)χ [1 + ρ∗/ρ∗ ]. The empirical paradigm with the TGLF model using automated fit routines. B norm unfortunately suggests that reactor (ITER) scale toka- Perhaps the most challenging issue to be addressed by maks will tend to Bohm scaling rather than gyroBohm an improved model is how to quantify the nonlocal- going to very small ρ∗. ity and broken gyroBohm scaling found in physically comprehensive GYRO simulations of DIIID. Up to now all models discussed are local (dependent only on local gradients) and have exact gyroBohm scaling. These are approximations strictly valid only in the limit of vanishing ρ∗. While core experimental transport lev-

336 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction References Phys. Plasmas, 5: 1784 [Waltz 1999] R. E. Waltz, R. M. Miller. 1999, Phys. Plas- mas, 6: 4265 [Waltz 2002] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy, M. N. Rosenbluth. [Bateman 1998]G. Bateman, A. H. Kritz, J. E. Kinsey, et 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 1938 al. 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 5: 1793 [Waltz 2005a] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy. 2005, Phys. Plasmas [Beer 1996] M. A. Beer, G. W. Hammett. 1996, Phys. Plas- 12, 072303 mas, 3: 4018 [Waltz 2005b] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy, F. L. Hinton, et al. [Candy 2003a] J. Candy, R.E. Waltz. 2003, J. Comp. Phys., 2005, Nucl. Fusion, 45: 741 186: 545 [Waltz 2005c] R. E. Waltz. 2005, Fus. Sci. and Tech., 48: [Candy 2003b] J. Candy, R.E. Waltz. 2003, Phys. Rev. 1051 Lett., 91: 45001 [Waltz 2006] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy, C. C. Petty. 2006, [Connor 1996] J. W. Connor, et al. 1996, presented at 16th Phys. Plasmas, 13: 072304 IAEA Conf. on Fusion Energy, (Montreal, 1996) 2: 935 [Weiland 2000] J. Weiland. 2000, Institute of Physics Pub- IAEA-CN-64/FP-21 lishing Ltd, Bristol and Philadelpia. [Dorland 2000]W. Dorland, F. Jenko, M. Kotschenreuther, et al. 2000, Phys. Rev. Lett., 85: 5579 [Diamond 2005] P. H. Diamond, S.-I. Itoh, K. Itoh, et al. 2005, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 47: R35. [Erba 1998] M. Erba, T. Aniel, V. Basiuk, et al. 1998, Nucl. III.4 Nonlinear MHD simulations Fusion, 38: 1013 (G.Y.Fu) [Garbet 1996] X. Garbet, R. E. Waltz. 1996, Phys. Plas- mas, 3: 1898 III.4.1 Introduction [Horton 1999] W. Horton. 1999, Rev. Mod. Phys., 71: 735 [Kadomtsev 1965] B. B. Kadomstev. 1965, Plasma Turbu- Understanding MHD instability dynamics is a key is- lence. Academic Press, New York sue for burning plasmas. Important MHD modes rang- [Kinsey 1996] J. E. Kinsey, G. Bateman. 1996, Phys. Plas- ing from the plasma center to the edge include sawtooth mas, 3: 3344 oscillations and fishbone (center), ballooning modes [Kinsey 2003] J. E. Kinsey, G. M. Staebler, R. E. Waltz. and neoclassical tearing modes (core), external kink- 2003, Fus. Sci. & Tech., 44: 763 ballooning modes (core/edge), and peeling-ballooning [Kinsey 2005] J. E. Kinsey, R.E. Waltz. J. Candy. 2005, modes or edge localized modes (edge). In particular, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 62302 sawtooth oscillations affect the central plasma profiles [Kinsey 2006] J. E. Kinsey, R.E. Waltz. J. 2006, Candy. and can seed neoclassical tearing modes. Neoclassical Phys. Plasmas, 13: 22305 tearing modes, ideal ballooning modes and kink modes [Konings 1997] J. A. Konings, R. E. Waltz. 1997, Nucl. all set a limit to the plasma beta, above which the Fusion, 37: 863. plasma is vulnerable to disruptions. ELM dynamics [Kotschenreuther 1995] M. Kotschenreuther, W. Dorland, determines the H-mode pedestal’s height and width, M. A. Beer, et al. 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 2381 which in turn determines the core plasma confinement. [Lin 2002] Z. Lin, S. Ethier, T. S. Halm, W. Tang. 2002, In the past decade, significant progress has been Phys. Rev. Lett., 88: 195004 made in MHD and extended MHD simulations of fu- [Snyder 2004] P. B. Snyder, H. R. Wilson, et al. 2004, Nucl. sion plasmas. Many modern 3D nonlinear MHD and Fusion, 44: 320 extended MHD codes [Park99, Sovinec04, Popov01, [Staebler 2005] G. M. Staebler, J. E. Kinsey, R. E. Waltz. Xu02, Lutjens01, Huysmans05, Schnack06] have been 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 102508 developed with advanced numerical methods such as [Waltz 1989a] R. E. Waltz, R. R. Dominguez, F. W. Perkins. high order finite elements, implicit time advance, un- 1989, Nuclear Fusion, 29: 351 structured mesh, field aligned coordinates and do- [Waltz 1989b] R. E. Waltz. 1989, Nagoya Lectures in main decompositions for parallel computing. State Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Tokai University of the art extended MHD models have been devel- Press, Tokyo, p. 357 oped [Schnack06], including simplified two fluid mod- [Waltz 1990] R. E. Waltz, J. C. DeBoo, M. N. Rosenbluth. els with drift ordering [Sugiyama00], heuristic closures 1990, Phys. Rev. Lett., 65: 2390 for neoclassical tearing modes [Giannakon02] and ki- [Waltz 1992] R. E. Waltz, R. R. Dominguez, G. W. Ham- netic closures for energetic particles [Park99]. Simula- mett. 1992, Phys. Fluids B, 4: 3138 tions of sawtooth and fishbone oscillations [Breslau05, [Waltz 1994] R. E. Waltz, G. D. Kerbel, J. Milovich. 1994, Fu06], major disruptions [Kruger05], neoclassical tear- Phys. Plasmas, 1: 2229 ing modes [Popov02, Giannakon02], and edge localized [Waltz 1995] R. E. Waltz, G. D. Kerbel, J, Milovich, et al. modes [Snyder05, Brennan05, Huysmans06] in toka- 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 2408 maks have been made possible through massively par- [Waltz 1997] R. E Waltz, G. M. Staebler, G.W. Hammett, allel computations. Here we present a review of a selec- et al. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 2482 tion of recent work in nonlinear MHD simulations and [Waltz 1998] Waltz, R. E. Dewar, R. L. Garbet, X. 1998, suggest important problems for future work.

337 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 III.4.2 MHD and extend MHD models III.4.3 Recent results of MHD and extended MHD simulations MHD and extended MHD equations can be derived from the general plasma kinetic equation and are writ- Here we highlight some recent 3D nonlinear sim- ten as follows: ulations in tokamak plasmas. The modes simulated are sawtooth, fishbone, disruption, neoclassical tearing dnα = −nα∇·Vα (III.4.2.1) modes and ELMs. This is a very brief review of selected dt topics, meant to illustrate major recent advance in 3D nonlinear MHD and extended MHD simulations. dVi ρi = −∇p−∇·Πi −∇·Ph +J×B (III.4.2.2) A. Sawtooth oscillations in CDX-U dt Sawtooth oscillations in the CDX-U spherical toka- mak have recently been simulated [Breslau06] using the × η − 1 × −∇p −∇· . . . E+Vi B = J en [J B e Πi] (III 4 2 3) multi-level 3D extended MHD code M3D [Park99]. Ini- e tial studies were conducted with a relatively simple re- nα sistive MHD model. Using an on-axis Lundquist num- [∂Tα/∂t + Vα ·∇Tα]= Γ − 1 ber S = 2× 104, consistent with the experiment, saw- tooth oscillations of a few cycles were successfully repro- −Tα∇·Vα −∇·qα + Qα (III.4.2.4) duced. The sawtooth period for a case that retained ten toroidal modes was found to be approximately 100 μs; ∂B J = ∇×B, = −∇ × E (III.4.2.5) consistent with the experimental value. A follow-up ∂t study was conducted in which the ion diamagnetic term from the two-fluid model was turned on. The most sig- where nα, Tα, qα and Qα are the density, temperature, heat flux and heating term respectively of the species nificant effect of this change is the induced rotation of the plasma. The sheared plasma rotation notably sup- α. In addition, ρi is the thermal ion mass density, p is presses the island growth so that the magnetic field no the thermal pressure, Ph is the energetic particle pres- longer passes through a stochastic state. sure tensor, Πi and Πe are the ion and electron stress B. Nonlinear dynamics of fishbone instability tensors respectively, pe is the electron pressure. In deriving this set of extended MHD equations, we in tokamaks n, m have assumed zero electron mass and neglected the elec- The fishbone [McGuire83] is an ( )=(1, 1) kink tron stress tensor in the momentum equation. Also mode driven resonantly by the precession of energetic we have neglected the inertial term for fast ions, ap- trapped particles. Extensive simulations of the fishbone propriate for a low fast ion density. To close this set have been carried out using the MHD/particle hybrid model of M3D [Fu06]. In the model, the thermal elec- of equations, we still need to specify Ph, Πi, Πe and q. For a collisional plasma, the electron and ion stress trons and ions are treated as an ideal fluid while the en- tensors and heat flux are given in Braginskii’s equa- ergetic species is described by the drift-kinetic equation. tions with recent corrections by Catto and Symakov The effects of energetic particles are coupled to the [Catto05, Symakov05]. In collisionless plasmas, a gen- MHD equations via the stress tensor term in the mo- eral form of ion stress tensor has been recently derived mentum equation. Nonlinear simulations showed mode by [Ramos05]. The fast ion pressure tensor can be cal- saturation and strong mode frequency due to nonlinear culated kinetically using the drift-kinetic or gyrokinetic flattening of the energetic particle distribution. The equation [Fu06]. saturation level is reduced by the MHD nonlinearity. Solving the system of equations above for a magneti- C. Tokamak major disruptions cally confined fusion plasma is an extremely challenging Nonlinear simulations of a major disruption in a problem because many different time and spatial scales DIII-D plasma were carried out [Kruger05] using the are present [Schnack06]. This is true even for the re- NIMROD code [Sovinec04]. The full resistive MHD sistive MHD model. For example, to evolve a slowly model is used with thermal conduction and free bound- growing tearing mode, one has to resolve the small ary condition. The model is justified because the dis- radial scale length associated with plasma resistivity. ruption is much faster than other time scales. The sim- One also needs to deal with stiffness of the equations ulation started from an n = 1 ideal MHD mode and the due to compressional Alfven waves and shear Alfven nonlinear evolution of this mode leads to a stochastic waves. Recently this difficult problem has been solved magnetic field. The corresponding parallel heat trans- [Sovinec04] by using a semi-implicit scheme, a high or- port leads to a localization of the heat flux that is de- der finite element method, and parallel computing. The posited on the wall. This calculated heat flux localiza- semi-implicit scheme allows a time step much larger tion is consistent with experimental measurements. than the CFL criterion would permit. High order finite D. Neoclassical tearing modes element methods with radial mesh packing can resolve Neoclassical tearing modes in the DIII-D tokamak efficiently the very small scales associated with tearing have been investigated using the nonlinear full toroidal modes. Finally parallel computing enables simulations code, NFTC [Popov01, Popov02], which is based on with high resolutions and many Fourier modes. the 3D MHD equations including transport effects and

338 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction neoclassical effects. An effective fully implicit numer- long time, comprehensive simulation of MHD modes in ical scheme allows the transport profile to evolve self- fusion plasmas such as ITER. In the numerical method consistently with the nonlinear MHD instabilities and area, there is still open question on the most efficient fi- externally applied sources. Simulation results showed nite element method. Is it regular Lagrangian element [Popov02] that the seed island from a sawtooth crash is or spectral element? Is it low continuity element or big enough to exceed the threshold size for excitation high continuity element [Jardin05]? Another question of neoclassical tearing modes with (m, n)=(3, 2). Sim- deals with optimal mesh distribution. There is question ulations in reversed shear plasmas showed that the seed whether field aligned meshes can be used effectively for island can also be generated from conventional tearing both global modes as well as localized modes. In the modes through nonlinear mode coupling. area of closures, it is still debated whether we can find NTMs have also been simulated successfully using good fluid closures for high temperature fusion plasmas. the NIMROD code with poloidal flow damping closure If not, are kinetic closures feasible for slow MHD modes [Giannakon02]. The numerical results compared well such as NTM? Even more uncertain is the feasibility of with theory in term of poloidal flow damping, growth pure kinetic simulations of global MHD modes. Finally, rate reduction due to the neoclassical enhancement of in the integrated simulation area, work has just begun the polarization current, and amplification of neoclassi- to do integrated simulations of MHD modes together cal tearing modes due to perturbed bootstrap currents. with energetic particles, RF heating and plasma turbu- E. Edge localized modes lence. This requires multiscale simulation which is one Edge localized modes (ELM) are extremely impor- of greatest challenges in fusion plasma simulations. tant for ITER since they can cause a large outgoing energy flux to the wall. Recently there are many non- linear simulations carried out to investigate their non- References linear behaviors. Here we mention a few of them. A relatively earlier work was from the BOUT code[Xu02], which was used to simulate the dynamics of edge local- [Breslau 06] J. Breslau, et al. presented at 2006 American ized modes (ELMs) driven by intermediate wavelength Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Den- peeling-ballooning modes. It was found that the early ver, Colorado, paper GI2. behavior of the modes is similar to expectations from [Catto 05] P. J. Catto, A. N. Symakov. 2005, Phys. Plas- linear, ideal peeling-ballooning mode theory, with the mas, 12: 114503 modes growing linearly at a fraction of the Alfven fre- [Fu 06] G. Y. Fu, W. Park, H. R. Strauss, et al. 2006, Phys. quency. In the nonlinear phase, the modes grow explo- Plasmas, 13: 052517 sively, forming a number of extended filaments which [Giannakon 02] T. A. Giannakon, S.E. Kruger, C.C. Hegna. propagate rapidly from the outer closed flux region into 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 536 the open flux region toward the outboard wall. The [Huysmans 05] G. T. A. Huysmans, et al. 2005, Plasmas results of explosive instability agree qualitatively with Phys. Control. Fusion, 47: 2107 theory of Wilson and Cowley [Wilson 02]. [Huysmans 06] G. T. A. Huysmans, et al. presented at 2006 More recent nonlinear simulations have been carried IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (Chengdu, China, 2006) out using extended MHD codes including M3D [Strauss paper TH/P8-2. 06], NIMROD [Sovinec 06], and JOREK [Huysmans [Jardin 05] S. C. Jardin, J. A. Breslau. 2005, Phys. Plas- 06]. Simulations of ELMs in DIII-D using M3D [Strauss mas, 12: 056101 06] showed a full cycle of ELM clash and subsequent re- [Kruger 05] S. E. Kruger, D. D. Schnack, C. R. Sovinec, et laxation of the pressure pedestal. The density perturba- al. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 056113 tions were large relative to temperature perturbations. [Lutjens 01] H. Lutjens, J. F. Luciani, X. Garbet. 2001, NIMROD simulations of ELMs in DIII-D [Sovinec06] Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 43: A339 showed that the linear growth rate and mode structure [McGuire 83] K. McGuire, R. Goldston, M. Bell, et al. 1983, are similar to those from the ELITE code [Wilson02]. Phys. Rev. Lett., 50: 891 Nonlinear simulation results showed complicated mode [Park 99] W. Park, E. V. Belova, G.Y. Fu, et al. 1999, structures with a high temperature region flowing out- Phys. Plasmas, 6: 1796 ward. With flow shear, the radial propagation of the [Popov 01] A. M. Popov, V. S. Chan, M. S. Chu, et al. mode structure is limited. However, the energy loss 2001, Phys. Plasmas, 8: 3605 remains large. [Popov 02] A. M. Popov, R.J. La Haye, Y.Q. Liu, et al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 4205 III.4.4 Future challenges [Ramos 05] J. J. Ramos. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 112301 [Schnack 06] D. D. Schnack, D. C. Barnes, D. P. Brennan, In the past decade, significant advances have been et al. 2006, Phys. Plasmas, 13, 058103 made in simulating key MHD modes in tokamak plas- [Snyder 05] P. B. Snyder, H. R. Wilson, X. Q. Xu. 2005, mas using advanced numerical methods and massively Phys. Plasmas, 12: 056115 parallel computation. However, challenging problems [Sovinec 04] C. Sovinec, et al. 2004, J. Comput. Phys., 195: remain to be solved in the future for an integrated, 355

339 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007

[Sovenic 06] C. Sovinec, et al. presented at 2006 IAEA III.5.1 Gyrokinetic particle simulation (Z. Lin) Fusion Energy Conference, (Chengdu, China, 2006) paper TH/P8-3 In the gyrokinetic particle simulation [Lee1983; [Strauss 06] G. T. A. Huysmans, et al. presented at 2006 Lee1987, Dubin1983] of low frequency turbulence in IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, paper magnetized plasmas, the gyromotion of a charged par- TH/P8-6 ticle is averaged out [Antonsen1980, Qin1999] and the [Sugiyama 00] L. E. Sugiyama, W. Park. 2000, Phys. Plas- resulting polarization drift appears in the quasineu- mas, 7: 4644 trality condition. This method leads to a larger time [Symokov 05] A. N. Symakov, P. J. Catto. 2005, Phys. step, bigger spatial grid, and lower discrete particle Plasmas, 12: 012105 noise, which enables the simulation of fusion plasmas [Wilson 02] H. R. Wilson, P. B. Snyder, G. T. A. Huysmans, with realistic parameters [Lee1988]. Using a parallel et al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 1277 computer, the first toroidal gyrokinetic particle simula- [Wilson 04] H. R. Wilson, S. Cowley. 2004, Phys. Rev. tion [Parker1993b] was able to demonstrate the spectral Lett., 92: 175006 correlations between ion temperature gradient (ITG) [Xu 02] X. Q. Xu, R. H. Cohen, W. M. Nevins, et al. 2002, modes and the fluctuation measurements in TFTR Nucl. Fusion, 42: 21 [Fonck1993]. The conjecture of the gyro-Bohm trans- port scaling as ρ∗ → 0 was confirmed in a flux-tube sim- ulation [Dimits1996] of the ITG turbulence. However, the global simulation [Sydora1996] found a Bohm-like III.5 Turbulence scaling for the ITG turbulent transport. Subsequently, (Z.LinandR.E.Waltz) the effects of zonal flow on ITG modes [Lin1998] and the role of collisional damping of zonal flows [Lin1999, Turbulent transport driven by plasma pressure gra- Lin2000] were studied using the global Gyrokinetic dients [Tang1978] is one of the most important sci- Toroidal Code (GTC). These simulations have shown entific challenges in burning plasma experiments since that the meso-scale zonal flow, nonlinearly generated by the balance between turbulent transport and the self- the turbulence itself, can substantially reduce the satu- heating by the fusion products (α-particles) determines ration level of ITG turbulence and the resulting ion heat the performance of a fusion reactor like ITER. The transport. With the introduction of collisions, the GTC high plasma temperature often hinders detailed mea- code has also shown an interesting bursting behavior in surements of fluctuation characteristics in experiments. the turbulent steady state arising from the interplay be- The highly nonlinear and chaotic dynamics render an tween the turbulent fluctuations, zonal flow, and colli- analytic treatment intractable in most situations. Di- sions similar to the experimental observations in TFTR rect numerical simulation of the gyrokinetic equation [Mazzucato1996]. Furthermore, the ion thermal trans- [Frieman1982, Hahm1988a, Hahm1988b, Brizard1989] port level exhibits significant dependence on the ion-ion suitable for low frequency phenomena has therefore collision frequency even in regimes where the collisional emerged as an important tool to study plasma turbu- effects on linear growth rate is negligible. The GTC lence and transport. The nonlinear gyrokinetic equa- simulations of turbulence self-regulation by zonal flows tion can be solved either in Lagrangian (particle-in-cell have inspired intense theoretical study of the genera- or PIC simulation) or in Eulerian phase space (con- tion of zonal flows through the modulational instabil- tinuum or Vlasov simulation). PIC and continuum ity [Diamond2000; Chen2000; Guzdar2001; Chen2001b, methods have complementary strengths and weaknesses Diamond2001]. Motivated by the trends observed in [Idomura2006]. Therefore, both methods should be simulations [Hahm2000], experimental searches for the well supported as a cross check given the many pit- signatures of zonal flows [Diamond2005] have been pur- falls in each method. PIC codes are efficient for mas- sued on most of existing tokamaks in the world fusion sively parallel computer and relatively straightforward program. Zonal flows have also been studied in reversed to program, but must fight against discrete particle magnetic shear plasmas [Kishimoto2000] and with par- noise. Continuum codes are difficult to program and allel nonlinearity [Villard2004, Angelino2006]. must fight numerical instability. In terms of simula- The transition from the Bohm scaling for existing tion geometry, there are both global (full torus) and tokamaks to the gyroBohm scaling for reactor size toka- local (flux-tube) nonlinear simulations. Flux-tube sim- maks [Lin2002] has been found in GTC simulations of ulations are regarded as the local limit of global sim- ITG turbulence. These simulations found an intriguing ulations as ρ∗ → 0. Here, ρ∗ ≡ ρs/a is the ratio of phenomenon, consistent with measurements in magnet- gyroradius to system size, with ρs the ion-sound Lar- ically confined tokamak plasma experiments, that the mor radius, and the plasma minor radius. The simula- fluctuations are microscopic, while the resulting turbu- tion code verification and validation should proceed at lent transport depends on macroscopic scales, e.g., de- three levels: code-code benchmarks as the initial step, vice sizes. A resolution to this apparent contradiction then rigorous simulation-analytic theory cross-checks, has been identified as turbulence spreading to linearly and finally simulation-experimental comparisons with stable region [Lin2004]. The GTC simulations of tur- predictive capability. bulence spreading have stimulated the development of

340 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction dynamical theories based on radial diffusion resulting electron mass presents a numerical difficulty in si- from nonlinear mode coupling [Hahm2004, Hahm2005, multaneously treating the dynamics of ions and elec- Gurcan2005] and on radial propagation of dispersive trons in simulations of electromagnetic microturbu- waves nonlinearly enhanced by the drift wave-zonal flow lence and Alfvenic instabilities in high pressure plas- interaction [Chen2004; Zonca2004, White2005]. mas. To reduce the particle noise and to increase Concentrated efforts in the last decade have led to the time step, a “split-weight” scheme [Manuilskiy2000, much improved understanding of the ITG turbulence, Lee2001, Lewandowski2003] was developed by separat- and thus the ion transport is better controlled in fu- ing the adiabatic and non-adiabatic electron response, sion experiments. Therefore, the interest of studying and subsequently, a fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model the electron transport has become a new priority in [Lin2001] was proposed based on an expansion of the fusion research, especially for ITER since the heat- electron response using the electron-ion mass ratio as a ing of electron by α-particle is important in burning small parameter. These advanced algorithms have en- plasmas. A possible candidate for the electron heat abled the implementation of the electron dynamics in transport is the electron temperature gradient (ETG) several gyrokinetic codes including GEM [Chen2001b, turbulence [Idomura2005] with a short scale length of Chen2003, Parker2004] and GTC. the electron gyroradius. GTC simulation [Lin2005] The GTC code, which is the a production code of the and associated nonlinear gyrokinetic theory [Chen2005] US DOE fusion Scientific Discovery through Advanced find that the ETG instability saturates via nonlinear Computing (SciDAC) [Tang2005], has been optimized toroidal coupling, which transfers energy successively to achieve high efficiency on a single computing node from unstable modes to damped modes preferentially and nearly perfect scalability on both massively parallel with longer poloidal wavelengths. The electrostatic computers (MPP) such as the IBM SP and parallel vec- ETG turbulence is dominated by nonlinearly generated tor computers such as the Earth Simulator Computer radial streamers with a nonlinear decorrelation time [Ethier2004], two complementary architectures for the much longer than the linear growth time. An out- next generation of high performance computers. Trans- standing issue in tokamak confinement studies is the mitting a tera-byte dataset over the network is often a origin of the anomalous electron thermal transport in daunting task. A threaded parallel data streaming ap- internal transport barriers (ITB), where the ion trans- proach using Globus has been developed for concur- port is reduced to the neoclassical level. As the density rent transfer of GTC data [Klasky2003]. The large gradient steepens in barrier regions, the electrostatic device simulations only became feasible with the im- trapped electron mode (TEM) is often driven unsta- plementation of an efficient global field-aligned mesh ble, e.g., in ASDEX Upgrade [Bottino2004] and JT-60U using magnetic coordinates to take advantage of the [Nazikian2005] experiments. The key issue to be ad- quasi-2D structure of toroidal drift wave eigenmodes. dressed by nonlinear simulation is whether short wave- Global electromagnetic simulations were enabled by im- length TEM turbulence is capable of driving a large plementing two complementary methods in the GTC electron heat flux without driving significant ion heat code for solving the gyrokinetic Poisson equation and and particle flux. Ampere’s law. A FEM elliptic solver [Nishimura2006] Discrete particle noise, which has been studied ex- is fully optimized using multi-grid methods [HYPRE], tensively [Dimits2000; Hatzky2002; Allfrey2003, Ido- and could efficiently handle one million mesh points per mura2003, Lee2004], needs to be carefully managed to poloidal plane, which is the typical size for simulations the level that the underlying physics is not contami- of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Re- nated in the particle simulations. After the invention of actor (ITER). Another global solver casts the original PIC simulation using finite-size particles, it was found, integral form of the gyrokinetic Poisson equation in a through the use of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, sparse matrix [Lin1995a] to be solved by the state-of- that the numerical noise is greatly reduced for the short the-art parallel solver PETSc [PETSc]. wavelength modes [Langdon1970], while the long wave- Most of the existing gyrokinetic particle codes uti- length modes is intact. This noise suppression also ren- lize a perturbative method suitable for small ampli- ders the simulation plasma collisionless, and one needs tude fluctuations and treat collisionless dynamics of the Monte-Carlo schemes to account for the collisions as a turbulence. This approach has not addressed key as- subgrid phenomena [Shanny1967]. Therefore, as long pects of turbulent transport at long time scales, such as as the physics is dominated by long wavelength modes, the plasma profile evolution, formation of phase space particle codes are useful. For a gyrokinetic plasma, structure, collisional dissipation, and interaction be- the numerical noise is further reduced by a factor of tween neoclassical and turbulent transport. Properly 2 (λD/ρi) according to the fluctuation-dissipation theo- addressing these long time behaviors is critical for sim- rem [Lee1987]. Furthermore, the development of per- ulation with multiple time scales ranging from the tur- turbative (δf) schemes [Dimits1993, Parker1993a] for bulence dynamical time to the plasma profile relaxation microturbulence and neoclassical transport [Lin1995a, time, which is needed in an integrated modeling of fu- Lin1997], based on the concept of a multi-spatial- sion plasmas such as the core-edge coupling and the scale expansion, has provided further noise reduction whole discharge simulation. The full-f method that 2 by another factor of (δf/f0) [Hu1994]. The small could address some of these issues in long time sim-

341 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 ulations has recently been used [Heikkinen2004] for the 090903 ITG turbulence simulation with realistic plasma param- [Hatzky2002]R. Hatzky, et al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 898 eters. [Heikkinen2004]J. A. Heikkinen, et al. 2004, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 44: 13 [Hu1994]G. Hu, J. A. Krommes. 1994, Phys. Plasmas, 1: References 863 [HYPRE]HYPRE: high performance preconditioners; Scal- able Algorithms Group, Center for Applied Scientific Com- puting, [Allfrey2003]S. J. Allfrey, R. Hatzky. 2003, Comput. Phys. [Idomura2003]Y. Idomura, S. Tokuda, Y. Kishimoto. 2003, Commun., 154: 98 Nucl. Fusion, 43: 234 [Angelino]P. Angelino et al. 2006, Plasma Phys. Control. [Idomura2005]Y. Idomura, S. Tokuda, Y. Kishimoto. 2005, Fusion, 48: 557 Nucl. Fusion, 45: 1571 [Antonsen1980]T. M. Antonsen, B. Lane. 1980, Phys. Flu- [Idomura2006]Y. Idomura, T. H. Watanabe, H. Sugama. ids, 23: 1205 2006, Comptes Rendus Physique, 7: 650 [Bottino2004]A. Bottino, et al. 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: [Kishimoto2000]Y. Kishimoto, J. Y. Kim, W. Horton, et al. 198 2000, Nucl. Fusion, 40: 667 [Brizard1989]A. Brizard. 1989, J. Plasma Phys., 41: 541 [Klasky2003]S. Klasky et al. 2003, SC2003 technical paper, [Chen2000]L. Chen, Z. H. Lin, R. White. 2000, Phys. Plas- [Krommes1993]J. A. Krommes. 1993, Phys. Fluids B, 5: mas, 7: 3129 2405 [Chen2001a]L. Chen, et al. 2001, Nuclear Fusion, 41: 747 [Langdon1970] A. B. Langdon and C. K. Birdsall. 1970, [Chen2004]L. Chen, R. B. White, and F. Zonca. 2004, Phys. Phys. Fluids, 13, 2115 Rev. Lett., 92: 075004 [Lee1983]W. W. Lee. 1983, Phys. Fluids 26: 556 [Chen2005]L. Chen, F. Zonca, Z. Lin. 2005, Plasma Phys. [Lee1987]W. W. Lee. 1987, J. Comput. Phys. 72: 243 Control. Fusion, 47: B71 [Lee1988]W. W. Lee, W. M. Tang. 1988, Phys. Fluids, 31: [Chen2001b]Y. Chen, S. E. Parker. 2001b, Phys. Plasmas, 612 8: 2095 [Lee2001]W. W. Lee, et al. 2001, Phys. Plasmas, 8: 4435 [Chen2003]Y. Chen, et al. 2003, Nuclear Fusion, 43: 1121 [Lee2004]W. W. Lee. 2004, Comput. Phys. Commun., 164: [Diamond2000]P. H. Diamond, et al. 2000, Phys. Rev. 244 Lett., 84: 4842 [Lewandowski2003]J. L.V. Lewandowski. 2003, Plasma [Diamond2001]P. H. Diamond, et al. 2001, Nucl. Fusion, Phys. Control. Fusion, 45: L39 41: 1067 [Lin1995a]Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, W. W. Lee. 1995a, Phys. [Diamond2005]P. H. Diamond, et al. 2005, Plasma Phys. Plasmas, 2: 2975 Control. Fusion, 47: R35 [Lin1995b]Z. Lin, W. W. Lee. 1995b, Phys. Rev. E, 52: [Dimits1993]A. M. Dimits, W. W. Lee. 1993, J. Comp. 5646 Phys., 107: 309 [Lin1997]Z. Lin, et al. 1997, Phys. Rev. Lett., 78: 456 [Dimits1996]A. M. Dimits, et al. 1996, Phys. Rev. Lett., [Lin1998]Z. Lin, et al. 1998, Science, 281: 1835 77: 71 [Lin1999]Z. Lin, et al. 1999, Phys. Rev. Lett., 83: 3645 [Dimits2000]A. M. Dimits, et al. 2000, Phys. Plasmas, 7: [Lin2000]Z. Lin et al. 2000, Phys. Plasmas, 7: 1857 969 [Lin2001]Z. Lin, L. Chen. 2001, Phys. Plasmas, 8: 1447 [Dubin1983]D. H. E. Dubin, et al. 1983, Phys Fluids, 26: [Lin2002]Z. Lin, et al. 2002, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88: 195004 3524 [Lin2004]Z. Lin, T. S. Hahm. 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: [Ethier2004]S. Ethier, Z. Lin. 2004, Comput. Phys. Com- 1099 mun., 164: 456 [Lin2005]Z. Lin, L. Chen, F. Zonca. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, [Fonck1993]R. J. Fonck, et al. 1993, Phys. Rev. Lett., 70: 12: 056125 3736 [Manuilskiy2000]I. Manuilskiy, W. W. Lee. 2000, Phys. [Frieman1982]E. A. Frieman, L. Chen. 1982, Phys. Fluids, Plasmas, 7: 1381 25: 502 [Mazzucato1996]E. Mazzucato, et al. 1996, Phys. Rev. [Gurcan2005]O. D. Gurcan et al. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: Lett., 77: 3145 032303 [Nazikian2005]R. Nazikian, et al. 2005, Phys. Rev. Lett., [Guzdar2001]P. N. Guzdar, et al. 2001, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94: 135002 87: 015001 [Nishimura2006]Y. Nishimura, et al. 2006, J. Comput. [Hahm1988a]T. S. Hahm. 1988a, Phys. Fluids, 31: 2670 Phys., 214; 657 [Hahm1988b]T. S. Hahm, W. W. Lee, A. Brizard. 1988b, [Parker1993a]S. E. Parker, W. W. Lee. 1993a, Phys. Fluids, Phys. Fluids, 31: 1940 B5: 77 [Hahm2000]T. S. Hahm, et al. 2000, Plasma Phys. Control. [Parker1993b]S. E. Parker, et al. 1993b, Phys. Rev. Lett., Fusion, 42: A205 71: 2042 [Hahm2004]T. S. Hahm, et al. 2004, Plasma Phys. Control. [Parker2004]S. E. Parker, et al. 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: Fusion, 46: A323 2594 [Hahm2005]T. S. Hahm, et al. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12:

342 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

[PETSc]PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scien- rates [Waltz1994, Waltz1995]. Nonlinear gyrofluid sim- tific Computation, Mathematics and Computer Science ulation codes treated trapped electron [Beer1996], and Division, Argonne National Laboratory; http://www- electromagnetic [Snyder2001] turbulence. The first major contribution from nonlinear gyroki- [Qin1999]H. Qin, et al. 1999, Phys. Plasma, 6: 1575 netic codes was the verification of the importance [Shanny1967]R. Shanny, et al. 1967, Phys. Fluids, 10: 1281 of the Rosenbluth-Hinton[Rosenbluth1998] gyrokinetic [Sydora1996]R. D. Sydora, V. K. Decyk, J. M. Dawson. “residual” zonal flows made by the PIC δf flux tube 1996, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 38: A281 code PG3EQ [Dimits1996]. These persistent zonal [Tang1978]W. M. Tang. 1978, Nucl. Fusion, 18: 1089 flows apparently give rise to a so called Dimits shift [Tang2005]W. M. Tang, V. S. Chan. 2005, Plasma Phys. [Dimits 2000] or upshift in the linear threshold in adi- Control. Fusion, 47: R1 abatic electron ITG (ITG-ae) turbulence. The inac- [Villard2004]L. Villard, et al. 2004, Nucl. Fusion, 44: 172 curacy of the residual and the difficulty of formulat- [White2005]White, et al. 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 057304 ing finite-ρ∗(or nonlocal) effects in gyrofluid models, [Zonca2004]Zonca F, White R B, Chen L. 2004, Phys. Plas- motivated a redirection to gyrokinetics. Dorland first mas, 11: 2488 went beyond these adiabatic electrons nonlinear gyroki- netic simulations by converting GSTOTAL to the now widely used nonlinear flux tube gyrokinetic simulation III.5.2 Continuum gyrokinetic and code GS2. By 2000, the continuum flux tube code gyrofluidcodes(R.E.Waltz) GS2 was operational in full generality including elec- tron physics with finite beta, and real shaped geometry. While historically the Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes This allows physically accurate treatment of the low- initiated nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation of turbu- k ITG/TEM turbulence in the local gyroBohm limit lence, the so called “continuum” codes have proven re- [Ross2003]. Dorland’s GS2 and Jenko’s GENE contin- markable efficient. Continuum refers to the use of ve- uum code also first treated the high-k ETG modes with locity space grids in addition to the three space grids adiabatic ions (ETG-ai) [Dorland 2000]. (see the GS2 common to the PIC codes. Continuum codes are usu- website: ally Eulerian (rather than Lagrangian like PIC) and Candy and Waltz began development of picture the plasma as a 5D phase-space fluid. Such the global continuum code GYRO in 1999 codes grew out a long history of simple fluid turbulence and completed major design goals by APS codes (e.g. collisional two fluid edge codes) and the gy- 2002[Candy2003a, Candy2003b]. (see the GYRO web- rofluid codes. Gyrofluid equations are dissipative closed site: ) The pri- moments of the gyrokinetic equation. mary design target was to include all physics relevant to Work on continuum gyrokinetics started in 1992 with simulating microturbulence in the core plasma (exclud- Kotschenreuther linear continuum gyrokinetic stability ing the H-mode edge pedestal). This meant retaining GSTOTAL code [Kotschenreuther1988]. The GSTO- the finite-ρ∗ which would in principle allow: (1) local TAL code had ions and electron, trapped and passing, stabilization from the profile variation (mainly in the as well as collisional and electromagnetic physics. The driving plasma gradients); (2) nonlocal transport and main advance in GSTOTAL was that implicit numer- the draining of turbulence in regions of high drive and ical methods could pass over the fast electron transit spreading into low; and (3) deviations from gyroBohm frequency in an initial value code...the first step to a scaling all the way to Bohm scaling or finite-ρ∗ stabi- nonlinear code with electron physics. With reformat- lization. By 2001, GYRO ITG-ai simulations had the ting and the addition of plot packages, real Miller ge- possibility of operating either locally as a flux-tube with ometry and δB|| [Waltz1999], GSTOTAL was further cyclic boundary conditions, or globally with zero-value developed into the GKS linear stability code at GA boundary conditions on a large radial slice with profile for routine DIII-D experimental analysis. GKS is still variation. The boundary conditions were shown to be in use today. Combined with nonlinear flux tube gy- benign, i.e. without profile variation global and flux rofluid code simulations [Waltz1994, Waltz1995], GKS tubes of the same size produce the identical gyroBohm was crucial in the development of the GLF23 transport scaled result no matter the value of ρ∗ [Waltz2002]. model [6] which is the transport model of choice at nu- When profile variation is included, the diffusivity in merous tokamak labs worldwide. global simulations approaches the local gyroBohm lim- Nonlinear gyrofluid flux-tube simulations by iting value found in flux tubes from below as ρ∗ gets Beer, Dorland, Hammett, Snyder, Waltz and oth- very small [Candy2004]. Bohm scaling in ITG-ai simu- ers provided key physics discoveries in the mid- lations could result for ρ∗ ∼ 1% [Waltz2002, Lin2002]. 1990s. These gyrofluid simulation demonstrated: It has been emphasized that there is no universal ρ∗ (1) that nonlinear, self-generated (zonal) flows con- value for transition from Bohm to gyroBohm scaling. trol the nonlinear saturation of transport [Dor- Bohm scaling results from large enough profile vari- land1993,Waltz1994,Waltz1995]; and (2) equilibrium ation when sufficiently close to threshold [Waltz2002, E × B shear can quench toroidal transport if the shear- Waltz2006a] and thus to quantify and match Bohm ing rates are comparable to the maximum linear growth scaling found in experiments requires physically com-

343 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 prehensive simulations with “full physics”. corrugations in plasma gradients and current density The essential “full physics” required to match the [Hinton2003] at low order singular surfaces like 3/1, core experimental transport and Bohm scaling in DIII- 5/2, 2/1, 3/2. These are components of zonal flow fluc- D L-mode pairs [Candy 2003b] and gyroBohm scaled tuations which do not time-average to zero near low H-mode pairs [Waltz2006a] include: (1) the ITG-ai ker- order surfaces where the density of singular surfaces nel;(2) trapped and passing electrons for ITG/TEM dips. These would be difficult to measure in monotonic- physics; (3) electron-ion pitch-angle scattering; (4) fi- q profiles. However recent DIII-D ECE measurements nite beta fluctuations and transport; (5) shaped real of a large bump-dip-bump in the electron temperature geometry; (6) equilibrium parallel velocity shear for gradient as qmin = 2/1 enters the plasma of a reversed Kelvin-Helmholtz drive; (7) equilibrium E × B shear central shear discharge, matches GYRO simulated 2/1 (strongly stabilizing in DIII-D); (8) finite-ρ∗;(9)in- corrugations very well [Waltz2006b]. There is a huge put of actual experimental profiles; (10) particle, mo- “gap” in singular surface density at qmin =2 (s =0). mentum, and energy flow diagnostics. With given GYRO simulations show a huge E × B shear layer just experimental profiles, GYRO typically gives a 2-fold interior to the 2/1, which seems to explain the forma- larger transport flows than DIII-D. But the experimen- tion of an ITB often found at qmin = 2/1. tal transport is easily matched by lowering either the Code development of both flux-tube and global δf experimental ion temperature gradient or raising the continuum gyrokinetic codes is nearly ended. Many E × B shear by 10∼ 15%. The profile similarity of the productive years of application to analysis of exper- DIII-D L-mode ρ∗-pair is excellent and GYRO has ver- iments and development of transport models remain. ified the Bohm scaling is real by simulations a ρ∗-pair One can expect that full physics δf continuum gyroki- constructed with perfect similarity numerically. The netic steady state transport codes (operating at fixed gyroBohm scaling of the H-mode pair (at larger ρ∗!) input flows rather than fixed input gradient profiles) was also matched but found to be due to poor similarity will soon be in common use for comparison with exper- [Waltz2006b]. GYRO has developed a feedback tech- iments and even for projection of ITER Q-performance nique to make small adjustments in the experimental and core confinement given an H-mode edge pedestal plasma gradients in temperature and density to match height. The way forward for simulating the edge the given flows [ Waltz2005]. It is hoped that this tech- pedestal and the dynamics of internal transport bar- nique for turbulence simulation on transport time scales rier (ITB) formation is in the development of “full -f will lead to a steady state gyrokinetic core transport ” global gyrokinetic codes which make no scale separa- code for simulating ITER fusion performance (given an tion between dynamical δf turbulence and f0 transport H-mode pedestal height !). (f = f0 + δf). The numerical methods in GYRO were patterned af- ter GS2 where possible, but an efficient electromagnetic global code required significant advances in numerical References methods. (The flux-tube code GS2 lacks only (7) and (8) above, but δB|| is still lacking in GYRO.) The com- pletely implicit linear plus split step GS2 method was [Beer 1996] M. A. Beer, G. W. Hammett. 1996, Phys. Plas- replaced with a state of the art mixed-implicit-explicit mas, 3: 4018 (IMEX-RK) method. The GYRO methods to solve [Candy 2003a] J. Candy, R. E. Waltz. 2003, J. Comp. β the dread “Ampere-cancellation” problem in finite- Phys., 186: 545 simulations were later adopted by the GEM PIC code [Candy 2003b] J. Candy, R. E. Waltz. 2003, Phys. Rev. [Chen2003]. The most difficult numerical problem in Lett., 91: 45001 global continuum codes has been to find numerically [Candy 2004] J. Candy, R. E. Waltz, W. Dorland. 2004, n stable algorithms to evolve the neutrally stable =0 Phys. Plasmas, 11: L25 zonal flows (when ion-ion collisions are negligible) [Dimits 1996] A. M. Dimits, T. J. Williams, J. A. Byers, et Plasma and impurity flows, as well as neoclassical al. 1996, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77: 71 flows embedded in turbulence have been treated with [Dimits 2000] A. M. Dimits, et al. 2000, Phys. Plasmas, 7: GYRO simulations [Waltz2005]. It was found that 969 there was no practically significant coupling between [Dorland 1993] W. Dorland, G. W. Hammett. 1993, Phys. n = 0 neoclassical flows and n>0 (low-k ITG/TEM: Fluids B, 5: 812 0

344 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction Phys. Rev. Lett., 88: 195004 III.6 RF heating and current drive [Rosenbluth1998] M. N. Rosenbluth, F. L. Hinton. 1998, (D.B.Batchelor) Phys. Rev. Lett., 80: 724 [Ross2003] R. W. Ross, W. Dorland. 2003, Phys. Plasmas, Foundations of RF simulation 9: 5031 A complete simulation for the interaction of RF [Snyder 2001] P.B. Snyder, G. W. Hammett. 2001, Phys. waves with plasma can be divided into separate Plasmas, 3: 4046 but interacting pieces as indicated schematically in [Waltz 1994] R. E. Waltz, G. D. Kerbel, J. Milovich. 1994, Fig. III.6.1 First, the 3D launching structure and the Phys. Plasmas, 1: 2229 coupling of this structure to the plasma must be mod- [Waltz 1995] R. E. Waltz, G. D. Kerbel, J, Milovich, et al. eled with sufficient realism and detail to reliably predict 1995, Phys. Plasmas, 2: 2408 the spectrum of the launched waves, the intense fields [Waltz 1999] R. E. Waltz, R. M. Miller. 1999, Phys. Plas- near the antenna, and the interaction of these fields mas, 6: 4265 with the edge plasma. Next, the wave equation must [Waltz 2002] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy, M. N. Rosenbluth. be solved within the plasma to predict the field struc- 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 1938 ture and the ultimate absorption of the waves by the [Waltz 2005] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy, F. L. Hinton, et al. plasma particles. The wave fields induce local macro- 2005, Nucl. Fusion, 45: 741 scopic sources of deposited power, driven current, and [Waltz 2006a] R. E. Waltz, J. Candy, C. C. Petty. 2006, plasma flow, all of which are quadratic operators on Phys. Plasmas, 13: 072304 the electric field. These must be calculated using the [Waltz 2006b] R. E. Waltz, M. E. Austin, K. H. Burrell, J. full detail of the wave field solution and the necessary Candy. 2006, Phys. Plasmas, 13: 052301 structure of the underlying plasma equilibrium and in- cluding the possibly non-Maxwellian particle velocity distribution. Finally, the long time evolution of the plasma distribution function must be obtained from a time-averaged form of the Fokker-Planck equation. Al- though these pieces interact, these interactions are only now beginning to be modeled in numerical simulations.

Fig. III.6.1 Elements of an integrated simulation of wave interactions with fusion plasmas

The starting point for the theory of waves in hot current, J(x,t), that act as sources for the electromag- magnetized plasmas is the kinetic equation describing netic field in Maxwell’s equations are obtained by tak- the evolution in time of the distribution of plasma par- ing velocity moments of fj(x, v,t) to yield the charge ticles of species j in a six dimensional phase space of and current densities, q(x,t)andJ(x,t). position and velocity. The electric charge, q(x,t), and Since the RF wave period is by far the fastest

345 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 timescale in the system, the fields and distribution func- that describe the ray trajectory and power absorption tion can be separated into a time-average, or equi- along the ray. , ,f0 librium, part (E0 B0 j ) that is slowly varying, and Fokker Planck theory −iωt −iωt a rapidly oscillating part, (E1(x)e , B1(x)e , The response of the plasma distribution function, f 1 , e−iωt ω f , ,t j (x v) )where is the frequency of the RF power 0(x v ), on timescales much slower than the RF wave source. For most heating and current drive applica- period is obtained from a time-averaged form of the ki- tions, the time-harmonic wave fields are small compared netic equation, referred to as the quasilinear Fokker- to the equilibrium fields and we may linearize the ki- Planck equation, netic equation with respect to these amplitudes. Solv- ing the linearized equation gives the rapidly varying df part f 1(x, v) in terms of the equilibrium distribution, 0 Q ,f C f S , . . j t = (E 0)+ ( 0)+ (x v) (III 6 3) f 0 , d j (x v), and the rapidly varying component of the elec- tromagnetic field. This solution then allows us to relate Here, the time derivative includes particle drift mo- 1 1 the plasma current induced by the wave fields, Jp to the tion, and the RF quasilinear operator, Q(E ,f0), [Ken- fields through a nonlocal, integral conductivity opera- nel 66] is quadratic in the RF field E(x,t) and describes tor acting on the wave field. wave-induced velocity-space diffusion of f0.Velocity moments of the quasilinear operator can also be cal- 1 σ Jp(x)= E1 = culated to give instantaneous macroscopic plasma re-   sponses such as local power deposition, Wrf (x), momen-  t f 0, ,t, ,t ,t . . dx d K( j x x )E1(x ) (III 6 1) tum sources, Rrf(x), or ponderomotive force, Frf (x). j In the absence of sources, the collision operator relaxes f The Maxwell’s wave equation that must be solved 0 to a local Maxwellian distribution. However, quasi- reduces to a generalization of the Helmholtz equation, linear diffusion, particle or energy sources, or gradients in macroscopic plasma quantities drive f0 away from

∇×∇×E = Jp +Jant +boundary conditions (III.6.2) Maxwellian. To obtain self-consistency of the wave fields with the The source for the waves is an externally driven an- distribution, and to follow the time evolution of the tenna current, Jant, localized near the plasma edge. plasma, a procedure of iteration of Eqs. (III.6.2-III.6.3) The interaction takes place in a bounded domain, on is necessary, This iteration greatly compounds the com- which are imposed appropriate boundary conditions de- putational demands of the RF calculation. This loop termined by the shape of the fusion device. has now been closed using full wave fields from the Three wave frequency regimes are important for AORSA code to generate the quasilinear operator and ITER applications [Gormezano 06]. The waves in the the CQL3D Fokker Planck code to calculate the distri- ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) resonate with bution function [Jaeger 06]. the ions at the ion cyclotron frequency or its harmonics, To achieve any of the objectives of high-power waves and can also interact with the motion of the electrons forplasmaheatingorcontrol it is necessary to launch parallel to B through Landau damping and transit time the desired spectrum of waves into the plasma from magnetic pumping. ITER plans to use 20 MW at about some type of antenna. Existing plans for ITER call for 50 MHz in ITER phase I. Because of their long wave- RF core heating, and possible advanced tokamak sce- length, an accurate calculation of ICRF waves requires narios may require special tailoring of the RF-launched solution of the full-wave equation, Eq. (III.6.2), which spectrum for current profile or sawtooth control. The in 2D or 3D is a terascale computing problem. Lower power levels and spectra of launched waves depend very hybrid waves can interact with both ions and electrons sensitively on details of the plasma properties at the but are used primarily to drive electron current. Lower edge near the antenna and on geometric details of the hybrid wave is still being considered for ITER. If em- antenna structure and nearby materials. In turn, the ployed the frequency would be about 5 GHz. None is RF fields near the antenna can have strong nonlinear planed for installation in phase I. A geometrical optics interactions with the edge plasma, thereby modifying approximation to the wave equation is usually adequate the plasma properties and dissipating substantial power for calculation of lower hybrid wave propagation, al- in RF-driven sheaths or wave modes localized near the though full wave solutions at very high resolution have plasma edge. An example of concern in present exper- recently been obtained [Wright 05]. Waves in the elec- imental observations is that antenna voltage-handling tron cyclotron range of frequencies (ECRF) resonate limits are lower with plasma than can be achieved in at the electron cyclotron frequency or its harmonics vacuum. Another observation, thought to result from (20 MW at 170 GHz in ITER phase I). Propagation sheath physics is that antennas must typically oper- of electron cyclotron frequency waves is well described ate with restrictions on relative phasing or must utilize by geometrical optics with ray tracing algorithms. Ray ceramic limiting structures to mitigate impurity gen- tracing, as required for lower hybrid or ECRF is consid- eration. Furthermore, for some experiments, a power erably less computationally intensive since it only nec- balance in the plasma core cannot account for all of the essary to solve a set of ordinary differential equations launched power, possibly because of edge absorption by

346 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction sheaths or wave-wave parametric decay. A failure to un- cluded in the conductivity. All-orders spectral wave derstand the reasons for these technological difficulties solvers have now been developed [Jaeger 01, Jaeger 02] could strongly affect RF performance in ITER. Thus, and used to carry out studies of mode conversion in 2D it is vital that a better understanding be obtained by as well as minority ion heating in 3D. AORSA takes ad- implementing better physics in the models used for an- vantage of new computational techniques for very large tenna design and analysis in order to maximize ITER parallel computers to solve the complete integral form performance and flexibility. of the wave equation in 2D and 3D without any restric- Modeling the interaction of RF power with the tion on wavelength relative to orbit size, and with no plasma edge is an extremely complicated problem. It limit on the number of cyclotron harmonics. This capa- combines all the complications of existing edge mod- bility has been exploited to elucidate mode conversion els (transport, atomic physics, plasma-material inter- physics in 2D and to provide valuable guidance as to actions, turbulence, neutral particle dynamics) with the range of validity of the FLR solvers. the nonlinear interactions of strong wave fields (e.g., There are two approaches to solving the Fokker RF-driven sheaths, ponderomotive effects, edge wave Planck equation, Eq. (III.6.3), presently being used in modes). Simplified models for several of these processes RF applications- finite difference or finite element so- have been developed and have had some success in lution of the continuum equation and direct simulation explaining antenna/edge plasma interactions. Sheath using Monte Carlo particle methods. These employ dif- interactions are qualitatively understood [Perkins 89, ferent numerical techniques and different time or orbit Myra 90, D’Ippolito 91] but quantitative analysis is not averages to reduce the dimensionality. The primary re- possible. search issues for the wave solver codes are to understand When the edge plasma properties are known from the limits of validity of the quasi-local approximations experiment or can be reliably assumed, good calcula- employed in constructing the RF conductivity operator, tions of the wave spectrum are now possibly absent the and to improve the treatment of 3D antenna geometries non-linear edge interactions described above. Three- including possible non-linear edge effects. dimensional antenna models coupled to 1D models for There are several codes which solve a time depen- the plasma with outgoing wave boundary conditions dent bounce averaged form of Eq. (III.6.3) by finite have been successfully compared with loading mea- difference methods in a 2D velocity space with a 1D surements in many experiments, including Tore Supra radial spatial coordinate and have the capability to in- [Carter 95], TFTR [Carter 96], and DIII-D [Swain 97]. clude radial derivatives of the bounce averaged distri- However, these models do not account for the actual bution functions [Harvey 92, O’Brien 95]. The exist- shape of the plasma, which in many cases does not ing models for the radial diffusion which remains af- conform well to the shape of the antenna, they do not ter bounce-averaging are somewhat ad hoc and need to account for the bounded domain with power reflecting be improved to give a physics-based model for radial from distant walls back to the antenna or for power diffusive transport and RF modifications of the boot- dissipated nonlinearly by plasma sheaths, nor can they strap current. Recently the CQL3D code has been di- represent the full level of geometric detail of the anten- rectly coupled to the AORSA2D wave solver to yield nas. converged self-consistent solutions for minority tail for- Key codes for RF simulation and development mation in Alcator C-Mod and fast wave coupling to issues alpha particles in ITER. The solution of Eqs.(III.6.1) through (III.6.3) must Monte Carlo methods allow solutions in high dimen- be carried out with sufficient dimensionality, resolu- sional phase space and correctly model the drift of par- tion, and detail in the conductivity operator to repre- ticle orbits across flux surfaces [Choi 05, Kwon 06]. This sent all of the important physics involved in the wave- method can straightforwardly include both Coulomb particle interaction. Considerable simplification can be pitch angle and energy scattering as well as RF quasi- 2 achieved by assuming that (k⊥ρI)  1 [Brambilla 99]. linear diffusion. In addition, RF heating effects on the In this limit, finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects are in- distribution, non-local closures, radial transport effects cluded by expanding the conductivity operator to sec- and unclosed flux surfaces can be taken into account. ond order in k⊥ρI. The integral operator perpendic- The Monte Carlo approach is scalable to massively par- ular to the magnetic field can thus be reduced to a allel systems but there are challenges related to the second order differential operator whose finite element computational performance. First, there is the need representation yields a sparse matrix. This type of full- to run with a sufficiently large number of particles to wave ICRF field solver is commonly referred to as an resolve narrow boundary layers important for calculat- FLR model. Such an approach works well for minor- ing plasma current that may be present in the distribu- ity ion heating in the ion-cyclotron range of frequencies tion function, especially for the collisionalities of ITER. (ICRF) where mode conversion to the short wavelength Next, a number of self-consistency relations (e.g., mo- ion Bernstein and slow ion cyclotron waves is negligi- mentum conservation, equivalency between test parti- ble. If mode conversion becomes significant however, or cle and background plasmas, ambipolar transport, etc.) if energetic particles with large Larmor radii are present need to be prescribed. These may require higher-level in the plasma, higher order terms in k⊥ρI must be in- iterations outside the main particle stepping loop. Fi-

347 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 nally there is little experience in using the somewhat [Jaeger 06] E. F. Jaeger, et al. 2006, Phys. Plasmas, 13: noisy distribution functions obtained from Monte Carlo 056101 methods as inputs to the wave solvers, which require [Kennel 66] C. F. Kennel, F. Engelmann. 1966, Phys. Flu- velocity space derivatives to calculate the plasma con- ids, 9: 2377 ductivity. [Kwon 06] J-M Kwon, et al. 2006, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Objectives of RF simulation for ITER VP1.00115 The key role of wave-plasma interaction studies for [Myra 90] J. R. Myra, D. A. D’Ippolito, M. Gerver. 1990, ITER is to answer questions such as: Are the RF sys- Nucl. Fusion, 30: 845 tems capable of producing and controlling a particular [O’Brien96]O’BrienM.R,CoxM,GardnerC.A,Zaitsev desired plasma state, and if so how should these sys- F. S. presented at 22nd European Conference on Controlled tems be operated to achieve that state? In a specific Fusion and Plasma Physics. July, 1995 experiment that has been performed, what role did the [Perkins 89] F. W. Perkins. 1989, Nucl. Fusion, 29: 583 RF waves play in the measurements that were actually [Swain 97] D. W. Swain, et al. 1997, Nucl. Fusion, 37: 211 made? To what extent can RF waves be used to stabi- [Wright 05] J. C. Wright, et al. 2005, Nucl. Fusion, 45: 1411 lize or otherwise control instabilities, such as sawtooth oscillations or neoclassical tearing modes, and what are the RF system requirements for this purpose? Such III.7 Edge physics simulation studies require interfacing with models of other plasma processes such as transport, extended MHD and mi- (X. Q. Xu and C. S. Chang) crostability. In particular, the RF models must provide The plasma edge includes the pedestal, scrape-off, to the other codes macroscopic RF plasma responses - and divertor regions. A complete edge physics should local power deposition, the driven current, the RF force deal with the plasma, atomic, and the plasma-wall in- or flow profile, and for some applications they must pro- teraction phenomena. The edge provides the source of vide the detailed plasma distribution function. In turn, plasma through ionization of the incoming neutral par- the RF models must receive the magnetic equilibrium, ticles and source of impurity through the wall sputter- the macroscopic variables describing the state of each ing. Edge plasma sets a boundary condition for the core plasma species, such as density and temperature, and confinement physics. Importance of the edge plasma any non-RF sources of non-Maxwellian particles such as has been elevated to the top list of the ITER physics from neutral injection or fusion reactions. In addition research needs due to the necessity of the self-organized a fully predictive capability will require the coupling of plasma pedestal and its destruction by edge localized the edge/antenna phenomena to the core wave propaga- mode activities. Extrapolation of the present tokamak tion and Fokker-Planck solutions. A complete solution data base predicts that a sufficient pedestal height is a to this problem is the very long-term goal of a global necessary condition for the success of ITER. integrated simulation effort. Plasma turbulence and the resulting anomalous cross-field plasma transport, integrated with the strong neoclassical transport, are crucial physics processes References in the boundary region, affecting both core plasma confinement and plasma-wall interactions. Reduction of anomalous plasma transport at the boundary, as- [Brambilla 99] M. Brambilla. 1999, Plasma Phys. Control. sociated with the transition to the H-mode operat- Fusion, 41: 1 ing regime, leads to sharp pedestal-like structures in [Carter 95] M. D. Carter, et al. 1995, AIP Conf. Proc 355, the temperature and density profiles. The continuing RF Power in Plasmas, 364 buildup of the sharp pressure gradients in the pedestal [Carter 96] M. D. Carter, et al. 1996, Nucl. Fusion, 36: 209 region can drive edge localized modes (ELMs). The [Choi 05] M. Choi, et al. 2005, Proc. of the 16th Topical large bursting events due to ELMs not only destroy the Conf., Park City, Utah edge pedestal, force the discharge back to low confine- [D’Ippolito 91] D. A. D’Ippolito, et al. 1991, Plasma Phys. ment regime, and therefore strongly impact global con- Control. Fusion, 33: 607 finement and fusion performance; they also cause the [Gormezano 06] ITER Tokamak Physics Basis, Chapter 6, large power from the collapse of the edge pedestal to to be published in Nuclear Fusion move across the separatrix into the Scrape-Off Layer [Harvey 92] R. W. Harvey, M. G. McCoy. “The CQL3D (SOL), with the power either flowing into divertor Fokker-Planck Code” in Proceedings of the IAEA Technical plates along the field-line or to the main chamber wall. Committee Meeting on Advances in Simulation and Mod- The large outward heat flux resulting from ELM burst- eling of Thermonuclear Plasmas (IAEA, Montreal, 1992), ing puts serious constraints on the lifetime of ITER available through USDOC, NTIS No. DE9300962 divertor plates and first wall. [Jaeger 01] E. F. Jaeger, et al. 2001, Phys. Plasmas, 8: The edge physics is a mixture of plasma physics, 1573 atomic physics, and chemistry and material science. [Jaeger 02] E. F. Jaeger, et al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: The important issues associated with the edge physics 1873 are instabilities, turbulence, transport, plasma sources

348 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction and sinks, and impurity generations. There are many SOL; the private flux region is also included. With sources of instabilities and turbulence, such as gradients poloidal flux, Ψ, normalized to unity on the separa- of density, temperature, current, flow, radiation and trix, BOUT typically sets the inner simulation bound- ionization. The most popular instabilities for the edge ary condition at Ψc=0.9 and the outer boundary at are ideal and resistive ballooning modes, peeling modes, Ψw=1.1. The boundary conditions are homogeneous drift waves and drift Alfven modes, Kelvin-Helmholtz Neumann at Ψ= Ψc and at Ψ = Ψw, sheath boundaries modes, and sheath-driven modes. However, these are in the SOL and the private flux regions, shifted peri- not really all independent modes, but rather are co- odic in the poloidal direction in the “edge” (inside of existing for destabilizing drift-wave type instabilities. separatrix), and periodic in toroidal direction. A finite In fact, since typical edge plasmas have low densities difference method is used, and the resulting difference and temperatures, and steep radial gradients, the dia- equations are solved with a fully implicit, parallelized, magnetic drift time scale, collision time scale, Alfven Newton-Krylov solver PVODE/PVODE. In order to in- time scale, and electron transit time scale are all on the vestigate boundary turbulence, BOUT is able to couple same order, with no clear distinction between them. to the edge plasma transport code UEDGE, and MHD They are all drift-wave type instabilities with full elec- equilibrium code EFIT/Corsica to get realistic X-point tromagnetic perturbations. divertor magnetic geometry and plasma profiles. Over the last two decades, there has been rapid de- BOUT contains much of the relevant physics for the velopment of edge modeling and simulations around the pedestal barrier problem for the experimentally rele- world. The characteristics of this stage is that each code vant X-point divertor geometry. Encouraging results addresses each specific physics, such as the fluid trans- have been obtained when using measured plasma pro- port codes SOLPS [Coster 2006] and UEDGE [Rog- files in the current generation of major US fusion de- nilen 2005], 3D fluid turbulence code BOUT[Xu 1998], vices such as DIII-D, C-Mod and NSTX. The resistive DBM[Rogers 1998] and DALF3 /GEM [Scott 2006], X-point mode has been identified in an X-point divertor the reduced MHD code JOREK [Huysmans 2005], ki- geometry [Xu 2000nf, Myra 2000]. Comparison of the netic Monte Carlo neutral models DEGAS [Strotler shifted-circle vs. X-point geometry shows the different 2006] and Eirene [Reiter 2002], neoclassical particle-in- dominant modes and turbulence fluctuation levels[Xu cell kinetic codes XGC-0 [Chang 2004] and ASCOTT 2000]. The poloidal fluctuation phase velocity shows [Heikkinen 2001]. The XGC-0 code has just been con- the experimentally observed structure across the sepa- verted into a particle-in-cell kinetic (electrostatic) tur- ratrix in many fusion devices[Xu 2002]. The fluctuation bulence code XGC-1 in the US SciDAC Fusion Sim- phase velocity is larger than the velocity. The Quasi- ulation Project Center for Plasma Edge Simulation Coherent mode is believed to be responsible for the high (CPES) headquartered at New York University. A energy confinement (H-mode), yet acceptably low par- 4D kinetic neoclassical continuum code TEMPEST [Xu ticle (impurity) confinement in the Alcator C-Mod high 2006] is under development in the U.S. Edge Simu- density plasma regime. The experimentally measured lation Laboratory (ESL) headquartered at Lawrence dispersion and mode stability is in good agreement with Livermore National Laboratory. A new particle-in- the resistive ballooning X-point mode predicted by the cell kinetic (electrostatic) turbulence code ELMFIRE BOUT code[Mazurenko 2002]. A strong poloidal asym- [Heikkinen 2006] is in operation in Europe. A complete metry of particle flux in the proximity of the separatrix review of each code around the world is beyond the may explain the paradox of the JET probe measure- scope of this paper. ments of the particle flux when comparisons of the lim- iter vs. divertor experiments had been made[Xu 2002]. Other studies highly relevant to pedestal physics have III.7.1 Fluid simulation (X. Q. Xu) been performed with BOUT, including one with fixed In this section we will give a narrative description H-mode-like temperature and density profiles showing of BOUT code: arguably representative current state generation of Er profiles and turbulence consistent with of art for nonlinear edge turbulence and ELM simula- experimental results [Xu 2000], and another, in which tion. The goal of the BOUT project is the develop- all profiles are evolved, showing a plausible L-H transi- ment and deployment of a user-friendly, state-of-art, tion [Xu 2000, Xu 2002]. Other recent physics results nonlinear fluid turbulence capability for the analysis of from BOUT include a study of the effects of variable boundary turbulence in a general geometry on a routine density on edge turbulence, leading to a more definitive basis. BOUT models the 3D electromagnetic bound- picture of the tokamak density limit [Xu 2003, Xu 2004], ary plasma turbulence that spans the separatrix using the formation and propagation of large-amplitude con- a set of fluid moment equations with the neoclassical vective structures (blobs) [Russell04], and simulations closures for plasma vorticity, density, ion and electron [Umansky04] and theory [Xu 2004fec] indicating the temperature and parallel momentum, and with proper possibility of divertor-leg turbulence which is indepen- sheath boundary conditions in the SOL[Xu 1998, Xu dent of turbulence in the main edge plasma. 2000]. The BOUT code solves these equations in a 3D In H-mode discharges, the sharp pressure gradients toroidal segment (toroidal wedge), including the region in the pedestal region can drive large bootstrap currents somewhat inside the separatrix and extending into the which provide an additional source of free energy to

349 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 drive MHD instabilities. This current drives “peeling” [Rognlien 2005] T D Rognlien, M V Umansky, X Q Xu. or edge-localized external kink, modes [Connor 1998, 2005, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 337-39(1-3): 327 Snyder 2002cpp], due to the expected sharp current gra- [Russel 2004] D. A. Russell, D. A. D Ippolito, J. R. Myra, dient near the separatrix, and can be unstable even at et al. 2004, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93: 265001 relatively high values of the toroidal mode number (n). [Scott 2006] B. D. Scott. 2006, Contri. Plasma Phys., 46: In addition to driving peeling modes, the large boot- 714 strap current in the edge region also lowers the local [Snyder 2002] P. B. Snyder, H. R. Wilson, J. R. Ferron, et magnetic shear, and in shaped discharges this can al- al. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, 9: 2037 low second stability access to high-n ballooning modes. [Snyder 2002cpp] Snyder P B, Wilson H R. 2002, Contri. The stability physics is further complicated by the cou- Plasma Phys., 42: 258 pling of peeling modes to pressure driven ballooning- [Snyder 2005] P. B. Snyder, H. R. Wilson, X. Q. Xu. 2005, type instabilities which occurs at finite n[Connor 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 056115 Snyder 2002]. As a result, intermediate 3

350 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction There is another reason why a kinetic description is nec- steepening of pedestal gradient causes another kinetic essary for edge plasma. It has been verified by exper- complication which cannot be described by a fluid mod- iment [Burrell 2003] and simulation [Chang 2005] that eling. As the pedestal width becomes comparable to the the ion distribution function in the scrape-off layer are ion banana width, radial orbital mixing of the ions be- not Maxwellian. come strong and the nonlinear neoclassical saturation There are two kinetic simulation efforts in the USA. of the pedestal slope occurs. At the same time, radial One is the continuum effort at the Edge Simula- charge separation tendency of the ion orbits from the tion Laboratory (ESL), a multiple institutional ef- electrons forces the radial electric field to build up in forts funded by DOE, and the other is the particle- such a way to keep the plasma quasi-neutral by way in-cell effort within the US SciDAC Fusion Simulation of orbit squeezing. The pedestal width and shape will Project Center for Plasma Edge Simulation (CPES). thus have to be consistent with the self-generated orbit- The particle-in-cell XGC code in CPES has been suc- squeezing electric field. A reliable edge simulation code cessful in producing the neoclassical solutions self- must include these inter-connected nonlinear kinetic ef- consistently with the 2D electric field solutions, neutral fects self-consistently. We refer the interested readers kinetics and atomic physics, and wall recycling physics to Ref. [Chang2004, Heikkinen 2004] for further details. (XGC-0) [Chang2004]. XGC is also beginning to pro- duce the electrostatic turbulence solutions (XGC-1). Even though XGC contains an atomic neutral Monte Carlo simulation package, US has a stand-alone Monte Carlo neutral particle code DEGAS2, which has a more complete atomic physics package. The atomic physics package in XGC is currently being replaced by the more complete routines from DEGAS2 as part of the CPES activity. Despite all the advantages of a particle-in-cell code to study the edge plasma, it may suffer from the discrete particle noise problem if not handled properly (see the discussions in the core turbulence section). The best Fig.III.7.2.1 A loss orbit near X-point method to reduce the discrete particle noise without increasing the number of particle is to use a physical The plasma confinement time in the open field line Coulomb scattering in the simulation. The XGC-code region is much shorter than that of the closed field line will be using such a physical collision scheme to dissi- region. Hence, the particle density and temperature of pate the discrete particle noise. An advanced physical the scrape-off layer plasma is much lower than those collision scheme may also improve the simulation time of the core plasma. Plasma particles bombarding the of a particle code by allowing a more advanced particle wall are neutralized and captured in the material sur- push algorithm. face to undergo quantum mechanical scatterings and Just inside the magnetic separatrix (H-mode layer), relaxations with the material atomic crystals. Many ion orbits can easily drift out of the closed flux sur- of them are thermalized to the wall temperature, and, face region into the open field lines. Without the X- released back into the scrape-off layer region as neu- point, the collisionless orbits come back to the closed tral molecules at much lower energy than the original field lines. However, the X-point geometry directs many plasma energy. The accurate energy and angular dis- of such orbits to the divertor plates, instead of allow- tribution of the released neutral particles, as well as the ing them to come back into the closed flux surface re- sputtering of the material surface, are best studied with gion [Hahn 2005, Weitzner 2004]. This creates velocity- a surface molecular dynamics code. Such results are to space holes in the H-mode layer. The worst of such be incorporated into the XGC edge code in the SciDAC velocity-space hole exists near the X-point, as shown in CPES project. The number of the particles absorbed in Fig. (II.7.2.1)[Chang 2002]. This type of orbit loss is an the material surface is usually significant compared to important source of the edge radial electric field and, the total number of particles in the plasma. Its release thus, the flow shear in the H-mode layer. The orbit rate does not have a one-to-one correspondence with the loss becomes stronger as the edge ion temperature gets impinging plasma particles at a given time and can be- stronger, raising the radial electric field strength. The come a significant unknown factor in the edge physics. pedestal pressure gradient then rises in accordance with Plasma interaction with the neutrals can provide the radial force balance. Fast rise of the pedestal gradi- a different source of physics from the usual plasma- ent is accomplished by the particle source from neutral plasma Coulomb interactions. Unlike the plasma- ionization. An edge code must be able to describe these plasma interactions, they do not have to satisfy mo- kinetic phenomena in order to obtain a reliable radial mentum and energy conservation in the plasma. They electric field and its effect on the neoclassical and tur- are known to influence the plasma rotation physics and bulence transport. H-mode transition power threshold [Maingi2004, He- The narrowing of the pedestal width caused by the lander2003]. It is also known that the plasma rota-

351 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 tion in the scrape-off layer can have a strong non-local III.8 Energetic particle physics influence on the core rotation which is related to the (F.Zonca,G.Y.Fu,S.J.Wang) core plasma stability and transport (counter rotation usually yields a worse confinement) [Rice 2005]. The The confinement properties of energetic (E≈1MeV) physics behind these phenomena is beginning to be un- ions are a crucial aspect of burning plasmas since they derstood, but is still largely unknown at this moment. are present both as fast particles generated via ad- The XGC code may soon begin to unveil the electro- ditional heating and current drive systems as well as static kinetic turbulence physics in the edge region, self- charged fusion products. In the first case, successful consistently with the neoclassical physics. However, the plasma operations rely on the possibility of controlling simulation capability of the kinetic electromagnetic tur- plasma current and flow profiles via neutral beam in- bulence physics in XGC is still to be developed. jection (NBI) and plasma temperature profiles by both As the edge pedestal builds up, the edge plasma can NBI and ion cyclotron resonant heating (ICRH). In the become MHD unstable and induces the so-called edge second case, fusion alpha particles must provide a sig- localized modes (ELMs), which can significantly reduce nificant fraction of the local power density, which is the pedestal width and the core confinement. Another ultimately necessary for the sustainment of the plasma serious consequence of ELM is the intolerable amount burning. of heat load on the divertor plates. At the present time, The possible detrimental effects of collective shear the ELMs are best studied with MHD/fluid modeling Alfv´en (s.A.) fluctuations [Rosenbluth 75, Mikhailovskii codes. There are several linear ideal MHD codes in the 75] as well as of lower frequency MHD modes [McGuire world which can evaluate the linear instability bound- 83, Chen 84, Coppi 86] on energetic (fast) ion confine- ary of the peeling-ballooning modes. There are a few ment properties were recognized in the early 1970’s and codes which can evaluate the nonlinear evolution of the ever since the stability properties of AlfvÏnic and MHD ELMs: the MHD two fluid codes M3D and NIMROD fluctuations have been an important subject of the field. as described elsewhere in this report, and the Bragin- The nonlinear behaviors of these modes was also inves- skii two fluid code BOUT and Huysmans’s recent work tigated [Berk 90] at the time of the first systematic ex- [Huysmans 2005] as described in the previous section. perimental studies of collective s.A. oscillations [Wong 91, Heidbrink 91] and together with the first numerical simulations of fast ion transport in the presence of these References modes [Sigmar 92]. In this respect, the studies of ener- getic ion physics in burning plasmas are good examples of the positive and fruitful feedbacks between theory, experiment and numerical simulations, producing sig- [Burrell 2003] K. H. Burrell, R. J. Groebner, P. Gohil, W. nificant advances in the understanding of fundamental M. Solomon. 2003, presented at 45th Annual Meeting of aspects as well as in the predictability of actual plasma the Division of Plasma Physics,(Albuquerque, New Mex- behaviors in present and future machines, like ITER. ico, Oct. 2003) Bulletin of the American Physical Society, KP1.029. [Chang 2005] C. S. Chang. 2005, presented at Transport III.8.1 Linear stability analyses Task Force Meeting, (Napa, California, USA, Apr. 2005) [Chang 2002] C. S. Chang, S. Ku, H. Weitzner. 2002, Phys. The various s.A. modes that can be excited in the Plasmas, 9: 3884 presence of the energetic ion free energy source are [Chang 2004] C. S. Chang, S. Ku, H. Weitzner. 2004, Phys. strongly influenced by the presence of the s. A. con- Plasmas, 11: 2649 tinuousspectrum,whichischaracterized by gaps. The [Hahn 2005] S. H. Hahn, Seunghoe Ku, C. S. Chang. 2005, frequency gap at vA/(2qR0)(vA being the Alfv´en speed, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 102501 q the safety factor and R0 the plasma major radius) [Heikkinen 2004] J. A. Heikkinen, et al. 2004, Contri. is due to the finite toroidicity of the system [Kieras Plasma Phys., 44: 13 82], but other gaps generally exist at ω = vA/(2qR0), [Helander 2003] P. Helander, T. Fulop, P. J. Catto. 2003, due to either non-circularity of the magnetic flux sur- Phys. Plasma, 10: 4396 faces ( =2,3,...) [Betti 91], to anisotropic trapped en- [Huysmans 2005] G T A Huysmans. 2005, Plasma Phys. ergetic ion population ( =1,2,3,...) [Van Dam 98] or 2 Control. Fusion, 47: B165 to finite-β (mainly =2, with β =8πP/B ,thera- [Ku 2004] S. Ku, H. Baek, C. S. Chang. 2004, Phys. Plas- tio of kinetic to magnetic pressure) [Zheng 98]. A low-frequency gap also exists because of finite plasma mas, 11: 5626 ∼ [Rice 2005] J. Rice, M. Greenwald, et al. 2005, to appear compressibility [Turnbull 93] and is located at ω = β1/2 / T /T 1/2ν /R β in Phys. Plasmas APS Special Issue i (7 4+ e i) A 0 [Zonca 96], with i the ther- [Maingi 2004] R. Maingi, C. S. Chang, Seunghoe Ku, et al. mal (core) ion β and Te(Ti) the core electron (ion) 2004, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 46: A305 temperature. Discrete s.A. modes, or Alfv´en Eigen- [Weitzner 2004] H. Weitzner, C. S. Chang. 2004, Phys. modes (AEs) exist in all these frequency gaps and Plasmas, 11: 3060 have been given different names accordingly, e.g. beta induced AE (BAE) [Turnbull 93, Heidbrink 93] for

352 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction ∼ 1/2 / ω = β (7/4+T /T )1 2v /R , toroidal AE (TAE) In summary, the s.A. fluctuation spectrum in i ∼e i A 0 [Cheng 85] for ω = vA/(2qR0), ellipticity induced AE toroidal system is well understood. Considerable ∼ (EAE) [Betti 91] for ω = vA/(qR0), etc. global AEs progress has been also made in the quantitative compar- (GAE) [Appert 82] may also exist in a non-uniform ison of numerical predictions with experimental data, cylindrical plasma equilibrium and are localized in both e.g. by comparing active measurements of global damp- frequency and radial position near an extremum of the ing rates of long wavelength modes in JET with nu- s.A. continuous spectrum. In addition, a variety of ki- merical simulation results from global codes [Jaun 98, netic counterparts of the corresponding ideal AE also Borba 02], built as kinetic extensions of MHD codes, exists when, e.g. finite resistivity [Cheng 85] or finite such as NOVA-K [Cheng 92] or Castor-K [Borba 02], or Larmor radius (FLR) are accounted for, as in [Mett based on kinetic models, as in the case of PENN [Jaun 92] for the kinetic TAE (KTAE). A unified picture of 95]. Calculated damping rates using non-perturbative all these modes was recently proposed in [Zonca 06], kinetic models agree qualitatively with experiments, al- where it was demonstrated that all AE from the BAE though details of damping mechanisms are still being to the TAE frequency can be consistently described by debated [Jaun 98, Borba 02, Fu 05, Lauber 05]. Pre- the fishbone-like dispersion relation cise comparisons with measured damping rates depend on plasma edge boundary conditions [Fu 05], as was re- −i δW δW , . . Ω+ f + k =0 (III 8 1) cently confirmed by the global gyrokinetic code LIGKA [Lauber 05]. This suggests that future developments where δWf and δWk play the role of fluid (core com- ponent) and kinetic (fast ion) contribution to the po- in numerical stability analyses of burning plasmas in tential energy, while Ω represents a generalized iner- realistic conditions will need to incorporate accurate models of the scrape-off layer (SOL) and of the mode tia term, which reduces to Ω = qR0ω/vA in the ideal MHD limit [Zonca 06]. Equation (1) shows the exis- structure outside the last closed magnetic surface in tence of two types of modes; i.e., a discrete AE, for divertor configurations. Another critical aspect is the eΩ2 < 0; and an energetic particle continuum mode accurate modeling of the mode conversion of long wave- (EPM) [Chen 94] for eΩ2 > 0. For the AE, the com- length MHD-like modes to shorter wavelengths, typical of kinetic Alfv´en waves (KAW) [Chen 74]. Differences bined effect of δWf and the non-resonant fast ion re- sponse provides a real frequency shift, which removes in the wave propagation properties are the explanation the degeneracy with the s.A. continuum accumulation of different predictions of the AE kinetic damping rates point and makes the mode weakly damped [Cheng 85]. in the plasma interior, which still require some effort in Meanwhile, the resonant wave-particle interaction gives code benchmarking among themselves and vs. known the mode drive, which is necessary to overcome the analytical results. The coupling of AE to the drift small but finite damping due to the core component. Alfv´en branch has also been partly investigated [Zonca In the case of the EPM, ω is set by the relevant ener- 99, Jaun 00] and needs to be further explored. Finally, getic ion characteristic frequency and mode excitation reliable numerical stability calculations for EPMs must requires the drive to exceed a threshold due to contin- account for self-consistent energetic ion physics, since uum damping [Hasegawa 74, Chen 74, Zonca 92, Rosen- the fast ion free energy source may modify the wave bluth 92]. However, the non-resonant fast ion response field structure itself [Chen 94]. Another important as- is crucially important for EPM excitation as well, since pect is the detailed modeling of the fast ion distribution it provides the compression effect that is necessary for function, as recently shown in stability analyses of the balancing the generally positive MHD potential energy internal kink modes excited by energetic passing ions of the wave [Chen 84, Chen 94]. [Betti 93, Wang 01, Wang 02]. The most recent sys- tematic stability analyses of proposed burning plasma The combined effect of δWf and eδWk , which de- termines the existence conditions of AE by removing experiments are summarized in [Gorelenkov 03]. the degeneracy with the s.A. accumulation point, de- pends on the plasma equilibrium profiles. For exam- III.8.2 Nonlinear physics and fast ion trans- ple, TAE mode structure and existence condition are port modified at low magnetic shear values typical of the plasma near the magnetic axis and have been dubbed The fundamental problem to be addressed in stud- core-localized TAE [Fu 95a]. Similar considerations ap- ies of collective mode excitation by energetic ions in ply for hollow-q plasma equilibria, where an AE can burning plasmas is to assess whether or not significant be excited in the local s.A. frequency gap which is degradation in the plasma performance can be expected spontaneously formed at the minimum-q surface [Berk in the presence of Alfv´enic fluctuations and, if so, what 01], yielding the so called Alfv´en cascade (AC) [Shara- level of wall loading and damage of plasma facing ma- pov 01] or reversed shear AE (RSAE) [Takechi 02], terials can be caused by energy and momentum fluxes satisfying Eq. (1). The effect of plasma compress- due to collective fast ion losses. For obvious reasons, ibility on ACs was also analysed recently [Breizman this problem requires a solution before ITER operation 05], when the mode frequency becomes comparable and, therefore, only numerical simulations can provide with that of the low-frequency s.A. accumulation point the necessary information with the appropriate level of ω ∼ β1/2 / T /T 1/2v /R = i (7 4+ e i) A 0 [Turnbull 93, Zonca 96]. confidence and accuracy. On the other hand, continu-

353 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 ous and positive feedback is necessary between theory, Hsu 92]. Once again, this loss mechanism is expected computer simulation and existing as well as future ex- to be weak in ITER, due to the small ratio of banana perimental evidences for reliable modeling verification orbit width to system size. and validation. Numerical simulations of collective excitations of Energetic particle losses up to 70% of the entire fast MHD and Alfv´en modes by energetic ions and of particle population have been predicted theoretically fast ion transport in burning plasmas mostly rely on and found experimentally. The particle loss mecha- global hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic codes, such as M3D nism is essentially of two types [Sigmar 92, Hsu 92]: (1) [Park 92], HMGC [Briguglio 95] and MEGA [Todo 98], transient losses, which scale linearly with the mode am- which solve the hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic model equa- plitude (≈ δBr/B, δBr being the radial magnetic field tions [Park 92], where the thermal (core) component perturbation), due to resonant drift motion across the of the plasma is described by nonlinear MHD and the orbit-loss boundaries in the particle phase space of en- energetic ion dynamics enter only via the divergence ergetic particles which are born near those boundaries; of the fast ion pressure tensor, ∇·PE,inthemo- (2) diffusive losses above a stochastic threshold, which mentum balance equation. The nonlinear gyrokinetic 2 scale as ≈ (δBr/B) , due to energetic particle stochas- equation [Frieman 82] is solved, generally via particle- tic diffusion in phase space and eventually across the in-cell (PIC) techniques, for the direct computation of orbit-loss boundaries. Due to the large system size, ∇·PE in the self-consistent wave fields. Generally, mainly stochastic losses are expected to play a signifi- the hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic model [Park 92] is suffi- cant role in ITER. The stochastic threshold for a single ciently accurate for the adequate description of those −3 mode is (δBr/B) ≈ 10 , although that may be greatly modes that are most relevant for both stability and fast −4 reduced ((δBr/B) ≤ 10 ) in the multiple mode case ion transport [Zonca 06], although more accurate ki- [Sigmar 92, Hsu 92]. netic models based on the Vlasov-Maxwell system are For weakly unstable AEs, a possible nonlinear sat- required for analyzing energetic ion redistributions at uration mechanism is via phase-space nonlinearities shorter wavelengths [Vlad 05, Estrada-Mila 06], typical (wave-particle trapping) [Berk 90, Berk 92]. This fact of Alfv´enic turbulence. For weakly unstable AEs, the has been confirmed by many numerical simulations [Wu use of global hybrid MHD-Gyrokinetic codes provides 94, Todo 95, Fu 95b, Candy 97]. Another possible the most promising route to exploring the issue of fast saturation scenario is by ion Compton scattering off ion transport in burning plasmas. Along this path, two the thermal ions [Hahm 95], which locally enhance the issues remain to be solved: (1) the multi-mode simu- mode damping via nonlinear wave-particle resonances, lation in realistic equilibria, for adequate treatment of or by mode-mode couplings which may cause poloidal possible phase-space stochasticity effects; (2) the cou- flows [Spong 94] or generate a nonlinear frequency shift pling of global wave-field solvers to evolution (trans- and locally enhance the interaction with the s.A. con- port) codes for the energetic particle equilibrium dis- tinuum [Zonca 95, Chen 98]. Recently, numerical sim- tribution function on long time scales. The first point ulations confirmed that mode-mode couplings give an is mostly demanding on numerical computation effi- estimate for AE saturation amplitudes on TFTR that ciency and memory, and eventually requires accurate are closer to experimentally measured levels than if they SOL models and realistic X-point geometry (see also were not included in the simulation model [Todo 05]. III.8.1). The second aspect also requires the develop- While the role of nonlinear wave-particle and wave- ment of physics models for the simultaneous treatment wave interactions is generally important in determining of very disparate time scales, possibly involving addi- the AE saturation level [Hahm 95, Spong 94, Zonca 95, tional phenomena such as nonlocal behaviors due to Chen 98], nonlinear evolution of the energetic ion distri- finite size orbits and canonical invariant breaking due bution function is affected by formation of phase space- to non-axisymmetry, e.g. toroidal field ripple or strong structures. Noticeable examples of such structures are non-linear equilibrium distortions. the pitchfork splitting of TAE spectral lines observed on The picture of nonlinear fast ion dynamics is JET [Fasoli 98] and explained in terms of hole-clump further complicated if the plasma is significantly pair formations in phase space, near marginal stability above marginal stability. Simulation results indicate [Berk 97]. Still, the nonlinear dynamics of AEs dis- that, above threshold for the onset of the resonant cussed so far, refer to single wave-particle resonances EPM [Chen 94], strong fast ion transport occurs in or to local saturation mechanisms. It is then not sur- “avalanches” [Zonca 05]. Such strong transport events prising that AE yield negligible energetic particle losses, occur on time scales of a few inverse linear growth unless phase-space stochasticity is reached, possibly via rates (generally 100-200 Alfv´en times, τA = R0/vA) a phase-space explosion (“domino effect” [Berk 96]). and have a ballistic character [White 83] that basically This fact has been confirmed also by numerical sim- differentiates them from the diffusive and local nature ulations of alpha particle driven Alfv´en gap modes in of weak transport. Experimental observations on the ITER [Candy 97]. For this reason, the dominant loss JT-60U tokamak have also confirmed macroscopic and mechanism below the stochastic threshold is expected rapid energetic particle radial redistributions in connec- to be that of scattering of barely counter-passing par- tion with the so-called abrupt large amplitude events ticles into unconfined “fat” banana orbits [Sigmar 92, (ALE) [Shinohara 01]. Therefore, it is crucial to theo-

354 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

retically assess the potential impact of fusion product simulations of collective excitations of MHD and Alfv Ïn avalanches due to the hard limit that these may im- modes by energetic ions and of fast ion transport in pose on burning plasma operations. Recent numerical burning plasmas mostly rely on global hybrid MHD- simulations of burning plasma operations proposed for Gyrokinetic codes, such as M3D [Park 92], HMGC ITER indicate that significant fusion-α losses (≈5%) [Briguglio 95] and MEGA [Todo 98]. The gyrokinetic may occur due to a rapid broadening of α-particle solvers in these codes are being modified in order to profiles in the hollow-q “advanced”-tokamak scenario include fast ion sources and collision operators in the [Vlad 06]. Meanwhile, only moderate internal energetic gyrokinetic Boltzmann equation. The most challenging ion relaxation is expected for “conventional” q-profiles, task is obviously posed by the large separation of scales

whereas strong EPM excitation and significant convec- between the nonlinear AlfvÏn mode time and the colli- tive fusion-α losses are predicted in the “hybrid” cen- sion as well as the source characteristic times. A com- trally flat-q-profile case only if the volume averaged fast plementary approach is based on Fokker-Planck solvers ion density is increased by a factor 1.6 [Vlad 06]. These for numerical simulations of fast ion dynamics, where results are obtained assuming an initial given fusion-a the effect of AE fluctuations are accounted for by ad- profile. In the EPM case, the coupling of global field hoc quasi-linear operators, obtained assuming that AE solvers to evolution codes for the energetic particle ref- mode structures are given by those in the linear limit; erence distribution function on long time scales is even thus, AEs evolve only in amplitude and frequency. This more demanding than for weakly unstable AEs, due method is adequate for exploring AE nonlinear dynam- to the bigger separation of time scales and the self- ics near marginal stability, but is obviously invalid for consistent evolution of the wave-field with the fast ion analyzing EPMs. Such efforts are important parts of free energy source profiles. Similar considerations can integrated tokamak modeling research projects world- be made for the non-linear energetic ion dynamics in the wide. The investigation of nonlinear AE dynamics will presence of low-frequency MHD modes (see also II.4). then provide a useful and natural test-bed for compar- Convective losses with ballistic character [White 83], ing and benchmarking the results obtained via comple- similar to those of EPM avalanches, where originally mentary methods. Future developments of global sim- proposed for explaining experimental observations of ulation codes will also require the inclusion of realistic the fishbone mode [McGuire 83]. Recent numerical sim- boundary conditions and thermal plasma kinetic effects ulations of both kink and fishbone instability confirm (see III.8.1) for numerical stability and fast ion trans- the fact that rapid fast ion transport is expected when port analyses of practical relevance for burning plasmas. the system is significantly above marginal stability [Fu Another fundamental aspect, which still remains es- 06]. Simulation results also elucidate the complex in- sentially unexplored, is the issue of whether mutual in- terplay between mode structure and fast ion source, teractions between collective modes and energetic ion showing that saturation is reached because of the rapid dynamics on the one side and drift wave turbulence and broadening of the energetic ion radial profile, even if turbulent transport on the other side, may decrease, fluid nonlinearities are important as well [Fu 06]. on long time scales, the thermonuclear efficiency. The-

These results suggest that energetic ion transport in ory predicts that Alfv Ïnic fluctuations near the low- burning plasmas has two components: one identified frequency s.A. accumulation point can be excited for a by slow diffusive processes due to weakly unstable AEs wide range of mode number by fast ions (for long wave- and a residual component possibly due to plasma turbu- lengths) as well as by thermal ion temperature gradi- lence; another one characterized by rapid transport pro- ents (for short wavelengths). The fast ion driven modes cesses with ballistic or secular nature due to coherent were originally observed in DIII-D as BAE modes [Hei- nonlinear interactions with EPM and/or low-frequency dbrink 93], while the Alfv´enic ITG (AITG) [Zonca 96, long-wavelength MHD modes. Zonca 99] remained a theoretical prediction until recent experimental measurements on DIII-D [Nazikian 06],

confirmed the broad wave-number spectrum of AlfvÏn III.8.3 Outlook and open problems fluctuations excited by both energetic and thermal ions. One crucial aspect that needs attention is the inte- This nice example of positive feedback between theory gration of global simulation codes for collective modes and experiment shows the profound relationship be- with fast ion transport codes (see also III.8.2). This tween Alfv´enic turbulence and AEs. problem poses a number of fundamental physics issues, On the long-time scale, AE and EPM nonlinear evo- due to the extremely disparate space and time scales in- lutions, as well as those of AITG or strongly driven volved and due to the different nature of the processes MHD modes, can be predominantly affected by either to be accounted for: external (see II.6) and internal spontaneous generation of zonal flows and fields [Chen (fusion-α’s) fast ion sources need to be treated self- 01, Guzdar 01] or by radial modulations in the fast consistently in the presence of fluctuations and their ion profiles [Zonca 05, Fu 06], depending on the prox- nonlinear dynamic evolution. Furthermore, the transi- imity to marginal stability. Zonal flows generated by tion of the system through marginal stability and its MHD and/or AE/EPM and AITG have higher intrin- further nonlinear behavior and evolution must be ad- sic frequency with respect to similar flows generated by dressed consequently. As discussed in III.8.2, numerical electrostatic drift turbulence: thus the possible nonlin-

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Lyon, 2002) (Vienna: IAEA) CD- integrated to treat self-consistently the nonlinearities ROM file EX/W-6 and strong coupling between the plasma, heating, cur- /programmes/ripc/physics/fec2002 rent drive, confinement, and control systems. /html/fec2002.htm The state of the art for time-dependent integrated [Todo 05] Y. Todo, H. L. Berk, B.N. Breizman. 2005, pre- Tokamak modeling uses “1.5 D” transport-timescale sented at the 9th IAEA TCM on Energetic Particles, (9th evolution codes. The 1.5 D refers to the mix of 1 D and IAEA TCM-EP, Takayama, 2005) paper OT09 2 D techniques. Calculations for the thermal plasma are generally performed in one spatial dimension assuming [Todo 95] Y. Todo, T. Sato, K. Watanabe, et al. 1995, that the profiles depend only on magnetic flux surfaces. Phys. Plasmas, 2: 2711 These surfaces are typically allowed to have shaping [Todo 98] Y. Todo, T. Sato. 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 5: 1321 (as planned for ITER), i.e., to depend on poloidal an- [Turnbull 93] A. D. Turnbull, E. J. Strait, W. W. Heidbrink, gle, but not on toroidal angle. Calculations for the fast et al. 1993, Phys. Fluids B, 5: 2546 ions often use two spatial dimensions, and sometimes [Van Dam 98] J. W. Van Dam, M. N. Rosenbluth. 1998, two phase space dimensions, such as, energy and pitch Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 43: 1753 angle. [Vlad 05] M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, S.-I. Itoh, et al. 2005, Various modules are used to predict and evolve the Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 47: 1015 plasma profiles. Examples are GLF23 [Waltz, 1997], [Vlad 06] G. Vlad, S. Briguglio, G. Fogaccia, et al. 2006, Weiland [Strand, 1998], and Multimode [Bateman, Nucl. Fusion, 46: 1 1998]). Also, various modules are used in these codes [Wang 01] S. Wang. 2001, Phys. Rev. Lett., 86: 5286 to describe the MHD equilibria, and the energy, mo- [Wang 02] S. Wang, T. Ozeki, K. Tobita. 2002, Phys. Rev. mentum, and particle flows. Typically these modules Lett., 88: 105004 are not the most advanced available, and are chosen [White 83] R. B. White, R. J. Goldston, K. McGuire, et al. to achieve a compromise between physics accuracy and 1983, Phys. Fluids, 26: 2958 computational speed. The modeling is generally of a [Wong 91] K. L. Wong, R. J. Fonck, S.F. Paul, et al. 1991, more pragmatic, expedient than basic, fundamental na- Phys. Rev. Lett., 66: 1874 ture. [Wu 94] Y. Wu , R. B. White. 1994, Phys. Plasmas, 1: This section describes progress and results using 2733 PTRANSP, a combination of the TRANSP plasma [Zheng 98] L.-J. Zheng, L. Chen. 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 5: analysis code [Goldston, 1981], [Budny, 1995] and TSC 444, 1056 (Tokamak Simulation Code) [Jardin, 1986], [Kessel, [Zonca 05] F. Zonca, S. Briguglio, L. Chen, et al. 2005, 2006] for time-dependent integrated modeling of ITER Nucl. Fusion, 45: 477 burning plasmas. The p in PTRANSP refers to predic- [Zonca 06] F. Zonca, L. Chen. 2006, Plasma Phys. Control. tive. There are alternative time-dependent integrated Fusion, 48: 537 modeling efforts with similar goals. Some are discussed [Zonca 92] F. Zonca, L. Chen. 1992, Phys. Rev. Lett., 68: in other sections of this white paper. 592 Special features of TRANSP and TSC are: [Zonca 95] F. Zonca, F. Romanelli, G. Vlad, et al. 1995, 1) extensive international use (including China, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74: 698 e.g., [Gao, 2000] and [Gao, 2003]) for analysis and sim- [Zonca 96] F. Zonca, L. Chen, R. A. Santoro. 1996, Plasma ulation of Tokamak experiments; Phys. Control. Fusion, 38: 2011 2) extensive results for burning plasmas (e.g., [Zonca 99] F. Zonca, L. Chen, J.Q. Dong, et al. 1999, Phys. [Budny, 2002]); Plasmas, 6: 1917 3) choice of many modules for equilibrium solution, heating, current drive, etc; 4) results for phase space distributions of fast ion III.9 Time-dependent integrated pre- species; dictive modeling of ITER plasmas 5) easy coupling to other “down-stream” codes for (R.V. Budny) more detailed analysis of issues such as turbulence, MHD, TAE instability (e.g., [Fu, 1993] and [Gore- Introduction lenkov, 1998]), and diagnostic design (e.g., [Mazzucato, Modeling burning plasmas is important for speeding 1998] and [Kramer, 2006]). progress toward practical Tokamak energy production. Modeling Techniques Examples of issues that can be elucidated by modeling The TSC code is used to simulate the startup and

357 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 control of the plasma boundary adjusting the shaping nat, 1994] for LHCD, and TORRAY [Batchelor, 1980] and control coils. Typically the electron density pro- for ECH/ECCD. The outputs from TRANSP are be- file is assumed and the GLF23 module is used to pre- ing used in other codes to assess the MHD stability, dict and evolve the temperature profiles from the heat- TAE stability, and microturbulence (such as GS2 and ing and plasma current profiles. The outputs of the GYRO). Electronic files of the MHD equilibria and of time-dependent boundary and plasma profiles are in- the phase space distributions of the fast ions are avail- put to TRANSP for a more detailed analysis. TRANSP able. has more comprehensive and self-consistent methods for Applications computing the equilibrium, heating, and current drive. The PTRANSP combination is being used to model The TRANSP results for heating, current drive, and ro- ELMy H-mode and advanced plasmas for ITER. The tation profiles can be input back into TSC for further H-mode plasma regime is considered to be a baseline iteration to converge on a more accurate model. Itera- scenario for achieving QDT = PDT/P aux = 10 [Camp- tion is necessary since the temperatures depend on the bell, 2001]. Two classes of advanced plasmas are being heating and the heating depends on the temperatures, modeled: 1) the hybrid regime is considered to be a etc. path to similar QDT but requiring less inductive current TRANSP uses Monte Carlo techniques (NUBEAM, with the safety factor qMHD profile maintained close [Pankin, 2004]) to model alpha heating and neutral to, or above unity; 2) the steady state regime aims at beam heating, torque, and current drive, the SPRUCE longer pulse durations with close to zero inductive cur- [Evrard, 1995] and TORIC [Brambilla, 1999] full-wave, rent drive. Examples of a few parameters for these reduced order codes for minority ICRH, LSC [Ig- ITER plasma regimes are given in Table III.9.1.

Table III.9.1. Representative values for ITER plasmas in three standard regimes. fOH is Ip/Iboot and fGW is the Greenwald fraction

Regime Ip Iboot INNBI fOH ne(0) fGW Te(0) PDT βn MA MA MA 1020/m3 keV MW ELMY H-mode 15 2.7 1.1 0.7 1.1 0.8 22 400 1.8 Hybrid 12 2.8 4.5 0.3 0.7 0.5 33 300 2.8 Steady state 9 4.3 4.3 0.0 0.6 0.6 35 300 4.0

The auxiliary heating powers are assumed to be waveforms and the total plasma current assumed, along 16.5 MW in each of the two planned negative ion with the Ohmic, beam, and bootstrap currents com- neutral beam injectors (NNBI at 1 MeV), and up to puted by TRANSP. Examples of effects of sawtooth 20 MW of ICRH at about 53 MHz (tuned to the He3 mixing on the total plasma current and q are shown in minority resonance near the plasma center). For the Fig. III.9.3. Significant mixing of fast ions is predicted. advanced plasmas, ECH/ECCD and LHCD are also as- sumed, and varied to control the current profiles. Results of the modeling are being submitted to the ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) pro- file database[1] maintained by the Core Modeling and Database Working Group and the Transport Working Group. The intended uses of the databases submis- sions are for code benchmarking and for inputs for down stream analysis. The figures show results from an H-mode and a hy- brid plasma which have been submitted to the ITPA profile database. Fig. III.9.1 shows the assumed ne profile and the temperature profiles computed using GLF23 in TSC. The electron density and the temper- ature at the top of the pedestal (x=0.9) are assumed. The temperatures further in are calculated using the GLF23 model in TSC. A modified Kadomstev mixing of sawteeth is assumed with a period of 50 s. This simu- lation achieves a predicted flattop fusion power of PDT 495 MW with an input power of 33 MW NNBI and Fig.III.9.1 (a, b) Temperatures and (c, d) densities in an 12MW ICRH so the QDT is near 10. ITER H-mode plasma Fig. III.9.2 shows an example of the heating power

358 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction ITER is expected to contain Be, C, and W impuri- ties recycled from the walls and divertor targets, and Ar from gas puffing to increase the energy radiated in the divertor scrape-off layer flow region. These impurities can be modeled in TRANSP. Also, the thermalized He ash profile will evolve in time. The effects of depletion of the D and T fuel are modeled. The accumulation of ash can also be simulated assuming a form for the transport such as:

Γash = −Dashgrad(nash)+VashnashA surf , (III.9.1)

Fig.III.9.2 (a, b) Heating powers from fusion alpha par- A D ticles, NNBI,andICRH, (c, d) Currents in the ITER H-mode where surf is the area of the flux surface and ash and V n plasma ash are flux surface variables. The ash density, ash, is calculated from the local source rate of thermalizing fusion alphas and recycling influx from the wall. The recycling coefficient of the ash, R, defined as the ratio of the fluxes entering and exiting the plasma bound- ary, Γin/Γout, needs to be assumed as well. At fixed electron density the fusion rate would decrease to low values if R is close to unity. Predictions of the ash profiles and of the total num- ber of ash atoms are given in Fig. III.9.5. Three val- ues of the ash recycling coefficient R were assumed D V Fig.III.9.3 Profiles of a) current and b) qMHD just before and the values of and in Eq. III.9.1 were assumed 2 R . and after a sawtooth crash to be 1 m /s and 1 m/s. The case =07achieves PDT = 495 MW. The PDT is reduced to 100 MW if R R . D It is important to estimate the plasma rotation in is increased to =085 due to dilution of the and T n ITER for several reasons: fuel (assuming fixed e); b) shows computed profiles R . 1) deleterious resistive wall modes may be avoided if for the case =07. The resulting ash confinement τ . τ ∗ τ / − R the rotation speed near the edge is sufficiently fast; times are p =36sand p = p (1 )=12s. 2) turbulent transport may be reduced if the radial flow has sufficient shear. Fig. III.9.4 shows an estimation of vtoroidal.Thera- dial electric field Er (calculated from force balance) can cause sheared flow, and the toroidal velocity contribu- tion could be significant. The toroidal velocity gener- ated by the NNBI torque in ITER can be estimated by momentum balance assuming, for instance, a fixed relation between χmomentum and χion.

Fig.III.9.5 Simulation of ash from thermalized fusion al- pha particles. a) Total number of He ash atoms with as- sumed values for D and V and three choices of the recycling coefficient; b) ash profiles for 0.7

The ITER design for the NNBI sources allows for a rotation in the vertical plane allowing the footprint of the beam in the plasma to vary by approximately Fig.III.9.4 Profile of toroidal rotation in an ITER H- 50 cm vertically from shot to shot. The modeling of mode resulting from the NNBI torque and the transport the hybrid scenario indicates that the below-axis aim- assumption χmomentum = χion ing can maintain the qMHD profile above unity. Details are shown in Fig. III.9.6.

359 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 Improvements of PTRANSP Development is continuing on the pTRANSP with the goal of improving the reliability of simulations. Near-term work (i.e., within a year) includes develop- ment of: 1) robust solvers for stiff predictive models such as GLF23; 2) a robust fixed / free boundary equilibrium solver of the Grad-Shafranov equation; Fig.III.9.6 a) Samples of NNBI neutral 3D trajectories 3) an NTM model [Halpern, 2006]; into sections at the their toroidal angle; b) calculated q(0) 4) a pedestal model; in a ITER hybrid plasma (with high βn) with varying height 5) improved sawtooth triggering model; and Y of the peak neutral flux at the tangency radius measured 6) verification and validation checks. from the vessel midplane, indicating that q(0) can be main- Longer-term improvements include: tained above unity for long durations 1) electron density profile prediction; 2) scrape-off layer model; One use of these results is in designing experiments 3) parallelization of the Monte Carlo fast ion pack- to study alpha parameters in burning plasmas. The fast age; ions from auxiliary heating can mask or complicate the measurement of fast alpha effects. Figure III.9.7 shows 4) Monte Carlo model for ICRH. results for TAE stability with NNBI and alpha heating Deficiencies [Gorelenkov, 2005]. The computed linear TAE stability Obviously there remain many uncertainties in the versus toroidal mode number n with and without NNBI modeling that limit our confidence in the reliability of ions is shown. The results indicate that NNBI pressure predictions of ITER plasmas. Examples are: can cause plasmas that are stable to alpha pressure be- 1) validity and reliability of the transport models come unstable. assumed; An example of a use of modeling for the design of di- 2) torques and angular momentum transport; agnostics is shown in Fig. III.9.8. This indicates how 3) poloidal rotation and the radial electric field; relativistic corrections to reflectometry scattering at 4) effects of density profiles, and to what extent can high electron temperatures complicate the design of the they be controlled; reflectometry diagnostic [Kramer, 2006]. 5) recycling and pumping of impurities; 6) wave-particle interactions Collaboration possibilities Collaborations to develop and use PTRANSP are welcome. The NTCC modules library[2] is a very fruit- ful method for sharing many of the modules used in PTRANSP. Submissions to the library are tested, doc- umented, and peer reviewed. Use and submission is encouraged. A mode of closer collaboration would be to use PTRANSP via the FusionGrid. Presently the TRANSP code is being used at South West Institute of Physics via the FusionGrid[3]. This could be extended to include PTRANSP. Fig.III.9.7 Computed linear TAE stability versus Acknowledgments: toroidal mode number n with and without NNBI This work is supported in part by the US DoE Con- tract No. DE-AC02-76CH03073 [1] [2] [3]


[Batchelor, 1980] D. Batchelor, R. Goldfinger. 1980, Nucl. Fus., 20: 403 Fig.III.9.8 Relativistic corrections to reflectometry scat- [Bateman, 1998] G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, A. J. Redd, et tering at high electron temperatures complicate the design al. 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 5: 1798 of the reflectometry diagnostic [Brambilla, 1999] M. Brambilla. 1999, Plasma Phys. Con- trol. Fusion, 41: 1

360 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

[Budny, 1995] R. V. Budny, M. G. Bell, H. Biglari, et al. [Kessel, 2006] C. E. Kessel, R. V. Budny, K. Indireshkumar. 1995, Nuclear Fusion, 35: 1497 presented at 21st IEEE/NPSS SOFE Conference Knoxville, [Budny, 2002] R. V. Budny. 2002, Nuclear Fusion, 42: 1383 TN (2006) [Campbell, 2001] D. J. Campbell. 2001, Phys. Plasmas, 8: [Kramer, 2006] G. J. Kramer, R. Nazikian, E. J. Valeo, et 204 al. 2006, Nuclear Fusion, 46: S846 [Evrard 1995] M. Evrard, J. Ongena, D. van Eester. “Im- [Mazzucato, 1998] E. Mazzucato. 1998, Rev. of Sci. Instru- proved Dielectric Tensor in the ICRH module of TRANSP”, ments, 69: 2201 presented at 11th topical conference, Palm Springs, CA [Pankin, 2004] A. Pankin, D. McCune, R. Andre, et al. (USA), May 17-19, 1995. AIP Conference Proceedings 335, 2004, Comput. Phys. Commun., 159(3): 157 397 [Strand 1998] P. Strand, H. Nordman, J. Weiland, J. P. [Fu 1993] G. Y. Fu, C. Z. Chang, K. L. Wong. 1993, Phys. Christiansen. 1998, Nucl. Fusion, 38: 545 of Fluids B, 5: 4040 [Waltz 1997] R. E. Waltz, G. M Staebler, W. Dorland, et [Gao, 2000] Q. D. Gao, R. V. Budny, Jinhua Zhang, et al. al. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 2482 2000, Nucl. Fusion, 40: 1897 [Gao, 2003] Q. D. Gao, R. V. Budny, F. Li, et al. 2003, Nucl. Fusion, 43: 982 [Goldston, 1981] R. J. Goldston, D. C. McCune, H. H. III.10 Verification and validation Towner, et al. 1981, J. Comput. Phys., 43: 61 (J. Manickam) [Gorelenkov, 1998] N. Gorelenkov, C. Z. Chang, W. M. Tang. 1998, Phys. Plasmas, 5: 3389 The challenge of developing a reliable predictive code [Gorelenkov 2005] N. Gorelenkov, H. Berk, et al. 2005, with complicated scientific models, includes a process of Nucl. Fusion, 45: 226 verification and validation. The process of simulating a [Halpern, 2006] Federico D. Halpern, Glenn Bateman, et al. physics phenomenon generally includes: 2006, Phys. Plasmas, 13: 062510 1. identifying the key features of the underlying [Houlberg 1997] W. Houlberg, K. Shaing, S. Hirshman, et physics; al. 1997, Phys. Plasmas, 4: 3230 2. determining a suitable model set of equations; [Ignat, 1994] D. W. Ignat, E. J. Valeo, S. C. Jardin. 1994, 3. writing a computer code, which can solve the set Nuclear Fusion, 34: 837 of equations, and [Jardin, 1986] S.C. Jardin, N. Pomphrey, J. Delucia. 1986, 4. running the code and comparing the results with J. Comput. Phys., 46: 481 experimental data.

At each of these stages, choices are made, which im- Formulating the physics/mathematical model for a pact the final conclusion. In order to achieve predictive simulation, rarely start from rigorous first principles, capability, verification and validation (V&V) should be they are more likely to be based on reduced models, a critical component of the process, and applies at each which are guided by analytic intuition. In this pro- of the four stages in different ways. cess, some physics features or terms in the equation

361 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 are determined to be non-essential, to the particular but a systematic refinement of the physics model, and physics problem, and are either dropped or approxi- crucial for the progress , we seek. mated. Once the equations are defined, the next step is As the complexity of the physics models increases, to solve them, either analytically or numerically. The it will be possible to simulate experimental diagnos- numerical method usually has inherent errors due to the tics. This is a powerful technique for leveraging the choice of representation, grid size, time step etc. This simulation models to gain insight into the underlying can be overcome through convergence studies. Verifi- physics. The value of such ‘synthetic diagnostics’ can cation is the process for determining that the numer- be demonstrated by the following example. It is possi- ical solution correctly represents the model equations. ble to estimate global transport coefficients and as the The verification process is complete when the converged diagnostics improve, it will be possible to measure local simulation results compare favorably with analytical fluctuations within a limited range of k-space. If a simu- theory estimates or other codes using the same physics lation is able to match this observation with a synthetic model. diagnostic, the underlying physics can be explored us- Verification is followed by validation, the process by ing the simulation code at other wavelengths with more which the physics/mathematical model is determined confidence, and the role of the different instabilities in to correctly model the physics phenomenon of interest. the nonlinear regime can be investigated, even though This can be significantly more difficult than verification, that space may not be accessible to the prevailing in- since it may require substantial modification of the ba- struments. This argues for the systematic development sic physics model, which would then trigger a new cycle of synthetic diagnostics for all major codes. of verification. Furthermore, difficulties can easily arise from the lack of experimental data, or from poor resolu- tion. In fact, it might be necessary to design special ex- IV Major initiatives on fusion periments, specifically for code comparison. Too often, simulation benchmarking is confused with validation. Benchmark- ing refers to comparing the output from two different IV.1 U. S. scientific discovery through codes, the results might agree, but there is no guarantee that they are correctly reproducing the physics, hence advanced computing (SciDAC) the importance of comparison with experiment. An program & fusion energy science equally important point for consideration is that even (W. M. Tang) with proper validation, a code is generally applicable in a limited regime of parameter space. Extensions in IV.1.1 Introduction parameter space, should trigger a whole new cycle of The development of a secure and reliable energy sys- model building, verification and validation. This has tem that is environmentally and economically sustain- important consequences for the challenge of developing able is a truly formidable scientific and technological reliable predictive codes, which should not be ignored. challenge facing the world in the twenty-first century. The process of validation may be conducted at sev- This demands basic scientific understanding that can eral levels. At the crudest level easily measured global enable the innovations to make fusion energy practical. parameters may provide validation. Where this breaks The “computational grand challenge” nature of fusion down, detailed profile information may be required. Fi- energy science is a consequence of the fact that in ad- nally to validate the first-principles model, we might dition to dealing with vast ranges in space and time require local 2D or 3D information. This is illustrated scales which can span over ten decades, the fusion- in the evolution of our understanding of beta limits, relevant problem involves extreme anisotropy, the in- due to MHD. Introduction of the Troyon-Gruber em- teraction between large-scale fluid-like (macroscopic) pirical scaling law, provide a trivially computed esti- physics and fine-scale kinetic (microscopic) physics, and mate of the achievable beta, based on the toroidal field the need to account for geometric detail. Moreover, the strength, plasma current and minor radius. This proved requirement of causality (inability to parallelize over a valuable guideline until it became clear that many time) makes this problem among the most challenging discharges did not reach the Troyon limit, and in some in computational physics. Nevertheless, there has been exceptional cases, they exceeded this limit. Closer anal- excellent progress during the past decade in fundamen- ysis revealed the role of the safety-factor profile and tal understanding of key individual phenomena in high the pressure gradients. The understanding gained in temperature plasmas [Tang05, Tang02]. Modern mag- this analysis, in turn led to optimized shear regimes, netic fusion experiments are typically not quiescent, but commonly referred to as advanced tokamak regimes. exhibit macroscopic motions that can affect their per- The drive to obtain and sustain these regimes, in turn formance, and in some cases can lead to catastrophic led to wall stabilization and the discovery of resistive termination of the discharge. Major advances have been wall modes. Feedback studies of these modes, requires achieved in the modeling of such dynamics, which re- detailed information on the perturbed fields, in the quire an integration of fluid and kinetic physics in com- plasma and at the wall. From this example it is ev- plicated magnetic geometry. Significant progress has ident that validation is not just a numerical exercise also been made in addressing the dynamics governing

362 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction the interactions between plasmas and electromagnetic tructure that enables the models to work together. waves, especially in the radio-frequency (RF) range of Supercomputing resources can clearly accelerate sci- interest for plasma heating. Another key topic, where entific research critical to progress in plasma science there have been exciting advances in understanding, is in general and to fusion research in particular. Such the degradation of confinement of energy and particles capabilities are needed to enable scientific understand- in fusion plasmas caused by turbulence associated with ing and to cost-effectively augment experimentation by small spatial-scale plasma instabilities driven by gradi- allowing efficient design and interpretation of ambi- ents in the plasma pressure. While progress has been tious new experimental devices in the multi-billion dol- impressive, the detailed physics of the growth and sat- lar range such as ITER. In entering the exciting new uration of these instabilities, their impact on plasma physics parameter regimes required to study burning confinement, and the knowledge of how such turbulence fusion plasmas, the associated challenges include higher might be controlled remain major scientific challenges spatial resolution, dimensionless parameters character- [Tang05, Tang02, Idomura06]. istic of higher temperature plasmas, longer simulation Accelerated development of computational tools and times, and higher model dimensionality. It will also be techniques are needed to produce predictive models necessary to begin integrating these models together which can prove superior to empirical scaling. This to treat non-linear interactions of different phenomena. will have a major impact on the fusion community’s Various estimates indicate that factors of 103 to 105 in- ability to effectively harvest the key physics from the creases in combined computational power are needed. proposed International Thermonuclear Reactor Experi- Associated challenges include advancing computer tech- ment (ITER) - currently the top priority in the DoE Of- nology, algorithmic development, and improved theo- fice of Science. The probability that ITER will achieve retical formulation, all contributing to the improvement its goals can be significantly enhanced by development of overall “time-to solution” capabilities. As such, the of the capability to numerically simulate the associated Fusion Energy Science area is looking forward to being plasma behavior under realistic conditions. Unraveling even more actively involved in the SciDAC Program as the complicated behavior of strongly nonlinear plasma it moves forward to the next 5-year phase of “SciDAC systems is clearly a key component of the next frontier II.” In the following, a vision for SciDAC II is provided of computational fusion research and will advance the from the FES application area. It is motivated in large understanding of magnetically-confined plasmas to an measure by the strong interest in future burning plasma exciting new level. Accelerated progress in the devel- projects such as ITER and some of the associated in- opment of the needed codes with higher physics fidelity tegrated modeling challenges. The perspectives here will be greatly aided by the interdisciplinary (com- draw heavily from the summaries provided by the Prin- puter science, applied mathematics, and specific appli- cipal Investigators of the well-established FES SciDAC cations) alliances championed by the US Scientific Dis- portfolio - the Centers for: (i) Extended Magnetohydro- covery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Pro- dynamic Modeling (CEMM); (ii) Gyrokinetic Particle gram [DOE 01] together with necessary access to the Simulation of Turbulent Transport (GCPC); (iii) Sim- tremendous increase in computer cycles enabled by the ulation of Wave-Plasma Interactions (CWPI): and (iv) impressive advances in supercomputer technology. the National Fusion Collaboratory (NFC) Project. The scientific issues of magnetic fusion encompass a wide range of phenomena including those just men- IV.1.2 Key science problems in fusion energy tioned, as well as others. However the dynamics of science high temperature plasma does not respect these cat- egorizations, and the understanding of overall plasma The key scientific categories and associated chal- performance requires integrating all of these issues in lenges identified in the assessment of the Fusion Energy a comprehensive simulation that includes interactions Science(FES) Program by the US National Academy between phenomena which were previously studied as of Sciences [Kennel01] include: (i) macroscopic sta- essentially separate problems. To achieve the ultimate bility, which determines what limits pressure in plas- goal of such integration, it becomes necessary to follow mas and the means to control the associated mecha- the evolution of the global profiles of plasma tempera- nisms; (ii) wave-particle interactions, which determine ture, density, current and magnetic field on the energy- how hot particles and plasma waves interact in non- confinement time scale with the inclusion of relevant linear regimes and how to use such knowledge for key physics on all important time scales. While this is a tasks such as heating the plasma; (iii) microturbulence formidable long term goal, the program now stands and transport, which determine what causes enhanced ready to begin such cross-disciplinary studies to develop plasma transport and the means to minimize the as- more efficient models via improved algorithms and also sociated negative impact on efficient plasma confine- to enhance the physics content of existing integrated ment; and (iv) plasma-material interactions, which de- codes. Pilot Fusion Energy Science SciDAC integration termines how high-temperature plasmas and material efforts have now begun development of frameworks for surfaces can co-exist and thepossiblemeans to create bringing together the disparate physics models, com- optimal ways to do so. In addition, the integrated mod- bined with the algorithms and computational infras- eling of the physical processes from all of these areas

363 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 is needed to effectively harvest the physics knowledge and memory access times and improved inter-processor from existing experiments and to aid the improved de- communication latency and bandwidth. Realistic MHD sign of future devices. These important topics, which simulations of ITER-scale burning plasma experiments are critically relevant to the FES mission, are addressed will demand such improvements. in the existing and possible future extensions of the GPSC: There have been extensive interactions be- SciDAC FES Centers together with the new integrated tween this microturbulence simulation project with the modeling activities initiated in the Center for Edge Sim- SciDAC ISICs including: (i) TOPS on optimizing the ulation of Plasmas, the Center for Simulation of Wave interface between the GTC code and PETSc; and (ii) Interactions with MHD, and the most recently launched SDM (scientific data management) on managing the project, Center for Framework Application for Core- terabytes data sets from GTC. Visualization capabil- Edge Transport Simulations. ities for this center have been significantly enhanced with SAP collaborations with visualization experts at IV.1.3 Needed advances and innovations in UC-Davis and at PPPL. Terascale computing is being computer science and applied math aggressively used, and GTC, the Fusion Energy Sci- ence representative in the NERSC benchmark suite for FES is effectively utilizing the exciting advances testing most advanced computing platforms, provides in information technology and scientific computing, an impressive example of “leadership class” computing. and tangible progress is being made toward more re- This well parallelized code has recently achieved 7.2 ter- liable predictions of the complicated properties of high aflops sustained performance with 4096 processors us- temperature plasmas. In particular, the FES Sci- ing over ten billion particles and with 20 to 25% single- DAC projects have brought together physicists, ap- processor efficiency on the Earth Simulator Supercom- plied mathematicians, and computer scientists in close puter in Japan. Needed advances/innovations under and productive working relationships, which provide a SciDAC II: More realistic future simulations requires model for future research. Productive current alliances introducing additional physics into GTC which in turn exist with SciDAC Integrated Software Infrastructure entails enhanced support from ISICs and SAP alliances Centers (ISIC’s) and Scientific Application Programs to address greater demands on code parallelization and (SAP’s), but outstanding challenges remain. To illus- optimization, solver efficiency, and data management trate these points, some highlights in each area include: and feature tracking. A PIC code such as GTC cal- CEMM: In partnership with the SciDAC ISIC for culates the interaction of dynamical objects (particle Terascale Optimal PDE Solvers (TOPS), this MHD points) with static objects (field grids), gathers the field project’s two flagship codes, M3D and NIMROD have information for the particles, and scatters the particle achieved significant performance improvement. For ex- charge and current onto neighboring grids. The gather- ample, TOPS collaborations led to: (i) the implemen- scatter operations, which involve non-sequential mem- tation of the SuperLU solver library which produced a ory access of field data, are the main computational bot- factor of 5 in computational time for nonlinear appli- tleneck, due to the memory latency on all cache-based cations in NIMROD; and (ii) symmetrization of sparse machines. Since particles sample the distribution func- matrices to enable use of the PETSc ICCG solver which tion of the system, a very large number may be needed produced a factor of 2 reduction in computational re- to capture all the non-linear physics, while reducing quirements. Also, collaborations with the Applied Par- the statistical noise to a minimum. This puts a signif- tial Differential Equations Center (APDEC) led to an icant strain on the memory. Inter-processor communi- adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) MHD code which has cation in a PIC code can be minimized using domain- proven particularly useful in modeling pellet fueling of decomposition. The biggest general problem here is one tokamaks. of data locality due to the particle-grid interaction. The Needed advances/innovations under SciDAC II: random positions of the particles inside each domain These will include: (i) hardware with greater data ac- result in continuous non-sequential writes to memory cess capability relative to peak CPU speed to help ad- during the charge deposition on the grid, which consti- dress large communication burden in NIMROD/M3D tutes the most time-consuming step of PIC codes. A imposed by the stiffness of the mathematical problems; large number of operations, integer and floating point, (ii) possible integration of the AMR capability into the are required to get the final grid array indexes where two major codes, NIMROD/M3D; (iii) successful devel- the charge is deposited. Low cache reuse results from opment and implementation of more efficient implicit these numerous random writes. Sorting the particles schemes to enable effective utilization by the CEMM could improve this, as long as the time spent in the of up to 1000 processors or more on leadership-class new routine (i.e., sorting plus charge depositing) is less

computing platforms. than that of the original algorithm. ¸ Estimate “Scale” (terascale, petascale ¸) of associ- Estimate “Scale” (terascale, petascale ) of associ- ated computations expected to be performed under Sci- ated computations expected to be performed under Sci- DAC II: Good use can be made of terascale computer DAC II: With access to terascale and eventual petascale capabilities if provided in a balanced way where in- computational resources under SciDAC II, nearer-term creased processor speeds are matched with faster caches CGPS computations will provide valuable new insights

364 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction in a timely way into: (i) noise-related phase-space den- SciDAC Program, the National Fusion Collaboratory sity resolution issues impacting the ability to realisti- (NFC) has proven to be remarkably successful in pro- cally simulate the long-time evolution of plasma micro- viding vital infrastructure for national and interna- turbulence; and (ii) how nonlinear velocity space dy- tional collaboration in experimental operation, data namics act to drive plasma transport to much more analysis, and simulation. FusionGrid services have en- rapidly reach saturation. By using up to 100 times abled fusion scientists to use codes with less effort more particles than for the normal runs, these stud- and better support, and the transport analysis code ies will achieve the very high phase space resolution TRANSP, available as a FusionGrid service, has per- to enable systematic studies of these important sci- formed over 5800 simulations for ten different fusion entific questions. The ability of GTC to successfully devices throughout the world. It is also being used for carry out such investigations on advanced “leadership machine and experimental designs for ITER. Shared class” computational platforms such as the ESC, the display walls in tokamak control rooms and significantly CRAY X1E and XT3, the IBM Power line, and the enhanced remote collaboration via access grid nodes are IBM Blue-Gene L is well documented. Longer term, having a large impact on productivity. The NFC is the CGPS plans to address integrated fusion simula- enabling greater utilization of the existing US exper- tions of ITER-scale plasmas and also the code integra- iments by more scientists via facilitation of real-time tion of core and edge turbulence physics in collabora- off-site interactions with the experiments. In addition, tion with the new SciDAC ProtoFSP CESP. These are a unified FusionGrid security infrastructure has enabled terascale/petascale problems which will likely require more effective sharing of data and codes. For the future, the multi-scale mathematical development and integra- the NFC can play a major leadership role in building tion into GTC of new algorithms capable of addressing collaborative infrastructure for the needed remote op- low-frequency, long-wavelength MHD modes as well as eration of experiments such as ITER and in fostering high-frequency, short-wavelength ion-cyclotron waves. collaborative development and use of simulation codes CWPI: This wave-plasma interactions simulation as well as data analysis codes. With future support project’s utilization of terascale computing and asso- from either the SciDAC II Program and/or the Fusion ciated productive interactions with SAP have focused Energy Science base program, this kind of effort can on the dense-matrix solution of the complex linear wave provide a valuable leadership role in establishing com- equation. It has benefited from such alliances to accel- mon data structures and protocols and a collaborative erate progress on: (i) parallelization of the AORSA and culture for integrating SciDAC FES project results into TORIC codes which enabled 2D multi-scale field solu- the broader fusion community, including the large ex- tions; (ii) algorithmic improvements in handling non- perimental communities. Maxwellian dielectric operator to enable coupling of AORSA to CQL3D for self-consistent field solutions; and (iii) recasting of field algorithms in terms of real- IV.1.4 Integration across FES SciDAC space representation to enable 3D solutions for radio- projects, SciDAC ISICs and SAP, frequency (RF) fields in general geometry. and computing facilities Needed advances/innovations under SciDAC II: For In many respects, the physics fidelity of the most future integrated simulations that combine RF with advanced high performance computational codes, when longer time-scale phenomena such as MHD and trans- properly benchmarked against theory, experimental re- port, it is particularly important to develop and imple- sults, and complementary codes, represent the state ment more sophisticated wave solvers using a multi- of understanding in any research discipline. The in- scale adaptive spectral representation of the fields. tegrated modeling challenge in fusion energy science is Much more work of this kind is needed to drastically to effectively harvest the knowledge gained from the reduce CPU storage and run-time requirement, and associated simulations to provide the underpinning for enhanced collaborations with the SAP and the Sci- predicting the behavior of fusion systems. Developing DAC ISICs as well as with the new SciDAC ProtoFSP a comprehensive simulation capability for carrying out “SWIM” Project will be required. “virtual experiments” of such systems will be essential

Estimate “Scale” (terascale, petascale ¸) of asso- for the design and optimization of a portfolio of fu- ciated computations expected to be performed under ture facilities, including burning plasma experiments, SciDAC II: With access to terascale computational technology testing facilities and demonstration power resources, the CWPI intends to target: (i) a fully- plants, necessary for the realization of commercially integrated self-consistent field and particle distribution available fusion energy. A near-term application is to function solution for modeling RF heating; (ii) incorpo- optimize the design of experimental burning plasma de- ration of PIC codes to explore nonlinear RF-edge inter- vices such as ITER, which will pave the way to both actions; and (iii) integrated solutions for the wave fields greater scientific understanding and speeding up the in the plasma core and edge regions to provide informa- development of the first fusion power plant. A realis- tion on the amount of power that can be coupled into tic integrated simulation capability would dramatically the plasma from a given launcher. enhance the utilization of such a facility, and its appli- NFC: Although not a formal part of the FES cation to concept innovation can be expected to lead to

365 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 further optimization of toroidal fusion plasma systems [Tang 05] Tang W. M, Chan V. S. 2002, Phys. Plasmas, in general. The targeted goal is to deliver the ability 9(5): 1856 to effectively simulate the entire plasma device with a validated predictive capability that reproduces trends IV.2 EU integrated tokamak from existing experimental regimes and can be applied with a reasonable level of confidence when extrapolated modelling (ITM) task force to new physics regimes. (A. Becoulet, F. Zonca) A successful approach toward the timely achievement At the end of 2003, the European Fusion Develop- of the integrated modeling goal in FES will need to ment Agreement (EFDA) structure set-up a long-term demonstrate significant advances at three levels. At European task force (TF) in charge of “co-ordinating the most fundamental level, improvements in physics the development of a coherent set of validated simula- understanding and theoretical descriptions for all phys- tion tools for the purpose of benchmarking on existing ical processes in key areas that govern the performance tokamak experiments, with the ultimate aim of pro- of fusion systems will be needed. This should translate viding a comprehensive simulation package for ITER into a capability to perform realistic numerical simula- plasmas” []. The tions of individual components of a fusion device, utiliz- resources are found within the European Associations, ing available high performance computers to help quan- and so far mobilized through voluntary participation. titatively validate against accurate experimental mea- Integrated tokamak modelling is an extremely com- surements. Such an initial step has been successfully plicated issue which poses at least three challenges in launched under the existing FES SciDAC Program. A terms of integration. First, of course, the physics in- second level is the optimization of physics code pack- tegration challenge: after several decades spent to de- ages and demonstration of coupled simulations of sev- velop the various physics ingredients at play in a toka- eral different physics processes. Under SciDAC-II, this mak plasma, there is an actual need to foster interac- element will require significantly greater collaborations tions between the different physics areas such as MHD, with the mathematics and computer science commu- heat & particle transport, exhaust, energetic particle nity (via ISIC’s and SAP’s) for improvement of algo- physics, etc. Significant new physics is expected, for in- rithm accuracy and efficiency along with the prepara- stance when coupling edge to core physics (L-H transi- tion of physics packages for compatibility with the next tion, ELM etc), fast particle content to non-linear MHD generation of high performance computer architectures. and/or to turbulent transport, etc. Most of them are The associated advanced simulation capability should expected to be dominant in ITER. The second challenge have extensive ability to better diagnose and interpret is the code integration. Developing a ‘tokamak simula- experiments. The third and final level is to integrate tor’ requires a significant effort from the community in all physical processes needed in a seamless framework terms of creating full sets of validated and benchmarked for the comprehensive computational simulation of fu- codes, and of setting-up standardised inputs/outputs to sion energy science experimental devices. Achieving allow modules from different codes and providers to be such an integrated simulation capability, guided by the linked to each others and to multiple databases. This three-level phased approach just noted will require the also requires agreement on a common framework for availability of terascale (and eventually petascale) ‘ca- code development and operation. The complexity, the pability’ or ‘leadership class’ computing facilities as well international context, and the very long term aspects as significantly enhanced capacity computing resources, of the problem further require standardised and user- which can be made available through dedicated topical friendly frameworks. The third challenge to face is the computing centers. discipline integration. The success of the ITM relies on close cross-discipline interactions, with input from the- oreticians to build/improve the appropriate mathemat- References ical models, modellers to construct efficient, accurate codes from the models and experimentalists to provide data to validate models. The involvement of each com- [DOE 01] Department of Energy Office of Science’s. 2001, munity is crucial for success. The obvious questions of Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (Sci- the relevant computer resources and numerical support DAC) Program. Department of Energy, Washington, DC are also to be addressed at the proper level. [Idomura 06] Idomura Y, Watanabe T, Sugama H. 2006, The year 2004 was dedicated in Europe to structure Kinetic Simulations of Turbulent Fusion Plasmas. C. R. the task force (TF) and plan the mid- and long-term Physique, 7: 650-669 activities necessary to such an endeavour. The work [Kennel 01] C. F. Kennel, et al. 2001, An Assessment of broadly aimed at reviewing the current status of mod- the Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy Sci- elling and at developing the longer term strategy of the ence Program. National Research Council, Final Report, TF, towards an integrated suite of codes, in order to op- National Academy Press, Washington, DC timize the European exploitation of the ITER project. [Tang 02] Tang W M. 2005, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, The long term objectives aimed at structuring the EU 47(2): R1 modelling effort towards ITER and the existing fusion

366 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction devices, strengthening the collaborative efforts between mak experiment: physics quantities, subsystems char- EU and the other ITER partners, and implementing acteristics and diagnostics measurements. It presents more systematic verification and experimental valida- a high degree of organisation, being structured in vari- tion procedures as well as documentation. The objec- ous “trees” and “sub-trees”, each of them correspond- tives also include the development of a code platform ing to “Consistent Physical Objects”. This avoids “flat structure, easily enabling the coupling between codes structures” with never-ending lists of parameter names. and models, providing access to any device geometries The “Consistent Physical Objects” are either subsys- and databases, and easing the more systematic code tems (e.g. a heating system, or a diagnostic) and con- comparisons and confrontations between data and sim- tain structured information on the hardware setup and ulations. the measured data by or related to this object, or code After endorsement of the 2005-2006 work programme results (e.g. a given plasma plasma equilibrium, or by EFDA, the actual work of the task force began in the various source terms and fast particle distribution early 2005, through a first set of seven projects, divided function from an RF code) and contain structured in- into: formation on the code parameters and the physics re-

five Integrated Modelling Projects (IMPs), ad- sults. The database structure is based on XML schemas dressing the modelling issues of fusion plasma physics [ lister/euitmschemas], allow- which require a sufficiently high degree of integration: ing an actual programming language flexibility. The a. IMP1 in charge of equilibrium reconstruction and XML schemas are used to define the data structure linear MHD stability analysis (arborescence, type of the objects, ¸). User-friendly b. IMP2 addressing non-linear MHD issues tools (XML editors) allow a fast and easy design of the c. IMP3 in charge of providing the computational data structure. Small scripts (“parsers”) translate the basis for a modular transport code, taking account of schemas in many other languages (HTML, Fortran, C, the core, the pedestal and the scrape-off layer. Ulti- ¸), allowing an automated interfacing of the structure mately, IMP3 will address the simulation of complete to any programming language used in the community. tokamak scenarios, e.g. for ITER. The data storage problem is also addressed, both in d. IMP4 in charge of developing a suite of unified, terms of data access and in terms of hardware. A short validated codes to provide quantitative predictions for term storage system solution (1Tb) has been put in the linear properties of a range of instabilities, includ- place by the TF through an MDS+ server hosted by ing: ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes, trapped ENEA []. The electron modes (TEM), trapped ion modes (TIM), elec- IMPs storage needs are estimated around 4Tb at the tron temperature gradient (ETG) modes, micro-tearing end of 2006, and more than 15 Tb on a longer term modes, etc. basis (see below). The access layer is presently based e. IMP5 developing the computational basis for a on MDS+, which is the most widely used data access modular package of codes simulating heating, current system in the fusion community at moment, and is in- drive and fast particle effects terfaced already with many languages. MDS+ is con- venient for storing multi-dimensional arrays, and has a Code Platform Project (CPP), responsible for developing, maintaining and operating the code plat- no problem with large data size, but it is not really ob- form structure. Support to IMPs is included. ject oriented (arrays of objects are not possible), and is rather slow for large numbers of data calls. The

a Data Coordination Project (DCP), supporting IMPs and CPP for Verification and Validation aspects idea of a universal access layer is thus under consid- and standardisation of data interfaces and access. eration within DCP. The access to data would become The European tokamak modelling community is thus device independent, extensible through plug-in technol- structured and the seven projects are at work, with ogy (MDS+, HDF5, ¸), providing a single read/write a careful time sequencing of a large number of cross- interface to any data manipulation. coupled tasks. As a first major milestone, to be reached In parallel, a code platform structure is under devel- in 2006, it was decided that IMP1 was in charge of pro- opment by CPP. The idea is to provide modellers with viding an integrated suite of self-consistent codes (mod- a user-friendly environment, on which they would ul- ules) for equilibrium reconstruction and linear MHD timately have access to (any) device geometry descrip- stability analysis, i) making full use of the prototype tion, to the various systems and physics data bases, data structure and data access be put in place by DCP and to the codes, modules and models they need to and ii) porting the modules on the prototype platform solve the problem they address. The platform would developed by CPP. This implies the complete discon- then allow them, by automatically coupling these var- nection of the equilibrium and linear MHD codes from ious elements, to build-up the desired computer ap- the device geometry and diagnostic data, and a univer- plication (i.e. the ‘simulator’) and then get access to sal read/write access to data. the necessary hardware resource (computer and stor- The first results already available are extremely en- age). The terms of reference of the platform also spec- couraging. The TF is now in a position to propose a ify that the modellers would find access to all the ex- high performance object oriented database structure. isting information about the verification and validation This structure represents the full description of a toka- information relevant to the elements they use, as well

367 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 as to all the existing documentation, pre- and post- resources such as a dedicated super-computer for fusion processing tools. A complete specification document and/or a more systematic use of GRID technology for has been edited by DCP and is presently used to evalu- fusion. The ITM-TF is also supporting the creation of ate several frameworks, existing among the OpenSource a tokamak simulation ‘gateway’ concept, where mod- community. The TF is now entering into a prototyping ellers, by connecting, would have access to all the tools phase, making use of one or two selected frameworks in discussed before in this section, including data storage, a test version in charge of demonstrating the feasibil- computers and support. ity of such a concept. The prototype platform will en- Obviously this significant European modelling effort capsulate the embryo of device geometry descriptions, is to be conducted in close connection with other ITER the existing versions of the data structure and data partners, with ITER international team and ITPA. The access layer (MDS+), and the suite of self-consistent TF has already initiated bi-lateral with US and codes (modules) for equilibrium reconstruction and lin- Japan, and discussions with ITER and ITPA in order ear MHD stability analysis provided by IMP1. It will to promote a common attitude towards full compati- also give access to a number of data servers and comput- bility between the various developments and tools. A ers, large enough to demonstrate the flexibility. IMP1, quality process must be progressively put in place in DCP and CPP expect by the end of 2006 to be in a po- the tokamak modelling activity. This is certainly vital sition to demonstrate a first complete chain of manipu- for ITER and the future. lation tools and standards, around a set of fully modu- larized equilibrium reconstruction and linear MHD sta- bility codes for tokamaks. The other four IMPs are progressing on a slightly IV.3 Fusion simulation activities in longer term basis, keeping the full compatibility with Japan DCP and CPP as a constraint of course. Concerning (A. Fukuyama, N. Nakajima, IMP2, initial work on resistive wall modes (RWMs), Y. Kishimoto, T. Ozeki, M. Yagi) sawteeth and edge localised modes (ELMs) has started. One expects on one side state-of-the-art models for IV.3.1 Introduction such non linear MHD instabilities, to be validated and then delivered under self-standing documented modules Computer simulation has been playing a key role in and on the other side a dedicated development pro- plasma physics and nuclear fusion research in Japan. gramme at the first principle resolution level. IMP3 Various complicated phenomena have been clarified by is in charge of integrating the various codes and mod- proof-of-principle simulations and large-scale nonlinear ules developed in the other projects into the discharge phenomena are being studied by first-principle simula- evolution codes and also to address the major inte- tions, especially in nonlinear MHD dynamics and tur- grated transport issues. At this level, an ambitious edge bulent transport. Though the time and spatial scales code benchmarking activity is underway (in connection of the phenomena in magnetic fusion plasmas spread with ITPA) involving SOLPS, EDGE2D/NIMBUS and over very wide ranges, the range of observable scales UEDGE codes as well as JET, DIII-D and AUG data, in a simulation was limited by shortage of available and MDS+ is used to couple SOLPS with the ASCOT computer resources. Recent advances in understand- Monte Carlo code. IMP4 has structured a very ambi- ing nonlinear plasma physics and computer technology, tious turbulence and micro-stability first principles code however, are changing the situation. Multi-scale sim- verification and code-code benchmarking exercise, both ulations consistently describe the interaction between for core (based on the Cyclone case) and edge physics. the phenomena with different temporal and/or spa- Finally, IMP5 has also structured its activity and re- tial scales, which have been separately simulated in sources around ion, electron and fast particle physics, in the past, e.g., microscopic turbulence and macroscopic order to develop the computational basis for a modular MHD instabilities. On the other hand, disparate sep- package of codes simulating heating, current drive and aration of scales requires another approach to describe fast particle effects. This covers ECRH, ICRH, NBI, whole plasma over a whole discharge, that is integrated LH, alpha particle and fast particle interaction with modeling composed of various modules governing phe- instabilities. With the long-term goal of reaching self- nomena within a limited scale and interacting with each consistent calculations validated against experiments, other on longer temporal and/or spatial scales. the priority is given to realistic modelling applicable to In this subsection, recent fusion simulation activities ITER standard and advanced scenarios. in Japan are briefly reviewed. Multi-scale simulations On the hardware level, Europe is also pro-active and in NIFS and JAEA are described in subsections 2 and several initiatives are being worked out at moment. Let 3, respectively. Integrated modeling initiative, BPSI, is us quote, just focusing on plasma fusion activity, the introduced in subsection 4. A modeling code system, joint effort between Europe and Japan (aka the ‘broader TASK, and integrated modeling activities in JAEA are approach’) which contains a fusion super-computer cen- described in subsection 5 and 6. The plan of ITER-BA tre to be located in Japan, and the idea to support the computer simulation center is mentioned in the final ITM-TF activity within Europe with specific European section.

368 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction IV.3.2 Multi-scale simulations in NIFS lyze the pellet ablation process in LHD [Ishizaki 2006]. As an approach from micro-to meso-scales, a Theoretical studies and computer simulation re- gyrokinetic-Vlasov code GKV has been developed with searches of the magnetic confinement fusion have been the aim of understanding the anomalous transport promoted at the National Institute for Fusion Science mechanism in general toroidal fusion plasmas [Watan- (NIFS), for the purposes of comprehending and system- abe 2002, Sugama 2003, Watanabe 2004, Watanabe atizing physics of plasma confinement. Two approaches 2005]. The ion temperature gradient turbulence and extending over general toroidal magnetic configurations the zonal flow damping with the geodesic acoustic mode such as the Large Helical Device (LHD) and ITER are oscillations are successfully simulated by the GKV pursued in domestic and international collaborations code which precisely captures phase-space structures of with a large variety of researchers in universities or the distribution function [Sugama 2005, Sugama 2006, institutes as well as in the LHD experimental group. Watanabe 2006]. One is an integrated model-based approach, where a The theory and computer simulation research ac- so-called integrated simulation code applicable to the tivities at NIFS organized as a multi-scale simulation LHD will be developed through comparisons of the sim- project are intensively pursued in collaboration with ulation results with the LHD experimental data. The universities and institutes toward the prediction of the other is a hierarchy model-based approach, where sim- behavior of LHD and ITER plasmas. ulation models in each space-time hierarchy are inten- sively developed; then, the simulation models will be extended so as to include various physics and/or effects IV.3.3 NEXT: numerical experiment of in adjacent hierarchies. Hereafter, the present status of tokamaks such activities will be reported. The NEXT (Numerical EXperiment of Tokamak) Time evolution of the rotational transform and the project is aimed at understanding the complicated radial electric field due to transport are re-formulated properties of fusion plasmas and predicting the phys- and are incorporated into an integrated simulation code ical processes in the next generation of tokamaks, such for three-dimensional magnetic configurations. Tem- as ITER, using recently advanced computer resources. poral changes of the rotational transform in the NBI- The main objectives of the NEXT project are heated LHD experiment are investigated [Nakamura (1) to understand complicated physical processes in 2006]. The transport code, TASK [Fukuyama 2004] present-day and next-generation tokamak plasmas, combined with the newly developed model will be ex- (2) to predict and evaluate the plasma performance tended to TASK/3D. of tokamak reactors, such as ITER, and Simulation codes in various space-time hierarchies (3) to contribute to the progress in plasma physics are intensively developed in two directions; one direc- and related research areas through large scale computer tion from macro- to micro- scales, and the other di- simulation. rection from micro- to macro-scales. As a macro-scale To achieve the goals of the programme, we are de- simulation model, an MHD simulation code MINOS has veloping numerical simulation codes which are appli- been developed in order to study low-n MHD activities cable to the prediction of the properties of the core in LHD experiments [Miura 2006]. MINOS employs the plasma and the divertor plasma on an equal footing. MHD equilibrium obtained by HINT [Harafuji 1989], For core plasmas, the main interest is in the analysis where existence of nested flux surfaces is not assumed. of complex transport and MHD phenomena. The sim- In order to extend the MHD model into two-fluid ones, ulation codes that have been developed are based on properties of the two-fluid equilibrium are rigorously ex- plural models; electrostatic toroidal δf particle codes amined by taking account of various fluid closure mod- based on the gyro-kinetic model [Idomura 2000, 2002, els. Simultaneously, a simulation code based on a re- 2003, ], electrostatic and electromagnetic toroidal codes duced set of two-fluid equations has been developed in based on the gyro-Landau-fluid model [Miyato 2004, Li order to clarify multi-scale-interactions among micro- 2004, 2005], an electromagnetic slab particle code based instabilities, macro-scale-MHD instabilities and zonal on the gyro-kinetic model [Matsumoto 2003, 2005], re- flows [Ishizawa 2006]. duced MHD model [Ishii 2002, 2003], and compressible Interactions between MHD modes and energetic par- MHD model [Kagei 2003]. ticles in tokamak and helical plasmas, for example TAE, Special attention has been paid to developing high EPM etc, have been investigated with a hybrid simu- resolution global turbulent transport codes which can lation code for MHD and energetic particles, MEGA cover a wide range of wave number and frequency re- [Todo 2005a, Todo 2005b], which is now extended for gion, for example including the meso-scale ion temper- applications to two-fluid background plasmas [Todo ature gradient mode and the micro-scale electron tem- 2006]. The intermittent beam ion loss in a TFTR exper- perature gradient mode, and in addition secondary ex- iment was reproduced with a reduced simulation model cited large scale structures such as zonal flows, GAM, [Todo 2003]. In order to treat multi-phases of matters, streamers, and low frequency long wavelength modes such as gaseous, liquid, and solid phases, the CAP code [Idomura 2003, Miyato 2005]. Simulation codes for is now under development, which will be used to ana- dense and cold divertor plasmas are being developed

369 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 with particle including the collisional/relaxation pro- IV.3.5 TASK: integrated simulation code cess [Takizuka 2001], and fluid models combined with system Monte Carlo techniques for neutrals and impurities [Shimizu 2003]. TheintegratedcodeTASK(TransportAnalysing System for tokamaK) [Fukuyama 2004] is a core code of Such codes are being executed on massively paral- the integrated modeling of tokamak plasmas in BPSI. lel computers. The NEXT programme incorporates It has a highly modular structure and includes the ref- with other fields of research where complicated plasma erence implementation of a standard dataset and pro- behavior plays a crucial role, such as in astrophysics, gram interface for data exchange and module execution. accelerator plasmas, and laser plasmas. The NEXT Since most of the necessary libraries as well as its own project involves research in parallel computing technol- ogy and in the architecture of massively parallel com- open-sourced graphic libraries are included, the porta- bility of the code is high. The code has been developed puters. by the use of CVS (Concurrent Version System) and a Fortran77 version of the code is now available from the IV.3.4 BPSI: burning plasma simulation web site as an open source, although the next version initiative will be based on Fortran95. At present, the modules of TASK are composed of The purpose of burning plasma simulations is to pre- EQ: 2D equilibrium module (fixed or free boundary dict the behavior of burning plasmas and to develop re- condition, toroidal rotation), liable and efficient schemes to control them. It should TR: 1D diffusive transport module (radial transport, describe whole plasma (core, edge, divertor and wall- various transport models), plasma interaction) over a whole discharge (startup, sustainment, transient events and termination) with a WR: 3D geometrical optics module (ray or beam reasonable accuracy validated by experimental observa- tracing, EC, LH), tions and within available computer resources. Accom- WM: 3D full wave module (antenna excitation, plishment of such simulations requires well-organized eigenmode analysis, IC, AW), development of a simulation system according to the FP: 3D Fokker-Planck module (relativistic, bounce- gradual increase of our understanding and model accu- averaged, radial transport), racy. DP: Wave dispersion module (local dielectric tensor, The Burning Plasma Simulation Initiative (BPSI) in arbitrary f(v)), Japan is a research collaboration among universities, PL: Data interface module (data exchange, data con- NIFS and JAEA since 2002. The targets of BPSI are version, profile database), and (1) to develop a framework for collaboration of various LIB: Common libraries. plasma simulation codes, (2) to promote physics inte- More modules, TX (dynamical transport mod- gration of phenomena with different temporal and spa- ule), WA (linear stability module) and WI (integro- tial scales, and (3) to encourage introducing advanced differential full wave analysis), are under development. technique of computer science. In order to develop The status of the plasma is always kept in the PL the framework, we are working on a common interface modules. At the beginning of a calculation in each mod- for data transfer and execution control and a standard ule, necessary data, such as device data, equilibrium data set for data transfer and data storage. We are data, fluid plasma profile, kinetic plasma distribution, implementing them in a reference simulation core code electromagnetic field data, are imported from PL. The TASK. The standard dataset is going to be extended to results of calculation are also exported to PL. Experi- describe three-dimensional helical configurations. Ex- mental profile data stored in the ITPA profile database amples of physics integration include transport during are also available through the PL module. and after a transient MHD events, transport in the pres- The TASK code has been applied to the analyses of ence of magnetic islands, and core-SOL plasma inter- ICRF heating [Fukuyama 2000], electron cyclotron cur-

face. We have been evaluating parallel computing on rent drive [Fukuyama 2001], AlfvÏn eigenmode excited PC clusters and scalar-parallel machines and grid com- by energetic ions [Fukuyama 2002], and comparison of puting using Globus and ITBL. turbulent transport models [Honda, 2006]. Results of The activity of BPSI covers domestic workshops sup- predictive simulation of various operation scenarios of ported by the Research Institute for Applied Mathe- ITER have been reported in the ITPA topical meetings. matics (RIAM, Kyushu Univ), NIFS and JAEA and Benchmark tests of the transport module TASK/TR US-Japan JIFT workshops with participants from EU and the transport code TOPICS developed in JAEA and Korea. Development of integrated modeling codes has been also carried out. based on BPSI is described in the following two subsec- Improvement of the modules (refinement of modu- tions. As a basis for physics integration, multi-scale lar structure, conversion to Fortran95), improvement simulations for multiple-scale turbulence [Smolyakov of the models (edge plasma model, sawtooth model and 2002, Yagi 2002], MHD and turbulence coupling [Yagi so on), systematic comparison with experimental data, 2005], and turbulence and transport coupling [Yagi and integrated simulation with other code for stabil- 2006] have been also carried out. ity analysis and peripheral plasma transport are under

370 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction way. the mission of CSC is to establish a Centre of Excel- lence (COE) for the simulation and modeling of ITER, IV.3.6 Integrated modeling activities in JAEA JT-60SA and other fusion experiments, and for the de- sign of future fusion power plants, in particular DEMO. Integrated modeling for burning plasmas is pro- A high-performance super computer is expected to be grammed in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. In order made available in 2012. The agreement on ITER-BA to simulate the burning plasma which has a complicated will be established soon. character with wide temporal and spatial scales, a sim- ulation code cluster based on the transport code TOP- ICS is being developed by the integration of heating and current drive, the impurity transport, edge pedestal References model, divertor model, MHD and high energy behavior model [Ozeki 2006]. Developed integration models are validated by fundamental researches of JT-60U exper- [Fukuyama 2000] A. Fukuyama, E. Yokota, T. Akutsu. iments and the simulation based on first principles in 2000, Proc. of 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Sorrento, our strategy. Italy, 2000) IAEA-CN-77/TH/P2-26 An integrated model of MHD stability and the trans- [Fukuyama 2001] A. Fukuyama. 2001, Fusion Eng. Des., port is being developed for three different temporal 53(1): 71 [Fukuyama 2002] A. Fukuyama, T. Akutsu. 2002, Proc. scale phenomena of NTMs (∼ τNTM), beta limits of 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Lyon, France, 2002) (∼ τAlfven) and ELMs (intermittent of τE and τAlfven) [Hayashi 2005]. The integrated calculation is realized IAEA, Vienna, IAEA-CN-94/TH/P3-14 by coupling the modified Rutherford equation with the [Fukuyama 2004] A. Fukuyama, S. Murakami, M. Honda, transport code of TOPICS including the ECCD code, et al. 2004, Proc. of 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Vil- the MHD stability calculation of MARG2D/ERATO lamoura, Portugal, 2004) IAEA-CSP-25/CD/TH/P2-3 using the down stream data from the TOPICS code, [Harafuji 1989] K. Harafuji, T. Hayashi, T. Sato. 1989, J. and the alternative calculations of the MARG2D and Comput. Phys., 81: 169 TOPICS codes. The degradation of the pedestal due [Hayashi 2005] N. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, T. Ozeki. 2005, to the medium-n mode and the recovery of the pedestal Nucl. Fusion, 45: 933 structure are obtained. [Honda 2006] M. Honda, A. Fukuyama. 2006, Nucl. Fusion, An integrated SOL/divertor model is being devel- 46(5): 580 oped for interpretation and prediction studies of the [Idomura 2000] Y. Idomura, M. Wakatani, S. Tokuda. 2000, behavior of plasmas, neutrals and impurities in the Phys. Plasmas, 7: 3551 SOL/divertor regions [Kawashima 2006]. The code sys- [Idomura 2002] Y. Idomura, S. Tokuda, Y. Kishimoto. 2002, tem consists of the 2-D fluid code for plasma (SOL- New J. Phys., 4: 101.1 DOR), the neutral Monte Carlo code (NEUT2D), [Idomura 2003] Y. Idomura, S. Tokuda, Y. Kishimoto. 2003, the impurity Monte-Carlo code (IMPMC) and the Nucl. Fusion, 43: 234 particle simulation code (PARASOL). Physical pro- [Ishii 2002] Y. Ishii, M. Azumi, Y. Kishimoto. 2002, Phys. cesses for neutrals and impurities are studied with Rev. Lett., 89: 205002 the Monte Carlo (MC) method to accomplish highly [Ishi 2003] Y. Ishii, M. Azumi, Y. Kishimoto, et al. 2003, accurate simulations. The features of the so-called Nucl. Fusion, 43: 539 SOLDOR/NEUT2D code, are as follows; 1) a high- [Ishizaki 2006] R. Ishizaki, N. Nakajima, M. Okamoto, pre- resolution oscillation-free scheme for solving fluid equa- sented at 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Chengdu, China, tions, 2) neutral transport calculation under the fine 2006) meshes, 3) success in reduction of MC noise, 4) opti- [Ishizawa 2006] A. Ishizawa, N. Nakajima, M. Okamoto, et mization on the massive parallel computer. As a result, al. presented at 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Chengdu, our code can get a steady state solution within 3 ∼ 4 China, 2006) hours and enables effective parameter survey. The de- [Kagei 2003] Y. Kagei, M. Nagata, Y. Suzuki, et al. 2003, tached plasma simulation on JT-60U reproduces the X- Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 45: L17 point MARFE, explaining the radiation peaking (3∼4 [Kawashima 2006] H. Kawashima, K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, MW/m3) from the chemically sputtered . et al. 2006, Plasma Fusion Res., 1: 031 [Li 2004] J. Q. Li, Y. Kishimoto. 2004, Phys. Plasmas, 11: 1493 IV.3.7 ITER-BA computer simulation center [Li 2005] J. Q. Li, Y. Kishimoto, N. Miyato, et al. 2005, As a part of the Broader Approach Activities in sup- Nucl. Fusion, 45: 1293 port of the ITER project (ITER-BA) which is under ne- [Mataumoto 2003] T. Matsumoto, S. Tokuda, Y. Kishimo- gotiation between Japan and EURATOM, a computer toet al. 2003, Phys. Plasmas, 10: 195 simulation center (CSC) is planned to be established at [Matsumoto 2005] T. Matsumoto, H. Naitou, S. Tokuda et Rokkasho in Japan. It will be one of the three activi- al.2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12: 092505 ties in the International Fusion Energy Research Cen- [Miura 2006] H. Miura, N. Nakajima, T. Hayashi et al. ter (IFERC). The working group on CSC reported that 2006, to be published in Fusion Sci. and Tech. Phys.

371 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007

[Miyato 2004] N. Miyato, Y. Kishimoto, J. Q. Li. 2004, of a new era of large-scale simulation. Phys. Plasmas, 11: 5557 As expectations for computational plasma physics [Miyato 2005] N. Miyato, J. Q. Li, Y. Kishimoto. 2005, progress from simple ”insight” into actual numbers to Nucl. Fusion, 45: 425 guide engineering design and investment, there is an [Nakamura 2006] Y. Nakamura, et al. 2006, presented at increase in the complexity of virtually all aspects of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Chengdu, China, 2006) the modeling process. There are several areas of ap- [Ozeki 2006] T. Ozeki, N. Aiba, N. Hayashiet al. 2006, plied mathematics for which research and development Fusion Sci. and Tech. Phys., 50, 68 is needed to accompany the rapidly increasing expecta- [Shimizu 2003] K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, et al. 2003, J. tions for simulation. They fall into the following three Nucl. Mater., 313-316: 1277 categories: [Smolyakov 2002] Smolyakov, A. I., M. Yagi, Y. Kishimoto, Managing model complexity Physicists want et al. 2002, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89: 125005-1 to use increasing computing capability to improve the [Sugama 2003] H. Sugama, T.-H. Watanabe, W. Horton. fidelity of their models. For many problems, this means 2003, Phys. Plasmas, 10: 726 introducing models with more physical effects, more [Sugama 2005] H. Sugama, T.-H. Watanabe. 2005, Phys. equations, and more unknowns. In multiphysics mod- Rev. Lett., 94: 115001 eling, the goal is to develop a combination of analyti- [Sugama 2006] H. Sugama, T.-H. Watanabe. 2006, Phys. cal and numerical techniques to better represent prob- Plasmas, 13: 012501 lems with multiple physical processes. These techniques [Takizuka 2001] T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu. may range from analytical methods to determine how 2001, Trans. Fusion Tech., 39: 111 to break a problem up into weakly interacting compo- [Todo 2003] Y. Todo, H. L. Berk, B. N. Breizman. 2003, nents, to new numerical methods for exploiting such a Phys. Plasmas, 10, 2888 decomposition of the problem to obtain efficient and [Todo 2005a] Y. Todo, K. Shinohara, M. Takechi, et al. accurate discretizations in time. A similar set of is- 2005, Phys. Plasmas, 12, 012503 sues arises from the fact that many systems of interest [Todo 2005b] Y. Todo, N. Nakajima, K. Shinohara, et al. have processes that operate on length and time scales 2004, presented at 20th Int. Conf. (Vilamoura, 1-6 Novem- that vary over many orders of magnitude. Multiscale ber, 2004) IAEA, Vienna, TH/3-1Ra modeling addresses the representation and interaction [Todo 2006] Y. Todo, 2006, to appear in Proc. 19th Int. of behaviors on multiple scales so that results of inter- Conf. Numer. Simul. Plasmas, (Nara, 12-15 July 2005), a est are recovered without the (unaffordable) expense of special issue of J. Plasma Phys. (2006) representing all behaviors at uniformly fine scales. Ap- [Watanabe 2002] T. H. Watanabe, H. Sugama. 2002, Phys. proaches include the development of adaptive methods, Plasmas, 9: 3659 i.e., discretization methods that can represent directly [Watanabe 2004] T.-H. Watanabe, H. Sugama. 2004, Phys. many orders of magnitude in length scales that might Plasmas, 11: 1476 appear in a single mathematical model, and hybrid [Watanabe 2005] T.-H.Watanabe, H. Sugama. 2005, methods for coupling radically different models (con- Transp. Theo. Stat. Phys., 34: 287 tinuum vs. discrete, or stochastic vs. deterministic), [Watanabe 2006] T. H. Watanabe, H. Sugama. 2006, Nucl. each of which represents the behavior on a different Fusion, 46: 24 scale. Uncertainty quantification addresses issues con- [Yagi 2002] M. Yagi, S.-I. Itoh, M. Kawasaki, et al. 2002, nected with mathematical models that involve fits to presented at 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,(Lyon, experimental data, or that are derived from heuristics France, 14-19 October 2002) IAEA-CN-94/TH/1-4 that may not be directly connected to physical princi- [Yagi 2005] M. Yagi, S. Yoshida, S.-I. Itoh, et al. 2005, ples. Uncertainty quantification uses techniques from Nuclear Fusion, 45: 900 fields such as statistics and optimization to determine [Yagi 2006] M. Yagi, T. Ueda, S.-I. Itoh, et al. 2006, Plasma the sensitivity of models to inputs with errors and to Phys., Control. Fusion, 48: A409 design models to minimize the effect of those errors.

Discretizations of spatial models Simulations of plasmas and the interaction of a burning plasma with V Cross-disciplinary research in materials have, as core components of their mathemati- cal models, the equations of magnetohydrodynamics or fusion simulation radiation transport, or both. Computational magneto- hydrodynamics and transport and kinetic methods have V.1 Applied mathematics: models, as their goal the development of the next generation of discretizations, and solvers spatial discretization methods for these problems. Is- (D.E.Keyes) sues include the development of discretization methods that are well suited for use in multiphysics applications Computational plasma physicists inherit decades of without loss of accuracy or robustness. Historically, developments in mathematical models, numerical algo- the use of low order discretizations of partial differen- rithms, computer architecture, and software engineer- tial equations predominates. Such discretizations lead ing, whose recent coming together marks the beginning to very large and sparse systems of algebraic equations,

372 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction which overwhelm the storage and bandwidth capabil- Scientific Computing [Balay 2005], first released in May ities of likely future computational platforms, relative 1992, and employed in a variety of community and com- to floating point processing. High-order discretizations mercial CFD codes and some MHD codes, among many and alternative formulations such as integral equations other applications. should be considered to address trends in computer ar- Layered Structure of Modern Mathematical chitecture. Meshing methods specifically address the Software process of discretization of the computational domain, At the top level of a modern software library for itself, into a union of simple elements. This process is discretization or solution is an abstract interface that usually a prerequisite for discretizing the equations de- features the language and objects (parameters, fields, fined over the domain. This area of work includes the etc.) of the application domain (mathematics, physics, management of complicated geometrical objects arising etc.) and hides implementation details and call options in technologically realistic devices. with conservative parameter defaults. An example of

Managing computational complexity Once this within the realm of linear solvers is MATLAB’s the mathematical model has been converted into a sys- x = A¯/b, which requires the user to know nothing about tem of equations for a finite collection of unknowns, how the matrix A¯ is represented or indeed about any of it is necessary to solve the equations. The goal of ef- its solution-salient properties (such as symmetry, def- forts in solvers and “fast” algorithms is to develop algo- initeness, sparsity, etc.) or how the mathematical ob- rithms for solving these systems of equations that bal- jects, vectors and matrices, are distributed across stor- ance computational efficiency on hierarchical multipro- age. The top level description is intended to offer ease of cessor systems, scalability (the ability to use effectively use, correctness, and robustness. However, it might not additional computational resources to solve increasingly be particularly efficient to solve problems through the larger problems), and robustness (insensitivity of the top-layer interface, and the user does not at this level computational cost to details of the inputs). An al- exploit significant knowledge about the system being gorithm is said to be “fast” if its cost grows, roughly, solved. only proportionally to the size of the problem. This The middle level is intended to be accessed by ex- is an ideal algorithmic property that is being obtained perienced users. Through it is offered a rich collection for more and more types of equations, through mul- of state-of-the-art methods and specialized data struc- tilevel methods for partial differential equations and tures beyond the default(s). The parameters of these multipole methods for interacting particles. Discrete methods are exposed upon demand and the methods mathematics and algorithms make up a complementary are typically highly configurable. Accessing the soft- set of tools for managing the computational complex- ware at this level gives the user control of algorith- ity of the interactions of discrete objects. Such issues mic efficiency (complexity), and enables the user to arise, for example, in traversing data structures for cal- extend the software by registering new methods and culations on unstructured grids, in optimizing resource data structures that interoperate with those provided. allocation on multiprocessor architectures, or in scien- At this level, the user may also expose built-in perfor- tific problems that are posed directly as combinatorial mance and resource monitors, in the pursuit of com- problems. prehending performance. For example, in the realm of In this section, we concentrate our discussion on linear solvers, a user might elect a domain-decomposed solvers, since the limitations of solvers effectively limit multigrid-preconditioned Krylov iterative method. All many other generalizations desired above, such as cou- associated parameters would have robust defaults, but pling together multiple types of physics, refining resolu- he could specify the type of Krylov accelerator, its ter- tion or increasing discretization order, and performing mination criteria, and whether any useful by-products, sensitivity analyses. The software issues for solvers are such as spectral estimates of the preconditioned opera- much the same for other mathematical issues. Scal- tor are desired. For the multigrid preconditioner, typi- able software tools for discretizing and solving PDEs cal user-controllable parameters include the number of on highly resolved meshes enable physicists to func- successively coarsened grids, the type of smoother to tion at the frontier of algorithmic technology while con- be used at each level and the number of smoothing centrating primarily on their application - that is, re- sweeps, the prolongation and restriction operators, and fining models and understanding and employing their the means of forming coarsened operators from their results - rather than, for instance, debugging split- predecessors. For the (domain-decomposed) smoothers, phase communication transactions deep within a par- one may have many further parameters. Flexible com- allel solver. Modern scientific software engineering posability is possible; e.g., the smoother could be an- is characterized by: abstract interface definition, ob- other Krylov method. Extensibility is possible, e.g., the ject orientation (including encapsulation and polymor- coarsening method may be something supplied by the phism), componentization, self-description, self-error- user, or something that comes from an externally linked checking, self-performance-monitoring, and design for third-party package. performance, portability, reusability and extensibility. The bottom level is for implementers. It provides As an example of scientific software engineering, we support for a variety of execution environments. It is mention PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for accessed for portability and implementation efficiency.

373 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 For instance, different blocking parameters may be ap- refers both to complexity of operations and storage, and propriate for machines with different cache structures. to parallel implementation on many processors. Clas- Different subdomain partitions and message granulari- sical implicit solvers, such as Gaussian elimination and ties may be appropriate to exploit locally shared mem- Krylov iteration [Greenbaum 1997] are not generally, in ories, if present. and of themselves, sufficient for this task. Both have Demand for scalable solvers operation count complexities that grow superlinearly The principal demand for scalable solvers arises from in the discrete dimension of the problem. Depend- multiscale applications. Here we give operational defi- ing upon the problem and the particular method, both nitions of “multiscale” in space and time and see why may have storage complexity that grows superlinearly scalable solvers are needed. as well. This implies that even if one adds processors Multiple spatial scales exist when there are hard-to- in linear proportion to the discrete problem size (in so- resolve features, such as interfaces, fronts, and layers, called “weak” or “memory constrained scaling”), the typically thin and clustered around a surface of co- execution time grows without bound. Only hierarchi- dimension one relative to the computational domain, cal algorithms, such as multigrid, multipole, and FFT, whose width is small relative to the length of the do- are algorithmically scalable in this context - their op- main. An example would be a thin sheet embedded in eration counts and storage typically grow only as fast three-dimensional space, though features of greater co- as O (N log N). FFTs are widely exploited in Pois- dimension may also exist, e.g., a thin tube or a small son projections for structured problems. However, they “point” source. The computational domain is usually are being replaced by multigrid [Briggs 2000], which is taken as small as possible subject to the constraint that less fragile, in many contexts. In particular, algebraic one must be able to specify boundary conditions that do multigrid methods extend O (N log N) optimal com- not interfere with the phenomena of interest. Bound- plexity to many unstructured problems. Fortunately, ary layers, combustion fronts, hydrodynamic shocks, multigrid methods often have enough parameters to be current sheets, cracks, and material discontinuities are tuned to be nearly scalable in a parallel sense as well. typical multiscale phenomena in this sense. Multiple Since multigrid methods typically use other direct and spatial scales are also present in isotropic phenomena, iterative linear methods as components, a well-stocked such as homogeneous turbulence or scattering, when scalable solver toolkit has a wide range of composable the wavelength is small relative to the target size. Mul- solvers available. tiple spatial scales demand fine mesh spacing relative A linear solver has been long-regarded as a simple to the domain length, either adaptively or uniformly. blackbox presenting a relatively straightforward inter- Multiple temporal scales exist when there are fast face. Nevertheless, this unpretentious module is asymp- waves in a system in which only slower phenomena, totically the bottleneck to massively parallel scaling such as material convection, diffusion, or other waves, in any implicit or semi-implicit MHD code, and in are of interest. The physicist must isolate the dynam- many others. To see why this is the case, consider ics of interest from the multitude of dynamics present that most physics applications discretized on a mesh in the system, and model the rest of the system in of N degrees of freedom require O (N) work for a basic a way that permits discretization over a computably work step, e.g., evaluating the residual of the conser- modest range of scales. He may rely on physical as- vation laws over the mesh for an implicit problem, or sumptions or mathematical closures. Often, assump- evaluating the right-hand side of a transient problem tions of quasi-equilibrium or filtration of (presumed en- for the instantaneous rate of change of the state vari- ergetically unimportant) fast modes are invoked since ables. The constant of the O (N) may be large, to it is not feasible for an explicit integrator to resolve accommodate a variety of physical models and consti- the fastest transients while respecting Courant-like sta- tutive laws, but weak memory-constrained scaling of bility limits. For example, fast reactions may be as- the problem to large sizes is routine. If carried out sumed to be in instantaneous equilibrium relative to by domain decomposition, and if the operator is local, slow. Fast waves (e.g., acoustic waves in aerodynam- excellent communication-to-computation ratios follow ics, surface gravity waves in physical oceanography, and the surface-to-volume scaling of the subdomains [Keyes magnetosonic waves in plasma dynamics) may be pro- 1997]. On the other hand, conventional solvers suf- jected out. The dynamics is, in practice, often reduced fer from an O (N p) scaling for some p>1. Suppose to a computable manifold by enforcing algebraic or el- p =1.5, which would be typical of diagonally precon- liptic constraints. The discrete algebraic systems that ditioned conjugate gradients for a 2D problem. If the must be solved to enforce these constraints at every iter- computation is well balanced on 64 processors, with the ation to keep the solution on the manifold are typically physics phase and the solver phase each costing 50% of ill-conditioned (due to the spatial multiscale nature of the execution time, and if the problem is weakly scaled the problem) and of extremely high algebraic dimension up to 64K processors, preserving all constants and ex- (millions or billions of degrees of freedom on terascale ponents (Fig. V.1.1), the solver will cost 97% of the ex- hardware). ecution time! We note that many contemporary users To enforce the constraints, scalable implicit solvers will be scaling in the coming decade from 64 nodes in a must be called at every step. In this context, “scalable” departmental cluster to 64K nodes, which are available

374 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction already on the IBM BG/L machine. We also note that mainly during the shift-and-invert phase of recover- many contemporary implicit and semi-implicit large- ing eigencomponents other than that of the maximum scale simulations have reached the point in which 90% eigenvalue. of the execution time is spent in Ax=b on problem sizes Similarly, linear solvers are called by nonlinear that require a number of processors far less than 64 K. solvers, during each iteration of Newton-like methods. These applications require an optimal O (N log N) scal- Nonlinear solvers, in turn, are called by stiff implicit able solver now. integrators on each time step. Stiff integrators are also Solving the PDE is just one forward map (from in- called by optimizers to solve inverse problems or com- puts to outputs) in this process. Together with analy- pute sensitivities. A solver toolchain is depicted in sis, sensitivities and stability are often desired. Solver Fig. V.1.2. It does not include every type of solver that toolkits for PDEs should support these follow-on de- physicists may want; for instance, least-squares meth- sires, which are just other instances of solvers. For in- ods are not shown here. This constellation of software stance, stability may be a matter of doing an Eigen was assembled to respond to particular needs of users analysis of a linear perturbation to the base nonlinear with large-scale mesh-based finite-discretization PDE solution. Sensitivity may be a matter of solving an simulations. augmented set of equations for the principal unknowns and their partial derivatives with respect to uncertain parameters. No general purpose PDE solver can an- ticipate all needs. Extensibility is important. A solver software library improves with user feedback and user contributions.

Fig.V.1.2 Solver toolchain

llustrations from the TOPS solver project To illustrate this chapter, we consider three different collaborations through which TOPS [Keyes 2001] has engaged magnetohydrodynamicists modeling magneti- cally confined fusion plasmas. Fig.V.1.1 Fraction of time spent in the solver and in the NIMROD [Sovinec 2004] is a toroidal geometry MHD physics phases of a typical PDE simulation as the problem code discretized via Fourier expansion in the peri- is scaled by a factor of one thousand, assuming that the odic toroidal direction and high-order finite elements computation is originally well balanced on one processor in each identically meshed poloidal crossplane. At each and that the complexity of the solver phase grows like the time step, several complex nonsymmetric linear sys- 3/2ths power of the discretization size, whereas the physics tems must be solved in each crossplane, with, for typi- phase grows linearly cal contemporary resolutions, 10 K to 100 K unknowns. These sparse linear systems were solved with diago- nally preconditioned Krylov iteration, consuming ap- The solver toolchain proximately 90% of the execution time. High-order dis- The toolchain has become a central concept in solver cretizations lead to linear systems that typically lack software design. This is a group of inter-related tools diagonally dominance and convergence was slow and presenting functional abstractions and leveraging com- not very robust. NIMROD presented straightforward mon distributed data structure implementations, which symptoms and a straightforward Ax=b interface. A ultimately inherit the structure of the mesh on which natural trial was to replace the Krylov solver with a they are based. The solver tool chain is part of a longer parallel direct solver, SuperLU DIST [Li 2003], a su- toolchain that reaches upwards through discretization pernodal Gaussian elimination code supported by the to the application and downwards through performance TOPS project. The concurrency available in SuperLU tools to the hardware. is ultimately limited, as it is in any direct solver, by Within the solver part of the toolchain, the solu- sparsity, and parallel orchestration is disturbed by the tion of square nonsingular linear systems is the base. dynamic pivoting required in Gaussian elimination on Literally dozens of methods - most of them iterative nonsymmetric systems, which gives rise to sophisticated - through combinatorial composition of accelerators heuristics for pre-factorization scaling and ordering, as and preconditioners, are provided to fulfill this func- well as iterative refinement. Despite the challenges of tion. Linear solvers are, in turn, called by eigensolvers, parallel direct factorization and backsolving, SuperLU

375 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 has achieved parallel speedups in the hundreds for finite ety of algebraic multigrid solvers from Hypre [Falgout element-type problems with algebraic dimension in the 2002] into PETSc, to provide dynamic selection of lin- millions, with hundreds of millions of nonzeros in the ear solvers. Fourth, they selected three different iter- system matrix. Incorporated into NIMROD to replace ative linear solver combinations, one for each of three the iterative linear solver with no other reformulation, different classes of Poisson problems that produced the SuperLU achieved solver time improvements of up to lowest running times on problem-architecture combina- two orders of magnitude in the individual crossplane tions typical of current M3D operations. The result of problems, leading to reduced overall running times of this collaboration, most of which was accomplished un- up to a factor of 5 relative to the slowly converging derneath the PETSc interface, is an M3D that runs 4-5 Krylov iteration [Sovinec 2005]. This is in line with ex- times faster relative to a pre-collaboration baseline on pectations from Amdahl’s Law for improving the solver a typical production problem. Greater savings ratios execution and shifting the bottleneck to the remaining are expected as problems scale to the sizes required for nonsolver portions of the code. It is well-known that first-principles simulations of the International Ther- direct methods are competitive with iterative methods monuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). on sparse, two-dimensional problems; therefore simu- The preceding two illustrations of scalable solver en- lation codes with heavy requirements for such kernels hancements to fluids codes, and collaborations in other should offer run-time swapable linear solvers including science and engineering domains in the TOPS project, members of both categories. are at the Ax=b level. Potentially, there is much to M3D [Breslau 2002, Park 1999] is an MHD code with be gained by a tighter coupling of solver research and greater geometrical generality than NIMROD in that CFD application development, as illustrated by a col- toroidal symmetry is not presumed in the domain or laboration on a standard test case in MHD modeling in the poloidal crossplane discretization. As a result, known as the GEM (geospace environmental modeling) M3D can model configurations such as the experimental challenge magnetic reconnection problem [Birn 2001]. stellerator geometry sometimes employed to control the Magnetic reconnection refers to the breaking and re- stability of fusion plasmas. Fourier decomposition does connecting of oppositely directed magnetic field lines not generally apply in the toroidal direction, so M3D in a plasma, or a fluid of charged particles. In this employs finite differences in this direction, and finite el- process, the energy stored in the magnetic field is re- ements on the triangulated poloidal crossplane meshes, leased into kinetic and thermal energy. The GEM prob- either low-order C0 elements in the standard release lem is designed to bring out the requirement for adap- or higher-order C1 elements. To achieve parallelism, tive meshing in the limit, but it can be run on a fixed M3D employs domain decomposition in both toroidal mesh and provides a stiff nonlinear system of boundary and poloidal directions. The velocity and magnetic value problems for the fluid momenta and the magnetic fields in M3D are expressed via a Hodge decomposition, field. A standard case is two-dimensional with periodic through scalar potentials and streamfunctions. As in boundary conditions - a bona fide idealized temporal NIMROD, there are many linear solves per crossplane multiscale problem. TOPS collaborators worked with per timestep, in which Laplacian-like or Helmholtz-like a plasma physicist [Reynolds 2006] to compare a non- operators are inverted to advance the potentials and linearly implicit method with an explicit method on streamfunctions. M3D employs PETSc [Balay 2005] a fixed-mesh problem. The explicit code respected a for these linear solves, and at the outset of the TOPS CFL stability limit, and therefore ran at a fine timestep. project, it relied on one-level additive Schwarz pre- The nonlinearly implicit code ran at a timestep up to conditioned GMRES iteration for each such system, two orders of magnitude higher than the CFL limit and with incomplete factorization being employed within showed no loss of accuracy relative to the explicit code. each subdomain of each crossplane. One-level addi- Even after surrendering more than an order of mag- tive Schwarz is capable of achieving optimal condition- nitude of this timestep size advantage due to the ne- ing for diagonally dominant Helmholtz problems, but cessity of solving nonlinear systems on every timestep, is known to degrade in condition number and therefore the implicit method was approximately a factor of five number of iterations to convergence for pure Laplace faster per unit physical time simulated, “out of the problems. Moreoever, some of the Poisson problems box.” Prospects exist for preconditionings that could in each M3D crossplane at each timestep are of Neu- substantially boost the implicit advantage. Similar op- mann type, so there is a nontrivial nullspace. Pre- portunities for scalable implicit solvers exist throughout sented with the symptom of nonscalable linear solves, computational physics, from magnetohydrodynamics to requiring 70-90% of the execution time, depending upon aerodynamics, from geophysics to combustion. the type of problem being run, TOPS collaborators Future of solver software assisted in several improvements. First, they noted Applied computational scientists and engineers that the only asymmetry in the system matrices came should always be “on the lookout” for new and bet- from the implementation of boundary conditions, which ter solution algorithms. A lesson of 60 years of his- were modified to achieve symmetry. Second, they im- tory of floating point algorithms is to be humble about plemented a nullspace projection method for the Neu- present capabilities. Alongside the punctuated discov- mann Poisson problems. Third, they hooked a vari- ery of new solution algorithms, however, are other more

376 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction predictable research thrusts. We mention five such rithm may be directly useful in systematically down- thrusts, each of which complements in an important grading detail in a discrete field for graphical display. way the discovery of new solution algorithms: inter- TOPS intends to work with the providers of other com- face standardization, solver interoperability, and ver- ponents, such as meshers and visualizers, to amortize tical integration with other enabling technologies, au- such work and reduce the total number of copies of what tomated architecture-adaptive performance optimiza- is essentially the same metadata. tion, and automated problem-adaptive performance op- Architecture-adaptive performance optimization. It timization. is well known as a result of the ATLAS project [Whal- Interface Standardization. In the recent past, there ley 2001] that arithmetically neutral data layout issues have been several attempts to establish standards for (blocking and ordering) can have an enormous impact invoking linear solvers. Examples include the Finite El- in performance in dense linear algebra. The perfor- ement Interface, the Equation Solver Interface, Hypre’s mance of sparse linear algebra subroutines is, if any- “conceptual interfaces,” and PETSc’s linear solver in- thing, even more sensitive to such issues, and an ad- terface, which has become the de facto TOPS interface ditional issue of padding by explicitly stored zeros to through the process of absorbing valuable features from obtain greater uniformity of addressing is added to the all of the others. Fortunately, it is possible to support mix. TOPS is working directly with the developers of many independent interfaces over the same core algo- OSKI [Vuduc 2005] to obtain the benefit of data lay- rithmic functionality, just as it is possible to provide out optimizations demonstrated in that project, which many independent solver libraries beneath a common for some sparse linear algebra kernels can approach an interface. For Ax=b, the TOPS Solver Component order of magnitude. (TSC) [Smith 2005] interface has the following object Application-adaptive performance optimization. Be- model: A solver applies the inverse action of an oper- cause optimal iterative methods tend to have many (lit- ator (typically representing the discretization of a dif- erally up to dozens) of parameters that can be tuned to ferential operator) to a vector (typically representing a specific application, and even to a specific application- field data) to produce another vector. The layout of architecture combination, users are frequently over- the data that make up the operator and the vectors in whelmed by parameter choices and run with safe but memory and across processors need not be specified. inefficient defaults. Examples of such tuning parame- However, since some users require it, TOPS has view- ters include the number of levels in a multigrid method, ers that provide access to the layout and to the actual the number of vectors in a subspace in a Krylov method, data. Available views include the classic linear algebra the level of fill in an incomplete factorization, and the view (indices into Rn or Cn), as well as several that pre- degree of overlap in a domain decomposition method. serve aspects of the spatial origin of vectors as fields: Machine learning can be employed to assist users in the a structured grid view on “boxes” of data in a Carte- choice of these methods, on the basis of previous runs of sian index space, an unassembled finite element view, similar problems, whose features (such as a measure of a hierarchically structured grid view, etc. The TSC is symmetry or diagonal dominance or number of nonze- compatible with the Common Component Architecture ros per row) are stored together with performance out- (CCA) definition for scientific code interfaces. comes. Some preliminary examples of such adaptive Solver interoperability. Because there is no solver optimization of a solver over a pool of matrices aris- that is universally best for all problems or all hardware ing from unstructured finite element grids in poloidal configurations, users and developers like to mix and crossplanes generated during execution of the resistive match solver components. TOPS has made it possible MHD code M3D are given in [Bhowmick 2006]. for many popular solvers to be called interoperably - in place of or as parts of each other. However, only a finite number of well published solver components can References ever be included in this manner. TOPS also allows users to “register” custom solver components that sup- port a minimal object model for callback. This feature [Balay 2005]S. Balay, K. Buschelman, V. Eijkhout, et al. is especially useful in allowing legacy code to become a 2005, PETSc Users Manual, ANL 95/11 Revision 2.3.0. component of a TOPS preconditioner. [Birn 2001]J. Birn, J. F. Drake, M. A. Shay, et al. 2001, J. Vertical integration. The data structures required Geophys. Res., 106(A3): 3715 by solvers are often complicated and memory inten- [Breslau 2002]J. Breslau, M3DP Users Guide, sive, and the information they contain (for instance, jchen/doc/jbreslau.pdf, 2002 the number of distinct physical fields in a single mesh [Briggs 2000]W. L. Briggs, V. E. Henson, S. F. McCormick. cell, or the neighbor list for an unstructured grid entity) 2000, A Multigrid Tutorial, 2nd edition, SIAM, Philadel- is potentially valuable in other computational phases, phia such as mesh refinement, discretization adaptivity, solu- [Bhowmick 2006]S. Bhowmick, V. Eijkhout, Y. Freund, et tion error estimation, and visualization, where it might al. 2006, Application of Machine Learning in Selecting otherwise have to be recomputed. For example, the Sparse Linear Solvers, submitted to Int. J. High Perfor- coarsening proceedure in a multilevel solution algo- mance Computing Applications

377 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007

[Falgout 2002]R.D. Falgout, U. M. Yang. 2002, Hypre, A and then the trends in parallel architectures. Library of High-performance Preconditioners, in “Compu- A main trend in CPU architecture is a multi-core tational Science - ICCS 2002 Part III”, P.M.A. Sloot, et al., CPU design where a number of relatively simple, low- eds., Lecture in Computer Science, 2331: 632-641, power CPU cores are placed on the same chip to de- Springer liver high aggregate computing performance. The main [Greenbaum 1997]A. Greenbaum. 1997, Iterative Methods reason for this trend is that the superscalar CPU ar- for Solving Linear Systems, SIAM, Philadelphia. chitecture that we have enjoyed during the past two [Keyes 1997]D. E. Keyes. 1997, How Scalable is Domain decades depends heavily on aggressive instruction-level Decomposition in Practice?, Proceedings of the 11th Inter- parallelism (ILP) and high-frequency clocks and has national Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, now hits the wall of power consumption, due to the in- C. H. Lai, et al. (eds.), pp. 282-293, creasing difficulties in moving processor fabrications to [Keyes 2001]D. E. Keyes, et al. 2001, TOPS Home Page, new-generation technologies. The multi-core CPU ar- chitecture, on the other hand, uses many simple CPU [Li 2003]X.S. Li, James W. Demmel. 2003, ACM Trans. cores, each consuming much less power. Together, they Math. Soft., 29(2): 110 exploit process-level parallelism (PLP) or thread-level [Park 1999]W. Park, E. V. Belova, G. Y. Fu, X. Z. Tang. parallelism (TLP) to achieve high aggregate perfor- 1999, Phys. Plasmas, 6: 1796 mance with the available transistors on a chip and with [Reynolds 2006]D. R. Reynolds, R. Samtaney, C. S. Wood- a constrained power budget. ward. 2006, submitted to J. Comp. Phys. The computer industry started making multi-core [Smith 2005]B. F. Smith et al. TOPS Solver Component, processors during the past several years. While AMD, IBM and Intel are shipping dual-core processor chips, tops.html, 2005 SUN Microsystems has recently shipped 8-core pro- [Sovinec 2004]C. R. Sovinec, A. H. Glasser, T. A. Gianakon, cessors where each core can execute 4 simultaneous et al. 2004, J. Comp. Phys., 195: 355 threads sharing the same set of function units, al- [Sovinec 2005]C. R. Sovinec, C. C. Kim, D. D. Schnack, et lowing 32 threads to execute in parallel and access al, and the NIMROD Team. 2005, J. Physics, 16: 25 shared memory via a large coherent second-level cache [Vuduc2005]R. Vuduc, J. W. Demmel, K. A. Yelick. 2005, [KAO05]. CISCO has 188 32-bit special-purpose CPU J. Physics, 16: 521 cores on a single chip without coherent shared caches [Whaley 2001]R. Clint Whaley, Antoine Petitet, J. J. Don- [EAT05]. The computer industry views this architec- garra. 2001, Parallel Comput., 27: 3 ture as the main way to continue the processor perfor- mance improvement on the Moore’s law curve in the next decades. V.2 Computer science (K. Li) We expect the multi-core processors to develop in two phases. During the first phase, we anticipate a dra- Computer science is the discipline that anchors the matic increase in the number of cores on a single chip. computer industry which has been improving proces- This is because by using simple CPU cores, one can sor performance, communication bandwidth and stor- increase the substantial number of cores with the same age capacity on the so called “Moore’s law” curve or at fabrication technology, as a simple CPU core typically the rate of doubling every 18 to 24 months during the requires an order of magnitude fewer transistors than a past decades. The exponential improvements not only complex core. Since the industry needs some time to re- have revolutionized how we live, but also have changed vert their course from designing complex CPU cores to how we conduct research. During the past few years, simple ones, we expect this phase to take two to three science disciplines including fusion have shifted to data- years. At the end of the first phase, we should ex- driven e-science that unifies theory, simulations, and pect the number of cores to reach the range of 16 to 64 experiments by exploration of large datasets [GS04]. for general-purpose processor chips since the processor The roles of computer science have evolved to include industry will be using the next-generation fabrication not only next-generation supercomputer architecture, technology. compilers, runtime systems, but also methods, software After the first phase (or during the second phase), we tools, and infrastructure for data exploration to accel- expect that the number of cores for a general-purpose erate science discoveries. This section outlines some processor chip to slow down its increasing rate to the trends and challenges in computer architecture, soft- chip density improvement rate. If the chip density ware systems, and data exploration that are relevant to improves 4 to 6 times during the next five years, the science disciplines and fusion research. number of cores on a general-purpose CPU chip should Trends in CPU architecture reach or exceed 128 by that time. The most relevant issues to fusion research in com- This trend raises several challenging issues in archi- puter architecture are parallel architectures and their tecture, software systems, and parallel programming for implications to programming. Since the architecture of future parallel computers. supercomputers is closely related to CPU architecture, Trends in parallel architecture we will first look at the main trend in CPU architecture There are two trends in parallel architecture. The

378 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction first is the continuing trend in using a cluster of com- to pay special attentions to decompose their data struc- modity PC nodes as parallel machine. The main ratio- tures to fit in to the limited memory space on the thin nale of this approach is that it is relatively inexpensive nodes. Applications whose data structures cannot be because of the sheer PC volume in the market place. decomposed to fit into the thin nodes will not be able PC cluster can deliver impressive performance because to use such supercomputers. PCs track technology well. We expect a supercomputer using the high-density PC cluster has evolved to become a mature approach approach to reach 10 million CPU cores in the next few to constructing fairly large-scale parallel computers due years, as the number of cores per chip will increase by to the development of commodity systems network in- two orders of magnitude during this time period. terconnect. About twenty years ago, Intel’s iPSC/2 Trends in programming future parallel supercomputer used a hypercube of Ethernet links to computers connect 386-based PCs running a small OS kernel with The dramatic increase of CPU cores in future super- special message-passing software to support MPI-like computer raises several challenges in computer science message-passing programming model [ARL88]. In the that require significant research. However, we antici- 90s, research projects [VCGS92, BLAD94] worked on pate several near-term trends in programming future protected user-level communication to substantially re- parallel computers. duce the end-to-end communication latency. These ef- We expect to see a shift in programming model forts laid the foundation of building low-latency, high- and methodologies for the next-generation parallel ma- bandwidth networks [DRMC*98, RCGH02] for larger- chines. We believe that applications using high-end scale clusters. supercomputers will have to do more than using only The main advantage of this approach is that each the message-passing model. The main difficulty with node can be relatively “fat” with a large amount of the message-passing programming model alone is that memory and disk storage. The disadvantage of this ap- the future supercomputers are expected to require ap- proach is that a parallel machine of this kind typically plications to decompose their data structures into two consumes a large amount of space and power and its orders-of-magnitude finer pieces than the current ap- scale is typically limited to fewer than 10,000 proces- plications for Bluegene/L, which are already quite dif- sors. ficult. This is because the average memory per CPU We believe that this trend will continue be- core is expected to be two orders of magnitude smaller cause systems networks have now become commodity than that on Bluegene/L. [BCFK*95, ITA00] and it is easy for a science team to One approach is to consider a hybrid programming construct its own cluster for small or medium-scale sim- model between shared memory and message passing. ulations and data explorations. By doing so, the scien- As the future multi-core processor chips are likely to tists can perform their software development and small support coherent shared memory and parallel comput- runs without remotely using large-scale supercomput- ers are likely to support only message-passing among ers which are often high-cost and inconvenient. nodes, we may need to consider algorithms and pro- The second trend is to use a high-density approach gramming techniques to construct parallel programs to build very high-end supercomputers. An exam- where the code that runs on an individual CPU chip ple of this approach is the IBM Bluegene/L machine uses the multi-threaded, shared-memory programming [AAAA*02]. The system is built out of a large num- model and using the message-passing programming ber of low-power nodes, which utilizes IBM PowerPC model (such as MPI) to communicate among the CPU embedded CMOS processors, embedded DRAM, and chips in a parallel computer. system-on-a-chip techniques that allow for integration Another approach is to consider a combination of co- of all system functions including compute processor, herent and non-coherent memory programming model communications processor, 3 cache levels, and multi- for shared address space parallel machines. Some paral- ple high speed interconnection networks with sophis- lel machines such as Cray T3D, T3E, or XT3 have sup- ticated routing onto a single ASIC. Each node has a ported a non-coherent shared memory address space. relatively modest clock rate but an excellent “perfor- Languages such as Split-C or UPC try to exploit the mance to power” ratio. The entire machine is built non-coherent shared address space by using explicit get with a high-density packaging method that packs 1,024 and put primitives. Currently, these languages do not nodes or 2,048 processors into a single rack. consider a large number of CPU cores on each node, but The main advantage of this approach is that it can they can be extended to have an abstraction for many push the scale of a supercomputer to use over 100,000 CPU cores, leading to a combination of shared memory processors by consuming about a similar amount of and non-coherent shared address space programming power that a cluster approach does with an order of models. magnitude fewer processors. As a result, the Blue- In addition, we expect programmers to pay substan- gene/L currently dominates the top spots in the top500 tial attention to deal with the increasingly unbalanced list. The main disadvantage of this approach is that its memory performance in future supercomputers. Al- node is relative “thin” with relatively small amount of though the multi-core processor trend indicates that memory and disk space. As a result, programmers need the number of CPU cores will increase by two orders

379 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 of magnitude in the next five years, the memory band- In order to effectively explore very large datasets, sci- width is not expected to increase by more than an order entists need to visualize features on large-display sys- of magnitude due to pin limitations. This implies that tems. Recent research in computer science shows that multi-core architecture accelerates hitting the memory it is possible to build scalable, wall-size, seamless dis- wall [WM95]. In order to exploit the potential perfor- plays from an array of display devices such as projec- mance of multiple CPU cores, we will need to consider tors [WABC*05]. Scalable display walls have now be- algorithms and programming techniques to further im- come mature technologies and they have been used in prove the temporal and spatial localities of programs many national labs as the main infrastructure to visu- to tolerate the dramatic increasing performance gaps alize large datasets for science discoveries. between processor and memory, and between processor Data exploration for large datasets is still a devel- and disk storage subsystems. oping area of research in computer science. Scientists Data exploration including fusion scientists must continue working with Science disciplines including fusion are experiencing computer science researchers to attack the challenge to a data avalanche. This is largely due to the exponen- accelerate science discoveries by building tools and de- tial improvement of instruments, compute infrastruc- veloping techniques on data management, data analysis ture, and storage technologies during the past decades. and learning, and data visualization for large datasets The most exciting aspect of the explosive data growth in a distributed environment. is to bring an equivalent explosion of knowledge from the data explosion. We are changing from theoretical research to data intensive research. The new trend is References to collect or generate massive amounts of data, anal- yse them to discover new knowledge, achieve scientific discoveries with digital information, and publish knowl- [AAAA*02] N R Adiga, et al. 2002, An Overview of the edge digitally. New ways to explore massive amount of BlueGene/L Supercomputer, IEEE/ACM Proceedings of data may lead to new knowledge or new discoveries. Supercomputing 2002, Baltimore, Maryland Since new instruments have extraordinary precision, [ARL88] R. Arlauskas. 1988, iPSC/2 System: A Second the data quality is rapidly improving. Analysing the Generation Hypercube. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference data to find the subtle effects missed by previous studies on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications: requires algorithms that can simultaneously deal with Architecture, Software, Computer systems, and General is- huge datasets and that can find very subtle effects. sues - 1: 38, (Pasadena, California,1988 ) An important direction for data exploration is fea- [BLAD*94] M. Blumrich, K. Li, R. Alpert, et al. 1994, ture tracking and searching in large datasets. Since Virtual Memory Mapped Network Interface for the Shrimp ITER equipment and large-scale simulation generate Multicomputer. ACM/IEEE Proceedings of the 21st An- immense amount of high-dimensional data, it is dif- nual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. ficult to track evolving desired features and it is dif- p.142. (Chicago, Illinois,1994) ficult to search for observe patterns and visually fol- [BCFK*95] N. Bode, D. Cohen, R. Felderman, et al. 1995, low regions of interest. Early computer science re- IEEE Micro, 15: 29 search on extracting and tracking voxel regions of 3D [CHA02] M. Charikar. 2002, Similarity Estimation Tech- regular and curvilinear computational fluid dynamics niques from Rounding Algorithms. Proceedings of the 34th datasets shows that it is possible to help scientists ex- Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, p.380. plore tracked features via visualization [SW97]. How- (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2002 ) ever, previous work dealt with relatively small datasets. [DRMC*98] D. Dunning, G. Regnier, G. McAlpine, et al. The challenging research issue for computer science is 1998, IEEE Micro, 18: 66 to develop desired feature tracking and searching algo- [EAT05] W. Eatherton. 2005, The Push of Network Pro- rithms for very large, high-dimensional datasets. cessing to the Top of the Pyramid. Keynote Address, A recent trend in data exploration of large, high- presented at ACM Symposium of Architectures for Net- dimensional datasets is to develop dimension reduction working and Communication Systems. (Princeton, New and indexing techniques by using approximations. By Jersey, 2005) using approximation algorithms, it is often possible to [GS04] J. Gray, A. S. Szalay. 2004, IEEE Data Engineering reduce the computation complexity dramatically. For Bulletin, 27: 3 example, it has been shown that one can construct [IM98] P. Indyk, R. Motwani. 1998, Approximate nearest sketches from high-dimensional feature vectors and use neighbors: Towards removing the curse of dimensionality. Hamming distance to approximate L1 or L2 distance ef- In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on fectively [LCL04, LJWC*06]. Locality-Sensitive Hash- Theory of Computing, 604, (Dallas, Texas, 1998) ing [IM98, Cha02] can be used to approximately index [ITA00] InfiniBand Trade Association. Infini- similar data objects in high-dimensional space using a Band Specification, Release 1.0, October 2000. fixed number of hashing tables. We expect to see more ( such approximation methods for data explorations of [KAO05] P. Kongetira, K. Aingaran, K. Olukotun. 2005, very large datasets in the near future. IEEE MICRO, 25: 21

380 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction [LCL04] Q. Lv, M. Charikar, K. Li. 2004, Image Similar- V.3 Scientific data and workflow ity Search with Compact Data Structures. Proceedings of management (S. Klasky, M. Beck, the 13th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge B. Ludaescher, N. Podhorszki, and Management (CIKM), p.208, (Washington, DC, 2004) M. A. Vouk) [LJWC*06] Qin Lv, William Josephson, Zhe Wang, Moses Charikar, Kai Li. 2006, Ferret: A Toolkit for Content- With the increasing volume and complexity of data Based Similarity Search of Feature-Rich Data. Proceedings produced by leadership class simulations and high- of ACM SIGOPS EuroSys, (Leuven, Belgium, 2006) throughput experiments, understanding the science is [RCGH02] R. Recio, P. Culley, D. Garcia, et al. 2002, An largely hampered by the lack of comprehensive, end-to- RDMA Protocol Specification (version 1.0) Technical Re- end data and workflow management solutions ranging port, RDMA Consortium ( from initial data acquisition to final analysis and visu- ietf-rddp-rdmap-00) alization. In the following section we highlight some of [SW97] D. Silver, X. Wang. 1997, IEEE Transactions on the challenges and ongoing work towards meeting these Visualization and Computer Graphics, 3: 129 challenges. [VCGS92] T. von Eicken, D. E. Culler, S. C. Goldstein, Motivating Case. Consider a fusion simulation et al. 1992, Active : a Mechanism for Integrated event where a group of scientists need to run a simula- Communication and Computation. ACM/IEEE 19th In- tion job on a parallel machine, storing the output data ternational Symposium on Computer Architecture. 256. effectively on a parallel file system, archiving the in- (Gold Coast, Australia, 1992) termediate check-point and analysis data, concurrently [WABC*05] G. Wallace, O. J. Anshus, P. Bi, et al. 2005, running an analysis of one or more steps dynamically, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25: 24 then examining the results either statistically or with [WM95] W. Wulf, S. McKee. 1995, ACM SIGArch Com- a visualization tool. [Klasky 2006] Clearly, there are puter Architecture News, 23: 20 significant data and workflow management challenges, but also opportunities present in such a scenario. Oversimplifying, we can consider the following Scien- tific Data Management (SDM) architecture for address- ing these challenges to consist of the following layers as shown below

The bottom layer consists of computational re- automation and integrates underlying components into sources and basic services (high-end computers, storage an end-to-end solution for the end-user scientist. devices, OS). The following challenges and requirements often

The first software layer provides local and dis- arise, especially when large data volumes are involved: tributed storage and efficient data access capabilities Code Monitoring and Adaptation.Animpor- and other general “middleware” capabilities. tant part of any long-running simulation is monitoring

The next layer includes specialized software com- of its progress and outputs. This real-time feedback ponents, e.g., for data mining, analytics (e.g. PCA), enables scientists to decide whether (a) to stop a simu- and visualization. These components can be considered lation, (b) change a set of parameters (e.g. the number services (or actors) by the top layer. of paths in the Monte Carlo routine for higher accu-

The top (application) layer deals with workflow racy), (c) adjust the simulation code (e.g. invoke an

381 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 analysis routine), (d) utilize different system resources support modification based on the available variables. (e.g. duplicate to increase throughput and guarantee Data and workflow provenance tracking can provide a termination within the expected timeframe), or (e) con- mechanism for recording the runs and their results. tinue. These adjustments can potentially lead to better Other Special Requirements.Asworkflowsare science and avoid unnecessary use of computational cy- increasingly used in production environments, it be- cles, data storage to file systems, and data transfers to comes increasingly important that they are able to archives. As easy as it sounds, manually orchestrating effectively manage large data sets and perform long- this complicated scientific workflow is a daunting task, distance data transfers efficiently. This requires a multi- so automation is necessary. pronged approach including handling of streaming data Workflow automation tools, while still maturing, al- between machines different from the machine executing ready play an important role in effective and efficient the workflow engine, persistent archiving of data and analysis of the monitored data. However, the demands handling of M×N data transfers (dynamically restruc- on the workflow automation system and the analysis turing the data coming from a cluster with M processors tools used for monitoring increase as science grows more to a cluster with N processors) between simulations and sophisticated (e.g. across multiple spatial and tempo- the associated data post-processing steps. ral scales with hundreds of variables and thousands of The advent of high-performance computing engines dimensions). First, proper interpretation of this high- and networks is bringing new opportunities but also dimensional data requires more than a simple moni- challenges for data-intensive and compute-intensive IT toring of a few variables but a search for a subset of solutions for scientific discovery. e.g., numerical and data of interest and even advanced multivariate fea- scientific problem-solving environments (PSEs), closer tures extraction and tracking. Second, scientists want to a broad base of users with widely differing needs and to be able to plug-in into a workflow system an analysis experiences. Use of a PSE is typically associated with routine written in their language of preference (Mat- a number of additional activities such as collection of lab, IDL, R) and to run it efficiently. Third, as more data, submission of data and programs to a compu- simulation data gets monitored, efficient storage of this tational system, execution of simulation and compu- data, utilization of storage resources for “mainstream” tational codes, movement of data from one platform to data analysis and sharing the results of this analysis another, storage of data, analytics (including visual an- across distributed sites become more demanding. Fi- alytics) of the results, and so on. From the perspective nally, a workflow engine that invokes the appropriate of the users, the key issues are functionality, usabil- analysis components automatically should be dynam- ity, and quality of service of such systems. A practical ically and easily updatable to allow explicit modifica- bottleneck for more effective use of available computa- tion of the data analysis pipeline in both loosely and tional and data resources is often in the IT knowledge tightly coupled manner with modifications applied as of the end-user, in the area of design of resource access new data enters the pipeline. It should support the ef- and use of processes, and the corresponding execution ficient termination of a specific execution request, halt- environments, i.e., in the scientific workflow environ- ing all related pre- and post-processing activities when ment of end user scientists. The scientific community the simulation is explicitly stopped or any intermediate now expects on-demand access to services which are component fails. It should also allow us to capture dy- not bound to a fixed location (e.g., as a specific lab) namic workflow evolution by recording metadata about and fixed resources (e.g., particular ), the runs and analyses steps that were performed (i.e. but which can be used over (mobile) personal access data and workflow provenance). device of a scientist (e.g., laptop or a PDA or a cell Interactive Debugging of HPC-codes.Atask phone) [Atkins 2003, MOUNT 2004]. The need is for that is quickly becoming overwhelming is the debug- environments where application workflows are dramati- ging of complicated simulations. While parallel debug- cally easier to develop and use (from art to commodity), ging tools exist, they are not commonly used because thus expanding the feasible scope of applications possi- of their complexity and cost. Instead, scientists tend ble within budget and organizational constraints, and to insert print statements into their code to output shifting the scientist’s effort away from data manage- information as they try to understand a certain run- ment and application development to concentrating it time phenomenon. This information routinely needs on scientific research and discovery. to be processed further to gain insight. Unfortunately, An integrated view of these activities is provided by it is extremely rare that a single debug run generates the notion of Scientific Workflows. Scientific workflows sufficient insight to solve the problem. Instead, multi- mean a series of structured activities and computations ple runs, with slightly different parameter settings and that arise in scientific problem-solving. Workflows have slightly different output statements, are usually needed been drawing enormous attention in the database and for debugging. Again, workflow automation tools can information systems research and development com- significantly help in this process. A workflow could be munities (e.g., [GEORGAKOPOULOS 1995]. Simi- set up that executes the simulation and performs the re- larly, the scientific community has developed a num- quired data analysis repeatedly with a variety of input ber of problem-solving environments, most of them parameters. An adaptive workflow system would easily as integrated solutions [HOUSTIS 2000], and finally,

382 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction component-based solution support systems are also pro- assumptions, which must be accommodated to prevent liferating [CRNKOVIC 2002, CCA06]. Scientific work- spurious results. Heterogeneous databases are exten- flows merge advances in all these areas to automate sup- sively accessed; they also provide repositories for inter- port for sophisticated scientific problem-solving [LU- mediate results. When the computation runs into trou- DASCHER 2006, LUDAESCHER 2005, MOUNT 2004, ble, semantic roll-forward (fault-tolerance, fail-over) VALAY 2000, VOUK 1997, SINGH 1996]. Some of the must be attempted; just as for business workflows, roll- heaviest users of computing are in the sciences. It is back is often not an option. no longer possible for scientists to carry out their day- 3. Many large-scale scientific computations of inter- to-day activities without heavy use of computing. This est are long-term, easily lasting weeks if not months. holds in fields and problem areas as diverse as com- They can also involve much human intervention. This putational medicine, biology, chemistry, genetics, en- is especially so during the early stages of process (work- vironment, fusion and combustion. Indeed, scientific flow) design. However, as they are debugged, the ex- workflows, as we understand them, are crucial to the ceptions that arise need to be handled automatically. success of major initiatives in high-performance com- Thus, in the end, the production runs should require puting (HPC). no more than semiskilled human support. The roles of As parallel computing expands, their standards en- the participating humans involved must be explicitly courage scientists to construct complicated distributed represented to enable effective intervention by the right solutions that span the networks, and through web- person. based interfaces invite incorporation into still more 4. The computing environments are heterogeneous. complicated systems that may include interactions with They include supercomputers as well as networks of economic and business flows. Workflows represent workstations and supercomputers. This puts additional the logical culmination of this trend. They provide stress on the run-time support and management. Also, the necessary abstractions that enable effective usage users typically want some kind of a predictability of the of computational resources, and development of ro- time it would take for a given computation to complete, bust problem-solving environments that marshal high- and some run-time status and tracking, and prove- performance computing resources. Scientific workflows nance information collections. Making estimates of this are expected to coexist and cooperate with other user kind is extremely complicated and requires performance workflows (e.g., institutional business workflows, educa- modeling of both computational units and interconnect- tional workflows, legislative workflows, etc.). As such ing networks. they must support compatible interfaces and quality of Framework service in the broader sense (which includes reliability, The key to the solution is an integrated framework fault-tolerance, security, privacy, data provenance, au- that is dependable; supports networked or distributed ditability, etc.). workflows, a range of couplings among its building Characteristics blocks, a fault-tolerant data- and process-aware service- In many science and engineering areas, the use of based delivery, and ability to audit processes, data computation is not only heavy, but also complicated and results. Key characteristic of such a framework and structured with intricate dependencies. Graph- and its elements are [CRNKOVIC 2002,LUDASCHER based notations, e.g., generalized activity networks 2006]: Reusability (elements can be re-used in other (GAN), are a natural way of representing numerical workflows), substitutability (alternative implementa- and human processing. These structured activities are tions are easy to insert, very precisely specified inter- often termed studies or experiments. They have some faces are available, run-time component replacement common features: mechanisms exist, there is ability to verify and vali- 1. Scientific problem-solving usually involves the use date substitutions, etc), extensibility (ability to read- of a number and variety of analysis tools, typically in- ily extend system component pool, increase capabili- voked in a routine manner. For example, the compu- ties of individual components, have an extensible archi- tations involve much detail (e.g., sequences of format tecture that can automatically discover new function- translations that ensure that the tools can process each alities and resources, etc), customizability (ability to other’s outputs), and often-routine verification and val- customize generic features to the needs of a particu- idation of the data and the outputs. There may be also lar scientific domain and problem), and composability a lot of changes in the workflow as scientists explore (easy construction of more complicated functional so- new options. As scientific data sets are consumed and lutions using basic components, reasoning about such generated by the pre- and post-processors and simula- compositions, etc.). tion programs, the intermediate results are checked for In order to automate scientific problem solving pro- consistency, and validated to ensure that the computa- cesses, one has to understand limitations of the existing, tion as a whole remains on track. Process is tracked manual, approaches. Some of the limitations stem from and provenance information is generated, the way we construct our software, some from the way 2. Semantic mismatches among the tools and data we orchestrate our processes and analyse the results, must be handled. Some of the tools are designed for and are inherent in the information technology we use. performing simulations under different circumstances or Storage management

383 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007 Logistical Networking is the foundation of storage ten have design requirements that are more demand- management in distributed research communities for ing than normal file system access while at the same many fusion simulation projects. The general approach time being restricted in important ways. For instance taken in Logistical Networking is the creation of a many communities can use a write-once discipline for highly generic abstraction of storage that can model their largest and most widely distributed data, but not a great variety of disk-like storage resources, and which for smaller files used for configuration and for the stor- can also be used to model the movement of data be- ing the results of data analysis. Logistical Networking tween storage resources in networks ranging from Local allows the available restrictions to be used to ease the Area Networks to the global Internet. problems of massive data scale and geographical distri- Having defined and experimentized with Logistical bution. Networking, the focus of recent work has been the cre- ation of libraries implementing standard storage API such as stdio, netCDF, HDF5 which write directly to References Logistical Networking storage resources rather than to a local file system. This provides a means to inject the data generated by simulations directly into global work- [Atkins 2003] D. Atkins et al. 2003, Report of flows, without the need for an additional step trans- the National Science Foundation Blue-Ribbon Advi- ferring data from local to wide area storage systems. sory Panel on Cyberinfrastructure. NSF-CISE051203, Conversely, these libraries allow data to be inspected and read by programs directly from repositories that [CCA06], accessed February are distributed in the wide area. This is of particular 2006 importance when only a small part of a massive dataset [CRNKOVIC 2002] I. Crnkovic, M. Larsson (editors). is to be read, and so localizing the entire dataset before 2002, Building Reliable Component-Based Software Sys- reading is terribly wasteful. In the extreme, when only tems. Artech House Publishers, ISBN 1-58053-327-2 descriptive metadata is read, the cost of data localiza- [GEORGAKOPOULOS 1995] D. Georgakopoulos, M. Hor- tion may be so much greater than the cost of reading nick, A. Sheth. 1995, Distributed and Parallel Databases, that it becomes prohibitive. Vol. 3(2): 119 A key part of the Logistical Networking work cur- [HOUSTIS 2000] E. N. Houstis, J. R. Rice, E. Gallopou- rently being performed for the fusion community is the los, R. Bramley (editors), 2000, Enabling Technologies for creation of directories to keep track of distributed, repli- Computational Science Frameworks, Middleware and Envi- cated data and to provide common namespaces and ronments, Kluwer-Academic Publishers, Hardbound, ISBN points of synchronization. Such directories are being 0-7923-7809 customized to the needs of fusion researchers, which [Klasky 2006] S. A. Klasky, B. Ludaescher, M. Parashar. are possible because they are implemented at the user 2006, The Center For Plasma Edge Simulation Workflow application level, as opposed to being embedded com- Requirements. presented at 22nd International Conference ponents of a traditional file or database system. on Data Engineering Workshop, Atlanta GA 2006 The major point of differentiation for the fusion sim- [LUDAESCHER 2005] B. Ludaescher, C. A. Goble. 2005, ulation community in building on Logistical Networking editors. ACM SIGMOD Record, Special Section on Scien- is the ability to replicate files freely among a collection tific Workflows, Volume 34(3): 3 of storage resources located at collaborating sites, and [LUDASCHER 2006] B. Lud¨ascher, et al. 2006, Scientific to then access the data in a manner that makes data lo- Workflow Management and the Kepler System, Concur- cation transparent. This means that increased replica- rency and Computation: Practice & Experience, Special tion has the effect of increasing data access performance Issue on Scientific Workflows. Volume 18: 1039 through greater proximity between the application and [MOUNT 2004] R. Mount, et al. 2004, Department of the storage resource, as well as greater fault tolerance Energy, Office of Science report, ”Data Management Chal- and general system stability through transparent ”fail- lenge”. over” from more local to more distant data copies. [SINGH 1996] Singh M. P, Vouk M A. 1996, Scientific Another factor is the ability to customize the or- workflows: scientific computing meets transactional work- ganization of data in structures that mimic database flows. Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Workflow and systems without the need to incorporate full-fledged Process Automation in Information Systems: State-of-the- database systems into the scientific software stack. Lo- Art and Future Directions, (Univ. Georgia, Athens, GA, gistical networking provides a degree of control over USA. 1996), pp.SUPL28-34 low-level storage structures and algorithms that is not [VALAY 2000] R. I. Balay , M. A. Vouk, H. Perros. Perfor- generally available except through direct access to disk mance of Network-Based Problem-Solving Environments. storage at a very low level. As the scale of data inten- 2000, Chapter 18, in Enabling Technologies for Computa- sive computation continues to increase, file systems de- tional Science Frameworks, Middleware and Environments, rived from conventional Unix/Linux mechanisms strug- editors Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Efstratios Gal- gle to support modes of use that were never anticipated lopoulos, Randall Bramley, Hardbound, Kluwer Academic in those original designs. Scientific communities of- Publishers, Norwell, MA, ISBN 0-7923-7809-1

384 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction

[VOUK 1997] M. A. Vouk, M. P. Singh. Quality of Service charge, but more critically, it must be analysed in near and Scientific Workflows. 1997, in The Quality of Numer- real time, to assess and predict the plasma evolution ical Software: Assessment and Enhancements, editor: R. and guide it successfully. Thus three new factors must Boisvert, Chapman & Hall, Oxford, United Kingdom, p.77 be addressed: data access on a significantly larger scale, a much larger group of researchers needing to extract data at the same time, and the ability to analyse the V.4 Collaborative tools (J. Manickam) data in near real time. In order to obtain the best re- turn from the investment and to advance the physics A successful next generation fusion experiment, such understanding, there is also a need to concurrently run as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Re- theory-based simulation codes for comparison with ex- actor (ITER) project, will need experimentalists, the- periment. This requires seamless, rapid, and collabora- orists, and computational scientists to collaborate effi- tive high-level data analysis and simulation capabilities ciently, to understand the overwhelming amount of in- for both between-shot and longer time-scale analysis. formation from experiments,codes,andtheory.The There is presently no widely adopted or viable frame- task is large and, at this stage, imperfectly defined. work to support such extensive collaborative research. There is a need for an integrated framework for col- However, existing fusion experiments together with new laborative services, which will address these issues on ones planned to begin operation in the near future, such several fronts. The main elements of such a framework as EAST in China and KSTAR in South Korea would are a physical, and computational infrastructure, and a benefit from the availability of a collaborative frame- well-defined suite of fusion analysis codes that are made work. accessible to the fusion community for general use. In order to start the discussion of collaborative anal- Prior projects in the US for collaborative research ysis of a tokamak experiment, we begin with a min- have been mostly oriented towards addressing the needs imal code-suite, see Fig. V.4.1. This consists of an of the experimental community, to the exclusion of large ideal MHD equilibrium code to fit the experiment; a first-principles simulation codes. An early project fo- transport code to analyse the time evolution on the cused on file systems, audio/video communications, and slow, transport time scale, and MHD stability codes. web-based tools to demonstrate remote, interactive op- Many examples and extensions of this set exist. Exper- erations on a large US facility, the DIII-D tokamak at iments already interpret many of their measurements General Atomics [1]. The most recent effort under the by running an ideal MHD equilibrium code, EFIT[5], first Scientific Discovery through Advanced Comput- to obtain a constrained fit to the equilibrium at cho- ing program (SciDAC), the National Fusion Collabo- sen time points. A transport code can then be run ratory[2], specialized in grid computing using the Ac- to evolve the plasma equilibrium on the slower trans- cess Grid [3], it is a collection of projectors, cameras, port time scales, where the plasma pressure (density, and microphones, linked by networked computers to en- electron and ion temperatures) and magnetic fields are able audiovisual collaboration between remote partici- assumed to change by diffusive processes (thermal and pants: videoconferencing. The Access Grid also pro- particle transport and resistivity, whose diffusion co- vides interfaces to enable collaborative visualization, efficients are specified as functions of space or plasma data-sharing, and remote control of instruments. The variables). grid offers a hierarchy of services, ranging from the desktop computer to large TV monitor based interac- The transport code calculates a new ideal MHD equi- tive communication to room-size tiled display walls. In librium every few time steps, using its own solver, self- the US fusion community, there are nodes at MIT, Gen- consistently with the transported profiles. The new eral Atomics, PPPL, and ORNL. The full list of AG equilibria can also be tested regularly for stability. The nodes worldwide is available at Ref. [3]. The grid had resulting equilibrium is often not suitable for direct in- significant success with one particular transport sim- put to further simulations, which require higher accu- ulation code, TRANSP [4], including the use of web- racy. Thus, a second equilibrium calculation, with the monitoring tools. same or a different code, is often used to refine the equi- The ITER experiment will be characterized by its librium. An ideal MHD stability code is then used to international scope, with widely separated groups of determine the stability properties, particularly to low-n researchers who need to collaborate, to propose and modes, where n refers to the toroidal mode number. If participate in each experiment campaign, to analyse necessary, the equilibrium can be further analysed, or a or do simulations, and discus and understand the re- nonlinear simulation code used to study its evolution. sults. Another key difference from present experiments Stability to slower growing instabilities can be checked is that a single experimental shot on ITER may last for by applying a resistive MHD stability code. At each thousands of seconds, in contrast to present high-power stage, the result can be visualized and compared to ex- machines like JET, which operate for tens of seconds. perimental measurements or used to predict the plasma Significantly more data is generated in the longer dis- behavior.

385 Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.3, Jun. 2007

Fig.V.4.1 A schematic diagram of the flow of data from experiment and diagnostics to primary and secondary analysis codes. It shows opportunities to identify data and metadata sets, apply data interpolation and visualization

Table V.4.1 A representative list of fusion simulation codes used in the US

The responsible person and their institution are shown on the right. Many of these codes have international as well as other US counterparts, which are not indicated here.

386 Batchelor D.A. et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction A number of the basic codes are readily available. activity in experimental operations. This requires ac- They use a number of input/output data formats, but cess to data from experiment and from analysis and most stability codes read a number of different equilib- simulation codes. The chaining of applications and rium code outputs. Some standard equilibrium formats the comparison of simulation results with experiment, and translation packages exist, such as XPLASMA and which is likely to require chaining codes to put the two I2MEX in the National Transport Code Collaboratory sets of data into the same variables, will encourage the [6]. use of standardized data formats or data interpolation A representative list of fusion simulation codes used schemes. The importance of the raw simulation results in the US is shown in Table V.4.1. This is not a com- means that links to them should be included in the prehensive list; there are many other worthy codes in transformed data in the same way that the sources of use in the US fusion community. In addition, it should the experimental data are tracked. In addition, V&V be noted that, many of these codes have international for numerical codes, the ability to store and visualize counterparts, which are also not indicated. In addi- code output directly is crucial. Visualization methods tion to modeling experimental data, another major area should be capable of looking directly at the code vari- for collaboration is ‘first-principles’ based simulation, ables on the code grid, for debugging and for ensuring which can be extended in the future to include inte- numerical stability and convergence. Numerical prob- grated modeling. The ultimate goal is to have a pre- lems frequently manifest as oscillations that develop dictive capability, based on first-principles’ physics in- very fine scale, grid-to-grid variation, easy to detect cluding verification and validation, V&V, rather than when viewed on the original grid, but not on an inter- the current practice of using empirical scaling. polated one. Large scale simulations and integrated modeling of An effective collaborative framework must also ac- the plasma over a wide range of temporal and spatial knowledge the fact that human experts are, and will scales are currently a major area of fusion science re- remain for the foreseeable future, indispensable to run- search and will become increasingly important in the ning sophisticated experiments and simulations. The future. In general, they involve much more compli- framework must also address means to streamline the cated code and data coupling issues. Some of the more process of identifying, contacting, and interacting with important issues are: a) simulations typically generate people. many more variants of output data for a given study than an experiment; b) there is a need to address data from multiple simulations, arising from both numerical References convergence and parameter scans; c) results must be tracked through many layers of transformations from raw experimental data to interpreted, calibrated data [1] T.A. Casper, et al. 1998, Computers in Physics, 12: 230 to the results of the final simulation; Scientific approx- [2] imations may be introduced at each step and must be [3] recorded; and, d) access permissions and authorizations [4] must be respected. [5] Another major need is in the area of shared visual- [6] ization, there is a need for a protocol and capability to connect and update multiple locally shared displays. The protocol will need to consider issues such as window movements and information overlapping in a multi-user Acknowledgement environment. Equally important is the need to develop collabora- The authors thanks for following colleagues for tion mechanisms and policies appropriate for fusion sci- useful discussions and for support of the Workshop entists. Web-based monitoring of simulations spanning on ITER Simulation: V. Chan, L. Chen, T. S. Fan, several hours or even days, assisted by visualization, Z. Gao, B. L. Hu, X. W. Hu, Y. P. Huo, D. Li, J. G. Li, will be crucial tools for advancing physics understand- J.Q.Li,Y.X.Liu,J.R.Luo,Z.W.Ma,C.H.Pan, ing. Y. Pan, Y. D. Pan, Z. Y. Pu, X. G. Wang, Y. L. Ye, Validation and Verification (V&V) will be a major H. Zhou, S. Z. Zhu.