The Andover Townsman Friday, September 28, 1932
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I A L HALL LI 3 H A he ndover ownsman T A Andnrrr mrjrwhrre nnd Drat, U .t—I hr manly, •trallhlfnr»ar,l. ailar. patriotic NewT Fn.l.nd Town—PHILLIPS BROOKS ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 2 3 . 1 9 3 2 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 50 Rebekali Lodge Officials, Committees What’s Going On All Andover Turning Out to Elects Officers (from today until next Friday) Monday evening at Fraternal hall the Oppose Appropriation Tonight members of Indian Ridge Rebekah lodge, 136, I. O. O. F., celebrated the 81st anni Pow-Wow at the West church, afternoon Attend Huge Bugle and Drum versary of the organization. The honorary and evening. S e l e c t m e n and Finance Committee Disapprove of guests at the meeting were Mrs. Sadie Stimp- Band concert at the park, 8.00 p.m. Special Appropriations—Emergency Committee son, president of the Rebekah assembly and Saturday her board of officers, also District Deputy Bugle and Drum Corps Competition. Waiting for Results of Town Meeting Parade starts at three o’clock. Sunday in case Corps Competition Tomorrow President Mrs. Mattie McGraw of Lawrence. of rain. Delegates from Methuen and Boston lodges also attended. Monday Determined opposition to a special ap 7.45, Town Meeting. propriation developed here during the week The annual election of officers was held and Many Corps to Compete in What Promises to Be Most Colorful Event Held in Academy Reopens; Vice Grand Miss Millie MacLeod was Wednesday with the Finance committee and the select Registration of voters, Phillips club, 7 to men declaring themselves against it. The elected to succeed the present noble grand, 9 p.m. Andover’s History—Band Concert First on Program—Parade Headmaster Away Emergency committee meanwhile is marking Miss Grace Lake who will retire from office after conducting the affairs of the degree Mothers’ club whist party, 2.15 p.m., at Will Precede Competition time until the meeting is over. The meeting home of Mrs. George Boddy, Maple avenue. The streets of Andover took on a collegiate will be held Monday evening at 7.45 as a successfully during her term. Other changes in office were as follows: Vice grand, Miss Thursday look again this week as a result of the opening result of a petition presented the selectmen a Recital at George Washington hall, 8:15. Tonight marks the beginning of the 24- of the 154th year of Phillips academy. The week ago. Jennie Seacole; recording secretary, Mrs. hour celebration sponsored bv Andover post, Franklin S. Valentine; financial secretary, No admission charge. Gas Fumes Cause Punchard Elects registration on the Hill is slightly lower than The Finance committee in its report Legion Auxiliary whist party, 7:45, at No. 8, American Legion which is to take normal this year. Dr. Alfred E. Stearns is on declared itself as opposed to Articles 1, 2, 4, Miss Charlotte M. Hill; treasurer, Mrs. Legion rooms. Elm Street Blast Class Officers place at the park and playstead. With a band a leave of absence from his duties as head and 8. Approval was given the transfer of the Robert Lochhcad and trustee for three years, concert, which starts at eight o’clock tonight unexpended balance left from the sewer and William H. Faulkner. in the park, rendered by the Essex Training master and Professor Charles H. Forbes will The installation of the new officers will act in his stead. water construction provided for by Articles Mrs. Frank Belcour was knocked uncon David Nicoll was elected president of the school band, Andover residents will take part Arthur W. Leonard and Roy E. Spencer, of 8 and 9 of the annual warrant. Articles 3, 5, take place in October. The date has not yet LOCAL NEWS NOTES scious last Friday afternoon but escaped senior class and Roy Russell president of the in one of the most colorful and inspiring 6, and 9 of the special warrant required no been announced. without serious injury after a blast which junior class at Punchard high school, where celebrations it has been the good luck of this the Department of English, have returned Noble Grand Miss Grace Lake presented after a year of absence, and will resume their recommendation from the committee. shattered the windows of her home at 49 1-2 class elections were held on Tuesday. The town to witness, finishing tomorrow at sunset The Emergency committee met last Friday the president of the assembly and the district James S. Chalfant of 41 Summer street has Elm street. Mrs. Belcour suffered only from other officers follow: with a competition of Legion drum corps teaching duties. Five new men have been president with gifts and flowers, while Vice appointed to the faculty. Mr. Lionel Denis evening to consider its future action. As a registered at Colby college. the gas fumes which escaped from the jet in Seniors: vice-president, Robert Nicoll; from all parts of the state. In case of rain tne result the selectmen were turned to for ad Grand Miss MacLeod made similar presenta her oven, left open by mistake. Dr. Percy J. secretary, Allan Milnes; treasurer, William competition will be held Sunday. I’cterkin has been appointed instructor in tions to the marshals. John Usher Monro will resume his studies Look worked on her for a half an hour before Daly; social committee: Ruth Pratt, chair Latin on the Elizabeth Milbank Anderson vice, and Wednesday afternoon thev wrote This gigantic celebration, first started by to the relief board, stating that they feel that After the business of the lodge had been at Harvard college Monday. consciousness was restored. man; Edward Howe, Albert Swenson, Stan- Andover post as a neighborhood competition, Foundation. After receiving his A.M. at attended to a most enjoyable roast lamb The explosion took place about 3A0. Box dish Perkins and Mary Barnard. has reached such proportions in Legion Durham University, England, in 1920, Mr. a special appropriation is unnecessary. Miss Alma Amerault of Bartlet street is ill Taxpayer®’ Stand supper was served by the following commit at the Barr sanatarium, Methuen. 51 summoned the local fire department to the Juniors: vice-president, Roberta Shiers; circles as to be of state wide interest, forcing Peterkin came to Harvard university, where tee: Vice Grand Miss Millie MacLeod, chair house, at which they foumi Mrs. Belcour secretary, W. Arthur Simpson; treasurer, the mcmliers of the committee to enlarge he was last year Assistant Professor and tutor The Taxpayers’ association directors met man; Mrs. Edmund Dunwoody, Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rivard have removed unconscious. Windows all over the house, Elizabeth Deyermond and social committee their plans with a series of sub committees. in the department of the classics. He comes last night and voted to disapprove any action Walker, Mrs. Edward C. Emslie, Miss Jane from Florence street to Waltham. upstairs and down, were shattered. The chairman, W. Arthur Simpson. Needless to state, Andover and nearby towns to Phillips academy to assume charge of at the special town meeting. The resolution Cuthbert, Mrs. William A. Stevens, Miss entire wall of the kitchen was blackened by and cities are fortunute in having a competi adopted was as follows: “ Voted, that it is the Mrs. E. D. Freeman of Main street is courses in Latin. Allan T. Cook, last year Margaret Petrie and Mrs. Lindsay Kinnear. spending several weeks in Williamstown. the Hash and the curtains had been slightly tion such us is being sponsored tomorrow. instructor in English at the llacklcy school unanimous sentiment of the Board of Direc The waitresses were: Miss Margaret burned. Three jets on the kitchen stove were Bicycle Rider Since the state competition held in Lawrence in Tarrytown, N. Y., comes to Andover as tors of the Andover Taxpayers’ association Petrie, Mrs. Palmer, Miss Jessie Kinnear, George M. Wallace and family have re wide open. during the State ( (invention last month, a instructor in English. Mr. Cook has had that matters which call for action by the Miss Inzea Webster and Miss Jane Cuthbert. turned to their winter residence in Brookline. Chief Charles Emerson of the* fire depart Seriously Injured drum corps competition of the proportion fourteen years of teaching experience, in the town should, insofar as possible, be dealt Following this an entertainment program Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gould of Phillips street ment immediately started an investigation as that will be held in Andover tomorrow holds Sullield school, in the Evanstown township with only at annual town meetings. That, was given: Piano solo, Irma Beene; Spanish arc spending several weeks at Antrim, N. II. a result of which he was able to state the the attention of the general public to such a high school, and in the Albany high school, therefore, all articles in the warrant for the waltz, Raymond Murray, Lillian Murray; probable cause Saturday morning. It was felt Walter Kellev, 18, of Martin’s pond road, degree that Andover residents will be aug as well as in the Hackley school. He has been special town meeting of September 26, 1932, solo, “ One Fleeting Hour,” Mrs. Robert Robert Holland of Chestnut street will that Mrs. Belcour had turned the oven jet on has been lying between life and death at the mented by innumerable fans from all towns for several years a reader for the college be disapproved or postponed to the next l-ochhead; reading, Raymond Murray; solo, enter the freshman class at Yale next Mon but had forgotten to light it. When the gas Winchester hospital ever since Monday and cities within reach.