Isaac E. Choi 291 Edwards Street New Haven, CT 06511
[email protected] Academic Positions Visiting Fellow, Rivendell Institute, Yale University, 2015–2017 Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT, 2016–2017 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, 2014–2015 New Insights and Directions for Religious Epistemology project, led by John Hawthorne Junior Research Fellow, Somerville College, University of Oxford, 2014–2015 Research and Technical Assistant for Alvin I. Goldman, Rutgers University, 2013–2014 Editorial Assistant, Episteme, A Journal of Social Epistemology, Rutgers University, 2007–2011 Editor: Alvin I. Goldman Education Ph.D. in Philosophy, 2013 University of Notre Dame Dissertation: Epistemic Expertise: Its Nature and Appraisal Directors: Alvin Plantinga, Ted A. Warfield Additional Committee Members: Robert Audi, Alvin I. Goldman (Rutgers University), Leopold Stubenberg Visiting Graduate Student in Philosophy, 2007–2008 Rutgers University Th.M. in Philosophy and Theology, 2002, and M.Div., 2000 Princeton Theological Seminary A.B. in Chemistry, magna cum laude with highest honors in concentration, 1995 Harvard College Areas of Specialization Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion Areas of Competence Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Religion and Science, Logic, Ethics, Bioethics 2 Publications “Infinite Cardinalities, Measuring Knowledge, and Probabilities in Fine Tuning Arguments,” forthcoming in Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology, edited by Matthew A. Benton, John Hawthorne, and Dani Rabinowitz. Oxford: Oxford University Press. “Is Petitionary Prayer Superfluous?” Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 7 (2016): 32–62. Review of Pascal’s Wager: Pragmatic Arguments and Belief in God, by Jeff Jordan, Religious Studies Review 35 (March 2009): 33.