Most of us are aware, as of the different types of asbestos men. Furthermore, one would expect of the group chosen at late, a lot of publicity has only the blue type (crocidolite) been given to the material is dangerous. It is an opinion random 16 would die of lung asbestos. The controversial Y I myself have heard all to fre- cancer. Of the 632 insulation programme screened by Yorksh- quently and is a dangerous myth workers, 105 died of lung can- cer and 50 died of mesothelioma ire T.V., "Alice A Fight For however popular a notion it may The chances that anyone would Life", whiched slammed the be. In Britain alone, a trem- die of this disease are one or materials use in industry, as endous amount of research is two in ten thousand. done much to enlighten public taking place which suggests You may ask what is the gov- awareness to the health risks that one fibre, be it blue, wh- ernment doing about it? The associated with asbestos con- ite or brown, can kill. During answer to that is quite simply, taining materails. the l970's a voluntary ban was little or nothing. The fact Why so much controversy sh- put on Blue asbestos in this that at least 200 former empl- ould surround asbestos, is in country. However, it is inter- oyees of Acre Mill, Hebden itself cause for much discuss- esting to note that blue asbest- Bridge, a factory once owned ion, when one considers that os at the time amounted to only by Cape Asbestos, have contr- there is not one single use 5% of the industries business. acted asbestosis and mesothel- for which asbestos is really This has led many to conclude ioma, despite the fact that necessary and that, many people that, blue asbestos albeit ex- successive British governments will die for something as in- trmely hazardous, has been used have been aware of the lethal significant as an oven glove, as a convenient scapegoat, which consequently as left the other qualities of asbestos since as a vinyl floor tile or the pad early as 1906, suggests crimin- of an ironing board, then the varieties virtually unaffected. al complacency at the very public must ask itself why, in The most damning evidence to least. Moreover, production of spite of the hazards do we con- date against white asbestos (ch- asbestos world wide, doubled tinue to use asbestos? rysotile), is that of Professor between 1930 and 1976, accord- The answer to this must ob- Irving Selikoff, of Mount Sinai ing to the World Health Organ- viously lie in the fact that Medical School, New York. For isation. asbestos is profitable. Brit- the last forty years he has been Following the aftermath of ains largest asbestos company, studying 632 New York asbestos Acre Mill, the government set Turner and Newall, last year insulation workers who, in the up the Advisory Committee on turned over a profit of £8.5 main, have been working with wh- ite asbstos. Of the 632 all but Asbestos, chaired by Mr Bill million. Just how much things Simpson who was chairman of have changed can been seen in 100 have now died. He maintains the Health and Safety Commiss- the fact that in June of this that of a comparable number of ion. The committee met for 3 year and prior to Yorkshire people chosen at random and years and was hailed as the T.V.s documentary, Turners matched for age,sex etc., stat- inquiry to end all inquiriers. informed shareholders, "that istically, one would expect that To date, not one of its 41 much of the steam had gone out of these, 64 would die of can- recommendations have become of the anti-asbestos lobby and cer. Of the age group he stud- law. The government has now de- that there was not that much ied, cancer killed 238 of the cided to introduce new regulat- concern in the UK." ions into the use of asbestos. Does this sound like a com- However, it is felt by many pany that proclaims to be work- that the four recommendations ing its butt off to find alt- are likely to have little eff- ernatives to asbestos? Why ect on the asbestos indistry. Turners should find so much There is, for example, still difficulty in finding substit- no compulsory labelling of as- utes is strange to say the bestos products. least, when you consider that What could be done to protect in 1980 alone, 1,000 and more people from the dangers of as- patents were filed relating to asbestos substitutes. Per- bestos? There is doubt that haps, the answer to this problem nothing short of a total ban may lie in the fact that Turners on asbestos will effectively themselves have significantly protect people from the hazards reduced their staff working on has already banned it. research into substitutes. There is however, not much ev- idence to suggest that this It is often argued that of possibility as ever been taken cont'd p. ll Z3 :Ever wonder what they do in those Freemason lodges.Well according F3-I!’ C19‘? to supergrass Michael Gervaise singing at the Old Bailey last month, they exchange informat- ion but it seems to be The fact that we have :Remember its not onl in all one wayumasons in the finest police in that pegple the police tip off their the world is beyond "die"in police custody. fellow masons in the doubt but,the finest In I981 the number of underworld when things at what is the real deaths in Britain was 49 are getting a bit too question.Just a quick In I980 it was 63.In the hot. look through the state Zetropolitan area it has :A.Bradford man was awa- press will soon give increased from 20 in I980 rded £24,275 for wrong- you the answer. to 27 in I98I.An inquest ful imprisonment.When A.Birmingham couple verdict was given in 42 asked to make a statement were given £I,700 dam- of the 49 cases and death a Home office spokesman ages in an out of cou- was due to natural causes said that £25,000 was rt settlement against in only I7 cases. awarded last year in ano- the West pol- ther case of wrongful im- ice after their four prisonment.Perhaps it was year old daughter was the only thing he could knocked over and killed think of saying,now if by a police car speed- he just waited one day ing along the road. look what he could boast :PC David Wactell of about,£5I,OOO damages the Thames Valley poli- awarded to a Jamaican ce was dismissed for couple after the Metropo- selling information from litan police smashed in the police cdmputer to their front door and sav private detective agen- agely attacked them.It cies,strange we always sounds like justice but thought Thatcher was in when you just think it | 4 1 favour of free enterpr- 4 4 - took them six years bef- 1 ise. 1 ore the case was brought :PCIMartin Jones of the to court and even now Dyfed-Powys police let the police are appealing a fellow police officer :If by now, you were against the award. punch him in the face so wondering whatever hap- :Pc William Wilson an- that they could fake pened to the cream of other Wiltshire police evidence of assault aga- the worlds finest,dont man(it must be all that inst a I5 year old boy. despair here they are. cider)is somebody we Apparently after beating Yards latest must admire,after fall- up the boy in the street corruption inquiry has ing behind with the he realized that there run into a spot of bot- paper work he had a is no such charge as her.The man chosen to brainwave and set fire "being a police punch- head the operation was to the police station, ball"hence the need for himself involved in unfortunately he only a face change. the case which lies be- managed to destroy the :Now dont start thinking hind the current alleg- personal property of that its only PCs who ations.He has a spot- nine of his colleagues. find themselves in the less record but you know :An unnamed senior po- d0ck.Inspector John Wat- what they say about one lice officer has been ers of the Westlmidlands rotten appel in the bar- suspended frmm duty (we love fast cars and rel. while detectives inves- small girls)police was :Still in ,a super tigate a discrepancy found guilty of assault- grass has told how he of between £I,800 and ing a insurance consult- carried out burglaries £5,000 from the books ant whom he was trying with his partner,a Dete- of the West Midlands to drag to the police ctive Inspector of the police football league. station while off duty. Flying Squad(strange its :we must feel a little not like that on the TV). sorry for Sergent Gerald In evidence at the Old Smith of the Wiltshire Bailey the informer also police because he failed said that two other Fly- in his attempt to murder ing Squad detectives had policewoman Louvaine tried to discourage hbm 1Woolway.Better luck next from giving evidence time Gerald. about police corruption. I

4 1 The Department of in NALGO members have rejected aff- 1979, commissioned Prof. Gennard iliation to the N of Strathclyde University to by a massive majority in a ba- conduct a survey on the closed llot to decide the issue. The shop. Prof. Gennard's Report membership voted almost eight has been in the hands of the to one against and also turned Dept of Employment since Dec. down the proposal for a polit- last year, but it has not yet ical fund. NOTES been made available to the pub- 58% of the membership voted, lie. quite a high figure for a union ballot, the votes cast were as fo11ows:- For 49,925 (12%) Manchester Council, a bastion Against 382,577. of , is to sack all The Assistant Masters and Mist- its part-time lecturers in Man- resses Association (AMMA) in chester Colleges. In order that K_.-/--_- ‘J a recent report has been belly- the contracts of the full-time aching that thousands of extra lecturers can be renegotiated Union blues they're all getting the sack. teachers will be necessary and millions of pounds will have to be spent to avoid disrupt- ‘return to sender’ demo at cent trade unionism reinforces ion in schools if corporal pun- the education office where restrictive practices. Leaks of ishment is banned. about 60% of those lecturers Prof Gennard's report, however, suggest that 12% of managers If the union was really in- who-had received their notice terested in its members, it of dismissal demonstrated. agree with Tebbit (his sample was taken from more than a should welcome the abolition The Socialist Workers' Party of corporal punishment with in their usual revolutionary thousand companies.) It is wr- open arms. Instead it is demand fashion dished out a leaflet ongthat this report is being ing heavier fines and imprison- which called for an all out suppressed because its conclu- ment for the parents of persist- strike in September. A good sions run counter to the prej- ant truents rather than using idea would have been to refuse udices of the government. How- abolition as a way towards to mark exam papers rather ever, we maintain that the maj- more jobs, smaller classes and than call a strike in the Aut- 0TitY of managers like the C105“ less stress for both teachers umn after the long summer vac- shop because it disciplines the and school students. ation. labour force. ESQ FTIILITHHTJ’

Way back in 1937 a young man cratic institutions. The right it claims to be revolutionary called Ted Grant arrived in wing of the Labour Party used or reformist, follows the well- this country from South Africa, Militant as one of its excuses worn paths of politicians thr- to join the Workers Internation- to form its opportunist Social ough the ages, don't do things al league. This was to merge Democratic Party. Scumbags such yourself but vote for us and in 1943 with the Militant Lab- as Roy Jenkins and David Owen we'll do them for you. With our League and form the Revol- Launched their dream to become votes at recent bye-elections utionary Communist Party. The heads of our ship of state. barely scraping over 50% it Party was to follow the ancient Meanwhile, back at the ranch seems more and more people are Trokskyist tradition and frag- Militant carried on moling its having healthy cynicism for ment into a thousand pieces way through the Labour Party that kind of rubbish. (well it would have if it had with gay abandon. They denied The joys of parliamentary had enough members) one frag- they were 'anti-democratic‘ and democracy, the occasional X on ment of which was to evolve in- claimed they had undieing loy- a bit of paper for someone you to the darling of Fleet Street, alty to the parliamentary pro- may or may not ever hear of the dreaded Militant Tendency. cess. They denied they have an again, should not be defended The M.T. has long since follow- internal organisation (they (even phonily) but exposed as ed a course of 'entryism' into have, the Revolutionary Social- the sham it is. The Labour Par- the Labour Party as a means of ist League) but adhered to ty may one day be won over to winning the masses to its their variety of Marxism. Only a ‘socialist programme’ but the viewpoint. by winning the Labour Party real powers that run society The M.T. star really began to a clear socialist programme’ would never allow such measures to ascend in the mid 70's nationalisation of the top 200 to be taken anyway. The only when Labour Peer Lord Under- companies etc, could Britain hope for change in this society hill began his investigations be made Great again, they cl- is for it to come from the into Labour infiltration. The aimed. working people organising them- Militants became everyones reds So once again, we the people, selves and putting faith in under everyones beds as the are asked to pin our hopes, themselves alone. The Long nations free press began their put our crosses, for the new March through the Labour Party shock horror stories of the harbingers of the Golden Age. is a long march to nowhere. threat to our wonderful, demo- The Militant Tendency, whether GH I E I - CONFEDERATIONANTI-MILITARISTSOF

After the weekend conference of the Direct Action Movement *_ I‘4- which was held in Leeds on the 26/27 June 1982 a meeting was held by comrades from several Libertarian groups who had taken an active interest in the work of Anarchist Action. It was proposed and agreed that “i - ,- - _. 9 " '. '7 . - .-...... ,3--- _ u _ __ . - yi- . I the provisional name of Anarch- in 0 I‘ "" ' .-----_ -..-_- - .. .-.-1-.:- Q10 4-I'll "“""" "9 -""7*'\-r-§--b.n-9-d-~I- '* - * -~.--- - -fiur ~ ist Action should be changed salt L..-w--$~a+¢1¢~w---~- - .11-&'_. e, I. to that of "RESISTANCE". e) The pro-statist nature of ie. dangers of nuclear waste The reason being that AA was the CND, demonstrations etc. too sectarian a title and th- organised in collaboration 0) Posters on route of nuclear erefore many friends and com- with the police. industrial waste etc. rades who otherwise would be d) Other actions. symphathetic to its aims would 2) The need for an umbrella 6) The need for a central find themselves unable to work organisation to bring tog- address and phone number(s) under such a name. It was fur- ether all autonomous groups to maintain contacts and ther agreed that due to one who are fighting; the quick return of in1or— reason or another many of the a) Militarism ation. comrades who attended the con- b) Statism ference in Manchester on 13th 0) Capitalism 7) The need for a regular nat- Feb. 1982 had failed to main- d) Racism ional bulletin and the mon- tain a strong interest in AA 3) The need for close contact ey to publish and send this and that there would be no between groups before all bulletin out if need be by point in calling a general demonstrations, public meet- first class mail. meeting just to discuss a ch- ings, industrial strikes ange of name, it is hoped that On the above points it was etc. to decide what course all interested groups and in- agreed to set up a contact of action may be taken if dividuals will understand. address at:- Box A, LAP, any. 59 Cookridge St, Leeds 2. The need for sound inform- A number of comrades of the 1 | ation about future demonstr- Leeds Anarchist group agreed ations etc. when, where, to take care of all incoming

'-‘T _. \ fl 1 i. H mail. An appeal will be made --1 - how to get there,who will .- git--J ‘

I A .1- through the free press for all _ _.--.._ _.-> .1“

1. B 7

AIT-IWA P'Z'."°"“a Revolutionary

federalist organisation; that strike which, at the same time, formed in 1922 as a revo1ution— factory occupations in 1920)- 3, The double task of Revol- is to say, an organisation, from the viewpoint of Revo1ut- ary alternative to the Red At its height it reach 800,000 utionary Syndycalism is as 1 Revolutionary Syndicalism fo1lows' on one hand it pursues from below upwards’ of a free ionary Syndicalism’ Ought to International (a members but was aaatroyaa by basing’ itself on the class ’ the daily' revolutionary str- unionf of all forces_d ond the_ t bas—f Revolutionbe the prelude to the Social ianfrontCommunistorganisationParty)for Intheth Russ-fascistCame to powerviolenceAfterwhen itsMussolinire , . . . ' n 1 eas an in eres.s. - , e - ' war, aims at the union of all uggle for the economic, soc- ls O Comma - . . . ' t - th f d' ' 1978 "t t ' manual and intellectuall work- ial and Intellectual 1mprove- 5, Revolutionary Syndicalism 9, Although the enemlee of all an er waa years e AIT.aaa a Gan aaa la . l 00 ls BIS 1‘n ec0nom1 c fighting org ‘ ment of the working class w'th1 ' rejec' tis a ll parliamentaryl'aaa“t ac t - forms oiA organised violence in mambaraalp of Several mllllons ballalag up rapla1y' . . . - . . . o. and sections in 25 countries. In the Freie Arbeit- aalaaaloaa atragallaa for thalr an aha aramework of axlatlna iviay aaa all aaaparataoa with age hanfia oi.a:y gavaramiat’ As dictatorships came to power er Union (Free Workers Union) amaaalpatlaa from the yoke ai aaalaty’ an the other aaaa lta leglslatlve bOd1es' Unlversal t a Syn lea la S O no Oraat throughout Europe. the revolu- which had 200.000 members until Wege‘$1eVePy and the Oppressa U1tlm&t8 goal lS t0 P3158 thé Suffrage, Qn hgwever wide a that thé decisive struggle D8‘ tionary unions in Italy Ger_ Crushed by Hitler is 9150 be_ ‘on of the state. Its goal is asses t th 'nd d nt a - be i t b ' b t th tween the Capitalism of today . ' . _ ’ a, the re-organisation of social agement if paoaucaaifi and 212- daaazpeaaazgc15 oglafieafaagrana and the _ Free Communism‘ of' tom— many’h o.apala0th aaasPortugalt" " were thlag Nraaaaatraataa'k s d'k 1" Iat'kaarwayE b o life on the basis of Free tribution, as well as to tran- oontradictions existing in the orrow will not take place with- gfiigaiia andeirgzztdzgswépe a1- (Njrwggpan ggnéicaipsi Feg:r:u_ Communism, by means of the sfer into their own hands of Very b030m of modern society; out serious collisions. They so forced underground The ion) was re_fOrmed in 1976 as revolutionar action of the 11 the ram f'cat' ns f s '81 ' t h recognise violence therefore, . '_ . _ , workin clas: itself It con— Zife It islcanviazed ahatoaae the parllaaaatary Sya am taa as a means of defence against algatmara rule of faaalam’ the a rank aaa flla graaplag la g ' ' a but one ObJeCtlVe’ VlZ" O devastation of world war and the social democratic trade siders that the economic org- organisation of an economic lend the appearance of legal the methods of violence of the the Subsequent cold war rcduccd unicu oontral (L0). Its great- ' ' h 1 I ' t ' — ' " -‘ ' 1' 1 , ' th _ _ M2112:are. O. 2;p3.3:;. 12:12.. g err;:;"'.ni:1“g2"*“zU1 up ram e Ow up Soclal ti1nJuStlce'_ to persua ane ;:1:ii.::i3:..;2.. t. f h Y zztrmz.p p now has theto revolutionary union local of the Ironm and Steel ihls alm' 39d’ la Consequence’ waraa’ can never be ragalataa Slaves to fla the Seal of the expr°p'?a laa 0 t a maaaa of movement begun to rise from the Union. Other sections of the its appeal 1s addresses to by Governmental decrees, but 1aw onto their own eflS1eVement- productlon and of the land’ ashes of these historic defeats.AIT include the CNT in , workers in their capacity as only by the common action of aaat as this aaprapiatiaa aaaaa Today the anarcho-syndicalist another CNT in Bulgaria (exil- producers and creators of soc- a11 manual and inte11ectua1 6» ReV°1uti°naPY 5Yndiea1i5m ot be commenced and carried to _ , , _ - - --. - . International is undergoin a ed and under r und ‘n B 1 ' ial Plenee. 1n 0PP0S1t10n to workers in every branch of in- re3eCtS all arbltrarlly flxed a successful issue except by period of expansion and re§ew_ the Argentinfag FORK, tgeaggiii the modern political labour dustry’ by the conduct of facta poliaiaal aaa natiaaal arantierS' revolutionary aaaaamia organ- al This is the direct result uguese anarcho-syndicalists parties which can never be Qries by the producers them- and 1t Sees 1n natlonallsm no“ isations of the workers, so of the rebirth and amazing gr_ rou ed round the a ,A Bat_ considered- at all from the se1ves 1n- such a way that each thing more but the religion of a1 so the de fence o f the revo 1- f th A T, t t. _ g h p, p per , t f ,_ f n m.c re_ the mcdcrn State behind which t. h Id b . th h d owth o e I s mos pres lg al a and propaganda groups p01“ ° “law ° e°° ° 1 group» w°rkSh°P °r branch °f ' u 1°“ S °“ 9 1“ e an S ' s section- the s anish CNT ' N Y k (L'b ta ' w k- orgenlee- t'10n- industry- lS- an automomous sect _ are concealed the material in- o f these economic- organisations,- - louThe Confederacion‘ pNacional ' ersln Group)aw or and 1 Britainer rlan(Director - . - terestsof the possessing class- t - th f -1-t _ _ _ 2, Revolutionary Syndicalism 1°“ 0? tha general ecoaomlc S It rec nises nl re . n_ no la Osa O_ an? ml 1 ary del Trabajo (CNT), ana- Action Movement). . . ,. organisation, systematically e ' 03 0 Y 51° or other organisations operat- . . . _ . is the confirmed enemy or every _ _ _ 1 diffcranccs and demands . . . rcho-syndicalist union federa There are 3 revolutionary _ _ developlng productlgn and d]_s— 8- 9 I119‘ Oll1'.S1de the GCOHOHIIC OI'gaI1S...... g form of economic and social _b t_ _ th _ t t f for every group the right of tion, was the major organ1sat- union organisations which aren t monopoly, and aims at their Egg Zniaielz mnfingz eIZsajCOrd_ cc1f_dctcrmcnaticn in harmOn_ 10, It is only in the revolut- ion of the Spanish working cl- sections of the AIT but which abolition by means of economic n e wiih a :ei1_de:ermined° ions Solidarity with all other ionary economic organisations ass up until the victory of maintain friendly links with communes and administrative alzn and on the basis f tual csccciaticus cf an economic, of the working class that is Franco in the Civil War. At its it. organs of factory and field A p emenus a ma territorial or national crdcr_ to be found the power apt to peek it had Over 2 million mem" The SAC (sveriges Arbetares workers on the basis of a free agra ' ' carry Out its emancipation, as bers. Four decades of fascist Centralorganisation; Swedish system of councils, entirely 4’ Revolutionary Syndicalism 7. It is for tneee Same Teen" well as the creative energy repression reduced this to Central Workers Organisation) liberated from Subordination is Opposed to every Centralist ons that Revolutionary Synd1c- necessary for the re-0rgani5a- 20,000, which was its size when is Sweden syndicalist union. to any Government cr political tendency and Organisation, wh_ alism opposes militarism in all tion of soeiety on the basis it emerged from the underground It has members numbering 18,000 party. Against the politics of ioh is borrowed from the State lts forms’ and Conslders anal‘ of Free Communism. in March 1977. With more free- and organises lumber, constru- the state and of parties it and the churoh and whieh st- milltarlst propaganda one Oi _ dom to organise, it began to ction and foundry workers as erects the economic~ organisa- - ' 1‘ts most imDortant tasks in the (Adopted by the Flrst Interna“ expand rapidly' and re - assert well as a growing- number of~ . . -~ ifles methodically every spirit ' ' - ' h t “ . . . . . s tlon of labour; agalnst the of initiative and every indep- Straggle agalaat the preseaa“ tlonal Convantlon of t a In er itself as the most militant service and white-collar work- government of peop1e,it sets cndcnt thcught_ Ccutralism is system. In the first instance, national W0r:e;S gzeeeiatégg) of the organisations of the ers. up the management of thinss- an artificial Qrganisation frgm 1t “Tees lndlvldual refusal Of 'I'w'A'/A'I' ' ’ r 1 Spanish working class. By Oct. Little known in Britain, the C0n$eqUent1Y» it has not for top to bottom, which hands over' military Service’ and especially’ u___ 1978 it had more than amillion OVB is a Dutch union organised its objective the conquest of cu bloo to a handful cf pccplc, Organised beyeetting QT Fne members and was still expanding.0n syndicalist lines. It init- Political Power. but the abel‘ the regulations of the affairs manuiacture of war mater1a1S' making it the largest revolut- ials stand for the Independent ition of every State function of a whclc ccmmunity_ The iud_ 8, Revolutionary Syndicalism ionary organisation in the Alliance of Industrial Unions in social life. It considers ividual becomes, therefore, Stands cu a platform cf direct world (unless you consider the and it exists as an autonomous that, elong with the m0n0P°1Y nothing but an automaton direot- action’ and Supports all St1.._ various 'Communist' Parties workers organisation of more of property, should also dis- ed and mcvcd from abcVc_ The uggles which are not cOntrad_ revolutionary). Inspired by than 13,000 members. The member- appear the monopoly of dqmin- interests cf the community yield’ ictory with its aims, ViZ_, the success of the CNT other Ship is mainly in the West, ation,and that any form of the place tc the privilagcs cf a the abolition cf cccncmic mcn_ section of the AIT began to South and North, and works in State. including the form of few; Varcety is replaced by un_, Opoly and of the domination REVOLUTIONARY UNIONISM TODAY re-animate thenSe1ves- building, fishing, docks, taxi the "dictatorship of the pro- iformity; personal responsihi1- cf the 5tatc_ The methods cf The International Workers ASS_ In Italy the USI (Union Sind- driving and metal-working thou- letariatn will always be the ity by a soulless discipline; Strucclc are the Strike’ the Ociation (Asociacion InternaC_ acale Italiana) played a cruc— gh now public sector workers creator of new monopolies and real education by a Veucer_ It boycott, Sabctacc ctc. Direct ional de Trabajadores I W A / ial role in some of the most (ex teachers and social workers new PTiVi1ege5- It 0OU1d never is for this reason that Revo1- acticu finds its most pronoun- A I T.) is the‘anarchO_gyédic_ famous episodes of Italian etc.)“are joining. It also has be an instrument of liberation‘ utionary Syndicalism advocates eed expression in the general 1-st I t t- 1 It Revolutionary history(such as a growing youth section. I a 1 n erna iona . was the Red Week in 1913 and the pto

II -1 E3

The Industrial workers of the The history of the IWW is a -‘poo...I . III . ‘:- ___’ World (IWW) - better known as long list of strikes, free sp- the 'Wobblies' was founded in eech fights, set backs and the 1905 at a convention in murder, deportation and impris- with socialists, anarchists, onment of wobblies. There~have trade unionists and revolution- been many notable victories MT-IWA aries present. Though the del- and workers lives changed dram- Syndicalism: At the turn of egates differed on many issues, atically for the better. The the century anarchists enter- they agreed that the American union today is best remembered ed the trade unions in France Federation of Labour (their for its martyrs such as Joe and for a time turned them in- TUC) with its craft unionism, Hill whose advice to members to revolutionary organisations. class collaboration and 'pure on the eve of his judicial*mur- As a result the word 'syndical— and simple’ trade unionism, der was, "Don't waste time isme' (French for trade union- class unionism, had to be re- mourning for me...organise!". ism) came to mean ‘revolution- placed by an organisation which During the First World War the ary unionism‘. stood for industrail unionism, union took a strong anti-milit- Anarcho-syndicalismz Is the _. l 1 it il ll _ --;___ organisation of all workers re- arist stand. This led to att- movement which sees revolution- gardless of skill, sex, colour acks on the union such as the ary unionism as the method but or nationality, and the estab- 'Criminal Syndicalism‘ Law used ‘anarchy’ as the goal (anarchy lishment of a new social syst- to great effect for many years being a classless, Stateless em to replace capitalism. (it was only repealed in 1972). society based on equality and The IWW went through two The IWW have continued to freedom. splits and emerged in 1908 as organise as they always have, N.B. The IWW, which developed a revolutionary union devoted but with much fewer numbers out of different conditions to economic activity,opposed than in the old days. Until prefers to call its brand of in general to political action, recently that is, the IWW too revolutionary unionism ‘indu- and seeking its goal of "one is in a period oi expansion it strial unionism’, but it has big union‘ (OBU) through direct seems. obvious similarities with syn- action, sabotage, passive re- dicalist and anarcho-syndical- =l=*******>l=********=l==l=********>l<*=l< sistance and labour solidarity. ist organisations.

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For all their coverage ted in the press,with reach I,5OO feet.The of the Falklands war great surprise,at the ships which belong to one will be hard put to time when the news of the Swedish Stena Line find any mention in the Sheffields sinking first have had their crews state press about what appeared,'how could one changed and are now weapons were carried on missile sink a T42 dest- manned by Royal Navy HMS Sheffield before it royer'?Perhaps now we personal.The story bei- went to the ocean floor. know why and how the ng put out by the gove- The Ministry of Defence Sheffield met its end rnment is that the ships has refused to issue a but there are many who are in the south Atlantic categorical denial that will say that this the- to recover ‘valuable’ the Sheffield was carr- ory is tenuous.The lat- cargo which went down in ing nuclear weapons in est news from the south the war.Also to dispose the form of depth char- Atlantic should help to of the ammunition litte- ges.But it is a well change their:minds a ring the sea bed,which known fact that ships little. when one thinks about it like the Sheffield ie. The Ministry of Defence would be a rather daft T42 destroyers carry has chartered two spec- exercise as water or Lynx helicopters which ial oil rig maintenance should I say the deep sea in the words of John vessels with deep sea is where the military Nott,the Defence Secret- divin bells able to always dump their unwan- ary were capable of del- ted ammunition in the ivering nuclear depth first place. chargesaa leading British 'Those of us who watched academic has told members the TV films of sailors of DNM,that from.inform- from the Sheffield retu- ation received at his rning to Britain rememb- university department er well the terrible (which specializes in burns on many of the men, defence matters)the we are told these burns Sheffield was not sunk were the result of cont- when first hit by an act with plastic but exocet missile but was could they not also have scuttled by her crew been caused by radiation? after the missile had iWe:may never know but caused so;much damage those who were there know that there was a radia_ " already but will they tion leak.It was repor_ live long enough to tell us? Col HOSPITAL WORKERS SPARTICIST LEAGUE

Inbetween stopping vans and Many anarchists in Britain esp- Members of South London DAM: talking to people walking by ecially those who attend any and other A's, recently took we chatted with the official of the national demonstrations part in actions in support of pickets - cleaners, ancilliary will have heard if not seen the hospital workers strike. workers and catering staff. the Sparticist League. This we wanted to avoid any polit- they had a sense of fun and strange collection of middle- ical interventions, patronis- were shouting out things like class and in many cases middle- ing leaflets, sloganeering, ‘What do we want - 12%; what aged types who look like they etc - typical of trots. In" do we get - bugger all‘ and have spent the last twenty stead we went to the picket were generally abusing doctors years at university are usually line purely to provide phY5iC' and middle class types walking dismissed as just a harmless al support. bunch of nutters, their banners we arrived by van at Kings through. When we finally left we promised that we would come help to confirm this, with sl- College Hospital, a large ogans like ‘Defend the Workers South London Hospital - there and help out the next day. This promise we fulfilled and some Bomb‘ or ‘Smash NATO Defend were eight of us altogether the ‘. and we told the pickets that of us turned to picket the wing But behind every group no we'd come to help out. They opposite that which handled matter how bizarre may be a didn't ask us who we were but psychiatric cases. There had been several sugg- plan and in the last few months were extremely glad of the off- we have begun to learn a little er, mainly because the male estions made at the last DAM more about the SL. Our comrades pickets, who were to picket a meeting as to what our next in the have sent particular entrence, had not plan of action should be. One us a report of the activities turned up, nor had the turned suggestion is that we attempt up the day before. We were th- to do things inside the hospi- of the SL in Ann Arbor, Mich- igan. During an anti-nazi dem- erefore given an entrance to tal as well as offering contin¥ onstration which was held in ourselves. ueing support to the pickets March, a large number of dem- Some of us picketed this outside. Enough of us could onstrators set off from the entrance - which was one of stage an intervention as hosp- the two main entrances for ital users within, say, the Gity Hall to the Federal Build- vans bringing in supplies - Casualty Department. We could ing where the nazis had gather- and some of us stayed with construe various ailments and, ed. The demonstration was call- ed by the ‘Coalition Against the hospital workers at the whilst waiting to been seen, the Nazis‘ which was supported other entrance. We were around try and cause as much trouble by Labour, Black and Jewish for about three hours. The as possible: sabotage, leaflet- groups. entrance we looked after was ing, talking to patients/staff, The Sparticists decided to on a very busy main road and grafitting walls, etc. We hold their own demonstration we made several placards to could make it clear that we and stayed behind at City Hall attract attention - ‘The real support the hospital workers when the CAN demo left for the murderers are the government - not only as fellow workers but Federal Building. With the CAN no more cuts‘ ‘l2% of £43 is as patients. supporters gone the SL att- peanuts‘ ‘We are not matyrs, Other forms of action away from picket lines could be acked and overpowered the anti- we want a living wage‘ ‘Hospi- nazis left to guard the public tal users‘ support hospital directed against the management hospital management/DHSS local broadcasting system, which workers‘. they then seriously damaged, One or two of the placards offices etc. Apart from leaf- thus preventing the anti-nazis were signed off ‘Direct Action leting and grafitting we could from holding a meeting after Movement" and ‘D.A.M.‘. We do such things as placing tin tacks at entrances and drive- the demo was over. The Spart- also had a huge sign saying icists over here are not yet ‘Honk if you support us‘ and ways to hospital service entr- as numerically strong as their about every working vehicle ances; emptying bags of rubb- ish in the foyers of DHSS off- American mates but, if they (buses, lorries, council vans) ever are you have been warned responded as did about l in 5 ices and generally trying to cause as much trouble as poss- what to expect. private motorists. Apart frgm fi ible. Also as we get to know talking to passersby we also picketswe can introduce plac- talked to drivers leaving the hospital. Those of us who were ards/leaflets campaigning for shorter hours/equal pay/more picketing the main entrance holidays etc., in addition to managed to prevent theee vehi- the paltry demands from the cles from getting in. One of unions. We'll probably try out us actually inspected the in- some of these ideas or all of side of one van before allowing them and we‘ed be interested it to go any further. Little to hear from other DAM groups did those drivers realise that as to what ideas they have. none of us were official pick- Terry(south London ets and that some of us were DAM) s not even in a union. 10 , »

ists don't realise that direct take the initiative. LETTERS action is official policy of Anarchist revolution remains CND because neither the CND ex- essential. ecitive nor local groups are Yours Fraternally,

—-‘ carrying the policy out. D.C. It has to be added that for some of us "non-violence" is Dear Comrades, a tactic rather than a princ- We are writing on iple, and the right tactic de- behalf of the womans RIGHT TO pends on the particular circum- CHOOSE CAMPAIGN. As you are pr- stances. I have no doubt many obablly aware there will be a referendum on a proposed Con- __ r__(_~;~._~-.._ . ._ CND members would without hes- - -:‘-»_—__:;i\‘4-"-. itation shoot some deranged stitutional Amendment in militarist who was about to pr- at the end of this year. The ess the button, for instance. enclosed leaflet and articles So you see, the statement (available from WRTC, P.O. Box -_-—--__ :_ _, . \n..__"'“—- '__—""_.., ‘_:_ ‘"- 1: ;_;:--5-_-_-%—; -_._ _ €-_~._—_A .- :-__ 1076, ) give full details =ih%_'; ZZ‘j‘--Trim..=-T "CND believes its objectives .-'~

K 1

. 'J\ LOCAL (=- A ‘s ANARCHIST M: EEFEEEE E@‘iI‘E®R7f 1._4-\‘ PAPERS 4 f: ANGRY (Hull) 6 M®Wl@%1 Z4 I '"—-'1 I511EM‘ Box HAG, LAP ~\. AIMS AND PRINCIPLIE OF THE DIRECT ACTION 59 Cookridge St, 91: MOVEMENT: .4-\‘'I Leeds. 1. (1) The Direct Action Movement is a working class ‘I organisation. SEDITIOUS WHISPERS (2) Our aim is the creation of a free and classless society Box A, ti (3) We are figlting to abolish the state, capitalism and ~\. wage slavery in all their forms and replace them by self- Project 35, managed production for need not profit. Q1: 49a Market Place, \‘‘I (4) In order to bring about the new social order, the _4 workers must take over the means of production and Doncaster, distribution. We are the sworn enemies of those who South Yorkshire. ft would take over ‘on behalf of’ the workers. 6 (5) We believe that the only way for the working class to ‘BF’ ‘P BLACK STAR ~\. achieve this is for independant organisation in the work 8 Thomas St place and community and federation with others in the 69 I same industry and locality, independent of, and opposed Ryhope NW to all political parties and trade union bureaucracies. Sunderland. All such workers’ organisations must be oontnolled by §Es..' the workers themselves and must unite rather than divide i1 the workers movement. Any and all delegates and COMMON CAUSE \& representatives of such workers’ organisations must be 25 Liverton Crescent, "Q- subject to immediate recall by the workers. (6) We are opposed to all States’ and State institutions. Thornaby, 1:9 The working class has no country. The class struggle is Cleveland. ~=,_‘4 worldwide and recognises no artificial boundaries. The armies and police of all states do not exist to protect SOUTH LONDON STRESS ff the workers of those States, they exist only as the 6 repressive arm of the ruling class. l2l Railton Rd, A ‘s (7) We oppose racism, sexism, militarism and all Brixton, attitudes and institutions that stand in the way of 4 equality and the rigit of all people everywhere to London. ,7M: 1" control their own lives and their enviroment. OUTTA CONTROL ff 7 Winetavern St, '1 ‘O I would like to join/know . \. more about the Direct Action '5 PRACTICAL ANARCHY Movement. 4 ‘M: NAME ...... Box 3, V . ADDRESS ...... 488 Gt. Western St, ff . . ' I Q Q o I Q a 0 0 Q I Q Q a I u Q I Q Q Q | o n u G.l2 0 ti u I Q J I 0 I I 0 I I I I I I I I I O 0 0 r I Q I O I 0 K, POSTCODE ...... POISON PEN ‘s\. 4 Cut out and send to DAM:- 14 Silchester Rd, ,’/¢1.‘ Y5 \- I64/I66 Corn Exchange Bldgs, St Leonards on Sea, D Manchester M4 3BN Sussex. ff '1 v ‘#1**##***Il=*#*#**#**#**#****1? NO CHOICE ‘A BYPUBLISHEDRAPBYPRINTE DAMMANCHESTER Cambridge @ ‘§»__‘. Box 4 186 East Rd, "SYNDICALISM TRANSFERS TO THE VOLYA MASSES OF NON-PARTY WORKERS Cambridge. Bulletin of the Campaign for WHO ARE DIVIDED ACCORDING TO Solidarity with the Soviet FREE WINGED EAGLE INDUSTRY, THE MANAGEMENT OF Working Class. Over the Water, BRANCHES OF INDUSTRIES, THUS 83 Gregory Crescent, Sanday, DESTROYING THE NEED FOR THE Orkney. Eltham KWI7 2BL PARTY‘ V.I. LENIN 1921

N0 FRONTIERS International - Anti-Author- LOCAL CONTACTS itarian - News. No.1 now out Articles on , Alternat- ive , Latin America, Sweden, E. Europe. Published by DAM and avilable from D.A.M. Box 20, 164/166 Corn Exchange Buildings, Hanging Ditch, Manchester M4 3BN. Price 30p

BLACK FLAG Organ of the Anarchist Black Cross. Over the Water, Sanday, Orkney KWI7 ZBL.