Offshore Energy Edition 78 WEBSITE TRAFFIC - UNIQUE VISITS 56,965 3-14 58,168 55,213 7-14 10-13 56,789 55,996 6-14 4-14 55,645 8-14 51,845 54,871 1-14 5-14
Offshore Energy Edition 78 WEBSITE TRAFFIC - UNIQUE VISITS 56,965 3-14 58,168 55,213 7-14 10-13 56,789 55,996 6-14 4-14 55,645 8-14 51,845 54,871 1-14 5-14 TOTAL HITS IN 2014: 48,784 11,059,916 48,715 48,543 2-14 11-13 12-13 DOWNLOADS TO DATE 50,119 Issue #75 - Released 3-14 505,286 466,961 457,743 56,152 Issue #76 - Released 5-14 53,894 Issue #77 - Released 7-14 Issue #9 - Released 2-14 Issue #10 - Released 5-13 Issue #10 - Released 5-13 Welcome to Issue 78, our Off- hours, then arise and teach an our industry was at its lowest In some ways, it seems so dis- shore Energy edition. under-Grad political science in generations, BP first ap- tant to the old Drillco pipe; in class, then attend a few class- proached me about their Gulf many others, it’s not so far at I got my first taste of oil when es, and then start the cycle fiber aspirations, and there all. I was a second year Grad stu- anew. This worked for some began a series of fascinating dent in Michigan in the early months until one Christmas projects for a variety of clients Happy reading. ‘80s. Eve when I was laid-off due in a number of interesting to the low price of oil, compel- places, which thankfully still On the afternoon shift I ran ling me to finish my thesis on exists today.
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