Twenty-Seventh Annual Report

Hoard of Trustees

Soldiers' Home in at Chelsea

for the year ending June 30 . 1909


BOARD OF TRUSTEES I Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts



1909 l


OFFICERS 1909-10 President PETER D. SmTH Vice-President ELI W . HALL Secretary . JOSEPH B. l\'[AccABE Assistant Secretary CHARLES 'vV. WILCOX Treasurer ...... vVILLr.n1 M. OLIN Assistant Treasurer CHARLES K. DARLING

TRUSTEES W. SnnNGTON BROWN, Stoneham. EowARD H. HASKELL, Newton. ANDREW J. BAILEY, . SILAS A. BARTON, Waltham. CHARLES W. WILCOX, J'lilford. JOHN E. GIL1IAN, Roxbury. JOHN W. HERSEY, Springfield. HARRY E. CONVERSE, Malden. PETER D. SmTH, Andover. GEORGE W. MosEs, Brookline. HENRY CABO'I' LODGE, Nahant. EPHRAHI B. S'I'ILLINGS, Boston. JosEPH B. MAccABE, East Boston. ALLISON M. STICKNEY, Medford. WILLI.Ur M. OLIN, Roxbury. DANIELE. DENNY, Worcester. ELI 'vV. HALL, Lynn. Lucrus FIELD, Clinton. CRAN1IORE N. WALLACE, Boston. CHARLES K. DARLING, Concord. JOHN L. PARKER, Ex-officio as Department Commander G.A.R.






* Superintendent COL. CHARLES E . HAPGOOD Adjutant . .. RICHARD R. FOSTER Chaplain REV. JOSEPH F . LOVERING Surgeon . . . ROBERT A. BLOOD, M.D. Assistant Surgeons PHILIP C. MEANS, M.D. , LAWRENCE R HILL, M.D.


* The Superintendent, Col. Charles E. Hapgood, died Sept. 24, 1909. Adjt. Richard R. Foster was elected to fill the vacancy, and the bookkeeper Fred P, Bradford was elected Adjutant. 4

:»3equeata ant, JDonattona

The following are gratefully rernernbered by the inmates of the Horne: Capt. Joseph B. Thomas, Boston, donation in 1881 of $10,000 00 Miss Elizabeth P. Sever, Salem, Mass., legacy, amount- ing with interest to ...... 4,164 82 l\Irs. Caroline M. Barnard, Everett, Mass., furnishing Cudworth Ward, in hospital ...... 3,200 00 Hon. J. Warren Mel'I'ill, Cambridge, donation . . . . 1,000 00 Geo. Draper, Esq., Hopedale, Mass., per annum, since the opening of the Home up to the time of death, 100 00 William Montgomery, Esq., United States Hotel, Bos­ ton, annual donation up to time of death . . . . 100 00 Mrs. Lyman Tucker, Boston, l\Iass., a Soldiers' i\Ionu­ ment in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Ceme­ tery, Malden, and legacy of ...... 2,000 00 Otis E. Weld, Boston, annual donation up to time of death ...... 100 00 Mrs. Ann J. Baker, legacy 300 00 Mrs. Joanna L. Merriam, legacy . 50 00 Capt. Gideon Skull Holmes, legacy 2,620 25 Mrs. Susan M. Wes ton, legacy 250 00 Mass. Division Sons of Veterans, furnishing Dormitory in Sargent H all ...... 750 00 Moses Wilde, 2d, Cambridge, legacy ...... 8,300 00 44th Reg't, Mass. Infantry Association, annual donation 50 00 Charles H. Kezar, Salem, l\Iass., legacy . . . . 100 00 Ladies' Aid Association, for perpetual care of lot iu Forest Dale Cemetery...... 3,000 00 Ladies' Aid Association, for elevator . . . . . 1,053 00 Robt. C. Billings, Boston, bequest, April, 1903 5,000 00 Col. Josiah H. Benton, Jr., donation 100 00 Capt. John G. B. Adams, bequest 1,000 00 5

ll)reaibent' a 1Report

To THE TRUSTEES oF 'l' HE SOLDIERS' Hmrn IN MASSACHUSETTS. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report and the Annual Reports of the officers of the Home. There have been four regular and four special meetings of the Board of Trustees during the past year. The Capt. John G. B. Adams Hospital that we have been building in connection with the Home was opened on May 28 and occupied, and the men of the Home who need hospital accommodation are taken care of and now have a suitable place to rest in. The anxiety for the safety of the hospital patients in case of fire has been re­ lieved to a great extent by the building of the new hospital, and I believe it will be a monument to the State of Massachusetts, which gave li berally for its construction. It truly shows that Massachusetts i~ nobly caring for its country's defenders, who at the call of the Government went forth in their young manhood to show to the world that "a government of the . people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the -earth." The hospital is working very satisfactorily, and the ventilation .is such an improvement on the old that I do not see how we got along as well as we did, and the inmates kept in as healthy condition as they were. It must have been through the vigilance and faithful -care given to them by the Surgeon, hi s two faithful assistants and the nurses of the Home. With the addition of this hospital, it will give more accommodation for needy veterans after we have t horoughly cleansed the old rooms. Of course it wi ll increase our expense for maintenance, but your Executive Committee feel they were justified in going on with the work. 6

Number in the Home, June 30, 1909 . 505 Average age of Civil War veterans .. 71.09 Average age of Spanish War veterans 39.07 Number cared for during the year 738 Oldest Civil War veteran . . 93 yrs. Oldest Spanish War veteran 55 yrs. Number deaths in the year . 103 Number admitted since the Home was opened, 7,439 Number graves in Soldiers' Home lot, Forest Dale Cemetery ...... 464

:Memorial Day was observed as usual at Forest Dale Cemetery. Many of the men of the Home were able to be present, and join with Post 191 in the exercises, scatter flowers and place a flag at the grave of each departed comrade. Again we are indebted to Post 191 for the flags on Memorial Day and holding their exercises at the Soldiers' Home lot. Our heartfelt thanks are due to the Superintendent, Col. Charles E. Hapgood, for the efficient manner in which the Home has been conducted during the past year. He has been ably assisted in his work by those under him. Those faithful officers, Richard R. Foster, adjutant, Mrs. Anna C. Rowan, the matron, and Fred P. Bradford the bookkeeper, have at all times done what they could to make the Home what it should be, an honor to the State of Massachusetts. The Chaplain of the Home, Joseph F. Lovering, has been efficient in his duties, performing them with a Christian spirit, and doing all in his power to make his office a worthy one respected by all. To Dr. Robert A. Blood, the Surgeon of the Home, Drs. Philip C. Means and Lawrence R. Hill, Assistants, Howard A. Cutter, the Hospital Steward, and the faithful nurses our thanks are due for the careful and tender attention given to our comrades who have come to them for assistance, and for the success of the Hospital Department. Of course the time is fast approaching when it will all be a hospital, and we shall need more help and assistants. I sincerely hope that our comrades who come to the Hospital Department will always have as faithful ones to minister to them, until the last one has been mustered out and gone to join his com­ rades on the parade ground above. 7

We have been blessed in our work by assistance rendered by the Ladies' Aid Association, Woman's Relief Corps and Sons and Daughters of Veterans. May God reward them for the work they are doing for the needy veteran. It is a blessed work to be engaged in, caring for your country's defenders while they live and that their pathway "to the beyond" • may be as calm and peaceful as human hands can make it. On July 3, of the present year, Capt. George W. Creasey, a former Superintendent of the Home, passed away at his home in Lynn. He was elected a Trustee in 1881, and in 1882 was elected Treasurer of the Board, which position he held for ten years, and upon the death of General Cunningham, in 1892, was elected Superintendent and performed the duties as such, as a faithful and conscientious steward, until he was stricken down in a moment by disease on the 21st of April, 1904. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees, held July 6, a committee was appointed to draw up suitable resolutions on his death. He was always doing what he could for his unfortunate comrades, and much of the success of the Home is due to the work of Capt. George W. Creasey. To all friends and organizations who have aided us in our work for the past year we would return thanks. To you, my associates of the Board, I would return my thanks for the able assistance you have given me in my position as President of the Board of Trustees of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts.

PETER D. SMITH, President. 8

1Report of tbe -cr:reasurer

BosTON, July 1, 1909. • To 'l'HE TRUS'l'EES OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME IN lVIASSACHUSETTS. Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the following statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Home from June 30, 1908, to July 1, 1909: Cash on hand July 1, 1908 $5,727.18 Cash receipts to July 1, 1909 273,364.15 ------$279,091.33

Total expenditures . . . . . $249,490.44 Cash on hand June 30, 1909 . 29,600.89 $279,091.33

SECURITIES. Mortgage on Cambridge property. $2,300.00 Cash on hand July 1, 1909 29 ,600.89

Total cash and securities . $31,900.89

RECEIPTS IN DETAIL. Commonwealth of lVIassachusetts $194,813.55 Pensions ...... 36.00 United States Government. . 44,250.00 Effects of deceased members 2,473.95 Interest and dividends . . . 482.41 Barrels, waste, etc...... 218.65 Deposit withdrawn, Beacon Trust Co .. 9,037.53 Old engines . 950.00 Bank loan 20,000.00 lVIiscellaneous 189.06 9

Donations : W.R.C., Department Headquarters . $200.00 " 15, Ashland . . . . . 50.00* " 88, Boston ...... 3.00 " 152, and Post 131, G.A.R., Leicester . . . . 50.00* Post 2, G.A.R., Boston . 50.00* A. D. Hodges ... ·. . 10.00 Forty-fourth Regt. Ass'n 50.00 William M. Olin . . . . 500.00 913.00


EXPENDITURES IN DETAIL. Salaries and wages . . . . . $46,492.50 Pensions ...... 120.00 Effects of deceased members 2,163.78 Bank loan and interest . . . 20,134.17


CLOTHING. Coats, trousers· and Yes ts $2,780.60 Underclothing . 410.33 Boots and shoes 693.67 Hats and caps . 296.00 Socks .... 134.75 Cobblers' supplies 118.86 Miscellaneous . . 184.79 $4,619.00 * For beds in the new hospital. 10

CURRENT. Stationery and postage $493.65 Printing ...... 761.97 Telephone and telegrams 225.30 Car and ferry fares 100.97 . . . . 9.00 Insurance ... .. 345.00 Freight and express 122.97 Policeman 933.00 Miscellaneous . . . 461.47 $3,453.33

FARM. Grain and feed $479.61 Hay and straw. 381.72 Tools, seed, etc. 89.18 Live stock . 546.25 Blacksmith . 157.25 Repairs ... 126.30 Miscellaneous 674.55 $2,454.86

HOUSEHOLD. Coal and wood $13,103.93 Gas 328.70 Water . 2,034.40 Laundry 303.02 Toilet and wrapping paper 201.25 Furniture . . . . 142.02 Cotton, linen, etc. 513.29 Mattresses, pillows 808.33 Miscellaneous . . 1,272.18 $18,707.12 11

HOSPI'l'AL. Medicine and general supplies $3,583.25 Undertaker . 323.25 Miscellaneous ...... 338.46 $4,244.96

REPAIRS. Lumber $877.95 Paints and oils 162.17 Plumbing .. 52.33 Hardware . . . 245.72 Steam fittings . 527.19 Electrical supplies 195.46 Glass ...... 22.79 Buildings and grounds 747.00 Miscellaneous . . . 45.05 Boilers and furnaces . 88.20 $2,963.86

SUBSISTENCE. Meat. $8,542.19 Fish 2,630.23 Vegetables 2,559.65 Fruit . 390.62 Milk 6,346.37 Butter 5,078.99 Eggs 3,550.85 Cheese 320.41 Sugar 2,027.06 Flour 2,816.35 Tea 295.45 Coffee 845.50 Miscellaneous Groceries 2,597.72 Crockery and tinware 618.32 Pipes and tobacco 19.40 Sundries 65.20 Canned goods 1,364.79 $40,069.10 12

CONSTRUCTION OF NEW HOSPI'l' AL. Richard D. Kimball Co., ventilation . $881.50 Geo. Howard & Sons Co., construction 57,077.46 R. Thurston, coal shed, etc...... 487.00 Morandi-Proctor Co., kitchen fixtures 2,988.75 Perrin, Seamans & Co., trolley, hoist, etc. 54.35 William J . Perry Co., dumb waiters 375.00 Clough & Wardner, commissions 2,226.02 Barnes-Pope Electric Co ...... 800.00 A. B. See Electric Elevator Co . 3,390.00 William 0. Webber, services as engineer. 1,200.00 Knott & Company. electrical engineering 298.20 Hodge Boiler Works ...... 1,784.00 William B. Johnson, plumping 8,089.45 Taylor & Gerrior, steam line, etc. 829.00 James Wilkinson & Co. , electrical supplies 2,966.73 A. P. Browne, counsel fee ...... 250.00 Bradlee & Chatman Co ., heating apparatus 8,810.00 John L. Gleason & Co., rheostat, labor, etc...... • 14.80 The Lockwood Manufacturing Co. , labor, etc...... 66.82 Kennison Engineering Co. 137.00 Jarvis Engineering Co. . . 595.00 D. Robinson's Sons, grading 562.70 Bro. Jude, refund on old engine 300.00 $94,183.78

FURNISHING NEW HOSPITAL. Morandi-Proctor Co., kitchen utensils, etc.. . . . $337.04 Farley, Harvey & Co., sheets, etc. 1,609.50 J. E. Symonds Table Co. . 139.60 Knickerbocker Silver Plate Co., knives, forks, etc. . .• t .. 77.64 13

Orpin Bros., desks . $55.00 W. B. Pierce, chairs 240.92 E. Stevenson, chairs 58.80 Mitchell Woodbury Co., tableware 125.93 Shepard, Norwell Co ., blankets. 1,149.50 Re-New Lamp ·co., fixtures 61.59 Pope & Cottle, lumber . . . 90.00 G. W. Bent Co., bedsteads 907.00 A. McArthur Co., pillows, etc. 478.50 John Holman & Co., mattresses 2,200.00 Library Bureau, case and cards 52.87 Wm. H. Anderson, cleaning . . 87.75 Bailey & vVeston, windmv shades. 185.24 Chas. P. Whittle IIIfg. Co., wall cases 505.65 French & Heald Co ., washstands . 625.00 Morrison-Stoddard Co ., screens. 846.00 Miscellaneous ...... 50.45 $9,883.98

EFFECTS ACCOUNT. Balance clue July i, 1908 $2,307.27 Received during the year . . . . 2,473.95 $4,781.22 Paid to heirs, administrators, etc. 2,163.78 Balance July 1, 1909 ...... $2,617.44

To obtain the current expenses for the year there should be deducted from the aggregate of ...... $249,490.44 the following sums: Construction and furnishing new hospital . . . . $104,067.76 Bank loan and interest . . . 20,134.17 Pensions ...... 120.00 Effects of deceased members 2, 163.78 Which shows the current cost to be $123,004.73, or about $3, 100 more than the preceding year. 14

The average number of members of the Home during the year was 438; the total cost of maintenance per capita, $280.83 (as com­ pared with $274.29 the preceding year).; the cost of subsistence, $91.48 (as compared with $87.95 the preceding year); the total cost daily per capita, 77 cents; the subsistence cost daily per capita, 25 cents. Following is a comparison of the several items of the regular schedule of expenditures:

1908 1909 INCREASE DECREASE Salaries and wages $43,447.24 $46,492.50 $3,045.26 ...... Clothing 7,179.70 4,619.00 ...... $2,560.70 Current . 3,5 18.51 3,453.33 ...... 65.18 Farm 2,679 .92 2,454.86 ...... 225.06 Household 13,521.13 18,707.12 5,185.99 ...... Hospital 5,687.54 4,244.96 ...... 1,442.58 Repairs. 5,377.31 2,963.86 ...... 2,413.45 Subsistence 38,433.60 40,069.10 1,635 .50 ......

In conformity with General Order No. 5, Headquarters National Home for D.V.S., July 20, 1908, based on an act of Congress, May 28, 1908, all pensions of members of the Home are now paid directly to the pensioners, none passing through my hands. Consequently the pension account heretofore given in this report is dropped. WM. M. OLIN, Treasurer. 15

1Report of BuNtor

To THE TRUS'l'EES OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS. Gentlemen: I have examined the account of cash receipts and expenditures of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts, as recorded by William M. Olin, Treasurer, from July 1, 1908, to June 30, 1909. All the disbursements are represented by proper vouchers, which have been approved by the Auditing Committee. . The checks and endorsements thereon, given in payment of bills, have been examined and found correct. The cash on hand June 30, 1909, was $29,600.89, as shown above, and also the balance of the special fund at the Beacon Trust Co., amounting to $1 ,347.32, of which $347.32 is accrued interest. The total income for the year was $279,091.33, and the total expenditures $249,490.44. Very respectfully, G. S. DA VIS, Auditor.

1Report of

CHELSEA, MASS., September 3, 1909. To THE TRUSTEES OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME IN l\!IASSACHUSETTS. Gentlemen: The Committee on Admissions begs leave to report that all comrades admitted during the year have been examined, and permanent admission granted those who were worthy and deserving. Your Committee has also acted upon all pension cases coming before it, and disposed of same in accordance with the laws of Congress and the i·ules adopted by the Board of Trustees. Respectfully submitted, ELI w. HALL. SILAS A. BARTON. JOSEPH B. MACCA.BE . 16

Supertntenbent's 1Report

SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, CHELSEA, July 1, 1909. PETER D. SMITH, President of the Board of Trustees. Dear Sir: I have the honor to submit the Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Home for the year ending June 30, 1909. POPULATION Officers . . 7 Non-Commissioned Officers 9 Members ...... 399 Members absent 96 Aggregate this report 511 Aggregate last report 526 Net loss . . 15 Members sick in hospital 167

STATISTICS Number of members present and absent June 30, 1908 520 Number admitted during the year . 167 Number readmitted during the year 51 Total cared for 738 Number discharged during the year 130 Number died during the year 103 Total loss . . ... 233 Number present and absent June 30, 1909 . 505 Average present during the year . . . . . 438 Average present and absent during the year ... 505 Nmnber of admissions since the Home was opened 4,854 Number of readmissions ...... 2,585 Whole number cared for since the Home was opened 7,439 Number of beds occupied by officers and civilians 47 Number of beds occupied by members. . ... 438 Number of vacant beds in barracks and hospital 44 Whole number of beds ...... 529 17

Number of beds in hospital ...... 177 Vacant beds in hospital ...... 11 Number of members absent sick from hospital unassigned to beds 12 Number of members absent in barracks unassigned to beds .. 55 Total unassigned ...... 67 VITAL STATISTICS Number present sick in hospital 145 Number absent from hospital 22 Total sick ...... 167

Avercr~tWa~f _Ju_n~ _19?9.: ~~m~e~s 3?, 71.09 All other wars ...... 39.7 Average age of members admitted during the year: Civil War ...... 69.23 All other wars ...... 37.3 Average age of members dying during the year: Civil War ...... 71.9 All other wars . . . 44. Death rate in one thousand of whole number cared for during the year ...... 140.10 Total number of deaths since the Home was opened...... 1,393 Number of graves in the Home lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden 460 Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, previous to 1886 . . . 16 Buried in Holy C'ross Cemetery, Malden, previous to 1886 8 Buried by friends and relatives ...... 909 The oldest men in the Home, June 30, 1909 are: Civil War ...... 93 years of age All other wars ...... 55 years of age The youngest men in the Home, June 30, 1909, are: Civil War ...... 58 years of age All other wars ...... 27 years of age Ages of Men of the Civil War in the Home June 30, 1909 58 years 1 74 years 21 59 years 2 75 years 14 60 years 5 76 years 14 61 years 16 77 years 13 62 years 25 78 years 13 63 years 14 79 years 9 64 years 37 80 years 6 65 years 31 81 years 7 66 years 35 82 years 6 67 years 31 83 years 5 68 years 28 84 years 3 69 years 28 85 years 1 70 years 27 86 years 4 71 years 33 87 years 1 72 years 27 88 years 1 73 years 24 93 years 1 Total . .. 483 18

Ages of Men of all Other Wars in the Home June 30, 1909 27 years 1 38 years 1 31 years 3 43 years 2 32 vears 2 44 years 1 33 years 2 48 years 2 34 years 1 49 years 1 35 years 1 53 years 1 36 years 1 54 years 1 37 years 1 55 years 1 Total .. 22 Aggregate . 505

DEATHS DURING THE YEAR 1. HORACE F. PACKARD, Brockton: Age 66; Co. A, 3d Mass. Infantry; born in North Bridgewater, Mass. Ad­ mitted to the Home, June 18, 1908; died July 1; 1908, of paralysis and pneumonia; buried in North Bridgewater, Mass.

2.i CHARLES W. BENJAMIN, Salem: Age 74; Co. B, 40th Mass. Infantry; born in Salem, Mass. Readmitted to the Home, Nov. 13, 1907; died July 11, 1908, of apoplexy and general debility; buried in Soldiers' Lot, Greenlawn Cemetery, Salem, Mass.

3. RoBERT McLENNON, Randolph: Age 66; U. S. Marine Corps; born in Flambow, Canada. Admitted to the Home, May 26, 1908; died July 22,1908, of cystitis, prostatitis and heart disease; buried in Central Cemetery, Randolph, Mass.

4_ SAMUEL W. PLACE, Gloucester: Age 71; Co. E, 4th Maine Infantry, Sergeant; born in Maine. Admitted to the Home, July 4, 1903; died July 25, 1908, of kidney disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 438.

5. EBENEZER F . ROBERTS, Lynn: Age 71; Co. I, 4th, and A, 7th Mass. Infantry; born in Lynn, Mass. Ad­ mitted to the Home, Feb. 3, 1900; died July 27, 1908, of heart disease and indigestion; buried in Hingham Cemetery, Hingham, Mass.

6.'· FRANCIS E. CooK, Worcester: Age 84; Co. G, 46th Mass. Infantry; born in Princeton, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 13, 1905; died Aug. 2, 1908, of senility; buried in Brim­ field, Mass.

7. MosEs C. FRENCH, Malden: Age 66; Co. G, 10th Mass. Infantry; born in Orange, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 14, 1903; died Aug. 9, 1908, of cancer of throat and tongue; buried in Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass.

8. JOHN T. SMITH, Westfield: Age 67 ; Co. G, 34th Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Readmitted to the Home, Dec. 18, 1902; died Aug. 10, 1908, of internal hemorrhage; buried in Westfield, Mass. 19

9. JOHN C. W. T. M. SHERWIN, Orange: Age 86; Co. B, 32d Mass. Infantry; born in Winchendon, Mass. Ad­ mitted to the Home, Sept. 9, 1906; died Aug. 12, 1908, of pneumonia and senility; buried in Central Cemetery, Orange, Mass. 10. DANIEL D. BATES, Boston: Age 78; Co. D, 44th Mass Infantry and U.S. Navy; born in Vermont. Readmitted to the Home, June 14, 1905; died Aug. 17, 1908, of gastric enteritis and heart disease; buried in ·waltham, Mass. 11. SPENCER L. BROOKS, Rockland: Age 72; Sergeant Co. H, 12th Mass. Infantry; born in Rockland, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 1, 1907; died Aug. 18, 1908, of apoplexy and senility; buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Rockland, Mass. 12. MICHAEL MCCAFFREY, Boston: Age 65; Co. I, 20th Maine Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, Nov. 10, 1899; died Aug. 24, 1908, of tuberculosis of larynx; buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge. 13. CHARLES F. DEAN, Bristol, R.I.: Age 76; Co. K, 19th Mass. Infantry; born in Massachusetts. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 25, 1893; died Aug. 24, 1908, of abdominal cancer and heart disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 439. 14. WILLIAM SULLIVAN, Boston: Age 52; U.S. Marine Corps (Spanish-American War); born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, April 23, 1908; died Aug. 28, 1908, of chronic nephritis; buried in Calvary Cemetery, Boston. 15. ELI BARRETT, ATTLEBORO: Age 74; Co. A, 27th N.Y. Infantry, and Co. F, 10th N.J. Infantry; born in Phillipston, N.J. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 19, 1907; died Aug. 28, 1908, of heart and kidney disease; buried in Mt. Reynolds Cemetery, Rehoboth, Mass. 16. SETH MORRISON, Boston: Age 78; Co. F, 4th Mass. Infantry; born in Maine. Admitted to the Home, April 2, 1894; died Sept. 3, 1908, of hemiplegia; buried in Foxboro, Mass.

17. MosEs W. GREENLAW, Chelsea: Age 77; Co. G, 47th N.Y. Infantry, Sergeant; born in Maine. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 4, 1900; died Sept. 22, 1908, of heart disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malde~, Mass., Grave No. 440.

18. MICHAEL H. SHERIDAN, Lowell: Age 67; U.S. Navy; born in Lowell. Admitted to the Home, May 28, 1907; died Sept. 25, 1908, of heart disease; buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Stough­ ton, Mass. 19. WILLIAM W. KNOWLTON, Boston: Age 67; Co. E, 6th Mass. Infantry, and Co. L, 1st R.I. Cavalry; born in Maine. Admitted to the Home, April 7, 1908; died Sept. 27, 1908, of heart and lung disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 441. 20

20. CHARLES M. BENT, Quincy: Age 70; Musician, 20th Mass. Infantry; born in Quincy, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 29, 1901; died Oct. 3, 1908, of apoplexy and heart disease; buried in Quincy, Mass. 21. GEORGE B. HICKS, Saugus: Age 77; Co. E, Unattached Maine Infantry; born in Yarmouth, N.S. Admitted to the Home, May 5, 1908; died Oct. 5, 1908, of hemiplegia and diarrhrea; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 442. 22. MosES E. ANGELL, Boston: Age 69; Co. A, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in Deer Isle, Me. Ad­ mitted to the Home, June 18, 1908; died Oct. 6, 1908, of senile asthenia and chronic dementia; buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Boston. 23. GEORGE GooDING, Chelsea: • Age 89; Co. H, 43d Mass. Infantry; born in Portland, Me. Admitted to the Home, May 11 , 1901 ; died Oct. 7, 1908, of heart disease and erysipelas; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass. 24. BAXTER I. WILEY, Saugus: Age 60; Co. E, 8th Mass. Infantry; born in Saugus, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Nov. 21, 1907; died Oct. 16, 1908, of hepatitis; buried in River­ side Cemetery, Saugus, Mass. 25. NATHANS. HUDSON, Provincetown: Age 73; Seaman, U.S. Navy; born in Provincetown, Mass. Admitted to t he Home, Sept. 10, 1908; died Oct. 25, 1908, of cancer of larynx; buried in Provincetown, Mass. 26. JoHN GLENNON, Boston: Age 65 ; Co. G, 39th Mass. Infantry; born in Canada. Admitted to the Home, July 14, 1908; died Nov. 1, 1908, of heart disease and cancer of jaw; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 443. 27. AARON BRADSHAW, Boston: Age 75; Co. K, 11th Mass. Infantry; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home, Dec. 12, 1903; died Nov. 3, 1908, of heart disease; buried in Old North Cemetery, Dorchester, Mass.

28. MICHAEL FITZGERALD, Boston: Age 75; Co. C, 28th, and Co. B, 60th Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 22, 1898; died Nov. 6, 1908, of heart disease and consumption; buried in Ridge Avenue Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass. 29. CLEMENT F. HARRINGTON, Boston: Age 64; Co. F, 59th Mass. Infantry; born in Boston, Mass. Readmitted to the Home, Nov. 9, 1908; died Nov. 10, 1908, of nephritis and heart dis­ ease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass., Grave No . 444. ' 30. WILLIAM H. S. KIMBALL, Malden: Age 67; Co. A, 2d Mass. Cavalry and 4th Miss. Cavalry; born in New York. Admitted to the Home, May 9, 1907; died Nov. 13, 1908, of Bright's disease and dementia; buried in Wyoming Cemetery, Melrose, Mass. 21

31. GEORGE N. B. THOMAS, Dorchester: Age 67; Co. H, 39th Mass. Infantry; born in Dorchester, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 8, 1908; died Nov. 14, 1908, of nephritis and heart disease; buried in Mt. Wollaston Cemetery, Quincy, Mass. 32. AUGUSTUS M. HowE, East Bridgewater: Age 74; Co. K, 7th Mass. Infantry; born in Abington, Mass. Admitted to the Home, June 25, 1908; died Nov. 19, 1908, of apoplexy and hemi­ plegia; buried in Pattoms Cemetery, Bridgewater, Mass. 33. EDWARD A. BINGHAM, Cambridge: Age 58; U. S. Navy; born in Newport, N.H. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 5, 1908; died Nov. 19, 1908, of heart disease and chronic nephritis; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass., Grave No. 445. 34. LEWIS MUNROE, Tewksbury: Age 70; Co. I, 19th, and Co. H, 23d Mass. Infantry; born in Canada. Re­ admitted to the Home, Oct. 6, 1904; died Dec. 8, 1908, of kidney disease and cystitis uremia; buried in Edison Cemetery, Lowell, Mass. 35. THOMAS J. 'WARE, Holliston, Mass.: Age 77; Co. B, 16th Mass. Infantry; born in Medway, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 15, 1908; died Dec. 9, 1908, of heart and kidney disease; bmied in Lake Grove Cemetery, Holli~ton, Mass.

36. CALEB N .. BROWN, Boston: Age 68; Co. B, 3d Mass. Infantry; born in Boston, Mass. Admitted to the Home, June 23, 1908; died Dec. 10, 1908, while on furlough; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass.

37. GEORGE B. TINKHAM, Middleboro: Age 75; Co. D, 18th Mass. Infantry; born in Middleboro, Mass. Admitted to the Home, July 4, 1903; died Dec. 13, 1908, of paralysis agitans; buried in Rock Cemetery, Middleboro, Mass.

38. HENRY H. BRADY, Quebec, Canada: Age 78; Co. B, 1st Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in Quebec, Can. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 1, 1908; died Dec. 16, 1908, at Massachusetts General Hospital while on furlough.

39. THOMAS s. JELSON, Boston: Age 63; Co. I , 2d Mass. Infantry; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home, ---; died Dec. 29, 1908, of pneumonia; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass.

40. SOLOMON L. HAWES, Marblehead: Age 73 ; Co. C, 43d Mass. Infantry; born in Wellfleet, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Sept. 23, 1908; died Dec. 29, 1908, of pneumonia and erysipelas; buried at Marblehead, Mass.

41. JOSEPH H. MILES, ·Whitman: . Age 73; 9th Mass. Li~ht Artillery; born in Vermont. Admitted to the Home, July 3, 1906; ctied Jan. 1, 1909, of heart disease; buried in Whit­ man, Mass. 22

42. JAMES C. PHILLIPS, Rockland: Age 70 ; Co. A, 11th Mass. Infantry, and Co. B, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in Marshfield, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Aug. 15, 1908; died Jan. 2, 1909, of paralysis and heart disease; buried in Marshfield, Mass. 43. ADDISON J. WILLIAMS, Worcester: Age 76; Co. K, 42d Mass. Infantry; born in Ashburnham, Mass. Ad­ mitted to the Home, May 7, 1904; died Jan. 4, 1909, of chronic dementia and disease of liver; buried in Worcester, Mass. 44. HANSON CRADDOCK, Boston: Age 31 ; Co. M, 5th Mass. Infantry, Spanish War; born in Staffordshire, England. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 8, 1907; died Jan. 5, 1909, of cystitis and locomotor ataxia ; buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Dorches­ ter, Mass. 45. ROBERT HOFFMAN, Attleboro: Age 75; U.S. Navy; born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 4, 1907; died Jan. 5, 1909, of heart disease and Bright's disease; buried in Attleboro, Mass. 46. THOMAS NEWTON, Boston: Age 72; Co. B, 9th Mass. Infantry, private; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, April 1, 1892; readmitted Dec. 20, 1906; died Jan. 5, 1909, of heart disease and uremia; buried in Catholic Cemetery, Mt. Auburn. 47. DANFORTH L. CONVERSE, Belmont, N.H.: Age 69; Cos. F and D, 31st Mass. Infantry, sergeant; born in Massachu­ setts. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 2, 1904; died July 26, 1908, while on furlough; buried in Hartford, Conn. 48. WILLIAM L. BATTIS, Brockton: Age 77; Co. B, 1st Mass. Infantry; l:,>orn in Boston. Admitted to the Home, June 30. 1904; died Jan. 10, 1909, of pneumonia and senility; buried in Southwest Harbor, Maine. 49. GEORGE BRADLEY, Boston: Age 79; Co. D, 16th U.S. Infantry; born in England. Admitted to the Home, April 21, 1904; died J an. 11, 1909, of apoplexy and pneumonia; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No . 446. 50. HENRY W. BUTLER, Worcester: Age 76; Co. A, 1st Conn. Cavalry, and Co. C, 5th U.S. Veteran Volunteers; born in Massachusetts. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 28, 1908; died Jan . 12, 1909, of uremic hemiplegia; buried in Whitinsville, Mass.

51. EDWIN PIERCE, Middleboro, Mass.: Age 82; Co. D, 18th Mass. Infantry; born in Acushnet, Mass. Readmitted to the Home, Nov. 9, 1908; died Jan. 17, 1909, of pneumonia and heart disease; buried in Taunton, Mass.

52. THADDEUS CHURCHILL, Boston: Age 85; Co. D, 39th Mass. Infantry, and Lieutenant 3d U. S. Colored Troops; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 10, 1905; died Jan. 17, 1909, of senility and injury to knee; buried in Quincy, Mass. 23

53. CHARLES H. BARTON, South Boston: Age 70; Co. D, 27th, and Co. G, 57th Mass. Infantry; born in Massachusetts. Admitted to the Home, Sept. 25, 1908; died Jan. 22, 1909, of cancer of the neck; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass. 54. JAMES s. CRUMMER, Boston: Age 65; Cos. C and G, 1st Del. Infantry; born in Avondale, Pa. Admitted to the Home, May 7, 1908; died Jan. 24, 1909, of hemiplegia and Bright's disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 448. 55. LEVI K. CONGDON, Taunton: Age 64; Co. G, 4th Mass. Infantry, and Co. H, 18th Unattached Mass. Infantry; born in Rhode Island. Admitted to the Home, May 22, 1907; died J an. 26, 1909, of sciatic rheumatism; buried in Taunton, Mass. 56. OLIVER BICKMAN, Springfield: Age 79; Co. H, 8th Mass. Infantry; born in St. George, Me. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 9, 1909; died Jan. 31, 1909, of senile rheumatism; buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Mass. 57. DWIGHT N. HAYNES, Chelsea: Age 81; Co. A, 52d Mass. Infantry; born in Colerain, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 30, 1909; died Feb. 7, 1909, of cystitis and pneumonia; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass. 58. GEORGE H. Purn, Boston: Age 80; Co. I, 2d Mass. Cavalry; born in Saugus, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Dec. 28, 1908; died Feb. 8, 1909, of hemiplegia and old age; buried in Westwood, Mass. 59. PHILIP PURCELL, Providence, R.I.: Age 74; Co. E, 1st Mass. Cavalry; born in Ireland. Readmitted to the Home, April 28, 1905; died Feb. 9, 1909, of pulmonary tuberculosis and gangrene; buried in Southbridge, Mass. 60. JOHN W. ALLEN, Boston: Age 69; 2d Mass. Light Artillery; born in Waterboro, Me. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 21, 1909; died Feb. 10, 1909, of pulmonary tuberculosis and kidney disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 449. 61. CONRAD SCHIEBEL, Boston: Age 72; musician, 79th N.Y. Infantry; born in Germany. Admitted to the Home, July 6, 1906; died Feb. 13, 1909, of heart and kidney disease and pneumonia; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 450. 62. CHARLES 0. ScoTT, Stoneham: Age 63; Co. F, 59th Mass. Infantry; born in Massachusetts. Admitted to the Home, July 9, 1908; died Feb. 16, 1909, of hemiplegia and kidney disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 451. 63. ISAAC M. WOODWORTH, Boston: Age 71; Co. A, 1st Mass. Infantry; born in Fayette, Me. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 11, 1909; died Feb. 19, 1909, of suicide by shooting; buried in Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston. 24

64. FREDERICK A. HUNTER, Malden: Age 78; Co. L, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in Algiers, La. Readmitted to the Home, Jan. 1, 1909; died Feb. 21, 1909, of pulmonary tuberculosis and kidney disease; buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, Mass. 65. WILLIAM J . THOMPSON, Marblehead: Age 71; Co. D, 8th Mass. Infantry, and Co. L, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in Marblehead, Mass. Readmitted to the Home, Feb. 2, 1904; died Feb. 26, 1909, of obstruction of intestines, probably cancer. 66. WILLIAM R. BARNARD, Lynn: Age 84; Co. B, 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in New York. Admitted to the Home, Dec. 2, 1906; died Feb. 28, 1909, of Bright's disease; buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Mass. 67. BENJAMIN D. Foss, Cambridge: Age 72; Co. F, 1st Mass. Infantry; born in Roxbury, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 20, 1909; died March 6, 1909, of chronic cystitis, hemi­ plegia and senility; buried in Cambridge Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass. 68. CHARLES C. RIVERS, Boston: Age 67; Lieutenant Colonel, 11th Mass. Infantry; born in Maine. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 25, 1907; died March 7, 1909, of heart disease; buried in Thomaston, Me.

69. HENRY C. NORTON, Lynn: Age 66; Co. H, 70th Ill. Infantry; born in New York. Admitted to the Home, .March 22, 1908; died March 9, 1909, of heart and Bright's disease; buried in Hope Cemetery, Worcester, Mass.

70. ALBERT V. GowARD, Boston: Age 66; Co. E, 7th Mass. Infantry; born in Dorchester, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 1, 1907; died March 11, 1909, of kidney and heart disease; 1 buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Dorchester, Mass.

71. IRA J. OSBORN, Hyde Park: Age 68; Cos. G and K, Mass. Infantry, and Lieutenant of U.S. Signal Corps; born in Cambridge, N.Y. Readmitted to the Home, Nov. 9, 1908; died March 12, 1909, of chronic cystitis, probably cancer; buried in Fairview Cemetery, Hyde Park, Mass.

72. ISAAC M. DILLINGHAM, Brockton: Age 73; Co. H, 10th Me. Infantry; born in Maine. Admitted to the Home, · Feb. 8, 1907; died March 13, 1909, of heart disease and pneumonia; buried in North Auburn, Me.

73. SAMUEL A. C. ATWOOD, Boston: Age 67; Co. E , 4th Vt. Infantry; born in Barnard, Vt. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 19, 1909; died March 13, 1909, of intestinal hemorrhage and chronic nephritis; buried in Unitarian Cemetery, North Easton, Mass.

74. MATTHEW BOYLAN, Blackstone, R .I.: Age 73; Co. D, 17th Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 6, 1904; died March 14, 1909, of senility and cancer of face; buried in St. Paul Cemetery, Blackstone, Mass. 25

75. SAMUEL CRAIG, Boston: Age 74; landsman, U.S. Navy; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home, June 16, 1907; died March 14, 1909, of heart disease and necrosis of foot; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass., Grave No. 452. 76. DAVID BuRKE, Milford: Age 88; Co. H, 9th Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 5, 1909; died March 15, 1909, of pneumonia and senility; buried in Catholic Cemetery, Milford, Mass. 77. PELEG L. RANKIN, Winthrop: Age 64; Co. C, 40th Mass. Infantry; born in Vassalboro, Me. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 18, 1909; died March 16, 1909, of heart disease, chronic intestinal nephritis and cystitis; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 453. 78. DENNIS BRICKLEY, Lynn, Mass.: Age 69; Co. C, 15th N.Y. Engineers; born in Lynn, Mass. Readmitted to the Home, June 16, 1909; died March 18, 1909, while on furlough; buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Dorchester, Mass. 79. GEORGE L. GUNNISON, Dorchester: Age 63; Co. I, 42d Mass. Infantry; born in Dorchester. Admitted to the Home, March 17, 1909; died March 20, 1909, of heart disease and hemiplegia; buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Dorchester, Mass. 80. JAMES PRIME, Foxboro: Age 76 ; Co. H, 7th Mass. Infantry; born in England. Admitted to the Home, May, 1905; died March 22, 1909, of heart disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 454. 81. THOMAS FINNEGAN, Boston: Age 73; seaman, U. S. Navy; born in Ireland; Admitted to the Home, Sept. 10, 1908; died April 4, 1909, of cancer of bladder and senility; buried in Calvary Cemetery, Roxbury, Mass. ' 82. ·WILLIAM A. SPAULDING, Cambridge: Age 67 ; Co. H, 43d Mass. Infantry; born in Massachusetts. Admitted to the Home, July 9, 1905; died April 5, 1909, while on furlough; buried in New Cemetery, Lexington, Mass. 83. ,VILLIAM QUIRK, Boston: Age 75; U.S. Navy, landsman; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, March 19, 1909; died April 5, 1909, of pneumonia; buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, Mass.

84. D~NIEL vV. STEVENS, Lynn: Age 62; Co. K, 14th Me. Infantry; born in Gouldsboro, Me. Admitted to the Home, May 19, 1909; died April 7, 1909, of apoplexy; buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Mass.

85. RICHARD DoRRE, Long Island, N.Y.: . Age 67; Co. F, 4th N.Y. Heavy Artillery; born in Germany. Admitted to the Home, March 17, 1909; died April 7, 1909, of cancer of leg; buried in Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Village, Long Island, N.Y. 26

86. CORNELIUS DALEY, Lowell: Age 81; Co. B, 35th N.Y. Infantry; born in Ireland. Readmitted to the Home, Aug. 17, 1904; died April 9, 1909, of heart disease and dementia; buried in St. Patrick Cemetery, Lowell, Mass.

87. GEORGE FARMER, Everett: Age 64; Co. C, 32d Mass Infantry; born in Prince Edward Island. Admit­ ted to the Home, Feb. 11, 1909; died April 11, 1909, of pneumonia and heart disease; buried in vVoodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass.

88. GEORGE L. MoRGAN, Hudson: Age 62; Co. K, 7th Me. Infantry and V.R.C.; born in Cape Breton, N.S. Admitted to the Home, March 21, 1909; died April 14, 1909, of pulmonary tuberculosis and heart disease; buried in St. Michael's Cemetery, Hudson, Mass.

89. JoB PICKFORD, Woonsocket, R.I.: Age 69; Co. A, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery; born in England. Readmitted to the Home, June 15, 1905; died April 15, 1909, by suicide; buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Woonsocket, R.I.

90. JOHN ENGLISH, Newburyport: Age 62; Co. E, 7th N.H. Infantry; born in Newburyport, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Oct. 6, 1901 ; died April 15, 1909, of heart disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass., Grave No. 455.

91 WELLS ALDRICH, Southwick: Age 78; Co. B, 21st Mass. Infantry; born in Southwick, Mass. Admitted to the Home, Nov. 13, 1904; died April 18, 1909, of heart disease, chronic rheumatism and dementia; buried in Soldiers' Lot, Pine Hill Cemetery, Westfield, Mass.

92. JOHN O'NEIL, Boston: Age 67; Co. I, 24th Mass. Infantry; born in Newfoundland. Admitted to the Home, March 7, 1904; died May 1, 1909, of pulmonary tuberculosis and heart disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass., Grave No. 456.

93. CHARLES H. WILDER, Leominster: Age 67; Co. A, 15th Mass. Infantry; born in Leominster, Mass. Admitted to the Home, July 30, 1903; died May 12, 1909, of heart disease and chronic dementia; buried in Leominster, Mass., by relatives.

94 HENRY F. PREDEL, Boston: Age 75; Co. I, 35th Mass. Infantry; born in Germany. Admitted to the Home, Nov. 4, 1905; died May 22, 1909, of heart disease and Bright's disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass., Grave No. 457.

95. JoHN J . K~NG, Boston: Age 68; seaman, U.S. Navy; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home, Jan. 6, 1904; died May 28, 1909, of disease of liver and gallstones; buried in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Brookline, Mass. 27

96 . BERNARD A. McCuE, Boston: Age 66; Co. B, 24th Mass. Infantry; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home, Dec. 12, 1908; died May 31, 1909, of pnuemonia; buried in Glen­ wood Cemetery, Everett, Mass.

97. GEORGE W. BAKER, Boston: Age 67; 1st Battery, Me. Mounted Artillery; born in Lubec, Me. Admitted to the Home, May 28, 1909; died June 1, 1909, of pneumonia and heart disease; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass. Grave No. 458.

98. GEORGE H. SMITH, Gloucester: Age 89; Co. G, 8th Mass. Infantry and 2d Unattached Mass. Infantry; born in Gloucester. Readmitted to the Home, Sept. 6, 1908; died J une 6, 1909, of heart disease and cystitis; buried in Rockport, Mass.

99. GEORGE GRISWOLD, Boston: Age 74; Co. A, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, and lieutenant Co . I, 2d N.Y. Heavy Artillery; born in Lyons, N.Y. Readmitted to the Home, Jan. 28, 1904; died J une 24, 1909, of chronic rheumatism and cystitis; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 459..

100. ANDREW F. ANDERSON, Boston: Age 38; seaman, U.S. Navy, Spanish War; born in Stockholm, Sweden. Readmitted to the Home, July 22, 1908; died June 25, 1909, of tubercu­ losis and chronic diarrhcea; buried in Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden. 101. J OHN J. CALLAHAN, Boston: Age 71; Co. H, 47th, and C, 56th Mass. Infantry; born in England. Ad­ mitted to the Home, Oct. 5, 1892; died J une 25, 1909, of chronic cystitis and senility; buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Grave No. 460. 102. GEORGE W. SLOAN, Dorchester: Age 65; Co. I, 42d Mass. Infantry; born in Belfast, Me. Admitted to the Home, Nov. 7, 1908; died J une 27, 1909, of nephritis and heart disease; buried in Dorchester So. Cemetery, Dorchester, Mass. 103. CHARLES BRADY, Cambridge: Age 88; captain, Co. D, 29th Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home, Feb. 13, 1908; died J une 28, 1909, of heart disease and dementia; buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, Mass.

Service of Members in the Home June 30, 1909 Volunteer army 420 [ Regular Army . 22 Navy . . . . 63 Total . 505

States and Territories from which Admitted Connecticut 5 New York . 4 Maryland . 1 R hode Island 3 Massachusetts 394 Florida . 1 New Hampshire . . 4 Total . 412 28

Nativity Native born 412 I Foreign born 93

Nativity of Foreign Born Belgium . 1 New Brunswick 7 England. 7 Newfoundland 1 France ...... 3 Nova Scotia 3 Prince Edward 'Island 2 Scotland 2 Germany . 4 Sweden 1 West Indies 2 Canada 10 Ireland 49 Denmark 1 Total 93

The Different Branches of the Service have been Represented in the Home since it was Opened, as follows: Massachusetts. 1st Regt. H.A . . 3 years, 89 4th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 27 2d Regt. H.A. . 3 years, 111 5th Regt. Inf. 3 mos. 39 3d Regt. H.A.. 3 years, 89 5th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 41 4th Regt. H.A .. 3 years, 76 5th Regt. Inf. 100 days 32 1st Battn. H.A. 1 year, 30 6th Regt. Inf. 3 mos. 31 29th Unatt. Co. H.A., 1 year, 8 6th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 36 30th Unatt. Co. H.A. , 1 year, 5 6th Regt. Inf. 100 days 28 1st Battery L.A. 3 years, 11 7th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 37 2d Battery L.A. 3 years, 14 8th Regt. Inf. 3 mos. 24 3d Battery L.A. 3 years, 15 8th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 31 4th Battery L.A. 3 years, 18 8th Regt. Inf. 100 days 37 5th Battery L.A. 3 years, 12 9th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 64 6th Battery L.A. 3 years, 24 10th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 43 7th Battery L.A. 3 years, 14 11th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 78 8th Battery L.A. 6 mos. 10 12th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 57 9th Battery L.A. 3 years, 12 13th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 46 10th Battery ~.A. 3 years, 14 15th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 47 11th Battery L.A. . 9 mos. 1 16th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 41 11th Battery L.A. ·. 3 years, 8 17th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 92 12th Battery L.A. 3 year.s, 14 18th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 41 13th Battery L.A. 3 years, 5 19th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 70 14th Battery L.A. 3 years, 11 20th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 67 15th Battery L.A. 3 years, 9 21st Regt Inf. 3 years, 29 16th Batte1b L.A. 3 years, 9 22d Regt. Inf. 3 years, 44 1st Regt. av.. 3 years, 86 23d Regt. Inf. 3 years, 52 2d Regt. Cav. . 3 years, 62 24th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 70 3d Regt. Cav.. 3 years, 70 25th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 41 4th Regt. Cav. . . . 3 years, 68 26th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 44 5th Regt. Cav. (Col.) 3 years, 23 27th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 30 1st Battalion Frontier 28th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 59 Cavalry 1 year, 19 29th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 51 1st Regt. Inf. 3 years, 82 30th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 52 2d Regt. Inf. 3 years, 69 31st Regt. Inf. 3 years, . 31 3d Regt. Inf. 3 mos. 11 32d Regt. Inf. 3 years, 59 3d Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 23 33d Regt. Inf. 3 years, 45 4th Regt. Inf. 3 mos. 26 34th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 39 29

35th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 48 1st Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 3 36th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 3:l 2d Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 1 ~ 37th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 30 4th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 2 38th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 15 5th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 1 39th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 45 7th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 7 40th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 43 8th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 1 42d Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 31 9th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 6 42d Regt. Inf. 100 days 44 10th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 2 43d Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 34 11th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 1 44th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 27 12th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 2 45th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 38 13th Unatt. Co. Inf. 90 days, 1 46th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 30 15th Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 4 47th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 29 16th Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 4 48th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 35 17th Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 4 49th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 20 18th Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 3 50th Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 26 19th Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 7 51st Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 26 19th Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 6 52d Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 21 20th Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 5 53d Regt. Inf. 9 mos. 25 20th Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 2 54th Regt. Inf. (Col.). 3 years, 13 21st Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 2 55th Regt. Inf. (Col.). 3 years, 15 21st Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 1 56th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 51 22d Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 2 57th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 38 23d Unatt. Co. Inf. 100 days, 1 58th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 21 24th Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 2 59th Regt. Inf. 3 years, 35 25th Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 4 60th Regt. Inf. 100 days, 24 26th Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 3 61st Regt. Inf. 1 year, 54 27th Unatt. Co. Inf. 1 year, 4 62d Regt. Inf. . 1 year, 12 Boston Cadets 3 3d Battn. Rifles . 3 mos. 9 Salem Cadets 1 1st Co. Sharpshooters, 3 years, 3 Co. B, 7th Regt. Inf. 6 months, 1 2d Co. Sharpshooters, 3 years, 7

United States Service Artillery . 30 Marine Corps . 33 Cavalry 24 Navy .... 730 Colored Troops . 31 Ordnance Corps 6 Engineers . .. 12 Signal Corps ...... 13 General Service . 7 Spanish and Philippine Wars 88 Hancock's Veteran Volunteers, 14 Veteran Reserve Corps . . 146 Infantry . 59

Other State Organizations California 4 Missouri . 5 Connecticut 51 Nevada 1 Delaware 3 New Hampshire 123 District of Columbia 5 New Jersey. 24 Illinois. 22 New York 172 Indiana 13 Ohio 12 Iowa 6 Pennsylvania 30 Kansas 1 Rhode Island 76 Kentucky 3 Tennessee 1 Louisiana 1 Virginia . 1 Maine . 190 Vermont 63 Maryland 5 West Virginia 1 Michigan 6 Wisconsin .. 4 30

States and Territories from which Admitted from Date of Organization to June 3(1, 1909 California . . . . . 2 New Hampshire 29 Canada ...... 3 New Jersey. 5 Colorado . ... . 1 New York . 32 eo·nnecticut . . . . 47 North Carolina 1 District of Columbia 2 Ohio 5 Florida .. .. 2 Pennsylvania 6 Illinois 2 Rhode Island 30 Indiana . ... 5 South Carolina 1 Indian Territory 1 Tennessee 1 Kansas . . . 2 Texas . 2 Maine . .. . 19 Vermont 9 Massachusetts . 4,636 Virginia . 5 Michigan 1 Wisconsin 2 Missouri . . . 2 Nevada ... 1 Total . 4,854

Visitors At Headquarters . . 2,480 In Hospital . 6,169 Total . 8,649 Amusements Entertainments 80 I Magazines, novels and illus- Billiard table . 1 trated papers in Library . . . 2,418 Bagatelle table 1 Bound books ...... 4,933 Pool tables 2 Newspapers contributed . . . . 112

Employment Officers ...... 7 Amount paid $9,900.04 Civilians . . . . . 71 Amount paid 23,452.45 Members ...... 95 Amount paid 11,340.01 Officers of the Board of Trustees 3 Amount paid 1,800.00 Total ...... Amount paid $46,492.50

Occupation of Members Receiving Pay Bugler 1 Marker of clothing 1 Barber .. 1 Nurses' helpers 10 Barber's helper . 1 Orderlies . . . 4 Care of cottage . 1 Painters . . . . 2 Care of flags . . . 1 Scrubbers . . 24 Care of nurses' house 1 Shoemaker . 1 Carpenters . . 2 Surgeon's helper 1 Clerk . . . 1 Sergeants . . 10 Dishwasher. . 1 Tailor . . .. 1 Elevator men 4 Vermin killer . . 1 Janitor . . 1 Vegetables . . 1 Laborers . 5 Waiters ...... 9 Laundrymen 5 Watchmen (1 day, 5 night). 6 Librarian 1 Total ...... 95 31

Civilian Employees Baker . 1 Housekeeper ...... 1 Baker's helper 1 Kettle and kitchen cleaner . 1 Barber . . . 1 Laborer ...... 2 Accountant 1 Laundress . 1 Carpenter . 1 Nurses (female) 9 Chef 1 Nurses' helpers (male) . 15 Cooks . 3 Seamstress . 1 (!;ook's helper 2 Stableman . 1 Dishwashers . 4 Tailoress 1 Engineers . . 2 Teamster . . . 1 Firemen .. . 4 Waiters and general helpers 6 Foremen laborers 1 Ward master and undertaker . 1 Foremen mess rooms 2 Nurses' housekeeper 1 Hospital steward . . 1 Teamster's helper . 1 Engineer's assistants 4 Total 71

New Clothing Issued Blouses . . . 372 Slippers (felt). . 12 Caps . 186 Slippers (leather) 44 Drawers (prs.) 693 Stockings (prs.) . 1,433 Hats (straw) 480 Suspenders 299 Overalls . 36 Undershirts 728 Overshirts 744 Trousers . 472 Shoes . . 305 Vests 389

Post Office Number of letters and postal cards mailed . . 21,355 Number of letters and postal cards received . 30,677 Number of newspapers and packages mailed . . 3,403 Number of newspapers and packages received . . 18,645 Number of letters and postal cards mailed from office 3,590 Number of letters redirected and returned to carrier 285

Pensions Pensioners, June 30, 1908 488

Pensioners, June 30, 1909 473 Non-pensioners, June 30, 1909 32 Total . .. . . 505 Admitted to the Hospital during the Year, Average Sick, Absent, Present, Present and Absent, Gain by Admission by, Readmission, Loss by Discharge, Dishonorable Discharge, Dropped from the Rolls, Death and Whole Number Cared for.

GAIN LOSS '(I) "'.cl ..., ..., bl) ,; k" ~..., ~ (I) • -~ (I) ill" .,...," d d ,; 'bl) .Dk 0 bl) ., 0 0 kk "Cl I (I). ! .D f k (I) I!!' 0"' ~ s" Year Ending. ...," "'".,,,., ·m., ·m ".cl i:>.!l '"CJ·~ ·s" 0" ";: (I) (I)"' (I) .,-"' "' :S Z,E "" ·a £"§ ~ s..., t:"d ..(I) "'" ~ ~ ~ ~~ "Cl i~ ~~ 0" k k k" -g ~ iS A., A -a--g ~ (I) ~ (I) < (I) ..., As ] ~ill(I) ·a-..~ ;,, .,, . ;,,o ;,, .cl k ol ~ 0 .,,- 0 "k .. i:Q ~ E-< i:Q i:Q~ i:QJ:: i:Q E-< (HP-< ll=:""(.);,, ~-a! ~ ~ ~ July 25, 1883 79 1 89 90 248 10 258 102 26 17 21 166 92 258 July 25, 1884 55 2 92 94 118 40 158 102 11 16 13 142 108 250 July 25, 1885 50 3 95 98 109 21 130 90 9 11 19 129 109 238 July 25, 1886 49 3 107 110 81 24 105 71 5 18 13 107 107 214 July 25, 1887 79 3 116 119 101 30 131 94 4 14 20 132 106 238 July 25, 1888 .96 4 129 133 144 46 190 119 5 12 20 156 140 296 July 25, 1889 86 4 139 143 133 29 162 116 11 18 29 174 128 302 298 July 25, 1890 117 4 138 142 127 43 170 111 10 6 17 144 154 c,J July 25, 1891 154 ll0 5 193 198 230 84 314 214 22 26 32 294 174 468 N) June 30, 1892 156 107 3 198 201 249 137 386 293 29 45 30 397 163 560 June 30, 1893 183 103 4 211 215 231 212 443 325 25 45 45 440 166 606 June 30, 1894 194 105 2 253 255 282 192 474 311 19 44 43 417 223 640 June 30, 1895 169 127 9 284 293 250 178 428 301 12 41 39 393 258 651 June 30, 1896 211 122 7 292 299 191 195 386 291 20 40 52 403 241 644 June 30, 1897 209 104 17 319 336 221 153 374 232 6 22 33 293 322 615 June 30, 1898 216 ll2 29 346 375 243 135 378 250 10 26 55 341 359 700 June 30, 1899 214 118 32 352 384 205 134 339 240 10 44 68 362 336 698 June 30, 1900 202 122 36 341 377 189 ll8 307 207 8 24 48 287 356 643 June 30, 1901 222 119 36 347 381 159 117 276 158 7 34 76 275 357 632 June 30, 1902 182 118 31 315 346 133 106 239 173 9 ~6 68 276 320 596 June 30, 1903 228 122 37 312 349 161 105 266 131 5 19 82 237 349 586 June 30, 1904 221 125 42 326 368 179 89 268 120 13 16 85 234 383 617 June 30, 1905 247 142 51 371 422 194 106 300 94 28 14 94 230 453 683 June 30, 1906 182 147 62 388 450 158 82 240 97 29 10 99 235 458 693 June 30, 1907 186 153 70 416 486 200 78 278 103 13 13 94 223 513 736 June 30, 1908 192 158 68 437 505 151 70 221 87 15 17 95 214 520 734 June 30, 1909 207 162 70 435 505 167 51 218 113 12 5 103 233 505 738 ------Total 4386 4854 2585 7439 4545 ~ 623 1395 6934 -- DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1909.

NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

10th Mass. Inf. Unatt'd Adams, Elias A ...... i K, 51st Mass. Inf...... P. 68 Mass. Worcester Aikens, William H ...... A, 54th Mass. Inf ...... Corp. 69 Mass. Haverhill A] den, William H ...... D, 4th Mass. Inf...... P. 70 . Mass. Randolph A]l en Clifton• . , .. , ...... L, 20th N.Y.Cav ...... P. 61 Mass. Somerville Allen: Edward F ...... K, 2d Mass. H.A ...... P. 68 Mass. Salem C, 45th Mass. Inf...... Alexander, Andrew J . .. ( 14th Mass. L.A ...... P. 65 R.I. Southwick Anderson, E!:hyin A ...... G, 2d Mass. Cav ...... P. 66 N.S. Boston Andrews, Wilham H ..... D , 15th Mass. Inf...... P. 70 N.H. Worcester Appleton, N a_thaniel. ... . 2d Unatt'd Inf ...... P. 65 Mass. Salem Aristide. Lams J ...... U.S. Navy ...... 1st Class Boy 66 France Boston Aylward. John H ...... H , 50th Mass. Inf...... P. 82 Md. Weymouth Bacon, Charles A ...... I, 1st Mass. Inf...... Corp. 72 Mass. Lynn Baker, Charles E ...... I , 16th Conn. Inf...... P. 70 Mass. NewHaven ,Conn. Balcom, Myron B ...... B, 5th N.Y. Cav ...... P. 66 Mass. Dana Barter, Franklin A ...... B , 1st Mass. H.A ...... P. 63 !lfaine Boston E, 53d Mass. Inf...... Barton, Willis H ...... / G, 21st Mass. Inf...... P. 62 Vt. Royal ston Bass, Benjamin F .... H , 4th Mass. Inf...... P. 74 Mass. Winchester Bassett, Charles ...... A, 29th Mass. Inf. . . . , .. P. 64 Mass. Cambridge Bates, Le Prelate M . E, 3d Mass. H.A ...... Lieut. 66 R.I. Providence, R.I. Beal, Hiram ...... I, 12th Mass. Inf ...... P . 77 Mass. Brockton Bennett, Charles ...... B, 33d Mass. Inf...... P . 61 Mass. Chelsea Berry, Asa T ...... I, 19th Mass. Inf...... P. 62 N.Y. New York D , 1st Frontier Cav ... . . Berry, Wi ll iam, H ... . . D, 8th Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Mass. Lynn A, 45th Mass. Inf...... Bickers, James E ...... F and D , 3d Mass. Cav. . . P. 76 N.S. Medford Bickford, Elbridge M .. A, 6th Mass. Inf...... P. 77 Mass. Sherborn B. 2d Mass. Inf. , Blarney , Ri chard B . . . .. ·1 Spanish War ...... P. 37 N.J . Holyoke Bliss , Frederick D ...... I , 1st Vt. H.A .... Sergt. 75 Vt. Worcester Bowen, Charles F ...... B , 29th Mass. lnf. . .. P. 64 R.I. Boston E . 7th R.I. Inf...... Boyden, Decatur M ..... 20th V.R.C ...... Sergt. 69 R.I. So. Walpole Bragdon , Sumner ...... I, 3d Mass. Cav ...... Sergt. 70 Mass. No. Blackstone Bramard, Michael ...... G, 18th Conn. Inf...... P. 64 Conn. Malden Braman, Joseph :N ...... B , 31st Mass. Inf . .. . P . 66 Conn. Middleton E, 3d Mass. Inf. and New Bedford Brayton, Charles F . . .. . 15 Unatt'd ...... l Corp. 65 Mass. i U.S. Navy, Breen, Frederick ...... 1 Spanish War ...... l Seaman 43 Mass. Chelsea Brennan, Daniel ...... , U.S. Navy ...... Ord. Seaman 68 N.B. Boston Brimblecom, John W . . . . : D, 8th Mass. Inf ...... P . 72 Mass. Waltham Brooks, Henry D ...... Band, 26th Mass. Inf .• . . Mus. 73 Mass. Boston Brown, Benjamin T ...... E, 50th Mass. Inf ...... P. 71 Mass. Boston Brown, Charl es ...... F, 19th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 England Boston Brown, John B ...... K, 13th Vt. Inf ...... P. 83 Vt. Springfield Bryant , Guilford alias Edgar Forrester. A, 10th N.Y. Cav ...... P. 61 Mass. Boston Bryer, Alexnnder W ...... D , 13th Mass. Inf ...... P. 69 Mass. Boston F, 8th and H , 61st Mass. Burbank, Willard W ... . Inf...... ' ...... ' P. 79 N.H. Everett Burke, William A ...... U.S. Navy ...... Mus. 74 Mass. Watertown Burns, J a.mes ...... U.S.Navy ...... Seaman 72 Mass. Boston A. 3d Rifles and 25 Mass. Burr, Geor11:e ...... j Inf...... Lieut. 74 Mass. Worcester Butler, Charles T ...... 28th Unatt'd Me. Inf ... . P. 61 Me. Somerville Brown, Orlando F ...... C, 4th Me. Inf...... P. 71 Mass. Boston Bicknell, Charles E ...... H, 35th Mass. Inf...... P . 64 Mass. Weymouth E, 18th U.S. Inf., Butler, Harry...... / Spanish War ...... } P. 43 Mass. Boston Cairus, John ...... , .. . U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 61 Mass. Methuen Cahill, Michael ...... D. 2d U.S. Art ...... Sergt. 72 Ireland Lynn Calnan , James alws John Coleman ... B, 1st Me. I-I.A ...... P. 65 Mass. Boston Canning, Samuel ..... F, 33d Mass. Inf., ...... Corp. 65 Mass. Boston Carey, J ohn ...... D, 6th Mass. Inf. . . . , .. . P . 82 Ireland Lowell Carson , James H ...... U.S.Navy ...... Landsman 61 Me. Boston Chadbourne, Francis T ... . K. 27th Me. Inf ...... P. 63 Mass. Boston Chalmers. John M ...... A, 2d Mass. Cav . .. P . 74 N.Y. New York


NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

Chase, James F ...... F, 1st and 19th Me. Inf. P. 64 Me. Boston Clapp, George W ..•...... G, 40th Mass. Inf...... Sergt. 84 Mass. Chelsea Clara, D ennis . ... , ... , ... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 70 :Mass. Boston Clark, Charles ...... U.S. Na:M'.';;· ·· ...... Landsman 67 Mass. Charlestown 1, 20th ass. Inf...... Clark, George W ...... j B, 4th Mass. Cav } P. 62 Mass. Boston Clark, H a rvey O ...... E, 6th Vt. Inf. ... : : : : : : P. 66 Vt. Milford Clark, Henry B ...... E , 34th Mass. Inf ...... P. 64 Mass. Spencer Clark, Port us B ...... H, 6th and 9th N.H. Inf. P. 63 Vt. Westfield Clark, Seth F ...... I, 6th and 9th Mass. Inf. P. 65 Me. Lawrence Coburn, Charles E ...... H, 53d Mass. lnf...... P. 67 Mass. Athol Coe, William A...... fl,{~s!~LA.~::: : : : : : : } P. 74 Conn. Boston Caffey. John J . l alias George Barry . . . B, 1st Mass. Inf ...... P. 66 Mass. Framingham Colburn, Charl es A ...... A. !.5th Mass. Inf .... P. 72 Mass. Leominster Cole, George E ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 62 N.H. Boston Coleman. John .... . G, 36th Mass. Inf...... P . 75 Mass. Hudson Conlin, Stephen D , 1st U.S. Dragoons .... alias Connell y ...... l A. 3d U.S. Art ...... } P. 72 Ireland Springfield Constantinople, Alfred ... . H, 56th Mass. Inf...... P. 83 Vt. Boston Conway, Hugh A ...... F and M, 1st Mass. H.A. P. 76 Mass. Taunton Cook, Davis M ...... 20th M. Inf. Unatt'd .. .. P . 67 Mass. Waltham Cook, Samuel...... A, 5th Vt. Inf...... P . 66 Mass. Boston Corcoran, _Michael IL ... .. 2d Mass. L.A ...... P . 74 Ireland Boston Corcoran, William ...... H, 2d Mass. Inf...... P. 75 Ireland Lowell Cowles, Rodney C ..... C, 46th Mass. Inf ...... Corp. 71 Mass. Westfield Crafts, Jacob M . . ····· ·· U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 62 Mass. Boston Crawford. Samuel ...... E, 10 Mass. Inf...... P . 73 Mass. Orange Creasey, Philip H ...... H. 6th U.S. Inf...... Sergt. 62 Mass. Newburyport Cronin , 1\1:n.urice ...... F, 24th Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Ireland Boston Crockett, George F ...... 3d Mass. L.A ...... P. 71 Mass. Mansfield Crouch, Elathan ...... I, 36th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Boston Cross, Eli bu B ...... K, 14th and 21st Me. Inf. P. 65 Me. Medford Cunningham, George B. T. alias 'J hos. Monaghan F, 2d Vt. Inf...... P. 68 Vt. Lincoln Curran, Edward J ...... C, 42d Mass. Inf. P. 71 Mass. Malden K, 48th Mass. Inf.".·.:::: Curran, John H ... I, 2d Mass. Cav ..••..... } P. 61 Mass. R.I. l A, 6th Conn. Inf...... Devine, James J ...... l 9th U natt' d Mass. Inf. .. l P. 61 Mass. Boston E, 3d U.S. Inf.. ..•• . ... Daley, James W ...... U.S. Navy ...... l P. 62 Ireland Boston Dalton , Redmond ...... l U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 68 Mass. Boston Dal ton, William B ...... Band, 28th Mass. Inf. ... Mus. 78 Mass. Somerville Damon, Daniel N ...... C,27th Mass.Inf.U.S.V.V. Sergt. 69 Mass. Boston H, 5th Mass. Inf...... Danforth, Henry F ..... 1 D, 40th Mass. Inf...... l Capt. 72 Mass. Boston Daniels, Edward L ...... H, 29th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 Mass. Chelsea Derby, Theodore A ...... 14th Mass. L.A ...... P. 68 Mass. Leominster Dermody, Malachi J. alias Matthew Topham M, 9th Mass. Inf...... Sergt. 76 Ireland Boston Desmazes, George M ..... B, 1st Me. Inf...... •.. P. 58 Mass. Lowell Desmond, John ...... I, 4th Mass. H.A ...... P. 62 Mass. Stoneham Doherty, Charles ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 63 Mass. Woburn U.S. Navy, Doherty , James J .... •.. j Spanish War ...... / Landsman 32 Mass. Charlestown Dolan, William J ...... 8th Me. L.A ...... P. 68 N.B. Boston D, 32 Mass. Inf...... Dolliver. William H ..... { G. 3 H . Art...... / Lieut. 77 Mass. Gloucester Donnelly, John ....•••.... B, 29th Mass. Inf ...... P. 81 Ireland Boston G, 11th U.S. Inf. Donnelly, John F ...... { Spanish War ...... P. 31 Mass. Boston Donovan, John J ...... U.S. Navy ...... l Landsman 78 Mass. Boston I{, 3d R.I. H.A ...... Dougherty, John J ...... 5th U.S. Vet. Vol...... l Sergt. 65 Mass. Boston Dow, Simeon L. ! D, 14th N.H. Inf...... P. 67 N.H. Haverhill Dowd, Daniel. . . ." _-:: : : : : : H. 8th & E, 61st Mass.Inf P. 65 Mass. Hardwick Doyle, Cornelius ...... D , 35th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 Mass. Boston Doyle, John B. alias John B. Rodgers C, 42d Mass. Inf ...... P. 62 Mass. Boston Drake, George H ...... C. 6th Mass. Inf P . 68 Mass. Boston Dresser, Elijah W .. K, 29th Mass. Inf.·.·..... P . 65 Mass. Georgetown [34]


NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

Dresser, George N ...... F, 10th Mass. In •...... P. 66 Mass. Boston Drugan, Joseph ...... K, 29th Mass. Inf ....• . . P . 77 Mass. Dorchester Dube, Ambrose ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 69 Canada Chelsea Dunscomb, Thomas G ..... D , 1st Me. Vet. Inf. . ... P. 62 N .B. W . Somerville Duston, James E ...... H, 19th Mass. Inf...... P . 81 Mass. Boston Dudley, Charles ...... F, 23d Mass. Inf. ..•.... P . 69 Mass. Boston I, 1st Vt. Cav ...... Eddy, John P ... • • .. • • • / M, 2d N.Y. Cav ...... } P. 65 Mase. Boston Edwards, John L ...... H, 5th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 73 Mass. Salem 1 4th Mass. L.A ...... } Edwards, Samuel J ...... 1st N.H. L.A ...... • . P . 66 Mass. Worcester Eldridge, Joseph W ...... C, 16th Mass. Inf ...... P . 66 Mass. Boston Ellis. Jerome W ...... I, 56th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Boston B, 5th U.S. Inf. , p Ellis, Joseph H . ....•.. • j Spanish War ...... 31 Mass. Cambridge Elsasser, John ...... B, 20th N.Y. Inf...... l P. 69 Germany Boston Elwell, James W ...... A. 3d Me. Inf ...... P. 75 Me. Leominster Emery, John A ...... •... E,lst and 11th Mass.Inf. P. 72 N.H. Boston Emery, John D. P ...... E, 1st Mass. H.A ...... P . 81 Mass. Gloucester D , 2d U.S. Cav ...... p English, James W ...... i I , 6th Mass. Inf...... • . l 70 Me. Salem Estes, Levi N ...... K, 25th Me. Inf...... P. 70 Me. Everett Fales, Helon H ...... G, 46th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 66 Mass. Cambridge Fassman, August ...... B, 57th Mass. Inf...... P . 80 Mass. Malden C, 43d Mass. Inf...... p Fessenden, Albert W .... l V.R.C., 2d Mass. I-I.A .... ! 72 Mass. Lynn Fillebrown, Charles E ..... I , 1st Mass. Inf...... P. 71 Mass. Boston Fine, Franklin ...... A, 3d Mass. Cav ...... P . 71 France Boston Fisher, Henry ...... B, 1st Mass. Inf ...... P . 71 Mass. Chelsea B, 3d Me. Inf ...... Fisk, Allen C ...... 1 H, 12th Me. Inf...... l Corp. 64 Me. Boston Fisk Samuel B ...... E , 17th Vt. Inf...... P. 79 Mass. East Boston Fitzgerald, George E. alias Harry Allen ..... H, 4th N.Y. H.A ...... P. 64 Vt. Fitchburg Fitzmorris, Barney ...... B. 25th Mass. Inf...... P. 70 Ireland Gardner Fitzpatrick, James ...... B, 18th & E,22d Mass.Inf. P . 71 Ireland Providence, R.I. Fitzpatrick, Thomas . . ... 6th Mass. L.A ...... P. 69 Mass. Brockton Flaherty, John ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 65 Ireland Boston Fleury, Louis Charles 0 .... F, 17th Vt. Inf...... P . 67 Canada Fitchburg Forbush, Ephraim B ..... E , 6th Mass. Inf...... P . 76 Mass. Acton F, 12th Vt. Inf.. Ford, H enry ...... l F. 1 Berden's S.S .... } Corp. 70 Vt. Dorchester Ford, Michael...... • .. .. G, 4th Mass. H.A ...... P . 64 Ireland Weymouth Foley, Matthew ...... 4th Mass. L.A ...... P. 80 Ireland Boston Foster, H enry J ...... 133d N.Y. Inf...... Adjt. 73 Mass. Boston Foster, William ...... F, 3d Mass. Cav ...... P. 62 Ireland Cambridge Frye, Otis G. W . ... .•.... G, 2d Mass. II.A ...... P . 74 Mass. Barre Frisby, Alonzo ...... M, 9th Ill. Cav ...... P . 60 Wis. Adams Fairfield, George W ...... F, 8th Vt. Inf...... P. 74 Vt. Maine Gardiner, William F .• . .. . K, 12th N.Y. Inf...... Lieut. 82 Mass. Watertown Gaines, Jesse alias Wm. Robinson .. K, 31st U.S.C.l...... P. 66 Miss. Boston Gallagher, Michael...... G, 99th N.Y. Inf...... P. 69 Ireland Boston Garrity, Martin ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 76 Mass. Boston Gassett, Augustus A ...... D, 11th Mass. Inf...... P. 63 Mass. Boston Geeremo, George ...... K, 35th Mass. Inf...... P . 71 Brussels Braintree George, James .F ...... K, 17th Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Conn. New Haven Gerry, Henry C ...... D, 60th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 R.l. Fall River Getchell, Charles F ...... K , 1st Mass. H.A ...... P. 67 Mass. Chelsea 20th Mass. Inf...... Gibbs, John F ...... I C, 31st Me. Inf...... l Mus. 82 Me. Boston Gifford, Henry M ...... K, 3d Mass. Inf...... P. 71 Mass. New Bedford Gill. John ...... H , 21st Mass. Inf...... P. 65 Mass. Cambridge Gillis, John ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 79 C. Breton Cambridge Glidden, Alvin F ...... B, 5th Mass. Inf...... p 65 Me. Chelsea Glynn, Barney ...... · A, 4th Mass. Inf...... P. 67 Ireland Clinton Goodrich, George E ...... D, 21st & I, 34th Mass.In 2d Lieut. 71 Mass. Boston Gould, Sereno W ...... C, 13th Vt. Inf...... Corp. 85 Vt. Hopkinton Gourley, George N ...... K, 7th Vt. Inf...... Sergt. 66 N.H. Melrose Grant, Charles E ...... F, 5th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 Mass. Dorchester l ~ 5th Ill. Inf...... •... , 1st N.H. H.A ...... •. ! Green, Charles E ...... I 1st U. S. Cav. l P. 62 P.E.l. Lowell [ 35] DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1909.

NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

Ord. Dept. U.S. Army, Sergt. Mass. Boston Green, William S ...... { Sfanish War ...... ! 55 Griffin , Frank M ...... F, 6t & K , 61st Mass.Inf P. 65 Mass. Boston Griffin, John S ...... D, 15th,N.H. Inf ...... P. 68 N.H. Lynn G, 6th Mass. Inf...... Grimes, Samuel W .•... / A , 1st Mass. H .A ...... P. 66 N.Y. Rouses Point Graves, Warren A ...... I, 2d N.Y. H .A ...... l Lieut. 74 N.Y. Boston Garvey, Alexander A . . ... H, 3d N.H. Inf...... P . 62 Mass. Boston Hagerty, Timothy ...... A , 35th Mass. Inf ...... P. 65 Mass. Natick Harding, Charles W ...... 20th Mass. U natt' d Inf . . P. 70 Mass. Brockton Harmon, Edward R ...... E, 25th & H , 32d Me. Inf. Sergt. 74 Me. Salem Harrington, Joseph J .. ... A, 51st Mass. Inf ...... P. 83 Mass. Sbrewsbw-y Hart, Edward ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 69 Mass. New Bedford Hart, John H ...... E , 4th Mass. Cav ...... P. 63 Mass. Springfield Harvey, John C ...... D , 30th Mass. Inf ...... Corp. 71 Mass. Boston Haskins, Henry H ...... K, 21st Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Mass. Athol Hawes, Frank B ...... F , 10th Mass. Inf...... P. 72 Mass. Lowell Hayden, William A ...... 3d and 5th Mass. L.A . .. . P. 70 Mass. Chelsea Hazen, Nathan T ...... C, 19th Mass. Inf ...... P. 68 Mass. Newton Hearn, Samuel...... B, 5th Ohio Inf...... Corp. 67 I reland Lynn Heath, Edwin C ...... A, 56 th Mass. Inf. .. . . • . P . 73 Vt. Boston Heenan, John ...... G, 40th Mass. Inf ...... P . 87 Mass. Everett Herlihy, David ...... U.S. Navy ...... Boy 62 I reland Millbury Higginbotham, James ..... I , 31st Mass. Inf...... P . 61 Mass. Williamstown Higgins, Martin ...... U .S. Navy ...... M. at A. 74 Ireland Boston · '1 Hill, Edward L ...... A, 44th Mass. Inf ...... P. 76 N.H. Templeton Hitchings. Marcus ...... U.S. avy ...... Ord. Seaman 64 Mass. Boston I, 30th Mass. Inf...... Hittenhlme, Joseph W .. { B , 61st Mass. Inf ...... l P. 59 Mass. Boston Hodge, J oseph H ...... 7thlMass. L.A ...... P. 64 N.H. Boston Hogan, Edward W ...... B, 27th Me. Inf...... • . P. 62 Me. Newton Holman, Albert G ...... D , 36th Mass. Inf...... P. 78 Mass. Templeton Holmes, Walter ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 67 Mass. Dorchester G, 43d Mass. Inf...... Mass. Saugus Hook, Charles O ...... { U.S. SMfnal Corps ...... l P. 68 Hood, George M ...... E, 2d ass. II.A ...... P. 65 Mass. Millis Hood, Geor~e W ...... A, 3d Mass. Cav ...... P. 66 Mass. Boston Howland. A vin C ...... B, 58th Mass. Cav ...... P. 67 Mass. Middleboro C, 6th N.H. Inf. and .... Huckins, William H ..... { V.R.C ...... } P. 66 N.H. Boston Hughes, James ...... F , 1st W.Va. Cav ...... P. 73 Ireland Boston Hurney, Frank ...... 6th Mass. L.A ...... P . 80 Mass. So. Framingham: H urley, John ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 64 Mass. Salem Hurley, William V ...... Band, 46th U.S. Inf. .... Mus. 38 Mass. Boston Hussey, Thomas., ...... E, 3d Mass. Inf...... P. 65 Mass. New Bedford U.S. Navy, Mass. Boston Hogan, Michael J..... { S"Nnish War ...... l Landsman 48 Hatch, Franklin P ...... U.S. aM, ...... Landsman 68 Mas•. Everett Jacobs, Daniel D ...... G, 60th ass. Inf...... P. 63 Mass. Somerville Jellison, Greenleaf S ...... C, 35th Mass. Inf...... p 77 Mass. Somerville Jellison, William T ...... G, 3d Mass. II.A ...... P. 61 Mass. Boston Jenkins, Alpheus F ...... F, 47th,& G. 6th Mass.Inf. P . 62 Mass. Boston Jenkins, James K ...... F , 10th N.H. Inf...... P . 68 N.Y. Lowell Jenness, Thomas J ...... D, 32d Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Mass. Chelsea E, 1st N.H. Inf. and ...... Jewell , Charles H ...... { K , 5th Mass. Inf .. .. , . . . } P. 71 Mass. Stoneham Jewett, Henry T ...... U.S. Nayy, ...... Landsman 66 Canada Boston Johnson, Charles ...... H, 56th Mass. Inf...... P. 72 Mass. Boston K, 52d Mass. Inf...... Johnson, Charles W . . . .. { B, 194th N.Y. Inf...... } P. 72 N.Y. Easthampton Jones, Alexander ...... B, 17th Mass. Inf...... P. 75 Ireland Salem Jones, Amos R ...... A, 19th Me. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Chelsea Jones, J oseph L ...... E, 3d Mass. H.A ...... P. 80 ~.1:ass. Lowell Jordan, Neil...... U.S. Navy ...... P. 71 Denmark Maplewood L, 9th Mass. Inf., J ule, Willard E ...... { Spanish War ...... } P. 34 Mass. Brighton Jeffers, Edward A ...... A , 40th Mass. Inf ...... P. 74 Mass. Saugus Karner, Warren G ...... E, 49th Mass. Inf ..... • . Corp. 68 Mass. Pittsfield Keaton, George A...... L, 3d Mass. H.A ...... P. 65 N .H. N.H. 1 Keelinf, George F ...... F. 24th Mass. Inf ...... P. 66 Conn. Conn.~ Kehl ,

NA:\1E. Service. R ank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

J{ endall , Thomas F . .. . . G, 60th Mass. I nf...... P. 75 Mass. Chelsea J{ ennedy. John ...... B. 9th Me. Inf...... P. 65 I reland Chelsea I , 34th Mass. Inf...... P. 65 Irela nd H olyoke I{enny, James ...... { L, 1st Mass. Cav ...... •. l H. 12th Mass. Inf ...... I{enuison, Benjamin R .. : Vet. R es. Corps ...... l P . 72 Me. Weymouth I{ent. J ohn H. B ...... G, 44th Mass. Inf...... P. 75 Mass. Watertown I{ent, Louis A ...... U.S. Navy ...... 111.M. 71 Mass. Boston I{ezer, Samuel...... A. 8th & 17th Mass. Inf. P. 75 Mass. East Boston I{il ey, John ...... F , 1st Mass. Inf...... P. 71 Mass. East Boston I{irnball , Charles H ... . . U.S. Navy ...... Yeoman 67 Mass. Lynn D, 18th Mass. Inf...... Lieut. 67 Mass. l{ing, J am es W ...... C, 32d Mass. Inf...... l Boston }{night, Albert L ...... l H , 5th Vt. Inf...... P. 70 N .H. Boston Knight, George H ...... B , 4th Mass. H.A ...... P . 68 Mass. Stoneham Knowlton, Austin ...... 30th Unatt'd Mass. H.A. P . 84 Mass. Springfield I{, 6th Mass. Inf., P . 31 Mass. Mansfield J{ing, J oseph ...... : Spanish War ...... l l{uhn, Fred erick C ...... C, 32d Mass. Inf...... P . 67 Mass. Boston U.S. Navy & 46th U.S. I nf Law-iette, Thomas J .... : Spanish War ...... l P . 33 Mass. Boston Lamont, Clement J ... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 69 Belgium Somerville La Mountain, Peter ...... E. 6th Mass. Inf...... P. 62 Vt. Lowell Lamphear, Lewis C ...... B , 7th Conn. Inf...... P . 64 Mass. Boston ( I , 8th Mass. Inf...... Lane, Andrew ...... ( L, Bd Mass. Cav ...... P. 63 Ireland Boston U .S. Navy ...... l 1. 15th Mass. Inf...... P. 77 Mass. Falmouth Lawrence, Albert H . ... -1 U .S. avy ...... l B, 9th Mass. Inf., Leffler, F red W ...... : Spanish War ...... l P. 44 Mass. Malden Letcher, J ohn 1 E, 5th N.H . Inf . , .. . , .. P . Canada. Sou th bridge alias J ean H etu. .... A, 14th ¥e. Inf...... l 71 F, 34th Mass. Inf...... Leonard , William W .. .. : U.S. Navy ...... l P . 74 Mass. Greenfield Linquist, J oseph ...... -1 fr~?~:V~'.~~ _r_nL:::: : : l P . 68 Sweden Boston Louder , Michael J ...... A a nd B, 2d R.I. Inf ... P. 73 Ireland Boston Low, R ob ert H ...... B, 55th Mass. Inf...... P. 86 Md. New Bedford Loudon . R obert ...... I , 44th Mass. Inf...... P . 68 England Boston Lowell, Calvin ...... ! ,27th & B,56thMass.Inf. P . 71 Maine Belchertown A. 63 N.Y. I nf ...... Ireland Lynch, Charles ...... { U.S. Navy ...... l P . 81 Boston Lynch , John ...... B, 30th Mass. Inf...... P . 64 Maine Lowell A, 1st U .S. Cav., Lynch, Justin B ...... : Spanish War ...... I P. 32 Mass. Boston Lynch , Thomas ...... , K , 2d Mass. Cav ...... P. 69 Mass. Boston Lynde, Leander F ...... L , 6th Mass. Inf...... Lieut. 73 Mass. Stoneham Lee, John ...... L , 4th Mass. Cav ...... P . 70 Mass. F itzwillia m , N .H. MacDonald, J ohn F. L .. .. M, 1st Mass. Cav ...... P . 69 Mass. Alfo rd McAllister, Ben jamin F .. . E, 8th Mass. Inf...... P . 64 Mass. Reading McBay, Thomas ...... 16th Mass. L.A ...... P . 67 Irelan d Somerville McBride, J ohn ...... B, 57th & 59th Mass. Inf. P. 68 I reland Lowell McCoy, Edward G ...... I , 9th N .H. Inf...... P . 65 N.H. Wakefi eld U .S Navy, McCue, F rancis P ...... : Spanish War ...... l Seaman 54 Mass. Boston C, 42d Mass. Inf...... McField, J oseph R . .• • . · 1 A, 1st U .S. Eng ...... l P. 67 Mass. Ch elsea McGann, Michael ...... U .S. Navy ...... Ord. Seaman 71 R .I. No. Attleboro ' • McGrath, T errance ...... B , 5th N.H. Inf ...... P. 69 Ireland Chelsea McGuirk, Cornelius ...... I , 16t h & A , 61st Mass.Inf P . 67 Mass. Cam bridge Mcilroy. John V ...... D , 24th Mass. Inf...... P. 80 N.B. Chelsea Mcl nnery, Daniel. . . . .• . .. C, 156th Ill. Inf...... P. 67 I reland Boston I , 5th Mass. Inf...... Marlboro McIntire, John ...... { F , 2d Mass. H.A ...... l P . 74 Mass. C, 45th Mass. Inf...... McNally, Michael. .• . . .. { 2d Mass. L.A ...... ,. l P. 67 Ireland Boston McVarish, Randall ...... U .S. Navy ...... Q. Gunner 72 C. Breton Gloucester Mair, Ebenezer D •. ..•.... 11 t h Mass. L .A ...... P . 66 Mass. Boston Maloney, Edward .• . • •. .•. H andtE , 19th Mass. Inf. P. 62 Mass. Boston Manchester, Richard ..... 7th Una t'd Mass. Inf. ... P . 61 Mass. Boston Manser, J ames E ...... E. 40th N .Y. Inf...... Cap t. 68 Mass. Everett [37) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1909.

NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

Marcellar, Frank ...... F, 48th N .Y. Inf...... P. 61 Canada Chelsea Marden, David ...... G, 5th & 18th N.H . Inf.. P. 68 N.H. Boston I . 1st R.I. Inf. , Marland, Joshua ...... - l Spanish War ...... P. 48 R.I Everett H, 5th Mass. Inf...... Marshall, Charles G .... · \ D, 1st Mass. H.A ...... P. 82 Mass. Peabody Martin, William G ...... F, 21st Mass. Inf...... l P. 79 Ireland Agawam Mason, Allen P ...... K . 1st Mass. Inf...... P. 74 N.H. Boston Maxwell, Richard ...... U.S. Nav\" ...... Q.M. 76 N.H. Boston Mason. William . .. ······· A, 5th N. . Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Groton Meader, James W ...... A , 8th Mass. Inf...... P . 70 N.H. Newburyport Megroth, William N ...... A, 38th Mass. Inf...... P . 73 Mass. Cambridge Metcalf, Charles A ...... E and M, 11th Kan. Cav. P. 73 Mass. Plainville Mitchell, Charles W ...... A , 3d Mass. H.A ...... P. 64 Mass. Boston Montague, Francis ...... 10th Mass. L.A ...... P. 73 England Ft. Orange Fla. Moore, Otis ...... D, 52d Mass. Inf...... P. 81 Mass. Enfield Moorehead, Robert B ..... U .S. Navy ...... Seaman 66 Mass. Melrose Morgan, Benjamin E ...... A, 19th Mass. Inf ...... P. 6G Mass. East Boston Morris, Timothy . alias Morris O'Brien .. U.S. Nau;··· ...... Seaman 73 Ireland South Boston Mosher, Edwin J ...... C, 11th ass. Inf...... Corp. 73 Mass. Charlestown U.S. Navy, Mullen, Frank H ...... · \ Spaniah War ...... } Seaman 27 Mass. Woburn Murdock, John ...... 23d Mass. Inf...... Mus. 72 Mass. Boston Murphy, James ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 65 Mass. Boston Murphy, Martin V ...... I{. 26th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 Mass. Wrentham Myers, Christopher ...... C, 25th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 Germany Maynard Newhall, Charles A ...... K, 19th Mass. Inf...... P. 74 Mass. Saugus F, 11th Mich. Cav. and .. Ney, Charles F ...... j Vet. Res. Corps ...... } P. 66 Mass. Worcester Noe, Joseph ...... C. 15th and D,2d N.J. Inf P. 75 Mass. Boston Nolan, Patrick ...... G, 28th Mass. lnf...... P. 86 Ireland Belmont Norris, George M ...... B, 24th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 78 Mass. Cambridge G, 49th Mass. Inf...... Noyes, Dana W ...... { M, 13th N.Y. H.A ...... Sergt. 71 Mass. Williamstown G, 27th Mass. Inf...... l Nutting, Freeman E .... { 19th Vet. Res. Corps .... } Corp. 71 Mass. Florence O'Brien, George ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 70 Mass. East Boston O'Brien, Dennis ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 63 Mass. Boston O'Connor, Robert ...... 18th Mass. Inf. Unatt'd. P. 62 Ireland Boston ::;:~ O'Donnell, John . . . , ...... A, 57th Mass. Inf...... Sergt. 67 frelaud West Medway Ogden, James ...... D, 40th Mass. Inf...... P. 76 England Chelsea Orcutt, John C ...... A, 20th Mass. Inf...... P. 77 Mass. Melrose Ormond, Joseph H ...... A, 22d Mass. Inf...... P. 71 Mass. Boston Paine, Charles F ...... B, 33d Mass. Inf...... P. 68 Mass. Taunton Palmer, John ...... C, 31st Mass. Inf ...... P. 62 Mass. Boston Palmer, Peter P ...... E, 19th Mass. Inf...... P. 62 England Melrose Parker, George T ...... G, 17th Mass. Inf...... P. 68 Md. Portsmouth,N .H. Parkhurst. Silas B ...... I. 7th Iowa Cav ...... P. 93 Mass. Milford Parrizo, Eubert J. alias Jos"J,h Rolle .... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 61 Canada Boston Partridge, An rew ...... 30th Unatt'd Mass. H.A. P. 77 Mass. Springfield Partridge, Edmund F ..•.. I, 45th Mass. Inf...... Mus. 64 Mass. Worcester Patch, Ebenezer M ...... A, 36th Mass. Inf. .•.... P. 63 Mass. Leominster Paul, Frank ...... F, 2d N.H. Inf...... P. 66 Canada Lancaster Peach, Lewis IL ...... 27th Unatt'd Mass. Inf. P. 72 Mass. Salem 25th N .H. Inf...... Pease, George H ...... { U.S. Navy ...... } P. 67 Maine Lynn Pecker, James ...... K , 5th N.H. Inf...... P. 69 Mass. Lynn Pedrick, John D ...... H , 10th N.H. Inf...... P. 61 N.H. Lowell I, 5th Mass. Inf...... Pedrick, Joseph W ...... { 16th Mass. L.A ...... } Corp. 65 Mass. Milford Peirce, Thurston W ...... 17th Unatt'd Mass. Inf .. P. 64 Mass. Lynn Peterson, Stephen S ...... Col. Middleton's Eng's. P. 72 Mass. Pettee, Charles A ...... F , 4th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Foxboro Pettingale, James K ...... 11th Mass. L.A ...... P. 71 Mass. Norwood M, 7th U.S. Inf., Phaneuf, Wilfred W .... . { SJ'anish War .•...... } P. 33 N.H. Boston Phelan, William, Jr...... G, 3 Mass. H.A ...... P. 77 Mass. Taunton Phelps, Oscar B ...... G, 57th Mass. Inf ...... P. 70 N.H. l Maynard Phillips, William L ...... U.S. Navy ...... P. 64 Mass. Boston [38] DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1909.

_ ___N_'_A_11 _1_E_.---- 1----s-·e_r_v_ic_e_.---- 1--R_a_n_k_·. __ Age. I Nativity. Admitted from pierce, William . . . ,.,, ... . 14th Mass. L.A ...... P. 72 England Boston poison, Alexander, Jr, ... . U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 66 Mass. Boston Porteous, William G. alias Wm. G. P . Jones U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 72 Mass. Fitchburg Powell, John D. N. R .... . 39th U.S. Col. Troops .. . Sergt. 76 Va. Boston U.S. Navy, powers, Patrick W ...... j Spanish War ...... Fireman 36 N'f'land Charlestown G, 44th Mass. Inf...... Corp. p 0 wers, Stephen A .. . , .. { L, 2d Mass. H.A, •...... Sergt. 68 Mass. Boston Pratt, Albert D ...... I{, 2d Mass. H.A...... P. 63 Mass. Brockton F, 1st Conn. H.A ...... Pratt, Frank D ...... { Vet. Res. Corps ...... P. 59 Mass. Brockton Pratt, John E ...... F, 35th Mass. Inf...... P. 75 Maine Boston Pray, Seth T. alias Charles Thompson U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 62 Mass. Quincy Prue, Peter ...... G, 2d Mass. H.A ...... P. 71 Canada Millbury Pye, John F .. ·.· ...... 4th Mass. Inf ...... P. 66 P.E.I. Boston Plummer. Edwm L ...... G, 1st N.H. H.A ...... P. 68 Mass. Haverhill E, 23d and 24th Unatt'd Pierce, William T ...... { Mass. Inf. : ...... P. 64 Mass. Brockton H, 20th Mass. Inf...... Quimby, John W ...... { C, 17th Mass. Inf...... P. 72 Mass. Haverhill Quinlan, Patrick ...... 12th Mass. L.A ...... Sergt. 70 Ireland Boston E, 5th and C, 39th Mass. Ramsdell, Emery W . ... { Inf ...... P. 79 Mass. Medford Ramsdell, William H .... . H , 21st Mass. Inf ...... P . 65 Mass. Lynn Ratigan, Edward ...... B, 51st Mass. Inf ...... P. 83 Ireland Worcester K , 1st Mass. Inf ...... Randall, Albert A ...... { I, 61st Mass. Inf...... P. 67 Mass. Boston Ravenot, Octave P. F .•... 75th Ill. Inf...... Surgeon 88 France Boston Redding, Joseph ...... U.S. Navy ...... Ord. Seaman 76 Mass. Boston Reed, Gustavus L. { B, 7th Mass. Inf ... ·.... . P. } alias George Leonard I, 2d Mass. Cav ...... Sergt. 73 Mass. New Bedford Reed, William H. alias Wm. H. McMichael D, 8th Mass. Inf...... P. 78 Maine Boston Richardson, Isaac C ...... B, 10th N.H. Inf...... P. 86 Vt. Melrose Riley, James. • ...... F, 30th Mass. Inf...... P. 67 Ireland Lowell Riley, John ...... •..... C, 24th Ind. Inf ...... P. 71 Mass. Boston Ritchie, James C ...... B, 30th Mass. Inf . •. ... . P. 64 N.H. Lowell Robbins, Charles H .... , .. F, 10th Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Mass. Greenfield A, 15th Mass. Inf...... Robbins, John M ...... { Vet. Res. Corps ...... P. 71 Mass. Leominster Roberts, Charles J ...... C, 132d Ill. Inf...... P. 62 Ill. Somerville Roberts, Martin W ...... G, 42d Mass. Inf .. . . •... P . 72 Maine Boston Roche, Michael...... G, 48th Mass. Inf...... P. 70 Ireland Waltham C, 4th Mass. Inf ...... Rogers, Andrew P ...... { F, U.S. Col. T ...... Lieut. 70 Mass. Warren F, 2d Vt. Inf...... Rollins, Elisha E ...... { General Service Corps .. . Corp. 68 Vt. Boston Royal, Dudley C ...... C, 24th Mass. Inf...... P. 83 Mass. Cambridge Rugg, Charles F ...... I, 1st U.S. Cav ...... P. 61 Mass. Worcester Rupert, Charles ...... H, 16th Mass. Inf ....•.. Lieut. 75 Mass. Boston Russell, James S ...... I, 57th Mass. Inf ...... P. 72 Mass. Lynn Rutter, Robert ...... U.S. Navy ...... P. 71 N.S. Chelsea Ryan, James ...... B, 24th Mass. Inf ...... P. 73 Mass. . Wareham Sackett, Austin D ...... C, 46th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Westfield Sackett, Henry A ...... U.S. Navy ...... Fireman 70 Mass. Holyoke Sampson, Albert P ...... U.S. Nav_y ...... Ensign 78 Mass. Bedford M, 3d lU. H.A ...... Sawyer, Albert ...... { E, 3d U.S.Art ...... P. 68 N.B. Framingham Sawyer, Isaac, Jr ...... U.S. Navy ...... M.M. 73 Mass. Boston Schomburg, Oscar ..•.... . E, 35th & 29th Mass. Inf. P. 63 Mass. Southbridge Schultz, Charles ...... C, 35th Mass. Inf...... P. 72 Mass. Plymouth Scotland, Samuel...... D, 1st U.S. Col. T ...... P. 68 Mass. Lynn Seabrook, Ansel...... L, 4th U.S. Cav ...... P. 78 Mass. Boston Sears, Joseph H ...... G, 6th Mass. Inf...... P. 72 Mass. Plymouth Sears, Joseph L ...... I{, 24th Mass. Inf...... P. 84 Canada Newton Segee, Charles W ...... I, 30th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 N.Y. Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Seldon, John A ...... B, 6th Mass. Inf...... P. 69 Conn. Bridgeport Shaw, Edwin J ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 70 Mass. Chelsea Sheldon, Hollis W ...... K, 4th Vt. Inf ...... Corp. 66 Vt. Winchendon Sheehan, William ...... E, 56th Mass. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Boston

l39J DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' HOME IN :11ASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1909. -- -. NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

Shields, William ...... E, 45th Mass. Inf ...... P. 67 Ireland Boston Shorey, Joel L ...... A, 16th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 69 Mass. Worcester B, 31st Mass. Inf ...... Simons. Luther A ...... j D, 2d Mass. H.A ...... l P. 77 Conn. Winsted, Conn. E, 3d Mass. Cav ...... Simpson, George F ... • • • 1 Vet. Res. Cor~s ...... P. 71 Mass. Medway Skelton, Warren A ...... K , 32d Mass. nf...... l P. 74 Mass. Boston Sloan, Charles 0 ...... 6th Mass. L.A ...... P. 76 Mass. Winthrop Small, Edwin E ...... K, 18th N.H. Inf...... P. 60 N.H. Dorchester Small, Owen ...... U.S. Navy ...... Ord. Seaman 64 Ireland Boston Smith, Adelbert ...... A, 20th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 70 N.Y. Attleboro Smith, Charles G ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 72 Mass. Vineyard Haven Smith, Daniel, Jr ...... G, 10th Mass. Inf...... P. 67 N.Y. Southbridge Smith, Eugene H ...... B, 137th Ohio Inf ...... Sergt. 67 Mass. Boston Smith, Francis B ...... I , 1st Mass. H.A ...... P. 62 Mass. Royalston di G, 12th Maine Inf...... Smith. Hendrick L ...... 1 B, 1st Mass. H.A ...... } P. 64 Maine Boston C, 48th N.Y. Inf...... Smith, John ...... 1 Vet. Res. Corps ...... l P. 70 Mass. New Bedford Smith, John I<...... I , 2d R.I. Inf...... P. 68 N.B. Boston Smith, John W ...... B, 11th Mass. Inf...... P. 65 Mass. Lowell U.S. Marine Corps, Smith, Joseph ...... j Spanish War ...... P. 49 Mass. Boston B, 7th Mass. Inf...... l Smith, Patrick ...... j Vet. Res. Corps ...... P. 78 Ireland Fall River Smith, Reuben ...... A, 3d Mass. Inf ...... l P. 73 Maine So. Weymouth Smith, Silas S ...... H, 29th Mass. Inf...... P. 71 Mass. Lynn Snell, Henry L ...... B, 42d Mass. Inf...... P. 81 Mass. West Medway Snow, Edgar ...... B, 2d Mass. Cav ...... P. 77 R.I. Boston D, 3d N.J. Inf...... Snyder, Andrew ...... i Vet. Res. Corps ...... l P. 75 N.J. Boston I, 1st Mass. Inf...... Spear, Beniai;run A.• • . • • 1 K, 57th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 70 Mass. Chelsea A, 8th Mass. Inf., l Spvfiord, ....;,~. L . • • • • • • j Spanish War ...... l P. 53 N.Y. Georgetown Staples, Charles B ...... F, 56th Mass. Inf...... P. 62 Mass. Bourne Stebbins, Justus ...... E, 36th Mass. Inf ...... P. 65 Mass. Bos~n Steele, Henry W ...... H, 47th Mass. lnf...... Sergt. 69 N.B. Boston Stetson, Charles M ...... I , 42d Mass. Inf...... P. 64 Mass. Boston Stevens, Charles I-I ...... U .S. Navy ...... 2d C. Fireman 76 Mass. Springfield Stevens, James II ...... H , 12th Mass. Inf ...... P. 78 Mass. Weymouth Stimpson. Edward A ...... C, 13th Mass. Inf...... P. 78 Mass. Boston Stocker, Edwin P ...... L, 4th Mass. II.A ...... P. 73 Mass. Saugus D, 27th Mass. Inf...... Storrs, Charles L ...... / E, 32d U.S. C.T ...... } P. 69 Mass. South Boston Stowell, Frank ...... G, 2d Mass. Cav ...... p 74 Vt. Boston Strickland, Erastus II ..... C, 37th Mass. Inf ...... P. 73 Conn. Waterbury ,Conn. Stumph, Joseph ...... A, 37th Mass. Inf...... P. 66 Mass. Boston Sweeting, Putnam I...... F, 24th Mass. Inf...... P. 75 Mass. Weymouth Sweetland, James E ...... A, 1st Mass. Cav ...... P. 61 Mass. Dana Swallow. Thomas J ...... A , 5th Mass. Inf ...... P. 60 Mass. Everett Taylor, Augustus ...... C, 1st Conn. II.A ...... P. 69 N.Y. Jamaica Plain F, 34th Mass. Inf...... Temple, Henry W ...... 1 A, 24th Mass. Inf...... l P. 67 Mass. Sunderland Thompson, Thomas ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 78 N.J. Chelsea Thomas, James ...... I-I, 19th Mass. Inf...... P . 69 Mass. Boston Thompson. George E .... . K, 49th Mass. Inf...... P . 74 Mass. Lynn Thompson. Joseph P ...... G, 33d Mass. Inf...... Lieut. 79 Mass. Lowell Thyne, Francis A ...... I{, 3d Iowa Inf...... P . 82 W. Indies Springfield Tierney, Michael alias M. M. Fitzpatrick I, 20th Maine Inf...... P. 67 Ireland Boston Tisdale, William ...... F, 5th Mass. Inf. .... , .. P. 79 Mass. Medford Todd, William H ...... E, 6th Vt. Inf ...... P. 62 Canada Boston B, 57th N.Y. Inf...... Tompkins, Charles L ... -1 L, 20th N.Y. Cav ...... l P. 64 Mass. Lynn Tracy, Abner ...... B, 3d N.Y. Inf...... P. 64 N.S. Lynn Tuck, Joseph ...... 15th U.S. Inf...... P . 62 Mass. Haverhill Turner, John ...... 4th Unatt'd Mass. Inf. .. P. 63 Mass. Springfield Tuttle, James S alias Jos. S. Smith.... U.S. Navy ...... Coal Heaver 64 N.H. Boston Van Blarcom, John ...... M, lat N.J. Cav...... Corp. 75 N.J . Malden Van Horn, Velette W ... . . D , 46th Mass. Inf ...... P. 67 Mass. Springfield 1401 DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1909.

NAME. Service. Rank. Age. Nativity. Admitted from

Varney, Edward D ...... 0, 32d Mass. Inf...... Sergt. 66 Mass. Gloucester Watson, Cyrus P ...... A, 32d Mass. Inf ...... P. 78 N.H. Boston Walker, Samuel...... G, 30th Maine Inf...... P. 63 Scotland Lowell Walsh John J ...... U.S. Navy ...... Ord. Seaman 78 Ireland Boston Warren, Edward J ...... A, 5th Mass. Inf...... P. 77 Mass. Salem L, 1st R.I. Gav ...... Warren, John E ...... j L, 1st N.H. Gav ...... ! P. 67 Mass. Boston Washburn, Edwin B ...... 19th Unatt'd Mass. Inf.. P. 73 Mass. Boston Waters, George E ...... B, 51st Mass. Inf...... P . 69 Mass. Worcester D , 13th Mass. Inf...... Watts, John iii ...... • .•\ F, 17th Mass. In ...... · corp. 73 Mass. Boston Webb, James ...... L , 3d R.I. H.A ...... l P. 77 Mass. Stoneham Webber, Daniel n!- ...... K, 9th Vt. Inf...... P . 71 Vt. Woburn Weeks. Roswell N ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 72 N.H. Winchendon B , 19th Mass. Inf...... Welch, John . . ••••···•. j K, 4th Mass. Inf...... l Sergt. 65 Mass. Charlestown Wells, George A ...... Salem Cadets ...... P. 71 Mass. Beverly E , 8th Mass. Inf...... West, William H .. . . • . -1 2d Unatt'd Gav ...... • P . 72 Mass. Salem Wheeler, Hiram E ...... F , 4th Mass. H.A ...... l P. 60 Mass. Holliston White, James ...... G, 52d N.Y. Inf...... Corp. 74 Ireland Cambridge White, Joseph F ...... 0, 6th Mass. Inf...... P . 76 England Hyde Park Whitman, Nathan B ...... 0, 1st Mass. H .A ...... P. 80 Mass. Dorchester Whitney, Isaac ...... I, 153d N.Y. Inf...... P. 70 Vt. Lowell Whitney, John T . W ...... I, 1st N.H. H.A ...... P. 86 N.H. Petersham, N.H. Whitney, Nathan ...... D , 2d Ill. L.A ...... P. 64 Maine Malden Whitney, Phineas ...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman 65 Mass. Boston E, 2d U.S. Art., Wilkinson, Richard H . . -1 Spanish War ...... l P. 35 Mass. Boston Williams, Charles H ... G, 2d N.H. Inf...... P. 67 Mass. Fitchburg Wilson, Stephen ...... U.S. Navy ...... 1st Class Boy 81 Va. Boston Wilson, Thomas ...... A, 117th U.S. C. Inf.. .. . P. 62 Mass. Lynn Winsor, Gershom 0 ...... 45th Mass. Inf...... 1st Lieut. 71 Mass. Boston F, 13th Conn. Inf...... Witter; Charles s...... i I{, 1st Conn. H.A ...... P. 73 Provi'nce R.l. Wood, Thomas ...... 1st U.S. Art ...... ! Mus. 79 W. Indies Chelsea r G, 1st Maine Inf...... Woodbury,Oh'!LrlesF .... l H, 30th Maine Inf ...... ! Corp. 67 Maine Quincy Woodbury, Robert A ..... K, 29th Maine Inf...... P. 60 Maine Lynn Wright, Archibald D ...... C, 15th Mass. Inf...... Sergt. 64 Scotland Roxbury Wyatt, William 0 ...... 3d Mass. H.A ...... P. 70 Mass. Boston 1st Maine Gav ...... Worthington, Alfred .... j D, 4th Mass. Gav ...... Farrier 70 Conn. North Attleboro York, Benjamin F ...... B, 36th Mass. Inf...... l P. 73 Mass. Melrose


NAME. Service. Rank. Admitted from Status

Adams, Paul ...... U.S. Navy ...... , .. . Seaman Cambridge Disch. June 14, 1909 Allen, Albert S ...... , . . . . D , 42d Mass. Inf...... P. Milford Disch. Mar. 19, 1909 Berry, Martin...... B, 19th Mass. Inf ...... P. Attleboro Disch. Mar. 10, 1909 Bell, Robert J ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman East Walpole Disch. Jan. 9, 1909 Batchelder Arthur H...... 19th Unatt'd Mass. Inf...... P. Worcester Disch. April 9, 1909 Cook, William P...... A, 1st Mass. Inf ...... , ...... P. Revere Disch. Aug. 25, 1908 Cummings, Everett...... G, 5th Mass. Inf ...... P. Malden Disch. May 20, 1909 Chesnut, Thomas...... Kand L , 2d U.S. Art ...... P. Charlestown Disch. April 24, 1909 Comrie, Alexander...... E, 34th Mass. Inf...... P . Worcester Disch. llfar. 12, 1909 Donovan, Charles J...... E, 45th Mass. Inf...... P. Lynn Disch. Oct. 21, 1908 Daily,.Robert ...... 9., 56th Mass. Inf ...... P. Fall River Disch. April 29, 1909 Dill, ueorge A...... u.S. Navy ...... Seaman Boston Disch. Jan. 1, 1909 Evans, Alvan A...... I, 8th Mass. Inf ...... , ...... Corp. Salem Disch. Oct. 18, 1908 Fabian, Frederick...... D, 2d Maine Inf ...... P . Cambridge Disch. Jan. 25, 1909 Friend, William S...... 9., 43d Mass. Inf...... P. Drop'd. Sept. 18, 1908 Fitzsimmons, Patrick...... 1:1. , 2d Mass. H.A ...... P. ~ilf~~i Disch. Jan. 12, 1909 f/s, Gallagher, John...... I, 9th Mass. Inf ...... P. Boston Disch. April 25, 1909 1:-..:l Galvin, Joseph F...... G, 7th U.S. Art., Spanish War ...... P. Lowell Disch. Oct. 26, 1908 Goode, Robert...... K, 1st Mass. Inf...... P. Chelsea Disch. Oct. 25. 1908 Hoare, John J ...... E, U.S. Dragoons ...... P. Cambridgeport Drop'd, June 30, 1909 Kendall , Edward...... C, 13th Mass. Inf...... P. Chelsea Disch. Mar. 23, 1909 Kenney, James F ...... E, 7th Ill. Inf ...... •...... P. Boston Disch. Mar. 12, 1909 Kelley, Edward...... U.S. Navy ...... Landsman Lowell Disch. June 9, 1909 Lord, John G ...... I , 23d Mass. Inf ...... Corp. Boston Disch. June 18. 1909 Murphy, Frank...... H, 12th U.S. Inf...... P. Boston Drop'd, April 24, 1904 McPhee, Peter...... I{, 5th Mass., Inf., Spanish War ...... P. West Newton Disch. July 20. 1908 Morrill, Albert...... C. 48th Mass., Inf...... P. Amesbury Disch. Dec. 3, 1908 Maire, Wallace R...... U.S. Navy ...... Yeoman Brighton Disch. May 6, 1909 Murray, James...... 6th Mass. L.A ...... P. Boston Drop'd, April 4, 1909 Merriam, John Q. A...... E, 10th Mass. Inf ...... •...... P . Dana Disch. April 19, 1909 Pierce, David R ...... B, 15th Mass. Inf ...... P. Taunton Disch. June 9, 1909 Robbins, Charles W...... E, 1st R.I. Art ...... P. Boston Disch. June 9, 1909 Reed, Robert E ...... U.S. Navy ...... M.M. Chelsea Disch. May 16. 1909 Sullivan, Jeremiah ...... I, 3d Mass. Gav ...... P. Boston Disch. Oct. 5, 1908 Tinkham, William IL ...... A , 3d Mass. Inf ...... P. Milford, Conn. Disch. April 1. 1909 Turnbull, George S...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman Boston Disch. June 8, 1909 Warrillow, William ...... E, 10th Mass. Inf ...... P. Boston Drop'd, Nov. 13, 1908 Webber, Timothy R...... I{, 40th Mass. Inf ...... P . Lynn Disch. Aug. 11, 1908 Worthen, William E...... 10th U.S. Signal Corps ...... P . Revere Disch. June 2, 1909 Washer, George...... A, 28th Mass. Inf ...... P. New York Disch. Dec. 5, 1908 43

SUBSISTENCE GENERAL DIN ING-HALL. Bill of Fare for the Week ending June 26, 1909. SUNDAY, June 20. Breakfast: Baked beans, pork, brown bread, horseradish, catsup, Graham and white bread, coffee, tea. Dinner: Roast stuffed veal, stewed corn, cucumbers, steamed potatoes, rhubarb pie, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Cheese, tea cake, Graham and white bread, butter, tea.

MONDAY, J une 21. Breakfast: Hot corn cake, egg-o-see, milk and sugar, scrambled eggs, bread, tea, coffee. Dinner: Veal broth with vegetables, boiled rice, bread pudding and sauce, Graham and white bread, tea, coffee. Supper: Head cheese, spice cake, Graham and white· bread, butter, tea.

TUESDAY, J une 22. Breakfast: Chipped beef and cream, rolled oats, milk, sugar, baked and fried potatoes, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner: Irish stew and dumplings, pickles, catsup, tapioca pudding, bread, tea, coffee. Supper: Sugar cakes, apple sauce, bread, butter, tea, coffee.

WEDNESDAY, June 23. Breakfast: Baked beans, pork, brown bread, catsup, bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Boiled salmon, pickled beets, creamed onions, stewed potatoes, bread pudding, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Parker House rolls, stewed prunes, bread, butter, tea.

THURSDAY, June 24. Breakfast: Rolled oats, mill,, sugar, fried Indian pudding, syrup, bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: boiled dinner, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Tea cakes, apricots, bread, butter, tea.

FRIDAY, June 25. Breakfast: Hot griddlecakes, syrup, fillet de sole, pickles, catsup, fried potatoes, bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Clam chowder, crackers, pickles, plum pudding and sauce, bread, tea, coffee. Supper: Evaporated peaches, spice cake, bread, butter, tea.

'SATURDAY, June 26. Breakfast: Corn meal mush, syrup, milk, sugar, corned beef hash, catsup, bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Baked frankfurts, gravy, steamed corn, potatoes, cornstarch, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Gingerbread, canned pears, bread, butter, tea. 44

SUNDAY SER VICES 1908. July 5. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 12. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 19. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 26. Chaplain, R ev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home Aug. 2. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 9. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 16 Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soliders' Home 23. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 30. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home Sept. 6. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 13. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 20. Father Burke ...... Saxonville 27. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home Oct. 4. Chaplain, R ev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 11. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 18. Salvation Army ...... Chelsea 25. Chaplain, R ev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home Nov. 1. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 8. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 15. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 22. Rev. Edward W. Virfn...... Medfield 29. Chaplain, R ev. Josep F. Lovering Soldiers' Home Dec. fi. Rev. Edward B. Young Chelsea 13. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 20. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 28. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F Lovering Soldiers' Home

1909. Jan. 10. R ev. H enry E. Barnes, Dept. Chaplain G.A.R. . . Brookline 17. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 24. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 31. Rev. Francis L. Beals . . . . . Beachmont Feb. 7. Salvation Army ...... Chelsea 9. Rev. William and Mrs. Asher . . . . New York 14. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 18. Rev. William and Mrs. Asher . . . .. New York 21. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 23. Rev. H. W. Stough ...... Wheaton, Ill. 27. David J. Rainey ...... New York 28. Rev. P . S. McGregor ...... Nova Scotia March 7. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 10. David R. Rainey. . . . . New York 14. Rev. W. G. Nelson . Dorchester 21. Rev. Edward B. Young ... Chelsea 28. James J. Dunlap Roxbury April 4. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 11. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 18. J. B. Lewis Post 113, G.A.R. . Boston 25. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering . Soldiers' Home 45

May 2. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 9. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 16. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home 23 . R ev. T. J . Zell ...... Boston 30. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph F. Lovering Soldiers' Home June 6. Father Murphy . . . . South Boston 13. R ev. H. L. Torbet . . . . . Revere 20. Rev. Charles N. Thorp . . . Chelsea 27. Rev. B. R. Bulkeley . . .. Beverly Mid-Week Evening Prayer Meeting by Rev. Joseph F. Lovering, Chaplain. Sunday Evenings, Rev. Joseph F . Lovering, Supt. Charles E . H apgood. First Baptist Church Bible Class, Chelsea, and Mrs. Charles Kibbie, Chelsea.

ENTERTAINMENTS 1908 July 27. Waltham Watch Company Band Waltham 29. Ladies of Veteran Navy Association .. Salem Aug. 11. Band Concert, Post 68 G.A.R. . Dorchester 18. Band Concert, Post 15 G.A.R. Boston 19. W.R.C. No. 42, Ice Cream and Cake Ipswich 19. W.R.C. No. 42, Entertainment. Ipswich Sept. 2. W .R.C. No. 29, Cake and Fruit . Lynn 2. W .R.C. No. 29, Entertainment. . . . Lynn 7. Fireman's Foo Foo Band . . . East Boston 10. W .R.C. No. 93, Entertainment ...... Beverly 10. Ladies' Aid Association, Entertainment . . Boston 17. Mabel Favor Angeloty, Concert ...... Winthrop 23. Sons of Veterans, Auxiliary No. 79, Entertainment .. Melrose 25. W .R.C. No. 102, Entertainment . Weymouth Oct. 8. W .R.C. No. 50, Visit ...... P eabody 9. Father Bodfish, Lecture ...... Boston 13. Martha Washington Circle, Entertainment . ... Lynn 17. Hayden Trio, Concert ...... No. Cambridge 19. W.R.C. No. 46, Fruit ...... Saugus 19. W.R.C., Entertainment ...... Saugus 20. Mrs. Fanny C. Allynn, L.A. Association Boston 27. C. F. Ellis, Lecture Chelsea Nov. 2. No License Rally ...... Chelsea 4. Dr. Dixwell, Entertainment . . . . Boston 6. W.R.C. No. 20, Entertainment. South Boston 16. W.R.C. No. 21, Entertainment. Somerville 17. W.R.C. No. 147, Confectionery Milton 17. W.R.C. No. 147, Entertainment . Milton 25. Gen. N. M. Curtis, Address .. New York Dec. 7. Mrs. Augusta K. Pettingill, L.A. Association, Entertainment, Everett 9. Ladies' Veteran Navy Association, Entertainment Salem 18. Miss Susie Smith, E ntertainment . . Dorchester 25. Moving Pictures ...... Soldiers' Home 31. George Colby, Entertainment ...... Somerville 46

1909 Jan. 8. · Mrs. W. H. Marden, Entertainment ...... Charlestown 15. Field and Forest Club, Entertainment ...... Boston Feb 2. Dance ...... Nurses of Soldiers' Home 4. Department Aides, vV.R.C., Entertainment . . . . Boston 11. Loyal Kitchen Orchestra, Concert ...... Charlestown 12. Department Daughters of Veterans, Entertainment. Boston 12. Memorial Lincoln Birthday, Addresses by Trustee Silas A. Barton ...... Waltham Superintendent Charles E. Hapgood ...... Soldiers' Home E. Nelson Farnham, Past Commander Camp 24, U.S.W. Veterans. 16. Commander-in-Chief G.A.R ., Henry M. Nevius . . New Jersey 26. Allen Murray, Entertainment ...... Chelsea March 2. Mrs. M. C. Blake, L.A. Association (Whist Party) Roxbury 8. Mrs. M. C. Blake, L.A. Association, Concert . . . Roxbury 22. Mrs. M. C. Blake, L.A. Association, Operetta Roxbury 24. Royal School of Elocution...... Boston 26. Mrs. M. C. Blake, L.A. Association (Whist Party) Roxbury 30. Sons of Veterans Auxiliary, Entertainment . Melrose April 8. W.R.C. No. 3, Entertainment . East Boston 15. W.R.C. No. 68, Entertainment. Dorchester 20. W.R.C. No. 29 (Whist Party) . . .. Lynn 20. W.R.C. No. 109, Entertainment . Brookline 27. Lizabeth Turner Tent 36, Daughters of Veterans Boston 30. Mrs. Nellie F. Libby, Mrs. Dorcas Lyman, L.A. Association, Entertainment ...... Boston May 6. J . B. Lewis Post 113 G.A.R., Entertainment Boston 10. W.R.C. No. 72, Entertainment ...... Milford 10. Post 156 G.A.R., Entertainment . . .. . Everett 13. J. B. Lewis Post 113 G.A.R., Entertainment Boston 17. Adjutant Richard R. Foster, Reminiscences of Gettysburg Campaign and battle ...... Soldiers' Home 18. Daughters of Veterans Tent 34, Calm and Ice Cream Everett 18. Daughters of Veterans Tent 34, Dance . . . Everett 19. W.R.C. No. 103, Entertainment Quincy 20. J.B. Lewis Post 113 G.A.R., Entertainment. Boston 24. W.R.C. No. 42, Entertainment Ipswich 24. J. B. Lewis Post 113 G.A.R., Entertainment Boston June 3. Ladies' Aid Association, Ice Cream and Cake Boston 3. Ladies' Aid Association, Entertainment Boston 11. Carrie Malcolm, Entertainment Malden 14. Daughters of Veterans Tent 34, Entertainment Everett 15. Ladies of the G.A.R. No. 23, John A. Andrew Circle Boston 18. W.R.C. No. 18, Cake and Strawberries . Dorchester 18. W.R.C. No. 18, Entertainment. . Dorchester 19. Carrie Malcolm, Entertainment ... . . Malden 22. Mary A. Landt, Entertainment · Hyde Park 25. W.R.C. No. 93, Entertainment .. . . . Beverly 26 . Fannie C. Allynn L.A. Association, Entertainment . Stoneham 47

NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS DONATED MASSACHUSETTS. Needham Chronicle...... Needham Adams Freeman ...... Adams Newburyport I tem ...... Newburyport American Stock Reeper ...... Boston ...... No. Adams Argus-Advocate ...... - .... E. Boston Old Colony Memorial. .•...... Plymouth Arlington Advocate ..... , ...... Arlington Our Dumb Animals ...... Boston A. B. C. Pathfinder ...... Boston , The (5 copies) ...... Boston Beacon, The ...... Boston Republican Standard ...... New Bedford Boston Budget, The ...... Boston ...... Revere Boston Ideas ...... Boston Rockland Independent ...... Rockland ...... Boston Saturday Evening Gazette ...... Boston Bryantville News .•...... • ...... Bryantville Sharon Advocate ...... Sharon Bulletin ...... No. Easton Shelburne Falls Messenger .. . . Shelburne Falls Brockton Enterprise ...... Brockton Somerville J ournal...... Somerville ...... Cambridge Southbridge H erald ...... Southbridge Cambridge Times ...... Cambridge Saturday Evening Observer .•••...... Salem Canton Journal ...... Can ton Springfield Union ...... Springfield Catholic Citizen ...... Chelsea Templeton Recorder ...... Templeton Chelsea Gazette ...... Chelsea Telegraph and Pioneer ...... Chelsea Cbronotype ...... Westboro The Waltham News ...... Waltham Courier ...... Winchendon T he Winchester Star ...... Winchester Cricket ...... Manchester The Attleboro Sun ...... Attleboro Daily Globe (5 copies) ...... Boston The Evening Chronicle ...... No. Attleboro Daily Herald (5 copies) ...... Boston The Guardian ...... Boston (By C. A. Campbell, Esq., Ipswich.) The Cape Ann News ...... Gloucester Dedham Transcript ...... Dedham The Dorchester Beacon ....•...... Boston Deerfield Valley Echo ...... Shelburne Falls The Valley Echo ...... •...... Westfield Every Other Sunday ...•...... Boston The Brockton Times ...... Brockton Evening Gazette ...... •...... Boston Universalist Leader ...... Boston Evening Mail ...... Malden Wakefield Daily Item .•.•..•...... Wakefield Enterprise and Journal...... Orange Warren Herald ...... Warren Fitchburg_Sent inel...... Fitchburg Wakefield Citizen and Banner ...... W akefield Foxboro Reporter ...... Foxboro Weymouth Gazette ...... W eymouth Framingham Tribune ...... So. Framingham Wellesley Courant ...... Wellesley Framingham Gazette ...... So. Framingham Whitman Times ...... Whitman Gazette ...... Haverhill Woburn Journal ...... Woburn Gazette ...... Greenfield Worcester Evening Post ...... Worcester Gardner Journal...... Gardner Worcester Telegram (Daily and Sunday), Herald of Life ...... Springfield Worcester Herald, News ...... Taunton H ealthy Home ...... Athol CALIFORN I A. Holyoke Daily Transcript ...... Holyoke The Veteran Enterprise, Sawtelle, Los Angeles Independent ...... Bridgewater CONNECTI CUT. Independent ...... Stoneham Thomaston Express ...... ••.. Thomaston Inquirer and '\firror ...... Nantucket Item, The ...... Boston DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Lexington Minute Man ...... Lexington Congressional R ecord ...... Washington Leominister Daily Enterprise . .... Leominster (By Senator H enry Cabot Lodge.) Lowell Dr1ily Mail ...... Lowell ILLINOIS. Lynn Evening News ...... Lynn The Progressive Thinker ...... Chicago Lynn Cit,, Item ...... Lynn NEW YORK. Morning Citizen ...... Beverly Converted Catholic ...... New York Medford Mercury ...... Medford The New Church Messenger ...... New York Medford Leader. . . Medford ...... Middlehoro NEW HAMPSHIRE, Milford Gazette ...... Milford The Fireman's Standard ...... Concord Marblehead Messenger ...... Marblehead PENNSVLVANIA. Natick Bulletin ...... Natick Valley Spirit ...... Chambersburg The general good health of the Home has continued through the las t year, and while the number of deaths has slightly increased over the previous year (103 against 94), the increase is only normal when the increasing age and disabilities of the members are considered. The question of intoxication at this Home has been quite a serious one o,Ying to the fact that there was no limit law in Chelsea the past year, which contained many saloons almost at our gates and offers many temptations to the members who are inclined to drink, otherwise we have reason to commend the members of the Home for • 48 their good behavior during the year that has passed. The members as a whole have conducted themselves properly, performing the duties assigned them faithfully, and conformed to the rules of the Home cheerfully. The passes have not been in any wise restricted, except to those in the hospital. The members receive their pensions in person, the Home having nothing to do with same, and every necessary want is provided every member of the Home besides. The most important work of the year has been the completion of the new hospital, which was occupied May 28, 1909, allowing the use of much needed room in the barracks for the acceptance of com­ rades who have been obliged to wait on account of the Home being filled. It is gratifying to know that none who, for the past score of years, have contributed in so many ways to aid us have become weary, but all respond with the same generosity as at first. I find nothing to recommend that will require any great additional expenditure the c_oming year, except the painting of the buildings and plumbing the part of main building formerly used as a hospital, which will need complete renovation before use as barracks. The Home has been honored the past year by visits from Inspector­ General N. M. Curtis; I wish to thank all who have so generously contributed, especially the Ladies' Aid Association, who in different ways have given the sum total of $656.43. The success of the Home has been due to the increased interest and energy on the part of the Board of Trustees, who in all cases have given their time to investigate and pass upon recommendations made by the Superintendent and have continued to faithfully dis­ charge their duties even at a sacrifice of their own business. To my officers and employees I extend my sincere thanks for services rendered in the various positions and untiring energy to faithfully discharge their duties. The maintenance of the Home has cost $280.83 per capita. The subsistence of the Home per day has cost $0.25 per capita. Very respectfully, CHARLES E. HAPGOOD, Superintendent. 49

Surgeon's 1Report

SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, CHELSEA, July 1, 1909. COL. CHARLES E. HAPGOOD, Superintendent Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts. Sir: I have the honor to submit the Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Medical Department of the Home for the year ending June 30, 1909.

STATISTICS Number of patients in hospital July 1, 1908 . 160 Number of employees in hospital July 1, 1908 1 Admitted during the year . . . . . 207 368 Number discharged during the year 105 Died in the hospital during the year 96 Patients in the hospital J une 30, 1909 166 Number employees in the hospital June 30, 1909 1 368 Total number of deaths in the Home 103 Daily average in t he hospital 162 Largest number in the hospital 173 Smallest number in the hospital 156 Number of cases treated as out-patients (each case counted once) 1,045 Total attendance at sick calls ...... 4,052 Number of different cases of diseases in hospital 840 Cases of pulmonary tuberculosis . . 17 Cases different forms of paralysis . . 61 Cases different forms of heart disease 93 Number totally blind . . . .. 12 Sent to insane hospitals . 5 Visitors as per hospi ta! register 6,169 50

Statement of Membership of Hospital, the Disabled in Barracks, and Attend- . ance at Sick-call by Months for the Year Ending June 30, 1909

In Hos_pital Admitted Total Daily Aver- 1 Members :VIONTH. First Day I during the ICared for in I age in Treated at I of Month. · Month. Hospital. Hospital. Sick-call.

July. . -- ...... 161 16 177 162 328 August ...... 165 12 177 163 340 September ...... 161 19 180 163 276 October ...... 167 9 176 163 324 November ...... 164 13 177 165 312 December...... 165 12 177 163 325 J anuary...... 164 22 186 159 404 February...... 160 15 175 159 383

March ...... ~ . 161 26 187 161 376 April...... 165 22 160 160 393 May...... 161 18 179 161 362 June...... 165 22 187 168 229

Statement Showing the Number Cared for, Number of Deaths, and Percentage of Deaths in Hospital for Each Year Since the Home was Opened, July 25, 1882

~ ..... Q"'O" '+-

1883 102 21 20.59 1896 289 52 17.95 1884 79 13 16.38 1897 287 33 ll.05 1885 74 19 25.67 1898 288 52 18.06 1 86 68 13 19.12 1899 304 68 22.37 1887 103 20 19.42 1900 296 48 16 22 1888 132 20 15.15 1901 337 74 21.96 1889 134 29 21.65 1902 305 66 21.64 1890 157 17 10.83 1903 348 81 23.27 1891 200 31 15.5 1904 346 85 - 24.56 1892 214 30 14.02 1905 383 89 23.23 1893 232 43 18.1 1906 330 93 28.18 1894 253 42 16.6 1907 338 90 26.62 1895 236 39 16.52 1908 351 93 26.49 1909 367 96 26. 16 51

The Following Table Shows the Work of the Hospital since the Home was Organized

.!<""' ~§ ..,"' 0. "O i~ "d ,=;.., ..:-~>" <.o "'... :I1 ~ E-;

1883...... 21 79 21 23 ...... ' ... 1884 ...... 21 55 13 24 ...... 1885 ...... 20 50 19 19 ...... 1886...... 22 49 13 24 68 1887 ...... 40 79 20 36 103 1888 ...... 37 96 20 51 132 1889 ...... 50 86 29 40 137 1890 ...... 51 117 17 46 157 1891 ...... 42 154 32 58 200 1892 ...... 50 156 30 49 214 1893...... ' .. 55 183 45 59 232 1894 ...... 68 194 43 68 253 1895 ...... 73.50 169 39 78 237 1896. . . . ' ...... 73.40 211 52 78 289 1897 ...... 86.50 209 33 70 287 1898 ...... 91.46 216 55 87 286 1899 ...... 9833 214 68 91 301 1900...... I 99.47 202 48 115 293 1901...... 119 222 76 123 337 1902 ...... 118 182 68 120 305 1903 ...... 120.50 228 82 125 348 1904 ...... 125 221 85 136 346 1905 ...... 142 247 89 148 383 1906...... 147 182 93 152 330 1907 ...... 153 186 90 159 339 1908 ...... 157.50 192 93 160 351 1909...... 162 207 96 167 367

DISEASES Diseases treated in the · out-patient department are not included Diseas~s. No. of Cases. Diseases. No. of Cases. Abscess 5 Asthma 6 Actenomycosis 1 Bed sores 12 Alcoholism . 4 Blindness . 12 Anemia, chronic 20 Bronchitis, acute 12 Anchylosis . 4 Bronchitis, chronic 5 AphaEia 3 Cancer 8 Apoplexy 14 Cataract . 24 Arterio-sclerosis . . 40 Catarrh 20 Arthriti ,, chronic rheumatic IO Convulsions, epileptic 7 Arthriti-, deform ans 3 Con j uncti vi tis 22 Ascites 3 Constipation, chronic 60 52

Diseases. No. of Cases. Diseases. No. of Cases. Cystitis, acute 14 Morphinism 3 Cystitis, chronic 18 Mental weakness 58 Deafness 21 Nephritis . 38 Debility, senile . . 43 Neuralgia . . . 4 Dementia, chronic. 43 Neuritis . . . . 2 Diabetes mellitus . 6 Obesity . . . . 3 Dyspepsia, chronic 33 Operations . . . 2 Eczema . 5 Paralysis agitans 5 Epilepsy . 7 Paraplegia . . . 2 Fractures 2 Pleurisy . . . . 4 Gangrene 1 Pneumonia . . 38 Glaucoma ... 1 Prostatic hypertrophy . . . . 38 Gastritis, acute . 3 Rheumatism, chronic articular 18 H emiplegia 42 Rheumatism , muscular 10 H eart disease . 93 R etention urine 12 H emorrhoids . . 12 Septicremia . . . . . 4 H ernia .. .. . 37 Synovitis, chronic 3 Hydrocele .. . 2 Syphilis . . . 2 Incontinence urine 21 Tuberculosis, pulmonary . 17 Insanity . . ... 12 Tuberculosis, other forms 3 Locomotor ataxia . 9 Ulcers. . . . 10 Lumbago . .. . 20 Varicose veins . . . . . 11 Malaria .. . . . 5 53


SUNDAY. Breakfast: Egg-o-see, milk, sugar, Graham bread, white bread, coffee, tea, baked beans, pork, brown bread, horseradish, ketchup. Dinner: Cold boiled ham, stewed corn, pickles, steamed potatoes, apple pie, Graham bread, white bread, butter, milk, coffee, tea. Supper: Oatmeal, milk, sugar, stewed plums, tea cake, Graham bread, white bread, butter, tea. MONDAY. Breakfast: Generous orders hot corn cake, egg-o-see, milk, sugar, scrambled eggs, baked potatoes, Graham bread, white bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Tomato soup with rice and croutons, steamed suet pudding with sauce, crackers, Graham bread, white bread, butter, milk, coffee, tea. Supper: Rolled oats, milk, sugar, head cheese, spiced cake, Graham bread, white bread, butter, tea. T UESDAY. Breakfast: Oatmeal, milk, sugar, chipped beef with Graham bread, pickles, white bread, baked potatoes, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Mutton stew with dumplings, Graham and white bread, pickles and ketchup, crackers, butter, bread and butter pudding with sauce, milk, coffee, tea. Supper: Corn meal mush with milk and sugar, pear sauce, tea cake, Graham and white bread, butter and tea.

WEDN ESDAY. Breakfast: Rolled oats, milk and sugar, horseradish, ketchup, baked beans, pork and brown bread, Graham and white bread, butter, tea, coffee. Dinner: Corned salmon and drawn butter, steamed potatoes, pickled beets and creamed onions, cornstarch pudding with sauce, Graham and white bread, butter, coffee, tea. Supper: Oatmeal, milk and sugar, doughnuts and cheese, apple sauce, Graham and white bread, butter, tea. THURSDAY. Breakfast: Egg-o-see, milk and sugar, fish cakes, pickles, ketchup, Graham and white bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Beef, clear soup with vegetables and barley, macaroni Neapolitaine, bread pudding with fruit sauce, Graham and white bread, butter, milk, coffee, tea. Supper: Milk toast, rolled oats, milk, sugar, prune sauce, sugar cake, Graham and white bread, butter, tea, syrup.

FRIDAY. Breakfast: Boiled rice, milk, sugar, syrup, fried codfish, pickles, ketchup, steamed potatoes, Graham and white bread, butter, coffee, tea. Dinner: Oyster chowder, crackers, pickles, cabinet pudding with sauce, Graham and white bread, butter, tea, coffee, milk. Supper: Hasty pudding, milk, sugar, peach sauce, spice cake, Graham and white bread, butter, tea SATURDAY. Breakfast: Oatmeal, milk, sugar, corn beef hash, pickles, ketchup, Graham and white bread, butter, tea, coffee. Dinner: Haricot of mutton, dumpling, pickles, ketchup, boiled rice pudding, Graham and white bread, butter, milk, coffee, tea. Supper: Milk toast, rolled oats, milk, sugar, apricot sauce, Graham and white bread, butter, tea. Statement of Deaths occurring in the Hospital During the Year, with Date of Admission to the Home and Hospital, and Date of Death with Cause

NAME. Admitted to Adm.itte~ to I Date of Death. -I CAUSE OF DEATH. No. I I~! I the Home. the Hospital. 1 Horace F. Packard ...... 66 June 18, 1908 June 18, 1908 July 1, 1908 Pneumonia 2 Robert McLennon ...... 67 May 26, 1908 June 27, 1908 July 24, 1908 Cystitis 3 Samuel W. Place ...... 69 July 4, 1903 July 20, 1908 July 25, 1908 Nephritis 4 Ebenezer F. Roberts ...... 70 Feb. 3, 1906 July 27, 1908 July 27, 1908 Heart Disease 5 Francis E. Cook ...... 83 Oct. 13, 1905 Oct. 13, 1905 Aug. 2, 1908 Senility 6 Moses C. French ...... 66 Nov. 14, 1903 July 16, 1908 Aug. 9, 1908 Cancer 7 John T. Smith ...... 67 Dec. 18, 1902 July 27, 1908 Aug. 10, 1908 Hemorrhage 8 John C. W. T. M. Sherwin .... .86 Sept. 8, 1906 Sept. 8, 1906 Aug. 12, 1908 Pneumonia 9 Daniel D. Bates ...... 75 June 14, 1905 Aug. 17, 1908 Aug. 17, 1908 Gastro-Enteritis 10 Spencer L. Brooks ...... 72 Dec. 31, 1906 Dec. 31, 1906 Aug. 18, 1908 Apoplexy 11 Michael McCaffrey ...... 69 June 14, 1905 Aug. 17, 1908 Aug. 24, 1908 Tuberculosis 12 Charles F. Dean ...... 75 Oct. 25, 1893 June 8, 1907 Aug. 24, 1908 Cancer 01 13 William Sullivan ...... 53 Apr. 22, 1908 Apr. 22, 1908 Aug. 28, 1908 Nephritis >I>- 14 Eli Barrett ...... 73 Feb. 20, 1907 Feb. 20, 1907 Aug. 28, 1908 Nephritis 15 Seth Morrison ...... 79 Apr. 18, 1894 June 8, 1908 Sept. 3, 1908 Hemiplegia 16 Moses W. Greenlaw ...... 78 Jan. 3, 1900 Jan. 3, 1900 Sept.22, 1908 Heart Disease 17 William W. Knowlton ...... 67 Apr. 6, 1908 Apr. 6, 1908 Sept. 27, 1908 Heart Disease 18 Charles M. Bent ...... 70 Jan. 29, 1901 Aug. 21, 1905 Oct. 3, 1908 Heart Disease 19 George B. Hicks ...... 78 May 5, 1908 May 5, 1908 Oct. 5, 1908 Hemiplegia 20 Moses E. Angell ...... 69 June 13, 1908 Aug. 8, 1908 Oct. 6, 1908 Senile Asthenia 21 George Gooding ...... 88 May 10, 1901 May 10, 1901 Oct. 7, 1908 Erysipelas 22 Baxter I. Wiley ...... 66 Nov. 20, 1907 Nov. 20, 1907 Oct. 16, 1908 Hepatitis 23 Nathan S. Hudson ...... 70 Sept. 10, 1908 Sept. 10, 1908 Oct. 25, 1908 Cancer 24 John Glennon ...... 65 July 13, 1908 July 13, 1908 Nov. 1, 1908 Cancer 25 Aaron Bradshaw ...... 75 Dec. 11 , 1903 Dec. 11 , 1903 Nov. 3, 1908 Heart Disease 26 Michael Fitzgerald ...... 75 Oct. 22, 1898 Oct. 11 , 1908 Nov. 6, 1908 Tuberculosis 27 Clement F. H arrington ...... 63 Nov. 8, 1908 Nov. 8, 1908 Nov. 10, 1908 Nephritis 28 William H. S. Kimball ...... 67 May 8, 1907 May 8, 1907 Nov. 13, 1908 Nephritis 29 George N. B. Thomas ...... 65 Feb. 7, 1908 Feb. 7, 1908 Nov. 14, 1908 Nephritis 30 Augustus M. Howe ...... 74 June 25, 1908 June 25, 1908 Nov. 19, 1908 Apoplexy 31 Edward A. Bingham ...... 58 Oct. 5, 1908 Oct. 5, 1908 Nov. 19, 1908 Heart Disease 32 Louis Munroe ...... 70 Oct. 6, 1904 Dec. 2, 1908 Dec. 8, 1908 Nephritis STATEMENT OF DEATHS-Continued

Admitted to Admit ted to I Date of Death. I CAUSE OF DEATH. No. I NAME. I!! I the Home. the Hospital. 33 Thomas J. Ware ...... 77 Oct. 15, 1908 Oct. 15, 1908 Dec. 9, 1908 Heart Disease 34 George B. Tinkham ...... 74 July 3, 1903 July 3, 1903 Dec. 13, 1908 Paralysis Agitans 35 Henry H. Brady ...... 77 Oct. 1, 1908 Nov. 4, 1908 Dec. 16, 1908 Cancer 36 Solomon L . Hawes ...... 73 Sept.23, 1908 Sept.23, 1908 Dec. 29, 1908 Pneumonia 37 Joseph H . Miles ...... 74 July 2, 1906 July 2, 1906 Jan. 1, 1909 Heart Disease 38 James C. Phillips, Jr ...... 70 Aug. 15, 1908 Aug. 15, 1908 Jan. 2,1909 Hemiplegia 39 Addison J. Williams ...... 76 May 7, 1904 Nov. 28~ 1908 Jan. 4, 1909 Dementia 40 Hanson Craddock ...... 32 Jan. 8, 1907 Jan. 8, 1907 Jan. 4, 1909 Locomotor Ataxia 41 Robert Hoffman ...... 74 Oct. 4, 1907 Oct. 4, 1907 'Jan. 5, 1909 Heart Disease 42 Thomas Newton ...... 78 Dec. 19, 1906 Dec. 19, 1906 J an. 5, 1909 Heart Disease 43 Danforth L . Converse ...... ,68 Feb. 2, 1904 Mar. 3, 1908 ...... Unknown Jan. 10, 1909 Pneumonia 44 William L . Battis ...... 75 J an . 29, 1904 J an. 29, 1904 C.n 45 George Bradley ...... 79 Apr. 20, 1904 Apr. 20, 1904 Jan. 11 , 1909 Apoplexy C.n 46 Henry W. Butler ...... 75 Jan. 27, 1908 Jan. 27, 1908 Jan. 12, 1909 Uremia 47 Edwin Peirce ...... 82 Nov. 9, 1908 Nov. 11 , 1908 Jan. 17, 1909 Heart Disease 48 Thaddeus Churchill...... 85 Jan. 10, 1905 Jan . 4, 1909 Jan. 17, 1909 Septic Knee 49 Charles H . Barton ...... 71 Sept.25, 1908 Sept. 25, 1908 Jan. 22, 1909 Cancer 50 James S'. Crummer ...... 65 May 7, 1908 May 7, 1908 Jan. 24, UJ09 Nephritis 51 Levi K. Congdon ...... 63 May 21, 1907 May 21 , 1907 Jan. 26, 1909 Rheumatism 52 Oliver Bickmore ...... 79 Jan. 9, 1909 Jan. 9, 1909 Jan. 31, 1909 Pneumonia 53 Dwight L . Haynes ...... 81 Jan. 30, 1909 Jan. 30, 1909 Feb. 7, 1909 Pneumonia 54 George H. Pike ...... 80 Dec. 28, 1908 Dec. 28, 1908 Feb. 8, 1909 Hemiplegia 55 Philip Purcell ...... 73 Apr. 28, 1905 Apr. 28, 1905 Feb. 9, 1909 Tuberculosis 56 John W . Allen ...... 69 Jan. 21 , 1909 Jan. 21 , 1909 Feb. 10, 1909 Tuberculosis 57 Conrad Schiebel...... 73 July 6, 1906 Feb. 4, 1909 Feb. 13, 1909 Pneumonia 58 Charles 0. Scott ...... 63 July 9, 1908 July 9, 1908 Feb. 16, 1909 Nephritis 59 Isaac M. Woodworth ...... 71 Feb. 12, 1909 Feb. 12, 1909 Feb. 19, 1909 Suicide 60 Frederick A. Hunter ...... 72 J an. 30, 1909 Jan. 30, 1909 Feb. 21 , 1909 Tuberculosis 61 William J. Thompson ...... 71 F eb. 2, 1904 May 1, 1907 F eb. 26, 1909 Intestinal ObRt.ruction 62 William R. Barnard ...... 84 Dec. 2, 1906 Feb. 7, 1909 Mar. 2, 1909 Nephritis 63 Benjamin D. Foss ...... 73 Jan . 20, 1909 Jan. 20,!1909 Mar. 6, 1909 ~ stitis 64 Henry C. Norton ...... 66 Mar. 21, 1908 Feb. 12, 1909 Mar. 9, 1909 ephritis STATEMENT OF DEATHS-Continued

Admitted to NAME. Admitted to I Date of Death. I CAUSE OF DEATH. No.I I!~ I the Home. the Hospital. 65 Albert V. Goward ...... 66 Jan. 1, 1907 Oct. 22, 1908 Mar. 11 , 1909 Nephritis 66 Ira J. Osborne ...... 64 Nov. 7, 1908 Nov. 7, 1908 Mar. 12, 1909 Cystitis 67 Isaac R. Dillingham ...... 73 Feb. 8, 1907 Feb. 8, 1907 Mar. 13, 1909 Pneumonia 68 Samuel A. C. Atwood ...... 67 Feb. 19, 1909 Feb. 19, 1909 Mar. 13, 1909 Intestinal Hemorrhage 69 Matthew Boylan ...... 72 Oct. 5, 1904 Oct. 5, 1904 Mar. 14, 1909 Cancer 70 Samuel Craig ...... 74 June 15, 1907 June 15, 1907 Mar. 14, 1909 Gangrene 71 David Burke ...... 89 Jan. 5, 1909 Jan. 5, 1909 Mar. 15, 1909 Pneumonia 72 Peleg L .. Rankin ...... 75 Feb. 18, 1909 Feb. 18, 1909 Mar. 16, 1909 Gastric Hemorrhage 73 George S. Gunnison ...... 62 Mar. 17, 1909 Mar. 17, 1909 Mar. 20, 1909 Heart Disease 74 James Prime ...... 76 May 4, 1905 May 4, 1909 Mar. 22, 1909 Heart Disease 75 Thomas Finnegan ...... 74 Sept. 10, 1908 Sept. 10, 1908 Apr. 4, 1909 Cancer 76 William Quirk ...... 75 Mar. 19, 1909 Mar. 19, 1909 Apr. 5, 1909 Pneumonia 77 Daniel W. Stevens ...... 61 May 19, 1908 May 19, 1908 Apr. 7, 1909 Apoplexy c,, 78 Richard Dorre ...... 67 Mar. 16, 1909 Mar. 16, 1909 Apr. 7, 1909 Cancer 0, 79 Cornelius Daley ...... 81 Aug. 17, 1904 Apr. 9, 1909 Apr. 9, 1909 Heart Disease 80 George Farmer ...... 64 Feb. 12, 1909 Apr. 3, 1909 Apr. 11 , 1909 Pneumonia 81 George L. Morgan ...... 61 Mar. 24, 1909 Mar. 24, 1909 Apr. 14, 1909 Tuberculosis 82 Job Pickford ...... 69 .June 15, 1905 Jan . 9, 1909 Apr. 15, 1909 Suicide 83 John English ...... 62 Oct. 6, 1901 Apr. 13, 1909 Apr. 15, 1909 Heart Disease 84 Wells Aldrich ...... 78 Nov. 12, 1904 Nov. 12, 1904 Apr. 18, 1909 Heart Disease 85 John O'Neil...... 67 Mar. 7, 1904 Apr. 15, 1909 May 1, 1909 Tuberculosis 86 Charles H. Wilder ...... 67 July 29, 1903 July 29, 1903 May 12, 1909 Dementia 87 Henry F . Predel...... 75 Nov. 3, 1905 Nov. 3, 1905 May 22, 1909 Heart Disease 88 .John J. King ...... 68 Jan. 6, 1904 Jan. 19, 1909 May 28, 1909 Disease of Liver 89 Bernard A. McCue ...... 66 Dec. 12, 1908 Dec. 12, 1908 May 30, 1909 Pneumonia 90 George W. Baker ...... 67 May 27, 1909 May 27, 1909 June 1, 1909 Heart Disease 91 George H. Smith ...... 89 Sept. 17, 1906 Sept. 17, 1906 .June 6, 1909 Heart Disease 92 George Griswold ...... 74 Jan. 27, 1904 Jan. 27, 1904 .June 24, 1909 Cystitis 93 Andrew F. Anderson ...... 38 July 21 , 1908 July 21, 1908 .June 25, 1909 Tuberculosis 94 .John J. Callahan ...... 71 Jan. 2, 1901 May 26, 1909 June 25, 1909 Cystitis 95 George W. Sloan ...... 65 Nov. 6, 1908 Nov. 6, 1908 June 27, 1909 Hemiplegia 96 Charles Brady ...... 88 Feb. 13, 1908 Feb. 13, 1908 .June 28, 1909 Heart Disease 57

MORNING REPORT FOR JUNE 30, 1909. Total number beds 166 Total number beds vacant . . 10 Total number patients present 146 Total number patients present and absent 169 Total number patients on pass . . 10 Total number patients on furlough 13 Total number patients in bed . . . 19 Total number patients seriously ill 64 Total number patients dangerously ill 3 The above morning report of the hospital is about an average report since the occupation of the new building, May 27, 1909. The great event to us all the past year has been the completion of the new hospital. Every part of its construction has been watched "·ith great interest by the members of the Home, and I feel sure the verdict of those most interested is that we have been provided a beautiful home for our sick people. This building came none too soon. Our hospital quarters in the old building were becoming very much overcrowded and needed many repairs. When the new hospital was ready for us, we made the change from the old to the new building very quickly, it requiring only about two hours to put every patient into his new ward and into his own bed. This change, from bedrooms to wards, was a dis­ tinctive one, and some of the older men who had lived in one room for several years could hardly reconcile themselves to the new · conditions. Now, less than four months after the change, I doubt if there is a man who would desire to go back to the old regime. I am satisfied, after a fairly careful study of the hospital question, that there was no great mistake made in the planning of the new building, and that the Trustees have given us a first-class, up-to-date hospital. The concrete floors are proving their great worth. The ventilation of the new building, too, I consider of the very best. If there be any better ventilation in any other building, it has never been my good fortune to have seen it. I have no doubt the statement made when the system was installed, that the air in the building could be changed by the blowers in twenty minutes, was true. From 58 immediate experience, I know that without trouble we can keep the air pure and free from odors in the wards. fi Our carpenter made us fifty screens for use in the wards. By the use of these we are able to screen the beds when necessary from all outside interference. This gives, in a measure, the privacy of the old single rooms. Some ninety patients take their food from trays three times daily. Many of these men are unable to feed themselves, by reason of blindness, paralysis and various other causes. From fifty-five to seventy men are fed at the dining-table at each meal. There are over thirty men who use wheel chairs, and twenty get about on crutches. All these helpless men require attention, which makes much work for the helpers. I am more than pleased with my corps of nurses. They are well educated, well trained in their profession, and their past experience here with this class of patients makes them doubly valuable. They are here to care for our old soldiers, and when off duty their home should be made as pleasant as possible for them. As they are on duty from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. every day, Sundays included, they have none too many pleasures in life. I believe the nurses of this hospital should have a pleasant, attractive home furnished them. We have at present fourteen civilian nurses' helpers and eleven veteran helpers. The civilian help is not up to standard, but is improving. Our veterans do not do as good work as formerly. We have in the right place in this new building three beautiful rooms. In one of these rooms is a very large window giving excellent light. At present we are unable to use these rooms for the purpose for which they were intended because of the fact that there are no suitable fittings for them, such as sterilizer, operating table, instru­ ments, etc. The duties of my position have been made pleasant by the universal courtesy and kindness shown me by all my assistants. The purpose for which we are here, as I understand it,-the purpose for which all of the money that has been expended in the past and is to be expended in the future, -is to give our old, sick and infirm soldiers a good home; a home where they can come and be fed, clothed and cared for when ill. The State has built a beauti­ ful hospital, and we are h~re to see that its inmates are properly 59 treated when sick, that they have everything they need to make them comfortable, and that by kindness and attention these splendid old men shall be made as happy and contented as possible. There is one thing that I must insist upon: there must be nothing but pleasant words and kind treatment to all the inmates of this hospital. Nothing else will do. Respectfully your obedient servant, ROBERT A. BLOOD, M.D., Surgeon. 60

SoLDIERs' HOME rn ~: MAssACHUSETTS, CHELSEA, July 1, 1909. CoL. CHARLES E. HAP GOOD, Superintendent. Dear Sir: In the first place, that it may be all the more emphatic, I thank you for your sympathy and help. We may not have agreed in certain matters of detail, but they have been, for the most part, so unimportant that I do not recall them. You have had no reason to doubt my loyalty to our Home, and, so far as I know, you have shown me the consideration and respect which the office of Chaplain should have. A great deal of my work cannot be reported. Its worth can be known when the veil is rent and the items are seen in God's sunshine. The hospital has been visited every day - for many weeks, twice a day - with frequent but necessarily brief f'~rvice beside the sick and dying. With one exception there have been religious services in Peter Smith Hall every Sunday. During the months of July and August such services were held in the afternoon; on other Sundays in the afternoon and evening. The one exception was the first Sunday in August. On that day I was with you on your visit to Hope Chapel, Salisbury Beach, where you gave a notable address on the character and work of the Soldiers' Home. During the week of prayer there were meetings every afternoon or evening, with good attendance. It should also be stated that there have been mid-week prayer meetings since the beginning of 1909. The attendance has been small, averaging only nine, but a gathering of nine with God and for His worship is full as helpful for the Home as one hundred or more interested in other matters. 61

At the time the Chapman revival meetings were held in Boston we were visited by Rev. and Mrs. William Asher (Feb. 9 and 18), by Mr. David J. Raney of the Bowery Mission, New York (Feb. 27 and March 10), by Rev. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Stough, Wheaton, Ill. (Feb. 23), and by Rev. P. S. McGregor, Kingston, N.S. (Feb. 28). At the time of our Chelsea fire a little church at Salisbury Beach sent me a small sum of money to be given to those sufferers I deemed worthy, preference to be shown to those connected with our Home. October 26, 1908, Salisbury Beach was visited by a disastrous fire itself. The little church - Hope Chapel - was burned. It was deemed fitting that a contribution should be sent by us to those interested. The Home contributed in all $37.84. During the year we have been greatly helped by the Ladies' Aid Association. Mrs. Jennie A. Philbrick has been especially acceptable as pianist and, when needed, as soloist. Our cordial thanks are due to both. Throughout the year it has been impressed upon me that it is desirable that there should be, in connection with the Chaplain's work, a chapel, the use of which shall be under his exclusive control. In two respects a change for the better has been noticeable among the inmates of the Home. There has been more self-restraint in personal conduct and more reverence for the holy name of God - the Sustaining Infinite! Prayer is not mere form; it is life, and true life is worship. With respect, Very truly yol)rs, JOSEPH F. LOVERING, Chaplain. 62




MRS. LUE STUART WADSWORTH, 112 Huntington Avenue, Boston.




MRS. ELIZABETH A. SPRING, 31 Gainsborough Street, Boston.


MRS. LIZZIE C. CLAPP, 166 Columbus Avenue, Boston.


MRS. GEORGE T. PERKINS, 156 Huntington Avenue, Boston.


MRS. CHARLES E. PIERCE, 368 K Street, South Boston. 63

LIST OF NATIONAL HOMES PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS Hon. FRANKLIN MURPHY, New York Life Building, N.Y. CENTR.-lL National Military Home, Montgomery County, Ohio Col. J. B. THOMAS, Governor. . NORTHWESTERN BRANCH ... National Home, Milwaukee Co unty, Wisconsin Col. C. WHEELER, Governor. EASTERN BRA.,.'\fCH ...... National Horne, Tagus, Maine Col. JOHN T. RICHARDS, Governor. SOUTHERN BRANCH, National Soldiers' Home, E lizabeth City County, Virginia Col. T. T. K NOX , Governor. WESTERX BRAN'CH National Military Home, Leavenworth County, Kansas Col. S. G. COOKE , Governor. PACIFIC BRAXCH . . . Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles County, California Gen, 0. H. LAGRANGE, Governor. 1 l'..lARION BRANCH . . . National Military Home, Grant County, Indiana Col. GEo. W. STEELE, Governor. DANVILLE BRANCH ...... National Home, Danville, Illinois Col. I SAAC CLEMENTS , Governor. MOUNTAIX BRANCH Johnson City, T ennessee Col. JOHN P . SMITH , Governor. BATTLE ~IouxTAIN SANITARIU.\i ...... Hot Springs, South Dakota Col. E.T. WEST, Governor.

LIST OF STATE HOMES California, Col. H. G. Burton, Commandant, Napa County, Cal. Colorado, Col. C. S. Aldrich, Commandant, Monte Vista, Colo Connecticut, Capt. James N. Coe, Commandant. Noroton, Conn. Idaho, Capt. H . L. Chamberlain, Commandant, Boise, Idaho. Illinois, Capt. Wm. Somerville, Superintendent, Quincy, Ill. Indiana, Col. R. M. Smock, Commandant, La Fayette, Ind. Iowa, Col. Chas. C. Horton, Commandant, Marshalltown, Ia. Kansas, Col. S. H. Thomas, Commandant, Fort Dodge, Kan. Massachusetts, Col. Chas. E . Hapgood, Superintendent, Chelsea, Mass. " (Naval) Lieut. John Downs, Superintendent, Quincy, Mass. Michigan, Col. G. H . Turner, Commandant, Grand Rapids, Mich. Minnesota, Col. James Compton, Commandant, Minnehaha, Minn. ?tfissouri . Capt. G. D. Clark, Superintendent St. James, Mo. Montana, Columbia Falls. Mon. Neb1:\'ska, Louis A. Beltzer, Commandant, Grand Island, Neb. Capt. J. M. Fowler, Commandant, Milford, Neb. New Hampshire . Maj. Trickey, Commandant, Tilton, N.H. New ~rrsey . Maj. P eter F . Rogers, Superintendent, K earny, N.J. Capt. James Wanser, Commandant, Vineland, N.J. New York, Col. Joseph E. Ewell , Superintendent, Bath, N.Y. Sailors' Snug Harbor, Capt. George W. Browne, Agent, Nassau St., N .Y. City New York, Maj. P. J. O'Connor. Superintendent, Oxford, N.Y. North Dakota, Col. J . W. Carroll , Commandant Lisbon. N.D. Ohio, Gen. J . W. R. Cline, Superintendent, Sandusky, Ohio. Oregon. Maj. W. W . Elder, Commandant, Roseburg, Ore. Pennsylvania, Capt. S. If. Martin, Commandant, Erie, Pa. Rhode Island, Capt. Benj. L. Hall, Commandant, Bristol, R .I. South Dakota, Col. T. M. Goddard, Commandant, H ot Springs, S.D. Vermont, Col. Thomas Hannon, Superintendent, Bennington, Vt. Washington , Willes L. Ames, Commandant, Orting, Wash. Wisconsin, Col. J . H . Woodnorth, Superintendent, Waupaca. Wis. Wyoming, Capt. H . A. Smith, Buffalo. Wyo.