Nov. 2, 1883-0Ct. I9, 1900. In memoriam.

While this annual report was in process of publicatiou, death removed from the Board of Trustees our honored and beloved President,


CAPTAIN ADAMS was oue of the founders of the Home and worked euergetically for its establishment. Ou Nov. 2, 1883, he was unani­ mou~ly elected President of the Board, to fill the vacancy caused by tbe resignation of onr first President, Gen . Horace Binney Sargent. For seventeen years be discharged faithfully the duties of that arduous position, missing scarcely a meeting of the Board in all that time. Words are inadequate to express our appreciation of our clear friend and comrade. Ever faithful to every trust confided to him,

:able, :fl3ra\?e, lLo)2al, n:rue anb \Senial at all times anb unber all circumstances. 1be will be misseb at tbe Solbiers' 1bome.

Realizing the great loss we have sustained, we can in no better way cherish his memory, which will ever be dear to us, than by a faithful discharge of our duties as Trustees, keeping up the standard of the Home where he had placed it and making comfortable and happy those comrades who are under our care and protection.

GEO. S. EVANS, , MASS., Nov. 1, 1900. Secj'etaj'Y Boaj'd oj Tntstees. ttbe tttustees of tbe $olbtets' 1bonte in /m assacbusetts.

11 n memor~ of John (1;. 18. Rbams t

1J)resibent of tbe :fl3oarb,

1883 :::1 900.









The T1'ustees 01'dp.1'ed that thi~ tj'ibute be 1pl'ead upon the j'ec01'ds of the Board, and a copy sent to the family of Captain Adam.,. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT

















Thefollowing are [J1·ate.fully remembe1'ed by the inmates of the Home:-

Capt. Joseph B. Thomas, Boston, donation in 1881 of $10,000 O(} I Miss Elizabeth P. Sever, S::tlem, Mass., legacy, amounting, wi th ill terest, to 4,164 82 r I Mrs. Caroline M. Barnard, Everett, Mass., furnishing Cud­ worth Ward, in hOf'pital 3,000 00 HOll. J. 'VVarren Merrill, Cambridge, donation 1,000 00 Gen. Draper, Esq., Hopedale, Mass., per annum, since the opening of the Home up to time of death 100 00 William Montgomery, E~q" United States Hotel, Boston, annual donation up to time of death 100 00 Mrs. Lyman Tucker, Boston, Mass., a Soldier's Monument in Soldiers' Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, and legacy of . 2,000 00, Gen. William F. Draper, Hopedale, annual donation , . 100 00 Otis E. Weld, Boston, annual donation up to time of death 100 00 Mrs. Aun J. Baker, legacy . 300 00 Mrs. Joanna L. Merriam, legacy . 50 00 Capt. Gideon Skull Holmes, legacy 2,620 25 Mrs. Susan M. Weston, legacy. 250 00 Mass. Division Sons of Veterans, furnishing Dormitory in Sargent Hall 776 00 Department of Massachusetts "Toman's Relief Corps, fur­ nishing Dormitory in Sargellt Hall 750 00 :Moses Wildes, 2d, Cambridge, legacy 6,000 00 5


To THE Tl~USTEES OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME IN l\1:ASSACHUSETTS. Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit my eighteenth annual report. Accompanying this are the reports of the several officers of the Home, which are so perfect in every detail that very Ii ttle Jleed be added. Again we have been called upon to pay the last tribute of respect to two of our associates. Maj. Nelson F. Bond of Fitchburg, died July 25, 1899 He had been ill fo r several years but, regardless of that, had Jlever failed to attend t he meetings of the Board, nor to perform any duty required of 11im . He wa" a gall ant soldier, an earnest worl,er in the Grand Army of the Republic and an exemplary citizen. On Feb. 17,.1900, Maj. George S. Merrill passed to a higher life at his home ill Lawrence. No man was better known to the Union veterans in this State and the nation than Major Merrill. Since the close of the war he has been very active ill their behalf. He was a charter member and first Commander of Post 39, G.A.R., Department Commander in 1875, Commander-in-Chief in 1881, and for many years served as chairman of the National Committee on Pensions. His genial, kindly manner made him a lovable companion. He was strong in his convictions, and belie\'ing he was right, did not fail to battle for his principles to the elld, - a good citizen, a true comrade, a faithful friend. Let us ever cherish his memory and feel that it was a blessing to be associated officiall y with him. The death rate at the Home has not been so large as last yeal', yet the nurnber of patients in the hospital has increased; but I call your attentiOli particnlarly to the reports of the Superintendent and Surgeon in this respect. At tim es we have had as rnanyas one hundred and fifteen in the hospital, with mallY outside who daily responded to sick call. Visiting the Home in June I found that Dr. Starbird was seriously ol'el'worked and I feared, unless some assistance was given him, would break do;vn. After conferri ng with the Superi Iltelldent, the matter was laid before the Emergency Committee and it was decided to em ploy an assistant surgeon temporarily, until the meeting of the Board, vVe were very fortunate ill securing the services of Dr. Howard K. Gliddell, who has had hospital experience, and at the time of employment was House Surgeon in the Lynn hospital. I 1Lllderstand that his services have been "ery satisfactory and recommend that the office of Assistant Surgeon be made permanent. 6

In this connection I would call your attention to the importance of increased hospital accommodations. I am of the opinion that it would not be wise to erect additional buildings, but believe we should so arrange our present quarters as to make them more desirable for use. Some arrangements should be made in regard to accommodations for the female nurses. This force will undoubtedly be largely increased as years pass, and there are no satisfactory quarters for them in the hospital building. The finances of the Home are in a satisfactory condition. Last year we received five thousand dollars from the legacy bequeathed us by Moses Wildes, 2d, of Cambridge, and believing that we should ask for only sufficient money from the State to cover our actual expenses, at our suggestion the appropriation was reduced to thirty thousand dollars. By reason of the large number of sick cared for in the hospital and the extraordinary expenses which will occur in making the changes recom­ mended, it will be necessary to ask for thirty-five thousand dollars' the coming year. As in former years the Home has been excellently managed and the services of Captain and Mrs. Creasey, Surgeon Starbird, Adjutant Foster and the other officers merit our approbation. The conduct of the men has beeu good, and very few discharges have been made for violation of the rules. The laws that govern the National Homes are now applicable to State Homes. We receive an allowance from the govern­ ment, are inspected by government officials and make our reports to them. We are often confronted with men who receive their discharge at their own request, immediately applying for readmission and bringing the influence of prominent people to bear, in order to obtain it. The men should understand that they cannot be l'eceived in our Home until six months from the date of their discharge; neither can they be received in a National Home. Therefore, should consider well whethel' they are able to care for themselves for six months before asking for their dis charge. The pension rules are being observed with very little friction. Experience teaches me that they are wise and equitable, and the welfare of those dependent upon the pensionel's is advanced by the methods adopted. It is pleasant to note that the numbel' of visitors is constantly in­ creasing, showing that the intel'est in the veteran has not abated. The Home is open for inspection daily, Sundays excepted, and the Superin­ tendent is glad to welcome all who desire to visit it. Such visits are pleasant for the men, also beneficial to the visitors who can more clearly 7 understand the sacrifice and suffering of the men who followed the flag of the nation, and how highly their services are appreciated by the citi­ zens of our good old Commonwealth. None of our friends of former years have deserted' us, but all have contributed to the comfort of the meu. Maj. Lucius Slade, Superin­ tendent George E. McKay and Maj. Charles G. Davis, through whom tIle marketmen of Boston have for eighteen years responded to our call at Thanksgiving and Christmas, again furnished the Home with enough and to spare, for the two holidays named. The services at Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, ou Memorial Day were fittingly carried out by Gettysburg Post No. 191 of Boston, under the direction of the Ladies' Aid Association. This association has maintained its interest in the Home unabated and in very many ways has rendered service which could not be otherwise provided. They have been a blessing to us since the incorporation of our Board. They surely are, and I trust will ever conti nue to be what their name implies, an aid association. The Woman's Relief Corps have kept the rooms in their charge pro­ vided with everything that is required. The Sons of Veterans have cared for their dormitory, the Daughters of Veterans have rendered valuable assistance, and the Grand Army of the Republic, through its Department officers and various Posts and comrades, has given us loyal support. The people of the Commonwealth, through their representatives in the Legislature, have unanimously granted our appropriation, showing that they are in sympathy with the cause and have confidence in the management. To all these, in your name, I tender the sincere thanks of the Board of Trustees. I again extend to you, my associates, my gratitude for the assistance you have rendered. Our quarterly meetiugs have been well attended and the work of committees has been satisfactorily performed. Let us take up the duties of the coming year with renewed energy, looking carefully into every detail of management, frequently visit and inspect the Home and do all in our power to contribute to the comfort and happi­ ness of the men therein. Respectfully submitted,

President. 8


BOSTON, MASS., July 10, 19GO.

To TH~~ BOARD Oli' TRUSTEES OF THE SOLDIERS' HOM~; IN MASSACHUSETTS. Gentlemen: There is very little to report by the Secretary as to t he doings of the Board of Trustees during the past year. . Wbi1e the Board held its regular meetings and the attendance was generally good, the business transacted was mostly of a routine character, such as the readmission of members who were compelled to come before the Board because of their action at some previous time, and to settle any cases where there was a question as to the advisabili ty of a readmission. I am ]l appy to be able to state that even th is class of cases has dirni nished ve ry materially within the last year. The management of the Home has been of such a nature that there was very little required to be done by the Trustees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900. All matters of detail sublllitted by the Superintendent were taken up by t he Board a nd acted upon at its regular meetings. It is my painful duty to have to report the death during the year of two members of our Board. The first \Va!; Maj. Nelson F. Bond of Fitchburg, who died shortly after our last annual meeting. Major Hond, up to the time of his serious illness which culminated in his death, was a regular attendant at our meetings and deeply j n teresteu in t he welfare of the Home. The other death was that of 1\1 aj. George S. l\Ierrill of Lawrence, Mass, who was so well known to everybody (;0 11- ]Ieded with the Home, and the veteran organizations, that it does not ::wem necessary to elaborate on his good work in behalf of the Yeteran::; of the Civil 'iiVar. Both of these comrades were members of and promi­ nent in the Department of Massachusetts G.A.B.., alld their loss will be felt by all with whom they were associated, as it certain1.\' will be by the Board of Trustees of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts. The Governor of the Commonwealth appointed Comrade Silas A. Barton of vValtham, present Senior Vice Departm ent Com mander of the 9

Massachusetts G.A.R., to the vacancy caused by the death of Major Bond, and the Board of Trustees el ected Comrade J ohn E. Gilman of R oxbury, P ast Department Commander Massachusetts G.A.R., to fi ll the vacancy caused by the death of Major Merrill. Owing to the serious illness which came to me at the beginning of the last fis cal year, I was unable to give as much time and attention to the matters of the Home as I would have liked to; but as the result of my visits since my convalescence I feel that everything has been carried on in a very satisfactory manner and that we are to be co ngratu­ lated upon t he go(\d feelin g and unanimity that prevails among the officers and members of the Home. While th e admissions to the Home have been of less number t han the year precedin g, the work of the hospital has increased materially and I sincerely hope that some action will be tak en at this meeting to grant the relief asked for by the Superintendent and the Surgeon in their reports, which are submitted today. To the President and Trustees of the H ome, as well as to the Superi ntendent and those associated with him, I desire to tender my silJcere thanks for their kindly expressions during my illness, and to thallk Assistant Secretary Maccabe lor the valuable assistance rendered me while I was incapacitated from performing the duties of Secretary. Trusti[,g that the good work which has been going on in the H ome for the past few years may be continued in the future, and hoping for our best efforts in that line, this report is R espectfully submitted. GEO. S. EVANS, Secnta1"!J' 10


1'0 the Trustees of the Soldiers' Horne in Massachusetts.

Gentlernen: I have the honor to submit the following statement of tl)e receipts and expenditures of the Home from J uue 30, 1899, to July 1, 1900.

Balance on hand July 1, 1899 . $69,678 47 Receipts from various sources during the year 48,735 68 ---- ' $118,41415

Expended during the year, as per vouchers $78,173 27 Balauce in hands of Treasurer July 1, 1900 : Cash, deposited in the New E ngland Trust Co. . $35,840 88


Lom bard Investment Co., mortgage bond No. 042712 ...... ' 1200 00 Lombard Investment Co., murtgage bond No. 042497 . . 900 00 Mortgage on Cambridge property . . 2,300 00 4,400 00 40,240 88 $ 118,414 15 11


,FROM JUNE 30, 1899, TO JULY 1, 1900.

P ensions $24,042 05 U.S. Government 22,504 66 Interest account . 1,395 45 Donation, Ladies of the G.A.R., Lynn 2 00 " " " " Lowell 10 00 " Miss J osie B. Colbert. 1 00 " Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mitchell 1 00 " Mrs. Emily W. Smith 1 00 " 44th Regim ent Association . 50 00 " Mrs. Gen. Thomas Sherwin . 50 00 " one-half proceeds quilt donated by Mrs. Williams, President W.R.C. No. 9 $71 61 " W .R.C. No. 136, Whitman 10 00 " " " 123, Avon 2 00 " . " " 75, Lowell . 25 00 " " " 36, Shrewsbury 5 00 " " " 1, Fitchburg 5.00 " " " 57, Greenfield 5 00 " " " 162, Sheffield 10 00 " " " 12, Danvers 5 00 " " " 192, Sandwich 3 00 " " " 43, Arlington. 10 00 " " " 25, Waltham 5 00 . 156 61 . Sale of barrels, waste, etc. . 82 81 " stores, medicine, etc. 331 92 Effects of deceased men, unclaimed. 100 68 Credits 6 50

T otal Receipts $48,735 68 12


Pay Roll and Salaries . $19,585 34 Pensions . . 13,697 05

ClfRRENT. Stationery $70 80 Postage 473 87 Printing . 765 51 Telephone and Telegrams J25 28 Car Fares and Ferry 15 44 Freight and Express 70 48 . 12 00 Insurance 1,418 00 Auxiliary Fire Alarm 63 00 Miscel1al1e()\l~ . 477 (-i8 $3,492 06


Meats $5,492 \:)3 Fish 1,441 23 Fruit 620 78 Vegetables and Produce. 2,606 55 Milk 2,217 20 Butter. 2,009 26 Eggs <113 16 Tea. 302 940 Coffee 724- 91 Sugar 1,279 5.3 Flour 1,390 90 Pipes and Tobacco 967 74 Molasses al1d Syrup 87 17 Crockery alld Ti Il ware 135 9+ Amount ca?"l·ied .tal· ward $36,774 45 13

Amount brought j01'wal'd $36,774 45 Meal for Cooking $186 31 Meals for Driver 6 85 Sundry Groceries 1,518 87 $21,402 27

HOSPITAL. Medicines and General Supplies $1,122 14 Surgical Instruments 26 47 Rubber Goods . 158 38 Undertaker . . . 507 60 Medical Attendance 64 50 $1,879 09

HOUSEHOLD. Coal andW ood . $7,780 30 Gas. 113 90 'Vater. 1,087 92 Wrapping and Toilet Paper 132 52 Paints and Oils 230 40 Laundry 22 Ocl- l~epairs 218 30 General Hous~hold Supplies 6i"4 92 ---- $10,260 30

FARM. Grain and Feed $619 80 Hay and Straw 250 27 Seeds, Tools, etc. 41 54 Blacksmithing 88 50 Pigs 287 50 Fertilizer. 10 07 Sodding 104 63 Edge Stones. 213 00 Repairs 153 67 Veterinary Surgeon 14 00 Horse. 150 00

Amount cal'l'i~d jOl'wal'd $70,316 11 14

Amount b?'ought forward $70,316 11 Harnesses $80 20 Lime and Sand. 10 79 Use of Team 2 00 ---- $2,025 97


Clothing $1,894 05 Underclothing 242 00 Boots and Shoes 206 65 Hats and Caps 163 15 Suspenders 54 00 Socks 73 25 Aprons 11 60 Cobblers' Stock. 113 62 Supplies 1 50 Gloves and Mittens ~3 50 ----- $2,783 32


General Repairs $335 88 Lumber 295 14 Paints and Oils 445 62 Plumbing 29 15 Concreting 1,106 94 Mason Work 169 55 Piping and Fitting 108 57 Machinery 15 91 Electric Work and Supplies 246 59 General Supplies 294 52 ---- $3,047 87 ----- Total expenditures $78,173 27

The total expenditures include $13,697.05 paid in pensions to the men and their dependent relatives. Deducting this item from the sunl 15 total of the expenditures, it will be seen that the actual cost of running the Home during the year has been $64,476.22.

'rotal amount received from pensions during the year $24,042 05 Total amount paid to the men and their de­ pendent relatives 13,697 05

Total amount retained by the Home $10,345 00

The average number present in the Home has been 341 against an average of 352 for the preceding year. The average cost of maintenance per capita per annum has been $192.00i\lo. The appropriation of $30,000 by the Commonwealth of Massachu­ setts for the present calendar year is not included in the above state­ ment, the money not having been received from the State treasury until after the close of our fiscal year. Respectfully submitted, WM. M. OLIN, Treasure1'. 16


CHELSEA, ,T unp 30, 1900. To THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSAUllUSETTS. Gentlemen: The Auditing Committee would make their report for the financial year ending this date, that they have carefully examined the books and acconnts of the Treasurer and find them to be correct and properly vouched for. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL P. TENNEY, CRANlIlORR N. W ALL.\CE, EDWAI{Tl H. HASKELL, Auditing Committee.



Gentlemen: Your Committee 011 Admissions begs leave to report that all members admitted during the year have been examined, and permaneut admission granted to those who were worthy and deserving. The number of men examined for admission during the year was 189. Your committee has also acted upon all pension cases coming before it, and disposed of them in accordance with the rules adopted by the Board of 'rrustees. Respectfully Stl bmi tted, GEO. S. EVANS, PETER D . SMITH, ELI W. HALL, Committee. 17


SOLDIERS' HOllIE IN MASSACHUSETTS, CHELSEA, July 27, 1900. To CAPT. JOlIN G. B. ADAMS, President of the Boa1'd of T1'ustees: Dear Sir : I have the honor to submit the Eighteenth Annual Report of the management of the Home for the year ending June 30,1900.


Present for Duty. Officers 5 Non-Commissioned Staff 2 Non-Commissioned Officers 5 N on-Commissioned Officers on extra duty 4 Members. 97 Members on extra duty 46 Total. 159

Absent. Members with leave . 56

Sick In Hospital . 113 Permanently excused 31 Temporarily excused 3 Total 147 Aggregate this return 362 Aggregate last return 342 Net gain . 20

2 18

STATISTICS. Number of men present and absent June 30, 1899 336 " admitted during the year 189 " readmitted during the year 118

Total cared for 643 Number discharged during the year 207 " dishonorably discharged during the year 8 " dropped from the rolls 24 " died. 48

Total loss 287

N umber present and absent June 30, 1900 356 Average present during the year . 341 Average present and absent during the year 377 Greatest membership during the year 430 Smallest membership during the year 333 Number of admissions since the Home was opened, July 25, 1882 . 3352 N umber of readmissions since the Home was opened 1781

'\Thole number cared for since the Home was opened 5133 Whole number of beds 474 Number of beds occupied by civilians 8 Number of beds occupied by members 329 337 Number of beds vacant in quarters 104 Number of beds stored 33

Total beds unoccupied. 137 Men absent unassigned to beds 27 Number of beds in Hospital 128 Number of vacant beds in Hospital 10

VITAL STATISTICS. Number sick in Hospital Juue 30, 1900 106 Number excused llot in Hospital 34 Number absent with leave 7

Total sick. 147 19

Average age of membership June 30, 1900 62.825 Average age of members admitted during the year 62.365 Average age of members dying during the year . 65.479 Death rate in one thousand of whole number cared for. 74.65 Total number of deaths since the Home was opened. 597 Number of graves in the Home Lot, Forest Dale Ceme- tery, Maldeu 222 Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, previous to 1886, 16 Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, previous to 1886, 8 Buried by friends and relatives 351

The oldest man in the Home .Tune 30, 1900, is ninety-one years of age. The youngest man in the Home June 30, 1900, is forty-nine years of age.

Ages of Men in Home June 30, 1900 49 1 61 19 73 2 50 2 62 16 74 4 51 4 63 19 75 5 52 8 64 20 711 . 4 53 7 65 20 77 2 54 19 66 :12 78 :1 55 21 67 18 79 3 56 18 68 14 80 3 57 18 69 16 83 3 58 15 70 7 8-1 1 59 15 71 7 89 1 60 19 72 9 91 1 'l'otal 356

DEATHS. DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,1900. 1. CORNELIUS DACEY, Lawrence: Age 58 ; Co. I, Ninth Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home May 23,1893; readmitted May 16, 1894, March 29, 1895, and April 5, 1898; died July 3, 1899, of heart disease, cir- rhosis of liver and chronic nephritis. Buried in Immaculate Con- ception Cemetery, Lawrence, Mass. 20

2. JOHN WILLIAMS, alias WILLIAM H. DAWSON, Boston: Age 50; Co. K, Fifth U.S. C.T.; born in Xenia, O. Admitted to the Home March 29, 1899; died. Aug. 11, 1899, of aneurism of aorta. Buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Boston, Mass. 3. CHARLES WILSON, Gloucester: Age 64; ship Niagara, U.S. Navy, born in Sweden. Admitted to the Home Oct. 18, 1898; died Aug. 16, 1899, of paralysis. Buried in Cherry Hill Cemetery, Gloucester, Mass. 4. WILLIAM KNOWLES, Boston: Age 75; Third and Fifth Batteries, Mass. L.A.; born in Boston. Admitted to the Home Aug. 1, 1896; died Aug. 30, 1899, of senile asthenia. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 213. 5. JOHN RILEY, Boston: Age 60; Co. I, Thirty-second Mass. Infantry; born in Charles­ tOWIl, Mass. Admitted to the Home Dec. 18, 1895; died Sept. 7, 1899, of paralysis. Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, Mass. 6. WILLIA.M L. NASH, Everett: Age l;6; Co. C, Twentieth Wis. Infantry; born in Ellisburg, N.Y. Admitted to the Home Aug. 4, 1899; died Sept. 10, 1899, of senile asthenia. Buried in Soldiers' Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass .. 7. JAMES KIRBY, No. Cambridge: Age 57; Co. I, First Mass. Cavalry; born in Boston, Mass. Admitted to the Home June 13, 1899; died Sept. 18, 1899, of phthisis pulmonalis. Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mal­ den, Mass. 8. ROBERT M. HONEYWELL, Boston: Age 56; Co. C, Second N.J. Infantry; born in Newark, N.J. Admitted to the Home June 22, 1895; died Sept. 18, 1899, of chronic nephritis and valvular disease of heart. Buried in Sol­ dier8' Home Lot, grave No. 214. 9. GEORGE O. COLE, Marlboro: Age 55; Co. I. Thirty-sixth Mass. Infantry; born in Ashland, Mass. Admitted to the Home Aug. 13, 1898; died Sept. 11,1899, of locomotor ataxia, at Marlboro, Mass., while on furlough. Buried at Marlboro, Mass. 10. RICHARD HOEY, Natick: Age 60; Battery B, Second U.S. Artillery, and Co. D, Fifteenth Me. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home Aug. 29, 1899; died Sept. 21, 1899, of uroomia. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Dudley, Mass. 21

11. GEORGE L. KEZAR, Salem: Age 65; Co. E, Thirty-sixth N.Y. Infantry, and Co. M, Second Mass. H.A.; born in Salem, Mass. Admitted to the Horne Jan. 5, 1896; died Oct. 1, 1899, of paralysis. Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Salem, Mass. 12. WILLIAM MAGEE, Marblehead: Age 56; Co. C, Second Mass. Infantry; born in Windsor Locks, Conn. Admitted to the Rome Jan. 12, 1887; readmitted Oct. 6, 1899; died Oct. 8, 1899, of urremia. Buried in Waterside Cemetery, Marblehead, Mass. 13. CHARLES W. LOVEJOY, Brockton: Age 60; Seventh Battery, Mass. L.A.; born in Andover, Mass. Admitted to the Rome July 28, 1899; died Oct. 22, 1899, of chronic cystitis. Buried in Melrose Cemetery, Brockton, Mass. 14. GARDNER H. DARLING, Waltham: Age 69; Co. H, Sixteenth Mass. Infantry; born in Marlboro, Mass. Admitted to the Home Aug. 3, 1899; died Oct. 27, 1899, of paralysis. Buried in Mt. Feak Cemetery, Waltham, Mass. 15. CHARLES B. KNOX, Boston: Age 57; Co. H, Nineteenth Mass. Infantry; born in Salem, Mass. Admitted to the Rome May 26, 1897; readmitted June 1, 1899; died Oct. 28, 1899, of paralysis Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass. 16. JOHN W. LOMBARD, Somerville: Age 75; ships Ohio, Henry James ancI Vandalia, U.S. Navy; born in Truro, Mass. Admitted to the Home Oct. 26, 1894; died Oct. 30, 1899, of chronic dementia. Buried in Truro, Mass. 17. DANIEL W. BURT, Worcester: Age 60; CO.'8 A and C, Twenty-fifth Mass. Infantr.v; born in Mil­ ton, Mass. Admitted to the Home Jan. 8, 1898; died Nov.. 1, 1899, of pneumonia. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 215. 18. PATRICK LEAHY, Boston: Age 76; Co. F, Twentieth Mass. Infantry and V.R.C; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home March 23, 1898; died Nov. 11, 1899, of cancer of liver. Buried in Catholic Cemetery, Hudson, Mass. 19. JOHN F. PERKINS, Whitman: Age 66 j Co. D, Thirty-eighth Mass. Infantry; born in Kingston, Mass. Admitted to the Home Oct. 12, 1897; died Dec. 10, 1899, of apoplexy. Buried in Whitman, Mass. 22

20. DARIUS HADLEY, Stoneham: Age 73; Co. D, Thirty-third MasR. Infantry and Co. C, Thirteenth YR.C.; born in Stoneham, Mass. Admitted to the Home Dec. 12, 1899; dieu Dec. 19, 1899, of heart disease. Buried in Lin­ denwood Cemetery, Stoneham, Mass. 21. IRA G. HATcn, Wells, Me. : Age .80; Co C, Forty·fifth Mass. Infantry; born in Wells, Me. Admitted to the Home Dec. 8, 1899; died Dec. 22, 1899, of cir­ rhosis of the liver. Buried in Wilder Cemetery, Winchester, ~fass. 22. JonN IV. CARR, Dorchester: Age 58; Co. C, Twelfth Mass. Infantry ; born in Newburyport, Mass. Admitted to the Home Dec. 20, 1899; died Dec. 23, 1899, of asthmatic uronchitis. Buried in Deer Isle, Me. 23. WILLIAM W. BEMIS, Shelton, Conn. : Age 53; Co. G, Thirty-fourth Mass. Infantry; born in IV Ol'cester, Mass. Aumitted to the Home Oct. 4, 1899; died Jan. 1, 1900, of cancer of liver. Buried in Hope Cemetery, "Worcester, Mass. 24. P ATltICK MCCARTHY, Boston: Age 68; Co.'s E and B, Twenty-eighth l\1:ass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home Dec. 28, 1899; dieu Jan. 14, 1900, of phthisis pulmonalis with heart disease. Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, Mass. 25. ANDREW J. HODGMAN, Boston: Age 71; Co. K, Thirty-fifth l\fass. Infantry; born in Boston, Mass. Admitted to the Home Dec. 6, 1899; died Jan. 17, 1900, of paralysis. Buried in Forest Hills Cemetery, Roxbury, Mass.

26. WILLIAM .T. ADAMS, Peabody: Age 72; Second CI). Mass. Sharpshooters; born in Buxton, Me. Admitted to the Home Sept. 28, 1899; died Jan. 21, 1900, of apoplexy. Buried in Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem, Mass.

27. THOMAS R. WEBB, Providence, R.I. : Age ' 7'J,; Co. C, Fourth Mass. H.A.; born in Scituate, Mass. Admitted to the Home May 13, 1899; died Jan. 29, 1900, of chrqnic dementia. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 216. 28. SIMRI WHITNEY, Boston: Age 71; Co. C, Eleventh Mass. Infantry and Thirteenth YR C. ; born in Lexington, Mass. Aumitted to the Home March 20, 1893; reaumitted Dec. 22, 1899; died Feb. 2, 1900, of heart dis­ ease. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 217. 23

29. LOUIS G. RENAUD, Spring£eld: Age 59; ship C. P. William~, U.S. Navy; born in Albany, N.Y. Admitted to the Home Jan. 20, 1900; died Feb. 6, 1900, of chronic cystitis and stone in the bladder. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 218.

30. VICTOR W. JONES, Charlestown: Age 67; ship St. Lawrence, U.S. Navy; born in New Haven, Conn. Admitted to the Home Oct. 25, 1899; died Feb. 8, 1900, of chronic dementia, contributing cause paralysis. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 219.

31. ROBERT O. PERKINS, Cambridge: Age 75; Co. H, Fifty-sixth Mass. Infantry; born in Alma, Me. Admitted to the Home Sept. 16, 1896; died Feb. 12, 1900, of heart disease and senile debility. Buried in Medway, Mass.

32. JACOB F. P ARKIJ:R, Boston: Age 61; Co. C, First Mass. Cavalry; born in Boston, Mass. Admitted to the Home Sept. 10, 1897; died Feb. 16, 1900, of hear.t disease. Buried in Old North Cemetery, Dorchester, Mass.

33. CORNELIUS J. SULLIVAN nlias CUARLES SULLIVAN, Boston: Age 60; Co. E, Eleventh Me. Infantry; born in Halifax, N.S. Admitted to the Home Jan. 3, 1899; died Feb. 6, 1900, of phthisis pulmonalis. Buried in Holy wood Cemetery, Brook­ line, Mass.

34. OREN S. HOSMER, Malden: Age 70; Co. B, Fifth Mass. Infantry; born in Woburn, Mass. Admitted to the Home April 22, 1898; died Feb. 19, 1900, of chronic dementia and advanced age. Buried in Salem St. Ceme­ tery, Malden, Mass.

35. THOMAS WHITE, Boston: Age 81; Co. H, Third Mass. Cavalry and Sixth V.R.C.; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home June 13,1895; readmitted April 6, 1897, Oct. 3, 1897; died Feb. 28, 1900, of senile debility. Buried in Soldiers' Lot, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Boston, Mass.

36. PATRICK SHEARY, Boston: Age 70; Co. H, Thirty-fourth and Co. G, Twenty-fourth Mass. Infantry; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home July 30,1891 ; readmitted Aug. 19, 1892, Oct. 11, 1895, Sept. 17, 1897, Jan. 29, 1899, and Feb. 1, 1900; died March 8, 1900, of dementia. Buried in Sold·iers' Home Lot, grave No. 220 (c). 24

37. SAMUEL O. T. ABORN, Lynn: Age 66; 00. A, Twenty-fifth Mass. Infantry; born in Augusta, Me. Admitted to the Home June 15,1899; died March 10, 1900, of paralysis. Buried in Pine Grove Oemetery, Lynn, Mass.

38. DAVID M. PLACE, Lynn: Age 68; 00. 0, Thirty-second Mass. Infantry; born in Stafford, N.H. Admitted to the Home Nov. 21, 1890; died March 13, 1900, of cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease and chronic nephritis. Buried in Stafford Oorner Oemetery, Stafford, N .H.

39. THOlliAS McHuGH, Lowell: Age 56; 00. E, First U .S. Artillery; born in Lowell, Mass. Admitted to the Home Aug. 3, 1899; died March 13, 1900, of phthisis pulmonalis. Buried in Oatholic Oemetery, Lowell, Mass.

40. BARNEY McMANUS, Taunton: Age 63; U.S. Marine Oorps; born in Ireland. Admitted to the Home Aug. 1, 1894; readmitted Sept. 1, 1895, June 4,1896, and May 18, 1898; died March 28, 1900, of pneumonia and la grippe. Buried in Taunton, Mass.

41. SIMEON R. WIIIPPLE, Salem: Age 75; 00. D, Twenty-fourth Mass. Infantry; born in Ooncord, Vt. Admitted to the Home March 19, 1899; died March 30, 1900, of chronic dementia and old age. Buried in Soldiers' HOIne Lot, grave No. 221.

42. J OIIN H. GAFFEY, Boston: Age 52; ship Colwrnbia, U.S. Navy; born in Oambridge, Mass. Admitted to the Home Dec. 25, 1897, Sept. 25, 1899, March 31, 1900; died April 11, 1900, of heart disease and general debility. Buried in Holy Oross Oemetery, Malden, Mass.

43. DAVID BOWEN, : Age 79; 00. 0, Fifty-eighth Mass. Infantry; born in Nantucket, Mass. Admitted to the Home Oct. 8, 1898; died April 24, 1900, of retention of urine from enlarged prostate and surgical opera­ tion for relief. Buried in South Oemetery, Nantucket, Mass.

44. BENJAMIN TAYLOR, Wrentham: Age 64; 00. I, Sixteenth Oonn. Infantry; born in Oumberland, Eng. Admitted to the Home March 27,1900; died May 7, 1900, of stoppage in bowels, weakness from heart disease. Buried at Wareham, }lass. 25

45. THOMAS J. BEREGIN, Boston: Age 59; ship Colo1'ado, U.S. Navy; born in Boston, Mass. Admitted to the Home April 17, 1900; died May 7, 1900, of chronic diarrhrea, weak heart. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Boston, Mass.

46. PETER M, ROGERS, Malden: Age 63; Co. E, Sixteenth and Eleventh Mass, Infantry; born)n Constable, N.Y. Admitted to the Home Dec. 20, 1899; died May 9', 1900, of heart disease and asthma. Buried in Soldiers' Home Lot, grave No. 222.

47, T, EDWARD AMES, Boston: Age 64 ; Co, B, Thirty-sixth Mass. Infantry; born in Charlestown, Mass. Admitted to the Home March 26, 1896; died May 24, 1900, of paralysis. Buried in Mt, Auburn Cemetery, Cam­ bridge, Mass.

48. JAMES H, ALLEN, Chelsea: Age 69; Co. E, Thirty-second Mass, Infantry; born in Medford, Mass., April 17, 1831. Admitted to the Home June 2, 1899; died June 28, 1900, of chronic nephritis, heart disease. Buried in Pleasant St. Cemetery, Arlington, Mass.


Regular Army . 5 1Navy 20 Volunteer Army 164 Total 189

States and Territories from which admitted during the year.

Connecticut 1 Missouri 1 Florida. 1 New York 2 Maine . 1 Rhode Island 1 Massachusetts 182 Total 189

Nativity. Native born . 132 I Foreign born 57 26

Nativity of Foreign Born. Austria 1 Scotland 1 Canada. 5 West Indies 1 England 6 Germany 2 Ireland. 34 New Brunswick . 2 Norway 1 Nova Scotia 4

Total 57

Disabilities. Loss of leg 2 Blindness 2 Insanity 4 Other diseases 658

Total 666

The different branches of the service have been represented in the Home since it was organized, as follows;

MASSACHUSE'I.'TS. 1st Regt., H.A., 3 years, 62 14th Batt'y L.A., 3 years, 8 2d " " 3 " 83 15th " " 3 " 8 3d " " 3 " 71 16th " " 3 " 6 4th " " 3 " 54 1st Regt. Cav'y, 3 " 64 1st Batt'l'n, " 3 " 29 2d " " 3 " 49 29th Co. U nat., H.A., 1 " 5 3d ,i " 3 " 55 30th " " " 1 " 3 4th " " 3 " 47 1st Batt'y L.A., ~ " 7 5th " (Col.) Cav'y, 3 " 18 2d " " 3 " 10 1st Bat'l'n Frontier 3d " " 3 " 12 Service, 1 " 15 4th " " 3 " 13 1st Regt. Inft., 3 " 55 5th " " 3 " 8 2d " " 3 " 54 6th " " 3 " 15 3d " " 3 mos., 4 7th " " 3 " 10 3d " " 9 " 14 8th " " 6 mos., 9 4th " " 3 " 16 9th " " 3 years, 9 4th " " 9 " 23 10th " " 3 " 10 5th " " 3 i, 27 11th " " 9 mos., 1 5th " " 9 " 36 11th " " 3 years, 5 5th " " 100 days, 25 12th " " :3 " 12 6th .i " 3 mos., 20 13th " " 3 " 11 6th " " 9 " 20 27

6th Regt. Inft., 100 days, 20 45th Regt. Inft., 9 mos., 28 7th" " 3 years, 24 46th" " 9 " 18 8th" " o mos., 18 47th" " 9 " 23 8th" " 9" 21 48th" " 9" 32 8th" " 100 days, 22 49th" " 9" 13 9th " " 3 years, 57 50th" " 9 " 20 10th " " 3 " 28 51st" " 9" 20 11th " " 3 " 68 52d" " 9" 14 12th " " 3 " 44 53d" " 9 " 17 13th " " 3 " 33 54th " (Col.) Inft., 3 years, 13 15th " " 3 " 30 55th" " " 3 " 12 16th " " 3 " 31 56th "Inft., 3" 42 17th " " 3' " 77 57th"" 3" 29 18th " " 3 " 34 58th"" 3" 18 19th " " 3 " 44 59th"" 3" 25 20th " " 3 " 51 60th" " 100 days, 18 21st " " 3 " 17 6ist"" 1 year, 43 22d " " 3 " 32 62d"" 1" 9 23d " " 3 " 38 3d Batt'l'n Rifles, 3 mos., 9 24th " " 3 " 48 1st Co. Sharpshooters, 3 years, 2 25th " " 3 " 31 2d" " 3" 5 26th " .," 3 " 27 1st Co. Unat. Inft., 90 days, 2 27th " 3 " 24 2d" " " 100 " 1 28th " " 3 " 50 4th " " " 90 " 1 2!-1th " " 3 " 34 5th " " " 90 " 1 30th " " 3 " 44 7th " " " 90 " 4 31st " " 3 " 22 8th " " " 90 a 1 32d " " 3 " 71 9th " " " 90 " 5 33d " " 3 " 32 10th " " " 90 " 1 34th " " 3 " 26 11th " " " 90 " 1 35th " " 3 " 40 12th " " " 90 " 1 36th " " 3 " 24 13th " " " 90 " 1 37th " " 3 " 23 15th " " " 100 " 2 38th " " 3 " 12 16th " " " 100 " 4 39th " " 3 " 30 17th " " " 100 " 3 40th " " 3 " 30 18th " " " 100 " 2 42d " " 9 mos., 17 19th " " " 100" 5 42d " " 100 days, 28 19th " " " 1 year, 6 43d " " 9 mos., 23 20th " " " 100 days, 4 44th " " 9" 20 20th" " " 1 year, 1 28

21st Co. U nat. Inft., 100 days, 2 27th Co. U nat. Inft., 1 year, 1 22d " " " 100 " 2 Salem Cadets, M.V.M., 1 " 1 24th " " " 1 year, 2 Boston " " 1 " 2 25th " " " 1 " 1 Co. B, 7th Regt. Inft., 6 mos., 1 26th " " " 1 " 2

United States Service. ArtiUery . 23 Infantry 37 Cavalry 16 Marine Corps 23 Colored Troops 19 Navy 520 Engineers. 4 Ordnance Corps . 5 General Service 7 Signal Co"rps . 13 Hancock's Vet. Vols. 10 Veteran Reserve Corps 121

Other State Organizations. California . 4 Missouri 4 Connecticut 32 New Hampshire 81 District of Columbia 3 New Jersey 18 Delaware 1 New York 124 Illinois. 15 Nevada. 1 Indiana 6 Ohio 6 Iowa 3 Pennsylvania 21 Kentucky 2 Rhode Island 55 Kansas. 1 Vermont 29 Louisiana 1 Virginia 1 Maine 122 West Virginia 1 Maryland 4 Wisconsin. 4 Michigan 5

States and Territories from which admitted from date of organization to June 30, 1900. Canada. 1 Illinois . 1 California 1 Indiana 3 Colorado 1 Kansas 2 Connecticut 22 Maine 15 District of Columbia 1 Massachusetts 3214 Florida 2 Michigan 1 29

Missouri 1 Pennsylvania 5 Nevada. 1 Rhode Island 18 New Hampshire 15 South Carolina 1 New Jersey 3 Texas 2 New York 27 Vermont 3 North Carolina 1 Virginia 5 Ohio 5 Wisconsin 1 Total 3352

Trades and occupations of men in Home June 30, 1900. Agents. 4 Glass-worker . 1 Barbers 11 Harness-maker 1 Blacksmiths 6 Hatters 3 Boiler-maker 1 Hostlers 3 Book-keepers. 4 Inventor 1 Boot-makers 2 Janitor 1 Boot-treers 3 Journalists 2 Bricklayers 2 Jewelers 2 Cabinet-makers 4 Laborers 41 Carpenters 26 Letter· carriers 2 Carriage trimmer 1 Loom-fixer 1 Chemist 1 Lumbermen 2 Clerks 13 Machinists 11 Ohiropodist 1 Marble-polisher 1 Conductor. 1 Masons - Stone 3 Coachmen. 4 Merchants 4 Cloth cutter 1 Motormen. 2 Confectioner 1 Mill operatives 2 Cook 1 Milkmen 2 Court officers . 2 Minister 1 Curriers 11 Moulder - Brass 1 Electricians 4 Moulders - Iron 3 Engineers and Steam-fitters. 9 Musician 1 Farmers 14 Needle-maker 1 Furniture polisher 1 Painters and Glaziers 15 Finisher - Brass 1 Paper-hangers 2 Firemen 3 Pattern-maker 1 Gardener 1 Paver 1 30

Peddler 1 Stitcher 1 Police officers 2 Spinner - Cotton 1 Pharmacist 1 Tackmaker 1 Physician and Surgeon 1 Tailors. 2 Piano-makers 5 Tinsmiths. 2 Photographer 1 Teamsters. 15 Printers 9 Toolmaker 1 Roofer. 1 Trader. 1 Salesmen 6 Upholsterers 3 Sash and Blind makers 2 Waiters 2 Seamen 16 Weaver 1 Shoe-cutters 4 Watchmen 4 Shoemakers 24 Wood-workers 3 Sole-sorter 1 Wool-finisher. 1 -- Total 356

Social Condition.

. Married 252 Single. 104

Total 356

Three hundred and forty could read and write and sixteen could neither read nor write. Of the latter 37.5 per cent were native bom and 62.5 per cent were fOl'eign born.


No. Amount Paid. Officers 5 $6,200 00 Non-commissioned officers . 11 1,308 00 ---- Total 16 $7,508 00 Members on pay . 47 $4,157 40 Civilians employed 14 6,097 00 ---- Total 61 $10,254 40 31

Occupations of members on pay and civilians employed Barber. 1 Laundress 1 Baker 1 Laundrymen 3 Carpenters 2 Librarian 1 Care of Flags 1 Musician 1 Clerk - Headquarters 1 Nurses and helpers 9 Clerk - Surgeon 1 Orderlies 2 Cooks 2 Painters 2 Cooks' helpers 2 Scrubbers 6 Dishwashers 3 Seamstress 1 Engineer's assistant 1 Servant 1 Engineer's helpers 3 Shoemaker 1 Fireman 1 Soapmaker 1 Gardener 1 Stablemen 1 Henner.Y 1 Tailor 1 Hospital Steward 1 Teamster 1 Janitor. 1 Waiters 6 Total 61

Amusements. Free Entertainments 22 Magazines and Novels In Paid Entertainments 2 Library. 412 Billiard Table 1 Bound Books 3,939 Bagatelle Table . 1 Books read 4,675 Pool Tables . 2 Excursions 4 Newspapers contributed 105

Visitors. Registered 10,321

Clothing Issued. Blouses 633 Shirts (cotton) 1,039 Boots (rubber) 8 Shoes 351 Caps 448 Slippers 42 Drawers, C.F. 918 Socks 1,106 Hats (straw) . 320 Suspenders 246 Overalls 7 Trousers 759 Shirts, C.F. 1,010 Vests 593 Average cost of clothing per capita, per annum, $9.7035. 32

Laundry, Wash List- Aprons. 3,302 Shirts (O.F.) 15,634 Blaukets 565 Shirts, white. .1,402 Blouses 765 Shirts, colored 17,494 Bibbs .1,266 Socks 13,210 Oooks' jackets 1,122 Spreads 1,255 Drawers 16,734 T owels. 49,470 Haudkerchiefs 2,278 Trousers 1,183 Pillow slips 22,145 White gloves. 282 Sheets . 32,404 T otal . 180,511

Post-Office, N umber of letters and postal cards mailed 21,199 Number of letters and postal cards received 17,773 N umber of newspapers and packages mailed 1,970 Number of newspapers and packages received 16,567 N urn ber of letters al1d postal cards mailed from office 5,363 Number of letters and postal cards redirected , and returned to carrier siuce J an. 20, 1900 331

Pensions, Year ending June 30, I900.

Rate Number Gains Loss Number per July 1, during Total. I during June 30, JlIonth. 1899. tho year. the year. I 1900. 6 M 94 180 86 94 8 69 64 133 67 66 10 11 23 34 19 15 12 53 56 109 49 60 13.75 - 1 1 - 1 14 1 4 5 1 4 15 - 2 2 2 - 16 2 2 4 2 2 17 - 4 4 3 1 22 - 1 1 1 - 24 - 1 1 1 - 25 - 1 1 - 1 30 1 - 1 - 1 36 - 1 1 - 1 I I 223 I 254 477 I 231 246 33

NEW PENSIONS. At $6 a month. 9 "8 " 2 " 10 " 1 " 12 " 2 " 25 " 1 Total 15

INCREASE. From $ 6 to $8 a munth 8 " 6 " 12 " 3 " 12 " 14 " 1 " 6 " 10 " 1 " 8 " 10 " 1 Total 14

Total amount of pensions during tbe year . $24,042.05 Paid to pensioners and depeudent relatives 13,697.05

Retained by the Home . $10,345.00

By an act of Congress 50% of the amount retained by the H ome reverts to the National Government. Applications for pensions, original increase, etc., made at the H ome during the year. 68 Letters written conc~rning pension claims 11.5 Affidavits made in pending claims 100 Aside from tbe above claims, which bave been made through the State P ension Agent, numerous papers have been made for pension attor­ neys in different parts of the country.



SUNDAY. Breakfast: Baked beans, pork, brown bread, white bread, butter, coffee, tea. D inner: Smoked shoulder, potatoes, onions, greens, turnips, apple pie, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Bread, butter, apricot sauce, cake, syrup, tea.

3 34

MONDAY. Breakfast: Cold corned beef, potatoes, bread, corn bread, butter, pickles, coffee, tea. Dinner: P ea soup, plum pudding, bread, crackers, coffee, tea. Supper : Cream potatoes, bread, butter, smoked halibut, syrup, tea.

TUESDAY. Breakfast: Fish hash, bread, butter, pickles, coffee, tea. Dinner: Beef stew, boiled rice, bread, crackers, coffee, tea. Supper: Bread, butter, prune sauce, gingerbread, syrup, tea.

WEDNESDA.Y. Breakfast: Baked beans, pork, brown bread, white bread, butter, pickles, coffee, tea. Dinner: Salt fish, potatoes, onions, pickled beets, farina pudding, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Bologna sausage, bread, butter, drop cakes, syrup, tea.

THU RSDAY. Breakfast: Fish hash, bread, corn bread, butter, pickles, coffee, tea. Dinner: Corned .beef, potatoes, greens, turnips, parsnips, bread, coffee, tea. Supper: Fried mush, bread, prune sauce, butter, syrup, tea.

FRIDAY. Breakfast: Smoked herring, potatoes, bread, butter, pickles, coffee, tea. Dinner: Clam chowder, plum duff, bread, crackers; coffee, tea. Supper: Stewed beans, bread, butter, cake, syrup, tea.

SATURDAY. Breakfast: Meat hash, bread, corn bread, butter, pickles, coffee, tea. Dinner: Mutton stew, boiled rice, bread, crackers, coffee, tea. Supper: Bread, butter, apple sauce, gingerbread, syrup, tea.

Changes are made in bill of fare in general dining hall accord~ng to season. The hospital bill of fare is prescribed by the Surgeon. Average cost of subsistence per capita $19.8185 for first quarter; $18.1883 for second q,uarter; $14.9120 for third quarter; $17.6165 for fourth quarter. Average cost of ration per diem $0.1915. Average cost of maiutenance per capita per annum, $192.0067. 35

Farm Products. Articles. Value. Pork. $724.44 Eggs. 491.50 Chickens 66.1:l4 Soap . 874.50

Total $2,157.08

RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Sunday afternoon services have been arranged for by the monthly visitors of the Ladies' Aid Society as in the past, and they have been conducted by the fo llowing clergymen and friends:

Rev. George W. Pierce (Member of the Home) (6) Rev. J. C. Bicknell Everett. Rev. G. F. Haines. Chelsea. Rev. R. Perry Bush Chelsea. Rev. M. G. Prescott Lynn. Rev. Tillman B. Johnson Lynn. Rev. George W. Wright (2) Boston. Rev. C. A. Littlefield (2) Chelsea. Rev. Alfred J. Cardell Boston. Rev. George A. Crawford, U.S. Navy, retired Boston. Rev. John H. Applebee West Roxbury. Miss Fannie Allyn (2) Stoneham. Rev. H. B. Hobbs . Malden. Ira B. Quimby . Malden. R ev. B. F. Hamilton Roxbury. Rev. Alfred Noon . Everett. Rev. Neil Andrews, Jr. Lynn. Rev. Franklin Knight Lynn. Rev. A. N. Foster . Lynn. Prof. G. M. Harmon Tufts College. Rev. Anson Titus . Tufts College. Rev. W. H. Pearson Somerville. Rev. E. H. Capen, President Tufts College. Rev. John D. Nutting Cleveland, O. Epworth League, Walnut St. M.E . Church Chelsea. Rev. George H. Whittemore . Cambridge. 36

Young people of First Baptist Church Chelsea. Rev. W. G. Sweet . Everett. Rev. T . J. B. Howe Boston. Rev. George F. Pratt . Natick. Rev. George G. Hamilton Everett. Rev. H. G. Maxwell . Somerville. Rev. Charles A. Dinsmore So. Boston. Rev. Edward A. nand Watertown.

Many services have been arranged for through the efforts of Com­ rade Montgomery Gipson, Post 35, G.A.R., Chelsea, including an impressive memorial service July 2, 1900, under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Walnut St. M.E. Church, Chelsea. Mr. Thomas J. Edwards of Chelsea arranged for a vesper service by a quartet of the Baptist Church for Nov. 5, 1899. Evening services have been furnished by Miss Clara E. Peck of Roxbury, and the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Chelsea.

Funeral services have been conducted by the following clergymen: -

Rev. George W. Pierce . of the Home. Rev. Samuel M. Cathcart Chelsea. Rev. George F. Durgin . Somerville. Rev. H . Lockhart (2) Chelsea. Laurin A. Bumpus, "City Missionary" Boston. Rev. Franz N. W. Schneeweis (2) Chelsea. Rev. John E. Vasser . Chelsea. Rev. N. T. Whittaker (4) . Chelsea. Rev. R. Perry Bush (2) . Chelsea. One service has. been held at the St. Rose Catholic Church, Chelsea, Rev. James McGlew, pastor.

E N TERTAINME NTS. Below we give the names of kind friends who have furnished enter­ tainments for the members during the year and it gives us great pleasure to extend to them our thanks. W.R.C., No. 93 Beverly Farms. W .R.C., No.3 East Boston. W .R.C., No. 29 Lynn. 37

W.R;C., No. 19 Amesbury. W.RC., No. 26 Newburyport. W.RC., No. 63 Roxbury. W.RC., No.9 Charlestown. W.R.C., No. 88 Boston. W.RC., No. 39 Charlestown. W.R.C., No. 28 Boston. W.R.C., No. 65 Stoneham. Post No. 26, G.A.R. Roxbury. Post No. 36, G.A.R. Arlington. Camp 81, S. of V. Chelsea. Mrs. Kate Bell Walton Boston. W. F. Lawrence Chelsea. Miss Florence Gordon and other young misses Roxbury. Mr. George F. Madden Chelsea. Mr. Ch[trles Follan Adams, L.A.A. Boston. P ine Tree Club, L .A.A. Everett. Schubert Club, L.A.A. Lynn. Miss F lorence E llis Chelsea. Mrs. W. W. Hayward, L.A.A .. S. Framingham. Mrs. M. W. Laughton and pupils of her school of expression, L.A.A. . ' . Boston. Miss C. Fannie Allyn, L.A.A . . Stoneham.

EXCURSIONS. Aug. 2, 1899, W .R.C. No. 93 of Beverly Farms. E ntertainment in the afternoon, June 5, 1900, W.R.C. No. 69 of Wakefield. J nne 22, 1900, Moses Ell is Indpt. Relief Corps of Medford. J nne 22, W.R.C. of Somerville visited the Home in the afternoon and furnished strawberries and cake for the men's supper.


lIIASSACHUSETTS. Adams F reeman . . . " .. Adams Banner of Light . . . . Boston lEgis an d Gazette Worcester Beacoll. r:ehe American CuJ tivator, The. . . Bostou Berkshire Democrat . )fo. Adams American Kitchen Magazine Beverly Ti mes . Beverly American Stock Keeper, The Black Cat, The. . . . .Boston A rgus and Ad vocate . East Boston Boston Budget, The 38

MASSAcnUSETTs - Contimwd. Old Colony Memorial . Plymouth Braintree Reporter ...... Braintree Orange Enterprise Orange (By Camp 27, S. of V. Quincy.) Our Dumb Animals . Boston Brighton Item. . . . . Boston Quincy Pa.triot . . . Quincy Bulletin . . . . . :No . Easton Re]Jublican Standard New Bedford Cambridge Revere Citizen . . . · Revere Cambridg-e News. Cambridge Pres•. Rockland Independent Rockland Cambridge Times. · Salem Cambridge Tribune Saturday Evening Gazette Boston Canton Journal . . Canton Saturday Evening Mail · Lowell Cape Ann Ailvertiser Gloucester Sharon Advocate . Sbaron Catholic Citizen Chelsea . Somerville Chelsea Gazette Southbridge .J ourna! . Southbridge Chronotyp" . . Westboro South Boston Bulletin So. Boston Church Visitor Chelsea Spencer Sun. . Spencer (Central Congregational Church.) Spencer Leader Congregationalist. . . . Boston Sunday Courier · Hoston Cottager Athol Telegra]Jh and Pioneer Cbelsea Courier Winchendon Templeton Recorder . Templeton Daily Globe 5 Copies . . . Boston True Flag . . Boston Daily Herald 5 'Copies Universalist J,eader . (By C. A. Campbell, Esq., Chelsea.) Wakefield Daily Item Wakefield Daily'l'elegraph Worcester Waltham Eve News . Waltham ·Danvers l\'Lirl'or Danvers Waltham Free Press . Dedham Transcript Dedham Warren Herald Warren Deerfield Valley Echo Shelburne Falls Watertown Enterprise Watertown Evening Item Lynn Weymouth Gazette Weymouth Evening l\.!ail Malden Wellesley Courant Wellesley Everett Herald Everett Whitman Times Whitman Fireman's Standard. . Boston Winthrop Visitor Wintbro]J Fitchburg Sentinel Fitchbm'g NE'V YOllK. Foxboro llepurter Foxboro Converted Catholic, '1'he New York City Gazette . Haverhill Danville Advertiser. . Danville Georgetown Advocate Georgetown New CllUrch Messenger New York City Greenfield Gazette . Greenfield New Earth .... . Herald of Life · Springfield Home Journal · . . Boston P J<;NNSYLVANIA . Indepenll en t · Bridgewater Yalley Spirit ...... Chambersburg I nde]Jelldent Stoneham Leominster Enterprise. Leominster CONNECTICUT. Lexington Minute Man Lexington Thomaston Express . Thomaston MassaeilUsetts Spy 'Yorcester Medford Mercury. Medford DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Melrose .J oUl'IIal Melrose CongressiolJal Record . . •. Washington Milford G nette Milford (By Senator Henry Cabot Lolige.) Natick Blllletin . Natick Washington News Letter .' Wa>hington Needham Chr.micle Needham (By Abbie C. Currier, Cambridge.) Newburyport Item NewburY]Jort NewburY]Jort ~ews CALIFORNIA. New England Farmer · . . Boston Sign 0 f the Times. . . . . Oakland

MEMBERSHIP . . The membership of the Home for the year just ended has varied quite considerably from that of the previous year; the average present

for the year having been 341 men J against 352 for the year previous. 39

This diminishing in the daily average is regarded but temporary and may be accounted for either from the fact that business in all its various branches has been better and labor in greater demand, or that a larger number of those who are entitled to come to our Home have sought shelter in the branch of the National Home at '~og u s, others, I have no doubt, have been enabled, with the assistance of the State or military aid, paid by the State to all wh o are deserving, to remain with their families and care for themselves outside of any home. Notwithstanding, the average for the year shows a 10ss when compared with the previous year; yet for the last three months our population has been much larger than ever before for the corresponding months, indicating that for the year to come our capacity to care for those who may need the benefits of the Home will be taxed to its utmost. The membership of the Home should be commended for their gen­ eral good behavior and their cheerful and ready compliance with the rules of the H ome. While there are always some who are indifferent regarding either their own reputation or the good name of the H ome, who think and would have others believe that because of their services during the War of the Rebellion either the State or the National Gov­ ernment owes them a living, regardless of their own efforts to help them­ selves, such men are a continual source of annoyance and trouble in any H ome ; they are never contented, always restless and unreliable; and in many instances have been members of several Homes and after leaving one go almost direct to another. --- HOSPITAL. It must be apparent to all who are familial' with the hospital department. that it is at the present time and will continue to be in the future the most important division of our Home, demanding of us the best service that can possibly be given for the comfort and improvement of the sick and enfeebled. The steadily increasing number of patients from 91 on the 30th day of June of last year to 113 the present year, coupled with the fact stated in my last report that the disabilities of the men as they grow older also increase; and it has been lleces~ary to make a closer discrimina­ tion as to what constitutes a h ospital patient, makes the work of this department more exacting and laborious and demands of us increased facilities for their care and comfort. This involves an addition to the medical staff and a considerable increase in the working force of the hospital. VvT e have again found it 40 necessary to increase the sleeping accommodations for patients, and within the past three months six rooms on the upper floor containing 14 beds have been added to the hospital. After taking the corresponding rooms on the floor below for tile same purpose, the hospital will embrace all the sleeping apartments in the main building excepting those in wh at is termed the new part. The rapid increase of the work in the hospital, the care and responsibility for its prompt and faithful performance, rendered it necessary that assistance should be given to t he surgeon and that the number of skilled nurses be ilicreased. After consultation with Captain Adams, the President of the Board, Dr. Howard Glidden, at the time on duty at the Lynn City Hospital, was engaged temporarily as an assistant surgeon and commenced duty July 1. I would respectfully recommend that the position he occupies be made a permanent one, believing that the duties of the surgeon when perfOl'med, as they are at the present time, by a conscientious officer are too much f01: one person. I think the number of patients and the attention they require demand a permanent increase in the medical force. The following table shows the work of the hospital since th e Home was organized.

~ ~ ~ g 3 'iii' >. t>.. Cl.l '0. ; :il~ .s ~ ~ DATE. (;I 0 -" M ~ ~ ... t4l .~ ~ .s ~o;; ~.~ .9 ~ '0 c:: ~ ~ ::s -...... 0 .s ~p. ~~ ~ ~ ~ -< ~ 0 ~ E-" 1883 ...... · .... 21 ... " .. . 79 ... .1. .. 21...... 23 ...... 1884 ...... 21 ...... 55 ...... 13 ...... 24 ...... 1885 ...... · . .. . 20 ...... 50 ...... 19 ...... 19 ...... 1886 ...... · .. .. 22 ...... 49...... 13...... 24...... 68 .... . 1887 ...... · .... 40...... 79...... 20...... 36...... 103 .... . 1888 ...... · .... 37 ...... 96 .. .. '" 20 ...... 51...... 132 .. . .. 1889 ...... · . . .. 50 ...... 86...... 29...... 40...... 137 . . .. . 1890 ...... · .... 51 ...... 117 ...... 17...... 46...... 157 . ... . 1891 ...... · .... 42...... 154 ...... 32 ...... 58 ...... 200 . . .. . 1892 ...... 50 ...... 156 ...... 30 ...... 49 ...... 214 .... . 1893 ...... · .... 55 .... , .. 11<3...... 45...... 5B ...... 232 .. .. . 1894 ...... 68 ...... 194 ...... 43 ...... 68 ...... 253 ... .. 1895 ...... 73.50 .. .. 169 ...... 39 ...... 78 ...... 23 7 . .. .. 1896 ...... 73.-1-0 .. . . 211 ...... 52 ...... 78 ...... 289 ... .. 1897 ...... 86 . 50 . . .. 209 ...... 33 ...... 70 ...... 287 .. . . . 1898 ...... 91.46 .. .. 21 6 ...... 55 ...... 87 ...... 286 ... .. 1899 ...... 98 . 33 .... 214 ...... 68 ...... 91...... 301 .. . . . 1900 ...... · .. .. 99.47 . . . . 202 .. , . .. 48 ...... 115 ...... 293 . . . . . 41

Aug. 8, 1899, Department Commander John E. Gilman and the officers of the Department of Massachusetts G.A. R., held their quarterly meeting at the Home. Aug. 28, 1899, Col. Andrew J. Smith, Assistant Inspector-General National Home for D.V.S., inspected the Home and mustered the men. April 11, 1900, Gen. N. M. Curtis, Assistaut Inspector-General of ~ ational Home for D.V.S., inspected tllfl Home. April 20, Albert D . Shaw, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, accompanied by D epartment Commander P eter D. Smith, visited the Home and addressed the members. May 3, Inspection of the H ome by the Military Committee from the State Legislature accompanied by Capt. J. G. B. Adams, President of the Board of Trustees. June 27, 1900, Government headstones were received for forty-four graves in the Home lot at Forest Dale Cemetery; the graves remaining unmarked num bel' 29. Had made and delivered to the Massachusetts Commission to the Paris Exposition, several pictures of the interior and exterior of the Home, which formed a part of their collection of the institutions of the State, to be exhibited at the Exposition. The services at the Home lot Memorial Day were conducted as in years past by Post 191, G.A.R. of Boston, Rev. George C. Lorimer delivering the address. The flowers used in decoration were furnishe'd by Post 113, G.A.R. of Boston.

F UI{L0UGllS. Furloughs and passes have been granted during the year to the number of 2,047. VISITOHS. T he number of visitors registered as visiting the Home proper, 7,464, while 2,859 are record en as visiting the hospital, making a total of 10,321 visitors recorded.

ICE. W e have manufactured and consumed during the year ninety-two tons of ice.


The only permanent improvement made during the year IS the concreting in the rear of Sargent H all and in front and rear of the Superintendent's house. 42

The Home has been honored during the year by visits from Mrs. Angie A. Robinson, Department President of the Woman's H,elief Corps; Rev. George N . Howard, Department Commander of the Sons of Vet­ erans; Miss M. E lisabeth Kimball, National President and Mrs. Vinnie A. B. Willis, Department President of the Daughters of Veterans; also by Posts of the Grand Army and several organizations of the Woman's Relief Corps. Among the number who come to the Home annually are Post 26 and Corps 63 of Roxbury, who bring fruit, jellies and a large quantity of other articles. Corps 21 of Somerville annually fur­ nish a supper with strawberries and cake for all members of the Home.

LADIES' AID ASSOCIATION. Through the efforts of the visiting ladies of the Ladies' Aid Associ­ ation connected with the Home, and the kindness of the clergymen who have been invited, we have held religious services every Sunday during the year excepting the months of July and August. The ladies who have served for the various months· have been con­ stant and faithful in their work; tlley have arranged entertainments for the men, visited the sick in hospital and in many ways made the Home life of the members more cheerful and happy. The association has expended for the house the past year $66858. The Massachusetts Department Daughters of Veterans has been doing most excell ent work the past two years in furnishing the convales­ cent dormitory in hospital, containing 28 beds, with sheets, pillow-slips, towels, blankets and other articles of use and comfort. Frequent visits have been made by committees from the local organizations of the Woman's Relief Corps, to whom we are indebted for very many generous donations. I respectfully call your attention to the report of the surgeon and also to a commulJication from him regarding the present and future needs of the hospital. To all who have so kindly remembered us during the year, those who have comforted the sick in hospital, and those who have in any wise contributed to the happiness of the members of the Home, we thank most heartily. To the trustees and those who are associated with me so closely in the management of the affairs of the Home, I beg to express my per­ sonal appreciation of their valuable and hearty assistance. Respectfully submitted, G. W. CREASEY, 8tlpe1-intendent. Admitted to the Hospital during the year, Average Sick, Absent, Present, Present and Absent, Gain by Admission, by Readmission, Loss by Discharge, Dishonorable Discha rge, Dropped from the RoUs, D eath and Whole Number Cared for ,

GAIN. LOSS, "'.Q ..... c'"'''' ~ '" .,; 0 '" ;Jl 0 '" ;tI1:J) , \": .,; eli ~ '" "'" 0 .~ ~ ~. OC "' , "'''' bll ' ~ .0,." '" !"" , .... '" g'D ro$ '"g EO - 'i: "'''' p:; . ~ oj g "' ~ Year Encliug ~~ 'S p.,8 Q) '" "", ",.0 '0 ~~ Q.- .:; Z~ "''' """,,- bll w~ e ~::: ;.; '" '" 's ~ :§-a 0 ","'"'' ".Q,-", 88 -oj "" '" e"O p::'" c.~ " · 2 .~ ~ Q) ' !:", '"'"'' ,., 0 .... ,.,Ci > ...... '" ,., 0 <1 <1 ­ July 25, I tl87 79 3 ll6 11 9 101 30 131 94 4 14 20 132 106 238 C>:> July 25, 1888 D6 4 129 133 1404 46 lDn 119 5 12 20 156 140 296 Jlll,v 25, 1889 86 4 139 143 133 29 162 116 11 18 29 174 128 302 Jilly 25, 1890 117 4 138 142 127 43 170 111 10 6 17 1404 154 2!l8 July 25, 1~91 154 110 5 193 198 2;;0 84 ;;14 214 22 26 32 29+ 174 4 G8 • JUliO;! 30, lr.92 156 107 3 198 201 2+9 137 386 293 29 45 30 397 163 560 June 30, I t'!)3 HI3 103 4 211 215 231 212 443 325 25 45 45 440 166 606 Jllne 30, 18!)4 l!H 105 2 253 255 282 192 474 311 19 44 43 417 223 640 Jnoe 30, 1895 169 127 9 284 2:13 250 178 428 301 12 41 3D 39:{ 258 651 Jllne 30, 1896 211 122 7 292 299 1ill 195 386 291 20 40 52 403 241 6+4 June 30, l 1:i!J7 209 104 17 31D ;;36 221 153 374 232 6 22 33 293 322 615 ' June 30, 1898 216 112 29 346 375 243 135 378 250 10 26 55 34 1 359 700 June 30, 1899 214 ll8 32 352 ;;84 205 134 339 240 3G2 6DS 10 I 44 68 33G June 30, JUDO 202 122 36 3~7 377 189 118 307 207 8 2+ 48 287 356 6+3 ------'l'otals, /, 3352 1781 5133 3469 242 4G9 5!J7 4777 I Whole number cared for since the Home was opened, 4,826 DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS'

COlllpanyand NAME. Regiment.

~712 Ar~enault,alias John Augnstine.. ,". Kirby. I E, 5th Mass. Inf...... P. 4 Canada 54 6 A ,kens, WIlliam II A, 5Hh Mass. JnL...... Corp. 29 Boston 62 12 Armington, Josiah l' ... . H, 2d 1I:lass. Inf.; V.R.C ...... P. 28 R.I. 74 8 Annan, Willialll n ...... U.S~Nav~ ...... Seaman 12 N.H. 69 6 Arrington, Benj. R . .... I B, 11th 11 ass. In!...... Sergt. / U.S. Vt. Vols ...... p. (51 Mass. 63 Adams, Elias A ...... : K, 51st III ass. Inf.; 19th Unatt.l\:lass. lnf. P. 18 60 Alexander, Andrew ,J .... C, 45th Mass. Inf.; 14th Batt.Mass. L.A. P. 14 RI. 60

2200 Brown, Jonas E. E,26th Mass. Inf...... P. 46 lHass. 56 1637 Bntterfield, John ...... U.S. Navy ...... Vdsman 12 69 2577 Bryer, Alexander W ...... D, 13th Mass. Inf...... P. 39 61 32HO Buxton, Marshall F ...... G,5th Mass. Inf...... P. 10 Maine 63 'l:!Oi Barnard, Samuel...... " A, 9th V. R.C.; F, 23d Mass. 1nf...... P. 40 Mass. 62 :l~8f) Brenan, DanieL ...... U.S. Navy...... O.S. 35 N.B. 60 2805 Brown, JamesS ...... A,15thlllaFs.lnf.; G,13thV.R.C.. . .. P. 48 N.H. 54 6 2323 Berry, Asa T ...... 1,19th Mass. Inf...... P. 36 N.J. 67 6 Brackett, Clarence A ... \ E, 2d N.H. lnf...... l\I~'s. 219 I E,17th Vt. lnf...... Seigt. (33 N .H. 60 6 3343 Benedict, James W ...... G, 10th Coun. Int...... 2d Lieut. 44 Conn. 6l E, 4th R.T. Inf...... P. 2488 Boyden, Decatur lIf.... E, 7th R.I. Jnf...... Corp. R.I. 60 j B,20th V.R.C...... Sergt. 141 220~ Blake, Simon F ...... D, 17th Mass. Inf...... Sergt. 9 N.H. 75 6 3169 Bradlev, Bernard F. E l"tl 1\1 I f P alia s Bernard Bradford"'l ,. 1 e. n ...... 3 i'llass. 51 2401 Brown, James Jr ...... G, 17th Mass. Inf.; K, ~d Mass. H.A... P. 26 79 16 1770 Bass. Benj. F ...... IT, 4th Mass. Inf...... P. 2 64 1030 Burns, Georg" W. P ...... F, 29th Mass. Inf...... P. 9 58 12 1719 Burns, James ...... U.S. Navy...... ) li'i~~~;~~ ( 36 63 272G Burns, William ...... A, 5th Mass. 1nf...... P. 4. R.I. 55 1277 'Bixby, Montcalm. \ 19th Unat. Mass. Inf.. ... • ...... r. I C, 1st Batty. Mass. H .A ...... I I 7 Mass. 63 1~ 2970 Bishop, Henry L...... 19th Unat. Inf...... P. a 70 8 2669 Burlmnk, Wlllard W ...... II, 61st Mass. Inf.; F, 8th Mass. I nL... P. 17 N.H. 70 32H Butler, Charles F ...... 28th Me. Inf ...... P. 2 Maine ;;3 2621 Barter, Franklin >\ . .••.•• B, 1st Batty. Mass. }I.A...... P. 19 " 53 6 3~Hi Bradley, Uri...... D, 34th Mass. Inf.; A,24th Mass. lnf .. P. 2" Mass. 83 12 Hosp. 3301 Battles, Edwin M ...... U.S. Army ...... ) Steward ( 23 5-! 3097 Bradley, lI1ichael...... U.S. Navy ...... C. H'ver 14 Ireland 55 10 273G Bates, J ollu F ...... K, 13th Mass. Inf ...... P. 36 Mass. 65 6 u .s. Navy ...... Seaman' 2738 Burke, Thomas...... II,2d Mass. B.A ...... P. 23 Ireland G5 8 1G, 17th Mass. Inf. P. 1 P. 2761 Bates,DanielD ...... ) g:s~Wa~ass:ln~::::::::::::::: Seaman } 20 Vermont 66 6 3237 Burl'ows, IHichael...... K, 6th Mass. Inf...... • P. 9 Ireland G5 8 2777 Bacon, Charles A I, 1st l\1ass. Inf ...... Corp. 36 Mass. 63 6 3303 Balcom, Ansel...... G, 4th Mass. Inf ...... Sergt. 12 " 67 8 1520 Brooks, Henry D ...... 26th Mass. Inf ...... " ...... Mus. 11 6~ 12

1909 Canty, Cornelius J ...... C, 1i3d Mass. Inf.; D, 3d Mass. H.A . P. 34 Ireland 57

3266 Choate, William E ...... \ E, ~th Mass. Ini. .. · · ...... · · ·· ...... · .. · P. I G, 23<1 Mass. lnf...... Capt. (49 Mass. 59 12 2272 Connors, .James ...... U.S. Navy ...... 1 Seaman 62 N.Y. 68 3317 Cnrrier, Thomas W ...... E, 26th Me. illf.; II,2d Me. cav ...... · . P. 35 Maine 54

1803 Clal'k, Burh am C ...... 10th Batty. L.A...... 1 Corp. 34 65 S 1295 Clark, Seth F...... (6th 1Ifass. Inf...... I P. 9 58 8

(44) go ME IN MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 30, 1900.

..; -0 =N I =~ .~:; Admitted Disability. I ~~ ~'§ ".~ 0'0 I ",,""l~ 1 ~"" ~"" m§ il~ from. U il:i ~ I ~ l'aralysis of Deltoid muscles. ..1 6-24-97 5-20-00 Shoemaker -1-1-Widower Yes Lowell G.S.W. I. leg, Heart disease, .Blind..... 2-26-97 11-6-97 Laborer H "Boston Rheumatism, IV. right elbow...... 9-30-94 6-19-95 Carpenter Married :No I A ttJebol'O LOSS right eye, Heart disease, Piles.... 7-16-97 ...... Machinist WidOWerlyes Boston Double Hernia"...... 7-25-97...... Painter Married " Salem l\[alaria...... 8·12-,n .... '''''''' Hatter " "Worcester lIeart disease, Anremic disability .. " .. 1-11-00 ...... Carpenter Widower" Boston

Rhenmatism ...... 12-21-94 4-19-n5 Barbel' Married Lowell Loss of left, part of right foot ...... 11-28 -92! tk:g~ l Blacksmith Single Boston Hea.rt disease, Rheumatism ...... 10-21-96 ...... Ralesman Married Upart disease...... 3-13-00 ...... Carr' ge Dri ver " Rhenmatism...... 1-5-95 7-25-95 Painter Single Salem Heart disease...... 2-2-00 ...... Laborer Married Boston Lnmbago, Hernia ...... 12-25-97 6-3-00 Piano Polisher Rbeumatism, Dyspepsia, Piles 8-13-95 ...... ~'armer New York G.S.W. left hip, Heart disease . . . . 6-5-83 6-13-00 ChiI'opodist Chelsea Chronic Cystitis, Stricture ...... 6-15-00 ...... Painter Boston

Hea.rt disease, Hernia ..... 6-11-96 ", . .. •••••• Finisher S. Walpole 1 Varicose Veins, Piles .... 12-23-94 ...... Retired Peabody Varicose Veins ...... " ...... 7-13-99 ...... CUl'l'ier Single Boston Deaf, Paralysis ...... 3-25-96 9-23-Q7 Sailor Widower" Hyde l'ark Cancel' ...... 6-18-93 ...... Mason Sin~}e . ;,' Quincy Paralysis ...... " ...... " ...... 6-16-90 ...... Laborer Hoston Heart disease ...... 4-0-93 ...... Roofer IWidower No " General debility, Dial'l'hcea .. .. 7 -14-07 ...... Shoemaker Smgle Yes Malden Paralysis, Heart disease ...... 7-14-91 7-18-99 E lectricia n H "I Boston Heart disease, Malaria...... 7-21-98 ...... Upholsterer IWidower" Wellesley Rheumatism and CystitiS, Bronchitis. 3-25-97 \ 12-31-97 I I 3-14-00 \ Motorman [Married" Everett Chronic Cystitis, Piles...... 12-3~99 Engineer Widower " ISomerville Consumption, Heart dioease ...... 12-17-96 .. . . St'vepipe COV'l"~ Boston Heart disease, Hernia...... 10-22-99 ... . Laborer H No Colrain Rheumatism, Varicose Veins...... 4-3-00 ...... Clerk Yes Boston Sight impairecl"...... 1-7-99 11-11-99 L"borel' ilfal'l'ied No Peabody Heart disease, Chronic Cystitis...... 'j -18-97 Stitcher "Yes Weymouth Varicose Veins, Malaria .... 7-22-97 ...... Laborer Widower" Boston

Heart disease, Rhenmatism...... 8-29-97 ...... •... Salesman Married Heart disease...... 11-26-99 ...... Laborer Sin!f!e Lowell Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 9-18-97 Mason Hoston Chronic Nephritis, Rheumatlslll". 4-11-00 'l'rader Widower " Dighton ParalysiS, Heart disease. . 6-7 -92 \ 9-18-95 I Married Boston /12-28-97 \ l\Insician ( 10-'l-9o!) Single Heart disease, Rhenmatism. "" 11-29-93 < +: ~t ~~ ~ Laborer l 4-2-99) Old fracture left hi p .... 1-10-00 Tinplate w'ker Married "IBeverly Heart disease, Deaf .. 5-10-95 6-28-99 Seaman Single No Boston IIeart disease, Rheumatism. 5-3-00 .... , .... ,'. '1Teamster Widower yeSIVhelsea Chronic Bronchitis, Heart disease. 8-24-93 ! ~t~:~~! Police Officer Married I" Brookline Old fracture ankle ...... 7 -28-91 4,-5-98 Clerk "H Lawrence


I ci Z Company and ~ ~~ NAME. ~ Regiment. ~ .~.~ C c ::J ~ § ---... p.,~-1 312.'; Corbett ,Tosepb ... __ ...... IT, 11th Mass. lnf...... Sergt. 36 lIJass. 72 " . 151;1 Cole G~or"e E ...... ···· U.S. Navy; A, 1st Batt. Cav ...... 1'. 15 N.H. M 8 3146 Crcn;ell, F~edrick . .. _... A, 5th Mass. !nf...... , .. Corp. 3 Mass. 67 12 3090 Cole, Edwin JIf ...... C, 4thlllass. Inf ...... P. 11 " 68 2503 Vdsman 13 06 6 ~900 8~~~'JI~·~~~~:::::: ::::: R;~5ttacl!,~·.·i~f'.::::::: :.:::: ::::::.::: Corp. 12 Conn. 66 12

1632 Campion Daniel...... If, 10th N.J. Inf ...... •... P. 3 Ireland 63

2057 Craig, William ...... C, 9th lIIass. Inf ...... P. 36 79 12 23H Coleman, IIIichael...... K,42d Mass. Inf...... •.. . . r. 4 Mass. · 55 8 ?901 CI h J h B ) K, 5th Mass. Int...... Sergt. - ong ,on ...... C, GOth ~Iass . Illr...... P. !16 67 8 2102 Creesy, Benjamin. G, 23d Alass. Inf ...... _...... P. 42 65 lUI Call, James 111...... K, 58th Mass. Inf...... Sergt. G 71 12 193G Chase, Daniel W ...... 4th Batty. L.A...... P. 16 78 12 2i19 Cutler, Charles H..... K,47th Mass. Tnf.; D, 15th Mass. Inf.. P. 26 50 12 ?698 C Le el P I 0, 1st IIla;;s. Inf...... P. - ram, mn ...... 1 U.S. Navy...... Fireman 113 59 14 2133 Campbell, John If...... 0 , 3d Mass. Cav...... Lieut. 36 C. B. 68 6 985 Cochrane, Fredrick .... ) C, 5O.h Mass. Inf ...... 1st Lieut. E,59th Mass. Inf ...... Captain \34 Mass. 63 1866 Carnes, Edward S ...... E, t3d IIl aRs. lnf ...... 45 71 6 1420 Olark, Harvey 0 ...... E, Gth Vt. InL...... P. 42 Vt. 58 6 3208 Clapp, Charles J ...... K,23d Mass. Inf...... P. 46 Mass. 55 12 3273 Clark, John ...... C, 4th lI1a-s. If.A ...... P. 10 N.H. 67 6 2505 Cassidy, Thomas J ...... G, Itth Mass. Inf.; B, 2d U.S. Vols. P. 48 Mass. 66 12 2506 Chollar, Charles B.. . A, 3d Ohio Cav...... P. 38 N.Y. 54 8 2163 Curran, John H ...... \ K, 48th Mass; r,nf...... Mus. , 1, 2d Mass. Cal ...... P. l16 Mass. 53 6 1947 ICurtis, John W ...... D, 4th Mass. InI...... P. 2 62 10 2985 Cummings, Luman H .... T,15th Mass. lnf ...... Sergt. 47 Conn. 63 G 3323 Connor, Andrew J . K,24th Mass. Inf ...... P. 36 Mass. 83 12 2227 Chase, James F ... F, 19th lIJe. lnf. ; F, 1st Me. Iuf...... P. 42 Maine 65 6

2971 Dresser,Elijah W ...... 17th Unatt. Mass. Inf ...... P. 3 Mass. 56 8 655 Dearborn, Charles C ...... F, 11th !\lass. rnf...... P. 111Vermont 69 6 1456 Dolan, William J ...... 8th natty., Mass. L.A ...... P. 6 N.R. 54 6 2663 Daniels, George. A, 11th Penn. Cav ...... P. 36 N.H. 59 12 3104 Darling, Seth W.. . .. r,5th Mass. Inf ...... _...... P. 4 Mass. 55 1.2Dth lIlass.lnf ...... l 2122 Dunsmore, Andrew..... C, 13th N.H. Inf ...... P. 41 1 Scotland 65 6 ! B,~dN.H.lnf ...... ~222 Durgin, Tbomas ...... E, 59th Mass. rnf.; E, 5,th Mass. Inf .. . P. M~ss. 52 12 1874 Dean, Charles l!' ...... K,19th Mass. Tnf ...... P. igl 67 6 925 Donnelly, John ...... 13, 29th Mass. Inf ...... P. 501 Ireland 62 6 Doyle, John R ... . _...... I C 4"d lIra-s Inf 1Tt1 alias ,John B. Rodgers \ ,~ "...... P. 3 Mass. 52 6 Do Ie Patr'ck ) F, 16th Mass. Inf ...... I P. 17G7 y ,. I ...... C, 12tb V.R.C ...... \ P. 48[ Ireland 65 2805 Dixon, Alanson ...... _.... C, 40th Mass. Tnf...... _. . . P. 34 Mass. 69 2806 Davenport, Nath. T., Jr.. H, 45th ~Iass. Inf...... P. 61 2938 Dunn, Patrick...... U.S. Navy ...... Fireman ~5 1 Il'~land 67 2513 Desmazes, George lII.. B, 1st Batty. lIIe ...... : ...... P . 12, Mass. 50 2925 Dolan, ~Iir.hael. .... C,61st Mass. rnf ...... P. 9 Ireland 56 8 3220 Driscoll, William. I, 32cl Alass. Inf ...... P. 10 " 56 6 I 1460 Dockham, Daniel...... G, 12th N.H . Inf.; K,2d N.II. Inf...... P. 34 N.H. 55 8


rd .g ~ ::: ~~:; ...... Q.)~ Q.) ..... d Adnlltted Disability. .o.~.o 6 "" e;:.g~"" g fr0m < ~ " 1 Chronic Cystitis, Rbeumatism..... 3-9-99 ...... Teamster Widower Yes Beverly Spinal disease, Rheumatism ...... ' " 8-9-921 9-10-96 -, Single ,. Boston Rheumatism, Heart di~ease...... 5-18-991 5-5-00 Hrass Finisher Widower Chronic Rheumatism, Heart disease . .. 1-11-99 ...... Mechanic Sin~le "lI1iddleboro Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 7-19-96 6-16-00 Iron Moulder Widower II iloston Heart disease, Hernia.. 3-15-98 ...... Barber Married Somerville 1-30-93'1 6-29-93 I Rheumatism, old fracture, light arm . 11-22-92 { 1-3-H6 ~ Shoemaker I Widower " Boston 12-3-96 I I l 2-28-99) G.S.W. right shoulder, Paralysis, BroIl. 8-10-9! 10-9-97 Laborer Manieci [ Rheumatism, Heart disease ...... 11-14-95 ) 9~2~=~~! Printer Single

Rbeumatism, Paresis.... 2-27-98 ...... Shoema,ker IMarried Stoneham Heal·t disease...... ~-1l-94 .. . i:i.i-ill' Single Beverly Rheumatism...... 1_-10-90) 8-2-92 ( Collector Married Brookline Senility.. ,. ,.,., , . , , . .. , , , ...... 12-26-93 1 3-22-1'5 Shoemaker Single No Wakefield Hemiplegia...... 7-7-97...... , Clerk lI1arried Yes New York Heart disease, Rheumatism, . , . , ., 5-21i-97 ..• ,...... Machinist Widower " Andu.ver Rheumatism, Impaired eyesight." ... , 9-27-9-1 .. , .. " "" , Carpenter Boston Rheumatism .. , , .... "...... 1·9-90 8-9-U3 Oanvasser Married Chelsea Gastritis, Malaria ...... 9-11-93 ...... , Shoemaker Sinlf?e Waltham Rheumatism .. , , ... , .. ,.,., ... , .... ,., ... 12-14-91 6-9-93 Boot Treer Wi ower " Milford Heart disease, Paral; sis Agitans...... 10-6-99". " ... , ., Chemist Boston Heart disease ...... , , ., .. , " ...... ', . , ' 1-23-00 " Painter Rheumatism ...... 7-22-96 Hernia, Heart disease .. , , ...... , , ,. 7-25-96 ...... Hackmau 12-8-951 Rheumatism.,. , ...... , ...... ,." ., , . 10-26-94 7-1-H6 Jeweller Single Rhode Island I10-U-~7 Double Hernia, weak heart ...... 1-V-9! \ ~-18-98 / Teamster Weymouth /12-12-99 \ Married Hernia, Asthma ... " .... , .. , ,. , ' ...... 8-10-98 ...... , .... Carpenter Brockton Heart disease, Ch. CystitiS, Rheu .. , .,. 5-10-00 .. "" .. , ... Piano Finisher Widower II Boston G,S , W. L hand, Old frac, r. ankle., .. , 2-15-95 l 9!}2g:~~ I Electrician 9-23-98

Hernia ...... " , ...... 7-~4-98 Shoemaker Single Georgetown 6-27 -88/ Rheumatism , .. . , , , , . 7-20-87 4-7 -90 \ Machinist Boston Rheumatism...... J-28-92 Boot Fitter Partly blind, Varicocele"".,."."." 3-19-9i 5-9-00 Farmer Married Athol Rheumatism... , " ' ...... ,' 1-19-99 ...... , , .. .. Widower " Hudson Rheumatism, Lung Dis., Deaf ... 9-21-94 10-4-96 Cup'ier Brimfield Locomotor Ataxia...... 2-7-95 ...... Mariner Salem Rheumatism. Sciatica, .. ,., " 10-15-93 ...... , .. Teamster Rhode Island Bronchitio, Rheumatism ..... , 7-9-89 4-28-95 Lahol'er Boston Hernia, Chronic Bronchitis,. 4-8-93 3-8-94 Clerk Var. Veins ...... 6-2!-93 i t~t:! Marble Pol. Married No Cambridge Heart disease...... " 10-20-97 ...... Loom Fixer Widower Yes Lowell Heart disease, Hernia,., " ,., ...... ,., lU-21-Qi " ...... '.,. Painter Married New York Partly Paralyzed... , , ..... , ... , " ...... 5-11-98, .... , ..... , Boiler lI1aker " Boston Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... S-4-H6 \ 8-9-98 I Painter Single Lowell I 4-25-99 \ Rheumatism.,...... ,',', ... ,. 4-19-98 Boston Heart Disease, Lumbago ...... , 10-27-99 ' Laborer Married No 1-17-~3 Heart disease, Sight impaired.,., .. , .. , 2-2-92 lO-lfl-V'l ! Mechanic Yes Worcester 1 ll-1fi-!\n (47) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS

::; z Company a 1111 " NAME. "(3 Regiment ::;

10sn Damon, James M. . U.S. Navy...... 1J Mass. 54 R Dod e W P \ H,7tb Mass. Inf ...... 1'. 3Ui g, arrell ...... I 1,61 h 1I1ass. Inf...... Corp. i 9 61 6 3270 Drake, Bert C ...... ,E, 46tb Mass. Inr...... P. 7 Conll. 69 16 3'271 Dwelley, Lemuel B. S ..... C, 42d Mass.lnf.; A, 5tb Mass.lnf .... . P. N Mass. 57

2;;42 Elsbree, Edwin P ...... B, 7th Mass. Inf ...... P. 9 R.T. 62 19~0 Elsasser, John ...... B, 20th N.Y. Inf...... I'. N Germany 60 3020 Elwell, James W ...... A, 3d Me. Inf...... P. 15 Maine 64 2182 Edwards, John L ...... ~ U, 5tb Mass. Inf ...... P. , 4th Batty. Mas •. L."...... Corp. } 52 Mass. 64 8 ~275 I EayrS' Josepb 0 ...... " IE, Ntb ~rass. Inf...... r. 36 64 ]:! 3180 E llis, Joseph T ...... l!;, 1st Batt B.A ...... 'tVagoner 10 63 8 3344 Early, Edward...... U .S . Navy .. Seaman 36 Ireland 73 14 314n Evans, .Tohn IT...... M, U.S. Art ...... P. 67 :lIas •. 62 8

2889 Fowles, Augustus J. L.. D, 74tb U.S. Ini ...... Sergt. Ii 7.1 8 3150 Fergnson, Samuel A. H, 5tb 1I1ass. I nf.; D,lst Mass. H A .. . P. 47 60 8 2894 Fahey, David...... II,37th lIlass. Inf. P. 3! Ireland :;6 G ~7.a Flobr, John W ...... D, 3d Mass. Cav...... Corp. :33 N.ti. 69 10 3153 Ferrin. SUlllner C ...... C, 4th Mass. B . A ...... COl·p. 10 :N.H. 5, 13 3298 F r ench, Hiram F. K,45th Mass. Inf...... Corp. 9 1\1ass. 60 6 FitzgeraW, Michael. ... . ! I ~' ,G,'Oth ~Iass . Inf ...... P . 3037 / C, _8th Mass. Tnf ...... Corp. !10 Ireland 66 8 3160 Furbursh, Ichabod G ..... D, 1st Me. H.A ...... P. 17 Maine 76 ]~ 2076 Fay, A. ClafiJU E, 51st Mass. Ini...... P. 10 N.Y. 60 2378 Foster, Cbarles R ...... ~" 1st lIle. Inf...... P. 3 Maino l~

10n9 Fagan, James ...... !ord. C, U.S.A ...... 1'. 36 Ireland 61 ....

2589 ~'itz Gerald, Ezekiel. . .. D, 44th lIJass. lnf ...... ]'. 9 Mich. 60 1916 Fisber, ITemy...... H, 1st 1\1ass. Inf ...... P. 2 Mass. 62 3051 Folsom, Artemus L ..... I r, 1st N.Y. Mt. 11 ...... I al'ias Wm. L. ]'olsom. ! U.S. l"avy ...... ! 1'. 35 l\Iaine 75 3352 Ferguson, John. .... U .S. Navy ...... Cal'p'ter 67 England 73

2912 Gough, John ]:...... F, 47th 1Ilass. Inf.; D, 26th ]\lass. Inf ... P. 30 Ireland 70 GonIon, Frednck M ... . I G 2851 alias Charles Green .. \ ,11th Conn . Inf...... P. 17 N.S. 54 10 3327 Gl'aham, tiylvanus C ...... G, 50th Mass. lui ...... J'. 12 Mass. 62 2950 Gibbs, John F .. .. .' ..... ! 20th Mass Inf ...... Mus. / C,31st Me. Inf...... P. !26 Maine 67 2487 IGray, Walter F ...... n, 49th Mass. Inf...... P . 11 N.Y. 68 2695 Greenan, Charles H ...... C, 31st Pa. Inf ...... P. 2 England 64 1817 Gassett, Augustus A... . . D, 11lh Mass. InL ...... Corp. 36 l\Iass. 54 8 3~02 Glines, Alvin R ...... G,3nth Mass. Inf...... P. 3~ N.H. 54 6 3223 Gaul, John...... F,59th Mass. Inf.; ~', 5,th Mass. Inf.. P. 17 I reland 64 3038 Goodwin, Joseph A.. D,6th Mass. Tnf ...... J'. 3 Mass. 54 S 3336 Gale, Georl!;e ~'...... 10th Unatt. Mass Inf ...... P. 3 " 55 3263 Greenlaw, Moses W .. I, 3lel Mass. Inf .. Sergt. 36 Maine 70 859 Gates, John B ...... D, 51st Mass. InI .. P. 11 l\Iass. 61 459 Gibby, William H ...... C , 1st Mass. Cav...... P. 18 53 3342 Greaves, James. U.S. Navy...... L'dsman 12 55 2350 Glidden, Alvin F ...... B, 5th Mas •. Inf...... P. 9 Maine 56 Gosland, Daniel...... I U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 3061 alias Thomas Simpson! ~6 Ireland 62 8 1709 Handy, Jolln S ...... K,4Hb Mass. Inf...... P. 9 N.H. 54


Admitted Disability. frOln

Consumption, Varicose Veins ...... 9-9-90 1-5-00 Carpenter Married Yes Chicopee j<'alls Ueart disease, Right hand deformed .. 2-12-99 1-13-00 Shoemaker Stoneham Chronic Cystitis, Hernia ...... 1-18-00 ...... Engineer Single Floricia Heart disease, Liver disease ...... 1-20-00 ...... •.... Teamster lIIarried Boston

IIeart disease, !fernia ...... 9-16-96 ...... Letter Carrier Single Fall River n, I 9-2; -96 I B b Rheumatism, Heart disease ...... 3 -16 -.,.. I 4-11-99 r ar er lIIarried Boston W. left shoulder, Heart disease .. . 10-5-98 ...... l'iano Maker u LeOll1inster Malaria, IIernia...... 11-21-94 ...... Painter Salem Chronic Cystiti • Fistula...... ~-26-00 ...... Clerk " Everett Rheumatism, IIeart disease...... 8-1-99 ...... Rottler Chelsea Hernia, IIemiplegia...... 1-17-00 ...... Laborer Single No 'Veymollth Heart disease, Chronic Cystitis ...... 5-21-99 ...... Teamster lIIarried Yes Cambridge

Heart disease...... 2-9-98 ...... Confectioner Single Chronic Rheumatism, C.S.W. r. side .. 5-26-99 ...... Letter Carrier Married Salem Rheumatism ...... 2-17-98 ...... Brass lIIoulder \Vido\ver Chicopee C.S.W. ]'ight shoulder ...... 7 -25-97 ...... Moulder Married I " Waltham Dementia ...... 6-4-99 ...... Milkman " Bostoll IIeart disease ...... 3-28-00 ...... TInsmith Single Heart disease, Hernia ...... 10-22-98 ...... Hootmaker " Hernia ...... 6-21-99 ...... Laborer Widower Lowell Rheumatism ...... " ...... 8-9-94 3-3-99 I'ainter Southboro Double Hernia ...... 11-21-95 ...... tihoemaker Lowell 9-23-911 9-19-92 I ,r '1-9.n3' Heart disease ...... 9-18-90 ~ 9-H-94 ( Cardener lIIarried Cambridge JO-24-95 ! 8-21-913) I Heart disease...... 11-4-96 ...... l Clergyman Single Boston Hernia, Rheulllalism ...... 12 12-93 !128~t~~! Carpenter ChelRea Heart disease, Chronic Cystitis ...... I 11-5-98 ...... Seaman Married Boston Rheumatism ...... 0-2 -00 ...... Carpenter Single Foxboro

Heart disease, Rheumatism...... 3-20-98 0-9-00 Waiter Married Boston j'hthisiS. RheumatibIn ...... H-~2-97 ...... Barber Heart disease, Chronic Nephritis ...... ii-24-00 ....•...... Sole Sorter Haverhill Heart ([isease, Rheumatism...... 6-11-W8 ...... Laborer Boslon Constipation...... 6-9-96 7-8-Vi Photographer Widower Heart disease, RheumatIsm...... ,>-13-9i ...... Wire Weaver Single Holyoke Heart ciisease...... 9-13-93 ...... Moulcier I I, Boston Lumbago, deafness...... 9-~6-9n ...... Farmer . Manied Scituate Rbeumatlsm ...... 10-31-99 ...... Shoemaker Rlllgle Boston Paralysis ...... 10-2:3-98 ...... Clerk W i

Hernia, Heart disease...... 3-13-93 3-11-00 Carpenter lIIarried Yes


~~ Company and M:>; :;:;<1 NAIIIE. bJO.~ Regiment. .,~" . .... :;; ---Irn

1584 Hutchinson, William .... . G, 23d MasB. Inf. P. 36' lIlass. 67 ~

3173 Harrington, Comelius .... D, 11th ~le.lnf ...... P. ]2 Ireland 57 6 3132 iIamlin, Benj. H ...... ! D, 29lh .I\18BS. Inf...... COl·p. I E, 36th Mass. Inf ...... Sergt. !39 Mass. 56 8 Harring:lon, Joseph J ... ~ A, 51st Mass. Inf ...... 665 ohas Jerome ...... \ P. 11 74 3166 ,Hall, John F ...... J, 15th N.H. Inf ...... P. 68 6 29-l4 Heath, Edwin C ...... I, 6th Mass. Inf ...... P. I} ~er;~ont 59 8 3.326 Holmes, Irving L ...... E, 1st Bat'ln Fron. Cav ...... P. 6 Maine 57 2607 Holt, Edwin ...... 2d S.S.; Att. 22d ~fass. InC ...... P. ]8 Mass. 59 S 3139 HOWland, Herbert. L ...... H, 4th lIIa"s. Cav ...... 1'. 11 " 55 6 3229 Hnghes, Nelson ...... n , 2d lIIass. H .A.; 17th Mass. Inf ...... P. 11 )I.S. 55 328l Hewes, George W ...... K, 17th Mass.lnf ...... P. 42 Mass. 64 10 2318 Howard, IIenry ...... G, 13th Mass. InL ...... P. 36 Maine 56 3103 HI II, .A ndrew J ...... H , ~7th III ass. InC ...... Corp. 35 Mass. 57 22,6 Howe, Charles A ...... l!', 13th lITass. InL ...... I'. 19 H 66 U 2(;81 Hardy, Samuel A ...... 5th Batty. Mass. L.A ...... P. 32 65 8 ]593 Harvey, John C ...... D, 30th Mass. lnf ...... Corp. 5- u 63 8 1906 IInghes, James ...... F, 1st W.Va. Cav ...... P. 1~ 1 Ireland 64 2499 Houghton. Charles ...... E, 22d Mass. Inf ...... Corp. 7 Mass. 70 S 1835 Hofer, j<'rederick W ...... A, 2d Mass. II.A...... Corp. 21 Germany 60 6 ?2 Healey, James ...... I G l"th ~Iass Inf . H 2,1 ~[a"s H A 29- alias Murphy ...... ~ ,I .n • ., , .J..l....,. • • , •• P. 12 Conn. 55 828 Himes, Ezra...... '" C, 10th Mass. Int...... Sergt. 36 JIlass. 63 6 2286 Hood, George M ...... E, 2d Mass. H.A ...... P. 20 " 56 20th lIIass. Inf...... j 3.%1 IHemenWay, John...... 37th Mass. lnL ...... P. 55 6 f G, 10th .IIlass. Inf ...... 2595 Ireson. Theodore L ...... D, 20th lIIe. Inf ...... ]~. 9 61 6

29M/.Jenkins, Marion A ...... U.S. Navy ...... L'dsman 37 Ohio 64 8 1310 Jackson Charles 0 I D, 1st R.I. Unat1.1nf...... ·1 P. 40 Mass. 71 ' ...... I D, 1st Batty. 1~.I. L.A ......

2-161 IJOhnson, Eli II ...... D, 271.h Mass. Inf...... P. 46 60 8

1708 Johnson, Charles W ...... K, 52d Mass. Inf. ; B, 19Hh N.Y. Inf.... P. 20 N.Y. 63 12 2211 Jones, John E ...... U.S. Navy ...... "IAct. Ens. 84 Mass. 66 S. 2576 JOhnston, James ...... G, 60th Mass. Inf...... P. 21 N.B. 55 12 2943 J dll Albe 't D I H, 52dMass. Inf...... P. - U, I ...... I U.S. Signal Cor"s ...... 1'. !29 N.Y. 57 S 3316 lJewett, Ilenry T ...... U.S. Navy...... Seaman 1 Canada 5~ 3304 .Jones, Gabriel ...... F, 5th Mass. Cav...... P. 20 Tenn. 60 3050 Johnson, Solon ...... H, 1st Mass. II.A...... 1'. 30 Mass. 66 Jorse, John ...... I D 3-th USC '[' P 830 alias John Vaughn ... j ,I ...... • 13 N.C. 51 3188 Jordan, Cyrus W ...... G, 6th N.Y. fJ.A.; 14th N.Y. r.I.'.A. . '.;} 48, 2d Batt. V.R.C ...... P. 20 Maine 58 3231 Johns, William ...... H,l92<1 N.Y. InL...... P. 5 Enf:land 63 6 3~40 Jones, Alexander ...... B,17th Mass. Int...... P. 28 Ire and 67 6 2190 Keenan, William A ...... A, 3d R.T. H.A ...... 'Sgt. Maj. 41 Mass. 63 12 1772 Kerwin, Mathew ...... H, 29th !\lass. Inf ...... 28 Ireland 62 12 926lKendall, .James ...... II,7th R.I. Inf...... P. 34 Mass. 74 12 2257 Kent, Louis A ...... u.S. Navy ...... Act.-¥.M. 19 62 2410 Kiley, John...... f', 1st Mass.lnf...... P. 36 65 6


o" Disability. ~ Admitted A from. c oC)" ----1---1------1----- 8-19-96 Varicose Veins, Hernia...... 9-22-92 6-9-97 i Motorman l\larried Yes .Boston 3-20-00 Heart disease, Consumption ...... 7-18-00 I...... Stone Cutter Widower New Bedford G.S.W. in wrist and head, Heart dis.... 4-14-99 ...... Glass Trimmer Sandwich ( 1-4-93 Rheumatism, Heart disease...... 8-12-87 j 8-7-98 1Cnrrier Single Shrewsbury \ 5-5-U9 Chronic Bronchiti8, Heart disease. . ... 7-12-99 ...... Operative "rarried Boston Rheumatism, Hernia...... 5-22-98 ...... Real ESlate ~Iassacbusetts Heart disease...... 5-22-00 ...... Pattern Maker Widnwer .Boston Heart disease, Hernia ...... 12-1-961 9-29-99 ~lachinist Jllarried " IS pring-field Hernia. Heart disease...... 5-4-991'" ...... Teamster Widower Boston Skin disease ...... 11-11-99 ...... Sailor Single " Heru:t ~~ease, Chronic Nephritis...... 2-7-0~ 1 '\' . li:2S:96'i Cle~~ , Married Haverhill BronchItIs ...... :.:...... 8-9-9n l 7-~8-97 \ Calf ge P nter Boston l ParalysIs, Chronic CyStItIS...... 1-18-99 ...... Carpenter Widower " W'terb'l'Y, Conn. Paralysis...... 5-15-\15 ...... Shoemaker Single IIudson Malaria, Scrotal Hernia ...... 10-25-96 ...... Laborer Widower " New Bedford IIeart d Isease...... · 9-30-92 I\ 10-H-W5-18-95 I "ac'I h' IIllS . t Single Boston I 12-9-94/ Wd. right arm, Rheumatism ...... 11-25-93 llii:t~~ j Laborer No Rheumatism, Heart di8ease...... 7-14-96..... Carpenter Divorced Yes IIeart disease, Brouchitis ...... 9-23-93 9-18-95 ToolMaker Widower " Cambridge Hernia, RheumatiBm ...... 4-7-98 ...... Hostler Connecticut Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 10-11-88 12-23-99 Laborer Si~,gle New Bedford Rheumatism, Chronic Bronchitis ..... 6-4-95 12-UI-99 \£ngineer Millis Heart disease, Loss two toes r. foot ... 6-27-00 ...... Currier lIIarried Wakefield

Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 11-11-96 ...... Hostler Lynn

Heart disease, Chronic Cystitis ...... 6-22-98 ...... Laborer Boston Heart disease...... 8-19-91...... Jeweller Wrentham ( G-18-9;) . . . '11-18-98' . Heart dIsease, RheumatIsm...... 4-8-96 i 11-7-99 r Farmer Widower II Amherst l 6-22-00) Hemiplegia ...... 3-U-93 ...... Painter Single E. Hampton l\falaria, Breast bone frac. by shell. . .. 1-10-95...... Needle Maker Married Lynn Heart disease, lead palsy r. band ...... 10-20-96 ...... Painter Single Boston Lumbago ...... 5-18-98 ...... Book-keeper Married Columbus, O. Vertigo...... ;-2-00 ...... Carpenter Boston Heart disease, Phthisis, Pul. loss 1. eye. 4-5-00 ...... Laborer Widower No Heart disease, Itheumatism ...... 11-4-98 ...... ~'armer Yes Burlington Heal·t disease, Paralysis ...... 10-17-88 4-15-99 Barber .Single Boston Phthisis Pulmonalis ...... 8-25-99 ...... Waiter l\Iarried Chronic Cystitis, Hernia ...... 11-12-99 ...... Pedler Medford Rheumatism, Enlarged Prostate ...... 11-30-99 ...... Currier Single Salem Locomotor Ataxia ...... 12-7 -94 ...... Wood Carver Married Boston Heart disease, Phthisis ...... 7 -3-93 3-20-00 l\Ioroc. Dresser No Rbeumatism, Deaf ...... 7-9-89 ! ~:~t~~ ( Macbinist YeS Chelsea Heart disease ...... 4- i -95 ...... Upholsterer Widower " .Boston 9-18-971 Heart disease, Wd. in right breast . ... . 1-1-96 6-21-98 Laborer ! 10-5-99 (51) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS'

.,; ... ,,; ~~ ",- 0 0 _ .,:, Z Company and .>i .<:l'" .;;:+> ..:"" PI~ NAME. t: ~ « .;,;j00 ..... 0 Regiment. p:; ,,>" . ~ "en<1> =::l ...<1;) Z ",0" . rn ~ o..:.l

2844 Kimball, Edward P ...... K, 1st N.ll. 11.A ...... Sergt. 9 N.n. 55 Seaman 3346 Kelley, Daniel E ...... U .S. Navy; 14th Batty. L.A ...... { P. 117 )llass. 58 3159 King, Jamcs-W. , ...... C, 32rt Mass. Inf.; D, 18th Mass. Inf ... Lieut. 37 58 8 241>6 Kratz, William E ...... Seaman 36 Prussia 64 8 2781 Kirby, Benjamin ...... KSio~a~a:ss: i~f·.:::::::::: . ::::.::::::: P. 18 Mass. 91 12 3210 Kinnerney, George ...... C, 57th Mass. I nf...... P. 17 Ireland 64 1840 Knight, George ...... D, 1st Md. Cay ...... P. 14 )lIass. 6U 12 3106 Kelley, William H ...... C. 42d Mass. [uf.. ... P. 4 52

1815 King, James M ...... C, 50th Mass. Inf.; G, 4th ~Iass. Cav .... P. 28 64 6

465 Kelly, Thomas ...... B, 29th Mass. Inf ...... P. III N.J. 65 . ...

3325 Llewellyn, Thos. J ...... I, 9th Mass. Ini...... , ...... P. 23 It'elan e\ 55 6 3319 Low, Beuj. 0 ...... U.S. )Iavy ...... Act. Ens. 45 lIlass. 59 2494 Loud, Byron W ...... H, 12th 1I1a8s. Inf.; 13th V.R C ...... ) C:rP' !37 54 2036 Lovett, Hugh.. .. U.S. Navy...... Seaman 25 65 13.';3 JJeonard, John. A, lith Mass. Inf...... P. 17 Ireland 78 12 3178 Livingston, Benj. T ...... G, 5th Mass. Inf.; C, 45th Mass. Inf .. j se~gt. III N.H. 72 6 2441 Lovett, MichaeL...... F, 40th Mass. Inf...... P. 34 Mass. 52 U.S. Navy ...... L'dsman 1 2143 Lane, Andrew...... 1, 8th Mass. Inf...... 23 Ireland 55 8 f Land E, 3d Mass. Cav...... Corp. 3283 Loomis, Rodney D ...... H,57th lIlass. Int...... P. 20 Vermont 69 36 3305 Lewis, John ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 28 Maine 80 Lowe Isaac M f F, 5th Mass Inf ...... ! ~8ll alids Isaac M·.· Lo~d::: H, 2d 1I1ass. Cav...... P. 39 71 12 G, 24th V.RC...... I 3330 Leeds, James P. . ... A, 13th Mass. Inf.; Secret Service .... . 36 1I1a"s. 57 3201 Luther, Charle. ~' ...... C, 22d Mass. Inf.; K, U .S. Ct. T ...... { 2d leut. 122 58 Linehan. 'l'imothy ...... US Na . II 61 t NY I f { Seaman 2816 alias John Bastings ....l £vy" s .. n ...... P. !27 N.S. 69 3347 Lalfy, Bartlett ...... U.S. Navy ...... , ...... B'n AI. 36 Ireland 62 2924 Lynch, John ...... B, 30th Mass. Int...... P. 58 l\faine 55 3126 Low, Hobert H ...... E, 55th Mass. Ini...... P. 7 Mel. 77 10

2917 McCarthy, ""ohn A ...... nth Batty. Mass. L.A.; B, 3d V.R.C.. . .. P. 36 N.Y. 60 6 3302 Murphy, lIlartin V ...... K, 26th Ma,s Inf...... P. 48 Mass. .;7 3306 111lowry, IIenry A ...... " II, 22d Mass. Inf...... '...... P . 12 " ;;9 10 3148 Merriam, George P ...... U .S. Navy,...... La'dsm'n 14 Maine 69 12 "8?2- • lIlcDermott,alias Edwa Eclwru:drd )Iack ...... Ir C ' 101 s t r a. I n...... f ...... P . 3 Ireland 69 3348 Murdock, Charles C ...... K,25th illass. InC...... Capt. 46 Mass. 56 12 2159 Maloney, Edward ...... II aud E, 19th Mass. lnf...... P. 44 54 12 3109 lIlartin, Henry ...... C, 6th 1IIass. Inf...... P. 9 Vt. 67 3187 illcFal"land, Charles ...... H, 5th Mass. Inf.; U .S. Navy ...... j La,J';;m'n !45 Mass. 63 6 2087 lIlurphy, James ...... U.S. Navy ...... La'clsm'n 12 56 2141 McIntire, John ...... [,5th Mass. Inf.; F, 2d Mass. II.A ...... P. 32 Ireland 64 14 2559 Moore, John ...... C, 11th 111ass. Inf...... P. 36 Vermont 62 12 3200 Mason, Edward ...... K, 22d Mass. V.R.C ...... P. 36 Mass. 62 8 1312 lIIurph y, Michael...... B, 57th Pa. Inf ...... P. 3 Irelancl 79


Admitted Disability. from

-----1------Heart Disease ...... 12·18-97 ...... Journalist Single Yes Worcester Heart dis., Chronic Nephritis ...... , 6-23-00...... Machinist Married Lowell Hernia, Rheumatism ...... n-20-99 ...... Manufacturer Maine Hemiplegia ...... 3-31-96 ...... ~'ireman Boston Old age ...... 9-20-97 ...... Carpenter Revere Heart diseaRe, Hernia ...... 10-7 -99 ...... Laborer Single Palmer \ 6-8-97 I Asthma, Heart disease ...... 9-27-93 I 6-27-09 \ Farmer Widower II Boston Inj. Arm ...... 1-22-99 ...... Carpenter r tit~~ 1 IIeart disease ...... 9-9-93 ~ 6-26-97 r 111 oulder Single " Worcester LlO-30-98J I0-27-94} "11-20-96 . Hernia, Deaf ...... • -9-85 J,11-18-97 Blacksmlth Widower" Cambridge Lll-24-98

Phthisis, Locomotor Atax...... 5-12-00 ...... Laborer Single Lynn Heart disease, Lumbago...... 5-3-00 ...... Seaman Married Boston

Heart aralysis...... 7-26-91) ...... Cunier Chelsea Ch. Cystitis, Stricture...... 3-5-96 \ 11-21-97 Teamster Boston I 5-16-00 1 .Blind 1. eye, lJeart disease...... 10-7-94 9-1-96 Printer Married Boston Sash and L. 1. leg below knee, r. Hemiplegia.... . 2-9-00 ...... { Blind Maker 1 Single Millbury Rheumatism, Cystitis ...... 4-5-00 ...... Mariner No Boston IIeart disease, Hernia ...... 10-27-97 ...... HarnesS Mak. 'Vldower Yes Maine Heart disease, Rhenmatism...... 5-30-00 ...... • ... . Court Cons'ble Married Boston Heart disease...... 9-24-99 ..... :.. .. Clerk North Adams Heart disease, Double Hernia ...... 11-5-97 ...... Sailor Widower " Lawrence Chronic Cystitis ...... 6-24-00 ...... Seaman Manied No Boston Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 4-14-98 .....•...... Sash Malter Widower Yes Lowell Iujury to left leg, Rheumatism ...... 3-10-99 ...... Barber :Married New Bedford Rheu., G. w. left leg...... 3-25-98 6-22-99 Clerk " .Boston Heart dIsease, Rheumatism...... 4-3-00 ...... Farmer Single Wrentham L. HemiplegIa...... 4-7 -00 ...... CaJ'penter lIIanled Boston Heart (li •. , Ch. Nephritis...... 5-21-99 ...... Shoemaker Widower " Lynn Heart dis., Paralysis ...... 11-12-97 { 85~~=~g I Laborer Married Lawrence Heart dis., ParalYSis ...... 6-24-00 ...... Book-keeper Milton G.S.W.1. ankle, Ulcer r. foot ...... lO-20-lH ) 7~it~~ 1Blacksmitb, Single Lynn Chronic Cystitis...... 1-25-99 ...... Watchman Widower " Boston Poor Eyesight...... 8-17-99 ...... Carpenter Single Rheumatism ...... 8-25-94) 10~it~~ 1Machinist W. J. leg, General Debility...... 10-6-94 { 9:it~g} Shoemaker Single Marlboro Heart dis., Paralysis...... 10-1-96 4-6-98 Shoemaker Widower N.S. Heart dis., Rbeumatism ...... 9-21-99 ...... Shoemaker " Sturbridge Double llel'llia...... 8-22-\ll ...... Sboemaker Married" Milford


,,",00 oj "'" 00 00 bO o "'-",-", Z Company and .<:1:<1 ~ "'1 Ci .!J ~>=I >=I NAME. .~ ::l ">=I § ~ . ~ ~ -:: w·- ;:; Regiment. P1 w t:; H'"" .. Z'" " ",,0 . '" ~~ ---- Xl" ~'"' 2448 McQnade, Bernard...... M,2d Mass. Cay. P. 5 Ireland 65 6 1507 Meader. James W . . . .. A, 8th Mas •. Inf.. . P. 11 Mass. 61 6 2004 Morrison, ;;eth ...... F, 4th Mass. InL ...... P. 2 Maine 71 2iOg Manning, Charles L ...... C, 5th Mass. Ini...... P. 10 Mass. 57

669 Morse, George ...... 1st and 9th Batty. JlIass. L.A ...... P. 45 71 12

1827 M~~~;~'c'B'~~~d·. :::::: ~ H, 10th N.H. Inf. ; A,2d N.H. Inf .. P. 28 Ireland 59 8 2-382 McCurdy, Samuel A ...... D, 24th V.R.C. ; G , 15th Mass. Inf ...... P. 36 Mass. 56 2360 lVlellen, Thomas ...... U.S. Navy ... ' ...... Seaman ]0 Vermont 69 6 789 May, William 0 ...... ~" 5th Mass. Int. .. P. 3 R.1. 64 6

itles Qt. 2215 Moore, George A ...... ) t' itt ~!~~: t~~.~·. n. :::: ...... Sergt. !17 Mass. 58 6 1875 McKinley, Charles .... D,12th Mass. ]nf .... : ...... r. 16 Ireland 58 12 2898 McKenna, Michael...... C, 32d Mass. Inf...... 1'. 36 l\lass. 68

427 Mclnernery, John ...... lJ.S. Navy ...... 14 53 ....

3320 lVlcGivern, Johu W ...... D, 60th Mass. Inf...... P. <1 54 2dMd. Inf...... Surgeon 3031 Morong, Edward P.. ... U.S. VoL ...... Sur. Bvt. (54 Ala. 68 25 ! Lt.-Col. J 3329 Moo,re, Henry ...... C, 27th Mass.lnf ...... P. 25 Conn. 63 3331 McGnlllllls, Charles ...... I, 8th Mass. Inf.; D, 1st Battn.Vt. Cav. P. 10 ~Iass. 52 8 2439 Marden, David ...... G, 5th Mass. Inf.; G, 18th N.H. Inf.. . . ;p. 11 N.H. 59 3119 Maxwell, Richard. U .S. Navy ...... Q.·M. Mass. 67 13! 3250 McPike, John...... l<" 6th Me Inf.; R,4th Mass. Cav ...... P. 23 58

193 Newcomb, Fred. 11. 13, 36th JIlass. Inf...... P. 28 61 2042 Newhall, Charles A ...... K, 19th Mass. Inf ...... P. 36 65 2129 Noe, Joseph ...... C, 15th N.Y. Inf. ; D, 2d N.Y. Inf ... . P. 4 Canada 66 6 2274 Newhall, James 1\1. .. . . D, 3d RI. n .A ...... P. 13 Mass. 69 12 2556 Nutting. Joseph H. .. B, 40th Mass. Inf...... P. 34 " 55 2997 Norris, George M. .... 13, 24th lIlass. Inf...... Corp. 36 6~ 3195 Newell,JamesS ..... \ E,44thMass.lnf ..... , ...... 1st Lt. .. I A, 5th Mass. Cav ...... , .. -...... _.. . Capt. l31 57 3196 Nason, Paul F.. K,22d Mass. Inf ...... Capt. :16 Ga. 61 3213 Newhall, J~cob 1;;...... D, 8th Mass. Inf ...... · ...... '.' P. 4 Mass. 69 3226 Nelson, Charles ...... U.S. Navy; A, 15th Mass. Inf. . . .. P. 33 Norway 64 1~ 3233 Noyes, Dana \V ...... G, 49th Mass. Inf.; M,13th N .Y. H.A . . Sergt. 21 Mass. 60 3340 0 'Conn01:" Robert ...... 18th Unatt. Mass. Int...... P. 3 Ireland 52 2553 0' Brien, l'atrick ...... 111 , 6th Ill. Cav ...... P. 22 " 59 6 825 O'Donnell, John ...... A , 57th Mass. I1rf...... Sergt. 19 59 8 312 Ormond, Albert ...... I, 11th Mass. Inf ...... P. 36 Mass. 70 12 2255 Pntnam, George H ...... 10 Ratty. Mass. L.A ...... , ...... P. 34 6n 3161 Pease, Thomas H ...... D , U.S. Engineers...... P. 27 65 2320 Polson, Alexander, Jr . . .. U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 18 56 8 2791 Parker, Joseph SoO ...... n, 44th Mass. Inf...... P. 9 60 6 3141 Pratt, John E ...... F, 38th Mass. Inf ...... Corp. 34 Maine 66 2271 Peters, Lyman ...... F, 53d Mass. Inf...... P. 11 Vermont 75 12 3255 Parker, V. Frank ...... 7t~~~.. ~~~~:I1rf.. .; . ~:~~t.~a.ttn .. ~a~s .. ( P. 9 N.S. 55 2838 Pickett, John II ...... AF6r~nMC:~:.~~~::.~' 1~~.~~tt~ .. ~~~s.. l P. 21 Mass. 52 6 2450 Potter, Adonir am J Jr,21st Me. InL ; 1st Me. H.A .. P. 21 Maine 76 12


ci ci o -0 .~:r; Admitted Disability. ~ 0'0".- g- 00::1 from o o o" o

Sciatica ...... 3-17-96 Can'ge Driver Ma rried Yes Boston Deaf ...... 5-18-92 ...... Engineer Widower " Newburyport Weak Heart, Varicose Veins ...... 4-2-94 ...... Straw Maker Single Boston Heart disease, Hernia ...... 6-18-97 ...... Moroc. Dres'I' " " Peabody ( 7+881 ti-19-87 J 12-19-~~ ~ Carr'ge Trim'r Heart disease, Phthisis ...... 1 9-29-90, . Married Cambridge l 6-24-97) Hemiplegia, Injury left foot ...... 9-19-93 {lli~t~~! Hostler Single No Boston Heart disease, SCI'otal Hernia ...... 12-1-95 ...... Cloth Cutter Yes Sutton Heart disease, Poor eyesight . ... . 10-14-95 ...... Hackman 'raunton Rheumatism ...... 6-29-88 { 6-11-90 Clerk 7-7-95 I Boston r 9-10-951 '12ry396' Heart disease, Paralysis ...... '" 1-18-95 i 7=23=98 r Barher Widower " l 9-23-99 J Heart disease, Paralysis ...... 10-25-93 9-25-95 Painter Single Heart disease, Hernia...... 2-20-98 9-29-99 Fireman 9-9-851 " r11 -29-93 I Heart disease ...... 3-10-85 ~ l~t~; ~ Laborer Widower 111-26-98 J l 11-2-99 Cystitis ...... 5-5-00 ...... Tackru aker Dighton

Inguinal Hernia, Heart disease ...... 10-15-98 ...... Surgeon Married H Boston Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 5-29-00 ...... Farmer Single " Agawam Heart disease, Chronic Xephritis ...... 6-1-00 ...... Special Officer lIlarried Boston \ 7-30-96 I Heart disease, Rheumatism..... 2-29-96 I 9-23-98 I Laborer Single Heart disease, Rheumatism...... 2-19-99 12-8-99 l\Iariner Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 12-15-99 ...... Shoemaker

Paralysis ...... , ...... 4-21-94 5-29-85 Milkman Divorced Somerville G.S. W. right shoulder, Weak Heart .. . 6-11-94 ...... Shoe eu tter Wiclo\yer " Saugus Rheumatism ...... 9-26-94 l·~=~8=~g! Sboemal

Heart disease, Cystitis ...... 12-15-97 ...... Mason \ " H eart disease ...... 3-24-96 ...... Bl ack smith Married "Medford


OO oj It!-l ~u5 o~ ,:, bJJ "1 ~o COlu panyand .0'" .~ ::: 0 o~ NAMlc. ~ OJ;. ~ "" "" " ':n' ::: Regimen t. ~" ,,>'" . "" "'"on ,,.. Z" ....."e" . .... '" ~ ~ ,-; ---- '" 440 Phelan, William, .•Jr.. '" G, 3d Mass. IT.A ...... •.•...... P. 24 Mass. 68 12 814 P~'e, John Ie...... A, 4tlllllass lnf ...... P. 11 P .E. Island 57 12 1519 Plumeridge, George ...... D, 74th N.Y. I nf ...... P. 36 England 84- l ~ 3261 Pickford, Job ...... A, Zd 11 1ass. H .A ... . P. 9 " 60

'2069 Quinlan, ratl'ick ...... 12th Batty. Mass. L. A ...... Sergt. 33 I reland 61

1i56 Uamsclell, Wm. II .. fl, 21st Mass. Inf ...... P. 47 Mass. 56 6 1459 Rupert, Charles .. . H, 16th Mass. Inf ... r. &Lt. 36 66 6 S72 Hod dy, Ed warcl ...... F, 48th Mass. Inf ...... P. 10 Irelan d 89 12 P . 2684 Reed, Gustavus L. .... \ B,}th 1I1ass., I nf.. .. } 48 1I1 as8. 64 . I ! , _d ~ I ass. Cav . ... . Sergt. 11i3 Reilly, John.... u.S. Navy ...... 22 S.C. 60 10 33:

2277 Shea, Tbomas ...... K,42d lIIass. InI...... P. 4Irelancl G7 6 2747 Stevens, James H . . . II, 12th Mass. Inf...... P. 36 Mass. 68 1338 Sh ine, Joh n...... U .S. Navy ...... P. 24111e. G5 1537 Snell, Henry L ...... 13, 42d !\Jass. Inf ...... P . 11 Mass. 72 300" Shields, Willi a m ...... E, 45th .i\lass. lnf...... P . 10 Irela nd 51 2611 Smith, Daniel, Jr..... G, 10th Mass. lnf ...... P. 17 N.Y. 55 6 3279 Stoddard, Charles A ...... C, Ell~~neel' Corps ...... 18 1I1ass. 60 P. 2.. R.L . 67 8 ~~~~ ~~:~so~(,I1;a~~i;'j::::::::: ~:~~Na~~~ · .?~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Clerk 49 N.Y. 6i 6 ~937 1 ~illClair, Alonzo L .. . .. E, 2(1 Mass. H.A. , G, 17th ~Ia ss. Inf .. . 1'. 11 57 1911 :stanton, Rlram ...... M,3d Ky Cav...... Sergt. 10 N U. 68 s 33:37 Snow. Charles L H,6th Mass.Ini...... P. 3 Me. 56 3278 ISton e, W,lham 0 ...... D, 132d I ud. Int...... Sergt. ~ Mass. 61 3293 Steiner, l!'enlina n


"" _0 ~'" ~~'" -..,"" ", .- ~ .~~" '"~~ Admitted Disability. "'.., <.) .~ "d',.. -"8 0'0 ",- ~~ ~'O '" From. ""<.) (/)"0 ~~ <.)" 0 ~ ~'" 0 ------Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 4-30-85 10 24-96 Machinist Married Yes Taunton Bronchitis ...... 9-8-88 . Barbel' ' Vi dower " Boston Kearl)' blind .... . 6-4-92 .. . Painter IlI'IalTied Camb~idge Feeble ...... : . 12-29-99 .. . Cotton Spinn'r "

Rheumatism, Bronchitis . . .. . 8-2-9! ~-2-98 Teamster Widower " Boston

H-8-9il Rheumatism, Heart disease ...... 6-14-93 8-18-96 Shoe Cutter Married Lynn !11-17-99 Rheumatism ...... 1-30-92 ~-15-92 Shoemaker Widower Chronic Rheumati m ...... 8-16-84 5-10-99 Laborer La,,'rence G.S.W. left side ...... 4~22-97 ...... Shoemaker Married New Bedford Lumbago, Varicose veins .. . . 1-19-91 3-17-00 Carpenter Boston Hemiplegia ...... 6-1J-00 ...... J. of P. Hernia, Deaf.,. '. 1-25-99 . Cook Needham Phthisis ...... 5-24-98 1-7-00 Laborer " No. Dartmouth Heart Disease .. . 1-12-94 . Reporter Boston Wd. both legs, Heart disease. 6-23-00 ...... l~aborer Widower Lowell Phthisis. Neuralgia ...... 2-9-95 ...... Salesman Boston Rheumatism...... '" ...... 2-27-95 ...... Watchman Married Wareham Rheumatism, Cystitis. 2-19-98 ...... Teamster Boston

Chronic Rheumatism ...... 10-5-9•...... Carpenter

Varicose Veins...... 5-15-D.'; { tn:g~ ~ Carpenter Salem Heart disease, G.S.W. right hand.. 7-31-97...... Shoemaker Weymouth Pleurodynia...... 9-21-91 ...... Printer Single Boston Rheumatism...... 6-28-92 ...... Laborer JIIarried West J\iedw",y Lumbago...... 9-11-HS ...... Cabinet lIIaker Widower H Boston G.~.W. right hand, Rheumatism ...... 12-19-9(; ...... Laborer " Southbridge Rheumatism...... 2-1-00 ...... · .. Carpenter Single Taunton Bl·onchitis ...... ' 4-16-H4 12-~4-95 Cahiuet Maker \Vido,ver Boston Heart disease, bJindleft eye. . 3-10-00 ...... Accountant Married " New Bedford Heart disease...... 5-11-98 6-15-!J1l Currier Widower Cambridge Rhenmatism, I. l'ight eye...... 12-7-93 !12~2~:~g! R R . Employee If Boston Heart disease, Locomotor Ataxia...... 6-12-00 ..... ·· . · ... Clerk Married " N.Y. Obesity...... 2-1-00 ...... Clerk Widower Worcester Wd. right hip. Heart disease, Hernia .. 3-23-00 ...... Cabinet Maker De

(57) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEMBERS IN SOLDIERS' ...... n 0 00 ~I ~~ z Company and ..; ,<:l);;l i- ~ ",A <> ..,~ .., :NAME. oJ be.;:; :E .2 ~ R egiment. " ",'~ 0 c:; " . d " :z;" ...... "'~ Z '" ",0" . '"... p.,:<1 lfJ'" c.. 3155 Tarbox, Willia m W ...... F, 8th Mass. Inf ...... •...... P . 4 Mass. 57 8 2779 Tierney, Michael...... I , 20th Me. Inf...... P . 8 Ireland 53 2327 Talbot, Edward P ...... E, 42d Mass. Inf...... • ...... P. 4 Mass. 61 6 3312 Tosney, D aniel ... , ...... U.S. Navy ...... L'dsman 1Z Irela nd 68 l:l 3269 Thompson, Lewis W ...... K, 17th Mass. Inf...... P . 39 Mass. 76 17 3324 Taft, A lfred C ...... G, 57th Mass. Inf ...... P . 18 " 57 8 1751 Tllesley, Simon B...... 1st Corps Cadets...... 1 Maine 59 3041 Tynan, Thomas ...... 9th Ratty. ~J ass. L.A ...... P. 5 Mass. 57 2203 Thompson , ehas. D ...... H, 56th Mass. Inf...... P. 13 Sweden 69 12 3296 Thompson, Joseph G ... . . I, 32d Mass. Inf. ; V.R.O ...... P. 18 Mass. 62 6 3328 Temple, Henry W ...... F, 34th Mass. Inf.; A, 24th Mass. Inf .. P. 25 " 58 6 A, 3d J\lass. H .A...... P. 3335 Thurston, George W .... { U.S. Navy ...... O.S. } 28 Maine 63 6

2315 Vollert, William ...... " . 9th U natt . llIe. Inf...... P. 9 Germany 68 8 2886 Vickers, James ...... U.S. Navy ...... Cook 36 England 72 30

2946 Warren. Daniel...... G, 1st Mass. Inf ...... Sergt. 20 N.H. 74 12 3003 W est, William H ...... E, 8th Mass. Inf.; 2d Unatt. J\fass. Iuf. P. 14 Mass. 56 6 2674 West, Emery J ...... B, 157th N.Y. Inf.; Uuatt. Oneida Cay. P. 30 N.Y. 56 8 2978 We llington, James W .... A, 99th N.Y. lnf ...... Corp. 42 Mass. 54 8 2849 Whitney, Daniel...... K,26th Mass. lnf...... P. 48 " 56 6 1847 Welch, George H ...... F, 1st Mass. Inf; n, 11th Mass. Inf . .... P. 36 N.H. 80 12 1188 Wallace, John H ...... E, 28th Mass. Inf...... P. 16 England 61) 12 2291 W atson, Cyrus P ...... A, 32d J\fass. Inf...... P. 43 X.II. 69 6 1468 Welcll, Richard ...... I, 38th Mass. Ini...... P. 35 Ireland 67 10 3087 Wheeler, Hiram E ...... F, 4th Mass. H.A ...... P. 10 Mass. 51 2591 Weeks, Roswell N ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 36 N.H. 64 8

1457 Welch , David ...... U.S. Xavy ...... Seaman 12 Ireland 59 ....

1554 Whiting, William G ...... fl, 16th Mass. Inf...... P . 37 ]\J ass. 61 6 2103 W a lsh, Patrick ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 17 Irela nd 83 12 2966 White, James E ...... C, ~\lth Mass. Inf...... P. 48 lI.lass. 63 1686 Walker, Francis ...... U.S. Navy ...... L'dsman 13 72

1117 Woodbury, Eclw. H ...... M, 3d U.S. Art ...... P. 36 N.S. 67 6

3143 White, Andrew ...... D, 28th Mass. InL ...... Corp. 46 England 60 6 Seaman 2109 Wheeler, William N .... (¥; ~t;;llss·. · i~f: ;· D ; i7tl~ ·:Mass :'jl;f:::: P. l31 Mass. 68 8 ! M, 2d Mass. H .A ...... P. P. 3274 Welch, MichaeL ...... ) g..~~ t~:;; ~~: .I~ f::: ::::::: :: : :::: .. :: . ::: L'clsman (34 Irela nd G6 10 3282 Whittemore, Ezra G ...... H, 2cl Mass. Inf...... P. 50 H.I. 76 12 3236 Warren, Stephen ...... K, 13th Mass. lnf...... P. 37 Mass. 66 6 3056 Worthington, Alfred .. ... D, 1st Mass. Cav. ; D ,4th lIlass. Cav .. . P. 50 Conn. 6 P. 3249 W a tts John lI1 J D, 13tllllfass. I nf...... 48 Mass. , ...... I F, 17th Mass.InL...... Corp. ! 1.. 2830 Wood, James R ...... U.S. Navy ...... Seaman 12 72:~ S


oj .S ci '« ~:3 ~~ Admitted DislLbility. A '0:0 'O·C' 1 0,:: ~,,> from " rIlo "'~ o" 0 ~ ------Rheumatism, Chronic CystitiS...... 6-14-99...... Teamster Married Yes Boston Heart di sease, Rheumatism... 9-19-97 9-29-99 Carpenter Heart disease, RheumlLtism.... ~-29-95 ...... Farmer Widower " Norwood Weak nervous system ...... 4-19-00 ...... Laborer Sin&le " Raynham Heart disease, Hemiplegia...... 3-9-00 ...... Piano Worker "Vj ower Charlestown Rheum"'tism...... 5-12-00 ...... Book-keeper Boston Charlesto"'n ~~~~r:iS ...... :::: .. ::::::::::::::: : 10~2~=~~ :::::::::::: ~~;~;ie;.>elLler Married SlL1em HeMt disease, Rheumatism ...... 12-25-94 1-2,*-97 Seaman Maine Pamlysis, Heart disease...... 3-25-00 ...... Teamster Widower Boston Heart disease, Diabetes...... 5-27-00 ...... Farmer Single " Sunderland Heart disease, Hernia...... 6-6-00...... Watchman Widower " Gloucester

Paralysis ...... 8-7-95 9-17-97 Upholsterer Married Dedham Mental degeneration 1-26-98 ...... Grocer Auburndale

Hemiplegia...... 0-27-98 ...... Police Officer Boston Heart disease, Poor eyesight. 9-8-98 ...... Watchman Salem HelLrt disease...... 3-31-97 ...... Engineer Boston Phtbisis, Rheumatism...... 7-31-98 12-14-99 Wood Moulder Widower " Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... 12-22-97 8-14-99 Painter Sin/f}e Somerville Heart clioease...... 9-29-93 ...... Painter Boston Heart disease...... 2-4-91 ( lt~~ 1Shoemaker Widower " I 3-29-99 General debility, Hernia ...... 6-14-95 ...... Engineer Rhenmatism...... 2-27-92 6-21-92 Laborer Married Chronic :Nephritis, Hemiplegia ...... 12-23-98 ...... Farmer Single Holliston G.S.W. right side, RlleumlLtism ...... 11-5-96 ...... ~1ecbanic Married Winchendon 7-21-92") 4-21-93 1 7-31-93 General debility...... 1-28-92 I10-2-94> Fireman Single Boston ll-21-95 1 8-14-96 l10-28-99) Rbeumatism...... 7-18-92 \ 3-19-95/ Macbinist I 9-7-95 \ Married Waltham Heart disease, Hernia...... 9-12-94 8-27-97 Seaman Widower Boston Rbeumatism, Heart disease...... 7-17-98 10-24-119 Laborer " Winchendon Rheumatism ...... 1-30-93 11~=~=5~ ( Laborer Married Boston 10-26-91 1 3-15-92 I Rheumatism, Heart disease ...... 10-27-90 { 9-7-93J Carpenter Single 7-31-94 I G- 13-U6 Heart diselLse, Cbronic Nepbritis...... 5-7-99 ...... Teamster Marriecl Somerville RbeumlLtism ...... 9-13-94 ...... Seaman Wakefield

Astbma...... 1-25-00 ...... Laborer Widower " Boston Bronchitis ...... 2-8-00 ...... Sboemaker Married Easton Heart disease, Hernia...... 11-24-99 ...... Lauorer Westboro PbtbisIS, Heart disease...... 11-8-98 ...... Blacksmith North Attleboro Heart disease ...... '112.12-99 ...... Painter Widower " Boston Rheumatism, Asthma...... 11-24-97 12-28-98 Barber

(59) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MEN ADMITTED TO THE SOLDIERS' HOME APPEAR IN THE PRECEDING L I ST ..... "", 0 ..... 00 A.o "'"",.cQ).Q ~ Companyan(l ...,,,,..., .,; "A NAlIiE. ~ blJ .~::::: Regiment. oj blJ'- " :E ",.- ~ §~~ ~

Bixby, Montgomery ...... " .. B, 2d Mass. H.A...... P. 14 62 8 Barry, Thomas...... G, 9tb Mass. Inf...... P. 23 Ireland 71 8 l3rooks, Henry C ...... " ...... C, 30th )1ass. I nf...... Sergt. 38 Maine 79 12 Bemis, William W ...... G, 34th Mass lnf ...... Corp. 35 Mass. 53 6 Bezansion, Cbarles . , ...... 25th Unatt. Co . Mass. Inf. , ...... P. 8 Maine 52 6 Blodgett, Henry B ...... D, 25th lIJass. Inf.; D, 4th Mass. ILA .. P. 22 lIiass. 58 12 Barton, George H ...... G, 52d Mass. Inf...... P . 10 " 83 12 Bradford, George S ...... }. E 93d NY I f alias George P. Mowry... . " '.. n ...... P. 37 R .I. 62 12 Bates, George S ...... H, 53d Mass. Inf...... P. 12 Mass. 70 12 Bigelow, George E ...... 13., 4th Mass. H.A ...... P . 10 55 10 1st Cl. " Beregin,Thomas J ...... U.S. Navy ...... ! .Boy. !14 59 12 Baxter, Augustus G ...... F, 5tb ill ass. Inf ...... P. 10 66 8

(Jarey, Edward ...... D,28th Mass. Inf...... P. 38 Ireland 74 12 Carr,.John William ...... C,12tl1l1Jass. Inf...... P. 36 Mass. 58 Cronan, William ...... A, 1st Vt. Cav.; B, 17th Vt. Inf...... Sergt. 38 Vt. , 54 10 Crowley, Patrick" ...... U.S. Navy ...... L'dsman 18 Ireland 63 8 Carmody, John ...... U.S. Navy ...... ! I ~;?~~~~ !22 63 6 Conn, Dal1lel...... E, 28th Mass. InI.; D, 3d Mass. rLA...... P. 36 65 17 Cota, LOllis ...... F,D6thN.Y. Inf...... P. 14 Canada 59 12 Cox, Owen ...... A,9nthN.Y.lnf...... 1'. 17 Ireland 65 8

Dcrb~' , Theodore A .. " ...... 14th Batty. ]\Jass. L.A ..... "" ...... r. 16 Mass. 56 6 Dougherty, William ...... H, 13th Pa. Cav ...... '" 1:'. 35 Ireland 57 6 Darling, Gardner rI ...... II, 16th lIIass. InI...... P. 39 Mass. 69 12 Dermody, Malachi J ...... ) ntb U MIt alias Mathew Topham .... " nas. e. n ...... Sergt. S Ireland 66 6 Daily, John ...... K, 45th Mass.lnf. ; 11th Batty. 1I1ass. L.A. P. 26 Mass. 58 6 Davis, George W. G ...... C, 5th 1I1ass. lnf.; G, 22d Mass. lnf...... P. 40 " 59 10 Doyle, John ...... F, 1st III ass. Cav ...... P. 17 Ireland 63 6 Donohue, Jobn ...... 13, 112th N.Y. InI.; C,3d N.Y. Inf .. 1', 6 " 56 10 Dunsterville, Joseph M ...... D, 3ct Mass. Cav ...... P. 32 Mass. 53 6

Flag-g, George II...... D, 8th X.II. Inf...... Sergt. 30 N.H. 62 8 Foroush, Charles W ...... F, 1st Yt. Cav.; U.S. Navy ...... Sergt. 47 Mass. 59 6 P. ]'allon, Patrick ...... E & C, 17th 1I1ass. Inf ...... 1 Corp. ( 29 Ireland 67 6 Gilbert, Willard ...... E, 20th Mass. Int ...... P. 47 Vermont 58 Goodwin, John ~I...... rI, 27tb Me. Inf...... P. 10 Maine 6S 8 Garraty, Patrick ...... G, Dth Mass. Int...... P. ~2 Ireland 80 24 Hoey, Richard ...... E, 2d U.S. Art.; D, 15th Me. Inf ...... P. 48 60 8 Heenan, James ...... \ ...... ' D, 63d N.Y. Inf...... P . 15 65 6 3d CJ. Hall, Thomas ...... U.S. Navy ...... ! Boy I .... F lorida 59 6 Hodgman, Andrew J ...... K, 35th Mass. 1nf...... P. 47 Mass. 71 8 Hatell, Ira G ...... C,45th Mass.lnf ...... P. 9 Maine 80 12 Hadley, Darins ...... D, Sad Mass. Inf; C, 13th V.R.C ...... '" . . P. 25 Mass. 73 17 Harmon, Robert T ...... 1 t M S S . F "Otl M I f alias Rober t Lawler....···..·1 s e ... , ,. 1 e. n ...... " ... P. 7 52 8 G, 13th Mass. Inf.. · ·· ··. · ·· .... · · ...... 1 P. & Sgt. Jones. David L...... H , 39th Mass. Inf ...... P. & Sgt. l48 Ireland 58 ! E , 4th Mass. Cav...... P. (60) IN MASSACHUSETTS DURING THE YEAR WH OSE NAMES D O NOT AS PRESENT JUNE 30, 1900.

2 '7l .." Admitte d -o .:? g~ " OJ "O.~"'~ Disability. Occupation. '"''''':""I=l Status. from ~ [iJ ~~ ~ ~ a <1 ~ ------1, -----1------P a ra lysis, C1>. R h eu., Va ricose Veins .... Boston Car pen ter Ma rrie d 1 9- 19-99 Yes Dis. 3-8-00 H eart di,ease, righ t H emiplegia ...... Peabody P a inter \Vidower 0-28-99 " Died 1-21-00 H ear t disease ...... _...... Salem Sh oema ker Single 10-2G -99" ;Dis. 2-7-00 Rheuma tism, H earing impaired ...... Lowell :Spinner V\'idowfll'12-17-99 " Dis. 2-20-00 Chronic Rheu matism , H ernia ...... Ma rbleh ead Shoema l{er Ma rried 12-28-99 " Dis. 6-7-00 H earL disease, Double lng . H e rnia. . ... Ch elsea Clerk 6-2-00 " Died G-28-00

H eart disease, Ch Nephritis ...... lI1i1 ford Bootmak er Single 7- 4 -9~ " Dis . 7-11-99 H eart disease, Ch. Cystitis ...... Boston Laborer Widower 7-12-99 " Dis. 3-8-00 Rheu ., Val'. Veins, E yesigh t imp aired . .. Tewk sbury Mill Ov'r seer Ma nie d 8-27-90 " Dis. 9-12-99 W . 1. leg, Heart d is., Dis. of Liver ...... Conn . Mecha nic 10--1-90 " Died 1-1-00 H eart disease...... Boston Mariner Single 11-5-99 " Dis. 3-8-00 ...... -...... Spencer Sh oemaker Ma rried 11-11-99 " Dis. 11 -11 -99 H eart disease, H ernia ...... Amh erst Butch er 11 -22-99 .. Dis. 3-23-00 H eart disease, Ch . Cystitis ...... Boston Painter 12-12-99 " Dis. 12-1G-00 Heart dis., H ernia, Rhen., Nephritis .. .. . Gardner Mechan ic 3-25-00 " Dis . 4-24-00 H eart disease ...... L'J,llcaster Farmer 4-7-00 " Dis. 5-7-00 H ear t disease...... Boston Furn. P ack'r Widower 4-1/-00 " Died 5-7-00 H eart dis., Cystilis ...... P ap er H 'g'r Married 4-19-00 " Dis . G-H-OO

Chronic B ro nchjtis ...... Taunton Iron llI ould'r Widower 10-31-99 " Dis. 3-19-00 H ear t dis., Pht hisis,Ch. Nephritis . .... _. Dorcbester Stone Cu tter Ma rried 12-22-99 " Died 12-2~-9~ H eart d isease, Cll. Cystitis, H ernia ...... Boston J anitor Widower 11-8-99 " Dis. 12-7-99 Indigestion ...... L owell Laborer Single 3-16-00 No Dis. ~- l G-OO ...... Boston Black smit h Married 3-22-00" Dis. 3-22-00 Hea rt disease, Phthisis Pulm on alis . . . . . Sh oemak er Single 4-3-00 Ves Dis. 6-4-00 Rheuma tism , wound in left foot ...... Worcester L aborer Ma rriecl 6-3-00 No Dis. 6-20-00 W. in 1. foot, Ch. Nephrit is, Ch. ru,ell. . . . Cam bridge L aborer Widower 6-5-00 Yes Dis. 0-8-00

Catarrh, Vertigo ...... Leominst er Teamster 7-13-00" Dis. 3-8-00 W ound in rig h t ar m. Rheumatism ...... Salem L"hore r Ma rried 7-16-99 No Dis. 9-12-99 W . 1. leg, th., 1'. sb., ft., Ch . Cys., r . H e m Waltha m Wa tch man " 8-3-99 Yes Died 10-27-99 Ht. clis., 1. 1<. inj. in ser., Ch . Val'. Ulcers . Bost on P edcller Widower 10-7-99" D is. 12-14-~!) H eart disease, L nmbago. B e r nia. Laborer 10-10-0U" Dis. 3-18-00 E x etbelioma of neck...... Pain ter 11-11-99" Dis. 4-12-00 H eart disease ...... L ab ore r Married J 2-~9-99 " D is. 3-5-00 W . in face an d g roin, Rheu ., Ht. dis ...... Lynn Laborer Widower 4-21-00 No Dis . 6-6-00 V ertigo, Ner vou s Syst em weak ...... Boston L aborer iIlarried 5-0-00 Yes Dis . 5-24-00

R heuma tism ...... Lawrence Wool Sorter 12-27-99 D is. 4-8-00 Ch . Rlleu., Ch. Cystitis, Nephrit is ...... Boston 1-10-00 " 2-13-00 Goldbeater " (is. Lumbago, IIearing imp., Cll. Nephrit is .. Carpente r 5-1-00 " Dis . 5-,1-00 H ear t disease, 1Ilalaria ...... Colrain E ngineer Widower 11-22-9P " Dis. 4-3-00 Ch . Cystitis, Rheuma tism ...... R evere Machinist Ma rried 2-9-00 " Dis. 2-~ 1 -00 Sabre wound, both h an ds, IIear t dis. . Boston Laborer Widower 6-13-00 No Dis. 6-21-00 H eart disease, P aralysis ...... Natick Shoemak er Married 8-29-99 Yes Died 9-21-90 H eart disease ...... Brighton Coachman .. 10-20-99" Dis. 12-23-99 Hea rt dis., blind r. eye, Rhenmatism . ... Melrose Laborer Widower 11-7-99 " Dis . 2-7-00 Paralys is ...... Boston Carpenter Married 12-6-99" Died 1-17-00 Cancer of Liver ...... Ma ine Carpen ter Widowe r 12-8-99 " Died 12-26-99 Heart disease ...... Stoneham Sboem a ker 12-12-90 " Died 12-19 -9l! Debilitated ...... Lawrence Barber 4-11-00 " Di s. 4 -16-00

W. in r. hcl. , Ht. dis., Var. V. , Lumbago. Boston Plasterer 8-8-99" Dis . 4-25-00


Company anel NAME. Regiment.

.Jones, Yictor W·...... U.S. Navy ...... Act. Ens. 3~~' C011ll . 67 Jenkins, James K ...... F, 10th N.H. Inf. V .R.C...... P. N.Y. 60 8 J ohnson, Alhert S.. A, 44th bl ass. Inf...... P. 10 J\lass. 62

Kirk, George W ... . U.S. Navy ...... llL Mate ...... ) M.-at-A. J\1aine 64 12 K ennedy, John ... . B, nth 111 e. Illf...... P. Ireland 56

Lohrentz, Herman A.... G:16th N.Y. H.A ...... P. 17 Germany 60 12 V)Yejoy, Char es W ...... 7th Batty. Mass. L.A ...... P . 46 Mass. 59 10 LlIldsey, Henry . 15th Unat. lIJ ass. lni...... '.' ...... P. 4 " 57 Lyons, John...... H, 1st Mass. Cay., 86th Co. V.R.C P. 36 65 6 LoveJoy, James S ...... C, 42d 1I1a8s. Inf...... P. 11 60 MCGl'at h'r ·~ ' irllothy ...... 1 G IStl NYC ahas', llham J one ...... r ' 1 .. av ...... P . 20 R.I. 51 lI1cfTug-h, Thomas...... E, 1st U .S. Art...... P. 36 Mass. 55 6 1I10fl'ett, William...... K,37th Mass. Iuf.; 20th 1I1ass. Inf...... P. 7 N.Y. 56 lIJulTay, J<'elix...... I, 5th U.S. Cay ...... P. 36 N.S. 6:1 Martin, Richard F. ... U.S. Navy; 28th Mass. Ini...... P. 8 Canada 60 12 McDonald, l\lichael. .. U.S. Navy...... L'dsman 10 Ireland 60 12 McCarthy, Patrick ...... E, 28th Mass. Inf...... P. 42 67 8 lIInrray, Patrick...... B , 39th Mass. Inf...... P. 34 57 111 iller, Fl'ank·· · ········· .. C, I1tllllIass. Inf. alias J:!..... ra.ncis Mannont.. ·. l ...... P. 23 AnsLria 57 6 McNamara, George ...... G, 2d 1I1ass. Inf...... P . 13 Ireland 54 8 Nash, William L ...... \ ' C, 20th Wis. Inf...... , .. . P . N.y. 86 22 Osgood, Rodolphus W ...... K,16th lIl e. Inf...... p. 17 lllaille 63 6 O'Brien , Thomas H ...... H, 2d N.Y. Tnf.; A, 88th N.Y. Inf ...... 1st Lient. 31 IJ relanel 59 15 POitres,alias .Te Charlesan Deli B.le ...... ···· ·····1. . . 7th Batty. Mass. L.A...... P. 11 Canada 54 l'aine. William...... E,5:'!th Mass. Inf...... P. 27 Tenn. 54 Pierce, GeOl:ge W ...... I A, pel; party, .Ft. Columhus, N.Y. Hal'· I altas Geolge Bell ...... \ hoI', 2d Mass. InL ...... \ Corp. 47 Mass. 64 12 PnITer, Jonathan ...... •..... K, 2d Mass. Inf ; H, 57th Mass. Inf.... ) Corp. P. 127 74 10 Philhrick, J ohn E ..... ' . .... E,12th N.Y. Inf. ; A, 3(1 J\lass. H.A ...... P. 37 N.H. 68 S Quint, Lorenzo A D, 1st 1I1ass. FLA.; R, 40th Mass. Inf. P. 9 l\1aine 69 6 Rogers, Peter J\f . IE, 16th 111 ass. Inf ; E, 11th Mass. Inf.. .. Sergt. 4S N.Y. 63 6 Rellaud, l_ouis G ...... U.S Navy...... 14 " 59 12 Ramsden, L evi.. ... 'IK' 28th MasB. Inf. , B, 5nth Mass. lnf .. . P. 30 England 79 10 Rodlgrass, John S. . ... H, 19th 111 ass. InL ...... P. 12 N.H. 73 17 Sullivau, John D...... A, 4th ~lass. Inf. , H, 4th Mass. Cay. P. 33 J\1ass. 57 8 Scanlon, P atn ck...... l A. 9d J\1 C alias Patnck Scantling ... I ,- ass. av ...... P. 10 Ireland 72 10 Semnan 2n 54 6 Sergt. ~:::;;, ~~::~;;~;. '~;.:::::::::: · I ~~~~)~~~:~;; ~.~: ~;.~:; .~... ~~~ .;.~: ';~~'f Lieut. ~ 69 N.H. 60

Tracy, Ahner B, 3d N.Y. InL ...... P. 4 N.S. 55 6 Tighe, Plullip . .. I H 4Stl M ' If' B lOth N H Inf alias Henry Smith ...... ~ I 1 r a ~ s. n .,' J.:.. •.••• • P. 25 Mass. 64 6 Trow, Harlan S ...... B, 4th N .H. Inf. ; B , 1st U.S. Art ...... Sergt. 65 N.H. 56 6 Taylor, Benjamin ...... " 16th Conn. A r t ...... P. 35 England 63 8 Trainor, Thomas ...... IA, 1st J\1ass. H.A.; 29th Unat. Mass. H.A. P. 45 Mass. 59 8 Yose, Edward A ...... IK, 35th Mass. Infy...... P. 16 53

'Vood, Thomas ...... llst U.S. Art...... Mus. 36 West Ind. 69 8 Wheelock, Edward W ...... F, 34th Mass. Inf ...... Corp. 40 Mass. 63 10 Weir, George ...... D, lst R.I. Cay...... P. 4 Scotla nd 56 I I


.Admitted Disability. from. Occupation. Status.

ParalYRis, Dementia...... Obarlestown Watchman Married 10-2~-99 Yes Died 2-8-00 Lame rigbt ann ...... Lowell Loom Fixer 12-16-99 " Dis. 3-23-00 Heart disease, Ch. R h euma tism..... Bostou Peddler Single 2-11-00 " Dis. 4-14-00 Paralysis Agitans, Varicose Veins ...... Salem Mariner 9-20-99 " Dis. 3-S-00 Ht. dis., Oh . Nephritis, blind left eye .... Ohelsea Mariner Married 1-27-00 " Dis. 2-19-00 Hemiplegia...... Boston Olerk 1-25-99 " Dis. 10-31-99 Oh. O)'Stl~IS, Prostate ...... l~r ockton Shoemaker 1-28-99 " Died 10-22-99 Book-keeper 12-26-99 " Dis. 4-16-00 ~~!~~~;~~:~ree:::.::::::::::::::::::::: ~fo,.~~I~head Fisherman Widower 1-5-00 " Dis. 3-14-00 Heart disease, Lumbago ...... Lynn Olerk 4-15-00 " Dis. 5-3-00 Hemorrhoids ...... fall RiYer Laborer Married 7-19-99" Dis. 4-2-00 Phth. Pulm., Ht. dis., Paralysis Agitans. Lowell Laborer 8-3-99" Died 3-13-00 Nearsighted ...... New York Truckman 11-15-99" Dis. G-9-oo Rlleumatism, Malaria...... Holliston Steam J!'itter 12-6-99 " Dis. 3-20-00 Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... Boston Seaman Sinl!le 12-9-99" Dis. 1-22-00 Phthisis Pulmonalis ...... Lowell Shoemaker Widower 12-15-99 " Dis. 3-8-00 Heart disease, Oh. ·Oystitis...... Bostull Laborer 12-28-!J9 No Died 1-14-00 Heart disease, injury to right leg ...... Painter 1-10-00 Yes Dis. 5 - ~-00 Nasal Catarrh, Hernia...... R.I. Caterer Married 2.. 9-00 " Dis. 2- 1~-OO W.' in I. leg, fracto 1'. middle finger ...... Boston Shoemaker 5-3-00 " Dis. 6-3-00 iVeak heart, very deaf ...... EYerett Oarpenter Widower 8-4-99" Died 9-10-99 Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... Springfield. Farmer lIfarried 10-4-99" Dis. 4-10-00 Oancer of larynx ...... Boston Ins. Broker 2-22-00 " Dis. 5-15-00 Heart disease ...... Holyoke Butcber 7-14-99 " Dis. 5-5-00 Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... Missouri Gardener 7-23-99 " Dis. 9-11-99 Rheumatism...... Boston Clergyman 8-2-99 " Dis. 3-2-00 Shot thro. body, Ht. dis., Neph., Rheu .. Salesman 8-3-99 " Dis. 3-28-00 " 'd. in nk. aud fing., Ht. dis., H ear. imp. Burlington Painter 10-1-99 " Dis. 5-6-00 lit. diS., imp. Sight, Oh. Nephritis ...... Salem Shoemaker Widower 8-26-99 " Dis. 8-29-99 Rh eumatism, Bronchitis ...... Malden Rutcllel' 12-20-99 " Died 5-9-00 raral~sis of bladder ...... Springfield None Sin§le 1-20-00 " Died ~-6-00 G.S.'iV. he1. and th., Ch. Oys., Hydrocele .. Ashland Bootmaker Wi ower 1-28-00 " DIs. 3-14-00 G.S.W. r. foot, Ht. dis., Val'. V., Rheu ... Salem Painter Mal'l'ied 4-10-00 " Dis. 6-28-00 Chronic Nephritis ...... Bostoll Gardener Widower 9-1-99 " Dis. 2-15-00 Ht. diS., Lumb., w.l. leg, OIl. Rheu ...... Springfield Laborer Single 10-7 -99 NQ DiS. 3-13-00 Yertigo ...... Boston Brass Fin. DiYorced 10-29-99 Yes Dis. 3-27-00 Phthisis Pulmonalis, Varicocele ...... Painter Married 11-29-99 " Dis. 5-12-00 Heart disease, Hearing impaired ...... Lynn Oarpenter 10-4-99 " Dis. 11-10-99 Heart disease, Rheumatism ...... Lowell Janitor 1-17-00 " Dis. 3-S-00 Heart disease ...... i\fansfield Moulder 3-23-00 " Dis. 5-10-00 Heart disease, Hernia ...... Wrentham Farmer 3-27-00 " Died 5-7-00 Heart diS., Hernia, Rheumatism ...... Salem Teamster Wielower 3-29-00 " Dis. 4-20-00 ! Drop. f rom Gangrenons Sore Throat ...... Boston Hotel Man. lIlarried 12-6-99 " 1'0118 2-11-00 Nephritis, Hernia...... Ob elsea Musician Widower 7-6-99 " Dis. 6-6-00 Dou ble Hernia ...... Greenfield Farmer Sin&le 9-20-99 " Dis. 3-8-00 Heart disease, Oh. Oystitis ...... Lowell [Weaver W i owerI11-26-99 Dis. 1-17-00 (63) 64

SOLDIERS' HOME IN MASSACHUSETTS, CHELSEA, July 1, :1900. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following as the eighteenth annual report of the. medical department of this H ome, for the year ending June 30,1900.

STATISTICS. N urn bel' of patients in hospital July 1, 1899 91 " of employees in hospital July 1, 1899 3 " admitted during the year 202 296 " discharged during the year 133 " died in hospital 47 " " while on furlough 1 181 " of patients in hospital J nne 30, 1900 .113 " of employees in hospital J nne 30, 1900 2 115 " admitted to hospital on admission to the Home 115 " admitted from barracks 87 202 Daily average in hospital 99No Largest number in hospital 117 Smallest " " " 86 Number treated as out-patients (each case counted but on ce) 572 Total attendance at sick-call 2906 Number of different cases of disease 606 " of cases of phthisis pulmonalis 19 " " " "different forms of paralysis 53 " " "" " "" heart disease 94 " totally insane 4 " " blind 2 " sent to insane asylum 2 " of visitors as per hospital register 2857 65

The health of the men in the Home outside of the hospital has been good, far better than the preceding year, as shown by the reduced number who applied for treatment in the out-patient department, and the smaller number admitted from barracks into the hospital. The number admitted from barracks has been 43 per cent of all admissions, a reduction of 6~ per cent from last year; while those admitted to hospital on admission to the Home have been 57 per cent of all admissions, or an increase of about 7 per cent over 1899. The number in hospital at the close of the fiscal year, June ::l0, 1900, was 113, an increase of 22 or nearly 19t per cent over the number at the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1899. The death rate this year has been a reduction of about 8t per cent in the ratio of deaths to population, or an actual reduction of 20. While the admissions to the hospital have been 12 less than in the last fiscal year the number who remained permanently has increased aud the num­ ber in hospital is necessarily greater. The loss by discharge and death in 1899 was 210, while the loss from same causes ill 1900 was 181, show­ ing a difference of 29, or a large increase in population of the hospital over 1899. The capacity of the hospital was severely taxed the last half of the year and a much closer discrimination in the selection of cases has been required. In previous years the population of the hospi­ tal has been the smallest in mid-summer months and the accommo­ dations have been more than ample; but this year so many have been received who required hospital care that more space and more beds were demanded. To meet this exigency, six rooms containing fourteen beds were taken in May and June from the upper floor and added to the third ward. It is intended to join to this ward the whole of this section which has a capacity of 27 beds. This increase of population and the conditiou of those admitted has entailed upon all a decided increase of labor and care far in excess of auy former year and at times more than could be borne without undue fatigue. During the year 16 men have died who were 70 years of age or over, and 10 at the age of 75 or above. The average age at death of the 48 men who have died during the year is nearly 65t years as against 65.5 in 189H and 62.25 in 1898. Men as they are received now are in a more feeble condition than formerly. As these lines are penned a weak-minded, paralyzed old man, 78 years of age, is being brought in from a neighboring town. The great beneficence of the Home is best shown in affording a home and kindly care to these poor, helpless old veterans. vVe begin the new year with 33 cases of different forms of paralysis in the hospital. The multiplication of these 66

cases, more numerous than formerly, causes great increase of the labor in the wards. vVe gladly receive and care for them. In ten years more it is believed only a minority of the veterans of the Civil War will remain to be cared for; but during that time the demands on this depart­ ment of the Home will increase very rapidly and additional facilities and a constantly increasing force of attendants will be l·equired. I would respectfully call your attention to this thought which time will soon prove to be verity. When the oft repeated remark "Soon the whole Home will be a hospital" becomes a fact, we should be in condition to meet the demand. For this much is to be done. From Feb. 28 to April 3, 1900, the Home suffered from another visitation of la g7·ippe. Its course was of milder type than in former years. Only one case of pneumonia and only one death could be even indirectly attributable to its presence. This disease seems to have established'itself as one of the recognized diseases of this climate and we have reason to expect its peri­ odical return. The treatment which has given · the best results has become fairly well understood and quite universall y adopted.

ATT ENDANTS . The number of nurses remains the same as last year. Miss H. L. Mallory and Miss Alice M. Mailes by day, and Mrs. L. A. S. Avery by night have shown themselves kind and efficient in performance of their duties which are arduous and often requiring a high degree of skill and judgment. The men detailed to assist them perform a very important part of the work of the hospital and are deserving of commendation for their patience and faithfulness in caring for their old comrades. I repeat what was said in my report of last year: "All the employees seem to take more than a perfunctory interest in their work and exhibit a solici­ tude for th e welfare and comfort of their patients much to be commended." Mr. C. M. Morse having resigned the position of Hospital Steward was succeeded by Mr. Joseph E . Anderson, a registered pharmacist, who will assume the duties Aug. 1, 1900.

DISE ASE S. Attention is invited to the accompanying abstracts of diseases treated, diet for convalescents, and deaths and the causes. 67

It will be noticed that the following list of diseases from which the men in the hospital were suffering are chiefly chronic. Diseases in out­ patient department are not included. Diseases. No. of cases. Diseases. No. of cases. Alcoholism 2 Hernias', Double Inguinal 22 Arthritis Deformans 1 Hernia, Single Inguinal G Anremia 2 Hernia Umbilical 2 Aortic Aneurism 1 I-I remoptysis 2 Apoplexy 2 Hemiplegia 31 Abscesses 7 Heart Disealle, Mitral Regurgita- Amputations (leg) . 2 tion 86 Asthma 4 Heart Disease, Mitral ReglU'gita- Blinclness, total . 2 tion with Aortic Lesion 2 Blindness, partial Heart Disease, Mitral Regul'gita- Blindness (one eye) 1 tion with Hypertrophy 6 Bronchitis, Asthmatic 4 Hydrocele ;; Bulanitis 1 Herpes, Labialis and Prepncialis . 1 Bronchitis, Chronic 1 Insanity 4 Bronchitis, Acute 1 Insomnia 3 Chronic Articular Rheumatism 25 Impacted Cerumen.

Disease. No. of cases. Di8ease. Xo. of cases. Psori~sis . 1 Syncope Paraphimosis 1 Sprain 1 Phimosis . 3 Senility 40 Pterygium 1 Synovitis Pneumonia 2 Tonsilitis Follicular 2 Phthisis Pulmonalis 19 Ulcers, Chronic 5 Pemphigu~ 2 Ulcers, Varicose 8 Perineal Urinary Fistula 2 Ulcers, Syphilitic Pubic Urinary Fistula Unemia 2 Retention Urine 5 Urinary Sinus 3 Retro Bulba Neuritis, Chronic 1 Urticaria 1 Septicre mia 1 Vertigo 3 Syphilis 1 Varicocele Stomititis 2 Varicose Veins Stricture Urethra 6

The following IS the bill of fare furnished the convalescent table during the winter and spring months.

SUNDAY. Breakfast: Baked beans, pickles, stifled beef, oatmeal, syrup, white and brown bread, butter, crackers, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Boiled mutton, boiled potatoes, spinach greens, boiled onions, mashed turnip, bread, butter, crackers, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee, corn starch pudding. Supper: Bread and butter, crackers, oatmeal, apple sauce, angel cake, sugar, milk, tea. MONDAY. Breakfast: Cold corned beef, boiled potatoes, minced fish, oatmeal, syrup' bread, butter, crackers, corn cake, pickles, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Mutton stew, bread, butter, crackers, plum pudding, sauce, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Supper: Bread, butter, crackers, oatmeal, syrup, graham bread, prune sauce, sugar, milk, tea. TUESDAY. Breakfast Meat hash, pickles, milk toast, oatmeal, syrup, bread, butter, crackers, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Beef stew and dumplings, bread, butter, crackers, rice pudding, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Supper: Bread, butter, crackers, oatmeal, syrup, gingerbread, peach sauce, sugar, milk, tea. 69

WEDNESDAY. Breakfast: Baked beans, pickles, stifled beef, oatmeal, syrup, white and brown bread, butter, crackers, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Salt codfish, pork scraps, boiled potatoes, pickled beets, boiled onions, bread, butter, crackers, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee, bread and butter pudding. Supper: Bread, butter, crackers, oatmeal, syrup, prune sauce, sugar, milk, tea, molasses cookies. 'rHUl{SDAY. Breakfast: Minced fish, milk toast, oatmeal, syrup, bread, butter, crackers, pickles, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Corned beef and cabbage, boiled potatoes, parsnips, turnips, bread, butter, crackers, cottage pudding, sauce, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Supper: Bread, butter, crackers, oatmeal, syrup, apple sauce, sugar, milk, tea. FRIDAY. Breakfast: Creamed fish, boiled potatoes, oatmeal, syrup, boiled rice, bread, butter, crackers, pickles, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Clam chowder, bread, butter, crackers, plum duff, sauce, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Supper: Bread, butter, crackers, oatmeal, syrup, prune sauce, angel cake, sugar, milk, tea. SA'rURDAY. Breakfast: Meat hash, pickles, hamburg steak, oatmeal, syrup, bread, butter, crackers, corn cake, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Dinner: Mutton stew, bread, butter, crackers, suet pudding, syrup, sugar, milk, tea, coffee. Supper: Bread, butter, crackers, oatmeal, syrup, ·sugar, gingerbread, peach sauce, milk, tea. •

Statement of Deaths occurring in the Home during the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1900, with Date of Admission to the Home and Hospital and Date and Cause of Death . .., . Admitted Admitted "'~ to the Date of Death. CAUSE OF DEATH. No. NAME. ~~ to the <1A Home. Hospital. Ci rrhosis of liver, Heart 1 Cornelius Dacey ...... ' 58 April 5, '98 June 7, '99 I. July 3, '9D { d isease, Chronic nephritis. 2 John Williams ...... ·.·· 50 Mar. 28 , '99 Mar. 28, '99 Aug. 11, 'D9 Anenrism of aorta. 3 Charles WilRon ...... 64 Oct. 17, '98 Oct. 17, '98 Aug. 16, '99 Paralysis. 4 William Knowles...... 75 Aug. I, '96 June 11, '99 Aug. 30, 'D9 Seuile asthenia. 5 John Riley ...... 60 Dec. 18, '95 Dec. 18, '95 Sept. 7, '99 Paralysis. Spinal sclerosis 6 William L. Nash...... 86 Aug. 3, '99 Aug. 3, '99 I Sept. 10, '99 Senile asthenia. Locomotor ataxia. (Died a Sept 11, '99 7 George O. Cole...... 55 Aug. 12, '98 Aug. 12, '98 { Marlboro.) 8 James Kirby ...... 57 June 12, '99 June 12, '99 Sept. 18, '99 Phthisis pulmonalis. Chronic nephritis. Valvular -"l Sept. 18, ' !:H) o 9 Robert M. Honeywell...... 56 June 22, '95 June 27, '99 { disease of heart. 10 Richard Hoey...... 60 Aug. 28, '99 Aug. 28 , 'D9 Sept. 2 1, '99 Urremia. 11 George L. Kezar ...... 65 Jan. 6, '96 Jan. ·6, '96 Oct. 1, '99 Paralysis. 12 William Magee ...... 56 Oct. 5, 'D9 Oct. 5, '99 Oct. 8, 'D9 Uncmia. 13 Charles W . Lovejoy...... 60 July 27, '9 9 July 27, '99 Oct. 22, '99 Chronic cystitis. 14 Gardner H. Darling ...... 69 Aug. 2, '9U Aug. 2, '99 Oct. 27, '99 Paralysis. 15 Charles B. Knox...... 57 June 1, '99 June 1, '99 Oct. 28, '9D ParalYSis. 16 John W. Lombard...... 75 Oct. 26, '94 Jan. 1,'97 Oct. 30, '9H Chronic dementia. 17 Daniel W. Burt ...... 60 Jan. 8, 'D8 Oct. 28, '99 Nov. 1, '9 D Pneumonia. 18 Patrick Leahy...... 76 Mar. 22, '98 Mar. 22, '98 Nov. 11, '99 Cancer of liver. 19 John F. Perkins...... 66 Oct. 11, '97 Oct. 11, '97 Dec. 10, '99 Apoplexy. 20 Darins Hadley...... 73 Dec. 11, '99 Dec. 11, '99 Dec. 1D, '9H Heart disease. 21 Ira G. Hatch...... 80 Dec. 7, '9D Dec. 7, '99 Dec. 22, 'f)9 Cirrhosis of liver. 22 John W. Carr ...... 58 Dec. 19, '99 Dec. 19. '99 Dec. 23, '99 Asthmatic bronchitis. 23 William W. Bemis...... 53 Oct. 4, '99 Oct. 4, '99 Jan. 1, '00 Cancer of liver. P hthisis Pulmonalis anci 241Patrick McCarthy ...... '168 \ Dec. 27 , 'H~ Dec. 27, '99 Jan. 14, '00 { Heart disease. 25 Audrew J. Hodgman...... 71 Dec. 5. '99 Dec. 5. '99 Jan. 17. '00 Paralysis. 26 William J. Adams ...... 72 Sept. 27, '99 Sept. 27, '9 Jan. 21, '00 Apoplexy. 27 Thomas R. Webb ...... 71 May 12, '99 May 12, '9 Jan. 29, '00 Chronic dementia. 28 Simri Whitney ...... 71 Dec. 21, '99 Dec. 21, '9 Feb. 2. '00 Heart disease. { Chronic _cysti tis and stone 29 Louis G. Renaud ...... 59 Jan. 20, '00 Jan. 25, '0 o Feb, 6, '00 in bladder. {ChrOnic clementia and pa- 30 Victor W. Jones ...... 67 Oct. 24, '99 Oct, 24, '9 Feb. 8, '00 ralysis. { Heart disease, senile de- 31 Robert O. Perkins ...... 75 Sept. 16 , '96 July 9, '9 Feb. 11, '00 bility. 32 Jacob F. Parker ...... 61 Sept. 10. '97 Feb. 1, '0 Feb. 16, '00 Heart disease. 33 Cornelius J , Sullivan ...... 60 Jan. 3, '99 Jan 8, '9 ]j'eb. 16, '00 Phthisis pulmonalis. 34 Oren S. Hosmer .... , .. , . .. .. 70 April 22, '!:IS Feb, 10, 'f) Feb. 19 , '00 Chronic demeutia. 35 Thomas White ...... 81 Oct. 2, '97 Oct. 2, '9 Feb. 28, '00 Senile asthenia. 36 Patrick Sheary ...... 70 Feb. 1, '00 Feb, 1, '0 Mar. 8, '00 Chronic dementia. 37 Samuel C. T , Abol'B ...... 66 June 14. '99 June 14, '9 Mar. 10, '00 Paralysis. 38 David M, Place ...... 68 Nov. 21. '99 Jan. 15. '0 Mar. 13, '00 Cirrhosis of liver. 39 Thomas McHugh ...... 56 Aug. 2, '9\) Aug. 2, '9 Mar. 13, '00 Phthisis pulmonalis. -'I 40 Barney McManus ...... 63 May 18, '\)8 Mar. 7, '0 Mar. 28, '00 Pneumonia. f-' 41 Simeou R. Whipple ...... 75 Mar. If), '90 April 14, '9 Mar. 30. '00 Chronic dementia. 42 John H. Gaffey ...... 52 Mar. 31, '00 April 8, '0 April 11 ; '00 Heart disease. {Retention of urine from en- larged prostate and surgical 43 Davicl Bowen ...... 79 Oct. 8, '98 Oct. 8 , '9, April 24, '00 operation for relief. { Intestinal obstruction, prob- 44 Benjamin Taylor ...... 64 Mar, 27, '00 May 6, '0 May 7, '00 ably malignant. 45 T homas J . Beregin ...... 59 April 16, '00 April 16, '0 May 7, '00 Chronic d iarrhOJa. 46 Peter M, Roger s ...... 63 Dec. 20, '99 May 8, '0 May 9, '00 Hear t disease, asthma. 47 T . Edwar cl Ames ...... 64 Mar, 26, '96 Mar. 26, '9 May 24, '00 Par alysis. 48 J ames H. Allen ...... , . . .. 69 June 2, '00 June 22, '0 June 28, '00 Chronic nephritis,

(Average age at death 65.47!) years.) 72

RECAPITULATION. Eight died of Paralysis. Two died of Bright's disease. Six died of Heart di sease. Two died of Chronic Cystitis. Six died of Chronic dementia. Two died of U rremia. Four died of Phthisis pulmonalis. One died of Chronic diarrhoea. Three died of Old age. One died of Chronic bronchitis. Three died of Cirrhosis of Ii vel'. One died of Retention of urine. Two died of Apoplexy. One died of I ntestinal obstruction. Two died of Cancer of lilrer. One died of Aneurism. Two died of Pneumonia. One died of L ocomotor ataxia.

VISITORS. The co mmittees of the Ladies' Aid Association have been constant in their visits to the hospital during the entire year and have given sub­ stantial tokens of their continued interest in its welfare, by the donation of a wall clock for the surgeon's office, and a cabin et for the preservation of surgical instruments in the operating room. The same motives which animated the founders of this society are still stimulating the hearts and hands of its members in their labors for the welfare of the old veterans. The continued interest of the Trustees in the work of the hospital has been manifested by their frequent visits and cheerful words of en­ couragement. Eighteen years of unrequited service seem only to encour­ age them to continue their effo rts in behalf of the old veterans. The firm friends of the :trome, Dr. Roscoe E. Brown and Dr. Samuel Crowell of the consulting staff have placed the Home under further obli­ gation by their valuable assistance and counsel in important cases in the hospital. So has Dr. Arthur J . Shaw, the oculist, manifested his good will by promptly answering all demands for his professional services. Other members of the staff were undoubtedly ready to give of their time and services had they been requested. In closing this report I cannot refrain from expressing my fnIl appreciation of the courtesy, kindness and assistance extended to me by yourself, Mrs. Creasey and Adjutant Foster. My thanks are due you for the support you have given me. Respectfully submitted, I. W. STARBIRD, '1'0 GEORGE W. CREASEY, Surgeon. Superintendent. 73


190 0 .


MRS. -WILLIAM H. RALPH, 3~ Bartlett Street, Somerville, Mass.




MRS. ELIZABETH H. PARKER, 2 Brunswick Street, Dorchester, Mass.


MI~S. EMILIE L. W. WATERMAN, 29 Upton Street, Boston, Mass.


MRS. GEORGE T . PERKINS, Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass.


MRS. R. D . CUSHING, 313 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass. 74

LIST OF NATIONAL HOMES. CENTRAL National Military Home, Montgomery County, Ohio Col. J. B. 'l'nmrAs, Governor. NORTHWESTEUN BRANCH, Natioual Home, Milwaukee County, Wiscousin Capt. C. WHEELER, Governor. EASTEHN .BRANCH National Home, Togns, Maine Col. S. H. ALLEN, Governor. SOUTFmRN BRANCH National Soldiers' Home, Elizabeth City Connty, Virginia Capt. ~(1. P. WOODF1N, Governor. WESn~RN BRANCH National Military Home, Leavenworth County, Kansas l\Iaj. J . G. ROWLAND , Governor. PACIFIC BBANcn Soldiers' Home, Los Augeles County, California Col. O. H. LAGl{ANGE, Governor. MAJUON BRANcn National Milit,ary Home, Grant County, Indiana Capt. J. H . CnAPMAN, Governor. DANV1LLE BRANCH. National Home, Danville, Illinois Col. ISAAC CLEMENTS, Governor.

President of the Bom'd of J11anagel's : Gen. M T . McMAHON, 346 ancl348 Broaclway, New York City. Room 533 .

STATE HOMES. California, George W. Watts, Commandant, Napa Co., Cal. Colorado, Capt. John H. Shaw, Commandant, ~lonte Vi"ta, Col. Conn ecticut, Capt. James N. Coe, Superintendeut, Noroton, Conn. ldaho, Capt. A. L. Ewing, Commandant, Boise, Ida.ho. Illinois, Capt. Will. Somerville, Superintendent, Quincy, Ill. Indiana, Col. G. R. Stormont, Command aut, Lafayette, Ind. l owa, Capt. Charles C. Horton, Commandant, Marshalltown,la. Ransa5, Col. S. H. Thomas, Commaudant, Fort Dodge, Ran. Massach usetLB, Capt. George W. Creasey, Superintendent, Chelsea, Mass. (Naval), Licut. John DowlIs, Superilllendent, Quincy, Mass. Michigan, Col. George E . Judd, Commandant, Grand Rapids, Mich. Minnesota, Capt. Thomas McMillan, Commandant, Minnehaba, ~finn. l\1issouri, Capt. 'Y. D. Crandall, Superintendent, St. James, Mo. lIiontana, Capt. J. R. ££illruan, Commandant, Columbia Falls, ~fon. ~ebraska, Capt. L. A.. BeItzel', Commandan t, Grand Island, Neb. Nebraska, Capt. J. M. ~'owler, Commandant, Milford, Neb. New Hampshire, Capt. El'vin fl. ::imith, Conlluandant, Tilton, N.H. New Jersey, Maj. Peter F. Rogers, SUlJerintenueut, Kearney, N.J. New York, Capt. C. O. Shepard, Superintendent, Bath, N.Y. New York, Sailors' Snug Harbor, Capt. George W. Brown, Agt., ~assau St., N.Y. City. New York, l\:lrs. Ellen PutuaIn, Supcrintcndent, Oxford, N.Y. North Dakota, Col. W. W. McIlvain, Commandant, Lisbon, N.D. OhiO, Gen. A.. M. Anderson, Superintendent, Sall (lusky, O. Oregon, Capt. W. H . Byars, Commandant, Roseburg, Ore. Pennsylvania, Col. Richard S. Collum, Comma"nuant, Erie, Pa. R,hode I sland, Capt. Belljamin L. Hall, Commandant, Bristol , R.I. South Dakota, Col. Arthur Linn, Commandant, Hot Springs, S.D. Verm.ont, Capt. R. J. Colfey, Superintendent, Bennington, Vt. Washington, Capt. S. M. Allen, Commandant, Orting, Wasil. WisconSin, Capt. Charles J. Ellis, SupeTintendent, Waupaca, Wis. Wyoming, Maj. F. A. Stitzer, Commandant, Cheyenne, Wyo.