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Page1 « THE UNHEARD HERALD « Monday, November 7, 2016 Such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks and all it wants is the liberty of appearing — Thomas Paine THE Unheard HERALD SERVING DEMOCRACY AND THE HEART OF DURANGO COLORADO | | Monday, November 7, 2016 | SHARE FREELY ¢ 2016 America — Open Letter to President Barack Obama To: From: President Barack Obama Root Routledge, PhD The White House PO Box 830 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Durango, CO 81302-0830 Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Obama, plish three objectives: First, I want to express my sincere gratitude and I am moved to write this heart- respect to you Barack, on a person- felt letter to you, Mr President, as al level if I may, for running and I am deeply troubled about what serving as our first black president. is happening to my beloved coun- I am proud that, after several earli- President Barack Obama try, the United States of America. er attempts America finally passed and undermined by deceit, con, di- My thoughts will unfold here from that political and cultural thresh- vision and the cynical exploitation more than one perspective, as they old. Second, I wish to share my con- of ignorance, hatred and fear. emerge not only from sober, lev- tinued and growing concern about We are both witness and partici- el-headed and rational reflection; our country and the deterioration pant in an unprecedented presiden- but, from a seeming cauldron of of our democracy — in fact, the ac- tial election cycle that, via a system
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