S652 bus time schedule & line map

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The S652 bus line (Killingworth - West Allotment) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Killingworth: 7:45 AM (2) West Allotment: 3:08 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest S652 bus station near you and nd out when is the next S652 bus arriving.

Direction: Killingworth S652 bus Time Schedule 19 stops Killingworth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:45 AM Park Lane - Metro, Shiremoor Tuesday Not Operational Park Lane-Upper Crone Street, Shiremoor Wednesday Not Operational Road-Park Lane, Shiremoor Thursday Not Operational

Earsdon Road-Middle School, Shiremoor Friday Not Operational

Earsdon Road-Emerson Place, Shiremoor Saturday Not Operational Emmerson Place,

Station Road-Whitley Road, Backworth New York Road, England S652 bus Info Station Road-Havelock Road, Backworth Direction: Killingworth Harle Road, England Stops: 19 Trip Duration: 23 min Station Road-Business Park, Backworth Line Summary: Park Lane - Shiremoor Metro, Shiremoor, Park Lane-Upper Crone Street, Shiremoor, Station Road-Nursery, Holywell Earsdon Road-Park Lane, Shiremoor, Earsdon Road- Middle School, Shiremoor, Earsdon Road-Emerson Backworth, Holywell Place, Shiremoor, Station Road-Whitley Road, Backworth, Station Road-Havelock Road, Dukes Meadow, England Backworth, Station Road-Business Park, Backworth, Backworth Lane, Holywell Station Road-Nursery, Holywell, Backworth, Holywell, Backworth Lane, Holywell, Killingworth Lane, B1322, England Holywell, Simonside Way-Garleigh Close, Killingworth Lane, Holywell Killingworth, Simonside Way-Cragside Gardens, Killingworth, East Bailey - Garth 25, Killingworth, East Killingworth Lane, England Bailey-Garth 27, Killingworth, East Bailey-Goodwood, Simonside Way-Garleigh Close, Killingworth Killingworth, East Bailey-Garth 32, Killingworth, East Bailey-Terminus, Killingworth Garleigh Close, England

Simonside Way-Cragside Gardens, Killingworth Cragside Gardens,

East Bailey - Garth 25, Killingworth

East Bailey-Garth 27, Killingworth East Bailey-Goodwood, Killingworth

East Bailey-Garth 32, Killingworth The Paddock, Newcastle Upon Tyne

East Bailey-Terminus, Killingworth Direction: West Allotment S652 bus Time Schedule 25 stops West Allotment Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:08 PM East Bailey-Terminus, Killingworth Tuesday Not Operational East Bailey-Garth 32, Killingworth Wednesday Not Operational East Bailey-Goodwood, Killingworth Thursday Not Operational

East Bailey-Garth 27, Killingworth Friday Not Operational

East Bailey - Garth 25, Killingworth Saturday Not Operational

Simonside Way-Cragside Gardens, Killingworth Cragside Gardens, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Simonside Way-Harwood Drive, Killingworth S652 bus Info Direction: West Allotment Killingworth Lane, Holywell Stops: 25 Trip Duration: 22 min Line Summary: East Bailey-Terminus, Killingworth, Backworth Lane, Holywell East Bailey-Garth 32, Killingworth, East Bailey- Goodwood, Killingworth, East Bailey-Garth 27, Backworth, Holywell Killingworth, East Bailey - Garth 25, Killingworth, B1322, England Simonside Way-Cragside Gardens, Killingworth, Simonside Way-Harwood Drive, Killingworth, Station Road-Nursery, Holywell Killingworth Lane, Holywell, Backworth Lane, Holywell, Backworth, Holywell, Station Road-Nursery, Station Road-Business Park, Backworth Holywell, Station Road-Business Park, Backworth, Station Road-Havelock Road, Backworth, Earsdon Station Road-Havelock Road, Backworth Road-Station Road, Backworth, Earsdon Road-Co- Operative Terrace, Shiremoor, Earsdon Road-Middle Earsdon Road-Station Road, Backworth School, Shiremoor, Park Lane-Clara Avenue, New York Road, England Shiremoor, Park Lane - Shiremoor Metro, Shiremoor, Park Lane-Park Grove, Shiremoor, Park Lane- Earsdon Road-Co-Operative Terrace, Shiremoor Avenue, Shiremoor, Park Lane-Boundry Emmerson Place, England Mills, Shiremoor, New York Road-Garden Centre, Shiremoor, New York Road-Benton Road, West Earsdon Road-Middle School, Shiremoor Allotment, Benton Road-Club, West Allotment, Abbey Terrace, England Benton Road - Turner Street, West Allotment

Park Lane-Clara Avenue, Shiremoor Grange Avenue, England

Park Lane - Shiremoor Metro, Shiremoor

Park Lane-Park Grove, Shiremoor Park Lane, England

Park Lane-Brenkley Avenue, Shiremoor

Park Lane-Boundry Mills, Shiremoor

New York Road-Garden Centre, Shiremoor

New York Road-Benton Road, West Allotment Benton Road-Club, West Allotment Benton Road, England

Benton Road - Turner Street, West Allotment S652 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved