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Download This PDF File Akbar et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) 372-377 Rice Distribution Pattern: A Study on Food Security in South Kalimantan Arief RM Akbar *,1 , Alan Dwi Wibowo 1, Alia Rahmi 1 and Sigit Prabawa 2 1 Agro-industrial Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Jl A Yani KM 36, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia 70714 2 Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl Ir. Sutami No 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia 57126 E-mail: [email protected] * Abstract In recent years, South Kalimantan has experienced rice surplus and been appointed as one of the nation’s rice barns. However, the distribution pattern of rice produce in the province is not clearly described. The distribution pattern itself plays an important role in the context of rice availability and food security. The study is aimed at investigating the rice distribution pattern in South Kalimantan. The method used was supply-demand model with system dynamics approach. Price was the experimental variable. Initially, the stakeholder roles were investigated, followed by the development of causal loop diagram (CLD), stock and flow diagram (SFD), validation, verification, and finally simulations. South Kalimantan rice supply chain is generally operated by farmers, village middleman, larger collectors, rice millers, urban wholesalers (distributors), retail sellers, and consumers. The distribution pattern is influenced by the location of rice producing area, the location of large miller/collector/wholesaler area, rice variety, and consumer preferences. Keywords: distribution pattern, rice, system dynamics 1. INTRODUCTION and relies more on the availability of nutrients carried by the tidal flow from the river. The In order to boost national rice production, favorable geographical position, Kalimantan the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture in 2018 Selatan gives an opportunity to be able to made a breakthrough policy by expanding the supply rice to other regions (Akbar et al., 2017). area of rice cultivation and optimizing With the current condition of surplus agricultural machinery in all stages of rice production, South Kalimantan is still faced cultivation. Expansion of the area of rice with problems, especially on the volatile prices plantations is focused on wetlands areas such as of rice in the market. The surplus rice in South Kalimantan, which are said to be production in South Kalimantan turned out to sleeping giants given their enormous potential. have no effect on the stability of rice prices, due This great potential however is accompanied by to the unknown pattern of rice distribution in the problems which are very familiar among each district. It is thought that South rice cultivation practitioners in wetlands. Kalimantan rice price fluctuation is associated An example of the problems is the limited with the poor rice supply chain management. rice cultivation to once a year as a result of However, this assumption is still water availability issues which cannot be questionable. The aim of this study is to overcome by traditional methods. In this light, determine the pattern of rice distribution technology approaches are necessary to carried out by farmers and rice traders at the improve land productivity to 2 times of village level to agents at the district level. The cultivation a year. Despite the once a year development of alternative model for the cultivation, today, the rice production in South provision of rice may have an impact on Kalimantan has a surplus (Kirnadi and Firahmi, sustainable production and distribution of rice, 2010). The production of local varieties of improve the welfare of farmers, and ensure that South Kalimantan’s rice reached an average of all communities can easily get rice both in 3 tons/ha. It is important to note that the terms of quantity and affordability of rice prices. productivity uses minimum chemical fertilizers 372 Akbar et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) 372-377 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD for the reduction of rice dependency. From the said factors, the absorption of rice for industrial The aim of this study is to determine the purposes and the substitution of rice through pattern of rice distribution in South of national program are not easily measured, Kalimantan. Using supply-demand model reliable data from related institutions and field approach that involves the influence of prices surveys have not been obtained. Therefore, on the market as an experimental variable. The simulation is run solely on rice per capita supply-demand model developed using a consumption. dynamic system approach. The relationship As the result of the simulation model, it between variables will be tested with a simple can be seen that the population is the most statistical approach. Some variables that cannot dominant influence in the level of consumption, be controlled by the system are became an additionally to several other parameters such as exogenous variable group. This study did not industrial needs, which is yet to be included in develop alternative policy solutions for this report. Based on the description above if problem owners but only provided an in-depth the assumption of South Kalimantan's picture of the pattern of rice distribution in population growth is at an average of 1.9%, the South Kalimantan as a basic study of the annual consumption rate will experience an formulation of food security policies in South increase of around 7,500 tons of rice per year. Kalimantan (Wibowo et al., 2016; Badan The level of rice consumption increases by the Ketahanan Pangan Kalimantan Selatan, 2012). growth of population. The stage of model development begins Considering the growth of planted area with the study of the role of existing between 2006 and 2016, the model predicts the stakeholders, followed by the development of planted area up to 2027 which grows around causal loop diagrams (CLD), and this model 1.6% per year. There are two factors that may will be transformed into a detailed system in the influence the growth of planted area. The first form of stock and flow diagrams (SFD). The is the desire of farmers to cultivate their land model that has been developed will be validated more widely. The second is the assistance and verified (Irawan, 2005). Furthermore, this program from the service which is a stimulus model will be tested by entering the price for farmers to plant more extensively. The variable as an experimental model (Arbnor and amount of land that is not cultivated is merely Bjerke, 1997; Sharma et al., 2004; Roberts, due to economic constrains where farmers with 1978). limited capital have difficulty in planting as Distribution pattern investigation used a well as in land ownership. surveys and deep interview method with 50 The level of rice production is strongly respondents consisting of large traders, retailers influenced by the main parameter, which is the and farmers throughout South Kalimantan. size of planted area. In this model the planted 3. RESULTS area will be affected by factors of crop failure (puso) caused by several conditions such as Causal loop diagram was developed. It drought, floods and attacks of pests. The shows relationship between each variable in the production is also influenced by the size of rice system. CLD is constructed by mental data harvested area and the productivity of the land. processing which involved all stakeholders in The model developed has considered these rice management such as researchers, farmers, factors to obtain total production in the form of government, and private sectors. CLD of this harvested dry grain (GKP). To get the total rice research is presented in Fig.1. production which will be used as a reference in Population, rice consumption, paddy policy making, in the model the amount of GKP cultivation area, and rice production modules as must be converted first to milled dry grain SFD are shown in Figure 2. The level of rice (GKG) by including the drying shrinkage factor consumption in South Kalimantan is influenced (GKP-GKG). The conversion of total rice by several factors, predominantly by the rate of production is influenced by the absorbance by rice consumption per capita, rate of rice the food and feed industry. This model consumption for industrial purposes, and the development is using data from the last 10 substitution of rice through national program years (2007-2016). 373 Akbar et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) 372-377 Figure 1. Causal Loop Diagram Rice System in Kalimantan Selatan Consumption Modul 98,00 kg/people INITIAL Paddy's Land Modul P OPULATION CBP_local rice RATE OF RICE 479.247,00 ha RATE OF RICE procurement from CONSUMPTION FOR 3.345.78... people CONSUMPTION rice collectors INDUSTRIAL P ERCAPITA_PEOPLE PURPOSES INTIAL OF PADDY Population FIELD population growth rice production period number Paddy Field Cultivation RICE CONSUMPTION rice consumption growth of paddy growth of land DECREASING land conversion RATE POP ULATION TARGET GROWTH Population Modul RATE OF PADDY rate of paddy land C ULTIVATED AREA conversion 479.247,00 ha GROW TH period number period number Paddy Field Cultivation PADDY YIELD total puso land flood rate pest factor harvested land drought rate Surplus _ Deficit GKP YIELD GKG GKG gross_dried GKG_GRAIN FOR grain paddy SEED rate of land of crop production failure rice production GKG_GRAIN FOR Paddy Field FEED Cultivation LOSES GKG GKG_INDUSTRIAL total rice availability GKG netto_dried PURPOSES grain paddy total puso land production Production Modul RICE YIELD rice consumption surplus_deficit of rice rice production Figure 2. Stock and Flow Diagram on Rice System in Kalimantan Selatan 374 Akbar et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) 372-377 4. DISCUSSION regency. In smaller amounts, rice is also supplied from the Hulu Sungai regencies. This The rice distribution at the village level is is also the case for large traders in Tapin carried out by 2 actors, they are the farmers and regency (Rantau city), Hulu Sungai Selatan the village-level collectors.
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