February 2020

Local Development Plan Action Programme

Your Plan Your Future Action Programme | February 2020


North ’s second Local Development Plan was adopted on 28 November Chapter 1: A Successful, Sustainable 2019. The Plan sets out how we aim to guide development and investment in Strategic Policy 1: Strategic Policy 2: Policy 1-13: Housing, Regeneration, Town Centres & Retail, North Ayrshire over the next 20 years. Spatial Tourism, Built Heritage Placemaking Strategy Chapter 2: A Natural, Resilient North Ayrshire

Policy 14-25: Open Space, Landscape, Designated Sites, Forestry, Woodland & Trees, Water Environment Strategic Policy 3: Strategic Policy 4: Strategic Delivering on Chapter 3: A More Connected Place Development Community Policy 26-18: Digital Infrastructure, Transport Areas Priorities Chapter 4: A Low Carbon North Ayrshire

Policy 29-35: Energy, Waste, Minerals Action Programme This Action Programme outlines how we intend to deliver the plan by working in partnership with different agencies. Where possible, the Action Programme details:

• actions required to deliver the policies and proposals of the LDP;

• the name of the agency/organisation who is to carry out the actions; The Plan’s vision is shared with the North Ayrshire Community Planning • the timescale for carrying out each action; and Partnership: “A Better Life” where every person in North Ayrshire is valued and • progress to date. has the best opportunities to live their life to their full potential. A ‘Fair for All’ approach is central to achieving this vision along with four priorities: a working, We last published an Action Programme alongside the Proposed Plan in March healthier, safer and thriving North Ayrshire. 2018. We are now publishing an updated Action Programme within 3 months of Our spatial strategy is an overarching policy for land-use and development that adopting the new Local Development Plan, as required by the legislation. It is, supports the aspirations of the Community Planning Partnership, as set out in the however, recognised that proposals and progress can change at any time. For this Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. This strategy directs development to towns reason, we will we will liaise with internal and external stakeholders and and villages to support our communities, economy and environment, while developers to discuss the proposed delivery and phasing of development, recognising the value and potential of our countryside and coastal areas. provision of infrastructure and any potential issues and update the Action Programme to reflect major progress and changing circumstances. We will also The Spatial Strategy is one of four strategic policies set out in the Local more closely align the document with our annual Housing Land Audit, given the Development Plan, which in turn are supported by detailed policies and schedules focus of the plan on housing delivery. of our housing, sites, regeneration opportunities and employment locations.


Action Programme | February 2020

Not all actions are dependent upon us. Some actions may be dependent on Ayrshire Growth Deal external funding, the developer, timing of development etc. Nevertheless, it is The Ayrshire Growth Deal, agreed in March 2019, will be transformational for the important actions are met as this will maintain stakeholder confidence in the plan regional economy. With a value of over £250 million, investment will help drive by facilitating timely delivery of development and related outcomes. economic development across Ayrshire, boosting jobs, creating opportunity and The Action Programme is structured as follows: encouraging further inward investment in addition to being the catalyst for regeneration. Part 1 – Strategic Development Areas The role of the Local Development Plan and Planning Service in the Part 2 – Allocated Housing Sites implementation of the Ayrshire Growth Deal projects in North Ayrshire and wider Schedule 2a – Allocated Sites anticipated to be active 2019-2024 growth and investment opportunities will be vital in achieving good placemaking Part 3 – Delivering our development sites (by locality) and positive outcomes for our communities. Schedule 2b – Housing Sites anticipated to be active 2019-2024 Schedule 3 – Long-term Housing Sites anticipated to become active 2024-2029 Four of the plan’s Strategic Development Areas are Growth Deal projects. Further Schedule 4 – Schedule of Regeneration Opportunities details are set out in Part 1 of this Action Programme. Schedule 5 – Employment Locations Open for Business Part 4 – Getting the most out of our detailed policies We strongly encourage pre-application discussions to enable, as far as possible, Monitoring the potential issues associated with development to be identified and resolved at an early stage. Such discussions can greatly benefit both applicants and the This Action Programme will also form part of the framework for how we monitor Council, improving certainty as well as saving time and costs in the planning and measure the Local Development Plan. For our Strategic Development Areas process. Our contact details are provided below, if you wish to obtain further (Part 1) and development sites (Parts 2 & 3), the Action Programme, informed by advice about our Local Development Plan or to arrange pre-application the Housing and Employment Land Audits, will report on the progress of these discussions with us: sites. The performance of the plan will also be monitored by using the assessment framework developed as part of Strategic Environmental Assessment of the LDP By phone: 01294 324319 (see Appendix 2). By email: [email protected] In person or by post: Planning Services, North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE


Action Programme | February 2020 Part 1 – Strategic Development Area

The Local Development Plan identifies eight Strategic Development Areas. These locations are major areas of change within North Ayrshire. We support the development of these areas as proposed in the plan or for alternative uses that positively 8 contribute towards achieving the vision 1 6 for a healthier, working, safer and thriving North Ayrshire.

The following pages outline the actions required to deliver these sites.


1.  5

2. Harbour  4 3 3. i3 Enterprise Area  7

4. Irvine Harbourside 

5. Montgomerie Park



8. Cumbrae - Millport

 Ayrshire Growth Deal project. Action Programme | February 2020

Strategic Development Areas Proposal Infrastructure Requirements/ Actions and Timescales Responsible Parties Progress Housing sites Site Constraints 1 Hunterston Redevelopment of the Hunterston Further site investigation and Complete Outline (Q3 2021) and North Ayrshire Council Strategic business case submitted PARC site (inc. Marine Yard) as an preparation work, including land Full Business Cases (Q2 2023) Peel Ports (landowner) (Q1 2020) Innovation, Energy and Blue Economy remediation/decontamination and Scottish Enterprise Hub. access. Conclude Partnership agreement (Q3 2020) Marine infrastructure repair Commercial masterplan.

2 Ardrossan Harbour & Regeneration of North Shore site for Further site investigation and Council decision on proposed North Ayrshire Council Lead consultants appointed for preparation work, including Peel Ports & Peel Land and both North Shore and Harbour – North Shore mixed-use development, incorporating Ardrossan Education and community and residential uses plus utilities and access. Community Campus (March 2020) Property (land owners) design process ongoing. access/active travel improvements. Transport Ardrossan Harbour, Complete Masterplan for North Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd. (NA0923) International Marine Science and Shore (Q3 2020) & Site Caledonian MacBrayne

Environmental Centre (IMSE) Remediation Strategy

Improvements to Ardrossan Harbour Complete Design and tender infrastructure Documents for Harbour landside works (Q2 2020) Marina extension Complete Business Cases for IMSE and Marina 3 i3 - Irvine Development of strategic business Further site investigation and Complete Business Cases for North Ayrshire Council Significant investment in creating location assisted by Growth Deal preparation work, including additional advanced manufacturing access road and development investment utilities and access. floorspace and hub for digital platforms on Strategic Investment automation. Campus

Outline business cases being Site Masterplan to inform location prepared. of AGD investment

Marketing of Strategic Investment Campus. 4 Irvine Harbourside Create a key waterfront destination. Need to improve access has been Detailed design (Q3 2020) North Ayrshire Council Strategic Business Case agreed NPL (landowner) Using Ayrshire Growth Deal monies identified. drive tourism, community and Consultation programme (2020) Outline business case submitted to Irvine Harbourside, Irvine regeneration outcomes. Scottish Government (NA1122) Tender Ayrshire Growth Deal work Renewed public realm, opening-up (Q4 2020) Partnership agreement in place with NPL waterfront and commercial opportunities – ‘Maritime Mile’. This will enable further development at southern end of beach park and Ardeer Peninsular

Housing Development - SHIP site plus private development 5

Action Programme | February 2020

Strategic Development Areas Proposal Infrastructure Requirements/ Actions and Timescales Responsible Parties Progress Housing sites Site Constraints 5 Montgomerie Park Strategic Housing Growth Area (845 New Primary School and further Sale of SPZ site to housing North Ayrshire Council Simplified Planning Zone made in new houses 2019-2029). road infrastructure developer (September 2020) December 2019.

Montgomerie Park West Part SHIP site Progress development of Primary SPZ site being marketed to housing Private, Irvine (NA0525) School (Due to be complete August developers (deadline Feb 2020) 2022)

Marketing of commercial site. 6 Kilbirnie Redevelopment of Lochshore as a Infrastructure to support proposed Constraints & Opportunities North Ayrshire Council Lochshore Masterplan/ region-wide destination for the housing to north, including car mapping (Q4 2020) Scottish Enterprise remediation strategy (Q4 2020) Garnock Valley. Supported uses include park Lochshore, Kilbirnie residential, commercial leisure, tourism RCGF bid to fund Garnock Visitor & Lochshore Development Group (NA1144) accommodation, sports, active outdoor Active travel network Community Hub (decision due Q4 established (Q2 2019) – steering play and community woodland. implementation to improve access 2020) group for developments at to site. Lochshore comprised of businesses [Dependant on Regeneration Capital Development Agreement with SE and community representatives. Grant Fund application] Land remediation strategy - legacy to be drafted (Q4 2020) pending of contamination from former RCGF and long-term ownership Steelworks options. 7 Brodick Redevelopment of Brodick ‘gateway’ To be assessed Undertake a review of the North Ayrshire Council New ferry terminal was opened and Market Road area to maximise marketability of employment sites April 2018. potential, improve transport (Q1, 2020). infrastructure and create positive visitor experience. Review required infrastructure and mitigation. Employment Development Prepare Masterplan.

Continue to promote sites with principle of employment related development supported. 8 Millport Conservation Areas Regeneration None Project runs to 31 March 2021 North Ayrshire Council Two priority projects on site. Scheme (CARS) incorporating priority Historic Environment Scotland projects; shopfront improvements and Complete tender process for Phase Complete reinstatement of two small grants for building repair. 2 of shopfront improvements (5 shopfronts completed with a shops) (on site Q4 2020) further two on site (Phase 1)

Continue development work for Phase 3 (2 shops).

Tender and development work for small grans scheme.


Action Programme | February 2020 Part 2 – Allocated Housing Sites

A key focus of the Local Development Plan has been to stimulate the housing market in North Ayrshire in response to Council and community planning partnership ambitions for population growth.

We have worked closely with industry body, Homes for Scotland, developers and local communities to allocate new sites proven to be effective, backed by builders with a track record, with the expectation that this can have a transformational impact on the housing sector by stimulating demand and demonstrating that land values and sales rates in the region could prove viable, and thereby promote other interests. A

These six additional housing sites are allocated by the LDP following this approach and form Schedule 2a of the plan. A key role of this Action Programme and the Housing Land Audit will be overseeing and monitoring the delivery of these and all other housing sites (Schedule 2b, 3 and 4 – see Part 3). D

Our housing land supply includes sites included within the Strategic Housing Investment Plan, which sets out the priorities for C affordable housing investment in North Ayrshire. E A. West of Newhouse Drive, Kilbirnie B B. Lochlibo Road, Irvine

C. Wood Farm,

D. Road,

E. Mayfield Farm, Action Programme | February 2020

Schedule 2a No of Required Infrastructure/ Dwellings Developer Status Key Actions/Notes Mitigation *Indicative Initial meeting with developer January 2020. Paul Kelly & West of Newhouse Drive, Kilbirnie 100*  Daniel Connolly Support developer to progress to application stage – potential Development Brief Support developer to progress to application stage. Lochlibo Road, Irvine 85* Dawn Homes 

Assessments undertaken. Taylor Wimpey Permission granted December 2019 (Ref: 19/00443/PPM) Wood Farm, Kilwinning 198  West Scotland Work with developer to purify pre-commencement conditions Persimmon PAN submitted February 2020. Portencross Road, West Kilbride 175*  Homes Support developer to progress to application stage. Assessments undertaken. Persimmon Permission granted December 2019 (Ref: 19/00532/PPM) Mayfield Farm, Saltcoats 392  Homes Work with developer to purify pre-commencement conditions


No planning permission  See appendix A PPP or Full Planning Permission or programmed in SHIP  Under construction or completed 


Action Programme | February 2020

Part 3 – Delivering Our Development Sites Irvine

Schedule 2b No of Developer or Required Infrastructure/ (Housing Land Audit Ref) Dwellings Status Key Actions/Notes Landowner Mitigation *Indicative Tarryholme (Phase 1), Irvine Irvine Housing SHIP site 86  (NA0649) Association Site Complete (87 units built) Tarryholme (Phase 2), Irvine SHIP site Irvine Housing Programmed to start May 2020. (NA0649A) 109  Association Capacity reduced to 77 due to flooding constraints. Current Planning Application Tournament Park, Irvine Continue to promote for housing development. Potential 250 Unknown  (NA1095) for Housing. Development Brief North Newmoor Industrial Estate, Irvine Dawn Homes/ Site under construction. 49 units completed as of summer 2019. (NA1097) 260 Persimmon  Determine planning application for further phase (Ref: Homes 19/00908/PPM) House, Irvine Eglinton Leisure Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 40  (NA1119) Ltd has Planning Permission. Middleton Road, Irvine Under Construction. 91 built as of summer 2019. 77 Dawn Homes  (NA1120) (Ref 13/00667/PPM). Irvine Harbourside, Irvine Continue to promote the site with principle of housing development agreed. (NA1122) Part Council 340  Part Private SHIP site (Part). Programmed to start February 2020. Annick Road (Menzies), Irvine Under construction. 34 Ogilvie Homes (NA1149)  Dalrymple Place, Irvine North Ayrshire SHIP site 32  (NA1165) Council Under construction Schedule 3 Cairnmount (Montgomerie Park East), Irvine Continue to promote as a housing opportunity with 365* Unknown  (NA0750) potential to be developed in the longer term. 111 Bank Street, Irvine Irvine Housing SHIP site 18  (NA1081) Association Programmed to start May 2021 Springside Farm, Springside Continue to promote as a housing opportunity with (NA1121) 170* Unknown  potential to be developed in the longer term. Potential for development brief. 9

Action Programme | February 2020

Schedule 4 Ayrshire Central Hospital, Irvine North Ayrshire SHIP site (Part). 215  (NA0634) Council Programmed to start April 2021 Haysholm, Irvine Continue to promote site with principle for housing or 35* Unknown  (NA0822) other development. Potential for development brief New Street, Irvine North Ayrshire Continue to promote site with principle for housing or 15*  (NA0825) Council other development. Potential for development brief Greyhound Track, Bank Street, Irvine Continue to promote site with principle for housing or 60* Unknown  (NA1042) other development. Potential for development brief Church Street, Irvine Continue to promote site with principle for development. 100* Unknown  (NA1093) Potential for development brief Schedule 5 Irvine Industrial Estate, Irvine Undertake a review of the marketability of all employment  sites (Q1, 2020) Update ownership details and required infrastructure and mitigation. Caledonian Paper Mill, Irvine  Continue to promote sites with principle of employment related development supported.

Three Towns

Schedule 2b No of Developer or Required Infrastructure/ (Housing Land Audit Ref) Dwellings Status Key Actions/Notes Landowner Mitigation *Indicative Sharphill East, Saltcoats Persimmon Under construction (NA1096) Homes & 240 Cunninghame  Housing Association Ardoch Crescent 2, Cunningham Under construction, (NA0786) 16 Housing  Due to be complete in 2020 (28 dwellings) Association 90-92 Canal Street, Saltcoats Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 18 Unknown  (NA1163) has Planning Permission. Lundholm Road, Stevenston Clowes Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 70  (NA1094) Developments has Planning Permission. 10

Action Programme | February 2020

Schedule 3 Pavilion Place, Ardrossan McLaughlin Continue to promote site for housing development in the 44*  (NA0543) Construction longer term. Potential Development Brief. Former Kerelaw School, Stevenston Continue to promote site for housing development in the 80* Unknown  (NA1110) longer term. Kerelaw South, Stevenston Continue to promote site for housing development in the 30* Unknown  (NA1109) longer term. West Of Sharphill, Saltcoats Clowes Continue to promote site for housing development in the 200*  (NA1108) Developments longer term. Schedule 4 Garven Rd/Ardeer Primary, Stevenston Unknown Continue to promote site for development. 20*  (NA0693) Limekiln Road, Stevenston North Ayrshire Continue to promote site for development in the longer 80* (NA0694) Council  term. Potential Development Brief. McDowall Place, Ardrossan Continue to promote site for development. 50* Unknown  (NA0740) Dalry Road/Burgh Yard, Saltcoats North Ayrshire Continue to promote site for development. Potential for 20*  (NA0753) Council development brief. Former St Peters Primary School, Ardrossan McLaughlin Continue to promote site for development. 14*  (NA0804) Construction Stanley Hotel, Ardrossan Road, Saltcoats McLaughlin Continue to promote site for development in the longer (NA0960) 17* Construction/RDK  term. Construction Ltd Grange Hotel, Harbour Street, Saltcoats Mr Gerry Continue to promote site for development in the longer 12*  (NA1023) McKernan term. Potential Development Brief. Schedule 5 Sharphill, Saltcoats Undertake a review of the marketability of all employment sites (Q1, 2020). Update ownership details and required infrastructure and Ardeer Peninsula, Stevenston mitigation. Continue to promote sites with principle of employment Portland Place, Stevenston related development supported.


Action Programme | February 2020


Schedule 2b No of Developer or Required Infrastructure/ (Housing Land Audit Ref) Dwellings Status Key Actions/Notes Landowner Mitigation *Indicative South West Of Melvin House, Kilwinning Awaiting further action from landowners/ 40* Unknown  (NA0869A) developers. Potential for Development Brief Whitehirst 2, Kilwinning McLaughlin Continue to promote for housing development. 30*  (NA0895B) Construction Potential for Development Brief East Of Buckreddan Lodge, Irvine Road, Buckredden Under construction 31  Kilwinning (Na0991) Homes Nethermains Industrial Estate, Kilwinning Cunninghame SHIP site (NA1099) 100 Housing  Programmed to start 2021.

Association Corsehillhead, Kilwinning Cunningham Site complete. (NA1135) 16 Housing 

Association St. Michael's Wynd, Kilwinning SHIP Site North Ayrshire (NA1167) 70  Programmed to start in 2020 and complete by 2024 Council for 79 units. Schedule 3 Woodside, Kilwinning Awaiting further action from landowners/ McLaughlin (NA0987) 18  developers. Construction Permission granted Mossculloch Farm, Kilwinning Continue to promote as a housing opportunity with (NA1112) 50* Unknown  potential to be developed in the longer term. Potential for development brief Schedule 4 Longford Avenue, Kilwinning Not Recorded Awaiting further action from landowners/developers 150*  (NA1111) 2017 Tourney Inn, Rd, Kilwinning McLoughlin Continue to promote site with principle for housing or (NA0964) 19* Drainage Ltd  other development. Potential for development brief.

West Byrehill Industrial Estate, Kilwinning Dawn Homes, Awaiting further action from landowners/ (NA1092) Mactaggart developers. 400* Construction &  Proposal of Application Notice submitted

Cunninghame Site also identified within Schedule 5 – potential Masterplanning exercise required. 12

Action Programme | February 2020

Housing Association.

Schedule 5 Nethermains, Kilwinning Undertake a review of the marketability of all employment sites (Q1, 2020). Update ownership details and required infrastructure and  mitigation. Continue to promote site with principle of employment related development supported.


Schedule 2b No of Developer or Required Infrastructure/ (Housing Land Audit Ref) Dwellings Status Key Actions/Notes Landowner Mitigation (see Appendix A) *Indicative Cairnhouse Farm, John Thomson Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 20  (NA0946) Construction has Planning Permission. Springbank, Brodick John Thomson Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 100*  (NA0343) Construction development agreed. South and West of Springbank Farm, Brodick John Thomson Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 20  (NA0411) Construction has Planning Permission. Under construction. Brathwic Terrace, Brodick North Ayrshire SHIP site 31  (NA1127) Council Site programmed for completion in 2022-23 Margnaheglish 2a, John Thomson Build to order development. Potential self build. Await 18  (NA0095A) Construction action from developer Benlister South, Lamlash Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 20* Unknown  (NA1129) development agreed. Benlister North, Lamlash Unknown Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 20*  (NA1130) development agreed. South Of Golf Course Road, Unknown Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 12  (NA1131) has Planning Permission. Schedule 3 West Mayish, Brodick 12* Unknown Continue to promote the site with principle of housing  (NA0925) development agreed in the long term. Breadalbane Hotel Site, Kildonan 10* Walcal Property Continue to promote the site with principle of housing  (NA1088) Development development agreed in the long term. 13

Action Programme | February 2020

Torrlinn Terrace 1, Kilmory 17* Unknown Continue to promote the site with principle of housing  (NA0345) development agreed in the long term. Arranton, Lamlash 20* Unknown Continue to promote the site with principle of housing  (NA0270) development agreed in the long term. Arranton Bridge, Lamlash 50* Unknown Continue to promote the site with principle of housing  (NA0341) development agreed in the long term. Schedule 4 Whitehouse Hotel, Lamlash Continue to promote site with principle for development. John Thomson (NA0732) 28*  Established high amenity woodland on site. Construction

North Coast

Schedule 2b No of Developer or Required Infrastructure/ (Housing Land Audit Ref) Dwellings Status Key Actions/Notes Landowner Mitigation *Indicative 112 Main Rd, Fairlie Await action from developer. 38 Dawn Homes (NA0577)  Planning Permission granted. East of Fairlie And South of Keppenburn, Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. 50 Dawn Homes  Fairlie (NA0969) Site has Planning Permission for 95 homes. Noddsdale Meadow Phase 2, MacTaggart and Continue to promote site for housing development 80*  (NA1142) Mickel Brisbane Glen Road, Largs MacTaggart and Continue to promote site for housing development 40*  (NA1143) Mickel Former Warren Park Care Centre, 2 Anthony Awaiting further action from landowners/developers 16 Unknown Court, Largs (NA1156)  Planning Permission granted XX (Ref: ) Former Largs School's Cluster, Flatt Road, SHIP site North Ayrshire Largs 122  Under construction Council (NA1168) Programmed to be complete by June 2021 St Colm’s Place, Largs North Ayrshire SHIP site 35  (NA1169) Council Programmed to commence August 2020 Copeland Cres, Millport North Ayrshire SHIP site 50  (NA0688) Council Programmed to commence August 2020


Action Programme | February 2020

Balnagowan 2, Cunningham SHIP site (NA0106) 28 Housing Under construction  Association Beach House Nursing Home, Skelmorlie Under construction 50 Ogilvie Homes  (NA1072) Bowfield, West Kilbride Milestone Under construction 10  (NA0059A) Developments Ardrossan Road, , West Kilbride Under construction 109 Hope Homes  (NA1104) Lawhill Farm, West Kilbride Continue to promote for housing development 64* Unknown  (NA1133) Schedule 3 Ardrossan High Road, West Kilbride Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. 30 Unknown  (NA1103) PPP Granted East of Golf Course Road, Skelmorlie Continue to promote site for housing development in the (NA1106) 20 Unknown  longer term. Site with planning permission in principle (permission also covers site NA1107) Skelmorlie Golf Club, Skelmorlie Continue to promote site for housing development in the (NA1107) 50 Unknown  longer term. PPP Granted (permission also covers site NA1106) Schedule 4 Former Reservoir, Skelmorlie McLaughlin Continue to promote site for housing or other 35* (NA0920) Construction  development.

Garnock Valley

Schedule 2b No of Developer or Required Infrastructure/ (Housing Land Audit Ref) Dwellings Status Key Actions/Notes Landowner Mitigation *Indicative Auldlea Road, McTaggart Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 175  has recent planning history and recent development on (NA1117) Construction phase one close to complete. Blair Road, Dalry Milestone Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 48  (NA0883) Developments has Planning Permission. Land at Blairland Farm, Dalry Persimmon Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 200  (NA1113) Homes has Planning Permission 15

Action Programme | February 2020

West Bankside Farm, Kilbirnie Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 185* Muir Homes  (NA1115) has recent planning history. Schedule 3 Grahamston Ave, Glengarnock Church of Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 15*  (NA0512) Scotland development agreed in the long term. Glebe, Glengarnock Church of Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 64*  (NA0537) Scotland development agreed in the long term. Putyan, Dalry McTaggart Continue to promote the site with principle of housing (NA0703) 26*  development agreed in the long term. Site with planning Construction history. Kings Road, Beith McLoughlin Continue to promote the site with principle of housing (NA0899) 150*  development agreed in the long term. Opportunity for Construction development brief. Reddance Terrace, Dalry Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 20* Unknown (NA0970)  development agreed in the long term. South End Of Knoxville Road, Kilbirnie Kilbirnie Land Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 47*  (NA1050) Ltd. development agreed in the long term. Garnock Academy, Kilbirnie North Ayrshire Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 200*  (NA1114) Council development agreed in the long term. Garnock View, Kilbirnie Continue to promote the site with principle of housing 100* Unknown  (NA1125) development agreed in the long term. Beith Road, Awaiting further action from landowners/developers. Site 60 Unknown (NA1116)  has recent Planning Permission history. Schedule 4 Mill Road 2, Kilbirnie Continue to promote site with principle for development. 35* Unknown  (NA0539A) Bridgend, Dalry Continue to promote site with principle for housing or 21* Unknown (NA0546)  other development. Bridgend Mill, Dalry Continue to promote site with principle for development. 23* Unknown (NA0546A)  Muirend Works,Muirend St, Kilbirnie Cruden Estates Continue to promote site with principle for development. 44*  (NA0850) Ltd 44-48 Holmhead, Kilbirnie Wilson Design Continue to promote site with principle for development. 17*  (NA1005) Associates Smith Avenue, Glengarnock North Ayrshire Continue to promote site with principle for development 33*  (NA1060) Council


Action Programme | February 2020

Lomond Castings, Dalry Continue to promote site with principle for development. (NA1098) 45* Unknown 

Schedule 5 Willowyard, Beith Undertake a review of the marketability of all employment  sites (Q1, 2020). Update ownership details and required infrastructure and Mains Road, Beith  mitigation. Continue to promote sites with principle of employment Paddockholm South, Kilbirnie related development supported.  Drakemyre/Ryeside, Dalry 


Action Programme | February 2020

Part 4 – Getting the most out of our Detailed Policies The detailed policies of the Local Development Plan are split into the following four sections:

Applying the detailed policies of the plan to the determination of planning application will contribute to North Ayrshire achieving its vision for a ‘Better Place’ and to a successful, sustainable; naturally resilient; connected and a low carbon North Ayrshire. The following table indicates some of actions and indicators related to implementing these policies.


Action Programme | February 2020

Chapter 1: A Successful, Sustainable North Ayrshire Policy 1: New Homes and Maintaining an Effective Housing Land Supply • Number of new homes built (Housing Land Audit) Policy 2: Regeneration Opportunities • Number of applications determined for town centre development (Town Policy 3: Town Centres and Retail Centre Audits) Policy 4: Leisure, Retail and other Tourism-Related Development on Arran • Business and employment land take up (Employment Land Audit) Policy 5: Shopfronts, Signs and Advertisements • Applications determined with an interest in the Historic Environment Policy 6: Supporting Sustainable Tourism Policy 7: Business and Industry Employment Locations Policy 8: Business Development on Arran and Cumbrae Policy 9: Preserving and Enhancing Our Conservation Areas Policy 10: Listed Buildings Policy 11: Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes Policy 12: Scheduled Monuments Policy 13: Non-designated Archaeological Sites and Monuments Chapter 2: A Natural, Resilient North Ayrshire Policy 14: Green and Blue Infrastructure • Production of an Open Space Audit Policy 15: Landscape and Seascape • Development with added value Open Space Policy 16: Protection of our Designated Sites • Key projects with green infrastructure enhancements Policy 17: Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park • Development of Cemeteries Policy 18: Forestry, Woodland, Trees & Hedgerows • Development with Flood Risk Assessments Policy 19: Developments Involving Open Space • Partnership with Clyde Marine Partnership Policy 20: Outdoor Sports Facilities Policy 21: Cemetery Sites Policy 22: Water Environment Quality Policy 23: Flood Risk Management Policy 24: Alignment with Marine Planning Policy 25: Supporting Aquaculture


Action Programme | February 2020

Chapter 3: A More Connected Place Policy 26: Digital Infrastructure and New Communications Equipment • Key developments delivered with integrated sustainable transport and active Policy 27: Sustainable Transport and Active Travel travel Policy 28: Transport as an Economic Driver • Key road infrastructure projects • Support for digital Infrastructure projects Chapter 4: A Low Carbon North Ayrshire Policy 29: Energy Infrastructure Development • Key Projects have a focus on reducing waste and energy usage. Policy 30: Waste Management Facilities Policy 31: Future Proofing for Heat Networks Policy 32: Safeguarding of workable mineral resources Policy 33: Responsible Extraction of Mineral Resources Policy 34: Protecting Peatland and Carbon Rich Soils


Action Programme | February 2020

Appendix 1 – Icon key

 Pre-planning application stage Development has planning permission in principle, detailed planning consent or has been programmed in the  Strategic Housing Investment Programme (SHIP)  Development Under Construction or completed

Flood Risk Assessment (red = flood risk identified by SEPA as significant)

Contaminated Land and Agricultural Land Assessment Air Quality Assessment

Health Impact Assessment

Water and Drainage Impact Assessment

Ecological Assessment

Heritage Assessment

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Education Contribution Assessment


Action Programme | February 2020

Appendix 2 – Strategic Environmental Assessment Framework

SEA Objective Guide Questions

(i) Will the proposal reduce vacant and derelict land? 1. Protect and improve soil and land resources (ii) Will the proposal impact on valuable soils e.g. prime quality agricultural and/or carbon rich soils? 2. Manage and reduce flood risk (i) Will the proposal affect the risk of flooding? (i) Will the proposal affect the quality of waterways and groundwater? 3. Protect and enhance the water environment (ii) Will the proposal affect an adequate supply of water to homes and businesses? 4. Protect local air quality (i) Will the proposal affect an existing air quality action area? (i) Will the proposal support development in locations that are accessible to employment, education, public services and/or recreation opportunities? 5. Provide support for achievement of a more balanced population structure. (ii) Will the proposal contribute toward a mix of housing types and tenures, including homes for families and older people, to meet future housing needs? (i) Will the proposal protect and enhance public accessibility to open space? 6. Promote improved health of the human population (ii) Will the proposal protect and enhance green networks? (iii) Will the proposal link with the walking and cycling network? (i) Will the proposal affect places, landscapes and structures of historic, cultural and/or 7. Protect, and, where appropriate, enhance the historic environment archaeological value and their settings? 8. Manage, maintain and promote efficient use of material assets (i) Will the proposal promote sustainable use and development of land as a material asset? 9. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to improving North Ayrshire’s (i) Will the proposal affect carbon emissions? resilience to climate change impacts. (ii) Will the proposal contribute to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change? (i) Will the proposal affect protected landscape features and protected areas of open space? 10. Protect, enhance and, where appropriate, restore the quality and distinctiveness of (ii) Will the proposal protect and enhance the landscape character of the area North Ayrshire’s landscape. (iii) Will the proposal have a significant effect on areas of wild land or other landscape protected areas (i) Will the proposal have a likely significant effect on a Natura 2000 site? 11. Conserve, or, where appropriate, enhance local biodiversity, including statutory and (ii) Will the proposal have a likely significant effect on protected sites and protected species? non-statutory designations and protected species. (iii) Will the proposal enhance local biodiversity?


For more information or advice, please contact: Planning Services, The Local Development Plan North Ayrshire Council, Action Programme can be made Cunninghame House, available in other formats such as on Irvine KA12 8EE audio tape, on CD, in Braille or in large Tel: 01294 310000 print. We can also provide it in other www.north-ayrshire.gov.uk languages if you ask us to.