Newsletter March 2009 Kingston Amateur Radio Club 2009 Executive President: Les, VE3KFS Newsletter Editor: Joan Clarke
[email protected] [email protected] Vice-Pres: Robert, VE3RPF Repeater Committee:
[email protected] VE3KFS, Les Lindstrom
[email protected] Treasurer: Bill, VA3OL
[email protected] VA3GST, John Snasdell-Taylor
[email protected] Secretary: Chip, VA3KGB va3kgb@rac .ca VA3KGB, Chip Chapman
[email protected] Past-Pres: Tom, VE3UDO
[email protected] VE3JCQ, John Wood
[email protected] 2009 Committee Chairs Two Meter Net Manager: VE3MNE, Don Gilroy
[email protected] VE3CLQ, Bill Nangle
[email protected] P.O. Box 1402 Kingston Ontario K7L 5C6 VE3KAR The 2nd Repeater is now VE3KBR Operational VE3UEL 147.090(+) MHz VE3KER 146.94(-) MHz News Kingston Amateur NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT (Les, VE3KFS) Tom Lloyd VA3ZE/ VE3UDO Silent Key The passing of Tom has really struck the Amateur community here in Kingston as the flood of mail on the Free list has shown. As a long standing member of the KARC Tom could always be counted on to provide guidance and help to his fellow Amateur. His support and hard work on such club efforts as the repeater, field day, Emergency services and Club picnics to mention just a few, were instrumental in the KARC success over many years. The celebration of Tom's life was very well attended by a majority of KARC members. Thanks to all who were able to attend. Don't forget the next club meeting on Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 7: 00 pm. at Smitty's From the Editor: This is a much smaller newsletter than you've been getting – not many articles coming in.