Number 58 THE September 2018 VETERAN 1 The Born to Bike women took the Club Team Rachael Mellor (Holmfirth Championship - Lynne Biddulph, Katja Reitdorf CC) indulges in some multi- and Susan Semple tasking NATIONAL 100 MILES CHAMPIONSHIP Gethin Butler (Preston Whs) looking determined Richard Bideau (Pendle Forest CC) on his way to 7th overall and a Group Team retained his 100 mile crown medal for North Lancs & Lakes Championship images courtesy of Front cover - Keith Murray (Drag2Zero & North Group) cruised to a championship bronze medal 2 National Association for the 40 years old and over racing cyclist NATIONAL EXECUTIVE 2018/19 President Carole Gandy (Kent) 01622 762837 :
[email protected] Honorary Life Vice President Keith Robbins Vice Presidents Mrs D Maher E A Green Chairman Andrew Simpkins (Midlands) 18 Richmond Close, Hollywood, Birmingham, B47 5QD 07767 835004 :
[email protected] Treasurer National Secretary Mary Corbett (Wessex) Rachael Elliott (London & Home Counties) 28 The Meadows 6 Pindar Place Lyndhurst, Hampshire, SO43 7EL Newbury, RG14 2RR 07837 551768 07931 722817
[email protected] [email protected] Records Secretary Membership Secretary Geoff Perry (London & Home Counties) Merv Player (East Anglian) 8 The Meadway 18 New Close Loughton, Milton Keynes, MK5 8AN Knebworth, Herts, SG3 6NU 07808 839811 01438 814154
[email protected] [email protected] Editor & Advertising Secretary Awards Secretary Mike Penrice (Yorkshire) Ian Greenstreet (London & Home Count) Tawnylands, South